What works for you? I am a very competitive person, and when I was young that meant feeling jealous half the time and arrogant the other half! For me, when I switched to competing against myself, my life as a musician became much happier! 我基本上是一個非常有競爭心的人,當我年輕時,一半時間感到嫉妒,另一半時間則變得自大!對我來說,後來,當我轉而與自己競爭時,作為音樂家的生活變得快樂了一些!您覺得哪種方法最適合您自己呢?
What works for you? I am a very competitive person, and when I was young that meant feeling jealous half the time and arrogant the other half! For me, when I switched to competing against myself, my life as a musician became much happier! 我基本上是一個非常有競爭心的人,當我年輕時,一半時間感到嫉妒,另一半時間則變得自大!對我來說,後來,當我轉而與自己競爭時,作為音樂家的生活變得快樂了一些!您覺得哪種方法最適合您自己呢?