I’d like to see a hawkman, scarecrow and more of a direction towards the actual 4th wave that Kenner ‘would’ have come out with if it was so. Also as far as vehicles or playsets , do the tower of darkness!
I guess since you guys convinced me I needed some of these, I should chime in lmao. Agree with adding villains to the lineup. I didn’t see you mention Two-Face, so I would add him to the mix. And I would love to see some like Firefly, Scarecrow, and Ra’s and/or Talia Al Ghul. Needless to say, I am a Batman guy 😆
Figures I'd like to see ... Heroes: Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and/or Hawkgirl, Cyborg, Green Arrow (with the hood, not the feathered cap), Shazam, Plastic Man. Villains: LOTS of them, but mainly The Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Solomon Grundy, Bizarro, just for starters. Also for 3-Packs...The New Gods (Orion, Mr. Miracle, Big Barda) and Darkseid's Elite (Kalibak, Desaad, Steppenwolf)
Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel, Black Adam, Dr. Sivana, Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Zatanna, Atom, Booster Gold, Black Lightning ⚡️ Eclipso, Riddler, Two-Face, Catwoman, Scarcrow, Batgirl, Deadshot, Cheetah, Katanna, Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, and The Trickster all these would be great.
For possible vehicles... I would suggest ... Ted Kord-Blue Beetle's ...The Bug...!! Especially since, ... we now have Peacemaker and Judo-Master... some of the other Charlton heroes would be nice to have: Ted Kord-Blue Beetle, The Question, Nightshade, and Captain Atom...!! I certainly agree with companions to Clark Kent: ... Lois Lane...(with or without that Daily Planet airplane) ... Jimmy Olsen, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Vicki Vale, ...and even Commissioner Gordon with a Bat-Signal...!! You guys made a lot of good suggestions. Personally, ... I would love to see the Original All-Star Justice Society ...with Grundy and some to the Injustice villains like The Wizard and BrainWave...!!
Really like those ideas! Grundy would be amazing. What about a Daily Planet to go with Clark, Lois, and Jimmy (and maybe a Perry White)? That would be pretty sweet!
Yes, ... A Daily Planet office setting-- Play Set ... for those characters: Clark, Lois, Jimmy and ...yes, even Perry White.!! .... would be just GREAT.!! Grundy ... and the JSA .... would hit me as ...'just right'...!! You guys are doing a great, fun job.!! Thanks.!!
I'm really hoping for figures we should have gotten ages ago. The Wonder Twins Supergirl Batgirl Shazam family (Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr.) Black Vulcan The Mighty Isis Rima A comic accurate Orion Harbinger, Pariah Crime Syndicate Legion of Doom version of Lex Luthor, Toyman, Riddler, Giganta, etc. JSA All Star Squadron Legion of Superheroes!
@@JustBSingProductions I do wanna also mention this obscure character who I doubt will be a figure in the dc super powers mcfarlane but it would also be cool to see Etrigan the Demon as a figure
@@masterofvillainy8404 That would actually be a very cool figure. And if anyone would do something kind of obscure like that, I could see it being McFarlane.
Joker, Penguin, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Riddler, Two Face, Clayface, Bizarro, Batman and Robin with the West and Ward likenesses, Batgirl, just to name a few
Seeing some solid suggestions in these comments! And you guys had great ones as well. I agree with all of them and would add Dr. Fate, King Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Killowog, and Killer Frost to the mix!
They need more female characters. I nominate Batgirl, Hawkgirl, Vixen, Black Canary, Big Barda, Starfire, Troia, Raven. Team characters like Titans, Legionnaires, Justice League International.
I would like to see these figures of McFarlane becoming more compatible with vehicles for example, I bought a batgirl from the Batman 66 wave. Then I bought a Batman animated series Batcycle. She can’t fit on the motorcycle because her legs don’t swivel from side to side I still have a superpowers 1985 wonder woman, and I just bought the new superpowers, invisible jet and she fits in just fine. .
Yeah, 100%! I love that all the original Kenner figures can fit into the new McFarlane Super Powers line vehicles, and vice versa. Great attention to detail that other McFarlane lines can benefit from, as you pointed out.
I'm way more into the waves with stuff like Peacemaker, Vigilante, and JudoMaster coming. I'd like to see more of those very 80s cuts -- the stuff we could've/should've got in vintage Super Powers rather than all the made up characters in wave 3 and the ones that they planned for the unproduced wave 4. More classic New Teen Titans -- Wonder Girl, Starfire, Raven, Changeling/Beast Boy, a new 80s Cyborg, Jericho. Most definitely Supergirl. I'd like to see her in the hotpants costume, the head band, and a Matrix as Supergirl. A 80s Superboy could get repainted into Changeling/Beast Boy as well as Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, & Aqualad from their early Teen Titans appearances. And a teen girl Supergirl buck could give us Wonder Girl (OG costume), Mary Marvel, and Bat-Girl (Bette Kane).
100% yes to all of those! Love that you're thinking ahead to how they can get multiple uses out of a single toy mold since we know there will be repaints! 😂
I agree with your Teen Titans suggestion of Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, ...and Wonder Girl in their early Teen Titans appearances.!! Always loved that Group.!! ...and certainly some of the 'unproduced Wave'...with Lois Lane, Blue Beetle(Ted Kord), ... Catwoman, ...phone booth for Clark Kent/Superman, ... and maybe a Commissioner Gordon to go with that Bat-Signal...!!
I would love to see a CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS line... a SUPERFRIENDS line with the entire Legion of Doom along with a Hall of Doom... an Earth Two line with the Justice Society (would help Todd come up with more Batman variants since there was a Bat-family on Earth Two)...
How about a translucent Green Lantern ship? I don't think he ever had one but a green one with some kind of green translucent grabbing hand construct that extends from the front of the ship to hold a villain.
LOVE that! They could even have different interchangeable attachments for the front like the hand construct, a sledgehammer, etc. to mimic the Lantern ring powers. Great idea!
Darkseid need some minions like in the old line (it’s not like he has much interaction with normal villains) failing that, definitely some army builder Parademons.
Absolutely! Would be awesome to see an Apokolips multipack with Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Kalibak, and Desaad. And, like you said, plenty of parademons!
@@GuiOmania Yep. Lather, rinse, repeat! But if the wave 7 rumored lineup is true, we have some solid new characters coming in. Still some repaints it looks like, but hopefully a sign of the Super Powers universe expanding in a good way.
Would love those also! Yeah, Black Manta and Reverse Flash are giving people a lot of trouble! If you didn’t see it yet, go check out our Reverse Flash unboxing. That one, I found at Walmart and got lucky. Have still never found Manta, but we were fortunate to find a third party seller who didn’t gouge when wave 4 first came out. But a friend of ours in California has been finding Mantas here and there at Walmart. So they are out there! Just have to be patient and look through other aisles (because people will hide them)!
@@JustBSingProductions Just watched the unboxing - he looks cool - not paying the scalper prices though! Black Manta was everywhere over here a while back, and I had no idea he was hard to find in the US.
Yep! As I said in that vid…worth the wait, not worth the scalper price! Since you’re not in the US, you may be able to find Reverse Flash somewhere like GameStop (if you have one where you’re located). We’re stuck with Walmart as the only option for those exclusive figures. Just recently found out from another subscriber in Canada that they have them at other stores internationally. Keep your eyes out!
The recently leaked rumors are: Super Friends Sinestro, Batman (Gold Variant), Flash (Gold Variant), Lord Superman, Batman of Zur En Arrh, Ted Kord Blue Beetle, Braniac’s Skull ship, Blue Beetle’s ship, and likely a Braniac figure to go with his ship. Mostly Wave 6 but possibly spread over a few waves.
Had not seen those rumors, but if true, that’s not a bad line up at all, minus the additional variants or possible repaints, but I won’t judge until I see them. Some of our “wanted” figures are there, at least!
@@JustBSingProductionsYeah I will need to see some of these repaints before I can really judge but Gold Flash and Gold Batman sounds like they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel and they should have plenty of better repaint options still on the table.
I assume it might be a nod to the unreleased Gold Superman planned for the Kenner Super Powers, but yeah, definitely unnecessary, especially if they turn out to be straight repaints that offer nothing new. But we shall see!
I sure hope those rumors about Ted Kord-Blue Beetle are true.!! Always like Blue Beetle and ... The Bug would be great to get.!! For me, ... I'd love to see The Question riding shot-gun in The Bug... or even Nightshade.!! Also, ... hope a (Green) Brainiac and his Skull ship rumors are true, too.!! Oh, boy.!!
I didn't know this line even existed until s few days ago, but I'm perplexed as to why no original super powers era Brainiac. He was by far the coolest looking one, and my personal favorite.
I agree, I’d love the cybernetic looking Brainiac. The ones they just released are great, but that one was so cool. And without the action feature, I might actually be able to keep both arms on it unlike when I was a kid! 😂
Lois, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White 3Pack. Commissioner Gordon, Chief O'Hara and Alfred 3pack (or 4pack with Aunt Harriet!). A 4pack of generic Gothamites or Metropolis citizens who need rescue. Henchmen. A 6 pack with designer henchmen based on those seen in the Adam West Batman series. The lesser known Batman and Flash villains, such as King Tut, Egghead, the Bookworm, the Trickster, Captain C
I sure would like to see some of your suggestions. Especially,... Lois, Jimmy, Perry... and Commissioner Gordon, and ALFRED.!! ... even Vicki Vale.!! (Batman needs Vicki to save... from The Joker.!!) Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson ... sure would be nice... to go with Clark Kent..!!
Someone told me the heads can heat and pop off with a hair dryer, spin plan to get a few more Bob the goons and swap heads so that my Joker can have more properly attired henchmen to go along with bob, just like in the movie. Need one black guy with sunglasses, one Asian with a beret and one bald white guy with a Hulk Hogan mustache.
There was an Invisible Jet and classically painted Wonder Woman in Wave 4! Not in a multi pack though, so that would be a cool way to package and reintroduce in a future wave.
I will join the chorus that we need more female characters. Lots of them already cited here, so I'll go for two special to me: Black Canary and female Doctor Light, so I can complete the full JLI line-up that appears on the classic Kevin Maguire cover for JLI #1.
I would love to have figures such as Zod, Batmite, Alfred, Krypto, Azrael, Ventriloquist, Cheetah, Parallax, Jay Garrick, Jokermobile, Manta Ship, etc.
Solomon Grundy, The Spectre, Toyman (Super Friends version), Scarecrow (Silver Age version), Yellow Lantern Scarecrow, Psycho Pirate, Animal Man, Black Manta (Black suit with silver helmet and NOT a Wal Mart exclusive!), Captain Atom, Captain Carrot, Mr. Freeze (purple & yellow suit), Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Silver Age Doom Patrol, etc., etc.
@@JustBSingProductions Oh hey, they can totally give Hal Jordan as a new 52 repaint version with bright light green lines and his outfit to being more modern like. Or heck even him as a blue lantern. Todd certainly loves the repaints thats for sure which some collectors out there don't care for as much.
@@JustBSingProductions Yeah, A bit of miscommunication there. but always love throwing out these wonderful character ideas as always! Looking forward to having Booster Gold and Guy Gardner, never had those figures before. Hopefully we could get images of the new figures maybe by the end of this year? 🤞Lots to look forward in the future.
Its easy to bash todd for some choices that have been made but his hands were a little tied by dc but in recent interviews he has stated that dc finally opened everything up for him so should see some big changes and completely different stuff going forward.
Oh for sure. No bashing from us! We’re thankful to have the line at all, and even with the abundance of repaints, we’ve been very pleased with the line thus far. I have no doubts that DC had some restrictions, and if those are being lifted, we’re even more excited to see what’s coming next!
@@JustBSingProductions I know you weren't bashing but some many people do it now it's kind of ridiculous. Everyone jokes about batman in being every wave of everything but batman is the best selling superhero by a wide margin over everyone else so Todd has to be able to make money to be able to do super powers and continue it and start taking the bat influence out of it. I'm primarily a batman collector so I enjoy it and if leads to people getting the characters they want then fantastic because then that means the line is doing great and Todd can then turn around and do btas stuff and so on. One figure I want out of the super powers line is swamp thing. Love swamp thing and DC kinda of forgot about him for a good while but we have gotten 4 multiverse figures out of him so a super powers one would just be the cherry on top.
I also think with the lack of villains so far that the super powers line would be perfect for obscure villains to see if they will sell and have a following to maybe get multiverse figures out of with them.
I would just like to see the series actually in the stores. CAn't find any of the new one in Walmart . Visited several walmarts in Austin nothing but the first and second waves
That’s what we’ve been hearing from others, as well. I’m wondering if it’s because Wave 4 moved away from being Walmart exclusive, so they’re sending less out to encourage more shopping at their online affiliates. Doesn’t explain Wave 3 being absent though. We’ve seen a few of those in store still not too far from you, so they’re out there.
Agreed. There are some really strong figures and some not so strong releases so far. The new Batman sculpt is a step in the right direction, so we hope that trend continues once the repaints run their course.
I agree with you guys ... I would like to see a Kenner...Superman, AND ...Lois, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White... Clark Kent,... Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, ...Vicki Vale, Bruce & Dick...!! I also agree with you guys about getting a Legion of Doom group.!! Villains...!! Would love to see the Justice Society of America Golden Age figures.!! ...and The Injustice Society... with Golden Age Villains like ...BrainWave, The Wizard, & Vandal Savage... I would love to see....Jack Kirby figures like The Guardian, Sandman, OMAC, ...and The Demon... Also, the Batman Villains.... The Joker, Catwoman, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia, The Riddler, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Two-Face.!! Lex Luthor, ....those three Phantom Zone Villains from the movies....and other Superman villains...!! Redo... Orion...who does need a redo...badly...., and I would love to see a better Mister Miracle, .... and give us...Lightray and Big Barda....!! LOL.!! (That's a lot ...but we might have a while because this is a Great line of DC Action Figures.!!)
I have labelled the 'civilians' ... 'The Essential Nine': ... Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, .... Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Vicki Vale, and Commissioner Gordon.!! Whether we ever get them... I wonder...!! But they do seem 'essential' to the DC world...!!
Lex Luthor challenge of the SuperFriends also scarecrow Solomon Grundy Batgirl Riddler Mad Hatter the Joker( original) bane Doomsday Sinestro Black Vulcan Two-Face
You suggested a large battle suit ...!! Why not Xotar's ...from B&B #29 ...!! And maybe ...you might suggest ... Mr. Miracle, ...a better Orion, ... Big Barda... Lightray... (Four-armed creature?? from Jimmy Olsen)... The Demon...The Question,...Captain Atom... and Nightshade..!! Also, ... some of the Villains from the Hall of Doom...!! Love to see ...Kirby's The Guardian w/his shield, ... The 'Essential Nine': Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Dick Grayson, Vicki Vale, Commissioner Gordon, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Perry White....!!
Toyman, Firefly, Jim Gordon, The ventriloquist, Captain Cold, Riddler, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Atrocitous, Saint Walker, Star saphire, indigo one, Lex Luthor, etc. Characters that were not on the original Super powers line.
Batgirl. You can repaint her to look like different eras and maybe even Batwoman. Martian Manhunter. Again repaint as J'emm of Saturn. Captain Cold. Classic Darkseid. Livewire. I'd say an Arkham Multipack. Put Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler and Ivy in a three pack, or a three pack with Joker, Harley and Ivy. Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
@@JustBSingProductions Well, the DC Direct Batman Animated Arkham Pack did well. Between the Super Powers line, and the Toybiz line, there's Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, and Mister Freeze. All haven't received figures. It's a quick way to do all five. Also, I think that Peacemaker three pack is selling well. So, it just makes sense to do more multipacks.
I would love for McFarlane to lean into more '80s DC Comics characters and Super Friends characters: Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold Guy Gardner Green Lantern Mister Miracle and Big Barda (and a comic accurate Orion) Wonder Twins and Gleek George Perez era Teen Titans: Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, etc. Villains: Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Captain Cold, Cheetah, etc. Black Canary, Supergirl, Hawkgirl, Power Girl, Batgirl, Captain Atom, The Question, Metamorpho, Atom, Elongated Man It would be fun if they revisited some of the harder to find late wave figures from the initial Super Powers run (Cyborg, Plastic Man, etc.) I would also love some long shot Fourth World characters like Granny Goodness, Forager, Black Racer, Forever People, Metron, etc.
There’s probably no parts you could reuse which seems to be a decision when making the figures, but how about Swamp Thing or Sgt Rock figures? Edit! You mention swamp thing towards the end.
Probably gonna get crap for this. But I don't mind repaints, as long as it's done right. I'd love for the Golden Superman to be a thing. Anyway I'd like to see Dick Grayson Robin Jason Todd Robin Red Robin Mr. Freeze Shazam Killer Croc Bane Superboy '93 The Riddler Batgirl Catwoman Batwoman Supergirl Zatanna Hawkman Hawkgirl Owlman Ultraman Red Son Superman Red Son Batman Red Son Wonder Woman El Dorado Bizarro Static Shock The Joker Two Face Lobo Solomon Grundy Harley Quinn Hal Jordan Green Lantern Guy Gardner Green Lantern List goes on. There's plenty more I'd like to see from this line.
No hate from us! The repaints have been very well done thus far, often better than the first appearances in previous waves. We just want some new characters too! And any of the ones from your comprehensive list would be awesome! 👏🏻
I like to see them make, the classic Robin, Apache Chief, Samurai, Firestorm, The OG or The BTAS Royal Flush Gang, Gorilla Grodd, Granny Goodness, OG Two Face. The Super Powers / Friends tv show Sidekicks, Wendy Harris, Marvin White and Wonder Dog
Not even sure to begin, but off the top of head - Suicide Squad, Vertigo characters, The Authority, more team characters like Teen Titans, JSA, etc., Jonah Hex, Warlord, Hitman, Aquaman, Orion...
Fantastic list and would love to see those, as well! There is a Rebirth style Aquaman in Wave 4 (check out our unboxing video if you haven’t seen it). Were you thinking of a different style/era Aquaman?
@@JustBSingProductions Thanks - and I think for Aquaman, a couple of ideas - the Johns era, which is similar to the Rebirth one but a bit different and maybe just straight up classic - granted they would all look similar! (and of course the Peter David versions are interesting too)
mr mxyzptlk and bat-mite 2 pack. Krypto, Ace the Bat Hound, and Bat-Cow 3 pack, Lobo with his cycle and dog. Justice League Dark: Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, et al. Any of the characters from the Super Friends who never got a figure in the original Kenner waves.
Todd really should go to a 3 pack system with two males and one female figures like Mattel did with Justice League Unlimited. For the love of god give us a vac metal Cyborg that doesn’t coast over a $1,000
Why doesn’t McFarlane use the blueprints from the original Kenner versions. To make these figures right .those. Back then were made to be more playable .
Improvements are happening wave to wave in the molds and style of these that make them more Kenner-like. The action features from the original Kenner line will probably not make it into the McFarlane Super Powers, at least not at the price point they're at now. But the appearance is getting better and better, in our opinion. Look at Wave 4 & 5 Classic Detective Batman & Black Suit variant and wave 6 Green Lantern & Sinestro as examples.
I would like to see a JLA Meeting Room Play Set ... with a table that all the Leaguers could set around ... with mementos of their past Adventures on the walls and/or in cases.!! A Wayne Manor Play Set .... with Bruce, Dick, Vicki and ALFRED.!! A Daily Planet Play Set... with Clark, Lois, Jimmy, & Perry... A Legion of Doom ...Play Set... for all the Villains to meet at.... A Gotham City Police Department Play Set (??) with Commissioner Gordon, ...police officers, ...and jail cells... for our Villains.!! ...and maybe a Bat-Signal ... ....and a real 'longshot' here...A JSA Headquarters Play Set... for all of the Golden Age JSA Characters we will be getting.!! (LOL.!!) ((Hey, a guy is gotta hope.!!))
Wave 9 Metamorpho Kyle Rayner The Green Lantern Supergirl Unchained Suit Superman Troika Suit Batman The Parasite Captain Cold The Batcycle Vehicle The Teen Titans 3 Pack 1 Wally West The Kid Flash Wonder Girl And Aqualad Wave 10 The Martian Manhunter Conner Kent Superboy Batgirl Recovery Suit Superman The New 52 Batman The Riddler Ares The Batboat Vehicle The Legion Of Superheroes 3 Pack 1 Lighting Lad Cosmic Boy And Saturn Girl Wave 11 The Green Arrow The Black Canary John Henry Irons Steel Mullet Hair Superman Tactical Suit Batman Carapax The Indestructible Man Solomon Grundy The Redbird Vehicle The Doom Patrol 3 Pack 1 Negative Man Robotman And Elasti Woman Wave 12 The Question The Huntress Shazam! First Appearance Superman Rebirth Batman Count Vertigo Bizarro The Teen Titans 3 Pack 2 Speedy Aquagirl Bumblebee And The Joker's Daughter Wave 13 Firestorm Nightshade Mr Terrific Gladiator Superman Green Lantern Batman Multiplex Dr Sivana Burtonverse The Batmobile Vehicle Justice Society 3 Pack 1 Jay Garrick The Flash Alan Scott The Green Lantern Carter Hall Hawkman Wave 14 Ray Palmer The Atom The Black Lighting Zatanna Speeding Bullets Superman Justice Buster Suit Batman The Cheetah Priscilla Rich Snowflame Burtonverse The Batwing Vehicle The Legion Of Superheroes 3 Pack 2 Brainiac 5 Triplicate Girl & Phantom Girl & More
Villain's we need 1. Brainiac 2. Kalibak 3. Lady Shiva 4. Vandal Savage 5. Ultraman 6. Owlman 7. Superwoman 8. Sinestro 9. Gentaleman Ghost 10. Black Adam 11. Dr. Light (Arthur Light) 12. Lex Luthor Heroe's we need 1. Orion 2. Dr. Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) 3. Red Tornado 4. Mister Miracle 5. Big Barda 6. Etrigan 7. Metamorpho 8. Martian Manhunter 9. Mary Marvel 10. Shazam 11. Adam Strange 12. Black Lightning
Villains Lex Luthor The Joker The Cheetah The Ocean Master Captain Cold Black Hand The Gentleman Ghost Carapax The Indestructible Man Multiplex Metallo The Penguin Ares The Fisherman The Mirror Master Atrocitus Kalibak Desaad Steppenwolf Dr Sivana The Parasite Bizarro Mongul Livewire The Riddler Two Face Mr Freeze Poison Ivy Bane Doctor Cyber Doctor Poison Heatwave The Weather Wizard Captain Boomerang The Star Sapphire Larfleeze Arkillo The Squid Gang The Shadow Thief Slipknot And More Villians
Pay for Michael Keaton's likeness. He's a good looking guy and a good actor and deserves the money. Give us a Julie Newmar Catwoman and the Batgirl from that show. She never looked hotter!
Heroes Shazam! Hawkman The Green Arrow The Black Canary Kyle Rayner The Green Lantern Nathaniel Adam Captain Atom The Question Supergirl Conner Kent Superboy John Henry Irons Steel The Martian Manhunter Firestorm Batgirl The Red Hood Kate Kane Batwoman The Catwoman Luke Thomas Batwing The Signal Power Girl Mr Miracle Big Barda Plastic Man Elongated Man Cyborg Hawkgirl Zatanna The Red Tornado B'Wanna Beast Vixen Dr Fate The Black Lightning Katana Fire Ice Ray Palmer The Atom Orion Jonah Hex Power Girl Jamie Reyes The Blue Beetle Hook Hand Aquaman Static Shock The Teen Titans The Legion Of Superheroes The Doom Patrol And More Heroes And Heroic Teams
...Because they want the line to succeed.!!? ... They know that BATMAN sells....and the more Batmans sold... the stronger the line.!! Would you like the SP line to end after 28 figures.?? Or would you prefer to see it be successful ... and continue to give us these wonderful SP figures.?? Go out there ...and buy a few Batmans.!! (LOL.!!)
What do you want to see in future waves of McFarlane Toys Super Powers line? Let us know! 👇🏻👇🏻
Bane and Azbat 2 pack
Joker, Hawk Man, Plastic Man, Dead Man just to name a few.
It’s surprising that Joker wasn’t one of the first characters with all the Batman inclusions!
@@JustBSingProductions wouldn't that be so weird if they actually made, before any regular joker, the version of him called the jokester?
I’d like to see a hawkman, scarecrow and more of a direction towards the actual 4th wave that Kenner ‘would’ have come out with if it was so. Also as far as vehicles or playsets , do the tower of darkness!
Good call!
I'm surprised he hasn't done Cyborg or a Hall of Justice already.
All I want is a Legion of Doom.
I definitely want a Cheetah!
Yes! Wonder Woman needs her nemesis!
@@JustBSingProductions you said it right there buddies. I have the DC Essentials cheetah and she is great! In box and out of box.
Firestorm is a must!
I guess since you guys convinced me I needed some of these, I should chime in lmao. Agree with adding villains to the lineup. I didn’t see you mention Two-Face, so I would add him to the mix. And I would love to see some like Firefly, Scarecrow, and Ra’s and/or Talia Al Ghul. Needless to say, I am a Batman guy 😆
Great additions! Those would all make fantastic retro style figures. We’ll never apologize for getting you into this line!! 😂
Figures I'd like to see ...
Heroes: Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman and/or Hawkgirl, Cyborg, Green Arrow (with the hood, not the feathered cap), Shazam, Plastic Man.
Villains: LOTS of them, but mainly The Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Bane, Solomon Grundy, Bizarro, just for starters.
Also for 3-Packs...The New Gods (Orion, Mr. Miracle, Big Barda) and Darkseid's Elite (Kalibak, Desaad, Steppenwolf)
Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel, Black Adam, Dr. Sivana, Fire, Ice, Guy Gardner, Zatanna, Atom, Booster Gold, Black Lightning ⚡️ Eclipso, Riddler, Two-Face, Catwoman, Scarcrow, Batgirl, Deadshot, Cheetah, Katanna, Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang, and The Trickster all these would be great.
Yes to all of those!
For possible vehicles... I would suggest ... Ted Kord-Blue Beetle's ...The Bug...!!
Especially since, ... we now have Peacemaker and Judo-Master... some of the other Charlton heroes would be nice to have: Ted Kord-Blue Beetle, The Question, Nightshade, and Captain Atom...!!
I certainly agree with companions to Clark Kent: ... Lois Lane...(with or without that Daily Planet airplane) ... Jimmy Olsen, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Vicki Vale, ...and even Commissioner Gordon with a Bat-Signal...!!
You guys made a lot of good suggestions.
Personally, ... I would love to see the Original All-Star Justice Society ...with Grundy and some to the Injustice villains like The Wizard and BrainWave...!!
Really like those ideas! Grundy would be amazing. What about a Daily Planet to go with Clark, Lois, and Jimmy (and maybe a Perry White)? That would be pretty sweet!
Yes, ... A Daily Planet office setting-- Play Set ... for those characters: Clark, Lois, Jimmy and ...yes, even Perry White.!! .... would be just GREAT.!!
Grundy ... and the JSA .... would hit me as ...'just right'...!!
You guys are doing a great, fun job.!! Thanks.!!
@@danielstjohn3018 Appreciate that!
You guy's are awesome ❤❤❤ love your show 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 need more people like you guys in my world 🤘
Hey, appreciate that! Thanks for the support!
I'm really hoping for figures we should have gotten ages ago.
The Wonder Twins
Shazam family (Captain Marvel, Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr.)
Black Vulcan
The Mighty Isis
A comic accurate Orion
Harbinger, Pariah
Crime Syndicate
Legion of Doom version of Lex Luthor, Toyman, Riddler, Giganta, etc.
All Star Squadron
Legion of Superheroes!
Yes! 👏🏻
I would like to see Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, Dr. Fate villain wise I would like to see Ocean master, Braniac, Metallo, Black Adam
All must haves in future waves! And I think Wave 7 might make you smile!
@@JustBSingProductions I do wanna also mention this obscure character who I doubt will be a figure in the dc super powers mcfarlane but it would also be cool to see Etrigan the Demon as a figure
@@masterofvillainy8404 That would actually be a very cool figure. And if anyone would do something kind of obscure like that, I could see it being McFarlane.
@@masterofvillainy8404 prescient aren't you?
@@merylpye246 I guess you can say that
The Penguin and Firefly
Joker, Penguin, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Riddler, Two Face, Clayface, Bizarro, Batman and Robin with the West and Ward likenesses, Batgirl, just to name a few
Definitely some of the most mentioned. Hopefully McFarlane Toys can get them done!
Seeing some solid suggestions in these comments! And you guys had great ones as well. I agree with all of them and would add Dr. Fate, King Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Killowog, and Killer Frost to the mix!
Heck yes!
They need more female characters. I nominate Batgirl, Hawkgirl, Vixen, Black Canary, Big Barda, Starfire, Troia, Raven.
Team characters like Titans, Legionnaires, Justice League International.
Awesome ideas! Would love to see any and all of those in future waves.
I would like to see these figures of McFarlane becoming more compatible with vehicles for example, I bought a batgirl from the Batman 66 wave. Then I bought a Batman animated series Batcycle. She can’t fit on the motorcycle because her legs don’t swivel from side to side I still have a superpowers 1985 wonder woman, and I just bought the new superpowers, invisible jet and she fits in just fine. .
Yeah, 100%! I love that all the original Kenner figures can fit into the new McFarlane Super Powers line vehicles, and vice versa. Great attention to detail that other McFarlane lines can benefit from, as you pointed out.
I'm way more into the waves with stuff like Peacemaker, Vigilante, and JudoMaster coming. I'd like to see more of those very 80s cuts -- the stuff we could've/should've got in vintage Super Powers rather than all the made up characters in wave 3 and the ones that they planned for the unproduced wave 4. More classic New Teen Titans -- Wonder Girl, Starfire, Raven, Changeling/Beast Boy, a new 80s Cyborg, Jericho. Most definitely Supergirl. I'd like to see her in the hotpants costume, the head band, and a Matrix as Supergirl. A 80s Superboy could get repainted into Changeling/Beast Boy as well as Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, & Aqualad from their early Teen Titans appearances. And a teen girl Supergirl buck could give us Wonder Girl (OG costume), Mary Marvel, and Bat-Girl (Bette Kane).
100% yes to all of those! Love that you're thinking ahead to how they can get multiple uses out of a single toy mold since we know there will be repaints! 😂
I agree with your Teen Titans suggestion of Robin, Speedy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, ...and Wonder Girl in their early Teen Titans appearances.!! Always loved that Group.!! ...and certainly some of the 'unproduced Wave'...with Lois Lane, Blue Beetle(Ted Kord), ... Catwoman, ...phone booth for Clark Kent/Superman, ... and maybe a Commissioner Gordon to go with that Bat-Signal...!!
Love your ideas! Great video, guys!
Thanks so much!
Apache Cheif, El Dorado, Samurai, Black Vulcan and the Wonder Twins.
I would love to see a CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS line... a SUPERFRIENDS line with the entire Legion of Doom along with a Hall of Doom... an Earth Two line with the Justice Society (would help Todd come up with more Batman variants since there was a Bat-family on Earth Two)...
Love those suggestions!
I'd really like to see Bane and Doomsday. Great show guys!
Thank you!
How about a translucent Green Lantern ship? I don't think he ever had one but a green one with some kind of green translucent grabbing hand construct that extends from the front of the ship to hold a villain.
LOVE that! They could even have different interchangeable attachments for the front like the hand construct, a sledgehammer, etc. to mimic the Lantern ring powers. Great idea!
Darkseid need some minions like in the old line (it’s not like he has much interaction with normal villains) failing that, definitely some army builder Parademons.
Absolutely! Would be awesome to see an Apokolips multipack with Steppenwolf, Granny Goodness, Kalibak, and Desaad. And, like you said, plenty of parademons!
New robot brainiac
It would look pretty sweet in that new skull ship
We need Joker ,Pinguin ,Riddler ,Mr Freeze ,Catwoman ,Super Girl ,Lex Luthor !!!
Yep, need all of those for sure!
@@JustBSingProductions no sorry guys we got multiple recolor of Batman and Superman !!!
@@GuiOmania Yep. Lather, rinse, repeat! But if the wave 7 rumored lineup is true, we have some solid new characters coming in. Still some repaints it looks like, but hopefully a sign of the Super Powers universe expanding in a good way.
Desaad ,kalibak Brainiac ( the challenge of superfriends version) cool and mirror master my favorite
Great suggestions! Throw a parademon in with Desaad, Kalibak, and maybe Steppenwolf, and make it an Apokolips multipack!
Love to see a Supergirl in the line, and a Shazam. I just wish some of these weren't so hard to get. Still can't get hold of Reverse Flash...
Would love those also! Yeah, Black Manta and Reverse Flash are giving people a lot of trouble! If you didn’t see it yet, go check out our Reverse Flash unboxing. That one, I found at Walmart and got lucky. Have still never found Manta, but we were fortunate to find a third party seller who didn’t gouge when wave 4 first came out. But a friend of ours in California has been finding Mantas here and there at Walmart. So they are out there! Just have to be patient and look through other aisles (because people will hide them)!
@@JustBSingProductions Just watched the unboxing - he looks cool - not paying the scalper prices though! Black Manta was everywhere over here a while back, and I had no idea he was hard to find in the US.
Yep! As I said in that vid…worth the wait, not worth the scalper price! Since you’re not in the US, you may be able to find Reverse Flash somewhere like GameStop (if you have one where you’re located). We’re stuck with Walmart as the only option for those exclusive figures. Just recently found out from another subscriber in Canada that they have them at other stores internationally. Keep your eyes out!
Joker. General Zod. Ursa. Trickster. Grodd.
Gotta throw Non in there if Zod and Ursa are on the table!
Mr Plastic, Green Alex Luther!!💯💯💯
The recently leaked rumors are: Super Friends Sinestro, Batman (Gold Variant), Flash (Gold Variant), Lord Superman, Batman of Zur En Arrh, Ted Kord Blue Beetle, Braniac’s Skull ship, Blue Beetle’s ship, and likely a Braniac figure to go with his ship. Mostly Wave 6 but possibly spread over a few waves.
Had not seen those rumors, but if true, that’s not a bad line up at all, minus the additional variants or possible repaints, but I won’t judge until I see them. Some of our “wanted” figures are there, at least!
@@JustBSingProductionsYeah I will need to see some of these repaints before I can really judge but Gold Flash and Gold Batman sounds like they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel and they should have plenty of better repaint options still on the table.
I assume it might be a nod to the unreleased Gold Superman planned for the Kenner Super Powers, but yeah, definitely unnecessary, especially if they turn out to be straight repaints that offer nothing new. But we shall see!
I sure hope those rumors about Ted Kord-Blue Beetle are true.!! Always like Blue Beetle and ... The Bug would be great to get.!!
For me, ... I'd love to see The Question riding shot-gun in The Bug... or even Nightshade.!!
Also, ... hope a (Green) Brainiac and his Skull ship rumors are true, too.!!
Oh, boy.!!
I didn't know this line even existed until s few days ago, but I'm perplexed as to why no original super powers era Brainiac. He was by far the coolest looking one, and my personal favorite.
I agree, I’d love the cybernetic looking Brainiac. The ones they just released are great, but that one was so cool. And without the action feature, I might actually be able to keep both arms on it unlike when I was a kid! 😂
Lois, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White 3Pack. Commissioner Gordon, Chief O'Hara and Alfred 3pack (or 4pack with Aunt Harriet!). A 4pack of generic Gothamites or Metropolis citizens who need rescue. Henchmen. A 6 pack with designer henchmen based on those seen in the Adam West Batman series. The lesser known Batman and Flash villains, such as King Tut, Egghead, the Bookworm, the Trickster, Captain C
Captain Cold and his heatgun buddy. Do like Kenner did for Star Wars and pump out everything moving in the scenery.
Those are fun choices!
I sure would like to see some of your suggestions. Especially,... Lois, Jimmy, Perry...
and Commissioner Gordon, and ALFRED.!! ... even Vicki Vale.!! (Batman needs Vicki to save... from The Joker.!!)
Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson ... sure would be nice... to go with Clark Kent..!!
The 'Henchmen' idea is great.!! We could 'army build' those bad boys.!!
Someone told me the heads can heat and pop off with a hair dryer, spin plan to get a few more Bob the goons and swap heads so that my Joker can have more properly attired henchmen to go along with bob, just like in the movie. Need one black guy with sunglasses, one Asian with a beret and one bald white guy with a Hulk Hogan mustache.
First Mr. Mxy action figure was Mego World's Greatest Heroes. 8" cloth costume line.
Good old Mego. Would definitely love to see Myx in that classic SP packaging too!
I want 2 pack with the invisible jet and Wonder Woman
The original Wonder Woman from the Super Powers in the 80's Yes please!.
There was an Invisible Jet and classically painted Wonder Woman in Wave 4! Not in a multi pack though, so that would be a cool way to package and reintroduce in a future wave.
Robin's redbird car from late 90s-early 2000 comics.
Forgot about that one! Wasn’t that also the name of his Robin cycle at one point?
I will join the chorus that we need more female characters. Lots of them already cited here, so I'll go for two special to me: Black Canary and female Doctor Light, so I can complete the full JLI line-up that appears on the classic Kevin Maguire cover for JLI #1.
Zatanna, King Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Harley Quinn (and Joker), and Power Girl!
Great suggestions!
Black Adam as well as maybe supergirl and batwoman
Those are some popular most wanted choices for sure. Would love to see them in that Super Powers packaging!
Enjoying your videos. New subscriber here
Thanks so much! Welcome!
I would love to have figures such as Zod, Batmite, Alfred, Krypto, Azrael, Ventriloquist, Cheetah, Parallax, Jay Garrick, Jokermobile, Manta Ship, etc.
Solomon Grundy, The Spectre, Toyman (Super Friends version), Scarecrow (Silver Age version), Yellow Lantern Scarecrow, Psycho Pirate, Animal Man, Black Manta (Black suit with silver helmet and NOT a Wal Mart exclusive!), Captain Atom, Captain Carrot, Mr. Freeze (purple & yellow suit), Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Silver Age Doom Patrol, etc., etc.
So many options! I really like the repainted Manta idea that’s not a Walmart exclusive. I always liked that color scheme.
I know you mentioned him already in the video, but I'd love to see Plastic Man!!! For the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS CARBON BASED... PLASTIC MAN!!!
For real! I could never find the Kenner one as a kid. I want to relive my childhood, dang it!
A Green Arrow would be a nice addition! 🏹
Definitely! I’d personally love to see either a classic style or Rebirth Green Arrow!
Oh hey, they can totally give Hal Jordan as a new 52 repaint version with bright light green lines and his outfit to being more modern like. Or heck even him as a blue lantern. Todd certainly loves the repaints thats for sure which some collectors out there don't care for as much.
Ha! I meant Green Arrow. Edited the comment. But yeah, for sure there can be plenty more Lantern repaints.
Yeah, A bit of miscommunication there. but always love throwing out these wonderful character ideas as always! Looking forward to having Booster Gold and Guy Gardner, never had those figures before. Hopefully we could get images of the new figures maybe by the end of this year? 🤞Lots to look forward in the future.
I think the images and preorders for wave 8 will be relatively soon. Probably once all the preorder delays for wave 7 are situated.
I’d like to see a power girl action figure.
That was another popular suggestion! Would love to see it, as well.
Would like Shazam and Martian Manhunter! EDIT: The original Super Powers figures, at least one or two per wave, re-created.
Yes! Especially with as great as Detective Batman in wave 4 and Green Lantern in Wave 6 have been.
For me it would be the APache Chief, El Dorado, Wonder Twins
And, of course, Gleek, right?
The Outsiders....Black Lightning, Katana, Geo-Force, Halo and Metamorpho!
Heck. Yes. Great call! That would be an awesome wave or a set within a wave.
Its easy to bash todd for some choices that have been made but his hands were a little tied by dc but in recent interviews he has stated that dc finally opened everything up for him so should see some big changes and completely different stuff going forward.
Oh for sure. No bashing from us! We’re thankful to have the line at all, and even with the abundance of repaints, we’ve been very pleased with the line thus far. I have no doubts that DC had some restrictions, and if those are being lifted, we’re even more excited to see what’s coming next!
@@JustBSingProductions I know you weren't bashing but some many people do it now it's kind of ridiculous. Everyone jokes about batman in being every wave of everything but batman is the best selling superhero by a wide margin over everyone else so Todd has to be able to make money to be able to do super powers and continue it and start taking the bat influence out of it. I'm primarily a batman collector so I enjoy it and if leads to people getting the characters they want then fantastic because then that means the line is doing great and Todd can then turn around and do btas stuff and so on. One figure I want out of the super powers line is swamp thing. Love swamp thing and DC kinda of forgot about him for a good while but we have gotten 4 multiverse figures out of him so a super powers one would just be the cherry on top.
Agree 100%! Swamp Thing would be awesome. One of our favorite characters!
I also think with the lack of villains so far that the super powers line would be perfect for obscure villains to see if they will sell and have a following to maybe get multiverse figures out of with them.
I would just like to see the series actually in the stores. CAn't find any of the new one in Walmart . Visited several walmarts in Austin nothing but the first and second waves
That’s what we’ve been hearing from others, as well. I’m wondering if it’s because Wave 4 moved away from being Walmart exclusive, so they’re sending less out to encourage more shopping at their online affiliates. Doesn’t explain Wave 3 being absent though. We’ve seen a few of those in store still not too far from you, so they’re out there.
Black adam, catman, elemental firestorm, classic bat girl, riddler, 90's hawkman and kid flash (wally)
Yes! 👍🏻
Definitely Shazam! / The Captain 👍🏾
Would really love to see him show up in the line! Was never able to find the Kenner one as a kid.
Legion of superheroes I’m thinking karate man, old school
I would like an all villains wave as well
What would your villains line up look like?
Oh, good question... I would like a new Joker, which I know is cliché. Or Vandel savage. Maybe Cheetha or mirror master. So many choices lol
@@dukeman3ca1 Oooh, Mirror Master would be awesome!
The whole line is out of scale with itself and TBH the sculpts could be elevated from the inspired 80s figures.
Agreed. There are some really strong figures and some not so strong releases so far. The new Batman sculpt is a step in the right direction, so we hope that trend continues once the repaints run their course.
I agree with you guys ... I would like to see a Kenner...Superman, AND ...Lois, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White... Clark Kent,... Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, ...Vicki Vale, Bruce & Dick...!!
I also agree with you guys about getting a Legion of Doom group.!! Villains...!!
Would love to see the Justice Society of America Golden Age figures.!!
...and The Injustice Society... with Golden Age Villains like ...BrainWave, The Wizard, & Vandal Savage...
I would love to see....Jack Kirby figures like The Guardian, Sandman, OMAC, ...and The Demon...
Also, the Batman Villains.... The Joker, Catwoman, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia, The Riddler, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Two-Face.!!
Lex Luthor, ....those three Phantom Zone Villains from the movies....and other Superman villains...!!
Redo... Orion...who does need a redo...badly...., and I would love to see a better Mister Miracle, .... and give us...Lightray and Big Barda....!! LOL.!! (That's a lot ...but we might have a while because this is a Great line of DC Action Figures.!!)
Hopefully we see more of these soon!
I have labelled the 'civilians' ... 'The Essential Nine': ... Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, .... Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Vicki Vale, and Commissioner Gordon.!!
Whether we ever get them... I wonder...!! But they do seem 'essential' to the DC world...!!
Lex Luthor challenge of the SuperFriends also scarecrow Solomon Grundy Batgirl Riddler Mad Hatter the Joker( original) bane Doomsday Sinestro Black Vulcan Two-Face
Lobo and sinestro 😃 please
You suggested a large battle suit ...!! Why not Xotar's ...from B&B #29 ...!!
And maybe ...you might suggest ... Mr. Miracle, ...a better Orion, ... Big Barda... Lightray... (Four-armed creature?? from Jimmy Olsen)... The Demon...The Question,...Captain Atom... and Nightshade..!!
Also, ... some of the Villains from the Hall of Doom...!!
Love to see ...Kirby's The Guardian w/his shield, ...
The 'Essential Nine': Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Dick Grayson, Vicki Vale, Commissioner Gordon, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and Perry White....!!
All great suggestions!
I would love to see a manhunter pack with a guardian
Toyman, Firefly, Jim Gordon, The ventriloquist, Captain Cold, Riddler, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Atrocitous, Saint Walker, Star saphire, indigo one, Lex Luthor, etc. Characters that were not on the original Super powers line.
Love all those!
I want a Predator Vs. Demolition Team multi-pack (this is an ultra-obscure Green Lantern subplot from the 80s)
Have to admit, had to look that one up. Definitely something up McFarlane’s alley!
I'd like to still see Black Manta. Have seen every figure on the peg except that one.
No kidding? That’s surprising. No shortage of him where we are. Have you looked on eBay?
@@JustBSingProductions Yes. He's $90 on Ebay.
Wtf. That’s insane!
This is the rumor I heard. I hope it's not true. I'm prey that it's not true
You should PRAY ... that....
Batgirl. You can repaint her to look like different eras and maybe even Batwoman.
Martian Manhunter. Again repaint as J'emm of Saturn.
Captain Cold.
Classic Darkseid.
I'd say an Arkham Multipack. Put Joker, Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler and Ivy in a three pack, or a three pack with Joker, Harley and Ivy.
Hawkman and Hawkgirl.
Excellent suggestions! Would definitely buy an Arkham pack!
@@JustBSingProductions Well, the DC Direct Batman Animated Arkham Pack did well. Between the Super Powers line, and the Toybiz line, there's Joker, Two-Face, Penguin, Riddler, and Mister Freeze. All haven't received figures.
It's a quick way to do all five. Also, I think that Peacemaker three pack is selling well. So, it just makes sense to do more multipacks.
I would love for McFarlane to lean into more '80s DC Comics characters and Super Friends characters:
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold
Guy Gardner Green Lantern
Mister Miracle and Big Barda (and a comic accurate Orion)
Wonder Twins and Gleek
George Perez era Teen Titans: Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, etc.
Villains: Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Captain Cold, Cheetah, etc.
Black Canary, Supergirl, Hawkgirl, Power Girl, Batgirl, Captain Atom, The Question, Metamorpho, Atom, Elongated Man
It would be fun if they revisited some of the harder to find late wave figures from the initial Super Powers run (Cyborg, Plastic Man, etc.)
I would also love some long shot Fourth World characters like Granny Goodness, Forager, Black Racer, Forever People, Metron, etc.
100% yes to all of those!
Yes, ... Fourth World-Kirby characters .... like a better, comic accurate Orion, Mister Miracle, Big Barda ... Forager... all for sure.!!
There’s probably no parts you could reuse which seems to be a decision when making the figures, but how about Swamp Thing or Sgt Rock figures? Edit! You mention swamp thing towards the end.
Probably gonna get crap for this. But I don't mind repaints, as long as it's done right. I'd love for the Golden Superman to be a thing. Anyway I'd like to see
Dick Grayson Robin
Jason Todd Robin
Red Robin
Mr. Freeze
Killer Croc
Superboy '93
The Riddler
Red Son Superman
Red Son Batman
Red Son Wonder Woman
El Dorado
Static Shock
The Joker
Two Face
Solomon Grundy
Harley Quinn
Hal Jordan Green Lantern
Guy Gardner Green Lantern
List goes on. There's plenty more I'd like to see from this line.
No hate from us! The repaints have been very well done thus far, often better than the first appearances in previous waves. We just want some new characters too! And any of the ones from your comprehensive list would be awesome! 👏🏻
I like to see them make, the classic Robin, Apache Chief, Samurai, Firestorm, The OG or The BTAS Royal Flush Gang, Gorilla Grodd, Granny Goodness, OG Two Face. The Super Powers / Friends tv show Sidekicks, Wendy Harris, Marvin White and Wonder Dog
Good suggestions!
Not even sure to begin, but off the top of head - Suicide Squad, Vertigo characters, The Authority, more team characters like Teen Titans, JSA, etc., Jonah Hex, Warlord, Hitman, Aquaman, Orion...
Fantastic list and would love to see those, as well! There is a Rebirth style Aquaman in Wave 4 (check out our unboxing video if you haven’t seen it). Were you thinking of a different style/era Aquaman?
@@JustBSingProductions Thanks - and I think for Aquaman, a couple of ideas - the Johns era, which is similar to the Rebirth one but a bit different and maybe just straight up classic - granted they would all look similar! (and of course the Peter David versions are interesting too)
Classic Superfriends style Aquaman would be a great Kenner throwback. Or go real crazy and have the 90s style, hook hand Aquaman!
@@JustBSingProductions Yep - the hook hand and/or the blue costume would be awesome!
Green arrow,Shazam, black Adam,but how about A JOKER,A PENGUIN
Absolutely yes to all of those!
Batman the animated series... I never had the chance to have the original color of it...
Ah man, those would be awesome to add! Loved the originals, but update them and put them in Super Powers packaging? Epic!
@@JustBSingProductions hopefully they will give us this... :)
Luthor should be #1 priority.
Absolutely. Which version do you want to see? Business suit, power suit, or something else?
I would like to see better sculpting.
Ambush bug number one
Wendy, marvin and wonder dog
We need blight from Batman beyond
mr mxyzptlk and bat-mite 2 pack. Krypto, Ace the Bat Hound, and Bat-Cow 3 pack, Lobo with his cycle and dog. Justice League Dark: Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, et al. Any of the characters from the Super Friends who never got a figure in the original Kenner waves.
Oooh good call! Lobo, especially!
Todd really should go to a 3 pack system with two males and one female figures like Mattel did with Justice League Unlimited. For the love of god give us a vac metal Cyborg that doesn’t coast over a $1,000
Word. Never had the Kenner Cyborg and would LOVE one in this line!
Batman Beyond!
That would be a great set!
Why doesn’t McFarlane use the blueprints from the original Kenner versions. To make these figures right .those. Back then were made to be more playable .
Improvements are happening wave to wave in the molds and style of these that make them more Kenner-like. The action features from the original Kenner line will probably not make it into the McFarlane Super Powers, at least not at the price point they're at now. But the appearance is getting better and better, in our opinion. Look at Wave 4 & 5 Classic Detective Batman & Black Suit variant and wave 6 Green Lantern & Sinestro as examples.
@@JustBSingProductions thank you for sharing this great information.
Captain marvel, Martian manhunter, batgirl, super girl. I just need a while bunch of people
So many options on the table still!
A new playset would be nice.
And so many good options for one! Which playset would you like to see?
I would like to see a JLA Meeting Room Play Set ... with a table that all the Leaguers could set around ... with mementos of their past Adventures on the walls and/or in cases.!!
A Wayne Manor Play Set .... with Bruce, Dick, Vicki and ALFRED.!!
A Daily Planet Play Set... with Clark, Lois, Jimmy, & Perry...
A Legion of Doom ...Play Set... for all the Villains to meet at....
A Gotham City Police Department Play Set (??) with Commissioner Gordon, ...police officers, ...and jail cells... for our Villains.!! ...and maybe a Bat-Signal ...
....and a real 'longshot' here...A JSA Headquarters Play Set... for all of the Golden Age JSA Characters we will be getting.!! (LOL.!!) ((Hey, a guy is gotta hope.!!))
Wave 9
Kyle Rayner The Green Lantern
Unchained Suit Superman
Troika Suit Batman
The Parasite
Captain Cold
The Batcycle Vehicle
The Teen Titans 3 Pack 1 Wally West The Kid Flash Wonder Girl And Aqualad
Wave 10
The Martian Manhunter
Conner Kent Superboy
Recovery Suit Superman
The New 52 Batman
The Riddler
The Batboat Vehicle
The Legion Of Superheroes 3 Pack 1 Lighting Lad Cosmic Boy And Saturn Girl
Wave 11
The Green Arrow
The Black Canary
John Henry Irons Steel
Mullet Hair Superman
Tactical Suit Batman
Carapax The Indestructible Man
Solomon Grundy
The Redbird Vehicle
The Doom Patrol 3 Pack 1 Negative Man Robotman And Elasti Woman
Wave 12
The Question
The Huntress
First Appearance Superman
Rebirth Batman
Count Vertigo
The Teen Titans 3 Pack 2 Speedy Aquagirl Bumblebee And The Joker's Daughter
Wave 13
Mr Terrific
Gladiator Superman
Green Lantern Batman
Dr Sivana
Burtonverse The Batmobile Vehicle
Justice Society 3 Pack 1 Jay Garrick The Flash Alan Scott The Green Lantern Carter Hall Hawkman
Wave 14
Ray Palmer The Atom
The Black Lighting
Speeding Bullets Superman
Justice Buster Suit Batman
The Cheetah Priscilla Rich
Burtonverse The Batwing Vehicle
The Legion Of Superheroes 3 Pack 2 Brainiac 5 Triplicate Girl & Phantom Girl
& More
Villain's we need
1. Brainiac
2. Kalibak
3. Lady Shiva
4. Vandal Savage
5. Ultraman
6. Owlman
7. Superwoman
8. Sinestro
9. Gentaleman Ghost
10. Black Adam
11. Dr. Light (Arthur Light)
12. Lex Luthor
Heroe's we need
1. Orion
2. Dr. Light (Kimiyo Hoshi)
3. Red Tornado
4. Mister Miracle
5. Big Barda
6. Etrigan
7. Metamorpho
8. Martian Manhunter
9. Mary Marvel
10. Shazam
11. Adam Strange
12. Black Lightning
Excellent suggestions!
less cop outs ANY action features...at...alll !
I’d even settle for more accessories if the action features would drive up the costs too much.
I want Batman beyond and Harley quin
Lex Luthor
The Joker
The Cheetah
The Ocean Master
Captain Cold
Black Hand
The Gentleman Ghost
Carapax The Indestructible Man
The Penguin
The Fisherman
The Mirror Master
Dr Sivana
The Parasite
The Riddler
Two Face
Mr Freeze
Poison Ivy
Doctor Cyber
Doctor Poison
The Weather Wizard
Captain Boomerang
The Star Sapphire
The Squid Gang
The Shadow Thief
And More Villians
Clearly you need to do an updated video....
Haha we were just talking about that actually
I'd love to see plastic man bizarro Solomon Grundy Captain Cold cat woman super girl bat girl Clark Kent Bruce Wayne
Plastic man and Metamorpho
Pay for Michael Keaton's likeness. He's a good looking guy and a good actor and deserves the money. Give us a Julie Newmar Catwoman and the Batgirl from that show. She never looked hotter!
The Green Arrow
The Black Canary
Kyle Rayner The Green Lantern
Nathaniel Adam Captain Atom
The Question
Conner Kent Superboy
John Henry Irons Steel
The Martian Manhunter
The Red Hood
Kate Kane Batwoman
The Catwoman
Luke Thomas Batwing
The Signal
Power Girl
Mr Miracle
Big Barda
Plastic Man
Elongated Man
The Red Tornado
B'Wanna Beast
Dr Fate
The Black Lightning
Ray Palmer The Atom
Jonah Hex
Power Girl
Jamie Reyes The Blue Beetle
Hook Hand Aquaman
Static Shock
The Teen Titans
The Legion Of Superheroes
The Doom Patrol
And More Heroes And Heroic Teams
Gorilla Grodd
Really is a must have. I’m surprised we haven’t seen him yet.
Todd team is give us zur- er-aeeh batman! WTF, man!! Why are they doing this to us? Do they not like us? Why not Superman Bizzaro 🦸♂️
Yeah I’m hoping it’s just a licensing thing and they’ll be able to expand the lineup very soon!
We don't need another batman. I'm done with batman and another Flash. Why is it wrong with😢Todd's people, man
...Because they want the line to succeed.!!? ...
They know that BATMAN sells....and the more Batmans sold... the stronger the line.!!
Would you like the SP line to end after 28 figures.?? Or would you prefer to see it be successful ... and continue to give us these wonderful SP figures.??
Go out there ...and buy a few Batmans.!! (LOL.!!)