Lucky Dog Animal Rescue Doggies from 2011

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • The number of dogs and cats we have rescued this year: 1319.

    The number of dogs and cats we have rescued since our founding: over 3,800.

    The number of transports that came in from rural shelters bringing Lucky Dogs from a certain death to a wonderful life: 36.

    But then what we do is not about the numbers.

    It's about each and every dog we save. It's about each and every family we help find joy and happiness. It's about the volunteers who put in countless hours on our dogs' behalf. It's about the incredibly generous support you provide to make sure our special needs pups receive the care they need. In short, it's about YOU.

    Each Lucky Dog begins as a number. The shelters send photos of nameless dogs in numbered kennels. A30 is a 4-month-old cocker spaniel puppy. A32 represents a litter of 5 retriever puppies. A28, a beautiful boxer. The list goes on. It isn't until each dog becomes a Lucky Dog that they get a name . . . and a future.

    Bongo is not just a number. He is a puppy with all the potential in the world. And, that change only happened because of you.

    Lucky Dog receives no grants. We have no paid staff. We rely on your donations to save as many dogs as possible.

    Without the generous support of good friends like you, Lucky Dog would not exist. And, while it's not about the numbers, more than 3,800 Lucky Dogs would never have seen the promise of a new day without your support.

    The shelters are packed. The nights are cold, and the concrete floors are hard.

    Please help us grant the wishes of a few more Lucky Dogs this holiday season. Please donate today.

    Thank you on behalf of all the Lucky Dogs.

    P.S. Your support makes it possible for us to save dogs like Bongo. Your donations allow us to make sure our dogs are happy and healthy when the finally find their forever homes.
    $25 will buy heartworm pills for 6 dogs.
    $75 can fully vet a dog in preparation for transport from South Carolina.
    $125 will pay for 6 days of boarding at a local doggie daycare.
    And, $300 will pay for life-saving treatment of a heartworm positive dog.

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  • @Zodija
    @Zodija 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you people!