اللي فصل مصل اللبن عصير الليمون وليس الكوكا كولا ولو ما وضعت الكوكا كولا وضعتي الليمون وحده لكفي فصل الحليب واصبح جبنة لان الكوكا تغير طعم الجبنة وجربناه طعم الجبنة بالكوكا ليس لذيذ بالليمون فقط
Toujours est il que notre santé se trouve dans notre assiette ! Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir merci 😘 c est à nous a faire les bons choix afin de ne pas avoir a recourir au médecin !
It's the lemon that curdles the milk, and it doesnt even do a good job, because lemon is not really good as a curdling agent and because you should use a milk that's very rich in fat content and usually milk that you buy from the supermarket (even whole milk) is not enough. Some people use heavy cream to create cheese, but at the point, it's simpler to just buy cheese.
Tas jau nemaz nav siers, bet biezpiens. Biezpienu ar ar kolu negatavo. Sieru gatavo no piena, biezpiena, olām, ķimenēm un garšvielām pēc garšas🧀. Šādu recepti redzu pirmo reizi🤔. Skatos no Latvijas.
Ach wieder solch Klugsch...mit Hang zur Oberlehrermasche ,ja alles schlecht machen was sich so mancher erdacht hat.Zum kotzen dein Kommentar.ich werde es auf jeden Fall ausprobieren
You know, you might be right. Cola is not meant to be heated. Full of chemicals. I just found this on reddit: "I'm a beverage chemist. Boiling cola would severely oxidize the flavor compounds making them taste awful. Some of the worst would be carvone, para-methylacetophenone, and dimethylstyrene. They would taste like chemical musty rye bread and burnt plastic. I'm not sure if it would ruin your tastebuds for an extended period of time. I strongly recommend storing your beverages for at 70F or lower and following the shelf life guidelines for each individual product."
With Lemon juice sounds nice. Could also try aji lemon chilli peppers. As the name sugests not hot and a lovely lemony taste, it's fantastic with white cheese, Not tried it with red cheddar though. They grow brilliantly in the UK.
해외 영상을 변역해서 자막달고 한국인이 이해하기 쉽게 만든 영상인가요? "닭고기 달걀" , "빵을 볶는다"라는 어휘는 전혀 한국사람이 사용하는 단어가 아니거든요. 하지만 매번 치즈사먹기 부담이었는데, 한번 만들어보고 싶어요. 하지만 댓글을 통해서라도 부가적인 설명이 있으면 좋겠어요. 콜라를 넣는 이유? 단순히 당 성분때문에? 아님 추가적인 다른 이유가 있을까요? 소금과 레몬즙 넣는 용량은??그리고 콜라넣고 만든 치즈는 시판용 어떤 치즈와 비슷한지~향과 맛은 어떤지, 그리고 우유 1.5리터로 나온 치즈의 양은 어느정도 되는지~(나오는 양에 따른 가성비 알고 싶어요), 저 많은 유청을 따로 사용할 수 있는 방법은 없는지~ 그냥 버려야하는건지 궁금한게 너무 많네요~ 답글 기다리겠습니다.
Chodzi o to by ścięło się białko ... Wydaje mi się, że sama soda oczyszczona (ta do celów spożywczych) w zupełności wystarczy, za coca-colę. + nadal cytryna lub kwasek
Le fromage est un produit de la fermentation du lait, pas de sa précipitation/coagulation.ce n'est pas a même chimi,donc le goût n'aura rien à voir (et çà a l'air degueu !)
Seems you don’t know what cheese is ! 🤔 You should stay away from your cheddar cheese, and try some real cheese… And there, you have a lot of choices ! But, what you do here looks really not as cheese ! 😂
Cómo decimos en mi hermoso país, El que inventó ése queso tiene los gastos como el que se comió el primer aguacate jajajaja eso es malestar estomacal asegurado
Qualunque elemento acido aggiunto al latte lo fa cagliare, e la coca cola è acida. Con mezzo litro poi ci facevi cagliare un secchio intero. Tanto valeva usare solo il limone. Su YT ci sono centinaia di ricette di formaggio fatto con il limone
Αυτό δεν είναι τυρί αλλά ένα είδος γιουρτιου το πραγματικό τυρί θέλει πολύ υπομονή και δουλειά και το χειρότερο χρόνο αυτό είναι απλά ένα είδος γιαουρτιού της κακιάς ώρας μην κοροιδευωμασται δυστυχώς,,,,,, από Ελλάδα τέλος,,,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Vou continuar comprando queijo no mercado.
Só não colocar coca cola melhor vinagre😂
Cheaper with cheap milk, salt, and lemon. Use cheese in milk ice cream. Cheaper and yummier.
Hahahhahahaha.... pensei a mesma coisa... dai vim olhar os comentários e PAHHH!!! kkkkkk
Cola çok zararlı onun yerine sirke veya limon kullanıyorum hem lezzetli hem sağlıklı
Kesinlikle doğru..
Un litro y medio de leche, una gaseosa de medio litro,un limón, un huevo para sacar ese poquito de queso, para hacer dos sandwich?
Creo Q es muy caro.
Nuuuuuuu, este greșit total sa pui cola,este suficient lămâie și se obține o brânză adevărată!
@@dumitrubalacianu3293y a pas besoin d'acide phosphorique du coca pour faire du fromage
რა საჭირო იყო ის მავნებელი კოკაკოლა? ლიმონი საკმარისიც იყო და სასარგებლოც.კოლამ გააფუჭა....
Eu não tomo nenhum tipo de refrigerante acho que eu iria fazer queijo com coca cola nunca qual e a finalidade né
ვერ ვხვდები კოკა-კოლას და ყველს რა საერთო უნდა ქონდეს ერთნანეთთან. 😊@@anacristinatelesrochasilva9562
🎉publicidad 😂
Presne tak coca cola zbytočná akurát na umývanie záchodu🚽 dobra!
اللي فصل مصل اللبن عصير الليمون وليس الكوكا كولا ولو ما وضعت الكوكا كولا وضعتي الليمون وحده لكفي فصل الحليب واصبح جبنة لان الكوكا تغير طعم الجبنة وجربناه طعم الجبنة بالكوكا ليس لذيذ بالليمون فقط
Colou se čistí různé předměty, je to hnus
Je ne vois pas pourquoi vous avez ajouté du coca alors qu'il aurait suffit d'utiliser le citron seulement en plus le coca est plein de cochonneries 👎👎
Колата и пилеШкото яйцето ....... да си навре отзад !
Tutti docenti di chimica laureati su youtube
@@rodolfomasiero6677 😁😁😅😅🤣🤣😛
Sie nimmt COKE zu Käsen, andere zum Kloputzen🤣🤣🤣🤣😁😁😉😉😷
Toujours est il que notre santé se trouve dans notre assiette ! Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir merci 😘 c est à nous a faire les bons choix afin de ne pas avoir a recourir au médecin !
S Colou k lékaři, kdo toto vymyslel je idiot
It's the lemon that curdles the milk, and it doesnt even do a good job, because lemon is not really good as a curdling agent and because you should use a milk that's very rich in fat content and usually milk that you buy from the supermarket (even whole milk) is not enough. Some people use heavy cream to create cheese, but at the point, it's simpler to just buy cheese.
Tas jau nemaz nav siers, bet biezpiens. Biezpienu ar ar kolu negatavo. Sieru gatavo no piena, biezpiena, olām, ķimenēm un garšvielām pēc garšas🧀. Šādu recepti redzu pirmo reizi🤔. Skatos no Latvijas.
Φτιάχνω πολύ ωραίο τυρί με λεμόνι 🍋 δεν χρειάζεται ή κόκα κόλα
Ovo što gledam nije sir,već kackavalj! Želim da znam,koja je uloga Coca Cole, ona sadrži šećer!?
Ach wieder solch Klugsch...mit Hang zur Oberlehrermasche ,ja alles schlecht machen was sich so mancher erdacht hat.Zum kotzen dein Kommentar.ich werde es auf jeden Fall ausprobieren
На 4:28 Откога и пилетата взеха да снасят яйца ? 🤔
Egy profi sajtkészítő,idegbajt kap, ha ezt látja.😊🕊
But will this be really a cheese 😮
On ne mangera jamais ce fromage c'est dégoût an alors on préfère le gruyère du magasin...
ας δει κανένα ελληνικό βίντεο πώς φτιάχνεται η φέτα αυτΟ που έφτιαξε ΕΙΝΑΙ μια μαλακία
À ceux qui doutent de la nocivité du coca, il suffit de réaliser que c'est un produit exceptionnel quant à enlever la rouille sur les vieux outils ...
@@Greg1779 my old tool's pretty rusty according to the missus so I'll give it a shot it's gotta be better than that useless blue pill😥🙃
Dovoljno je samo 200ml.jogurta,postupak je isti ali je ukus bolji.Pozdrav iz R.Srpske.
احذروا أيها المشاهدين لهاذا الفيديو إن هاذا الخليط له تأثير على الصحة
You know, you might be right. Cola is not meant to be heated. Full of chemicals. I just found this on reddit: "I'm a beverage chemist. Boiling cola would severely oxidize the flavor compounds making them taste awful. Some of the worst would be carvone, para-methylacetophenone, and dimethylstyrene. They would taste like chemical musty rye bread and burnt plastic. I'm not sure if it would ruin your tastebuds for an extended period of time.
I strongly recommend storing your beverages for at 70F or lower and following the shelf life guidelines for each individual product."
Pra que misturar coca se o limao já talha o leite?
Couper le lait avec du citron ou du vinaigre de cidre,,,,,,
c est delicieux,, c est tres bon,,,,,
Yo elaboró queso 🧀 y esto buffff será quezo extraterrestre 👽???
Štetno po zdravlje.
cola yerine 5-6 kaşık yoğurt koyup kaynat sonra kesilmesi için elma sirkesi kullan hem daha güzel hemde daha fazla peynir elde edersin.
Como se llama este queso con coca.cola????
Valha-nos Deus, porquê Coca-Cola? 🙆
ماممكن سفن أب بدل الكولا عشان اللون الناصع للجبن.. ولا بفرق كيمائيا ك مشروب غازي.. افاده لو سمحت
Proberen maar 😊
de ce se adauga chimicale este suficient zeama de lamaie
With Lemon juice sounds nice. Could also try aji lemon chilli peppers. As the name sugests not hot and a lovely lemony taste, it's fantastic with white cheese, Not tried it with red cheddar though.
They grow brilliantly in the UK.
С лимоном молоко и так свернётся, зачем кола? Жуткий цвет, фу бяка...
Surtout que le coca est sucré
해외 영상을 변역해서 자막달고 한국인이 이해하기 쉽게 만든 영상인가요? "닭고기 달걀" , "빵을 볶는다"라는 어휘는 전혀 한국사람이 사용하는 단어가 아니거든요. 하지만 매번 치즈사먹기 부담이었는데, 한번 만들어보고 싶어요. 하지만 댓글을 통해서라도 부가적인 설명이 있으면 좋겠어요. 콜라를 넣는 이유? 단순히 당 성분때문에? 아님 추가적인 다른 이유가 있을까요? 소금과 레몬즙 넣는 용량은??그리고 콜라넣고 만든 치즈는 시판용 어떤 치즈와 비슷한지~향과 맛은 어떤지, 그리고 우유 1.5리터로 나온 치즈의 양은 어느정도 되는지~(나오는 양에 따른 가성비 알고 싶어요), 저 많은 유청을 따로 사용할 수 있는 방법은 없는지~ 그냥 버려야하는건지 궁금한게 너무 많네요~ 답글 기다리겠습니다.
Temos lactato/ componentes da coca- cola/ vit. C do limão/amido e fibras do pão/ proteínas do ovo/açúcares/etc., ótima refeição…!!!
VERAMENTE, una GRAN PÉRDIDA!!!! Lo MEJOR Dra. MYRIAM!!! La extrañaremos....
Chodzi o to by ścięło się białko ...
Wydaje mi się, że sama soda oczyszczona (ta do celów spożywczych) w zupełności wystarczy, za coca-colę.
+ nadal cytryna lub kwasek
With all the sugar in the coke plus the added sugar in the bread covering I don't want that particular cheese. sorry.
Con Coca-Cola no me parece muy nutritivo que digamos, dejen de enseñar cosas que le van a hacer daño al organismo
It's strange
Hauptzutaten Zucker , Salz und gesundes Weißbrot............Mahlzeit
Porque colocar coca cola em um queijo ricota caseiro? BASTA LIMÃO OU VINAGRE PARA TALHAR, MAIS NADA.
Very costly process, buying cheese is more cheaper than this, anyway thank you for the presentation!
Nie dziękuję, cukrowo - cocakolowa ohyda, słodka i niezdrowa!!!!
So com o limao o leit 5:34 e ja fica sim , pra a coca cola ? Eu em , Credo
هذا بيسبب الامراض بسبب المواد بداخل الكولا
الحليب مع الليمون يكفي من ثم تضع على اللجبه الصافيه قليل من الملح
Não entendi porque colocar coca cola sendo que tinha que colocar limão?
Merci beaucoup pour cette recette je vous souhaite bonne chance
Czysty biznes. 5€ za 5 dkg. czegoś wątpliwego smaku. Gratulacje.
Io lo faccio sempre ma non casisco xche lei gli aggiunge la cocacola basta solo il limone
مشکل اینجاست که سرکه یا آب لیمو طعم پنیر رو ترش و خراب میکنه
prefiero cualquier queso con otros secretos
Очень вкусный рецепт мне понравился
You can use the vinegar to make cheese
Sut gibi faydalı bir şeyin içine bu pisliği döküp peynir yaparmiyim. Tümüyle zehir gibi olur. Bir limon sık bu da ne ..
You must love soda a lot to eat this kind of cheese.
JBaprendiz, concordo. Trabalheira inútil, pouco resultado. Vou ao supermercado
I like theeggy bread.
bizarro demais!!!
Der Käse sieht ziemlich unappetitlich aus durch die Cola! Der Käse wird doch süß dadurch? Was soll die Cola bewirken?
فكرتي حالك أخترعتي الذرة بالليمون بيطلع لونو أجمل او بالخل
O limao tudo bem , mas a coca nao Obrigada.
😂 Queijo sabor coca😂
Doğru kolayla tuvelet yıkanıyor buna katiliyorum
Boa noite bela dica gostei da receita tmj Portugal 👍🏻👩🍳👍🏻👏🏻🐢🇵🇹🐢🤝🏻
Que asco con soda
😮🇮🇹🎗️🍀🌹💝🦚👍🏽 Complimenti 🎉
De quien es la música del vídeo?
Gstar en coca leche,para tan pocos gramos
Le fromage est un produit de la fermentation du lait, pas de sa précipitation/coagulation.ce n'est pas a même chimi,donc le goût n'aura rien à voir (et çà a l'air degueu !)
Who is playing in the background music ❤❤❤❤
Para que echarle la cola mejor me la tomo porque basta con el limon
Prefiero comprarlo me demoro menos😁
Envenenou o leite...
dont like the colour
أنا من اليمن محافظة حضرموت. مدينة المكلا
تسلم ايدك والإبداع
ماشاء الله ربي يحفظك
콜라빼도 리코타치즈가 나옴
단단하게 하기 위함이면 물기를 더 많이 짜고 굳히는시간을 늘리면됨 여기레시피 다 이상ㅡㅡ😢
du pain perdu imbibé de lait caillée au coca et au fromage sucré avec des zestes de citron. Jésus marie joseph
Der "Käse" sieht nicht sehr appetitlich aus, sorry.
What a waste of Coca-Cola. It definitely does not need that. 😂
selten grösseren Schwachsinn gesehen, die Milch gerinnt durch die Zitrone, die Cola hättest du auch ins Klo kippen können - 🤣🤣🤣
Peynir yapmak için 50 tl lik coca kolaya gerek yok 3 kasık sirke yeya bır limon yeterli üstelik cola şekerli cola ile peynır olmaz
Thanks for sharing 🙏❤
6.15 esas ricas torrijas que suspiran por un buen chocolate salen de la sartén temblando por el uso que les vas a dar
Die Farbe sieht sehr unappetitlich.Vileich schmeckt es besser?
Um queijo muito esquisito.
Coca cola queijo
Supaya warnanya tidak kumal, mungkin sebaiknya pakai sprit, jgn cocacola.
رائع جدا ❤ ياااااقلبي 🔥
نورت حلب-سورياااا والكون كله 🎉
Any one know if it works with sugar free coke.?
Δοκίμασε να το φτιάξεις χωρίς κόλα
Να ρωτήσω κάτι το αυγό είναι από κοτόπουλο η απο κότα
ΧΑ ΧΑ ΧΑ καλο
use vinegar?
Seems you don’t know what cheese is ! 🤔 You should stay away from your cheddar cheese, and try some real cheese… And there, you have a lot of choices ! But, what you do here looks really not as cheese ! 😂
Coca-Cola no leite pra fazer queijo? Tô fora prefiro comprar no mercado queijo pronto.
Se colocar limão já coalha
Cómo decimos en mi hermoso país, El que inventó ése queso tiene los gastos como el que se comió el primer aguacate jajajaja eso es malestar estomacal asegurado
اشتري 🧀 جبن بدل الشوكولاته 😂
Qualunque elemento acido aggiunto al latte lo fa cagliare, e la coca cola è acida. Con mezzo litro poi ci facevi cagliare un secchio intero. Tanto valeva usare solo il limone. Su YT ci sono centinaia di ricette di formaggio fatto con il limone
nao entendi o porquê da coca cola!!!!!!!!!
Belə çürümüş süddən kəsmik alınır, o pendir deyil.Pendirin mayası xüsusi üsulnan hazırlanır.
Bizde sütte pahalı ucuzlandığı zama o peyniri yaparız dürümümüz yoxtır ,
Who still eats coca cola cheese?
Receita bem interessante !!! Deve estar delicioso !!!!!😋😋😋😋
Woow I like it ❤❤
Para que la coca cola? Si el limon corta la leche que pavada lo de la coca cola
Can't beat a 10 year old cheddar
Si dicen que la Coca cola no es buena, encima la mezcla con leche ,cortada.
Pra que queijo doce?
اسمها جبنة الكولا لما يكون الحليب لتر ونصف والكولا لتر كيف بدو يكون طعمها حلو على حامض على مالح ما دخلت عقلي
Formaggio alla coca cola magari avra successo
Αυτό δεν είναι τυρί αλλά ένα είδος γιουρτιου το πραγματικό τυρί θέλει πολύ υπομονή και δουλειά και το χειρότερο χρόνο αυτό είναι απλά ένα είδος γιαουρτιού της κακιάς ώρας μην κοροιδευωμασται δυστυχώς,,,,,, από Ελλάδα τέλος,,,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
طب كان سبرايت او سفن اب بضل الون نفس الون ابيض هيك اختلف الون
NIET koken staat er 0:19 DO NOT BRING TO A BOIL en wat zegt de titel EN de tekst : "kokende melk" dat moet OPWARMEN zijn !!!
Uma garrafa de coco 600 e seis reais um litro de leite 5.50 melhor comprar o queijo pronto
Undoritoan nêz ki
Disgusting as shit
انا اشتري المنفحه واعمل الجبنه فيها ولا لمون ولا خل حتى كل اشي الو اختصاصو
coca cola'dan kaç euro reklam pirimi aldınız ? ( Sike veya limon ile yaparsan "Organic" olur.