I'm 35 and white. I never went through the usual dating experiences during my teen and college years because of no self-confidence and being very shy and very short was not a good combination. I don't even earn enough money to live on my own.
I have come to realize nothing will ever satisfy us. When I was young I thought when I finally have sex I will finally feel fullfilled, caught up with the rest of society. Now that I've had sex for the last 2 years, I still feel the same because I've never had a girlfriend. Once I do, and maybe we eventually break-up, I know I'll feel like I'm still missing something. What I'm trying to say is, as hard as it is to live without something or experiencing something, we should be thankful for everything we do experience.
I feel you too. I’m in my 30s and single too. My parents got divorced when I was a teenager. Kinda missed that father figure in my life. I’m kinda socially awkward, anxiety. Ive been working on myself I got back into the work force. I got a job with a lot of responsibility and honing my social skills. My job requires a lot social interactions. Been focusing on improving myself mostly, rather then focusing on finding a relationship. I never had a gf so I also can’t tell what I’m missing. I might be missing out something great but if it lands on my way cool otherwise back on self improving.
I am a 22 year old guy but I never had a girlfriend before and its definitely bothering me. I got rejected by 4 girls recently. I asked out my childhood friend 2 months ago and she is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so she took a month to reply to it but she agreed to meet up and again didn't reply for over a month about when we can meet up until today and she asked me when can I meet and I said we can meet on some weekend maybe when we both are full free as I have some exams going on now so she replied ooh ok we will see when we can meet and apologized for late replies. I have been chatting with another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023. She is 19 now and she used to be in the same school as me but we didn't know each other in school days and now we are in different colleges but her college is very near to my home. We chat daily and she shares everything to me and I do the same too and we even send each other virtual hugs but there is still no flirting yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but I am nervous especially after getting rejected 4 times recently. Is a month long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not?
@@manosijroy8282 You're doing fine, but since you are nice, you have a tendency to undervalue your time, attention, and company. 1) Stop worrying about unlocking the girlfriend achievement. It's not a big deal unless you believe it is, and you still have all the time in the world. 2) Only 4 rejections? Start worrying at 400. 3) Childhood friend is a unique situation, where she probably doesn't want to lose you as a friend, which means it will be difficult at your experience level to determine if her interest in you is sincerely romantic, or merely platonic. When making plans, communicate a specific date, time, and place that is convenient for you. Weekends will be tough, because that's when all the "cool kids" are supposed to already have other plans. So far, she does not demonstrate (actions, not words) high interest in meeting you, so I would give up on her (easy for me to say), and save what is left of your dignity. If you remain friends with her, ask yourself if she generously returns value to you (e.g. makes you a sandwich), or if you are allowing yourself to be exploited for value and utility that you foolishly provide unrequited. 4) In 2023, a minute is long enough to know whether she is interested in you. I know it's still more fun to have a pen pal rather than no attention, but a man of value does not have time to waste on pen pals. There's very little meaningful experience you can gain, without meeting in person. She gets more value from attention than you do, and at zero risk. You have no reason to believe she doesn't have 10 other pen pals. Shit or get off the pot, and learn from it.
Raymond :) A wonderful, insightful and engaging exposé as you share with us why you as a former model, while maintaining the model beauty and handsomeness to this day, never had a girlfriend. I proclaim that soon, in your own time, your luck will change and one day you will have a girlfriend you have long desired for. In the meantime, I Thank you for your courage and unwavering tenancity you have consistently demonstrated in so many aspects of your life throughout the years in your various endeavours. As you help people understand who you are and your life experiences I celebrate you in this journey. Well done. Bravo!!!
Back in community college, I only asked out, 1 girl, she was Japanese from Kyoto. She was beautiful but rejected me on the spot. Reason she even talk to me was the previous year I went abroad to Japan, I got her number and Line. But she didn't want to date a non Japanese guy and I was Hispanic guy with dark skin. After that I bow never to fall in loved again and it work. That was 9 years ago so I was 19 years old back then, now am 28 and still single. She sad I was unattractive so it's the reason I never dated. Am here to be the next issac Newton in life.
In my culture you're not supposed to date before marriage. When you get arrange married you're supposed to go into it blindly and you qualified based on you guessed it money, looks, and sadly lineage also. You get rejected until a woman accepts you based on the checkboxes but it's alright it doesn't hurt as much getting rejected while asking someone out on a date tbh. It sucks to be a man and be at the mercy of women with their unrealistic expectations and the game favors manipulative men who can lie to get into ladies pants.
I feel for you bro, I'm 34 white male I never had a girlfriend neither, honestly man you're a well put together guy sometimes I think it's just a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances that out us here
Wonderful video, I'm 27 years old & I'm also still single. To be honest being single doesn't bother me at all. Dating & being in a relationship is not a priority for me at this time. There are other things that matter to me more. Curious question for you: Have you also ever considered *Same Sex* Dating before?
I'm 50, white, single and living alone. I've never been successful in that area either. I've had no relationships and my 'body count', as the kids weirdly call it today (sounds like a serial killer's tally) is 0. My point is that I think race is being focused on here maybe a bit too much. Similar to the OP though in that I didn't have that adult male figure in the house as a teenager. I think that affects a teenage boy's sense of identity and security, and it can stay with him for life. Also, I guess I didn't have any dating 'market value' in my youth, as I struggled with unemployment and crappy minimum wage jobs for years. Luckily, in my 40s, I landed myself a decent enough full time job, so I'm doing OK now. The weird thing is that now that I'm financially secure, there's no time to consider dating. Plus, is that even something that 50 year olds do?
Damn man really at 50? I am a 22 year old guy but I never had a girlfriend before and its definitely bothering me. I got rejected by 4 girls recently. I asked out my childhood friend 2 months ago and she is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so she took a month to reply to it but she agreed to meet up and again didn't reply for over a month about when we can meet up until today and she asked me when can I meet and I said we can meet on some weekend maybe when we both are full free as I have some exams going on now so she replied ooh ok we will see when we can meet and apologized for late replies. I have been chatting with another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023. She is 19 now and she used to be in the same school as me but we didn't know each other in school days and now we are in different colleges but her college is very near to my home. We chat daily and she shares everything to me and I do the same too and we even send each other virtual hugs but there is still no flirting yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but I am nervous especially after getting rejected 4 times recently. Is a month long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not?
I am in my late thirties and I try to date women who are early, mid-thirties. Recently I went out with a couple of women and they asked me straight up why I am still single because if I have never been married at my age, there must be something wrong with me. I answered their question straight up without being rude. At the same time, they don't reflect on themselves and ask why they are still single? They are not young themselves and most women their age are already married. These women just want to shame and blame men without ever pointing the mirror back onto themselves.
You are seemingly very intelligent, very handsome, honest(because telling a date your between jobs may not have been the best idea) you'll find someone who gets "YOU"
Middle-age, white-collar, professional black gay man here. I watched this video with a fascination akin to a dog moving his head from side to side. On the one hand, my sexuality notwithstanding, there is a part of me that can relate to having once been a younger man from a marginal background who had a tough time getting dates with women (before I accepted that I was gay). On the other hand, I don't totally understand why you, a former model, wouldn't be a catch given your level of education and the industry you work in (I'm not in tech or a longtime San Francisco Bay resident, so maybe that's why). Would your chances with black women at least improve if you relocated to one of the black meccas with a greater abundance of college-educated, upwardly mobile black professionals - say, Atlanta, Houston, the DMV, or the Durham or Charlotte metro areas? I'm inclined to think your chances would improve (not just with black women) because you would be probably perceived differently.
this is another irritating and depressing, enraging reminder, on how cases like this are male-dominated, should be obvious as to why nature and reality is cruel and unfair like this, a decent looking guy, handsome guy, or just a guy who is not ugly at all, is far more likely to still be single by a certain age than a woman is, due to how for all time, men have had to be the ones to make a move and court women, do the pursuing.
I am a 21 year old guy and never had a girlfriend either. Got rejected by 3 girls so far recently and 2 were from my college and another was by a 19 year old girl who matched with me on a dating app and she literally insulted me. I tried following some girls on Instagram who were shown as suggested profiles and I knew those girls in my high school days. One of the girl even followed me back and she is also 21 now so the same age as me. We were in the same grade but weren't classmates. I didn't message her yet because I just don't know what to write to her because we never really interacted in high school as we weren't classmates.
Now I feel weird. First girl I dated was 21 at the time I was nearly 29 (a co-worker at my dead end slog of a job at the time), needless to say admitting to her she was my first was...not easy😂 Was fun while it lasted but broke up for non-age related reasons. Fast forward 1 year and I'm back at square one and can't seem to change that fact.
@@DarthWall275 I am 22 now turning 23 after just 15 days and still single. Just had my first ever date over 2 months ago and she is also 19 but she too turned out to be toxic and blocked me. I also went out with this another girl who is also 22 or 23 now but so far we are just friends. I also have a massive crush on another girl who is also 22.
@@manosijroy8282 from your replies I can say for sure that you let your johnny think for your brain. Women don't really care about men unless they are super-hot or have a big cash of money so whatever you are doing right now to impress girl is pointless
You’re exactly right if you’re a man no one cares about your struggles, they just care if you’re successful or not. Idk if you listen to Andrew Tate but explains how mens life is tough and competitive and women will always get the help they need
It's funny how everyone can find the set in stone data to back up whatever beliefs they have whether or not said beliefs are valid. Then you meet others that contradict all those beliefs by succeeding while breaking all those set in stone rules you thought were holding you back.
Do you pay for dates when you go on them? Also, if women are telling you that you’re boring you probably just need to go up in age - as in date women, not girls. Girls will not settle down no matter how good you think you are.
@@Manuelbacon40 You sound like you need to mentally and emotionally mature much more then. Try to do this before you reach age 40. Once you reach age 40 your chances of ever finding a partner are slim to none. That information is based on peer-reviewed statistics.
Something that will help you to stop being so lonely will be to spend some time with a friend or speak with someone you trust. You could try to participate in some activities that you like or even start doing like a sport or going to the gym. As for your depression, just try to have some fun in your life, do things you get joy from. Also take good care of yourself, talk with the people that you trust, SEEK THERAPY and improve yourself into someone better. Trust me when I say that not every black women have interests only in christian guys, just don't let yourself defeated. Keep being yourself, being confident and open and I guarantee you'll have a girlfriend. And if she rejected you this means that she's not for you and you have to move on with your life and not take it seriouslly.
I appreciate your response. Everything you're saying is understandable, but I mean in the most respectful way that it's useless. The reason it's useless is because it's rudimentary advice. Here's my line item response to the advice: "Something that will help you to stop being so lonely will be to spend some time with a friend or speak with someone you trust." Friends and romantic partners bring different components of social value into a person's life. There's some overlap, but there will always be something missing if at most you have friends without ever having romantic partners. "You could try to participate in some activities that you like or even start doing like a sport or going to the gym." Activities are only helpful if they're conducive to meeting people who can bring into your life those missing social components. I played sports and went to the gym for decades. Sports is a great way to meet a bunch of dudes, but that's about it. And the gym is not a great way to meet people, especially women since they are even more on guard than usual when they're at the gym. "As for your depression, just try to have some fun in your life, do things you get joy from." This philosophy is somewhat standard for everyone. Depressed people aren't depressed because they simply choose not to do things they enjoy. They are usually depressed because they don't find enjoyment in anything they have reasonable access to. "Also take good care of yourself, talk with the people that you trust, SEEK THERAPY and improve yourself into someone better." Taking care of oneself is another standard philosophy that most people do naturally. Therapy is only useful for people whose suffering primarily stems from simply having narrow perspectives that they need help contextualizing. "Trust me when I say that not every black women have interests only in christian guys, just don't let yourself defeated." There are always exceptions. The problem is that exceptions are exceptions because they are rare. So it's not about allowing oneself to get defeated. It's more about observing and interpreting data and then adjusting expectations accordingly. "Keep being yourself, being confident and open and I guarantee you'll have a girlfriend." This is not a guarantee that can be made in good faith. It suggests that a simple combination of being yourself, confidence, and openness leads to getting a girlfriend when in fact none of those things move the needle as proven by the fact that I've been all of those things for a large chunk of my life. Many people I know even compliment me for supposedly having high levels of each, but those things just don't matter. As I've learned recently in life, the only thing that matters is a man's ability to signal status and resources. That's it. "And if she rejected you this means that she's not for you and you have to move on with your life and not take it seriouslly." I agree with that last sentence. I should reiterate that everything you're saying is understandable, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people would say the same thing. I'm only coming at this from the point of view of someone who's had to hear very rudimentary advice his whole life, and that I would probably never complain about anything if my problems were as easily solved as others seem to think they are.
Why would you even try to date without a job? Maybe you were still young and naive about the nature of women. Also dating strangers just sounds like it sucks… haven’t really done it, but hard to imagine it going well.
@@beastmode9576 No, it's not better. If he would ACT like he is cheery and fun, maybe people would be attracted to him and then he would BECOME cheery and fun. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
@@beastmode9576 i've met alot of dummies. Yea sure i've known about narcissists and narcissism. But very few people to none have used me for social cookie points. Sounds like you need to get away from these hoo ha's man.
Your candor is refreshing. I won’t give you the typical bs cliches. But I will say that for me as a female when I was in my late 20s I resolved within my soul to no longer pursue anything; but to wait. Six years later, I just knew. When you’ll know, you’ll know. Things happen within the time they are destined to.
I understand the religion thing. I’m a black (African American) woman in her late twenties married to white (Ashkenazi Jewish-American) man his early forties. The tone IMMEDIATELY shifted in every single date I had with a black man when I shared I didn’t believe in god _(regardless if I described it vaguely like: “secular” / “no religion” / “irreligious” or more overtly like: “agnostic naturalist”, “agnostic atheist”, “atheist”.)_ It’s just so much easier to date outside your race as a black person if you have no religion but having no religion doesn’t make it easier to date outside your race as black person and that’s already difficult
Kinda sounds like pure cope tbh. My high-school had like 2 black kids they always had gf. I see interacial couples all tbe time. The reality is if you were white youd be in the same exact situation
There are many black women in the world - so don't blame your dating problems on being black. It's your personality problems, not your race. Don't play the race card.
@@sheldonhollis5258 I have seen many decent, nice black men with no dating problems. For black men who are not so nice, then they will have problems with women who don't like angry men. Same as with white people. Same scenario.
Basically: it's my mom and grandmother's fault. Guess my fault as a single woman that never got a date is my annoying restrictive father. Even if he died like 10 years ago. 😂 Can't possibly be any of MY OWN and PERSONAL shortcomings that aren't ONLY physically related.
I'm 35 and white. I never went through the usual dating experiences during my teen and college years because of no self-confidence and being very shy and very short was not a good combination. I don't even earn enough money to live on my own.
Teens/Twenties/Thirties and not making enough money to live alone is so understandable, excusable and justifiable in the 2020s tbh
Its both refreshing and depressing that I'm not the only 30'something with issues like this
Men are on their own these days.
We always were alone. We are just now waking up to reality.
I have come to realize nothing will ever satisfy us. When I was young I thought when I finally have sex I will finally feel fullfilled, caught up with the rest of society. Now that I've had sex for the last 2 years, I still feel the same because I've never had a girlfriend. Once I do, and maybe we eventually break-up, I know I'll feel like I'm still missing something. What I'm trying to say is, as hard as it is to live without something or experiencing something, we should be thankful for everything we do experience.
This video is depressing because you’re a good looking guy. It’s sad you got so many negative experiences.
I feel you too. I’m in my 30s and single too. My parents got divorced when I was a teenager. Kinda missed that father figure in my life. I’m kinda socially awkward, anxiety. Ive been working on myself I got back into the work force. I got a job with a lot of responsibility and honing my social skills. My job requires a lot social interactions. Been focusing on improving myself mostly, rather then focusing on finding a relationship. I never had a gf so I also can’t tell what I’m missing. I might be missing out something great but if it lands on my way cool otherwise back on self improving.
I am a 22 year old guy but I never had a girlfriend before and its definitely bothering me. I got rejected by 4 girls recently. I asked out my childhood friend 2 months ago and she is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so she took a month to reply to it but she agreed to meet up and again didn't reply for over a month about when we can meet up until today and she asked me when can I meet and I said we can meet on some weekend maybe when we both are full free as I have some exams going on now so she replied ooh ok we will see when we can meet and apologized for late replies. I have been chatting with another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023. She is 19 now and she used to be in the same school as me but we didn't know each other in school days and now we are in different colleges but her college is very near to my home. We chat daily and she shares everything to me and I do the same too and we even send each other virtual hugs but there is still no flirting yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but I am nervous especially after getting rejected 4 times recently. Is a month long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not?
@@manosijroy8282 You're doing fine, but since you are nice, you have a tendency to undervalue your time, attention, and company.
1) Stop worrying about unlocking the girlfriend achievement. It's not a big deal unless you believe it is, and you still have all the time in the world.
2) Only 4 rejections? Start worrying at 400.
3) Childhood friend is a unique situation, where she probably doesn't want to lose you as a friend, which means it will be difficult at your experience level to determine if her interest in you is sincerely romantic, or merely platonic. When making plans, communicate a specific date, time, and place that is convenient for you. Weekends will be tough, because that's when all the "cool kids" are supposed to already have other plans. So far, she does not demonstrate (actions, not words) high interest in meeting you, so I would give up on her (easy for me to say), and save what is left of your dignity. If you remain friends with her, ask yourself if she generously returns value to you (e.g. makes you a sandwich), or if you are allowing yourself to be exploited for value and utility that you foolishly provide unrequited.
4) In 2023, a minute is long enough to know whether she is interested in you. I know it's still more fun to have a pen pal rather than no attention, but a man of value does not have time to waste on pen pals. There's very little meaningful experience you can gain, without meeting in person. She gets more value from attention than you do, and at zero risk. You have no reason to believe she doesn't have 10 other pen pals. Shit or get off the pot, and learn from it.
Raymond :) A wonderful, insightful and engaging exposé as you share with us why you as a former model, while maintaining the model beauty and handsomeness to this day, never had a girlfriend. I proclaim that soon, in your own time, your luck will change and one day you will have a girlfriend you have long desired for. In the meantime, I Thank you for your courage and unwavering tenancity you have consistently demonstrated in so many aspects of your life throughout the years in your various endeavours. As you help people understand who you are and your life experiences I celebrate you in this journey. Well done. Bravo!!!
Thanks, Marlon! I appreciate the compliments and the feedback.
Bravo! Very well said and I agree 1000%
Back in community college, I only asked out, 1 girl, she was Japanese from Kyoto. She was beautiful but rejected me on the spot. Reason she even talk to me was the previous year I went abroad to Japan, I got her number and Line. But she didn't want to date a non Japanese guy and I was Hispanic guy with dark skin. After that I bow never to fall in loved again and it work. That was 9 years ago so I was 19 years old back then, now am 28 and still single. She sad I was unattractive so it's the reason I never dated.
Am here to be the next issac Newton in life.
damn bro are you me? The only difference is I'm South Asian so my skin is also much darker than SE/Northern Asian
@@richarddo7881 Giving up is the best decision I made
Has an apple ever fallen on your head?
In my culture you're not supposed to date before marriage. When you get arrange married you're supposed to go into it blindly and you qualified based on you guessed it money, looks, and sadly lineage also. You get rejected until a woman accepts you based on the checkboxes but it's alright it doesn't hurt as much getting rejected while asking someone out on a date tbh. It sucks to be a man and be at the mercy of women with their unrealistic expectations and the game favors manipulative men who can lie to get into ladies pants.
Love this bro. Well thought out and presented well
Our society is big on judging and labeling.
Ya think?
I feel for you bro, I'm 34 white male I never had a girlfriend neither, honestly man you're a well put together guy sometimes I think it's just a perfect storm of unfortunate circumstances that out us here
Wonderful video, I'm 27 years old & I'm also still single. To be honest being single doesn't bother me at all. Dating & being in a relationship is not a priority for me at this time. There are other things that matter to me more.
Curious question for you: Have you also ever considered *Same Sex* Dating before?
Good for you that being in a relationship isn’t a priority right now. And no, I’ve never considered same-sex dating.
White gay men are even more racist.
I'm 50, white, single and living alone. I've never been successful in that area either. I've had no relationships and my 'body count', as the kids weirdly call it today (sounds like a serial killer's tally) is 0. My point is that I think race is being focused on here maybe a bit too much. Similar to the OP though in that I didn't have that adult male figure in the house as a teenager. I think that affects a teenage boy's sense of identity and security, and it can stay with him for life. Also, I guess I didn't have any dating 'market value' in my youth, as I struggled with unemployment and crappy minimum wage jobs for years. Luckily, in my 40s, I landed myself a decent enough full time job, so I'm doing OK now. The weird thing is that now that I'm financially secure, there's no time to consider dating. Plus, is that even something that 50 year olds do?
Damn man really at 50? I am a 22 year old guy but I never had a girlfriend before and its definitely bothering me. I got rejected by 4 girls recently. I asked out my childhood friend 2 months ago and she is 21 now turning 22 soon but she isn't that active on Instagram so she took a month to reply to it but she agreed to meet up and again didn't reply for over a month about when we can meet up until today and she asked me when can I meet and I said we can meet on some weekend maybe when we both are full free as I have some exams going on now so she replied ooh ok we will see when we can meet and apologized for late replies. I have been chatting with another girl on Instagram since 28th May 2023. She is 19 now and she used to be in the same school as me but we didn't know each other in school days and now we are in different colleges but her college is very near to my home. We chat daily and she shares everything to me and I do the same too and we even send each other virtual hugs but there is still no flirting yet. It looks like she still sees me as a friend. I wanna ask her out but I am nervous especially after getting rejected 4 times recently. Is a month long enough to know whether she is interested in me or not?
"White dude has issue with race." 😂
@@Slappysan OMG, cancel his privileged white ass before Auschwitz happens all over again!
I can say for some reason without my dad in my teenage years fucked me up
@@manosijroy8282I'm gonna let you know. Women with too much options will always be picky
I am in my late thirties and I try to date women who are early, mid-thirties. Recently I went out with a couple of women and they asked me straight up why I am still single because if I have never been married at my age, there must be something wrong with me. I answered their question straight up without being rude. At the same time, they don't reflect on themselves and ask why they are still single? They are not young themselves and most women their age are already married. These women just want to shame and blame men without ever pointing the mirror back onto themselves.
You are seemingly very intelligent, very handsome, honest(because telling a date your between jobs may not have been the best idea) you'll find someone who gets "YOU"
Middle-age, white-collar, professional black gay man here. I watched this video with a fascination akin to a dog moving his head from side to side. On the one hand, my sexuality notwithstanding, there is a part of me that can relate to having once been a younger man from a marginal background who had a tough time getting dates with women (before I accepted that I was gay). On the other hand, I don't totally understand why you, a former model, wouldn't be a catch given your level of education and the industry you work in (I'm not in tech or a longtime San Francisco Bay resident, so maybe that's why). Would your chances with black women at least improve if you relocated to one of the black meccas with a greater abundance of college-educated, upwardly mobile black professionals - say, Atlanta, Houston, the DMV, or the Durham or Charlotte metro areas? I'm inclined to think your chances would improve (not just with black women) because you would be probably perceived differently.
this is another irritating and depressing, enraging reminder, on how cases like this are male-dominated, should be obvious as to why nature and reality is cruel and unfair like this, a decent looking guy, handsome guy, or just a guy who is not ugly at all, is far more likely to still be single by a certain age than a woman is, due to how for all time, men have had to be the ones to make a move and court women, do the pursuing.
I am a 21 year old guy and never had a girlfriend either. Got rejected by 3 girls so far recently and 2 were from my college and another was by a 19 year old girl who matched with me on a dating app and she literally insulted me. I tried following some girls on Instagram who were shown as suggested profiles and I knew those girls in my high school days. One of the girl even followed me back and she is also 21 now so the same age as me. We were in the same grade but weren't classmates. I didn't message her yet because I just don't know what to write to her because we never really interacted in high school as we weren't classmates.
Now I feel weird. First girl I dated was 21 at the time I was nearly 29 (a co-worker at my dead end slog of a job at the time), needless to say admitting to her she was my first was...not easy😂
Was fun while it lasted but broke up for non-age related reasons.
Fast forward 1 year and I'm back at square one and can't seem to change that fact.
@@DarthWall275 I am 22 now turning 23 after just 15 days and still single. Just had my first ever date over 2 months ago and she is also 19 but she too turned out to be toxic and blocked me. I also went out with this another girl who is also 22 or 23 now but so far we are just friends. I also have a massive crush on another girl who is also 22.
Dude do not follow a women on ig nor any social media apps that’s gonna mentally destroy you trust me I been through it sucks
@@manosijroy8282 from your replies I can say for sure that you let your johnny think for your brain. Women don't really care about men unless they are super-hot or have a big cash of money so whatever you are doing right now to impress girl is pointless
Need to fix your depression before you think about dating
interesting vid bro
You’re exactly right if you’re a man no one cares about your struggles, they just care if you’re successful or not. Idk if you listen to Andrew Tate but explains how mens life is tough and competitive and women will always get the help they need
"Oh no."
Andrew Tate is the opposite extreme tho
It's funny how everyone can find the set in stone data to back up whatever beliefs they have whether or not said beliefs are valid. Then you meet others that contradict all those beliefs by succeeding while breaking all those set in stone rules you thought were holding you back.
24 never felt love either. And your right people do take relationships for granted and not be grateful for it. ugh
❤american women stay away from me....filipina, Colombiana, Venezuelana....❤ now u know ❤
Do you pay for dates when you go on them? Also, if women are telling you that you’re boring you probably just need to go up in age - as in date women, not girls. Girls will not settle down no matter how good you think you are.
Women dont change regardless of age so you are wrong its worse to go up in age
@@Manuelbacon40 You sound like you need to mentally and emotionally mature much more then. Try to do this before you reach age 40. Once you reach age 40 your chances of ever finding a partner are slim to none. That information is based on peer-reviewed statistics.
you think the USA is bad? try the UK bro
Something that will help you to stop being so lonely will be to spend some time with a friend or speak with someone you trust. You could try to participate in some activities that you like or even start doing like a sport or going to the gym.
As for your depression, just try to have some fun in your life, do things you get joy from. Also take good care of yourself, talk with the people that you trust, SEEK THERAPY and improve yourself into someone better.
Trust me when I say that not every black women have interests only in christian guys, just don't let yourself defeated. Keep being yourself, being confident and open and I guarantee you'll have a girlfriend. And if she rejected you this means that she's not for you and you have to move on with your life and not take it seriouslly.
I appreciate your response. Everything you're saying is understandable, but I mean in the most respectful way that it's useless. The reason it's useless is because it's rudimentary advice. Here's my line item response to the advice:
"Something that will help you to stop being so lonely will be to spend some time with a friend or speak with someone you trust."
Friends and romantic partners bring different components of social value into a person's life. There's some overlap, but there will always be something missing if at most you have friends without ever having romantic partners.
"You could try to participate in some activities that you like or even start doing like a sport or going to the gym."
Activities are only helpful if they're conducive to meeting people who can bring into your life those missing social components. I played sports and went to the gym for decades. Sports is a great way to meet a bunch of dudes, but that's about it. And the gym is not a great way to meet people, especially women since they are even more on guard than usual when they're at the gym.
"As for your depression, just try to have some fun in your life, do things you get joy from."
This philosophy is somewhat standard for everyone. Depressed people aren't depressed because they simply choose not to do things they enjoy. They are usually depressed because they don't find enjoyment in anything they have reasonable access to.
"Also take good care of yourself, talk with the people that you trust, SEEK THERAPY and improve yourself into someone better."
Taking care of oneself is another standard philosophy that most people do naturally. Therapy is only useful for people whose suffering primarily stems from simply having narrow perspectives that they need help contextualizing.
"Trust me when I say that not every black women have interests only in christian guys, just don't let yourself defeated."
There are always exceptions. The problem is that exceptions are exceptions because they are rare. So it's not about allowing oneself to get defeated. It's more about observing and interpreting data and then adjusting expectations accordingly.
"Keep being yourself, being confident and open and I guarantee you'll have a girlfriend."
This is not a guarantee that can be made in good faith. It suggests that a simple combination of being yourself, confidence, and openness leads to getting a girlfriend when in fact none of those things move the needle as proven by the fact that I've been all of those things for a large chunk of my life. Many people I know even compliment me for supposedly having high levels of each, but those things just don't matter. As I've learned recently in life, the only thing that matters is a man's ability to signal status and resources. That's it.
"And if she rejected you this means that she's not for you and you have to move on with your life and not take it seriouslly."
I agree with that last sentence. I should reiterate that everything you're saying is understandable, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people would say the same thing. I'm only coming at this from the point of view of someone who's had to hear very rudimentary advice his whole life, and that I would probably never complain about anything if my problems were as easily solved as others seem to think they are.
what a narrow-minded PoS you are (I'm talking about the OP, not "Raymond")
In addition to what you mentioned, you might find yourself in places where there are more men than women, which could be another difficulty.
Why would you even try to date without a job? Maybe you were still young and naive about the nature of women. Also dating strangers just sounds like it sucks… haven’t really done it, but hard to imagine it going well.
You don't come off as light and cheery and fun - no wonder you have dating problems!
@@beastmode9576 No, it's not better. If he would ACT like he is cheery and fun, maybe people would be attracted to him and then he would BECOME cheery and fun. A self-fulfilling prophecy.
@@beastmode9576 why would I fake my happiness in a monogamy? Did you live around narcissists?
@@beastmode9576 lmao sure buddy.
@@beastmode9576 i've met alot of dummies. Yea sure i've known about narcissists and narcissism. But very few people to none have used me for social cookie points. Sounds like you need to get away from these hoo ha's man.
I’m sure you have some problems of your own Cathy in New York
Your candor is refreshing. I won’t give you the typical bs cliches. But I will say that for me as a female when I was in my late 20s I resolved within my soul to no longer pursue anything; but to wait. Six years later, I just knew.
When you’ll know, you’ll know. Things happen within the time they are destined to.
Your advice is better for women. Men get nothing sitting and waiting around
What's a woman?
At least you can use race as an excuse. Some of us white guys are just undesirable. (Even if we’re not fat or ugly… just not hot or rich.)
I understand the religion thing. I’m a black (African American) woman in her late twenties married to white (Ashkenazi Jewish-American) man his early forties. The tone IMMEDIATELY shifted in every single date I had with a black man when I shared I didn’t believe in god _(regardless if I described it vaguely like: “secular” / “no religion” / “irreligious” or more overtly like: “agnostic naturalist”, “agnostic atheist”, “atheist”.)_ It’s just so much easier to date outside your race as a black person if you have no religion but having no religion doesn’t make it easier to date outside your race as black person and that’s already difficult
Kinda sounds like pure cope tbh. My high-school had like 2 black kids they always had gf. I see interacial couples all tbe time. The reality is if you were white youd be in the same exact situation
There are many black women in the world - so don't blame your dating problems on being black. It's your personality problems, not your race. Don't play the race card.
So..... Black men aren't at a disadvantage when it comes to dating
@@sheldonhollis5258 I have seen many decent, nice black men with no dating problems. For black men who are not so nice, then they will have problems with women who don't like angry men. Same as with white people. Same scenario.
The data from the dating apps suggests black men and all men of color for that matter are at a massive disadvantage when it comes to dating.
@@sheldonhollis5258She's a typical fefaile who loves to deflect
Dating who? Men in ethnic backgrounds have. I issues dating. Are we talking about white women here?@@jeschr3462
Come to Philippines my guy and get u some girls
Basically: it's my mom and grandmother's fault.
Guess my fault as a single woman that never got a date is my annoying restrictive father.
Even if he died like 10 years ago. 😂
Can't possibly be any of MY OWN and PERSONAL shortcomings that aren't ONLY physically related.
Oh wow lol