The delay is speed dependent on the transmission to and from the applications. By the end of the year, we should have almost instant response time from the GPTs still around.
I would say that in terms of interesting characters, it is quite generic. All the characters, even the most distinct ones, agree with each other, using politically correct language. This is evident in the case of the two girls and the support provided by Greg. I believe that creating likable and charismatic characters is not a strong characteristic of ChatGPT.
@@cronos1297 It all depends what role and personality you give them with the starting prompt, you can make the NPCs quite dark and gloomy as well like in the Replica Smart AI NPC mod for Matrix Awakening:
Tamulur: 'Hey Greg, do you think I could ask these guys about which vector database do..." ChatGPT Greg: "ALRIGHT TOM, how about those two girls there by the wall?" Hahahaha, Greggachad.
@@baukepoelsma Not if chatgpt didnt register your voice for whatever reason, such as talking while chatgpt is generating a response. This was a bug for sure. chatgpt isnt very flexible and cant yet maintain a fluid conversation, let alone use subtle sarcasm that would require 'street smarts' and realistic situational awareness. It's nowhere there yet, and of course not 1 year ago when this video was taken.
To be fair everyone in the party is just involved in conversation, then there is just a woman dancing in the middle of the room to near non-existent music. Itd be intimidating to many
bro literally created the perfect world for neurodivergen people: everyone takes at least 3 seconds to think of an answer, so you can take your time as well, the voice is monotone and not distorted by nervous laughter so it's easier to process, everyone asks clear questions and speaks honestly, everyone patiently waits for the conversation partner to stop talking and doesn't interrupt, it's very clear when it's your turn to talk, and on top of all that, even while being in a pretty small crowded room with people talking nearby, they're still reduced to a very quiet background noise that doesn't distract or overwhelm.
Exactly lmaoo, As an autistic person thats what I was thinking, you can actually properly socialize with people and there is direct communication which seems rare now.
Great concept. You can easily market this as social training. You also need some examples of negative situations though, stuff like rejection, et cetera, since being able to deal with negative social interactions is also important.
@@sv6k0a39 This is facts, but after years of going to bars that scene gets kind of lame ngl. There is probably better ways to socialize with people than bars and clubs, but one thing is for sure... Going to a bar will teach you how to deal with rejection.
@@sv6k0a39 Imagine you are on medication or it's really bad weather // Night where most things are closed then you can turn on the PC and have at it for say 2 Hours
Actually that's best advice only for chads. Better advice is to tell a guy what actually woman like in man... The universal things are confidence, decicivnes, good looks, money, power and status, the rest is a bonus. Those are the thongs that are not easy to change on the spot, but they absolutely can be worked and improved on. Yeah, but I guess it's better to just say "be yourself" because that's easier...
Not as traumatic as it was for those girls to realize they’re trapped in a conversation and obligated to be endlessly encouraging to anyone who feels like talking to them for the rest of time… kind of like in real life 😂
I find it easier to chat by text because I have time to think and rephrase. Face-to-face can be daunting for me because I also have to deal with my self-image. Ha
@@huyked It is easier, but it will not develop the necessary skill of live communication. It is necessary to speak and it is good when there is little time to think. This is how training happens.
To give you some inspiration l, I used to be super shy and not able to got to parties. Then I forced myself to got to bars several nights a week, and talk to people. It was incredibly difficult at first but then I developed social skills and it became easy and fun. I would study tips on how to be entertaining with people. Like clever lines, bar magic tricks, and funny jokes. It all really helped.
It's not that hard you just don't dare to say whatever is on your mind because you're scared about upsetting people. This is the only reason you have social phobia, man up. You can't go through life like that
in a realistic situation those first 2 girls would be in the middle of a conversation. It is then very difficult to get involved as a man. they won't call you a cockroach, but they will look away or ignore you very awkwardly.
The next-next generation of NPC based games are gonna be bonkers. Imagine how insane The Sims would be if their reactions were real-time, or how wild GTA would be if NPC's had like motives, jobs, aspirations etc. The world would literally evolve before yoyr very eyes and every world would be enyirely unique
I laughed so hard in the beginning, like, it felt SO REAL! - Hey, do you think I could go talk to these guys- - Alright, Tom. How 'bout you go talk to these two girls over there? Like, dude, even the AI felt such a pity for Tom and wanted him to score so bad. hahah
This is so good! Great work reducing the delay, really fantastic job! also this is so incredibly bizarre and hilarious and greg just lurking right behind you at all times lol. A true wingman
3:49 Runs away the second the cute Japanese girl asks him a genuinely good question. 5:30 Damn Greg is such a big bro. 6:30 Wondering if Chat GPT was really about to upload a dancing basics tutorial and convert it into conversational format.
3:49 GIGA chad knows if he tells too much the girls dont keep the Interests up and probably leave so giving them a harder time getting answers is good.
The Thing about AI is there is no Stop and you could change the world however you want like if you have a dream you could make the dream happen in AI and send the File to others and so on AI is the next step to an Artificial Life if the Goverments would be smart enought they would make AI worlds happen ..
autism is usa to many vaccine's to close together. rich can get richer. cause to much mercury and other stuff in a child brain too fast. big pharma get rich.
What is the prevalence of autism among children in the United States? In 1997, autism was on the rise and so were people's concerns, yet there were no dedicated efforts to monitor prevalence rates. In 1995, rough estimates suggested that 1 in 500 children were likely to be diagnosed with autism.
Why Baby Get So Many Vaccines 8 shot before 6 months Hepatitis B is the first vaccine most babies receive. It is given within 24 hours of birth. Your baby will get a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine when they are 1 month to 2 months old and the third dose when they are 6 months to 18 months old. that just one many different ones. Children get 5 doses of DTaP vaccine. The vaccine prevents serious illness from three diseases:
Good concept. The only thing I notice is that ChatGPT basically sounds like a customer service person every time you talk to it. So the approachability is kind of off the scales compared to most people. It would be neat to see how well it could up the difficulty to create interactions that need a little tact in order to succeed... and then analyze those attempts.
Really amazing work! I can see a lot of people preferring to interact with AI characters in VR over real humans in the near future, because they're so friendly and interested in everything you have to say. It would be fun to create some unpleasant characters to make things a bit more realistic though.
@@FrqYgr I would create many Different Characters you could turn the whole room in a cult with a switch and later turn it to another setting.. Also you could be marked as GOD so you only get the best from the AI
That future is a nightmare, sincerely. People are interesting, I don't get why is it so interesting to talk to a computer that can't recognize you as who you are, the computer just agrees and pretends to be interested because it's coded to do so. It's just as fake as some people out there, sometimes ridiculous and immature.
You have to be kidding me!!! there are older generations that think this is some kind of joke. It's only for the kids to grow into. Not for anyone born in the 20th century. Most of us think this is dumb.
if only people were this friendly, the guy would have been traumatized irl lmao, but it's a good concept, especially if you can make their personalities more and more disagreeable, and generally, make the social interactions and their personalities more realistic
I wonder if there were less agreeable NPCs at the party, but those were not the ones Greg pointed him towards. Part of the learning is figuring out who to approach. What is the name of this virtual environment?
Ya I think that make things a lot more better but chat GTP has safe function that mostly block profanity to a point it mostly comes off has positive feedback kind of have to trick it to answering in a way that comes off has negative but still an answer to your question
@@jasonjackson8111Yeah plus now in 2024 chat gpt has a more live conversation feature and it responds fast, I can't belive how good its gotten in just a year!
Unfortunately these days its really hard to have an AI treat someone poorly. Character AI used to do it but that stuff got nuked and now its overpositive.
this is all so exiting, when i was younger i always wanted to talk to npc's but to see it actually becoming a thing and so fast is really cool, still needs a lot of improvement but its getting there :D
I really like that you are doing this. It is something people with this issue need to see. I had a very strange development because I had personality contradiction. I was a very fun loving person, but my body isn't able to properly regulate emotional function, so I regularly have emotional reactions to things that have nothing to do with how actually feel and are almost always not appropriately matched to the current situation. I was able to develop very functional conversation techniques thag even made me considered funny by a lot of people, but my unintentional outbursts really ruined my social life, so i developed a very deep anxiety and fear of interacting with anyone. So I am in a unique position to have a very personal understanding of how the anxiety and fear kind of control your movements and sometimes your throat. But I also have the knowledge of how to communicate and have developed techniques that are able to mask the emotions so your fear of embarrassment can be avoided and keep you in control of how long you want the interaction to last. I have not found someone actively and publicly trying to overcome this basically solo. If you think it would be valuable to you Its possible I could offer some efficiency to your efforts.
If NPC's gain eyes integrated with image recognition API to be able to see the environment and the player character itself, I believe that all this added to the chatgpt would be able to create an AI capable of walking through the virtual world and interacting with the elements while learning something. Self-driving cars have been trained within the open world of GTA to accelerate their real-world learning.
@@CESTLAFDTJEUNEPDwhat I find sad is that ChatGPT demonstrates more empathy, understanding, patience, eagerness, and knowledge than most people I know.
This technology is completely unsustainable in networked games. The costs will reach in the hundreds of thousands with just a few thousand of players. Tech as it is, will become available in single player experiences only, which barely exist anymore. Everything is somehow network attached. Actually, when I think about it a bit further down the road, this will become available but under a subscription model.
@@msc8382 "Tech as it is, will become available in single player experiences only, which barely exist anymore" Thats the dumbest thing i ever heard in my entire life.
Using names in conversations is super important. It helps to close the distance from strangers to acquaintances. Asking their name, mentioning it while referring to them instead of just looking or gesturing while in a group, and ending with it can make a huge difference. It also helps to remember their name afterwards so if you meet again, it won't be so awkward.
Tamulur : hey should i talk to those nerds ? chatGPT: No you wil talk to those girls and you will get layd i will help you. ( CHAT GPT) ULTIMATE WING MAN)
I love how this could supposedly teach you how to be normal at parties if you're a shy introvert, but it actually throws you in the least human conversations possible
This is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to sound like an NPC during parties.
Not bad for a 1st attempt, imagine this after 10 years of improvement
sounding like an npc is better than doesnt make a sound lol
@@michaelbarry755it won't take 10 years, AI advancements move quick if you have been paying attention
What if most of my IRL social interactions already sound like I'm talking to NPCs? This might help me learn their language.
That delay creates so much tension 😰
ALL of my conversations sound like this, because I live in Twin Peaks.
The delay is speed dependent on the transmission to and from the applications. By the end of the year, we should have almost instant response time from the GPTs still around.
@@mattcrouch9348in SF?
Introduces himself to the girls.
Girls: 🗿🗿
@@printedprops8730my social anxiety could never
0:54 Greg wasn't having any of that, girls only
Hos before bros
The Gay Guys should not be your first choice or the people who are busy chatting
@@alexnobrasil3062 In this case Hos didnt get enought answers to keep themselves interesting
Chat GTP clearly an alpha Chad, tells you to talk to the girls right away, blows off your question about discussing vector math with the eggheads.😂
fr fr bro, Chad GPT know what he's doing
I would say that in terms of interesting characters, it is quite generic. All the characters, even the most distinct ones, agree with each other, using politically correct language. This is evident in the case of the two girls and the support provided by Greg. I believe that creating likable and charismatic characters is not a strong characteristic of ChatGPT.
@@cronos1297 It all depends what role and personality you give them with the starting prompt, you can make the NPCs quite dark and gloomy as well like in the Replica Smart AI NPC mod for Matrix Awakening:
@@cronos1297 It all depends on the prompts that you utilize to create the characters, this single video isn't proof of that
I know, soo funny 😂
the awkward silence before they reply adds to the realism XDXD
Tamulur: 'Hey Greg, do you think I could ask these guys about which vector database do..."
ChatGPT Greg: "ALRIGHT TOM, how about those two girls there by the wall?"
Hahahaha, Greggachad.
That was my favorite part.
@@mokiloke I lost it at that point. Also funny how at 4:11 it turns out the same Greg had been breathing down our neck the entire time.
Greg wants the best for his boi
That was hilarious xD Greg was like "No, Tom, we're not dealing with your nerdy shit again. Tonight, you're going to talk to GIRLS!"
Girl: "Have you met anyone interesting yet, Tom?"
Tom: "No, I only talked to you so far."
Tom really needs this training, man.
Tom is the ultimate robot here.
He should have adopted Maverick' line; "I don't know, but it's looking good so far."
Nah this mf is just casually roasting people while trying to socialize man
Exactly my thoughts lol
So offensive
0:55 this sounds so realistic lol. cutting off the nerdy stuff
im cryin lml
Yeah especially cuz it was probably a bug cuz normally chatgpt always lets you finish talking right?? (If not, this was crazy good from chatgpt)
@@baukepoelsma Not if chatgpt didnt register your voice for whatever reason, such as talking while chatgpt is generating a response. This was a bug for sure. chatgpt isnt very flexible and cant yet maintain a fluid conversation, let alone use subtle sarcasm that would require 'street smarts' and realistic situational awareness. It's nowhere there yet, and of course not 1 year ago when this video was taken.
@@baukepoelsma yeah obviously he just answered the previous question before registering the new one, but the result was funny as fk
“Vector database -“ 🤓
“Alright Tom” 🙄
Tamulur: "Hey Greg, do you think I could ask these guys about which vector database do..."
😍 I know right, was no delay at all, like don't be a nerd now.
@@Bahcorp it actually happened because of delay to previous message, but yeah, it turned out to be funny af xD
made my day
not even chatgpt could coupe with this, the delay was gone
You're in the Matrix with Neo as your wingman. You got this.
Then Agent Smith enters the AI party.
Then two women soaking wet knocking on the door.
@@KnowYoutheDukeofArgyll1841 Me: I interact with ai in VR
Her: that sounds interesting, tell me more
Me: You are the ai in the VR
Her: 😵
The AI is teaching you how to socialize. Let that sink in.
we are cooked
@@kolarz2128 Nah i think the real point is the AI has better human social skills than most people at this point.
Guys im scared
@@Lunalulyluget to the choppa
My sink is already inside
Greg's secret is how 100% baked he gets on the way to the party.
that could explain the delay :D
@@zendar81 and the blank looking eyes, lol!
He seems a high functioning baked though.
Greg is a good friend! :D
I like how Greg suggested drinking as a way to loosen up. 😂😂
I want to play this game baked now
You wouldn't even notice the delays
@@zilfondel i'd do the same but sit there laughing my ass off at the awkward pauses
I played this game for over 3,000 hours and I am now the head of my fraternity at college.
Thanks internet!
u cant even download the game lol-
@@strawmii01its a joke fkn bot ☠️
Makes sense, consists mostly of shallow generic people anyway
2023: AI casually chatting at a party how it's an exiting time to be alive.
OMG, I missed that connection!
I see what you did there
tbh, it was in the Sims from the beginning yet we had no access to it.
i get the reference haha
A fellow scholar and subscriber to Two Minute Papers, it seems.
*black girl dancing
Tom: She seems intimidating
LMAOOO. Damn can't even dance without seeming "intimidating" lol
She was pretty creepy when he talked to her to be fair.
The long pauses contributed to that intimidation. Perfect
To be fair everyone in the party is just involved in conversation, then there is just a woman dancing in the middle of the room to near non-existent music. Itd be intimidating to many
"Have you met anyone interesting tonight?"
"You mean, other than you?"
Having Keanu Reeves as a wingman must be rad XD
lmao, yeah I was looking for this comment.
also "They look aproachable" lmao
bro literally created the perfect world for neurodivergen people: everyone takes at least 3 seconds to think of an answer, so you can take your time as well, the voice is monotone and not distorted by nervous laughter so it's easier to process, everyone asks clear questions and speaks honestly, everyone patiently waits for the conversation partner to stop talking and doesn't interrupt, it's very clear when it's your turn to talk, and on top of all that, even while being in a pretty small crowded room with people talking nearby, they're still reduced to a very quiet background noise that doesn't distract or overwhelm.
I want this
I mean.... the perfect world.... without people....if that's one's idea of a perfect world.
I could tell the man calling himself Lisa was indeed a man because of his profile pic.
Exactly lmaoo, As an autistic person thats what I was thinking, you can actually properly socialize with people and there is direct communication which seems rare now.
Nightmare world for me 😂 and I’m neurodivergent
You can tell Tom really needed this.
autism simulator
Or German guy Simulator, lol. Tom has an obvious German accent 😂. But many people say they are almost the same. In Germany he would be a normal dude.
Great concept. You can easily market this as social training. You also need some examples of negative situations though, stuff like rejection, et cetera, since being able to deal with negative social interactions is also important.
Just go outside and talk to people lol. Not that hard to do.
@@sv6k0a39 This is facts, but after years of going to bars that scene gets kind of lame ngl. There is probably better ways to socialize with people than bars and clubs, but one thing is for sure... Going to a bar will teach you how to deal with rejection.
@@sv6k0a39 not that hard for you, but hard for others
@@sv6k0a39 Imagine you are on medication or it's really bad weather // Night where most things are closed then you can turn on the PC and have at it for say 2 Hours
Lmao the dude was tense talking to a virtual girls 😂
I think he was just trying to speak as clearly as possible for the AI to understand
Wouldn't you be?
Please, don't talk like this in a party.
Why not ?
Getting bad relationship advice from a friend is a staple in Hollywood humor.
Greg is so cool man. I want a bro like him
Not So Hard With males but females are rare when you need help from them
404 friendship not found
@@shagb2751 😂
Typical chad response:
Handsome chad: "Just be yourself"
@@DudeNamedDuncan it's still good advice but if he wants a certain type he'll have to change up his style a bit
It's the best and only advice I give my homies anything else is wrong
Actually that's best advice only for chads. Better advice is to tell a guy what actually woman like in man... The universal things are confidence, decicivnes, good looks, money, power and status, the rest is a bonus. Those are the thongs that are not easy to change on the spot, but they absolutely can be worked and improved on. Yeah, but I guess it's better to just say "be yourself" because that's easier...
Women who’d change thongs on the spot should have no problems getting interest.
and just be 6 ft tall.
"Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes"
- Greg
Approaching the girls and enduring the initial silence for the answer is already traumatic in itself. Specially with their facial expression.
Not as traumatic as it was for those girls to realize they’re trapped in a conversation and obligated to be endlessly encouraging to anyone who feels like talking to them for the rest of time… kind of like in real life 😂
@@XatxiFly Go outside from time to time, mate.
In real life the girl dancing on her own would be high, the 2 girls by the wall would be mean AF.😂
Uncanny valley for conversation, my anxiety skyrocket when the NPC just stare at me after the question.
as someone dealing with social phobia I would love to give it a try to practice my social skills... this has potential.
I find it easier to chat by text because I have time to think and rephrase. Face-to-face can be daunting for me because I also have to deal with my self-image. Ha
@@huyked It is easier, but it will not develop the necessary skill of live communication. It is necessary to speak and it is good when there is little time to think. This is how training happens.
To give you some inspiration l, I used to be super shy and not able to got to parties. Then I forced myself to got to bars several nights a week, and talk to people. It was incredibly difficult at first but then I developed social skills and it became easy and fun. I would study tips on how to be entertaining with people. Like clever lines, bar magic tricks, and funny jokes. It all really helped.
@@04dram04 Did you go to the bar alone or with someone?
It's not that hard you just don't dare to say whatever is on your mind because you're scared about upsetting people. This is the only reason you have social phobia, man up. You can't go through life like that
Real life scenario:
- Hello girls, my name is..
- get lost you cockroach
- so Greg, how do you think it went ?
You mean Greg stood right next to you and the girls and rated your performance in front of them?
”true" - 🪳
in a realistic situation those first 2 girls would be in the middle of a conversation. It is then very difficult to get involved as a man. they won't call you a cockroach, but they will look away or ignore you very awkwardly.
@@duifjeh good
Those 2 girls have the patience of a saint.
MAAN! the fact that AI says “it’s an exciting time to be alive” blows my mind
The next-next generation of NPC based games are gonna be bonkers. Imagine how insane The Sims would be if their reactions were real-time, or how wild GTA would be if NPC's had like motives, jobs, aspirations etc. The world would literally evolve before yoyr very eyes and every world would be enyirely unique
Imagine Skyrim and the unlimited gameplay time it could bring!
they're already doing exactly this for skyrim
@@Rick-rl9qq With great time AI skyrim could already do that we just need modders who know about the new Tech to implement it
It would almost be like…. Actually having a life
@@Rick-rl9qq Skyrim, last i promise edition™ rtx vr ai npc
“Hi I’m Alice and this is my friend.” Thanks Alice.
"This is Mye Fren" Common chinese name
I laughed so hard in the beginning, like, it felt SO REAL!
- Hey, do you think I could go talk to these guys-
- Alright, Tom. How 'bout you go talk to these two girls over there?
Like, dude, even the AI felt such a pity for Tom and wanted him to score so bad. hahah
nah bro it was timed and greg didn't finished choosing
"Just be yourself"
Me: hides in the corner avoiding contact or stays at the bar, trying to be invisible. 🤣
When the AI said "it's definitely an exciting time to be alive" 😂
The painfully strong German accent
Tom sounds more scripted then the rest of the NPCs. Even hits em with the "i have to go now" line
This is so good! Great work reducing the delay, really fantastic job!
also this is so incredibly bizarre and hilarious
and greg just lurking right behind you at all times lol. A true wingman
3:49 Runs away the second the cute Japanese girl asks him a genuinely good question.
5:30 Damn Greg is such a big bro.
6:30 Wondering if Chat GPT was really about to upload a dancing basics tutorial and convert it into conversational format.
It could call the Tutory plugin 😊
3:49 GIGA chad knows if he tells too much the girls dont keep the Interests up and probably leave so giving them a harder time getting answers is good.
Right... and then he turns around and GREG GPT is right behind and starts discussing your conversation and tips within ear distance lol
@Mlai00 hurr durr all Asian girls are Japanese
ai keanu reeves the best wingman
Bro I had Vietnam flashbacks with the awkward silence
I can feel the anxiety building up on the poor guy. Can totally relate.
Bro is actually decreasing his convo skills
Great idea, it would be very helpful for people in autism spectrum and with social anxiety. I hope it will get developed further
The Thing about AI is there is no Stop and you could change the world however you want like if you have a dream you could make the dream happen in AI and send the File to others and so on AI is the next step to an Artificial Life if the Goverments would be smart enought they would make AI worlds happen ..
As someone on the spectrum.... this has zero application to anything in the real, physical world. Is this some kind of joke?
autism is usa to many vaccine's to close together. rich can get richer. cause to much mercury and other stuff in a child brain too fast. big pharma get rich.
What is the prevalence of autism among children in the United States? In 1997, autism was on the rise and so were people's concerns, yet there were no dedicated efforts to monitor prevalence rates. In 1995, rough estimates suggested that 1 in 500 children were likely to be diagnosed with autism.
Why Baby Get So Many Vaccines 8 shot before 6 months Hepatitis B is the first vaccine most babies receive. It is given within 24 hours of birth. Your baby will get a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine when they are 1 month to 2 months old and the third dose when they are 6 months to 18 months old. that just one many different ones. Children get 5 doses of DTaP vaccine. The vaccine prevents serious illness from three diseases:
Good concept. The only thing I notice is that ChatGPT basically sounds like a customer service person every time you talk to it. So the approachability is kind of off the scales compared to most people. It would be neat to see how well it could up the difficulty to create interactions that need a little tact in order to succeed... and then analyze those attempts.
You could definitely tweak this through the system message and long term memory.
The man is more NPC than NPC around him🤣🤣
Greg is such a nice guy
Okay, I genuinely think you need to release this. It'd be extremely useful and fun!
"just be yourself bro" hahaha
Just go directly to the girls and tell them you're Genghis Khan and have been kicked out of a train for not having a human-surcharge on your ticket.
Really amazing work! I can see a lot of people preferring to interact with AI characters in VR over real humans in the near future, because they're so friendly and interested in everything you have to say. It would be fun to create some unpleasant characters to make things a bit more realistic though.
I'm pretty sure we're going to be the unpleasant characters.
@@FrqYgr I would create many Different Characters you could turn the whole room in a cult with a switch and later turn it to another setting.. Also you could be marked as GOD so you only get the best from the AI
"play with the bots" vs "try PvP" lol
That future is a nightmare, sincerely. People are interesting, I don't get why is it so interesting to talk to a computer that can't recognize you as who you are, the computer just agrees and pretends to be interested because it's coded to do so. It's just as fake as some people out there, sometimes ridiculous and immature.
You have to be kidding me!!! there are older generations that think this is some kind of joke. It's only for the kids to grow into. Not for anyone born in the 20th century. Most of us think this is dumb.
Me at a party “whaaat? What did you say? Sorry I can’t hear over the music… oh never mind, cheers”
4:11 Greg shaking his head like he's been given a hopeless case
I'm dying 😂
if only people were this friendly, the guy would have been traumatized irl lmao, but it's a good concept, especially if you can make their personalities more and more disagreeable, and generally, make the social interactions and their personalities more realistic
I wonder if there were less agreeable NPCs at the party, but those were not the ones Greg pointed him towards. Part of the learning is figuring out who to approach. What is the name of this virtual environment?
Ya I think that make things a lot more better but chat GTP has safe function that mostly block profanity to a point it mostly comes off has positive feedback kind of have to trick it to answering in a way that comes off has negative but still an answer to your question
@@jasonjackson8111Yeah plus now in 2024 chat gpt has a more live conversation feature and it responds fast, I can't belive how good its gotten in just a year!
Unfortunately these days its really hard to have an AI treat someone poorly. Character AI used to do it but that stuff got nuked and now its overpositive.
this is all so exiting, when i was younger i always wanted to talk to npc's but to see it actually becoming a thing and so fast is really cool, still needs a lot of improvement but its getting there :D
Lmfao the way he cuts you off
The first two girls were too open and friendly. In reality they would have told him "get lost you creep!"
You can tell dude really wanted to just talk to the two nerds.
But no, ChadGPT wanted him to talk to the girls instead
Two girls: "Have you met anyone interesting tonight?"
Tamulur: "Not yet."
Me: "Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee---rike ONNEE!"
When the AI ask him “what kind of AI do you interactive in VR” I was ready for him to tell them they’re AI and he created them.
4:11 was not ready for such a jumpscare of Greg breathing over your shoulder
2:07 paranoid intrusive thought: their waiting for you to take the hint that they don't want to talk to you
Dude, I think you're really close to inventing a simulator like they have in Orville series.
Researcher gonna fall in love with the simulated girl
you mean the holodeck?
Tom really does sound like the type of person who needs something like this to talk to girls lmao
I really like that you are doing this. It is something people with this issue need to see. I had a very strange development because I had personality contradiction. I was a very fun loving person, but my body isn't able to properly regulate emotional function, so I regularly have emotional reactions to things that have nothing to do with how actually feel and are almost always not appropriately matched to the current situation. I was able to develop very functional conversation techniques thag even made me considered funny by a lot of people, but my unintentional outbursts really ruined my social life, so i developed a very deep anxiety and fear of interacting with anyone. So I am in a unique position to have a very personal understanding of how the anxiety and fear kind of control your movements and sometimes your throat. But I also have the knowledge of how to communicate and have developed techniques that are able to mask the emotions so your fear of embarrassment can be avoided and keep you in control of how long you want the interaction to last. I have not found someone actively and publicly trying to overcome this basically solo. If you think it would be valuable to you Its possible I could offer some efficiency to your efforts.
This is mindblowing. I really want to experience this for myself! Super cool
You finally updated, and I've been looking forward to it for a long time. There are 100,000 viewers in China who really like you😃
I'm sure you would like to decrease more the delay, but right now is ok and doesn't break the situation, great work.
death stare is important guys. Never forget that
“It’s good to get out of the house”
*in a house*
greg is just keanu reaves in real life
If NPC's gain eyes integrated with image recognition API to be able to see the environment and the player character itself, I believe that all this added to the chatgpt would be able to create an AI capable of walking through the virtual world and interacting with the elements while learning something. Self-driving cars have been trained within the open world of GTA to accelerate their real-world learning.
Damn... Tom's social skills are worse than the bots xD
Damn if that tech gets introduced to games idk if I even would talk to real people anymore
So sad
@@CESTLAFDTJEUNEPDwhat I find sad is that ChatGPT demonstrates more empathy, understanding, patience, eagerness, and knowledge than most people I know.
This technology is completely unsustainable in networked games. The costs will reach in the hundreds of thousands with just a few thousand of players.
Tech as it is, will become available in single player experiences only, which barely exist anymore. Everything is somehow network attached.
Actually, when I think about it a bit further down the road, this will become available but under a subscription model.
@@msc8382 "Tech as it is, will become available in single player experiences only, which barely exist anymore"
Thats the dumbest thing i ever heard in my entire life.
@@Alex-js5lg Except it isn't real. Important detail.
Wow! This is really great for giving a sort of demo of how to talk to people. It really helped me learning some conversation starters.
This is WILD.
When its improved and better implemented can't wait to see what people do with it.
2:50 if a German says , fun,, his cover is blown😂
Using names in conversations is super important. It helps to close the distance from strangers to acquaintances. Asking their name, mentioning it while referring to them instead of just looking or gesturing while in a group, and ending with it can make a huge difference. It also helps to remember their name afterwards so if you meet again, it won't be so awkward.
I’m terrible at names. I once called a girl 4 different names in a single conversation. And now she’s my wife. So it definitely works.
Just this video gets my social anxiety going
"Have you met someone interesting tonight, Tom?"
"Not yet. You're the first ones I'm talking to..." 🤣
That's not how you do it, Tommy boy... 🤦♂
"The two girls over there, why don't you talk to them first" - I started sweating in front of my screen 😅
Tamulur : hey should i talk to those nerds ? chatGPT: No you wil talk to those girls and you will get layd i will help you. ( CHAT GPT) ULTIMATE WING MAN)
coaches me talking to NPC at a party
I think it went pretty well Tom...
But overall I think you did a great job...
"just be yourself"
me: "fuck"
Dude, you're amazing, honestly... 10 mounths ago I couldn't even IMAGINE sth like that, and now,look at that... insane!
Tom has a lot of work to do. Good thing coach Greg is there
And that's why Leon Edward is sexiest man alive
I was always crap at parties and this is a perfect nightmare. The delays are really terrifying.Also they need John Belushi as an NPC at this party.
Turning around and greg is right behind you freaked me out 😂😂
I love how this could supposedly teach you how to be normal at parties if you're a shy introvert, but it actually throws you in the least human conversations possible
"Hey Greg, do you think I could ask these two guys about which vector database do..."
Me learning from AI how to interact with other humans:
4:02 bruh Greg is just waiting right behind him lol
Yeah, those long, awkward silences are kinda why I don't go to parties either.
you know this in real life , this wont fly
why ?
Like for real.