I encounter an issue around 1:42 that seemed one way, and I was interacting with the chat (live build, this was) about it and confused by the instructions, *but* the issue was a small step I missed a handful of pages back. If you watch this before building the set yourself, ignore my difficulties at that point; you should be fine!
Though recorded live, this'll be in the exact same format as all videos on this channel, with no narration, no music, just the sounds of parts clicking together. Live chat interaction will be minimal so that I can focus on the build.
Just Checking, are the side cannons not 100% horizontal for you as well? I tried attaching the cannons at a quarter rotation to get them horizontal, but there isnt enough resistance in the mechanism to hold them against gravity.
I encounter an issue around 1:42 that seemed one way, and I was interacting with the chat (live build, this was) about it and confused by the instructions, *but* the issue was a small step I missed a handful of pages back. If you watch this before building the set yourself, ignore my difficulties at that point; you should be fine!
This thing is beautiful. I was on the fence about getting it, but after seeing it here, I think I’m sold.
Great vid. I want this set
Though recorded live, this'll be in the exact same format as all videos on this channel, with no narration, no music, just the sounds of parts clicking together. Live chat interaction will be minimal so that I can focus on the build.
I had a slight problen with the all black instrucktion pages i couldnt see the steps that well
Just Checking, are the side cannons not 100% horizontal for you as well? I tried attaching the cannons at a quarter rotation to get them horizontal, but there isnt enough resistance in the mechanism to hold them against gravity.