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The Insane Security of the White House
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2025
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Video narrated and hosted by Fred Mills. Additional footage and images courtesy of Library of Congress, White House Historical Association/White House Collection, Barrack Obama Presidential Library and Museum/NARA, Google Earth, Searchlight Pictures, LBJ Library, Reagan Library, CBS, C-SPAN, BBC, Fox, REPUBFAN12, CNN, ABC, NBC, TriStar Pictures, Columbia Pictures, 20th Century Studios.
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doesnt show up on Google Play (im in UK) - does it have to be installed from 3rd party?
what a waste of electricity. use your eyes.
The most secure place on the earth is middle of no where not the white house.
Why are you using luring expressions like "insane security" in your title? Can't you just exclude the luring expressions for your titles? Just simply say "The security of the White House". Much better. Insane is probably your own designation or opinion. Also another question. Why do you have another channel as well called Tomorrow's Build ? Can't you showcase all your videos on a single channel?
Vialytics would crash with our road quality in Quebec Canada
The Black Room is stunning
Beat me to it.
The attention to details are insane.
Was that flat black? 🤔
Red room.. interesting.. in the DARK web a room Like this is referred to truely DARK matters
@@seingesetzewiglich The white house's red room predates that connotation, of course.
Appreciating Fred's apology for the 1814 (War of 1812) burning episode. And your end game in this vid was superb!
Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie did a historical song about this. Please do not Google it if you are American. Thanks.
@stephenspackman5573 oh man, does it crap all over us..? Cause we are used to that. Lol I'm gonna have a go after I'm done watching 😂
@@goosenotmaverick1156 Not … exactly? It's the most nationalistic Canadian song I've ever heard. Enjoy, but promise me you won't go invading anyone over it, it never ends well :).
@@stephenspackman5573 I like how you said yes without saying it 🤣🤣
I'm no snowflake, it's all good. I can take a good ribbing if one comes my way. Way too many of us are all "hurr hurr murica best" and forget the whole rest of the world exists. Not sure how we got where we are, as dumb as the majority seems to be, honestly. But that's another story for another day 🤣
@@goosenotmaverick1156 We could talk politics, and I have my theories where the dumb might be coming from, but as you say … let's leave that for another day :).
85% of the video wasn’t even about security
I must say I am disappointed with lack of content about the security part
Yeah and it’s all surface level bs too, like yeah of course theres a fence and cameras and snipers and bulletproof windows
@@amssabith98you might need to find another way in,commie
"Security" isn't just bulletproof windows and guards. It's shelter, safety, and what the White House has experienced and improved upon from security flaws.
“Fred4President” as a password. Love it!
Heard a rumour - is our Fred standing for the president in the next election?
And it's just one itty-bitty little constitutional amendment away from happening too!
With reference to 0:31, I am here to confirm that the president of the United States of America does binge watch The B1M. I saw him do it.
11:34 One kid (definetely not me), ran past airport security back in the 80s as a 3 year old. "He's cute. He can pass", they told my I mean those parents. Nothing happened. Phew.
In the 80’s. Airport security was more for just baggage than people back then. Security were so laid back.
This ☝🏼
Just remember that for all its defenses, a 3 year old breached the grounds on April 18, 2023x
We talk about that in this video!
But the "crack" they found inside the cubby # 50 within the White House was hot his. The security is so tight - nobody ever bothered to find out who lost that bag.
The security is so tight but they didn’t catch apparently a visitor on a tour of the White House bringing in Coke.
@@ak_getright9905 Outrageous, the White House is famously a Pepsi-only zone
@@CosmicTeapot Pepsi did once have a large military
Make sure you watch to the end card 😂
That was very good at the end 👏👏👏
twas worth it indeed lol
My mom, brother and I toured the White House during the summer in 2012. We were on a 9 month waiting list mind you.
I did it while Clinton was president in the late 1990s and it was a much more spontaneous exercise. it was a very different world...
@@embreis2257 I did the same thing in the late 1990s as a kid. You just walked in and went through in a metal detector. I don't think they even checked your ID, and you definitely didn't have to take your shoes off.
Well, now that Daddy is coming back home, I better get my request in now.😂
In 1967 my grandma got us a private WH tour cuz she worked for Senators
@@kungfoochicken08when evil terrorists have not taken over the world
The edit at the end talking about Fred is fantastic
If you're a foreign tourist and want to tour the White House, they will refer you to your country's embassy. Most embassies will tell you to get lost. The solution I found was to request a tour via Eleanor Holmes Norton, the DC Congressional Representative. Unlike most members of the Congress who limit requests to their constituents, she will submit requests for anyone who asks.
So the tour's essentially for US citizens only then, huh?
Not surprised that the dc representative puts foreign tourists above Americans
@@georgehenan853 did you mean above? Because if you did, she doesn't.
@@georgehenan853uhm its TOURISTs. Who makes more MONEY. This is dc not your state place. The federal government has to deal with soft diplomacy
@@krisshnapeswanipeswani3190 the dc representative is supposed to represent dc not foreign tourists
All the recent presidents giving a shoutout to BM1 and Fred 🔥
YEP politicians do watch the B1M!!🔥🔥🗣🗣
Obama bingeing the B1M was not on my bingo card but here we are 😂😂😂😂😂😂
We all know he does.
How did cocaine get in white house 😅
It's a mystery. Must be a ghost...
Obozo? Da 🤡
Bunter Hiden @@RAWDEAL064
The black room looks interesting.
Rumour has it that Mick Jagger decorated that room back in the 1960s.
Oh I thought the Obozos did that to blend in 😂
@@pileofstuffit had a red door
@@pileofstuff Rumor had it, that Bill Clinton had this written on the wall in red paint,
"I see the girls walk by
Dressed in their summer clothes
I have to turn my head
Until my darkness goes"
Just kidding......he never turned his head.
I don't see what you are referring to.
9 minutes into a 14 minute video before we start talking about what is in the title of the video. Grrrr
thank you for saving me 9 minutes
What’s before that? A history lesson? 😞
Classic yt nowadays. I just hate it. 10 minutes trivia, 2 minutes about the thumbnail.
@@danpinho Take me back to TH-cam of 2005-2013
Well honestly most of the security is not public knowledge. So they couldn’t make a full video on it.
When i was 10, i went to the whitehouse (1994) and you could walk up to the main gate and the road infront of thr whitehouse was active. And a whitehouse tour was just walk up and join one of the groups. No prechecks and stuff needed.
This video has taught me that we, in fact, know nothing about the insane security of the White House.
“Sorry about that” 😂😂😂
Yeah sorry for burning a building but never sorry about mur/d/e/r/ing native people all across the globe and still occupying islands like Falk island, Diego Garcia etc
They had it coming...
Fred took me ALL the way out with that one, lmao
Remember when a dude just jumped the fence, ran across the lawn, and went inside for several minutes without detection? Top Flight security of the world.
That end card was amazing lmao
The editor definitely cooked this one 🔥
But yet that still can tell you brought in cocaine to the white house. LOL
14 minute video about WH SECURITY and didn't get to security until near 9 minutes. 🤨🤨🤨
That roof mounted radar is actually an air vent 😂
0:29 he really said FR 😆
Biden is down with the kids.
@@adrianthoroughgood1191quite literally
Unhinged editing at the end. I love it!
Super interesting, another great video from my favorite TH-cam channel. Love the USA and UK ❤️❤️❤️
One of the most protected and also one of the most beautiful house in the world.
You need to get a passport, dude and see the world!!!
@@JinnKittyDo you think it's his first time hearing about this overhyped house?
@@mastersatworkim not going to britain dude I aint goin
@@JacobWillits good!
LMAO the bit at the end is the best! GJ!
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW; you can't forget the NW, telling you what quadrant it is in, only one building in DC doesn't get a quadrant --- the Capital at the center. There's also a 1600 Pennsylvania Ave SE, which is an apartment building. It's a good way to tell if you are from the city or not, if you omit the quadrant, a little shibboleth.
@@nomenclature9373 shibboleth :D
They really should have skipped that number on the other end of the road.
@@adrianthoroughgood1191 I bet the property developer fought like hell to make sure he got the number.
2:31 it’s ok, we forgive you.
Trump doesn't, he used it as a excuse for gouging Canada in his new NAFTA deal.
If he gets back I'm office and pushes his new attempt at usmca I'm pretty sure he will create a lasting rift between all our nations.
Didn't work out so well for them
Love the content 🔥
A very well produced and interesting video, well done 👍
its not, its a horrible video that shares almost NOTHING, you've done no research beyond a single google search truly terrible. You bring up NOTHING not even the guy who landed his helicopter at the white house, you share NOTHING about the AA systems, nothing at all, horrible horrible Quantity over Quality content.
Yall updated the title quick LMAO
My dad told me that when he first visited the White House in the 90s that you could just drive right past the White House without any security or anything. But yeah, the street is only open to pedestrians now
We have a photo of my grandparent's car parked directly outside in the 1950s. With no other cars nearby!
Pretty sure they do tours but you gotta be careful with that too you know lest one plant a bug
It's so secure that you can only sneak in coke, twice, and never get caught.
probably your funniest (the outro!!!) & most drawing piece of yours this far :33333 xoxoxo
Never seen National Airport abbreviated as RRWNA, most people say DCA or National. Great video!
Now we know Fred's password! LOL!
Very enjoyable as always 👍
i appreciate how conservative this video is about aggregating publicly available information on the WH, and what you've chosen to include is solidly researched. in the same vein, i'd recommend doing other campus buildings (treasury or EEOB) or the blair house - the last being an incredible melding of historic fabric and modern technology.
Hahaha "...binge the B1M...". Awesome Fred!
I remember the White House cocaine incident back in 2023. Very impressive that nobody noticed in such a secure place 😅
04:56 this is Box Hill, Surrey - many many hours I’ve spent up there chilling next to my motorbike. How awesome to see it in a B1M vid!
For a 14min video, it is infested with ads. Ugh. This was my first watch of one of your videos. Probably the last as I don’t feel like navigating through all those ads again.
Superb videos. And special congratulations to the person/team who does the opening graphics.
Who else saw a cat face in the upper dishes at 0:23 ?
This was fantastic, Would have happily watched an hour of this...
This felt oddly light-weight and off-topic for the B1M, sorry.
Give your editor a raise for this one! Great video and some very entertaining Easter eggs 😂
Ray Charles said the White House was the most beautiful place he had ever seen.
Not Anymore since that trash king mister Trump with his golden toilet lives there again
The compilation at the end was great!
Meanwhile a drunk guy broke into the Queen's bedroom... TWICE
Yehhhh, but that was in the UK not the USA... no one got hurt
Listen we’ve all had wild nights out
Was it Philip?
The same drunk guy both times?
They handled that 2 year old like he was a 20 year bird vet that just escaped from prison 😂
Still don’t know who’s Cocain was there 😂
Weed had a TV show, and meth had a _good_ TV show. But cocaine had a _whole decade_ !
🎵🎶She don't lie.🎶🎵
🎵🎶She don't lie!🎶🎵
Great interesting video. Absolutely love the very end too!! Well done to put that together!
Sneaky title change
I noticed that too. That's why I clicked on it again.
It’s never too late for an apology, even if it’s for something that happened over two centuries ago! The War of 1812 left some scars, but Fred’s got the right spirit.
What is “insane” about it?
Now this was interesting, I hope you guys do a few more historic al videos.
Great episode. Fabulous outro! Fred, is it? LOL
work sleep binge the B1M repeat
At 0:50 and yet cocaine got into the White House when Biden was president 😂
Great Video as always
Halfway through the video still haven’t discussed the security of the White House.
U missed the "final straw" for why Truman did the renovation. I believe the piano fell through the floor/ceiling.
"Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of his White House, had a big block of cheese..."
1:23 - use a West Wing clip with Leo McGarry, you must also include the "BBOC".
Love the whole theme of the graphics this episode!
What is Obama watching 😂😂😂😂😂
Your outro got me cracking… 🤣
current title is "The Insane Security of the White House". if he changes it to something like "How the White House Security is Unbeatable", remind him of the unsinkable titanic
It’s crazy I drive past this place multiple times a week, but never really think about all this
0:23 There's an owo on the shelf!
You are right lol I bet they don’t even know it
What is an owo
@@rickl4159 it is sound from anime plus a face
My favourite room is the Black Room. Such a well planned and stylish space... 😉
I'm glad that in the Netherlands there's no need for such an app. I dare you to find a pothole in a Dutch road. Every square inch of NL is maintained continuously.
Yes, but some countries have cities the size of your country, population and business densities that don’t produce enough annual taxes, and climates the vary more radically throughout the seasons. The scale of the challenge is totally different.
Brother I love the Netherlands, but as someone who has driven the entire width and breadth of the beautiful place, that is not even close to true. Well it might be technically true but not for the reasons that you think.
I get it, I met a lot of folks who found it inconceivable that I would have driven from the North side of the country to the South side in a day, just because I felt like it. Some of them had never even been four hours away from home on the other side of the country! Remarkable. I haven’t really seen that outside of the deep American South.
So there’s no need for an app, because very few people go anywhere. (Inb4 “ohh trains tho” yeah these folks weren’t considering trains….)
This is not meant as a criticism of the Netherlands, frankly it’s one of the places I’d love to live.
A third of your country would be underwater without artificial man made infrastructure. So you HAVE to spend the money. Why would America pave roads when it's bad for the environment?
@@shibasurfing I’ve driven the length and breadth of the continental US, multiple times, and have visited all fifty states and a couple territories. Most other Americans don’t even find such travels interesting anymore, as opposed to when I was a kid and the great preponderance of Americans had never been out of their state. We can thank great roads,* cheap gas, and a reasonable level of affluence for this. It has greatly broadened the country’s mind-from which the whole world has benefited.
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” - "Innocents Abroad," 1869
* BTW, the quality of roads in the US varies greatly by state, county, and climatic region. A sophisticated traveler might have noticed this.
Weird nationalist flexes here...
Great video subscribed!
9:16 3 weeks? Are you on drugs? Is 6 months buddy!
8:57 Dickens was shocked to see them spitting on the carpet 😆
What about the emergency evacuation bullet train?
Where have you heard that it has one? This is the first time I’ve heard that mentioned.
the ending was perfect!
Since it's Halloween time, did anyone notice the White House "ghost" in the photo at 4:13? Pause the video to examine this famous photo of a ghostly image. Can you spot him/it? Answer: at the bottom right of the photo one observes five black squares running horizontally against the back wall. The ghostly figure stands slightly below the rightmost black square. Another way to see it: at the very bottom of the photo is the smiling face of the guy operating the bulldozer. Look directly above this worker's head to see the ghostly transparent figure standing at the basement level, just 15 or so feet from the two solid figures standing to the left. Happy Halloween!
You must have done a show on 10 Downing, right? I loved the MI6 episode!
4:39 That looks like Germany not America 😀
Berlin Mitte? 🤔 Where are the nmpz players
@@phpARTYup, this is Chausseestraße in Berlin.
amazingly done video, thanks for sharing!
Ive played the division 2, so i know this place inside-out
They did a fantastic job in that game, you can compare the White House to images and maps and it's uncanny.
@@krashd the division games are fantastic at recreating real lift places and buildings, makes them super immersive, i find myself just taking a walk in virtual dc, you feel me?
Awesome video ❤❤❤
Why is it connected to a carpenter and flower shop? 🤔
As in workshop, not a shop to buy things. The "White House Chief Floral Designer" works from there as an example.
At 1:37, the music reminds me of the generic of Person of Interest. The whole electronic clicks, beeps and video feed theme thing is even similar. I don't know if it was intentional but if it was, well done, that's funny !
Okay, thank you. I'm sorry about that little tea episode in Boston also. 👍
And the Hahbor has been wicked dirty ever since.
I will not apologize for the Gaspee, though.
God Bless the USA and keep our President and his family safe.
See also:
- Fort Knox Bullion Depository
- ADX Florence
- Homey Airport
- Cheyenne Mountain Complex
Them: It's one of the most secure buildings in the world
POTUS: hold my beer
A fume extractor is not a radar system……
And a rotating cowl is not a fume extractor 😉
The sponsor sections always drive home the point that this channels' core audience are all manner of engineers and planners 😂
Why no stock footage of Trump?
There is. It’s at 1:20, but it’s shown for a fraction of a second and he’s very far away in the photo (right after the Obama family photo). I had to pause the video and take it back multiple times to find it. There may not be a decent stock photo of him in the WH, but there are a few clips of him at the very end of the video. I almost missed it until I found comments saying to watch until the end.
It’s likely just him eating kfc and designing golden sneakers for sale.
@@KurtQuad It’s likely you didn’t even click on the time stamp.
@@Josh-yr7gd no I saw it - I just felt like taking a dig at trump.
13:21 doesn't count?
Here's an interesting fact that many people don't know. Many scientists now believe that the fire in Washington DC during the War of 1812 may have been exacerbated by a large and powerful tornado that moved through Washington. The theory of a tornado moving through DC during the fire is based upon eyewitness descriptions of the fire. Eyewitnesses said that there was an intense thunderstorm with very vivid lightning, and a large and black swirling mass that moved through parts of the city during the time of the fire. Well that description definitely sounds a lot like a tornado! Of course back in 1812 many people in DC may not have known what a tornado is, even if they were looking at a tornado.
Most protected but definetely doesn't beat the rooms in Buckingham Palace. They're truly amazing and have more history than America combined. In fact most of the bricks in Buckingham Palace are older than the USA itself.
Ok cool
Monsrchies are a joke
Okay bro
Not really the same thing, one is a house, and one is a palace (55,000 sqft vs 828,000 square feet)
Here we go with the age flex that's a pile a nonsense. Buckingham Palace is not even a third of the size of Eisenhower Executive Office Building or even fifth of the size of the Entire White House Complex that includes Blair House, Eisenhower Executive Office Building or even the Treasury Building , that's literally right next door to the main white house. And that's without the non disclosed structures. The area of the white house is also very immense and large while the area around Buckingham Palace can easily be walked around easily in fifteen minutes. I know because I did it.. It's really not that large and it's very constrained. You are probably better off comparing Windsor Palace, which is far grander.
It's been well over 6 years since the Brits started the renovation in Buckingham Palace, to update wiring and they are still not even close to being done. Meanwhile, the White House was completely torn down in 1948 and completely rebuilt by 1952, that's your years. That's America. Meanwhile, your modern country started in 1066 and has remained stagnant and impotent with the same GDP as New York City, which has only 8 million people to the 66 million of the entire UK. So much for your age, which of course has gotten you no where but merely rendered you stagnant, irrelevant and impotent. To the point you can't even renovate a simple palace. Yeah, Broke Britain.
Interesting choice of sponsor. Was this app made by someone who never worked in the planning dept or the transpo dept of a public municipality? We knew about the road problems, in fact, w/o your app, we managed a road distress db just fine. It's the budget committee and politic nuances that prevents the efficient maintenance programs. So unless this app can somehow alleviate the human trouble causing factors, it does nothing to help our job at the maintenance dept.
So secure they can't figure out who brought in cocaine?
It's also funny how much smaller this place looks in real life. Seems huge on screen, its not that big; that depends on your definition, but trust me; most people have expressed this.