There really needs to be in game marketing for tournaments. Like, just having an info splash page on the home screen. Have a promo vid playing instead of a giant "single player" button.
@@Yourmomma568 its all relative. Look at longer running games such as counter strike, dota, starcraft. The level of skill of the lowest players is crazy compared to what it was say 6 years ago
There really needs to be in game marketing for tournaments. Like, just having an info splash page on the home screen. Have a promo vid playing instead of a giant "single player" button.
People complaining about the player base being too good for new folks to enter the game? Isn't like, 70% of the player base below 1000 elo?
@@Yourmomma568 its all relative. Look at longer running games such as counter strike, dota, starcraft. The level of skill of the lowest players is crazy compared to what it was say 6 years ago