Very nice effort, explaining Zara Radio. I am a retired broadcaster and find Zara is right up there with common sense and flexibility. Thanks for posting RobG
I'm having trouble with scheduled events. When it is scheduled to play, it just ends the song that is currently playing and starts another without ever playing the scheduled event.
I need to do this. I have my regular playlist and want to run suspense theater at 10PM every day two half hour episodes and then revert to the main playlist when done...all automated. Not me doing it manually. I need a step by step video on how to do this and have the suspense episodes separate from the regular playlist. How do I schedule this, to play episodes of suspense theater at 10 PM all scheduled in advance for at least one or two weeks at a time? I need one on one demo how to do this or step by step video!
Hi. We just started using Zara radio. This tutorial was super helpful to get started. Can you please tell us how can a saved playlist be rescheduled for broadcast again?
Hi all,I recently downloaded Zara radio software. I have uploaded my songs on the main playlist but no sounds is coming out. What must I do. I tested with other programs like media player and when I use them sound comes out my PC. What could I have done wrong?
Hi enjoyed your Zara tutorial, however where is the Auto button ,and coud you show us how to scedual ,thankyou for your time in doing these videos cheers Joe
Thank you for your reply Mr Ward, very informative and very useful information ......... and Dam quick too!!!! oh and the card bit ....... you mentioned this at the beginning of your tutorial saying you phone number was on it ........ or look up ...... Thank you sir.
You're quite welcome. This tutorial was originally for the benefit of fellow DJs at an LPFM radio station in preparation of ousting one of the afore-mentioned database-based programs (DRS 2006) The Information post has been edited in hopes of quelling any more confusion.
We have been using Zara now for many years, and I now want to add a saterlite feed. Am having problems with input etc. In playlist it says "add connection to saterlite"" not quite sure how this works. Also in playlist section it says ädd disconection to saterlite. I get that, but also in playlist it says Add saterlite. I have tried every combinations with out any success. Also in options under saterlite, you can tell Zara what input, trouble is that the saterlite stream plays all the time Anybody have any suggestions her on how to set it up and work
Good day. Great Video! very kind of you sir to assist people in the manner you have chosen to here on TH-cam. I do have a question. How do I create a folder of Gospel songs that I can schedule to come on daily at 5am to run for 3 hours and end? I would also like to learn how to use the jingles buttons as well. Thanks a ton!
Good questions, Derrick! I had begun work on options for scheduling saved playlists for broadcast at specific times, but got caught up in other stuff, so you brought this back to task. Simply, in a NEW playlist, drag and drop the songs from the folder you want aired at 5am... arrange them in the desired order and save this playlist with a unique name. I've only worked with Zara's default '.lst' playlist extension, but imagine this could work with others (.pls, .m3u), but don't hold me to that. Click 'New...' after opening the 'Schedule Events' window, set the date and time you want it to start, along with any other of the options you might want, making sure to enter the proper file name of the special playlist. If you are going to be present to start a new playlist when your special playlist has run it's course, you're good to go. Just in case, or if you want another playlist to start automatically when your gospel songs are finished, you can also drag & drop an additional playlist filename to the end of your special playlist. Make sure to 'Save' after adding! Jingles are pretty straightforward... 10 'rows' where pre-recorded 'drops' can be either added with drag & drop, or by using the 'Edit Jingles' option under the main menu's 'Jingle' button. Once the jingles have been placed, simply use the number keypad to play the desired drop in the visible row. This will play simultaneously with anything else playing from the playlist. Edit: Make sure you have 'Enable autostart' checked in Options > General!! Also, any other scheduled events will NOT play while a playlist that has been activated by using the event scheduler is playing, so you may want to add any such critters into your saved playlist if you have them.
Good evening sir.... have you ever experienced music files on your stream speeding while playing in Zara Radio? I am experiencing this issue with my files. They are mp3's set at the same bit rate 64k. I don't know if its my computer or what but it is driving me batty... Please advise if you can assist, Thanks as always.
I feel for you, Theresa!! Having learned the lesson long ago, I do NOT deal with mp3 files which are less than 128k. Not only for sound quality, but for what seems to be the issue many people have in playing compressed files - CONSISTENCY! The price paid for storage of higher bitrate quality tracks is well worth it in the end. (One can only do so much to make a wine-flavored beverage out of grape juice without the taste of vinegar coming through...) The one thing I can suggest is to make sure your PC is set up with the maximum amount of RAM it can work with. Outside of that, it may be time to re-rip your tracks to a higher quality bitrate, along with investing in larger storage capacity to handle the larger (and more reliable) files. If you can, go for 320k... Your playback results will be worth the effort and expense!
Hi again Mr Ward. wondering if you have the TTH files that were (I believe) once available from High Country - they seem to have disappeared. I have Time and Temperature in what I belileve is an Australian Male's voice, and looking for the Humidity files now. thank you in advance,
I've been helping out with a local LP FM station near me and we are currently using Zara. I have a question about scheduled events that I haven't been able to solve, maybe you can help. I know that you can add an entire folder to the playlist as a sort of random track, so that each time the playlist hits that folder, a single random file will be played out of it. Is there a way to do this for scheduled events? Can you have an entire folder be a scheduled event and tell it to play a random file out of it when its time slot comes up?
I had not done it before, but found it works by opening the events panel and clicking 'New'. Browse for and add your folder of desired random tracks in the 'Event type' after filling the radio dot for 'Random track'. Of course, you would need to set date, day and time for each single track to be played. If you should wish to have more than one random track play in succession, the process would need to be repeated for each additional track, simply adding a couple of seconds to the previous the event time.
AJ, this video is super helpful. I am thinking of starting a easy to use, budget radio station, and this tutorial helped a lot. Are you planning on making more videos about using Zara Radio? Say, Tips and Tricks? Or how to put together a basic radio show? Thanks.
Glad you found this tutorial helpful. I have no plans to create any further tutorials on ZarRadio. The program itself is easy enough to use... so much so, that with some practice at creating playlists and possibly recording a couple of mock 'shows', one can get really creative no matter what the format might be of any planned live broadcast. By recording and listening to recorded shows, one can do some self-critiquing on what might be improved on. If you have any specific questions, post them here and I'll do my best to answer them.
Simple - Open the Scheduled Events window, UNcheck the item(s) you want to delete (or as you are describing - highlight, select delete), 'Save', then restart the playlist . If you fail to 'Save' and restart the playlist, nothing gets changed. Quick and dirty way is to simply delete the audio track the event is aimed at.
I should add here also that when saving an Event file with a different file name, it is necessary to use the 'Load' feature of the Event window to ensure the desired event file is enabled in the restarted, or new playlist. Once the 'Load' is changed and the playlist file is also saved, any concurrent playlists will load the last event file used.
I have 2 questions. First, will events play on their own after a song is done? My other question, can you set jingles to play on their own in a certain sequence when your out of the studio?
Just wondering why an event file in a scheduling folder might become corrupted. Having this trouble recently. All the programs appear with a question mark and you have to re-schedule the lot! Very time consuming.
Sorry, Rod, but I'd need to see a snapshot that shows a '?' to understand what you're seeing. As for 'corrupt' event files, the only times I've experienced any problem are when audio files have been renamed, moved or deleted - in such cases, these files are simply skipped , allowing the next valid scheduled track to play. It may be possible the event file, itself, has been renamed or moved - in which case NONE of the audio tracks would play. Zara also needs to be restarted to ensure changes made to any event file are updated, when the event file has been edited and saved with the same name. (As long as 'Allow more than one instance' is checked in Options > General, one can avoid unnecessary dead air by opening the same SAVED playlist and switching play operation from one to the other at a time of their choice). It goes without needing being said, but, if an event file with a new name (or in a different location) is to be used, it needs to be put into effect by using the 'clock' icon above the event window.
In the Tools > Options menu, make sure your settings for both Satellite and Output (Air Output) match the default speakers of your sound card. Also, make sure you actually have something (speakers or headphones - unmuted) plugged into the jack matching the default speakers. Some PCs won't produce any audio without it and often any front speaker jack will not work, either, unless it is set as the default. ZaraRadio must be stopped when making any changes. Once all of theses settings match, restart ZaraRadio, double-check that any changes actually took hold, then try toggling the satellite icon in the menu bar if you still do not have audible audio. This should find you success. Let me know if you have further problems, please.
Thanks for the quick response, however no luck. All output options are set to Speaker/Headphone using Realtek HD Audio. Sound comes from any other app, but Zara only shows the bar meters as working but nothing audible at all.
@@DaveStygall Does your Win 10 'Volume Mixer' show ZaraRadio (usually listed as the playlist name with the Zara icon) listed as a program and not muted? In Win 7, right-clicking the system tray icon will give the option of selecting the Volume Mixer - Not sure if that works with Win 10
Where do the songs on the database come from? Do they come preloaded or is it an online database? Can I also import my own songs? Is it only my imported songs available? How come there were soo many copies of the same song when searching?
Nothing is 'preloaded'. Songs added to any playlist must reside on the same PC as ZaraRadio or on a networked PC that can be accessed from the main PC via Windows Explorer.
I don't know how to view your card, silly because I've been using a PC for over 20 years now, but I have a few questions regarding the use of 'Zara' as all of a sudden my 'Sam' has decided that it is no longer compatible with my version of windows 7. A) is it configurable, I don't see anything to let me change the view or swap things around - like I want to put in many 'Folders' of songs, station Idents, jingles etc ..... not files? Can I do this? B) Where is the mic to let me chat not only over songs but during gaps or interviews, I've never come across any broadcaster without a 'Mic button'.
Pretty proficient at PCs myself, I'm not understanding what you mean about reading my card, but that's another subject altogether. Sorry about your SAM - I have used it and many swear by it. Personally, I prefer to NOT use programs that use a database as the means for calling up tracks - A corrupt database screws up the whole works. Any configuration changes possible in Zara are done in the Tools :> Options panel. The interface is what it is - other than resizing, there's no 'changing' or 'swapping things around' Folders can be dropped into the playlist and they will automatically expand to show the list all of the files within each folder dropped. There is no 'Mic' button, as Zara is a playlist player, designed to be used with a mixer. You MAY be able to use the Auxiliary outputs as mic sources, but I'm not sure if that would allow for 'talk-overs' - I've always used a mixer, allowing for more control.
I would imagine you could use the free program called mp3tag, which states they have made it possible to tag and rename your tracks in Arabic. However, I'm unsure if the free edition of ZaraRadio can read in other than English and Spanish. You might try re-tagging and renaming a couple of files to check if it will show up in the playlist in other languages.
Do you use ZaraStudio at all? I'm searching for some assistance with it but cannot seem to find much out there like this video for the paid version. I'm not even convinced that what I'm trying to do is possible but figured I'd reach out anyway...
Sorry, Teuth... TH-cam had your comment flagged as spam for some reason and I failed to notice it was waiting for approval. An admitted cheap-skate, I use all of the freebies I can. The additional features of ZaraSTUDIO may be worth the price for some, but ZaraRadio (the FREE version) meets all of our needs at the present time.
I have tried with no success to get the weather announcements to work,, i have ZaraStudio 3, and weather watcher Live 7.2.106 and no success getting it to work. any help would be a blessing. thank you Michael
Afraid that I'm no help here, Michael - I've not even attempted to use it and have used only ZaraFree. I'd imagine that setup is much the same as what is found in the help section for ZaraFree. Having checked the site for obtaining Weather Watcher and assuming you have the proper licensing (most free trials do not have full functionality and they do claim to have a 60-day money-back guarantee), I recommend you go through Zara's configuration settings thoroughly, according to the instructions for your version, following any additional instructions offered by the Weather Watcher website. If still no go, an email request to Zara support might be your best bet for clear answers. Good Luck!
I still use ZaraRadio (the Free Edition) ZaraStudio is the paid version and I am not totally familiar with all of its features. If you are using ZaraRadio, I'd be happy to help you. I've sent you a friend request on Facebook
Well, John... The short answer is: No - Zara is not an audio recording program. Long answer: Duplication of copyrighted content is illegal - ESPECIALLY when one 'shares' any such duplication with others. The RIAA and DMCA can (and DO) take action to notify users ISPs, requesting 'take down' action against violators, which, with repeated infractions, could result in fines and reduction or denial or internet access from the ISP involved. The recent take-down of a number of torrent websites demonstrates these organizations aren't playing around.... Even if one were to take the risk, the transfer of any such long audio file, recorded at any decent bitrate, no matter the format, would require using services such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, etc., as standard email attachments and other methods of file transfer do not allow for sending large files of more than 25MB. My advice to you (and to others who contemplate this} is to have your friends get their own music and do their own 'homework'.
You've not given much info as to what you are importing, or from where, or if the files play, even if the length is not shown. Zara does play a number of audio formats (.mp3, .wav, .ogg, .wma). My experience with playlist items not showing track length is that, 1.) the audio file has been moved from the location as when it was added to the list, 2.) the location (drive/folder) is not available, 3.) the audio file has been edited since it was added to the list, or, 4.) the audio file is corrupt in some fashion. Zara uses the filepath of the tracks i.e., (G:\MUSIC\ABBA\ABBA\Momma Mia - ABBA.mp3) to locate and play them. If ANY of the filepath information has changed since it was added to the list, it will not show the track length, nor will it play. Some computers will designate a new drive letter to external storage devices when plugged into different USB ports. When using external drives, ensure the drive is being recognized as the same drive letter as when the list was created. Drive letters can be changed in Windows PCs using Computer Management > Disc Management. If the file DOES play with no track length shown, then updating file length can be done from 2 places: 1.) Menu bar - Playlist > Update length, or, 2.) Playlist - Right-click file > Update length. Please let us know what works for you when you solve your problem!
Evidently, doing a remote install causes a conflict! Doing a local install corrected the issue. Now to get weather updates working as weather watcher seems to not work on WinXP
Thanks for letting us know you found the problem and solution - Great to hear you're up and running! Good luck with the weather watcher... I've never tried to use it.
i tried Zararadio but one thing that confuse me is how to insert a jingle between songs. Also another thing is im disappointed to this zararadio coz it doesn't have an EQUALIZER. and im confuse coz i don't know how to insert radio jingles between songs. Thanks. right now im using Radio Boss trial what a friendly software.
I'll address your last concern first, that of an equalizer. If you are serious about manipulating the quality/tone of your audio output, the best method is to use an audio mixer, which allows for quick adjustments without the need to have additional software and/or windows open. As for jingles, there are at least three methods I have used for playing jingles. The easiest is to drag & drop the jingle track into the playlist where you want it. Jingles can also be programmed to run at specific time(s), using the events scheduler. The third method I've used is to program the jingles to the buttons at the bottom of the ZaraRadio window and simply click the appropriate number icon when you want it to play.
I use Zara (The Free Version) and it's great, but if you're doing a Mainstream Rock format where the music is not as hard in the morning, but you want to play harder rock cuts at night, you can not daypart the music. In other words, you can't take a file and make it only play certain times of the day. I have come as close as possible by making folders for the hard rock cuts at night, but I still have a problem with a daytime cut playing at night. I'm doing this in Repeat Mode. I looked at Zara Studio 3, but the people who have done videos on it speak in Spanish. I'm getting near 60 years old. I'm not being sarcastic, but I don't need to go back to school for a Spanish Class at my age. Zara Studio 3 has adjustable AGC, where the free version doesn't. I hear a dozen or more small commercial operators in Oklahoma and Texas are using Zara. At least you save money!
Sorry, Ian... I must've missed the notification you had posted your question. Unless the tracks in your iTunes playlist reside on the computer you are using Zara on, it cannot be done. Once the tracks are placed on that PC, a simple drag & drop of those tunes, into an empty Zara playlist, will allow you to save that playlist under any name of your choosing.
Very nice effort, explaining Zara Radio. I am a retired broadcaster and find Zara is right up there with common sense and flexibility. Thanks for posting RobG
This is the clearest video about Zara Radio I've found on YT! :)
Received your reply today, sir. Simply put... You're the best AJ. Thanks a ton. Be well, sir.
I used to use this software at my churchs radio station way better than radioboss
Im gonna start using it for my online radio station
how can i connect zararadio with another web source to accept and programming audio ?
Very helpful thanks . My question is how do I play a jingle between songs without the jingle fading in and out like the music.
How to insert stop after song please ?
The problem is I cannot get the microphone audio into Zara.
how do you delete the numbers from the songs in a list ? like you have shown
I'm having trouble with scheduled events. When it is scheduled to play, it just ends the song that is currently playing and starts another without ever playing the scheduled event.
Does your computer have an alternative output for cueing a song so it doesn't play over one that is on air?
Does this awesome software connect to Icecast or Shoutcast?
Great radio voice there sir!
Love Zara! How do I enable "dark mode"
I am trying to set up time, temperature and humity announces. Can you tell me how to do this
I need to do this. I have my regular playlist and want to run suspense theater at 10PM every day two half hour episodes and then revert to the main playlist when done...all automated. Not me doing it manually.
I need a step by step video on how to do this and have the suspense episodes separate from the regular playlist. How do I schedule this, to play episodes of suspense theater at 10 PM all scheduled in advance for at least one or two weeks at a time?
I need one on one demo how to do this or step by step video!
can you please help me, where to get downloads for the time check voice clips? please, please please.. thanx
Hi. We just started using Zara radio. This tutorial was super helpful to get started. Can you please tell us how can a saved playlist be rescheduled for broadcast again?
does zara have its own mic
Hi all,I recently downloaded Zara radio software. I have uploaded my songs on the main playlist but no sounds is coming out. What must I do.
I tested with other programs like media player and when I use them sound comes out my PC. What could I have done wrong?
Hi enjoyed your Zara tutorial, however where is the Auto button ,and coud you show us how to scedual ,thankyou for your time in doing these videos
cheers Joe
Thank you for your reply Mr Ward, very informative and very useful information ......... and Dam quick too!!!! oh and the card bit ....... you mentioned this at the beginning of your tutorial saying you phone number was on it ........ or look up ...... Thank you sir.
You're quite welcome. This tutorial was originally for the benefit of fellow DJs at an LPFM radio station in preparation of ousting one of the afore-mentioned database-based programs (DRS 2006) The Information post has been edited in hopes of quelling any more confusion.
I'm enjoying your tutorial but how to deal with bug if I encounter. I did encounter with bug and I jsut don't how to fix and i deleted it.
We have been using Zara now for many years, and I now want to add a saterlite feed.
Am having problems with input etc.
In playlist it says "add connection to saterlite"" not quite sure how this works.
Also in playlist section it says ädd disconection to saterlite.
I get that, but also in playlist it says Add saterlite.
I have tried every combinations with out any success.
Also in options under saterlite, you can tell Zara what input, trouble is that the saterlite stream plays all the time
Anybody have any suggestions her on how to set it up and work
Good day. Great Video! very kind of you sir to assist people in the manner you have chosen to here on TH-cam. I do have a question. How do I create a folder of Gospel songs that I can schedule to come on daily at 5am to run for 3 hours and end? I would also like to learn how to use the jingles buttons as well. Thanks a ton!
Good questions, Derrick! I had begun work on options for scheduling saved playlists for broadcast at specific times, but got caught up in other stuff, so you brought this back to task. Simply, in a NEW playlist, drag and drop the songs from the folder you want aired at 5am... arrange them in the desired order and save this playlist with a unique name. I've only worked with Zara's default '.lst' playlist extension, but imagine this could work with others (.pls, .m3u), but don't hold me to that. Click 'New...' after opening the 'Schedule Events' window, set the date and time you want it to start, along with any other of the options you might want, making sure to enter the proper file name of the special playlist. If you are going to be present to start a new playlist when your special playlist has run it's course, you're good to go. Just in case, or if you want another playlist to start automatically when your gospel songs are finished, you can also drag & drop an additional playlist filename to the end of your special playlist. Make sure to 'Save' after adding! Jingles are pretty straightforward... 10 'rows' where pre-recorded 'drops' can be either added with drag & drop, or by using the 'Edit Jingles' option under the main menu's 'Jingle' button. Once the jingles have been placed, simply use the number keypad to play the desired drop in the visible row. This will play simultaneously with anything else playing from the playlist. Edit: Make sure you have 'Enable autostart' checked in Options > General!! Also, any other scheduled events will NOT play while a playlist that has been activated by using the event scheduler is playing, so you may want to add any such critters into your saved playlist if you have them.
Good evening sir.... have you ever experienced music files on your stream speeding while playing in Zara Radio? I am experiencing this issue with my files. They are mp3's set at the same bit rate 64k. I don't know if its my computer or what but it is driving me batty... Please advise if you can assist, Thanks as always.
I feel for you, Theresa!! Having learned the lesson long ago, I do NOT deal with mp3 files which are less than 128k. Not only for sound quality, but for what seems to be the issue many people have in playing compressed files - CONSISTENCY! The price paid for storage of higher bitrate quality tracks is well worth it in the end. (One can only do so much to make a wine-flavored beverage out of grape juice without the taste of vinegar coming through...) The one thing I can suggest is to make sure your PC is set up with the maximum amount of RAM it can work with. Outside of that, it may be time to re-rip your tracks to a higher quality bitrate, along with investing in larger storage capacity to handle the larger (and more reliable) files. If you can, go for 320k... Your playback results will be worth the effort and expense!
zara very bad . becuase cannot add url play at scheduler mode (you explain only playlist mp3 m3u )
Hi again Mr Ward. wondering if you have the TTH files that were (I believe) once available from High Country - they seem to have disappeared. I have Time and Temperature in what I belileve is an Australian Male's voice, and looking for the Humidity files now. thank you in advance,
Sorry, I never was interested enough to even begin looking.
@@ajward2776 thanks anyway.
I've been helping out with a local LP FM station near me and we are currently using Zara. I have a question about scheduled events that I haven't been able to solve, maybe you can help. I know that you can add an entire folder to the playlist as a sort of random track, so that each time the playlist hits that folder, a single random file will be played out of it. Is there a way to do this for scheduled events? Can you have an entire folder be a scheduled event and tell it to play a random file out of it when its time slot comes up?
I had not done it before, but found it works by opening the events panel and clicking 'New'. Browse for and add your folder of desired random tracks in the 'Event type' after filling the radio dot for 'Random track'. Of course, you would need to set date, day and time for each single track to be played. If you should wish to have more than one random track play in succession, the process would need to be repeated for each additional track, simply adding a couple of seconds to the previous the event time.
@@ajward2776 Thank you for the info, much appreciated!
AJ, this video is super helpful. I am thinking of starting a easy to use, budget radio station, and this tutorial helped a lot. Are you planning on making more videos about using Zara Radio? Say, Tips and Tricks? Or how to put together a basic radio show? Thanks.
Glad you found this tutorial helpful. I have no plans to create any further tutorials on ZarRadio. The program itself is easy enough to use... so much so, that with some practice at creating playlists and possibly recording a couple of mock 'shows', one can get really creative no matter what the format might be of any planned live broadcast. By recording and listening to recorded shows, one can do some self-critiquing on what might be improved on. If you have any specific questions, post them here and I'll do my best to answer them.
how do i delete the upcoming show in the scheduled events? i tried highlighting it and press delete but it didnt do anything..
Simple - Open the Scheduled Events window, UNcheck the item(s) you want to delete (or as you are describing - highlight, select delete), 'Save', then restart the playlist . If you fail to 'Save' and restart the playlist, nothing gets changed. Quick and dirty way is to simply delete the audio track the event is aimed at.
I should add here also that when saving an Event file with a different file name, it is necessary to use the 'Load' feature of the Event window to ensure the desired event file is enabled in the restarted, or new playlist. Once the 'Load' is changed and the playlist file is also saved, any concurrent playlists will load the last event file used.
I have 2 questions. First, will events play on their own after a song is done? My other question, can you set jingles to play on their own in a certain sequence when your out of the studio?
i'd suggest the best way to do that is have your jingles as events and schedule them that way.
Just wondering why an event file in a scheduling folder might become corrupted. Having this trouble recently. All the programs appear with a question mark and you have to re-schedule the lot! Very time consuming.
Sorry, Rod, but I'd need to see a snapshot that shows a '?' to understand what you're seeing. As for 'corrupt' event files, the only times I've experienced any problem are when audio files have been renamed, moved or deleted - in such cases, these files are simply skipped , allowing the next valid scheduled track to play. It may be possible the event file, itself, has been renamed or moved - in which case NONE of the audio tracks would play. Zara also needs to be restarted to ensure changes made to any event file are updated, when the event file has been edited and saved with the same name. (As long as 'Allow more than one instance' is checked in Options > General, one can avoid unnecessary dead air by opening the same SAVED playlist and switching play operation from one to the other at a time of their choice). It goes without needing being said, but, if an event file with a new name (or in a different location) is to be used, it needs to be put into effect by using the 'clock' icon above the event window.
Sound meters are working, however no sound output at all on Win 10. Other programs have no sound issues and play fine. any ideas?
In the Tools > Options menu, make sure your settings for both Satellite and Output (Air Output) match the default speakers of your sound card. Also, make sure you actually have something (speakers or headphones - unmuted) plugged into the jack matching the default speakers. Some PCs won't produce any audio without it and often any front speaker jack will not work, either, unless it is set as the default. ZaraRadio must be stopped when making any changes. Once all of theses settings match, restart ZaraRadio, double-check that any changes actually took hold, then try toggling the satellite icon in the menu bar if you still do not have audible audio. This should find you success. Let me know if you have further problems, please.
Thanks for the quick response, however no luck. All output options are set to Speaker/Headphone using Realtek HD Audio. Sound comes from any other app, but Zara only shows the bar meters as working but nothing audible at all.
@@ajward2776 Thank you ever so much! The Satellite toggle did it! Again, many, many thanks my friend!
Dave Stygall
Queensland, Australia
@@DaveStygall Does your Win 10 'Volume Mixer' show ZaraRadio (usually listed as the playlist name with the Zara icon) listed as a program and not muted? In Win 7, right-clicking the system tray icon will give the option of selecting the Volume Mixer - Not sure if that works with Win 10
Where do the songs on the database come from? Do they come preloaded or is it an online database? Can I also import my own songs? Is it only my imported songs available? How come there were soo many copies of the same song when searching?
Nothing is 'preloaded'. Songs added to any playlist must reside on the same PC as ZaraRadio or on a networked PC that can be accessed from the main PC via Windows Explorer.
I don't know how to view your card, silly because I've been using a PC for over 20 years now, but I have a few questions regarding the use of 'Zara' as all of a sudden my 'Sam' has decided that it is no longer compatible with my version of windows 7.
A) is it configurable, I don't see anything to let me change the view or swap things around - like I want to put in many 'Folders' of songs, station Idents, jingles etc ..... not files? Can I do this?
B) Where is the mic to let me chat not only over songs but during gaps or interviews, I've never come across any broadcaster without a 'Mic button'.
Pretty proficient at PCs myself, I'm not understanding what you mean about reading my card, but that's another subject altogether. Sorry about your SAM - I have used it and many swear by it. Personally, I prefer to NOT use programs that use a database as the means for calling up tracks - A corrupt database screws up the whole works.
Any configuration changes possible in Zara are done in the Tools :> Options panel. The interface is what it is - other than resizing, there's no 'changing' or 'swapping things around'
Folders can be dropped into the playlist and they will automatically expand to show the list all of the files within each folder dropped.
There is no 'Mic' button, as Zara is a playlist player, designed to be used with a mixer. You MAY be able to use the Auxiliary outputs as mic sources, but I'm not sure if that would allow for 'talk-overs' - I've always used a mixer, allowing for more control.
how can i setup zara radio to read song named in arabic ??
I would imagine you could use the free program called mp3tag, which states they have made it possible to tag and rename your tracks in Arabic. However, I'm unsure if the free edition of ZaraRadio can read in other than English and Spanish. You might try re-tagging and renaming a couple of files to check if it will show up in the playlist in other languages.
Do you use ZaraStudio at all? I'm searching for some assistance with it but cannot seem to find much out there like this video for the paid version. I'm not even convinced that what I'm trying to do is possible but figured I'd reach out anyway...
Sorry, Teuth... TH-cam had your comment flagged as spam for some reason and I failed to notice it was waiting for approval. An admitted cheap-skate, I use all of the freebies I can. The additional features of ZaraSTUDIO may be worth the price for some, but ZaraRadio (the FREE version) meets all of our needs at the present time.
I have tried with no success to get the weather announcements to work,, i have ZaraStudio 3, and weather watcher Live 7.2.106 and no success getting it to work. any help would be a blessing. thank you
Afraid that I'm no help here, Michael - I've not even attempted to use it and have used only ZaraFree. I'd imagine that setup is much the same as what is found in the help section for ZaraFree. Having checked the site for obtaining Weather Watcher and assuming you have the proper licensing (most free trials do not have full functionality and they do claim to have a 60-day money-back guarantee), I recommend you go through Zara's configuration settings thoroughly, according to the instructions for your version, following any additional instructions offered by the Weather Watcher website. If still no go, an email request to Zara support might be your best bet for clear answers. Good Luck!
Aj Ward
- Are you still working with zarastudio? Please let me know. Thanks, Maria
I still use ZaraRadio (the Free Edition) ZaraStudio is the paid version and I am not totally familiar with all of its features. If you are using ZaraRadio, I'd be happy to help you. I've sent you a friend request on Facebook
can i record a two or three hour show on Zara, then download it to my desktop and sent it in a file to a friend.
Well, John... The short answer is: No - Zara is not an audio recording program.
Long answer: Duplication of copyrighted content is illegal - ESPECIALLY when one 'shares' any such duplication with others.
The RIAA and DMCA can (and DO) take action to notify users ISPs, requesting 'take down' action against violators, which, with repeated infractions, could result in fines and reduction or denial or internet access from the ISP involved. The recent take-down of a number of torrent websites demonstrates these organizations aren't playing around....
Even if one were to take the risk, the transfer of any such long audio file, recorded at any decent bitrate, no matter the format, would require using services such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, etc., as standard email attachments and other methods of file transfer do not allow for sending large files of more than 25MB.
My advice to you (and to others who contemplate this} is to have your friends get their own music and do their own 'homework'.
virtual dj will record
Anything I import into Zara has no Length! Any idea why? Been searching the net but no conclusion yet.
You've not given much info as to what you are importing, or from where, or if the files play, even if the length is not shown.
Zara does play a number of audio formats (.mp3, .wav, .ogg, .wma). My experience with playlist items not showing track length is that, 1.) the audio file has been moved from the location as when it was added to the list, 2.) the location (drive/folder) is not available, 3.) the audio file has been edited since it was added to the list, or, 4.) the audio file is corrupt in some fashion.
Zara uses the filepath of the tracks i.e., (G:\MUSIC\ABBA\ABBA\Momma Mia - ABBA.mp3) to locate and play them. If ANY of the filepath information has changed since it was added to the list, it will not show the track length, nor will it play.
Some computers will designate a new drive letter to external storage devices when plugged into different USB ports. When using external drives, ensure the drive is being recognized as the same drive letter as when the list was created. Drive letters can be changed in Windows PCs using Computer Management > Disc Management.
If the file DOES play with no track length shown, then updating file length can be done from 2 places: 1.) Menu bar - Playlist > Update length, or, 2.) Playlist - Right-click file > Update length.
Please let us know what works for you when you solve your problem!
Evidently, doing a remote install causes a conflict! Doing a local install corrected the issue. Now to get weather updates working as weather watcher seems to not work on WinXP
Thanks for letting us know you found the problem and solution - Great to hear you're up and running! Good luck with the weather watcher... I've never tried to use it.
i tried Zararadio but one thing that confuse me is how to insert a jingle between songs. Also another thing is im disappointed to this zararadio coz it doesn't have an EQUALIZER. and im confuse coz i don't know how to insert radio jingles between songs. Thanks. right now im using Radio Boss trial what a friendly software.
I'll address your last concern first, that of an equalizer. If you are serious about manipulating the quality/tone of your audio output, the best method is to use an audio mixer, which allows for quick adjustments without the need to have additional software and/or windows open. As for jingles, there are at least three methods I have used for playing jingles. The easiest is to drag & drop the jingle track into the playlist where you want it. Jingles can also be programmed to run at specific time(s), using the events scheduler. The third method I've used is to program the jingles to the buttons at the bottom of the ZaraRadio window and simply click the appropriate number icon when you want it to play.
@@ajward2776 Thanks for your reply sir. But for me Zararadio lacks several feature compare to Radio Boss.
@@simoncowell904 Fair enough... I hope it gives you value when you have to start paying for it.
I use Zara (The Free Version) and it's great, but if you're doing a Mainstream Rock format where the music is not as hard in the morning, but you want to play harder rock cuts at night, you can not daypart the music. In other words, you can't take a file and make it only play certain times of the day. I have come as close as possible by making folders for the hard rock cuts at night, but I still have a problem with a daytime cut playing at night. I'm doing this in Repeat Mode. I looked at Zara Studio 3, but the people who have done videos on it speak in Spanish. I'm getting near 60 years old. I'm not being sarcastic, but I don't need to go back to school for a Spanish Class at my age. Zara Studio 3 has adjustable AGC, where the free version doesn't. I hear a dozen or more small commercial operators in Oklahoma and Texas are using Zara. At least you save money!
No Sir, the Zara free version has got a AGC option.
To get to AGC, go to Options in the menu bar, then to General
Great Video..:)
Do you know can you transfer an itunes playlist onto zara radio?
Sorry, Ian... I must've missed the notification you had posted your question. Unless the tracks in your iTunes playlist reside on the computer you are using Zara on, it cannot be done. Once the tracks are placed on that PC, a simple drag & drop of those tunes, into an empty Zara playlist, will allow you to save that playlist under any name of your choosing.