"If everything in my life is going up in flames, but I answer a flash card correctly, I feel like I'm not useless, that I've done something." I have never related so MUCH to a language learning video in my life. Sometimes I just go to a coffee shop and do flashcards or conjugations in the language I'm learning to "get my life right".
when you mentioned the psychological safety you feel when you practice korean, i felt so seen, i experience the same thing on my journey to mastering german. when the world crumbles and everything becomes uncertain and scary, you can always return to the refuge of the language you are learning. it's never easy to learn to speak a foreign language decently, but it's sort of like a hug, a reassurement that there is something eternal, something that is endless, something that will always be there for you, even if you abandon it. it's beautiful
I totally agree with you. My first language is Korean and I've been learning English. most of it has been practicing alone in my room. Imagining the situations that I might run into. I couldn't learn anything from language exchanges. I just repeated same things over and over again.
One study method that has been beneficial to me : 1.) Studying the script of the scene of my choice from my favorite dramas and time stamping them. A.) Define every word B.) Use new vocabulary in simple sentences C) Shadow ( repeat the line verbatim) D.) Separate the grammar points ( in order to do something, used to compare and contrast..) It's a slow process but I find that I retain new information better when I study this way. I also realized that with using this method, I had already played the audio more than 25-40xs. So, of course I'll understand more and more the next time around. This method is more effective than flashcards for me.
@@cameronword YES I had it posted it twice, because I had used Google translate for the Korean part. Lol One for English speakers and one for Korean speakers who are learning English. I'm not sure if it was necessary 😆 I read both of your comments. Are you still applying this method?
You've got the point. Some people say as if being exposed to extensive media is the only way to be better at language and people should avoid taking tests or intentional memorization. But for some people like me, these methods can motivate me and just makes me feel better. Though I answered an easy quiz, it makes me feel as if I'm good at that language. Just everyone has their own method to learn language. The important thing is, how you find the method suitable for you.
another note on the class thing - i think a one on one session can be useful, but having classmates can also expose you to things you haven’t learned about. in my language classes, other people ask questions that help me but that i wouldn’t think to ask
These days I am using Duolingo and Cake to sustain my German and English proficiency with the PE radio show which you are cohosting. As your cohost Kristen mentioned the other day in the show, there is no way but to keep learning on a regular basis speaking of foreign language. As an EFL Teacher in Korea, I do love this video cause you have mentioned quite all the possible ways to learn and I am eager to make use of this with my students in the classroom. I appreciate for your sharing and Happy new year 상준.
Hi, this is my first time I see you. Currently, I am having struggles with language learning. My target language is English. On some many points I agree with you. For example, changing the language of the mobile is useless for me. I don't like conversations clubs with a lot of people because it seems that everyone said the same thing over and over again. Another thing I don't like are classes with more than 10 people. Teachers are too busy to listen to me or correct me. I find useful to have online conversations with native people on Italki. Sometimes it's very frustrating to memorize things. So I understand you. Your video seems very helpful. Thanks for sharing your toughts. Greetings from Mexico.
I like what you said about translation and have also found it useful. One thing I used to do with my Korean language partner is have us both translate sentences from English to Korean and see how different my Korean translations were to hers and then do it vice versa - translate from Korean to English and see how they differ. This was good because it helped me break patterns of direct translation and start to think about how Koreans would naturally say things. It also got me to think about Korean from a Korean perspective as opposed to Korean through an English perspective if that makes any sense. On another note though I've never been a fan of flashcards: to me they're just a necessary evil along this lifelong marathon :)
As a language teacher and learner the speaking thing really hits. I don’t learn like that but that’s the curriculum, I’m supposed to get the students to talk as much as possible. And for some of them it really works and they find the vocabulary gaps they have to speak about the things they care about. But for a good amount of people, I can see it’s not really helping or it’s actually making them less fluent because they are forced to think at the same speed as everyone else and that is really scary sometimes. I wish I had enough to time to find the best way for each student 😕
I think it's really hard for a teacher to teach to very large classes when everyone's abilities are so different. Speaking a lot is very fashionable right now in language learning classes, and while I do think it's important, I find it over-emphasized. I don't know how much can be done on the teacher-level though, as usually there is a curriculum or instructions from administration that dictate lesson plans.
Oh my goodness, I feel like you are my language twin! I agree with so many points you're making! For example I am glad I am not the only one who finds language exchange useless. Especially apps like Tandem or the like. It never gets beyond superficial stuff and just finding one person who is ready to level up the conversation is hard as heck. Language exchange is only beneficial if you both have a very high level in the language and are super motivated to engage. I still have to develop a love for flashcards though :D
My two cents: reading is king when it comes to languages that use the Latin alphabet. And it’s still very good for other languages that don’t but reading is also harder and slower and I find myself relying on spaced repetition flash cards a lot more. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on language learning.
Very interesting video, thank you for all your tips, I can incorporate some of them for sure. I feel I learnt a lot of English from listening the YT videos on the topics I'm interested in. I am trying to learn Korean on my own now.
I think I've experienced the same pattern as you wrt what works for me and what doesn't! Intensive media consumption is absolutely my favorite method, which includes stocking up my flashcards to brute force them into my brain through my SRS. That's what's yielding results for me. I'm not studying Korean but I'm finding it useful for all languages I'm studying.
경험을 나눠주시는 것만으로도 정말정말 도움이 많이 되었어요!!! 저는 매일 하루 최소 3회 이상 PE 듣고 있고(너무너무 재밌어서 함께 따라웃어요! 두분 호스트께 참 감사해요❤️) 읽기 듣기 말하기 쓰기 4가지 영역을 모두 연습하는 방식으로 하고 있는데 디테일한 방법들은 계속 바꿔가며 시도해 보고 있어요~ 카메론쌤 소개해주신 방식들도 적용해보겠습니다^^ 항상 잘 보고 있었지만 무엇보다 저는 카메론님 유튜브로 영어공부하기로 결심했어요!!! 매일매일 들으며 쉐도잉하고 꼭 영어 정복해보겠습니다 :) 팬으로서 아름다운 영상미 가득한 Vlog도 너무나 애정하고 이런 팁과 정보 주시는 영상도 참 좋아요~ PE들을 때마다 계속 듣고싶은 톤과 목소리로 사용하시는 표현들...놓치고 싶지 않았는데요! 영상들도 카메론님 스마트함이 묻어나는 전달력과 표현력 덕분에 계속 집중하고 귀기울이게 되어요! 다재다능한 카메론님의 여정 계속 응원할게요🫶🏻💕💕
I'm one of the faithful PE listeners, and I heard you received a full scholarship to the university. This vedio tell me why you could do that.^^ Thank you for sharing your know-how.
I feel seen by all of your problems 😂 thank god for introverts! I’m totally doing this, I also really like taking language classes especially the structure in them. I really learn a lot, interacting with others isn’t the best for me either. Thanks for the tips!
Yes, I think that a lot of language advice is for extroverts, and it really just doesn't work for introverts many times. Thank you for watching my video!
I have found also that not every method that one uses works for each language being learned. I did learn most my Spanish initially from watching tv shows but it doesn’t work for me for Russian. Listening to Russian music works but it doesn’t work with Catalan music. About 95% of the methods you like using are also my faves. Group conversation are out and textbooks are in. I am learning languages because I enjoy it so using a method that I find extremely boring or anxiety inducing like group conversations would stop me from progressing and suck every drop of enjoyment out of it all. Great video!
💚 That’s great that you have found the methods that work for you. I agree that certain languages require different strategies. Chinese and Japanese were a lot of writing for Me. Korean has been a little but more monologue memorization, etc.
@@cameronword 아마도 중국어 일본어는 한자가 문자체계에 포함되어 있어서 그런걸까요? 반면 한국어는 알파벳같은 소리문자( 표음문자라고 해야하나요?^^;)라서 접근 방식이 달라지는건지 궁금합니다. 파워잉글리쉬통해서 카메론선생님 팬이 되었는데 유튜브채널에서도 뵐수있어서 정말 좋아요. 항상 응원합니당!!
I'm now learning English by watching this video as a media consumption. You're so fluent in English and of course you're a native speaker but I also really admire that
I greatly enjoyed your video and especially that you touched on translation. I have translated things from Korean to Spanish, and then I realize that I have to translate further on how I would actually say it in my own Spanish “dialect”. Many sentences in Korean use idiomatic expressions (prepositional phrases or adverbial phrases) and there are so many nuances in an idiomatic expression.
I think that's great! I've always found that being able to connect your new language with the language that is closest to your heart makes it all much more meaningful and easier to remember.
Thanks for sharing! For me, I think conversational practice is crucial and I've learned a lot of new words by asking my language partner to repeat them and explain how to use them or writing down new words/ways to express myself to practice later. I can see that if you are starting from zero, it would be more beneficial to study by yourself and then practice what you have learned with a native speaker later. Even if you repeat the same "boring" things (introduction stuff or what are you doing on the weekend etc.) it is good practice for mastering basic grammar and vocabulary (great for beginners). Also, to get around the awkwardness of language exchange, I recommend finding a cheap teacher for a conversational class on Italki or other websites, so they know that you are only there to practice and learn your target language. They will be patient and helpful and a conversational class will not have the added pressure. Anyway, just my thoughts. I know that everyone learns differently! Cheers
Also, i can know words or phrases but after i used them in some conversations with all the struggle, including prounciation, grammar, time etc it's always much more natural/intuitive for me to use or hear it next time. That's where the value of it is imo. Not learning new words but strenghen your feeling of it.
When it comes to massive input, you don't see the effect of it straight away. A lot of it is subconscious because your brain is constantly analysing how words are used in context etc. I only remember one English word that I learned from input (sword, from that scene in Pirates 2 where they don't have enough weapons so they share the sword). I didn't just improve overnight. A couple months after I started consuming content in English, I realized there were words on the vocab list of my textbook that I already knew. That was pretty neat. At that time, I only consumed media in English every once in a while because our WiFi was so slow. But once I could actually consume as much content in English as I wanted, my skills skyrocketed - again, without even realising I was learning at all. Literally every single person in my class that was good at English had some form of massive input, either by consuming lots of content or by spending time in an English-speaking country.
Absolutely. Input is measured in the hundreds or thousands of hours, not the dozens. Giving up on it after a few episodes of a random TV show because it doesn't deliver obvious and immediate results seems to miss the point.
Yesss! All this video is a big yesss! The only thing I would add is mnemonics - I found out that they were EXTREMELY helpful memorizing vocab and getting them into long term memory ☺
Media consumption in the TL is the way to go. Got myself to basic fluency in two years just by watching shows, there is a reason why this works and it's called the Input hypothesis. I suggest anyone serious about language learning to look into it. Good luck guys!
"If everything in my life is going up in flames, but I answer a flash card correctly, I feel like I'm not useless, that I've done something." (C) This very situation when you subscribe to the channel because your mental health issues match with the host's :-D Still I can relate to almost every point you made in this video. And I'll definitely try to include your variation of translation method in my Italian learning routine. Thank you for an advice!
Hello! I recently started listening to 'Power English' on my way to work. That vivacious and lively energy you and Christine make during the show gives me power to start a new day! I subscribed your channel. Thank you for useful tips for learning a new language :)
Thank you so much for your support on Power English and here on my channel. Your comments give us so much power. I wish you all the best in your English studies~
지나가면서 이 영상을 시청했는데요, 단순히 외국인들 뿐만 아니라 한국인 혹은 모든 사람들에게 필요한 영상이라 생각합니다. 특히 후반부에 언급한 플래시카드 암기법은 단기 기억이 아닌 장기 기억을 이용함으로써 터득하는 공부법인데, 저도 유용하게 쓰고 있습니다. 좋은 영상 만들어주셔서 감사합니다. 한국어 공부 열심히 하세요! 화이팅!
I’ve literally never related more to this. I was wondering why I was lacking motivation with these methods and just thought I was being lazy but they just don’t work for me. And I love flash cards AND translation but I believed that they wouldn’t be as effective as language exchange. Thank you for this video!!!!
감사합니다. Your methods helped me a lot since I’ve been struggling with learning Korean lately. I totally agree with you that finding a native speaker to practice a language is not effective if we don’t have any common interests. Again, thank you for your meaningful advice!
This is the topic I'm interested in, so i started watching it. But immediately, I noticed that this video itself would be the great material to study English and I tried catch every word you said and analyzed the subtitles. Now i'm spending more than 30 minutes but I'm only on the half way through. I'm exhausted haha.. It's certainly not a good way to analyze contents you're supposed to enjoy. I'll just relax to watch the rest of your video. I'm a big fan of Power English and always stan for you and Christine
Thank you so much for your message, and I’m glad that you have found my videos valuable to learn! I put the subtitles just in case people want to study, because that’s what I always like to do when I’m studying Korean content. Study hard~
여러가지 언어를 습득 하시면서 자연스럽게 방법론을 배우신거 같은데, 저는 영어에 대한 갈망이 커서 언어 습득 방법론까지(?) 공부를 하게 된 사람인데요. 정말 공감 가는 부분이 많습니다. 즐기면서 편하게 배울 수 도 있겠지만, 시간 효율성을 따졌을 때 결국에는 노력이 들어가고 어느정도 지루한 방법이 맞더라구요. 한동안 언어 공부 할 일이 없다가 최근에 일본어를 배우려는 찰나에 비디오가 떠서 잘 보았습니다.
9:36 - They watched all 10 seasons of friends... and also had English classes since elementary school, went to an English academy on the weekend, had English SATs in high school, had to get an English score to graduate university, and had to do an English test for their current job. I find that to be the real answer more often than not.
Thanks for an interesting video. Lots of good ideas (even methods you don't like that others like). Personally, I really like daily classes for the first several months. But eventually I get bored with classes and have to move on to more interesting things. By that time I know enough to learn by watching movies and TV dramas (with subtitles).
Your video was very useful to me as a language educator - your point of view will help me understand the potential problems of my future students. As a beginner youtuber I'd like to point out your transitions between subjects - they're ace. Finishing one with a sentence like "but there's a better method than that!" and then recording with a different background? This is well nang!
Cameron-great video. Honest too. I think the takeaway is that people are different and learn differently. I taught downhill skiing briefly and I was instructor-taught to teach 12 different ways with the advice: Use all 12 methods. The students will find the method which matches their style. So for me: classes, private tutor, intensive media consumption, flashcards, spaced repetition of reading novels, books, etc. I write a lot in my target language. To your list I would add: TRANSCRIPTION. I listen to audio in my target language and transcribe it, even when I don't know the meanings. Super training for the ear.
I think you are very correct with that mentality. You've just gotta try everything and see what matches your particular learning style. (Transcription is SO GOOD for listening skills, but it is something I almost never do. Maybe that's why listening is always the worst in all my languages...)
I learned French 10 years ago by translating hip hop lyrics and watching a new french film every day back when the criterion collection used to be on Hulu. I also had 100s of paper flashcards and by the time I studied abroad in France I already knew the word for extension cord which I actually needed to use.
Thanks for the tips. To improve my listening and spelling, I always have a notebook and pen to pick out words or 0phrases that stick out to me when I am watching movies or series. I think it's a cool way to remind me of what I already know and what I need to learn.
Thank you~ I’m in the mood for learning English your movies 요새 영어공부를 열심히 하기시작한 50대입니다 올려주신 영상을 보니 영어공부에 도움이 많이 될 것같아요, 따릉이, 청소 이런 것도 원하는 이야기 소재예요, 참, 영상도 아주 멋집니다~ 영상보며 영어공부 열심히 하겠습니다, 감사합니다^^
The best way I found to get better at a new language is the dictionary game. Pick a random word from a travel dictionary (has only useful words) and then explain it to other people and they need to guess it. If you find it problematic to explain it you can look up new words to explain it (add to vocab list). Take turns with the partner. When guessing you improve listening.
Thank you for such an interesting video! I'll try to make out your video in order to improve my English and probably I will change my approach to learning languages
My favorite method for learning Chinese last year was self studying from my textbook, and then having a weekly lesson on italki that focused on getting me talking around that textbook course. My teacher had a spec that was a little different than my textbook and was super useful, it helped me understand my grammar a lot better and helped me gain vocab and confidence to say the things I wanted. Like she even planned a whole lesson on TV because she saw that I loved cdramas, it was cool
새로운 언어 배우려고 찾다가 카메론이 떠서 보게됬는데요! 진짜 도움 되는 팁이 많아서 좋았어요 😊 고마워요! 저도 잘 사용해볼게요 ㅋㅋ also, I totally agree with you on language exchange meetups lol I tried quite a few times but it was really difficult to get corrected during a conversation 😢 anyhow! Thanks a bunch for sharing tips 👏🏻👏🏻
I swear by Anki cards for literally everything in my life, as a soon-to-be vet student who is also learning Korean. In terms of obscure knowledge, I always get so tempted to look up the words for the anatomy I'm learning in my pre-vet curriculum. Even though I can't imagine many instances where I'd have to talk about something like G-Protein coupled receptors in Korean TT
I am studying Japanese and Korean right now (and I have done several other languages) but I think classes have been the most useful for me. I also really really LOVE textbooks. I have used Genki so much that I have had to get two copies just because my first one was so rundown from overuse.
Omg you’re spitting facts!!! I’m not a native English speaker and all the traditional learning methods such as watching a lot of movies seemed to apply very well on my English learning journey. But now I’m studying Chinese, Korean and Japanese at the same time and none of them can be achieved easily although I watch a lot of movies and listen to music (well maybe as for Japanese it may work a little bit). So I have to go back to the most traditional way of studying a language: textbooks, doing exercises, attending classes, learning new words before class,… Everything that I have never done before on my English learning journey 😂 Well I guess there is no ultimated tip for learning every language
Yes, I do find that the farther a language is from English, the more textbook/writing based I have to be in my studies. Good luck with all your languages! 💚
I keep working to learn Korean, but I’m a little stuck on pronouncing some of the vowel combinations. I can look at it, try it, hear the real way. Can you help me by reminding me of a traditional way to learn pronunciation? 1. do i just keep repeating the corrections, or work on it with words containing them? thank you
@@Sunset553 Maybe saying this is a little bit too obvious, but I think the best method is something called Shadowing. Watching K-Dramas, reality shows and repeat what people are saying, comfortably. Repeat because you think it’s enjoyable, just don’t pay too much intention to really studying it. Actually at the very beginning, I struggled with pronouncing a lot. So many pronouncing rules to remember, and the vowels sometimes sound so similar to me. But then I watched lots of dramas, and because I had already leaned a little bit of Korean so I could somehow recognize the vowels and consonants that people were talking in the movies (of course not everything). And my brain will unconsciously remember those way of pronouncing. But of course remember is not enough, sometimes I also had to say out loud too, if I think that word is too hard. Well after all, I think you should do some research about Shadowing, there’re a lot videos about it on the Internet ;) Good luck to you~~
This video popped up randomly for me and i clicked on it, and for the first time ever i can relate when it comes to ways of language studying!😀 I've been learning Korean since 2019, i mostly focus on reading and writing since i live in the states, it's somewhere around pre intermediate lvl, my main struggle is vocabulary so I'm focusing on that now. Thank you so much for this video, i haven't had inspiration or any will to study korean for almost 6 months, and with this video i want to continue my language journey, and get better at it. My native language is Russian, learned English in school, been learning Korean since summer of 2019, and also plan on learning Hebrew, Greek, and Chinese hopefully in the future. Thank you so much for this video, You've earned a subscriber!
저도 책보고 공부하고 플래쉬 카드 넘기는거 좋아해요:) 근데 요즘 사람들이 하도 쉐도잉 이야기를 해서 억지로 동영상을 보고 있었는데 ㅋㅋ 다행이예요! 지금은 영어는 생활 할수 있을만큼은 되서 😂 새로운 언어 프랑스어 도전중인데 기초 공부하느라 열심히 플래쉬카드 넘기고 있답니다. 번역해보는거 완전 꿀팁 이예요! 해볼께요! 😊 감사합니다 ❤
여러모로 공감이 많이 되네요. 다행스럽게도 저는 팝송과 영어권 미디어를 좋아하지만, 그걸 가지고 공부를 하진 못했거든요. 넘쳐나는 미디어 학습법 간증을 보며 ‘왜 나는 못하지..?’ 싶은 자괴감에 빠질 때도 있었습니다. 그런데 이렇게 한국어를 잘 하시는 분도 비슷한 이야기를 하시니 위안도 되고, 다시 영어를 공부해야겠단 용기도 생기네요. 제 영어 실력이 크게 늘었던 순간을 생각하면 저도 미디어 학습법보다는 교과서로 공부하는 범생이 스타일이 맞는 것 같습니다. 번역 관련된 이야기도 정말 공감이 가는 게, 저도 영화 대사나 소설을 한국어로 번역하는 과정에서 정말 많은 표현과 뉘앙스를 익힐 수 있었어요. 어떨 때는 뭘 공부해야 할 지조차 모를 때가 있잖아요? 그런데 번역을 하면 새로운 단어는 물론이고, 유의어들 사이에서 어감의 미묘한 차이를 캐치할 수 있어 좋더라고요. 가장 좋은 점은 그 모든 과정이 아주 자연스레 이어진단 것이고요. 반가운 마음에 댓글이 길어졌네요ㅎㅎ 좋은 영상 잘 보고 갑니다!
Really I've watched a lot of language learning videos on youtube and yours is one that really speaks to me. I'm glad it popped out on my youtube feed. All the methods you like I prefer too, especially as an introvert. I always wanted to dive deep into translating things because I thought that is a good and efficient practice but watching other videos saying that it's not effective and waste of time kind of brought me down. I was so happy to hear that you think it's actually can be very productive. Exactly my thoughts, so I'm going to try it out and see for myself. Thank you so much for such an amazing video! Best and honest on how to learn languages I've seen so far :) Ps: your dog is adorable 😍
처음엔 내용에 집중해서 듣다가 표현하시는 언어에도 귀기울이게 되었는데 역시 원어민이셔서 그런지 사용하시는 어휘들이 풍부해서 이 영상 자체만으로도 영어 공부하기에 좋았어요 미국 프로그램들 보면 원어민이라고 다 이렇게 어휘표현이 다채롭진 않던데.. 역시 언어공부하시는 분이라 그런 것일까요? 미국 본토에서도 유식한 분으로 비춰지실 것 같다는 느낌이 듭니다 그리고 역시 내용도 너무 좋았어요 처음엔 30분 짜리라 좀 긴가 싶었는데 다 필요한 말들이더라구요 저도 언어 공부하는 입장에서 공감 가는 게 많았구요 편집 실력도 진짜 전문가 못지 않으신 것 같아요 덕분에 끝까지 흥미롭게 잘 봤습니다! 그리고 앞으로도 이렇게 영어로 말씀하시는 컨텐츠 더 자주 보고 싶어요 저는 11:45 에 말씀하셨던 것을 이 영상에 활용해보려구요ㅎㅎ
Personally, what helped me to learned more english and what's help me to learn korean when i watching netflix series is to use "Language Reactor". It's a free tool you can add on your internet browser and show you a double subtitle in the same time ! it's very useful when you want to see word they use in the sentence and also understand the sentence. It has a loooot of possibilities : putting word that you know in color ( five different colors), make a pause automatically at the end of a scene/sentence, hide your language subtitle or hide both subtitle and check after if you understand well what they said, etc.. It's free, if that can help people free to enjoy (i personnaly took the extension recently (it's 5dollars per month (or less i don't know)).
Viki also has a built-in "Language Learning" mode but it only works for series that has the subtitles in the original language and it's only on the website, they unfortunately haven't added that feature to their app
Hello :) I enjoyed your video and I definitely find your points valid. Especially, what I found first-hand is that I have my preferred style of learning which sort of transcends many fields. To give you an example, I learned English the best on my own by reading stories online (yes, it was fanfiction and I take pride in it lol :p) despite taking an English class in primary school which was on a really low level since I was taking more advanced German class for 6 years already. Additionally, that pushed me to a specific type of thinking like puzzle solving where I know some things (context, some words) and have no clue about anything else. That's also the best way for me to learn math! I'm doing exceptionally poorly in my math class where the teacher only gives me dry, one-by-one instruction on what to do and doesn't give me broader context so that I can figure out for myself what to do and how to do it. If anyone read this, thanks and so sorry for wasting your time
전반적으로 공감이 많이 되네요 ㅎㅎ 다들 초심자일땐 교과서로 배우다가, 어느 순간 지루하고 재미없어서 이런저런 방법들도 일탈(?)도 해보고, 결국에는 '공부의 왕도는 없다'는 걸 깨닫고 다시 책으로, 단어 암기로 돌아오는 것 같아요. 저도 초심자일 땐 교과서에 충실했고, 어느 정도 실력이 됐을 때는 해당 언어로 된 미디어 (노래, 드라마, 영화, 유튜브, 책, 댓글 전부)를 무차별적으로 많이 접했는데 그때마다 실력이 한 단계 한 단계씩 늘었던 것 같아요. ㅎㅎ 많~은 시간을 들여서 시행착오도 여러번 겪어보고 깨달은 것들일텐데 이렇게 공유해주셔서 감사합니다.
I think using flash cards-or these days, repetitive spaced repetition software-is _really_ satisfying. You give the answer and, yes!, you’ve nailed it. That word you couldn’t recall a week ago now feels like it remain lodged in your memory forever. That said, with SRS, all I learned was _words._ I couldn’t really produce sentences. What helped me was actually producing sentences to prompts (e.g., a picture of something). _That_ was way harder. How did I know I was producing correct sentences? I didn’t-I could use (or try to use) patterns of sentences that I had learned before and was reasonably certain that they were right. But, for some new grammar point that I was trying to learn, I’d write the sentences down and ask a native speaker to check them over. The underlying point is, basically, the best language study method actually has you _doing_ the behavior, e.g., making sentences in response to, well, _something,_ that you want to get better at.
I love how you explained the speaking issue, because that's how I've been feeling as well. Of course speaking a lot is important for practice and fluidity, but it's not actually that useful for learning and I find it frustrating that people say "just start speaking!" as if that's helpful advice. You can only say what you actually know, so if you don't know much yet then speaking will just be repeating the standard stock phrases and probably ending up stumped anyway when someone responds with something you don't know yet.
Thank you for the good tips ! I'm very impressed that you can explain things smoothly, with no hesitance or mistakes. Did you memorize all the script ??? Whatever the way it is, your video is easy to watch and it's very inspiring! 새벽에 Power English 라디오 재밌게 잘 듣고 있어요 !! 더 많은 활동 기대해요! 😄
I can feel like we are the same type of language learner 😅 but i don't use flashcards. I'm one of those people you mentioned who hates it. It's because i get bored looking at flashcards and feel like it's a chore. However i still do a space repetition technique but more on a traditional format. I prefer writing things than swiping cards left or right. This makes memorizing words 100x better. Especially since I'm studying chinese 😊
I agree! The more “analog” you can make your study methods, the better. Digital is very convenient but sometimes it doesn’t have the “realness” to make things stick.
Haha I am getting back into Japanese and I agree how "watching the whole season of Friends" doesn't personally make me learn the language well. In Japanese dubs of foreign films, their Japanese feels very weird and the speakers speak really quickly only to fill in gaps of the voice sync. Japanese is polysyllabic and synthetic, which is very different from analytic and short-syllabic English. Honestly, the best way to learn a language is the the method that you are most comfortable with and adjusting your habits based on it. Also, I must say translation and listening to songs is prolly my best bet. It's interesting and entertaining no matter how redundant it is.
I agree. In the end, it all depends on what matches you best, and what you are going to be able to do long-term. Language learning is a VERY long process, and the most important thing is consistency.
I can totally relate to the not liking conversations. I am not a big conversationalist even with close friends and family. I really don't like talking to people I don't really know, and I am more of an observer, so yeah, this doesn't work for me either. I found this video fun and useful.
Can definitely confirm for spaced repetition. Was able to acquire an extensive vocabulary after about 6 months of infrequent study in my first foreign target language. Now doing the same for my second.
안녕하세요 본인의 경험을 이렇게 나눠주셔서 감사해요:) 영어 공부 방식을 어떻게 더 발전시킬 수 있을까 항상 고민하던 찰나에 이 영상을 보게 되었는데 카메론님께서 고군분투하신 그 소중한 경험을 듣게 되어 정말 많은 도움이 되었습니다! 심지어 설명이 굉장히 깔끔하고 정돈되어 있어 이 영상 자체가 영어 공부 자체에 도움이 많이 되어요. 새로운 단어와 프레이즈들을 익히고 갑니다! 감사해요❤
이번 영상 공감도 너무 가고 저랑 성향이 비슷해서 완전 집중해서 봤어요ㅋㅋㅋ '번역하기' 과정은 꽤 시간이 걸릴 것 같지만 내가 모르는 부분, 원어민이 잘 쓰는 부분들을 확실하게 알 수 있을 것 같네요!! 영어원서로 한번 해봐야겠어요 +_+ 파워 잉글리쉬도 너무 듣고 싶은데 아직은 easy하게 하는 중이에요ㅋㅋㅋ 덕분에 열심히 해야겠다는 의지가 뿜뿜! 항상 응원할게요~~~
저는 지금 일본어를 7개월째 공부 중인데(1:1 비대면 레슨), 말씀하신대로 일주일에 한 번, 한 시간 있는 레슨 시간 외에 따로 노력을 들여 공부하지를 않으니 전혀 늘지를 않더라고요ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ 12월에 자격증 시험을 앞두고 아 이대로는 안되겠다, 싶어서 어플을 이용한 플래시 카드 공부법을 활용하고 있습니다. 지하철에서 유튜브 보던 시간을 플래시 카드로 공부하는 데에 쓰니까 괜히 보람차고 좋더라고요. 영상에 나온 수많은 공부법과 개인에게 있어서의 효용성에 대한 얘기를 들으면서 뭔가... 위로를 얻었달까요. 많은 사람들에게 효과가 있는 공부법이 나에게는 안 맞을 수도 있지!라는 사실을 새삼스럽게 깨달으면서 조금 울적했던 기분에 대한 환기가 되었네요. 지금도 공부량은 너무너무 부족하지만, 앞으로도 꾸준히 플래시 카드도 열심히 보고 영상에 나온 공부법을 참고해 저에게 맞는 언어 공부법을 습득해야겠어요. 좋은 영상 감사합니다!
영어 학습법 조언 중 가장가장 엄청엄청 분석을 잘 해주신 것 같아요!! 저한테도 잘 맞고요. 저도 이렇게 효과를 분석하면서 자신에게 맞는 학습법을 찾아가야겠어요. 영상이 너무 유용해서 여러번 멈추고 되돌려가면서 봤어요!! 프렌즈 10시즌 다 보고 오피스도 여러번 봤지만 별로 얻은게 없습니다. 핸드폰도 영어로 설정해 둔지 수년이 지났지만 달라진게 없고요ㅠㅠ 추천해주신 방법 전부 써볼게요. 감사합니다! 꾸벅!
I've studied four different languages (French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean) extensively and I don't know how to speak them except for a few words. Weirdly enough I can explain how grammar works or other principles, but I can't speak any beyond the basic greetings. My mind goes blank. Here in the Philippines, we have over a hundred languages across the country. I can speak/read/understand one (Tagalog) and understand/barely speak another (Sambali) even though I grew up hearing it. During my university years I lived in a town where people spoke another language (Ilocano), but four years living there I learned only "yes" and "no". This was because everyone knew the language I spoke, so I didn't have to resort to speaking theirs. I feel like my brain rejects the whole comprehension part of the language and it's so slow to remember vocabulary or the writing system.
I feel your pain. Everybody has weak points when it comes to language learning, but we also have things that we are good with. The fact that you speak English and Tagalog, and also understand Sambali means that you know so many more languages than most people! Don't feel so bad about that accomplishment, because you are doing great!
I honestly don’t like spaced repetition, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t extremely helpful for me. I hate the feeling of seeing a sentence over and over and forgetting it and it takes me forever but overall it’s helped me better be able to read when trying to understand books for example so ima just stick with it even though I don’t really like it.
Dang. This video hit me like a bus. Especially the talking part hah. I’ve learned some Korean but I feel like I can confidently say like a few sentences. Though if I’m at work and I hear something I start to say yes or no in Korean not thinking about it. ❤
Immersion from TV works best for me. I study actual vocab and grammar for an hour a day and the rest of my study time is immersion. But I immerse for between 3 and 10 hours a day. I only have time to watch things in English on weekends.
About speaking a lot I agree with you: language exchange I think it can be useful only after B2 or better after C1. As I am in A1 in russian I can't bother other people with my poor russian then I speak in russian in my TH-cam channel, nobody sees those boring videos but they are useful to myself to check my progress
i'm not an english native speaker and as it may, i have to agree that my experience of switching my phone to english was the same. i fully switched around 7 years ago, when i was like advanced/c1 and could solve some technical issues without going back to russian lol. now all my devices are in english since i prefer it most. really looking forward to having the same level of confidence/auto piloting with the other languages i'm learning. (also idk if anyone does that on regular, but if you have media and basic vocab down, it's possible to write subtitles/lyrics in TL as listening practice? it's low-key boring and laborious but kinda good. no idea how much you can learn from it though especially if there's not a soul to check it lmao. and ig you could say this falls under intensive media consumption category yea...) all in all great video! 👀 i relate to a lot of those as an nd person tbh haha
You seem to have great English skills! Lyric/subtitle dictation like you said might be quite laborious, but if it's something you enjoy, I can't see it hurting your English skills.
changing the language of my phone into my target language didnt help me either but what helped me was creating different social media accounts (espacially twitter) for each of my target language. Within this account you can change the preferred language to your target language. You are mostly receiving news and tweets in this language. Helps with In and Output (since you likely to comment in the target language too)
나에게 도움이 된 한 가지 연구 방법: 1.) 내가 좋아하는 드라마에서 내가 선택한 장면의 대본을 공부하고 타임스탬프를 찍는다. A.) 모든 단어 정의 B.) 간단한 문장에서 새로운 어휘 사용 C) 그림자(줄 그대로 반복) D.) 문법 포인트 분리 느린 과정이지만 이러한 방식으로 공부할 때 새로운 정보를 더 잘 유지한다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 나는 또한 이 방법을 사용하여 이미 25-40xs 이상 오디오를 재생했다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 물론 다음 번에는 더 많이 이해하게 될 것입니다. 이 방법은 플래시 카드보다 더 효과적입니다. One study method that has been beneficial to me : 1.) Studying the script of the scene of my choice from my favorite dramas and time stamping them. A.) Define every word B.) Use new vocabulary in simple sentences C) Shadow ( repeat the line verbatim) D.) Separate the grammar points ( in order to do something, used to compare and contrast..) It's a slow process but I find that I retain new information better when I study this way. I also realized that with using this method, I had already played the audio more than 25-40xs. So, of course I'll understand more and more the next time around. This method is more effective than flashcards for me.
💚 Need Background Music?
💚 BGM가 필요하시나요?
"If everything in my life is going up in flames, but I answer a flash card correctly, I feel like I'm not useless, that I've done something." I have never related so MUCH to a language learning video in my life. Sometimes I just go to a coffee shop and do flashcards or conjugations in the language I'm learning to "get my life right".
I’m glad to hear you can relate as well! Good luck with your studies~
I was incredible for me too. I felt... Understood.
"I generally don't like talking to people if it's not a conversation that I really care about"
This is so relatable
when you mentioned the psychological safety you feel when you practice korean, i felt so seen, i experience the same thing on my journey to mastering german. when the world crumbles and everything becomes uncertain and scary, you can always return to the refuge of the language you are learning. it's never easy to learn to speak a foreign language decently, but it's sort of like a hug, a reassurement that there is something eternal, something that is endless, something that will always be there for you, even if you abandon it. it's beautiful
Hahaha, we must be very similar in personality! Thank you for the comment, and all the best in your German studies!
I agree. I really could relate to that part of the video and I agree with all if his opinions too!
I totally agree with you. My first language is Korean and I've been learning English. most of it has been practicing alone in my room. Imagining the situations that I might run into. I couldn't learn anything from language exchanges. I just repeated same things over and over again.
Wow! You seemed to have learned a lot just from studying by yourself! I’m glad you’ve found a study method that works well for you! 💚
One study method that has been beneficial to me :
1.) Studying the script of the scene of my choice from my favorite dramas and time stamping them.
A.) Define every word
B.) Use new vocabulary in simple sentences
C) Shadow ( repeat the line verbatim)
D.) Separate the grammar points ( in order to do something, used to compare and contrast..)
It's a slow process but I find that I retain new information better when I study this way.
I also realized that with using this method, I had already played the audio more than 25-40xs.
So, of course I'll understand more and more the next time around.
This method is more effective than flashcards for me.
💚 I agree! This is very similar to the strategies I use. I’m glad to hear you find them effective too
@@cameronword YES I had it posted it twice, because I had used Google translate for the Korean part. Lol
One for English speakers and one for Korean speakers who are learning English. I'm not sure if it was necessary 😆
I read both of your comments. Are you still applying this method?
@@nicoleraheem1195 I keep hearing about shadowing but never did it... this comment is a good reminder that I need to try it!! thanks :)
와, 거의 모든 외국어 학습법을 정리해주셨네요~! 그동안 카메론님의 뛰어난 한국어 실력을 보면서 도대체 어떻게 외국어를 학습하셨을까 궁금했는데, 그 궁금증이 풀렸네요ㅎㅎ 오늘 영상을 보고 진짜 엄청난 노력파이시구나를 느꼈습니다.👍
💚 ㅎㅎㅎ 예쁘게 봐주셔 고마워요! 저보다 한국어 잘하는 외국인들이 많은데.... 좋은 주말 보내세요~
You've got the point. Some people say as if being exposed to extensive media is the only way to be better at language and people should avoid taking tests or intentional memorization. But for some people like me, these methods can motivate me and just makes me feel better. Though I answered an easy quiz, it makes me feel as if I'm good at that language. Just everyone has their own method to learn language. The important thing is, how you find the method suitable for you.
Agreed! In the end we are all responsible for finding the methods that work best for us!
another note on the class thing - i think a one on one session can be useful, but having classmates can also expose you to things you haven’t learned about. in my language classes, other people ask questions that help me but that i wouldn’t think to ask
Agreed! I prefer classes of about 6-8 people over 1-on-1
These days I am using Duolingo and Cake to sustain my German and English proficiency with the PE radio show which you are cohosting. As your cohost Kristen mentioned the other day in the show, there is no way but to keep learning on a regular basis speaking of foreign language. As an EFL Teacher in Korea, I do love this video cause you have mentioned quite all the possible ways to learn and I am eager to make use of this with my students in the classroom. I appreciate for your sharing and Happy new year 상준.
Hi, this is my first time I see you.
Currently, I am having struggles with language learning. My target language is English.
On some many points I agree with you. For example, changing the language of the mobile is useless for me.
I don't like conversations clubs with a lot of people because it seems that everyone said the same thing over and over again.
Another thing I don't like are classes with more than 10 people. Teachers are too busy to listen to me or correct me.
I find useful to have online conversations with native people on Italki.
Sometimes it's very frustrating to memorize things. So I understand you.
Your video seems very helpful. Thanks for sharing your toughts. Greetings from Mexico.
Your special or normal(?)method for foreign language is really cherish!
Thanks a million 😊
Thank you very much for your comment! 💚
I like what you said about translation and have also found it useful. One thing I used to do with my Korean language partner is have us both translate sentences from English to Korean and see how different my Korean translations were to hers and then do it vice versa - translate from Korean to English and see how they differ. This was good because it helped me break patterns of direct translation and start to think about how Koreans would naturally say things. It also got me to think about Korean from a Korean perspective as opposed to Korean through an English perspective if that makes any sense.
On another note though I've never been a fan of flashcards: to me they're just a necessary evil along this lifelong marathon :)
As a language teacher and learner the speaking thing really hits. I don’t learn like that but that’s the curriculum, I’m supposed to get the students to talk as much as possible. And for some of them it really works and they find the vocabulary gaps they have to speak about the things they care about. But for a good amount of people, I can see it’s not really helping or it’s actually making them less fluent because they are forced to think at the same speed as everyone else and that is really scary sometimes.
I wish I had enough to time to find the best way for each student 😕
I think it's really hard for a teacher to teach to very large classes when everyone's abilities are so different. Speaking a lot is very fashionable right now in language learning classes, and while I do think it's important, I find it over-emphasized. I don't know how much can be done on the teacher-level though, as usually there is a curriculum or instructions from administration that dictate lesson plans.
i clicked on your video randomly and i’m glad i did! i not only could relate to you but i had fun, it was very helpful!!!
I’m glad you found it helpful! Thank you for watching!
Oh my goodness, I feel like you are my language twin! I agree with so many points you're making!
For example I am glad I am not the only one who finds language exchange useless. Especially apps like Tandem or the like. It never gets beyond superficial stuff and just finding one person who is ready to level up the conversation is hard as heck. Language exchange is only beneficial if you both have a very high level in the language and are super motivated to engage.
I still have to develop a love for flashcards though :D
My two cents: reading is king when it comes to languages that use the Latin alphabet. And it’s still very good for other languages that don’t but reading is also harder and slower and I find myself relying on spaced repetition flash cards a lot more. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on language learning.
Exactly reading is just natural spaced repetition
Very interesting video, thank you for all your tips, I can incorporate some of them for sure. I feel I learnt a lot of English from listening the YT videos on the topics I'm interested in. I am trying to learn Korean on my own now.
I'm so glad it was helpful. Good luck on your Korean language learning!
I think I've experienced the same pattern as you wrt what works for me and what doesn't! Intensive media consumption is absolutely my favorite method, which includes stocking up my flashcards to brute force them into my brain through my SRS. That's what's yielding results for me. I'm not studying Korean but I'm finding it useful for all languages I'm studying.
경험을 나눠주시는 것만으로도 정말정말 도움이 많이 되었어요!!! 저는 매일 하루 최소 3회 이상 PE 듣고 있고(너무너무 재밌어서 함께 따라웃어요! 두분 호스트께 참 감사해요❤️)
읽기 듣기 말하기 쓰기 4가지 영역을 모두 연습하는 방식으로 하고 있는데 디테일한 방법들은 계속 바꿔가며 시도해 보고 있어요~ 카메론쌤 소개해주신 방식들도 적용해보겠습니다^^ 항상 잘 보고 있었지만 무엇보다 저는 카메론님 유튜브로 영어공부하기로 결심했어요!!! 매일매일 들으며 쉐도잉하고 꼭 영어 정복해보겠습니다 :)
팬으로서 아름다운 영상미 가득한 Vlog도 너무나 애정하고 이런 팁과 정보 주시는 영상도 참 좋아요~ PE들을 때마다 계속 듣고싶은 톤과 목소리로 사용하시는 표현들...놓치고 싶지 않았는데요! 영상들도 카메론님 스마트함이 묻어나는 전달력과 표현력 덕분에 계속 집중하고 귀기울이게 되어요!
다재다능한 카메론님의 여정 계속 응원할게요🫶🏻💕💕
💚 댓글 너무너무 고마워요 ㅠㅠ 감동 받아요…
열심히 공부하고 계시네요! 영어를 금방 정복하실 것 같아요.
앞으로도 열심히 공부하시고 파워잉그리쉬도 많이 사랑해주세요~
I'm one of the faithful PE listeners, and I heard you received a full scholarship to the university. This vedio tell me why you could do that.^^ Thank you for sharing your know-how.
I feel seen by all of your problems 😂 thank god for introverts! I’m totally doing this, I also really like taking language classes especially the structure in them. I really learn a lot, interacting with others isn’t the best for me either. Thanks for the tips!
Yes, I think that a lot of language advice is for extroverts, and it really just doesn't work for introverts many times. Thank you for watching my video!
I have found also that not every method that one uses works for each language being learned. I did learn most my Spanish initially from watching tv shows but it doesn’t work for me for Russian. Listening to Russian music works but it doesn’t work with Catalan music. About 95% of the methods you like using are also my faves. Group conversation are out and textbooks are in. I am learning languages because I enjoy it so using a method that I find extremely boring or anxiety inducing like group conversations would stop me from progressing and suck every drop of enjoyment out of it all. Great video!
💚 That’s great that you have found the methods that work for you. I agree that certain languages require different strategies. Chinese and Japanese were a lot of writing for Me. Korean has been a little but more monologue memorization, etc.
@@cameronword 아마도 중국어 일본어는 한자가 문자체계에 포함되어 있어서 그런걸까요? 반면 한국어는 알파벳같은 소리문자( 표음문자라고 해야하나요?^^;)라서 접근 방식이 달라지는건지 궁금합니다. 파워잉글리쉬통해서 카메론선생님 팬이 되었는데 유튜브채널에서도 뵐수있어서 정말 좋아요. 항상 응원합니당!!
I'm now learning English by watching this video as a media consumption. You're so fluent in English and of course you're a native speaker but I also really admire that
💚 Thank you so much! Good luck with your studies ^^
I greatly enjoyed your video and especially that you touched on translation. I have translated things from Korean to Spanish, and then I realize that I have to translate further on how I would actually say it in my own Spanish “dialect”. Many sentences in Korean use idiomatic expressions (prepositional phrases or adverbial phrases) and there are so many nuances in an idiomatic expression.
I think that's great! I've always found that being able to connect your new language with the language that is closest to your heart makes it all much more meaningful and easier to remember.
Thanks for sharing!
For me, I think conversational practice is crucial and I've learned a lot of new words by asking my language partner to repeat them and explain how to use them or writing down new words/ways to express myself to practice later. I can see that if you are starting from zero, it would be more beneficial to study by yourself and then practice what you have learned with a native speaker later. Even if you repeat the same "boring" things (introduction stuff or what are you doing on the weekend etc.) it is good practice for mastering basic grammar and vocabulary (great for beginners). Also, to get around the awkwardness of language exchange, I recommend finding a cheap teacher for a conversational class on Italki or other websites, so they know that you are only there to practice and learn your target language. They will be patient and helpful and a conversational class will not have the added pressure. Anyway, just my thoughts. I know that everyone learns differently! Cheers
Yes, indeed. Language is a very individual endeavor that can be completely different depending on the person
Also, i can know words or phrases but after i used them in some conversations with all the struggle, including prounciation, grammar, time etc it's always much more natural/intuitive for me to use or hear it next time. That's where the value of it is imo. Not learning new words but strenghen your feeling of it.
When it comes to massive input, you don't see the effect of it straight away. A lot of it is subconscious because your brain is constantly analysing how words are used in context etc.
I only remember one English word that I learned from input (sword, from that scene in Pirates 2 where they don't have enough weapons so they share the sword). I didn't just improve overnight. A couple months after I started consuming content in English, I realized there were words on the vocab list of my textbook that I already knew. That was pretty neat.
At that time, I only consumed media in English every once in a while because our WiFi was so slow. But once I could actually consume as much content in English as I wanted, my skills skyrocketed - again, without even realising I was learning at all.
Literally every single person in my class that was good at English had some form of massive input, either by consuming lots of content or by spending time in an English-speaking country.
Absolutely. Input is measured in the hundreds or thousands of hours, not the dozens. Giving up on it after a few episodes of a random TV show because it doesn't deliver obvious and immediate results seems to miss the point.
you're so real for this 😮💨 downloading anki atm
Yesss! All this video is a big yesss! The only thing I would add is mnemonics - I found out that they were EXTREMELY helpful memorizing vocab and getting them into long term memory ☺
Agreed. Mnemonics are something I've used a lot as well.
I hella vibed with this. Gimme them flashcards and textbooks _chefskiss_
Hahah, I’m glad you liked the video 💚
Media consumption in the TL is the way to go. Got myself to basic fluency in two years just by watching shows, there is a reason why this works and it's called the Input hypothesis. I suggest anyone serious about language learning to look into it. Good luck guys!
Different strokes for different folks^^
"If everything in my life is going up in flames, but I answer a flash card correctly, I feel like I'm not useless, that I've done something." (C) This very situation when you subscribe to the channel because your mental health issues match with the host's :-D Still I can relate to almost every point you made in this video. And I'll definitely try to include your variation of translation method in my Italian learning routine. Thank you for an advice!
Hahaha, well, I’m sure it’s not a healthy way to think, but I’m glad we can both relate! Good luck with your studies~
Hello! I recently started listening to 'Power English' on my way to work. That vivacious and lively energy you and Christine make during the show gives me power to start a new day! I subscribed your channel. Thank you for useful tips for learning a new language :)
Thank you so much for your support on Power English and here on my channel. Your comments give us so much power. I wish you all the best in your English studies~
지나가면서 이 영상을 시청했는데요, 단순히 외국인들 뿐만 아니라 한국인 혹은 모든 사람들에게 필요한 영상이라 생각합니다.
특히 후반부에 언급한 플래시카드 암기법은 단기 기억이 아닌 장기 기억을 이용함으로써 터득하는 공부법인데, 저도 유용하게 쓰고 있습니다.
좋은 영상 만들어주셔서 감사합니다. 한국어 공부 열심히 하세요! 화이팅!
I’ve literally never related more to this. I was wondering why I was lacking motivation with these methods and just thought I was being lazy but they just don’t work for me. And I love flash cards AND translation but I believed that they wouldn’t be as effective as language exchange. Thank you for this video!!!!
I think as long as you’re doing something consistently, you’re not lazy! Keep up the good work~
감사합니다. Your methods helped me a lot since I’ve been struggling with learning Korean lately. I totally agree with you that finding a native speaker to practice a language is not effective if we don’t have any common interests. Again, thank you for your meaningful advice!
💚 I’m happy to hear that the video has been of some help!
Thank you for your comment and I wish you the best in your Korean studies^^
This is the topic I'm interested in, so i started watching it. But immediately, I noticed that this video itself would be the great material to study English and I tried catch every word you said and analyzed the subtitles. Now i'm spending more than 30 minutes but I'm only on the half way through. I'm exhausted haha.. It's certainly not a good way to analyze contents you're supposed to enjoy. I'll just relax to watch the rest of your video. I'm a big fan of Power English and always stan for you and Christine
Thank you so much for your message, and I’m glad that you have found my videos valuable to learn! I put the subtitles just in case people want to study, because that’s what I always like to do when I’m studying Korean content.
Study hard~
Thank you for video and advices:) it was really fun to watch and I really like your personality
Thank you so much for watching!
여러가지 언어를 습득 하시면서 자연스럽게 방법론을 배우신거 같은데, 저는 영어에 대한 갈망이 커서 언어 습득 방법론까지(?) 공부를 하게 된 사람인데요. 정말 공감 가는 부분이 많습니다. 즐기면서 편하게 배울 수 도 있겠지만, 시간 효율성을 따졌을 때 결국에는 노력이 들어가고 어느정도 지루한 방법이 맞더라구요. 한동안 언어 공부 할 일이 없다가 최근에 일본어를 배우려는 찰나에 비디오가 떠서 잘 보았습니다.
💚 댓글 감사합니다! 일본어 공부화이팅~
9:36 - They watched all 10 seasons of friends... and also had English classes since elementary school, went to an English academy on the weekend, had English SATs in high school, had to get an English score to graduate university, and had to do an English test for their current job. I find that to be the real answer more often than not.
never heard about this channel before, clicked to see language learning content and i kinda think im in love
Thank you so much for the kind words! I hope you enjoy my future content as well~
Thanks for an interesting video. Lots of good ideas (even methods you don't like that others like). Personally, I really like daily classes for the first several months. But eventually I get bored with classes and have to move on to more interesting things. By that time I know enough to learn by watching movies and TV dramas (with subtitles).
Your video was very useful to me as a language educator - your point of view will help me understand the potential problems of my future students.
As a beginner youtuber I'd like to point out your transitions between subjects - they're ace. Finishing one with a sentence like "but there's a better method than that!" and then recording with a different background? This is well nang!
Thank you very much^^ I’m still learning a lot about video editing, but having fun doing so!
Cameron-great video. Honest too. I think the takeaway is that people are different and learn differently. I taught downhill skiing briefly and I was instructor-taught to teach 12 different ways with the advice: Use all 12 methods. The students will find the method which matches their style. So for me: classes, private tutor, intensive media consumption, flashcards, spaced repetition of reading novels, books, etc. I write a lot in my target language. To your list I would add: TRANSCRIPTION. I listen to audio in my target language and transcribe it, even when I don't know the meanings. Super training for the ear.
I think you are very correct with that mentality. You've just gotta try everything and see what matches your particular learning style. (Transcription is SO GOOD for listening skills, but it is something I almost never do. Maybe that's why listening is always the worst in all my languages...)
I learned French 10 years ago by translating hip hop lyrics and watching a new french film every day back when the criterion collection used to be on Hulu. I also had 100s of paper flashcards and by the time I studied abroad in France I already knew the word for extension cord which I actually needed to use.
Thanks for the tips. To improve my listening and spelling, I always have a notebook and pen to pick out words or 0phrases that stick out to me when I am watching movies or series. I think it's a cool way to remind me of what I already know and what I need to learn.
Thank you~
I’m in the mood for learning English your movies
요새 영어공부를 열심히 하기시작한 50대입니다
올려주신 영상을 보니 영어공부에 도움이 많이 될 것같아요,
따릉이, 청소 이런 것도 원하는 이야기 소재예요,
참, 영상도 아주 멋집니다~
영상보며 영어공부 열심히 하겠습니다, 감사합니다^^
제 채널을 예쁘게 봐주셔서 정말로 감사합니다! 영어 공부가 잘 되시길~
The best way I found to get better at a new language is the dictionary game. Pick a random word from a travel dictionary (has only useful words) and then explain it to other people and they need to guess it. If you find it problematic to explain it you can look up new words to explain it (add to vocab list). Take turns with the partner. When guessing you improve listening.
That does sound like a lot of fun! Im sure it wold be helpful!
Thank you for such an interesting video! I'll try to make out your video in order to improve my English and probably I will change my approach to learning languages
Thank you very much! Study hard~
My favorite method for learning Chinese last year was self studying from my textbook, and then having a weekly lesson on italki that focused on getting me talking around that textbook course. My teacher had a spec that was a little different than my textbook and was super useful, it helped me understand my grammar a lot better and helped me gain vocab and confidence to say the things I wanted. Like she even planned a whole lesson on TV because she saw that I loved cdramas, it was cool
현재 교환학생을 와서 다른 나라에서 공부 중인데 언어가 잘 안 늘어서 고민이 많던 차에 공부법 영상을 올려주셨네요! ㅎㅎ 평소 영상 잘 보고 있었는데 이번 영상도 잘 볼게요 👍🏻
💚 오~! 유학중이세요? 신나시겠네요! 공부 화이팅하세요! 실력이 곧 늘어날 거예요^^
새로운 언어 배우려고 찾다가 카메론이 떠서 보게됬는데요! 진짜 도움 되는 팁이 많아서 좋았어요 😊 고마워요! 저도 잘 사용해볼게요 ㅋㅋ also, I totally agree with you on language exchange meetups lol I tried quite a few times but it was really difficult to get corrected during a conversation 😢 anyhow! Thanks a bunch for sharing tips 👏🏻👏🏻
언어 능력자인 카메론에게 물어보고 싶었던건데 이렇게 동영상으로 정리해주셔서 정말 정말 감사합니다ㅠㅠㅠ!! 요새 아무리 해도 실력이 늘지 않는 기분이라 낙담하고 있었는데..., 알려주신 방법 따라하면서 다시 열심히 해볼게요 중간중간에 나오는 심바도 너무 귀여워요ㅠㅠ
심바 너무 귀엽죠! ㅎㅎㅎ 저도 볼 때마다 너무 귀여워서 죽겠어요.
낙담하지마세요! 적당히 열심히 공부하세요~
I swear by Anki cards for literally everything in my life, as a soon-to-be vet student who is also learning Korean. In terms of obscure knowledge, I always get so tempted to look up the words for the anatomy I'm learning in my pre-vet curriculum. Even though I can't imagine many instances where I'd have to talk about something like G-Protein coupled receptors in Korean TT
Haha, that is definitely a trap that is easy to fall into^^
I am studying Japanese and Korean right now (and I have done several other languages) but I think classes have been the most useful for me. I also really really LOVE textbooks. I have used Genki so much that I have had to get two copies just because my first one was so rundown from overuse.
Omg you’re spitting facts!!! I’m not a native English speaker and all the traditional learning methods such as watching a lot of movies seemed to apply very well on my English learning journey. But now I’m studying Chinese, Korean and Japanese at the same time and none of them can be achieved easily although I watch a lot of movies and listen to music (well maybe as for Japanese it may work a little bit). So I have to go back to the most traditional way of studying a language: textbooks, doing exercises, attending classes, learning new words before class,… Everything that I have never done before on my English learning journey 😂 Well I guess there is no ultimated tip for learning every language
Yes, I do find that the farther a language is from English, the more textbook/writing based I have to be in my studies. Good luck with all your languages! 💚
I keep working to learn Korean, but I’m a little stuck on pronouncing some of the vowel combinations. I can look at it, try it, hear the real way. Can you help me by reminding me of a traditional way to learn pronunciation? 1. do i just keep repeating the corrections, or work on it with words containing them? thank you
@@Sunset553 Maybe saying this is a little bit too obvious, but I think the best method is something called Shadowing. Watching K-Dramas, reality shows and repeat what people are saying, comfortably. Repeat because you think it’s enjoyable, just don’t pay too much intention to really studying it. Actually at the very beginning, I struggled with pronouncing a lot. So many pronouncing rules to remember, and the vowels sometimes sound so similar to me. But then I watched lots of dramas, and because I had already leaned a little bit of Korean so I could somehow recognize the vowels and consonants that people were talking in the movies (of course not everything). And my brain will unconsciously remember those way of pronouncing. But of course remember is not enough, sometimes I also had to say out loud too, if I think that word is too hard.
Well after all, I think you should do some research about Shadowing, there’re a lot videos about it on the Internet ;) Good luck to you~~
This video popped up randomly for me and i clicked on it, and for the first time ever i can relate when it comes to ways of language studying!😀
I've been learning Korean since 2019, i mostly focus on reading and writing since i live in the states, it's somewhere around pre intermediate lvl, my main struggle is vocabulary so I'm focusing on that now.
Thank you so much for this video, i haven't had inspiration or any will to study korean for almost 6 months, and with this video i want to continue my language journey, and get better at it.
My native language is Russian, learned English in school, been learning Korean since summer of 2019, and also plan on learning Hebrew, Greek, and Chinese hopefully in the future.
Thank you so much for this video, You've earned a subscriber!
저도 책보고 공부하고 플래쉬 카드 넘기는거 좋아해요:) 근데 요즘 사람들이 하도 쉐도잉 이야기를 해서 억지로 동영상을 보고 있었는데 ㅋㅋ 다행이예요! 지금은 영어는 생활 할수 있을만큼은 되서 😂 새로운 언어 프랑스어 도전중인데 기초 공부하느라 열심히 플래쉬카드 넘기고 있답니다. 번역해보는거 완전 꿀팁 이예요! 해볼께요! 😊 감사합니다 ❤
ㅎㅎㅎ 싫은 방법이면 아무리 열심히 해도 기억에 남지 않을 거예요! 외국어 공부화이팅~~~
여러모로 공감이 많이 되네요. 다행스럽게도 저는 팝송과 영어권 미디어를 좋아하지만, 그걸 가지고 공부를 하진 못했거든요. 넘쳐나는 미디어 학습법 간증을 보며 ‘왜 나는 못하지..?’ 싶은 자괴감에 빠질 때도 있었습니다. 그런데 이렇게 한국어를 잘 하시는 분도 비슷한 이야기를 하시니 위안도 되고, 다시 영어를 공부해야겠단 용기도 생기네요. 제 영어 실력이 크게 늘었던 순간을 생각하면 저도 미디어 학습법보다는 교과서로 공부하는 범생이 스타일이 맞는 것 같습니다. 번역 관련된 이야기도 정말 공감이 가는 게, 저도 영화 대사나 소설을 한국어로 번역하는 과정에서 정말 많은 표현과 뉘앙스를 익힐 수 있었어요. 어떨 때는 뭘 공부해야 할 지조차 모를 때가 있잖아요? 그런데 번역을 하면 새로운 단어는 물론이고, 유의어들 사이에서 어감의 미묘한 차이를 캐치할 수 있어 좋더라고요. 가장 좋은 점은 그 모든 과정이 아주 자연스레 이어진단 것이고요. 반가운 마음에 댓글이 길어졌네요ㅎㅎ 좋은 영상 잘 보고 갑니다!
I am so agree about translating technique! It has a bad rep now, but it is always very effective and enjoyable for me
I’m glad you’ve found use with it as well!
I really enjoy learning solo, but it does depend on what you're trying to learn. Sometimes it is more productive in a face-to-face class.
Right! Sometimes you really so need to have a teacher/classmates for motivation and understanding.
Really I've watched a lot of language learning videos on youtube and yours is one that really speaks to me. I'm glad it popped out on my youtube feed. All the methods you like I prefer too, especially as an introvert. I always wanted to dive deep into translating things because I thought that is a good and efficient practice but watching other videos saying that it's not effective and waste of time kind of brought me down. I was so happy to hear that you think it's actually can be very productive. Exactly my thoughts, so I'm going to try it out and see for myself. Thank you so much for such an amazing video! Best and honest on how to learn languages I've seen so far :)
Ps: your dog is adorable 😍
I’m glad you found value in the video and thank you for the comment! Good luck with translation and all your other studies!
처음엔 내용에 집중해서 듣다가 표현하시는 언어에도 귀기울이게 되었는데 역시 원어민이셔서 그런지 사용하시는 어휘들이 풍부해서 이 영상 자체만으로도 영어 공부하기에 좋았어요 미국 프로그램들 보면 원어민이라고 다 이렇게 어휘표현이 다채롭진 않던데.. 역시 언어공부하시는 분이라 그런 것일까요? 미국 본토에서도 유식한 분으로 비춰지실 것 같다는 느낌이 듭니다 그리고 역시 내용도 너무 좋았어요 처음엔 30분 짜리라 좀 긴가 싶었는데 다 필요한 말들이더라구요 저도 언어 공부하는 입장에서 공감 가는 게 많았구요 편집 실력도 진짜 전문가 못지 않으신 것 같아요 덕분에 끝까지 흥미롭게 잘 봤습니다! 그리고 앞으로도 이렇게 영어로 말씀하시는 컨텐츠 더 자주 보고 싶어요 저는 11:45 에 말씀하셨던 것을 이 영상에 활용해보려구요ㅎㅎ
Personally, what helped me to learned more english and what's help me to learn korean when i watching netflix series is to use "Language Reactor". It's a free tool you can add on your internet browser and show you a double subtitle in the same time ! it's very useful when you want to see word they use in the sentence and also understand the sentence. It has a loooot of possibilities : putting word that you know in color ( five different colors), make a pause automatically at the end of a scene/sentence, hide your language subtitle or hide both subtitle and check after if you understand well what they said, etc.. It's free, if that can help people free to enjoy (i personnaly took the extension recently (it's 5dollars per month (or less i don't know)).
Oh! Thank you for the very useful tip 💚
Viki also has a built-in "Language Learning" mode but it only works for series that has the subtitles in the original language and it's only on the website, they unfortunately haven't added that feature to their app
Hello :) I enjoyed your video and I definitely find your points valid. Especially, what I found first-hand is that I have my preferred style of learning which sort of transcends many fields. To give you an example, I learned English the best on my own by reading stories online (yes, it was fanfiction and I take pride in it lol :p) despite taking an English class in primary school which was on a really low level since I was taking more advanced German class for 6 years already. Additionally, that pushed me to a specific type of thinking like puzzle solving where I know some things (context, some words) and have no clue about anything else. That's also the best way for me to learn math! I'm doing exceptionally poorly in my math class where the teacher only gives me dry, one-by-one instruction on what to do and doesn't give me broader context so that I can figure out for myself what to do and how to do it. If anyone read this, thanks and so sorry for wasting your time
I agree! Once you find a good foreign language method for yourself, you often find you can use it with other endeavors as well. 💚
전반적으로 공감이 많이 되네요 ㅎㅎ 다들 초심자일땐 교과서로 배우다가, 어느 순간 지루하고 재미없어서 이런저런 방법들도 일탈(?)도 해보고, 결국에는 '공부의 왕도는 없다'는 걸 깨닫고 다시 책으로, 단어 암기로 돌아오는 것 같아요. 저도 초심자일 땐 교과서에 충실했고, 어느 정도 실력이 됐을 때는 해당 언어로 된 미디어 (노래, 드라마, 영화, 유튜브, 책, 댓글 전부)를 무차별적으로 많이 접했는데 그때마다 실력이 한 단계 한 단계씩 늘었던 것 같아요. ㅎㅎ
많~은 시간을 들여서 시행착오도 여러번 겪어보고 깨달은 것들일텐데 이렇게 공유해주셔서 감사합니다.
I think using flash cards-or these days, repetitive spaced repetition software-is _really_ satisfying. You give the answer and, yes!, you’ve nailed it. That word you couldn’t recall a week ago now feels like it remain lodged in your memory forever.
That said, with SRS, all I learned was _words._ I couldn’t really produce sentences. What helped me was actually producing sentences to prompts (e.g., a picture of something). _That_ was way harder. How did I know I was producing correct sentences? I didn’t-I could use (or try to use) patterns of sentences that I had learned before and was reasonably certain that they were right. But, for some new grammar point that I was trying to learn, I’d write the sentences down and ask a native speaker to check them over.
The underlying point is, basically, the best language study method actually has you _doing_ the behavior, e.g., making sentences in response to, well, _something,_ that you want to get better at.
I found texting with friends in Korean to be quite useful for improving spelling and learning casual expressions.
I agree that the extra time that it takes to send texts helps with the language learning process a lot! 💚
I love how you explained the speaking issue, because that's how I've been feeling as well. Of course speaking a lot is important for practice and fluidity, but it's not actually that useful for learning and I find it frustrating that people say "just start speaking!" as if that's helpful advice. You can only say what you actually know, so if you don't know much yet then speaking will just be repeating the standard stock phrases and probably ending up stumped anyway when someone responds with something you don't know yet.
As I've been learning through reading all of these comments, you are not alone! ^^ Good luck with your studies~
You have a very clear pronunciation. I like your English accent 😃
Thank you very much for the compliment 💚
24:30 - Retranslation is a very old technique - Elizabeth I was taught languages using the method.
Thank you for the good tips ! I'm very impressed that you can explain things smoothly, with no hesitance or mistakes.
Did you memorize all the script ??? Whatever the way it is, your video is easy to watch and it's very inspiring! 새벽에 Power English 라디오 재밌게 잘 듣고 있어요 !! 더 많은 활동 기대해요! 😄
카메론 형 사랑해 ! 알찬 영상 올려줘서 감사해요. 외국어 학습에 있어 슬럼프에 빠져 있었는데 영상 속 솔루션들 꼭 적용해볼게요!
💚 고마워요! 열심히 공부하되 너무 무리하면 안 돼요~ 외국어 학습 화이팅~~~
I can feel like we are the same type of language learner 😅 but i don't use flashcards. I'm one of those people you mentioned who hates it. It's because i get bored looking at flashcards and feel like it's a chore. However i still do a space repetition technique but more on a traditional format. I prefer writing things than swiping cards left or right. This makes memorizing words 100x better. Especially since I'm studying chinese 😊
I agree! The more “analog” you can make your study methods, the better. Digital is very convenient but sometimes it doesn’t have the “realness” to make things stick.
정말 효과 많이 봤죠. 시간이 많이 소요되긴 하지만 가장 빨리 생각하지 않고도 말로 빨리 뱉을 수 있는 방법이었어요. 존경합니다
Haha I am getting back into Japanese and I agree how "watching the whole season of Friends" doesn't personally make me learn the language well. In Japanese dubs of foreign films, their Japanese feels very weird and the speakers speak really quickly only to fill in gaps of the voice sync. Japanese is polysyllabic and synthetic, which is very different from analytic and short-syllabic English. Honestly, the best way to learn a language is the the method that you are most comfortable with and adjusting your habits based on it.
Also, I must say translation and listening to songs is prolly my best bet. It's interesting and entertaining no matter how redundant it is.
I agree. In the end, it all depends on what matches you best, and what you are going to be able to do long-term. Language learning is a VERY long process, and the most important thing is consistency.
카메론님 영어 엄청 잘하시네요😂😂한국말만 잘하시는줄 알았는데😆좋은 학습방법 알려주셔서 감사합니다.요즘 영어공부하는데 많은 도움될거 같아요❤
💚 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 고마워요! 영어 공부 화이팅하세요~
I can totally relate to the not liking conversations. I am not a big conversationalist even with close friends and family. I really don't like talking to people I don't really know, and I am more of an observer, so yeah, this doesn't work for me either. I found this video fun and useful.
마지막 방식이 저한테는 제일 유효하고 필요해보이네요bb
ㅎㅎㅎ 열심히 공부하세요~
3년째 영어 회화 공부 중이고 영상에 나온 거의 모든 방법을 다 해봤는데 영어 실력 향상에 정체기가 온 것 같아서 걱정이에요,,ㅜ.ㅜ
플래시 카드로 공부하는 건 한 번도 안해봤는데 이번 기회에 어휘력 늘리기 도전 해보려구요! 영상 잘보고 가요!
💚 걱정하지 마세요! 제게도 정체기가 올때도 있어요. 답답해하시겠지만 꾸준히 공부하면 다시 향상하실 거예요! (다른 방법은 없어요 ㅠㅠㅠ) 화이팅하세요!!
Can definitely confirm for spaced repetition. Was able to acquire an extensive vocabulary after about 6 months of infrequent study in my first foreign target language. Now doing the same for my second.
Good luck with your current language studies~
안녕하세요 본인의 경험을 이렇게 나눠주셔서 감사해요:)
영어 공부 방식을 어떻게 더 발전시킬 수 있을까 항상 고민하던 찰나에 이 영상을 보게 되었는데 카메론님께서 고군분투하신 그 소중한 경험을 듣게 되어 정말 많은 도움이 되었습니다! 심지어 설명이 굉장히 깔끔하고 정돈되어 있어 이 영상 자체가 영어 공부 자체에 도움이 많이 되어요. 새로운 단어와 프레이즈들을 익히고 갑니다! 감사해요❤
감사합니다! ^^ 영어 공부 화이팅~
ebs radio 📻 English 방송 잘 듣고 있습니다 ; Thank you 😊
💚 Thank you for listening and being a fan~
이번 영상 공감도 너무 가고 저랑 성향이 비슷해서 완전 집중해서 봤어요ㅋㅋㅋ
'번역하기' 과정은 꽤 시간이 걸릴 것 같지만 내가 모르는 부분, 원어민이 잘 쓰는 부분들을 확실하게 알 수 있을 것 같네요!!
영어원서로 한번 해봐야겠어요 +_+
파워 잉글리쉬도 너무 듣고 싶은데
아직은 easy하게 하는 중이에요ㅋㅋㅋ
덕분에 열심히 해야겠다는 의지가 뿜뿜!
항상 응원할게요~~~
댓글 고마워요~! 본인 레벨에 맞게 easy를 꾸준히 들으면 언젠가 파워 잉글리쉬도 쉬워질 거예요^^ 화이팅하세요~
Look. I could never sign through a 25 minute video but I’m 9 minutes into your video and like… I can’t stop. It helps so much. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your sweet words^^ All the best with your studies~
저는 지금 일본어를 7개월째 공부 중인데(1:1 비대면 레슨), 말씀하신대로 일주일에 한 번, 한 시간 있는 레슨 시간 외에 따로 노력을 들여 공부하지를 않으니 전혀 늘지를 않더라고요ㅜㅜㅋㅋㅋ 12월에 자격증 시험을 앞두고 아 이대로는 안되겠다, 싶어서 어플을 이용한 플래시 카드 공부법을 활용하고 있습니다. 지하철에서 유튜브 보던 시간을 플래시 카드로 공부하는 데에 쓰니까 괜히 보람차고 좋더라고요.
영상에 나온 수많은 공부법과 개인에게 있어서의 효용성에 대한 얘기를 들으면서 뭔가... 위로를 얻었달까요. 많은 사람들에게 효과가 있는 공부법이 나에게는 안 맞을 수도 있지!라는 사실을 새삼스럽게 깨달으면서 조금 울적했던 기분에 대한 환기가 되었네요.
지금도 공부량은 너무너무 부족하지만, 앞으로도 꾸준히 플래시 카드도 열심히 보고 영상에 나온 공부법을 참고해 저에게 맞는 언어 공부법을 습득해야겠어요. 좋은 영상 감사합니다!
일본어 공부하시는군요! 재미있어요?
여러 방법을 시도하면 자기에게 딱 맞는 골 찾을 거예요^^
열공하세요~~~ 💚
플래시 카드가 정말 좋으셨군요ㅋㅋㅋ 재밌고 유용한 영상 잘 봤어요
영어 학습법 조언 중 가장가장 엄청엄청 분석을 잘 해주신 것 같아요!! 저한테도 잘 맞고요. 저도 이렇게 효과를 분석하면서 자신에게 맞는 학습법을 찾아가야겠어요. 영상이 너무 유용해서 여러번 멈추고 되돌려가면서 봤어요!! 프렌즈 10시즌 다 보고 오피스도 여러번 봤지만 별로 얻은게 없습니다. 핸드폰도 영어로 설정해 둔지 수년이 지났지만 달라진게 없고요ㅠㅠ 추천해주신 방법 전부 써볼게요. 감사합니다! 꾸벅!
시청해주셔서 고마워요!! 영어 공부가 잘 되시길 바랍니다~
please don’t just watch american shows. american accent is not attractive sounding
Wow I really like the way you talk. Also, I love your contents! It helped me a lot. :) I wish I could meet you in person in Korea lol.
I'm glad you enjoyed the content! All the best in your language studies~
I've studied four different languages (French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean) extensively and I don't know how to speak them except for a few words. Weirdly enough I can explain how grammar works or other principles, but I can't speak any beyond the basic greetings. My mind goes blank.
Here in the Philippines, we have over a hundred languages across the country. I can speak/read/understand one (Tagalog) and understand/barely speak another (Sambali) even though I grew up hearing it. During my university years I lived in a town where people spoke another language (Ilocano), but four years living there I learned only "yes" and "no". This was because everyone knew the language I spoke, so I didn't have to resort to speaking theirs.
I feel like my brain rejects the whole comprehension part of the language and it's so slow to remember vocabulary or the writing system.
I feel your pain. Everybody has weak points when it comes to language learning, but we also have things that we are good with. The fact that you speak English and Tagalog, and also understand Sambali means that you know so many more languages than most people! Don't feel so bad about that accomplishment, because you are doing great!
I honestly don’t like spaced repetition, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t extremely helpful for me. I hate the feeling of seeing a sentence over and over and forgetting it and it takes me forever but overall it’s helped me better be able to read when trying to understand books for example so ima just stick with it even though I don’t really like it.
Dang. This video hit me like a bus. Especially the talking part hah. I’ve learned some Korean but I feel like I can confidently say like a few sentences. Though if I’m at work and I hear something I start to say yes or no in Korean not thinking about it. ❤
Good luck with your Korean studies~ 💚
Immersion from TV works best for me. I study actual vocab and grammar for an hour a day and the rest of my study time is immersion. But I immerse for between 3 and 10 hours a day. I only have time to watch things in English on weekends.
About speaking a lot I agree with you: language exchange I think it can be useful only after B2 or better after C1. As I am in A1 in russian I can't bother other people with my poor russian then I speak in russian in my TH-cam channel, nobody sees those boring videos but they are useful to myself to check my progress
i'm not an english native speaker and as it may, i have to agree that my experience of switching my phone to english was the same. i fully switched around 7 years ago, when i was like advanced/c1 and could solve some technical issues without going back to russian lol. now all my devices are in english since i prefer it most. really looking forward to having the same level of confidence/auto piloting with the other languages i'm learning. (also idk if anyone does that on regular, but if you have media and basic vocab down, it's possible to write subtitles/lyrics in TL as listening practice? it's low-key boring and laborious but kinda good. no idea how much you can learn from it though especially if there's not a soul to check it lmao. and ig you could say this falls under intensive media consumption category yea...)
all in all great video! 👀 i relate to a lot of those as an nd person tbh haha
You seem to have great English skills!
Lyric/subtitle dictation like you said might be quite laborious, but if it's something you enjoy, I can't see it hurting your English skills.
100% agreed and love your video!!
Thank you so much^^
changing the language of my phone into my target language didnt help me either but what helped me was creating different social media accounts (espacially twitter) for each of my target language. Within this account you can change the preferred language to your target language. You are mostly receiving news and tweets in this language. Helps with In and Output (since you likely to comment in the target language too)
Agreed. This is a much more effective strategy than changing your phone OS language
나에게 도움이 된 한 가지 연구 방법:
1.) 내가 좋아하는 드라마에서 내가 선택한 장면의 대본을 공부하고 타임스탬프를 찍는다.
A.) 모든 단어 정의
B.) 간단한 문장에서 새로운 어휘 사용
C) 그림자(줄 그대로 반복)
D.) 문법 포인트 분리
느린 과정이지만 이러한 방식으로 공부할 때 새로운 정보를 더 잘 유지한다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
나는 또한 이 방법을 사용하여 이미 25-40xs 이상 오디오를 재생했다는 것을 깨달았습니다.
물론 다음 번에는 더 많이 이해하게 될 것입니다.
이 방법은 플래시 카드보다 더 효과적입니다.
One study method that has been beneficial to me :
1.) Studying the script of the scene of my choice from my favorite dramas and time stamping them.
A.) Define every word
B.) Use new vocabulary in simple sentences
C) Shadow ( repeat the line verbatim)
D.) Separate the grammar points ( in order to do something, used to compare and contrast..)
It's a slow process but I find that I retain new information better when I study this way.
I also realized that with using this method, I had already played the audio more than 25-40xs.
So, of course I'll understand more and more the next time around.
This method is more effective than flashcards for me.
💚 Honestly, this has been one of the best methods for me as well.
i absolutely agree with all your points!! coming from someone who learned mandarin and japanese
💚 I’m glad you enjoyed the video. Happy studying~
영어공부하면서 이것저것 시도해보았는데 공감가는 내용이 많아요! 😂
댓글 감사합니다! 영어 공부 화이팅~