I always wondered if he had a drinking problem himself after seeing Bad Santa as well as the movie he not only starred but directed as well Sling Blade...I've always felt that that both Doyle (Dwight Yoakam) in Sling Blade and then his character in Bad Santa were reflections of his own personality.
I liked Billy Bob in bad santa, but too bad he admitted he is a job killing open border, unborn innocent children murdering democrat GOD bless America 🇺🇸🐱
@UC0ve984JSqEPq5vU3Mhk1Ew oh youre like a piece of boot, actually, the piece thats stuck underneath it after a walk in the dog park. its a useless piece.
How to fix the world easy and make money Why make more sick people for money make SpaceX jobs changing diapers isn't a dream job Most people don't want to be here anyway, even with no food The problem is that the world is really smart, those that want to live forever run it and think everyone else wants to live forever too. 45-65 prevent of the planet would say thanks for a synthetic opioid drink and finally get to get out of this existence. The world would only be full of people that actually want to be here, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, two cows, with ice cream on top and oil to last the planet. For overpopulation the problem is there's no good way to go for those who want, 65 prevent of this planet has been waiting all their life to go, they're forced to be here, and we overpopulate because it means you get 60 percent of someone else's income in child $upport, kids mean money and multiple partners and children Don't make available a fentanyl euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and the 65 percent of the planet that world say thanks won't get to go yet, but might even replicate after some bad one night stands, and you won't more than double available resources, or you will keep 1M in insurance and state aid money never paid out, and social security they paid into, to the end you create some cool jobs for people and dispensaries and no more crime, and everyone in the world that remains will be people that actually want to be here without botch job suicide attempts for a worse existence, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, an oil supplies to last the planet, and they could have a cow, with ice cream on top, unless they eat the cow, then they need another one Just saying.. Or get an ass graft on your face when they keep trying and you get black fungus necrotizing your facial tissue, why get a facial? They keep trying Make euthanasia 1/3 off the world population starving may reach 2/3. Dump ocean water into dry rivers with ocean fish, have an ocean river, desal at farms, steam distiller at the kitchen sink, disinfected and salt free Collect America's lawn mower clippings for more cattle, new jobs. Instead we export corn and beef and have a storage and import meat from other countries They tried to make viruses to eliminate half the world, they are unsuccessful, wait till a mobster has to get an ass graft on his face from some black fungus sprayed, unreal. 65 percent of the world would say thanks for a synthetic opioid euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat, I could have done agenda 21 better 8 years ago If you won't be compassionate to the majority, nor will the the ruling minority to all. To them it is a matter of choice: Theirs Soon your cities will be without water, unless you hire people for US currency which costs the same to print as unemployment without a future and pump desalinated water from the ocean into river systems we're not being drawn to the sun, There's two black holes on the surface, whatever was gravitationally drawn to the core went there, and the overall gravity of the sun increased but it got hotter but we're moving away and angry solar flares and CMEs are coming after us for leavingg Heat pushes clouds causing flooding on other parts of this planet while coronal mass ejection and solar flares from magnetic connections from the sun to the earth are increasing. One day maybe it will arc weld this iron ball if we don't cross elliptical orbit line with the moon. Tell NASA about the moon and a year and a half later they make Moonfall. They should make a euthanasia for everyone who wants to go, or be stuck to endure the future even if you don't want to be here at all??? With the moon it'd be a tsunami one way and a volcano the other, the future of our relationship with the sun is a different issue However, 65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks, 1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent chronic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. There's no good way to go, some are 18 and 0 and going through death and not actually dying is not fun, some attempts are violent to go through. Instead of making a euthanasia available to everyone who wants to go they kill .08 percent of the world population in two years. Everyone was the target. I would have helped the 65 percent go 8 yrs ago. They're getting a dime instead of a dollar in creating good There needs to be a peaceful easy way for everyone when they want to go. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays Pump desalinated water from ocean wave current into river systems ASAP. It costs the same to print unemployment and section 8 as it fits a job with a paycheck that won't even take your house away Here's your check if you love your neighbors and don't want to leave your free housing, and here's your bigger check if you want to rent on the private market More confusing paint corporations pay all the taxes making useful cool jobs like a mint company your paper actually goes somewhere and a quarter turns back into a dollar Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for salt free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter. Send salt water straight to homes, they'll use a distiller for their few gallons of driving and cooking water and they're off toilet to tap loop. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to quickly overcome drought shortages, no problem Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best genetic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water crops or lawns, fill your swimming pool with ocean water and water your lawn with salt water, don't put salt in your what salt water put it in the roads, use a small steam distiller made of glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin? Make more indoor fish farms, clean fish into a flash freezer, people eat fish, kid makes 90 k a year running fishing equipment not $9 an hour people eat well People could be cremated visible to the public and the smoke can be required in a gallon of water and the ashes and cement combined and people can be made into a concrete cast or flower pot. Otherwise, if they get cremated, without a filter, or dissolved in alkyld they go down a drain? And they had that place giving fake ashes and selling bodies Maybe you could make a wireless Tesla bridge (like when you touch a Tesla ball and the current comes towards you, though you are in the millivolts) to draw CMEs from the sun to say, Mars, maybe you'll stop the earth from frying Only on this planet are you forced to exist by the people that want you gone and say they want to reduce world's population by half, I'd say it's irony but that's why people want to leave earth and go to Mars, they secretly secretly want to steal the iron , shh don't tell anyone
I lived in Rochester NY when they passed the no smoking laws. All of the bar and restaurant owners cried the blues and claimed the new law would kill their businesses. Turns out, after the laws were passed, business revenue increased. Turns out more customers were staying away because of smoking than quit coming out after the laws were passed.
@@aarondavid826 The govt didn't make them go to bars. They stayed away and drank at home because they didn't like the smoke, for whatever reason. No smoking and they came out to eat, drink, and socialize. Did you take the short bus to school?
Ha. I'm kinda with him. I'm liberal at heart but want to fight for common sense and old toughness too. Whichever package you choose politically, it's gonna have some junk in there for sure.
how did that become about Republicans when democrats passed all those new york anti smoking laws! :D way to turn it around Bill...i believe thats called Spin...
because republicans are, or are supposed to be, for liberty (i know i am), and the Constitution, which protects our liberty. things like billy bob's story wouldn't happen in a truly free place.
APAL880 Not when other people have to work there and other people come there to eat or such. Nobody has the right to expose other people to their poisons. Fucking selfish ignorant morons.
Gary Anderson other people dont have to work there or be there if they dont want to be. if the owner of the property allows smoking thats his perogative. hes not gonna get business from people like you (or myself probably) who dont like smoking. people who want that will go there. its fine. thats what freedom is about. you go where you like.
I'm a non smoker, but I still believe that smoking should be at the business owner's discretion. Telling a bar owner he/she must make customers do/or not do anything is infringing on their rights no? It's his/hers establishment. Secondly, I can't stand Bill Maher, he's a hateful elitist who not only blindily hates republicans, but also hates anyone who believes in something. I can tell that Billy Bob, though doesn't vote republican, still probably thinks Maher's an asshole.
Bill-The people running this city have created chaos. Would you vote for the people that stand up against them? Billy Bob - No sir. Bill-Congratulations!
Stop generalising. I'm not on the opposite side to you and don't agree with everything 'liberal'. "A liberal complaining about liberal laws" I said liberals don't agree on everything, because you insinuated that. If liberals don't agree on everything, then what is the point of your post? I don't understand it because people can disagree with policies if they like?
Billy, you’ve never owned or managed a bar. They’re governed by local and state laws. Fines and license forfeiture are at stake. I commend the bar staff for being so polite and professional.
It's true that *most* things that make you feel good is bad for your heart, but not *everything* (0:22), surely. What about that thing that a man and a woman do when they love each other very much? (Or a man and a man, or a woman and a woman)
This is so perfect! The exact same thing happened to me in NYC 20 years ago and I used to tell the story almost word for word as he did. Now, last year I’m in VIP lounge at Atlanta airport. I’m having a beer take out a cigarette and pretend to smoke. Manager tells me to put it away. I promised him I wouldn’t light it. He said people will complain if THEY SEE A CIGARETTE! He was going to kick me out of the airport if I didn’t put away my unlit cigarette.
Why does Bill Maher always have to make it about politics? This was a good interview until he brought in his smug political opinion. I like how he just presumes to know why people vote republican. Besides, it's rude to ask someone who they vote for. It's like asking someone how much money they make. That's why there's curtains on the voting booth. 'It's none of your fucking business who I vote for' Is what Billy Bob should have told him.
After being chastised for smoking outdoors by people walking by, I adopted the math solution. I ask them how they got downtown. They all say....we drove. I point out that human lungs have an average capacity of two liters. A two liter car engine is a small engine. But by volume of pollution it is the equivalent of 10,000 smokers. And NO ONE has ever decided to end their life by going out to the garage and smoking themselves to death. Then I tell them that I walked downtown.
He was a guest on Maher's show. Which is a political comedy show. It ruined the "mood" for you because your not a Democrat. I am, and it was fucking awesome.
What was cut at 1:47? Billy Bob makes an excellent point. I'm from Boston we have the same stupid city ordinance here. It doesn't make any sense and it's not making anyone quit smoking. It's stupidity. In fact, I (and just about every smoker I know) make it a point to blow smoke towards the "No Smoking" section when forced out into the area that's literally a foot away to light up. So, really, it's a counter productive measure.
Hey Billy Bob, how bout you not vote for either “side” and learn your republic, buddy? YOU, INDIVIDUALLY, are the seat of your republic. 95% of people will have no idea what I’m speaking about. So sad 😞
THEY SHOOK HANDS...AND CELEBRATED....The fact that ...THEY BOTH voted for the people that banned them from SMOKING AND DRINKING AT A BAR!!...that is HILARIOUS!!
I was so glad when they passed the no smoking in bars law in NYC . I love to drink but hate cigarette smoke. But I do think they should allow it outside
I do have to say as well that after listening to Bill for years already since Obama has gotten into office, I really would loe to see him just run for office(and with his popularity he WOULD win, you guys know that,right?) So lets say he's running for mayor of whatever, Im dying to see that once he truly had to take a stand, and deal with all the backstabbing and thhe politics within politicks, what would he really be able to do to help this country or the state he was in? Id vote for him just to see if he'd put his foot in his mouth or not. The fact that he is so overly liberal scares me a lot. But the NRA would have him on their side one way or another if he won anyway, but IF HE'S SO DAMN CONCERNED ABOUT OUR POLITICIANS, HE REALLY DOES NEED TO GET OUT THERE AND RUN FOR SOMETHING.
Call me crazy, but all I could think when Bill Maher spoke was, "douchebag." And all I could think when Billy Bob Thornton spoke was, "yes."
Yea Maher is a pain in the ass 😂
Maher ruins a great moment yet again.
the end got weird
Always does when they become douchy
No shit, what a dickhead
Yeah, gotta’ be the center.
His alcoholism certainly helped him with his performance in Bad Santa
I always wondered if he had a drinking problem himself after seeing Bad Santa as well as the movie he not only starred but directed as well Sling Blade...I've always felt that that both Doyle (Dwight Yoakam) in Sling Blade and then his character in Bad Santa were reflections of his own personality.
Johnno9989 and your alcoholism makes you a HYPOCRITE!!!!
I liked Billy Bob in bad santa, but too bad he admitted he is a job killing open border, unborn innocent children murdering democrat GOD bless America 🇺🇸🐱
@UC0ve984JSqEPq5vU3Mhk1Ew oh youre like a piece of boot, actually, the piece thats stuck underneath it after a walk in the dog park. its a useless piece.
Would you say that to Tom Petty?
You were instructed not to talk about shit like that 🤨
Love it.
Do you actually search for his videos to ask this
How to fix the world easy and make money
Why make more sick people for money make SpaceX jobs changing diapers isn't a dream job
Most people don't want to be here anyway, even with no food
The problem is that the world is really smart, those that want to live forever run it and think everyone else wants to live forever too. 45-65 prevent of the planet would say thanks for a synthetic opioid drink and finally get to get out of this existence. The world would only be full of people that actually want to be here, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, two cows, with ice cream on top and oil to last the planet.
For overpopulation the problem is there's no good way to go for those who want, 65 prevent of this planet has been waiting all their life to go, they're forced to be here, and we overpopulate because it means you get 60 percent of someone else's income in child $upport, kids mean money and multiple partners and children
Don't make available a fentanyl euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and the 65 percent of the planet that world say thanks won't get to go yet, but might even replicate after some bad one night stands, and you won't more than double available resources, or you will keep 1M in insurance and state aid money never paid out, and social security they paid into, to the end you create some cool jobs for people and dispensaries and no more crime, and everyone in the world that remains will be people that actually want to be here without botch job suicide attempts for a worse existence, and everyone in the world would have two houses, two cars, an oil supplies to last the planet, and they could have a cow, with ice cream on top, unless they eat the cow, then they need another one
Just saying..
Or get an ass graft on your face when they keep trying and you get black fungus necrotizing your facial tissue, why get a facial? They keep trying
Make euthanasia
1/3 off the world population starving may reach 2/3. Dump ocean water into dry rivers with ocean fish, have an ocean river, desal at farms, steam distiller at the kitchen sink, disinfected and salt free
Collect America's lawn mower clippings for more cattle, new jobs. Instead we export corn and beef and have a storage and import meat from other countries
They tried to make viruses to eliminate half the world, they are unsuccessful, wait till a mobster has to get an ass graft on his face from some black fungus sprayed, unreal. 65 percent of the world would say thanks for a synthetic opioid euthanasia drink by the 10,000 gallon vat, I could have done agenda 21 better 8 years ago
If you won't be compassionate to the majority, nor will the the ruling minority to all. To them it is a matter of choice: Theirs
Soon your cities will be without water, unless you hire people for US currency which costs the same to print as unemployment without a future and pump desalinated water from the ocean into river systems
we're not being drawn to the sun,
There's two black holes on the surface, whatever was gravitationally drawn to the core went there, and the overall gravity of the sun increased but it got hotter but we're moving away and angry solar flares and CMEs are coming after us for leavingg
Heat pushes clouds causing flooding on other parts of this planet while coronal mass ejection and solar flares from magnetic connections from the sun to the earth are increasing. One day maybe it will arc weld this iron ball if we don't cross elliptical orbit line with the moon. Tell NASA about the moon and a year and a half later they make Moonfall. They should make a euthanasia for everyone who wants to go, or be stuck to endure the future even if you don't want to be here at all???
With the moon it'd be a tsunami one way and a volcano the other, the future of our relationship with the sun is a different issue
65 percent of the planet would take a synthetic opioid drink by the 10,000 gallon vat and say thanks,
1/3 off the world is starving to death, 5 percent need bones they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent need organs they can't or don't want to get replaced, 5 percent are terminally ill 5 percent chronic pain, 5-10 percent never wanted to be here anyway, and everyone else will have a peaceful way to go when they want. There's no good way to go, some are 18 and 0 and going through death and not actually dying is not fun, some attempts are violent to go through. Instead of making a euthanasia available to everyone who wants to go they kill .08 percent of the world population in two years. Everyone was the target. I would have helped the 65 percent go 8 yrs ago.
They're getting a dime instead of a dollar in creating good
There needs to be a peaceful easy way for everyone when they want to go. Guy saves 1M in state aid, paid 600k in social security, doesn't have to die every day, just gets to leave before suffering. The guy with the kids gets 800 k from Uncle Sam in life insurance he never signed up for and Uncle Sam keeps the other 800k. Free euthanasia. Cut inflation by more than half, more than doubled available resources. Have a job by a company which pays all the taxes and picks up grass clippings M-S to take it to fields now with cows on it, 4x your US cattle with lawn mower clippings from every years, save 2500 on property taxes and make sure your clippings are out in your neighborhood on Tuesdays
Pump desalinated water from ocean wave current into river systems ASAP. It costs the same to print unemployment and section 8 as it fits a job with a paycheck that won't even take your house away
Here's your check if you love your neighbors and don't want to leave your free housing, and here's your bigger check if you want to rent on the private market
More confusing paint corporations pay all the taxes making useful cool jobs like a mint company your paper actually goes somewhere and a quarter turns back into a dollar
Dig out 10 ' of river bed and cast and set two 10' pipelines to being Atlantic ocean water to every house, use steam distiller for salt free disinfected water at the kitchen sink, dump waste water into sealed pipelines. It took a turn 2 years to dig out 10' of riverbed, everyone could be back to work working in every town and we'd be at with new infrastructure. Don't put salt in your water, have more salt for more roads in the winter.
Send salt water straight to homes, they'll use a distiller for their few gallons of driving and cooking water and they're off toilet to tap loop. Use electrolysis for energy from salt water. At the very least, feed rivers with desal water immediately to quickly overcome drought shortages, no problem
Make a grass and corn crop that grows in ocean water hybrid with say, oceanic grass root structures, best genetic corn crop growing in salt water in Texas and Arizona while you solar desalinate more oxygen and hydrogen into the air in a 24/7/365 grow season with ocean water and no weeds growing in salt water crops or lawns, fill your swimming pool with ocean water and water your lawn with salt water, don't put salt in your what salt water put it in the roads, use a small steam distiller made of glass and stainless to get disinfected and salt water free water for cooking and drinking, maybe an ocean let for your pool, were have to deal with ocean water rise, how about a Dolphin?
Make more indoor fish farms, clean fish into a flash freezer, people eat fish, kid makes 90 k a year running fishing equipment not $9 an hour people eat well
People could be cremated visible to the public and the smoke can be required in a gallon of water and the ashes and cement combined and people can be made into a concrete cast or flower pot. Otherwise, if they get cremated, without a filter, or dissolved in alkyld they go down a drain?
And they had that place giving fake ashes and selling bodies
Maybe you could make a wireless Tesla bridge (like when you touch a Tesla ball and the current comes towards you, though you are in the millivolts) to draw CMEs from the sun to say, Mars, maybe you'll stop the earth from frying
Only on this planet are you forced to exist by the people that want you gone and say they want to reduce world's population by half, I'd say it's irony but that's why people want to leave earth and go to Mars, they secretly secretly want to steal the iron , shh don't tell anyone
@@athenavan2242 I hope so because that little spectacle should enter everyone’s mind when they think of BBT
BBT to the waitress: Would you say that to Tom Petty?
Almost made it through without making a political comment. I enjoyed all but the last 30 seconds.
Hah yeah that was a bummer on the story but I liked how Bob said "maybe" and "no sir" like it wasn't really related
Real Time is a very political show. Were you expecting them to talk about Nicki Minaj?
He would be ostracized in Hollywood for saying he doesn’t vote liberal.
I’ve become almost nuts about it! If a person supports Trump I CHOOSE NOT TO WATCH THEIR MOVIES!
I lived in Rochester NY when they passed the no smoking laws. All of the bar and restaurant owners cried the blues and claimed the new law would kill their businesses. Turns out, after the laws were passed, business revenue increased. Turns out more customers were staying away because of smoking than quit coming out after the laws were passed.
So the law to make people healthier made them go to bars and drink more. Genius! Yes government knows best.
@@aarondavid826 The govt didn't make them go to bars. They stayed away and drank at home because they didn't like the smoke, for whatever reason. No smoking and they came out to eat, drink, and socialize.
Did you take the short bus to school?
Bill wouldn't ask Tom Petty these questions
I think as long as he's smoking outside he shouldn't have to be on the sidewalk
Billy Bob knew not to talk shit to Bill Maher like he did that other interviewer.
Damm billy bob ya had me till the last 10 seconds !!
Ha. I'm kinda with him. I'm liberal at heart but want to fight for common sense and old toughness too. Whichever package you choose politically, it's gonna have some junk in there for sure.
Tribalism at it's finest.
Try to break out of the false left/right paradigm if you can.
Anyone who votes Republican is a traitor to this country. Republicans have NEVER done one goddam thing to help the working class.
Bet he's eating those words today.
What movie is Billy Bob talking about he hated doing I wonder.
We’re not obligated to vote exclusively for either party. I think people too often forget that.
what movie was he talking about?
that's what i wanna know!!
Bad Santa
TheBestTH-camChannelEverTimesInfinity you got a quote on that?
Does anyone know where you can listen to the song they were talking about?
@copyright1982 Whats the Boston Globe have to do with it. There was no filibuster period. If there were a fillibuster then how did it pass?
how did that become about Republicans when democrats passed all those new york anti smoking laws! :D way to turn it around Bill...i believe thats called Spin...
Because the republicans would stop all those anti-smoking laws?
because republicans are, or are supposed to be, for liberty (i know i am), and the Constitution, which protects our liberty. things like billy bob's story wouldn't happen in a truly free place.
Gary Anderson it should be up to the property owner whether or not people can smoke on it.
APAL880 Not when other people have to work there and other people come there to eat or such. Nobody has the right to expose other people to their poisons. Fucking selfish ignorant morons.
Gary Anderson other people dont have to work there or be there if they dont want to be. if the owner of the property allows smoking thats his perogative. hes not gonna get business from people like you (or myself probably) who dont like smoking. people who want that will go there. its fine. thats what freedom is about. you go where you like.
"No, we can cut it out" lol
I dont have a crush on alot of old guys, but his voice and personality is hawwwwt!
I wouldn't mind dancing a slow dance in a sawdust joint with Billy Bob. Not Bill Maher, though.
Nothing beats his Canadian CBC Q Show morning radio guest interview with his band.
I don't get why certain bars don't just install some sweet-ass ventilation system so that smoking isn't an issue. Surely it can be done.
@@mjcruiser4238 commenting on ten year old comments. I like your style
: D
@@Illumirage in the moment
LOL ... love Billy Bob 😄
I'm a non smoker, but I still believe that smoking should be at the business owner's discretion. Telling a bar owner he/she must make customers do/or not do anything is infringing on their rights no? It's his/hers establishment.
Secondly, I can't stand Bill Maher, he's a hateful elitist who not only blindily hates republicans, but also hates anyone who believes in something. I can tell that Billy Bob, though doesn't vote republican, still probably thinks Maher's an asshole.
Billl Maher is a fuicking Republican. He just doesn't admit it. He did everything possible to get the Orange Filth back in the White House.
As a former Republican I hate them all too.
Wow what a captivating story, great for insomnia I'm sure.
my hate for bill maher keeps me awake at night.
Which WAS the movie?
Hmm watching this in 2024 is crazy.
I love BBT. Anybody who pisses off people in Hollywood that often gets my endorsement.
Lorne Malvo, ladies and gents.
Is this what you want Lester?
Lester have you been a bad boy?
was bad santa the movie he was talking about?
anyone know what movie he was filming in nyc that he hated?? just curious.
i hated most of them does that count
I live in vegas now.. smoking and drinking in public is a law. amen!
Bill-The people running this city have created chaos. Would you vote for the people that stand up against them? Billy Bob - No sir. Bill-Congratulations!
A liberal complaining about liberal laws made by liberals.
Seems legit!
Yeah (because that's how that's spelled) that's the point I wasn't making. Way to miss it.
Yup. Thank Bloomberg.
Liberals aren't all on one side and do not agree on everything.
And like a typical liberal, you defend yourself from an insult that was not given.
I did not say all liberals agreed about anything.
Stop generalising. I'm not on the opposite side to you and don't agree with everything 'liberal'.
"A liberal complaining about liberal laws" I said liberals don't agree on everything, because you insinuated that.
If liberals don't agree on everything, then what is the point of your post? I don't understand it because people can disagree with policies if they like?
What movie was it that he hated working on? There was an edit in his story.
Sounds like Covid restriction logic.
whats a mahar video?
Billy, you’ve never owned or managed a bar. They’re governed by local and state laws. Fines and license forfeiture are at stake.
I commend the bar staff for being so polite and professional.
It's true that *most* things that make you feel good is bad for your heart, but not *everything* (0:22), surely. What about that thing that a man and a woman do when they love each other very much? (Or a man and a man, or a woman and a woman)
at least he didnt tell the story about the monster magazine model contest.
This is so perfect! The exact same thing happened to me in NYC 20 years ago and I used to tell the story almost word for word as he did. Now, last year I’m in VIP lounge at Atlanta airport. I’m having a beer take out a cigarette and pretend to smoke. Manager tells me to put it away. I promised him I wouldn’t light it. He said people will complain if THEY SEE A CIGARETTE! He was going to kick me out of the airport if I didn’t put away my unlit cigarette.
I like US english like this. He is badass.
Why does Bill Maher always have to make it about politics? This was a good interview until he brought in his smug political opinion. I like how he just presumes to know why people vote republican. Besides, it's rude to ask someone who they vote for. It's like asking someone how much money they make. That's why there's curtains on the voting booth. 'It's none of your fucking business who I vote for' Is what Billy Bob should have told him.
Billy Bob Thornton is quite an interesting person.
Genuine guy
"No we can cut it out" loooool
Yes. Billy Bob is a Republican. That's why he's AWESOME!!
He said that he does not vote republican
You can thank your lawmakers in NY for that. Don't be upset with the people who have a buisness to run. They don't make the rules.
Well the looking glass is the same
Wonder what the film was that Billy hated? I would love to know. I love how direct he is. "Do I vote for the rebublicans? No Sir".
School for Scoundrels, I believe. According to IMDB, it's his only movie filmed in NY around those years.
@@frunkiss Thank you so much.
I wonder what movie he was doing that he hated? I love billy bob👍
After being chastised for smoking outdoors by people walking by, I adopted the math solution. I ask them how they got downtown. They all say....we drove. I point out that human lungs have an average capacity of two liters. A two liter car engine is a small engine. But by volume of pollution it is the equivalent of 10,000 smokers. And NO ONE has ever decided to end their life by going out to the garage and smoking themselves to death. Then I tell them that I walked downtown.
@leeportcam has to through? What the fuck does that mean?
Your cooooooool
Your accent is killing man
You're cool bad Santa
doesnt take long for us to get used to change. smoking outside? how about going out to eat AT ALL?
If he knew why God set things up that way he would never have directed Sling Blade.
Wrote a song about Billy Bob, Billy Bob Has To Go. He would laugh.
RIP John. We’ll miss you.
it kinda just happens i dont get it
hahaahaahahahaahahhaahhah from dem Canada lallaaalla let's stay Saint please les stay Saint!!!
Do you think his political stance remains unchanged?
Now they have even banned water vapor. So sick of moral legislation.
It isn't an issue of morality. It's a health issue. Second-hand smoke or vapor harms others.
Billy is the greatest!.. I said.
Next thing we know he will admit to being at the diddy parties.
reckon I'll have me a smoke....
Oh that broke my heart he's not a Republican😮 oh my gosh I did love him
He is a huge conservative today. How the tides have turned
Fuck me Santa.....LOL!
He was a guest on Maher's show. Which is a political comedy show. It ruined the "mood" for you because your not a Democrat. I am, and it was fucking awesome.
@@JakeBor Yes as in "you're" an idiot.
You can thank the liberals for all these new laws pertaining to smoking/drinking.
Republicans are in power now, I dont see any change to drinking and smoking laws.
@@saltysaphire4731 Not in California or New York they aren't.
Tribalism won't fix stupid.
@@elias_xp95neither will,liberalism. Its a brain disorder. Permanent i believe.
I most certainly thank liberals for smoking laws. The government has done everyone a grand favor.
Ha, that was a great story!
I’m with brother. I’m Irish and brain cancer
Its not about killing people its about irritating then! Great story!
Is that a wig?
This is why they invented the 2 step
Hey billie enjoy your cancer and you’re bloated liver. I appreciate your work though two thumbs up.
He wouldn't dare ask or say anything like that to Kid Rock.........Just saying.
Love that guy!
This was filmed 2009…..2009 to 2024….Billy Bob voted Republican.
Sure he votes gop but he still wants to work. And if it were not for the dnc it would not have been a question.
Billy you really not voting for rep?? i can`t believe in it
I've been there Billy Bob
A poor spelling of the host's name from the above clip. ;)
What was cut at 1:47?
Billy Bob makes an excellent point. I'm from Boston we have the same stupid city ordinance here. It doesn't make any sense and it's not making anyone quit smoking. It's stupidity.
In fact, I (and just about every smoker I know) make it a point to blow smoke towards the "No Smoking" section when forced out into the area that's literally a foot away to light up. So, really, it's a counter productive measure.
Maher is what we call a dose here in Ireland.
Maher doesn’t want anything that isn’t about Maher
Hey Billy Bob, how bout you not vote for either “side” and learn your republic, buddy? YOU, INDIVIDUALLY, are the seat of your republic. 95% of people will have no idea what I’m speaking about. So sad 😞
Sex doesn't destroy your heart. The right love doesn't destroy your heart. Story was a waste of time. Just drink and do without the cigarette.
THEY SHOOK HANDS...AND CELEBRATED....The fact that ...THEY BOTH voted for the people that banned them from SMOKING AND DRINKING AT A BAR!!...that is HILARIOUS!!
They get along great...
I was so glad when they passed the no smoking in bars law in NYC . I love to drink but hate cigarette smoke. But I do think they should allow it outside
Good man “ NO SIR “
I do have to say as well that after listening to Bill for years already since Obama has gotten into office, I really would loe to see him just run for office(and with his popularity he WOULD win, you guys know that,right?) So lets say he's running for mayor of whatever, Im dying to see that once he truly had to take a stand, and deal with all the backstabbing and thhe politics within politicks, what would he really be able to do to help this country or the state he was in? Id vote for him just to see if he'd put his foot in his mouth or not. The fact that he is so overly liberal scares me a lot. But the NRA would have him on their side one way or another if he won anyway, but IF HE'S SO DAMN CONCERNED ABOUT OUR POLITICIANS, HE REALLY DOES NEED TO GET OUT THERE AND RUN FOR SOMETHING.
Well at least Billy Bob understands one party is much, much worse. Maher on the other hand help fascism to the White House and Congress
B B T H O R T O N A S A G R E A T S M I L E ❤❤❤❤
Bad Santa is a great fucking movie. That better be the one trick your talking about or Im going to find you.
You're both fired.
He told a lie at the end there, did Billy.