The North Vietnamese wanted a clean ending to the war. They wanted all Americans to leave their country that's why they held back at the outskirts of Saigon allowing a clean evacuation. Nobody including North Vietnam wanted Americans left behind. People have the false belief and they have it without evidence that Americans were left behind in Vietnam. But what they fail to understand is that the North Vietnamese fought American forces from 1965 to 1973 for the express purpose of driving all Americans out of Vietnam. The North Vietnamese did not even want children who were fathered by American soldiers to remain behind that's why amerasian children were deported from Vietnam and sent to the United States in the 1980s. There are some Americans who now live in Vietnam but they are not leftovers from the war they emigrated to Vietnam.
@@wademullis7377 indeed, the POWs myth after 1975 were created by ex-ARVN soldier to sabotage the normalization process between the unified Vietnam and US, which could have been happen sooner than 1995.
All the TraDoc cadre, E-6 and above at Ft. Dix were CIB recipients when I went in 1980...ALL of them. Supposedly our issued M16s had been overseas also.
At the Forty Niner games back in the 80's I used to look at the sellout crowds at Candlestick Park and make the comparison to our numbers lost in VN...
OMG the commander is hanging off the back of the helicopter and he's literally the last American soldier to leave Vietnam...crazy. Could be an unfortunate metaphor for the entire American experience in Vietnam :(
Semper fi! I was not on land, but on ship waiting to accept evacuees. It was so volatile they named it Operation Frequent Winds! Glad you guys were safe.
Not shown in this film are the four additional marine helicopters taking gun fire from every one on and around the embassy grounds during this rescue. One door gunner received the navy cross for exceptional bravery.
Larry Owens Thanks very much for their sacrifice and service. We, former south Vietnamese refugees love this country because of men like your cousin. You must be very proud of him, Larry Owens. God Bless you all! God Bless America!
hey, whats your Cousins Last name? ( I went into the marines in 1984 -and my "recruiter" said he was one of the last marines out of Vietnam ( Gunny Shuller ) ?? If I can recall correctly....
@@kikomilano7392 My father was not one of the last 11. And I love those guys! They are true heroes! Semper Fi! He was a Marine Sgt. artillery man in 65-66. I myself was 6 years old when the events in that film (Last Days In Vietnam) took place. He never talked about it when I was young, but he's opened up a lot in recent years. I asked him once, very naively "How many people do you think you killed?" He hesitated and said, "I have no idea. I'm sure a lot." I didn't witness those events on TV because I'm sure he would have quickly switched the channel. I guess we all fight our father's wars, but I have become obsessed with this chapter in our great country's history. I look at you the South Vietnamese and Hmong people as more American than the majority of today's population. You truly understand the sacrifice that good people went through (both South Vietnamese and American) to uphold the American dream! Never Communism! ever.
Reborn asks "Why do you think the boat people came to be? If Vietnam was so great after the war why did million of refugee flee it." -- I reply # Firstly, "If Vietnam was so great after the war" is your saying, not mine. # Second, relating to your question "Why do you think the boat people came to be? .... Vietnam .... after the war why did million of refugee flee it", please see below for an answer and explanation. Unfortunately, they're in Vietnamese for now; hopefully, an English version will come later (I'll try); for now perhaps Google could give a very rough translation into English. ================ English later (maybe; I'll try - Google Translation could give some very rough translation) - Vietnamese for now. Mời mọi người coi chơi. ================ Từ mấy năm nay (2019) mỗi năm có chừng 800 ngàn Đồng bào người Việt ta từ khắp nơi trên Thế giới về thăm Quê hương Việt Nam bây giờ yên bình trọn vẹn đang vững bước tiến lên phồn vinh hạnh phúc. # Mọi người có biết vì sao một thời vượt biên chết sống cực khổ mà ngày nay Đồng bào ta lại tung tăng hớn hở về thăm Quê hương không (có người về ở luôn) ? # Muốn biết tại sao, xin mời xem bên dưới; đặc biệt "Đồng bào ta biết rõ những Sự thật nầy" ================ Xem youtube video “Cô gái gốc Việt tìm mẹ bị cướp biển bắt cóc sau 33 năm”: Chuyện quá đau lòng, nghe muốn khóc; một trong hàng triệu chuyện đau lòng từ đất nước Việt Nam: Chết đói Ất Dậu, Thảm sát Mỹ Lai, Bom B52 trãi thảm giết hết tất tần tật con nít bà già Cô Tư Dì Út, Chất độc Dioxin làm bé sanh ra bị dị tật khủng khiếp suốt đời (tới bây giờ vẫn còn xãy ra), Chìm tàu vượt biên, Bị Cướp biển Thái Lan hiếp giết, v.v., và v.v. # Xin cầu chúc chị Amy Nguyễn (Nguyễn Hoàng Linh Thảo) và anh Phương Nguyễn (Nguyễn Hoàng Tuấn Phương) sẽ tìm lại được mẹ. Xin cầu chúc những người có hoàn cảnh tương tự cũng sẽ tìm lại được người thân. # Và đây là một vài Sự thật: # Mỹ, Pháp đã có nền công nghiệp mấy trăm năm; họ giàu mạnh hơn Việt Nam rất, rất nhiều lần; và họ có ảnh hưởng lớn, ngay cả khống chế, lên rất nhiều nước, như Thái Lan, Singapore, … # Nước Việt Nam sau 30 năm chiến tranh chống Pháp đô hộ, chống Mỹ xâm lược, giành lại được Độc lập Thống nhất, nhưng Đất nước tan hoang, cửa nhà sụp đổ, ruộng vườn xơ xác tiêu điều # Hàng triệu người còn bị thương tật chưa lành cần phải ngày ngày thuốc men chạy chửa, hàng triệu Gia đình tan nát con mất cha vợ mất chồng mẹ mất con, còn đang tìm kiếm xương cốt (chỉ mong tìm được xương cốt thôi, chớ không dám mơ thấy người còn sống trở về) # Hàng triệu cha mẹ già không ai chăm sóc, vợ góa neo đơn phải bươn chải nuôi con, ... # Đất nước sau chiến tranh đã rất nghèo, ruộng vườn nhiều nơi còn sót bom mìn chưa nổ, trình độ công nghiệp lại rất thấp (gần bằng 0) mà Chính quyền Mỹ lại thâm độc trả thù bao vây Việt Nam 4 bề cấm vận Việt Nam toàn diện, định dùng GIẶC ĐÓI giết Dân Việt Nam ta như khi trước Nhật - Pháp cấu kết gây nạn đói giết trên 2 triệu Đồng bào ta chỉ trong vòng có mấy tháng hồi 1945 (để Dân ta hết sức hết người mà theo Việt Minh chống lại chúng) # Chính quyền Mỹ lại xúi giục giúp sức cho bọn Bành trướng Trung Quốc Đặng Tiểu Bình - Mao Trạch Đông tiến đánh nước ta ở phía Bắc với 600 ngàn quân tinh nhuệ nhất của chúng, và cùng nhau (có thêm Thái Lan, Singapore, ... hùa vào) chỉ đạo xúi giục giúp sức cho bọn Diệt chủng Pôn Pốt dốc toàn lực với 300 ngàn quân điên cuồng tiến đánh ta ở phía Nam. # Chưa hết, Chính quyền Mỹ cùng với Thái Lan, Singapore, ... còn nuôi dưỡng, xúi giục hết đám "Phục quốc" nầy, tới bọn "Đông tiến", ... kia, hiệp đồng với bọn Diệt chủng Pôn Pốt và Bành trướng Trung Quốc Đặng Tiểu Bình - Mao Trạch Đông, cố sức "Chuyển lửa về Quê hương" (là cố đốt cháy Quê hương lần nữa) điên cuồng quậy phá Đất nước ta, nhằm gây hổn loạn từ bên trong. # Đó, hoàn cảnh Đất nước ta những năm sau 1975 là như vậy đó. # Hoàn cảnh Đất nước quá khó khăn, đời sống mọi người cực kỳ thiếu đói, quá khổ, quá cực, nên rất nhiều Đồng bào ta đã bỏ nước vượt biên. # Phần lớn Đồng bào ta biết rõ những Sự thật nầy (trừ bọn Tàn dư 3 Que là bọn vẫn còn đang mơ tiếp tục kiếp Chó săn Tay sai cho một Quân Xâm lược nào đó để được nuôi ăn), nên ngày nay Đất nước yên bình, đời sống ổn định phát triển, mỗi năm có chừng 800 ngàn Đồng bào ta về thăm lại Quê hương Việt Nam yên bình đang tiến lên phồn vinh hạnh phúc của mình. ================ Năm nay Đào lại nở / Donald Trump phất cờ: / "Tui theo Việt Cộng nhen. / Nè! Tui cười hết cỡ!" # Ủa? Tàn dư 3 Que sao không thấy mống nào ÍT RA cũng hó hé phản đối, chửi Donald Trump dùm 1 tiếng (khoan tính tới "Sát" (giết) Việt Cộng Donald Trump) ? # Sợ bị cúp Welfare là đói chớ gì ? À thì ra là vậy ! ================ Nếu Bạn lỡ sinh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (đầu quân vào Quân đội Liên hiệp Pháp [LÀ CỦA PHÁP] năm 1948, số quân 43/300.661) .... # Nếu Bạn lỡ sinh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, dĩ nhiên BẠN KHÔNG CÓ LỖI, vì Bạn đã không có sự chọn lựa. # Đây là điều Đạo lý Việt Nam nhờ Ông Bà đúc kết qua mấy ngàn năm để lại cho con cháu, hoàn toàn trái ngược với “mới sanh ra là đã có tội và phải rữa tội” như bọn đạo Thiên chúa Va-ti-căn ép buộc các con Chiên (là con Cừu, là con thú vật, để cho bọn “Chủ chăn” sai bảo, lấy lông, làm thịt) của chúng phải chấp nhận! # Trời ơi! Mới sanh ra còn đỏ hỏn có làm gì hại ai, có biết gì đâu, mà đã phải mang tội! Mà phải “rữa tội”! # Mà đã mang tội (như chúng vu vạ lên con nít người ta) thì bọn chúng như đám “Chủ chăn” có quyền giết chết không tha! Là chúng tự cho mình quyền giết con nít mới sanh còn đỏ hỏn đấy, vì chúng nói con nít mới sanh cũng có tội! # Và chúng đã làm, rất nhiều lần! Là giết chết con nít mới sanh còn đỏ hỏn đấy! Đúng là bọn Quỷ dữ đội lốt Đạo! # Trở lại chuyện Bạn lỡ sanh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu. # Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu tội lỗi chất chồng, mà đã lỡ là con cháu nó, Bạn phải làm sao? # Như đã nói, lỡ sanh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, BẠN KHÔNG CÓ LỖI, vì Bạn đã không chọn như vậy. # Nhưng Bạn vẫn có thể chuộc phần nào lỗi lầm của ông cha mình, trước hết bằng cách nhận rõ là Nguyễn Văn Thiệu là Chó săn Tay sai đã phục vụ đắc lực cho Quân xâm lược mấy chục năm, tra tấn bắn giết Đồng bào mìmh, đốt nhà tàn phá ruộng vườn Quê hương Đất nước mình! # Xa hơn nữa, Bạn có thể góp tay góp sức bảo vệ, xây dựng Quê hương Việt Nam ngày nay đã sạch bóng Quân thù Xâm lược, đang tận hưởng Thanh bình, đang phát triển tiến lên phồn vinh, hạnh phúc cho tất cả mọi người! Tới nỗi, Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump cũng bị vui lây mà tự đi kiếm một lá cờ đỏ lấp lánh sao vàng Việt Nam mà quơ mà phất, mà hồ hở tươi cười (ý nói "Coi nè! Tui theo Việt Cộng rồi nghen!") rồi còn nói cái gì như "Phải vậy thôi!" nữa chứ! # Chú ý: TẤT CẢ MỌI NGƯỜI, là tất cả mọi người sống trên Đất nước Việt Nam, kể cả tất cả những người xưa kia hoặc vì bị bắt buộc (phần lớn), hoặc vì hoàn cảnh, vì lợi ích riêng, hoặc vì bị tuyên truyền một chiều (như do sinh ra lớn lên và chỉ sống trong vùng quân Xâm lược và Tay sai khống trị, kiểm soát, nên chỉ biết và nghe chúng tuyên truyền xuyên tạc, gây áp lực, nói láo nói xạo ngày nầy qua ngày khác) nên đã phục vụ (kể cả đi lính) cho Quân Xâm lược và Chế độ Ngụy Sài Gòn do chúng dựng lên để làm Chó săn Tay sai cho chúng (Thực dân cũ Pháp, Thực dân mới Mỹ [và Quân Phiệt Nhật xen vào mấy năm])
GOD Bless to you guys and to your family, what an experience, a scary road were no one want to go back, well it's already 40 years been left behind, all you have to do is to share this unforgettable moments. 👍👍
My ex-husband always said he was on this last helicopter: Larry Copeland. He has PTSD so bad, I don't know whether to believe him or not. Anyone remember him? He looks like the last guy in this shot - on the far right.
Was Larry on "Embassy Duty" Security stationed at the US Embassy during the Fall of Saigon or was he a Marine from Okinawa 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, helping in the Evacuation at the Embassy? This may help your search.
The last eleven US Marines departing Saigon on 30 APR 1975 were: James H. Kean, John J. Valdez, Mike K. Sullivan, Philip A. Babel, Terry J. Bennington, Steven T. Schuller, Stephen Q. Bauer, Duane R. Gevers, Robert Schlager, Robert L. Frain, and David E. Norman. Time of departure from the Embassy for the last helicopter was 0753 per Major Kean and 0758 per SSgt Sullivan. Some of the Marines on the second-to-the-last helicopter to leave: Randy C. Smith, Douglas Potratz, William Newell, John Ghilain, and Carlos Silva. The last forty-two Marines were evacuated from the Embassy roof by a sortie of three CH-46 helicopters. The Marines were delivered to the USS Okinawa LPH 3 before 0830 on 30 APR 1975. Larry Copeland is not listed on the roster of Saigon Detachment Marines (see fallofsaigon dot org site). Three platoons totaling 130 BLT 2/4 Marines were inserted into the US Embassy between 1900 and 2100 on 29 APR 1975 to reinforce the Embassy Marines. Perhaps Larry Copeland was part of the BLT 2/4 unit sent to the embassy. May God bless you. HTH Recommended Reading U. S. Marines in Vietnam: The Bitter End 1973 - 1975 by George R. Dunham and David A. Quinlan Last Men Out by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin
Thanks God for the fact that these 11 guys were not forgotten at the last moments. My family had the chance to get out of Vietnam during these last days but we didn’t. We finally resettled in the US 15 years later in 1990.
I was in the Army and in West Germany when Saigon fell. I blame this fiasco to all the politicians that didn't lift a finger to support the South Vietnamese!
This war was winnable, but the conquences would been much worse. The Vietnamese including southeners were North sympathisers (The North truly fought for sovereignty and independence, and the OSS Deer team would argue that North was really 100% communists), the South's government was a French pawn, faked votes and silenced the Vietnamese emperor forever. Such democracy wouldn't stand long and another civil war would happen and the US would fall into a much bigger debt. Vietnam today is a socialist country that has great ties (even friendships) with the West.
It could have been better if the OSS (precedence of CIA) had stood by the side of Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh in 1946, there would have been no war. We were once allies in the past, now we are friends thank to the effort of both sides.
@1:24 The squadron that the helicopter was associated with was HMM164 came from Futenma Marine Air Station, I was serving there when the evacuation took place. The base was emptied of all of its helicopters.
That must be the last to leave the embassy. I knew the last airman to leave the airfield. A buck sergeant by the name of Louis o. Brabham. A combat controller that held the airfield as the last of the troops Departed. He then did his job and got out. He got a silver star for that. God bless him. He passed away in the '04.
Have watched this Sooo many Times .................... Gives Me Chills ..................... So Very Humbling ................... My Lottery number was 199 In the First lottery ................... So Scared
If you cannot ... Các bạn không đọc được tiếng Anh chịu khó chờ bản tiếng Việt nhé. # I must say the Vietnamese were extremely humane. # During the last hours before the end of the war at 11:30 30-4-1975 (in fact, always, well before that time), the Vietnamese commandos and militia (Viet Cong) were everywhere in Saigon, for sure even on the US Embassy ground. # What would have happened if a grenade or two were thrown at the crowds at the US Embassy or the American Marines still there? Yet, nothing had happened. # For sure, all around and very close to Saigon, and inside Saigon itself, there were enough of Vietnamese (Viet Cong) guns and missiles that could down a helicopter or two that were evacuating the escapees. # Yet, not a single shot was fired at the low-flying helicopters. # Furthermore, during the many years of the bloody war, WHILE THE AMERICAN MILITARY (and their followers, the South Korean troops, the Australian troops, ...) committed heinous barbarities on the Vietnamese people every hour of the day, every day of the many years that they waged their invading, unjust, immoral, barbaric war on Vietnam (barbarities like the kill-all-burn-all-rape-all massacre in Son My - My Lai in 1968, or the napalm bombing of the "Napalm Girl" Phan Thi Kim Phuc in Trang Bang in 1972, or the indiscriminate B52 carpet bombings killing all, including infants and old women, or the spraying of toxin Dioxin - Agent Orange that is still, right now in March 2019, causing catastrophic destruction of the bodies of many Vietnamese young, and numerous monstrous birth defects to Vietnamese women), THE VIETNAMESE on the other hand had NOT, not once, kidnapped or committed any atrocity on American children or women, or American civilians, many of whom were living in Vietnam at the time (and quite vulnerable). NOT ONCE. # If that does not show Vietnamese's humanity, I don't know what else does. ====================== # In Video on a similar topic, "The Fall Of Saigon (Part 7)" ( ), at 10:41 the journalist Mr Peter Arnett says "What was this war all about?" # Mr Peter Arnett asked the question, but I think he had also implied the answer; and the answer was similar to that by Australian Prime Minister Mr Gough Whitlam. # Prime Minister of Australia Mr Gough Whitlam was among the few westerners who voiced the OBVIOUS TRUTH (in contrast to many other who knew this truth but chose not to say it, or worse even colluded with the rich and powerful US Government to wage an extremely barbaric invading conquering immoral unjust war on the Vietnamese people in an attempt to impose a new colonialism [after the failure of the French's old colonialism] on Vietnam) # Mr Gough Whitlam said (I saw it on the internet some years ago, but sorry I did not write down any info; it was in one of the interviews he gave; I just remember him saying so) "THE VIETNAMESE SIMPLY WANTED THEIR INDEPENDENCE." # That's why they kept on fighting the almighty US war machine against all odds, with tremendous sacrifice and suffering, and unbelievable hardship and difficulties; that's why they resolutely fought off the expansionist Deng XiaoPing - Mao ZeDong's Chinese invasion combined with the genocidal Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot attacks (supported by the vengeful US Administration) ====================== In video "RR7522A VIETNAM SAIGON THE COMMUNISTS TAKEOVER" on the same topic (, at 04:17 the Saigon Regime's soldier says "Everybody is happy!" with another face smiling broadly next to him. # How true, at least for (I'd estimate) 99.9% of the Vietnamese people! ====================== If you don't read Vietnamese, maybe the English interpretation below helps. # Vietnamese saying: Giặc đến nhà, đàn bà cũng đánh! English: Enemy arriving to your home; women too fight! # To better understand Vietnamese women, look up for "Trưng sisters", "Lady Triệu (Triệu Thị Trinh)", “Võ Thị Sáu”, “Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai”, “Lê Thị Hồng Gấm”, “Đặng Thùy Trâm”, “Nguyễn Thị Út (Út Tịch)”, "Tạ Thị Kiều", "Nguyễn Thị Định", "Bùi Thị Xuân", ... # Poem by Tố Hữu: O du kích nhỏ giương cao súng Thằng Mỹ lênh khênh bước cúi đầu Ra thế! To gan hơn béo bụng Anh hùng đâu cứ phải mày râu! # My attempt at English translation: Petite militia girl raising high her gun Towering American guy stoopingly walking, his head bent So! Big liver (courage) better than fatty stomach (big body) Heroes not having to be reserved just for men. # There was a happy ending to the "Petite militia girl and the towering American guy" photo: They (Nguyễn Thị Kim Lai, 17 years old at the time the photo was taken on 20-09-1965, and American ex-pilot William Andrew Robinson, aged 22 then) met up again 30 years later, but this time as FRIENDS when Robinson came to visit Kim Lai at her home in Hà Tĩnh province in Central Vietnam (
While you make a good point, the only objection I have is that the North Vietnamese did, indeed, commit crimes. Perhaps not against Americans, but against those who supported the Americans. I think the Hue City massacre and their attacks on the hamlets that American advisors had brought in food and more rice to are the clearest examples of their crimes. However, in every war, every side will commit crimes. It is just a part of war and our nature.
garge7676 says "... the North Vietnamese did, indeed, commit crimes ... I think the Hue City massacre and their attacks on the hamlets ... are the clearest examples of their crimes." - I reply: # During the American war in VietNam, I'd estimate that for every bullet the Vietnamese side (Viet Cong) fired, the American Military shot back the equivalent of 100 thousand bullets (equivalent: 1 rocket launcher's round = probably 1 thousand bullets, etc.) # And of course the Vietnamese (Viet Cong) had no helicopter gunships, no long range artillery, no armed-to-the-keel warships hugging Vietnam's coast, no bombers, no B52s for carpet bombings, not as many soldiers as the American side, no (negligible number of) war correspondents (those for propaganda) .... # And of course the American side totally dominates 100% the propaganda machinery. # In Hue City in 1968 (and in fact everywhere in Southern VietNam during the whole American war), if there was even a suspect (no need for fact yet) of Viet Cong's presence anywhere, then the American Military would bomb, shoot, burn that place indiscriminately, trying to kill all, burn all, destroy all, in the manner of "We bomb them back to the stone age" # So, is there any surprise that all the killing and massacre committed in Hue City in 1968 were in fact committed by American shooting all, killing all, burning all, "bombing them back to the stone age", then with the total dominance of the propaganda machinery, they (the Americans and their puppet Saigon regime) concocted the false story of the Vietnamese side (Viet Cong) killing civilians ?
Thomas Sankara no need explaining to those betrayed their own country If southern “Vietnamese” “never forget..” then US never have to withdraw even with any reason until their “work” done
Proud of your rout and of having left behind you the chaos you generated, congratulations, what lesson did you draw from it: Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, now Ukraine? What lesson did you draw from it vis-à-vis your government?
Juan Valdez, the very, very last marine to leave Vietnam. It has to be Mexican, of course. Mexican-American served in disproportionate rates in Vietnam.
u guys betrayed south Vietnamese govt n Vietnamese. U guys forced them to sign Paris treaty by telling a lie that in case north Vietnam invaded u would stop them. Then what happened?
Didn't Juan Valdez go on to start a coffee company? Just kidding WELCOME HOME TO ALL! Thanks to all now serving, those who have, and those who will in the future. FLY NAVY!!!
a boss of mine, was on a navy ship three days before last evacuation he was on a detail on the deck. he was adjusting his shirt so he raised his arm to adjust his collar. he didnt hear the navy guy asking for marine volunteers to go to the embassy. he found himself holding a rifle, web gear and barely enough ammo to get you through three round of targets at the range. he had two and a half clips?????oh shyt!!! he was pushed in a sea stallion off they went to the coast. he found himself the only senior NCO on the helo. It got worse, he was the highest ranking NCO on the Embassy grounds he could find. He couldnt find the RTO or the commander. CIA was still burning shit, people were climbing the walls and dropping babies over, bags, suit cases. papers were being rotor washed away. A Huey landed in the court yard at the Embassy. It was full of people....So mike asked him who he was ...the guy replyed...'you dont want to know"! "There is more ammo at the safe house", I need a detail to get it"! The radio sqwack was NVA was 60 klicks north and west of Saigon. That is where he was sent to get the ammo. that is some afternoon....he told me that story in 1978, at his second job! He got promoted to Gunny Sgt the next month. the second day was gun fire at the city limits, later in the after noon shells in the background. the CIA flew until 10 pm no lights all the way across the city.
Sorry but your boss is lying , it wasn't a volunteer operation . And no Navy personal were with us except the Corpmen . Cpl. Donald R. Cloud , Fox 2/4 Weapons Plt. I've met others lying and cant even tell you what Company they were in .
@@robincloud208 what makes you so sure, but then again an E4 is a really high rank in any branch! and i also suppose the cong didnt violate the cease fire, sweetie! then again i knew him your just a YT commentor to me.... edit now that i think about it i dont know many SEA vets that watch videos like this that were im actually going to go with his story. besides he was on a navy ship and i never said which embassy. the thirty marines that were put on the ground to cover the AMBOs extract were not stationed at the embassy. the marines were so thin on troops to do anything. i doubt mike was lying to me i worked with him for two years ...not the kinda guy! nice try troll.... lastly the Mayaquez in Cambodia were marines and they werent exactly seasoned guys....i think your the one that is full of shyt!!! bye!!
@@robincloud208 and to think you were just a fkn private mere months before this time.... calling this man a liar, ...impressive to say the least! edit cant tell you what company they were in, it is 18 months after a cease fire and a military pull out what makes you think a company level would exist?????
It happened, trust me. But now, we are "trading" products from each country. Time will heal us. The older we get the softer our hearts. Semper Fi from an old Marine Sergeant.
shame on you usa! its a shame to let the people in the south alone and do NOTHING against the fall of saigon. maybe it was a fail to go to vietnam (maybe, iam not sure) but give a shit of the south after so many years shows how us gouvernments are thinking. still thinking. THATS the bigger shame. iam a friend of vietnam, iam from europe, i traveld eight times through southeastasia and vietnam. because of that sometimes i follow my algorhythm from youtube and look a few videos from the war of vietnam. mostly there are comments like "you are all heros, we are so proud of our veterans"..... and shit like that. the normal us blabla. the truth is that in this war, in the worldwars no one is a hero...... the reality is that the gouvernments are totally wrong and big assholes. the soldiers are silly puppets and not heros. heros are doctors and nurses. soldiers NOT! they go after school to there (and very often they wasnt good a school) and say "i want to fight"....... or like in nazideutschland "i have to fight"! you have to do more use your brain when you say "hero" my dear americans! bullshit. please stop that heroshit. its boring! thank u! people who are fighting at a war are poor victims of a system or stupid because they choose by themselves to serve. they are not heroes. WE WANT YOU! ok uncle sam. BORING! all the time you are so fast PROUD. PROUD to be a soldier. PROUD to serve in vietnam. PROUD to be an american. why? what do you do by YOURSELF for THAT?????? its random to be born in europe or in the united states!!!!! i can be proud of things that i had influenced. not of random. iam proud that my son becomes good at school and will be a good person with a good heart!
You are not the last. 2,000 young people are still buried somewhere in the jungle of Vietnam, they have not been able to reach. and return to their motherland.Pity.
Maybe the last eleven out of Saigon but I really do think we left some behind.
POWs for example!
We did and they WERE POWs.
The North Vietnamese wanted a clean ending to the war. They wanted all Americans to leave their country that's why they held back at the outskirts of Saigon allowing a clean evacuation. Nobody including North Vietnam wanted Americans left behind. People have the false belief and they have it without evidence that Americans were left behind in Vietnam. But what they fail to understand is that the North Vietnamese fought American forces from 1965 to 1973 for the express purpose of driving all Americans out of Vietnam. The North Vietnamese did not even want children who were fathered by American soldiers to remain behind that's why amerasian children were deported from Vietnam and sent to the United States in the 1980s. There are some Americans who now live in Vietnam but they are not leftovers from the war they emigrated to Vietnam.
@@wademullis7377 indeed, the POWs myth after 1975 were created by ex-ARVN soldier to sabotage the normalization process between the unified Vietnam and US, which could have been happen sooner than 1995.
Most definitely! My cousin, Pt. James L. Monaghan, still MIA since January 1968.
Replaying at this moment in Kabul
And the last Marines to die numbered 11 😢
Kids watching the news: Kabul has fallen
Some old grandpa: heavy breathing intense flashback
Don’t forget the old grandma. You KNOW there are people, Americans, left behind.
Damm. That’s the old corps , when I went in 1987 we still had a few vets from Vietnam .
I worked with his daughter Kara
All the TraDoc cadre, E-6 and above at Ft. Dix were CIB recipients when I went in 1980...ALL of them.
Supposedly our issued M16s had been overseas also.
That had to be freaking scary thinking only 11 against a whole army
The last guy must of really been freaking out when it was just him vs. a tank column!
Weren't there a ceasefire agreement between them already?
I like the odds - these 11 are Marines!
@@atabayman4722 negative.
@@scl1332 nope the American and Vietnam cong were still shooting at each other
These men were lucky to make it out alive, like the hundreds of thousands of Americans before them. RIP to the more than fifty thousand that didn’t.
At the Forty Niner games back in the 80's I used to look at the sellout crowds at Candlestick Park and make the comparison to our numbers lost in VN...
And to the Vietnamese too
OMG the commander is hanging off the back of the helicopter and he's literally the last American soldier to leave Vietnam...crazy. Could be an unfortunate metaphor for the entire American experience in Vietnam :(
Marine* not solider
Wow the last eleven sounds like a movie title....sp4 Republic of Vietnam 1971 Saigon
That was so smart to do a head count. Saved that guy!
Semper fi! I was not on land, but on ship waiting to accept evacuees. It was so volatile they named it Operation Frequent Winds! Glad you guys were safe.
Not shown in this film are the four additional marine helicopters taking gun fire from every one on and around the embassy grounds during this rescue. One door gunner received the navy cross for exceptional bravery.
My cousin Greg was one of the last eleven
Larry Owens Thanks very much for their sacrifice and service. We, former south Vietnamese refugees love this country because of men like your cousin. You must be very proud of him, Larry Owens. God Bless you all! God Bless America!
Larry Owens Cool. Sad war, brave soldiers
hey, whats your Cousins Last name? ( I went into the marines in 1984 -and my "recruiter" said he was one of the last marines out of Vietnam ( Gunny Shuller ) ?? If I can recall correctly....
@@kikomilano7392 My father was not one of the last 11. And I love those guys! They are true heroes! Semper Fi! He was a Marine Sgt. artillery man in 65-66. I myself was 6 years old when the events in that film (Last Days In Vietnam) took place. He never talked about it when I was young, but he's opened up a lot in recent years. I asked him once, very naively "How many people do you think you killed?" He hesitated and said, "I have no idea. I'm sure a lot." I didn't witness those events on TV because I'm sure he would have quickly switched the channel. I guess we all fight our father's wars, but I have become obsessed with this chapter in our great country's history. I look at you the South Vietnamese and Hmong people as more American than the majority of today's population. You truly understand the sacrifice that good people went through (both South Vietnamese and American) to uphold the American dream! Never Communism! ever.
Have you any more information? His name and branch of service, his service history, his previous tours, etc?
Reborn asks "Why do you think the boat people came to be? If Vietnam was so great after the war why did million of refugee flee it." -- I reply
# Firstly, "If Vietnam was so great after the war" is your saying, not mine.
# Second, relating to your question "Why do you think the boat people came to be? .... Vietnam .... after the war why did million of refugee flee it", please see below for an answer and explanation. Unfortunately, they're in Vietnamese for now; hopefully, an English version will come later (I'll try); for now perhaps Google could give a very rough translation into English.
English later (maybe; I'll try - Google Translation could give some very rough translation) - Vietnamese for now. Mời mọi người coi chơi.
Từ mấy năm nay (2019) mỗi năm có chừng 800 ngàn Đồng bào người Việt ta từ khắp nơi trên Thế giới về thăm Quê hương Việt Nam bây giờ yên bình trọn vẹn đang vững bước tiến lên phồn vinh hạnh phúc.
# Mọi người có biết vì sao một thời vượt biên chết sống cực khổ mà ngày nay Đồng bào ta lại tung tăng hớn hở về thăm Quê hương không (có người về ở luôn) ?
# Muốn biết tại sao, xin mời xem bên dưới; đặc biệt "Đồng bào ta biết rõ những Sự thật nầy"
Xem youtube video “Cô gái gốc Việt tìm mẹ bị cướp biển bắt cóc sau 33 năm”: Chuyện quá đau lòng, nghe muốn khóc; một trong hàng triệu chuyện đau lòng từ đất nước Việt Nam: Chết đói Ất Dậu, Thảm sát Mỹ Lai, Bom B52 trãi thảm giết hết tất tần tật con nít bà già Cô Tư Dì Út, Chất độc Dioxin làm bé sanh ra bị dị tật khủng khiếp suốt đời (tới bây giờ vẫn còn xãy ra), Chìm tàu vượt biên, Bị Cướp biển Thái Lan hiếp giết, v.v., và v.v.
# Xin cầu chúc chị Amy Nguyễn (Nguyễn Hoàng Linh Thảo) và anh Phương Nguyễn (Nguyễn Hoàng Tuấn Phương) sẽ tìm lại được mẹ. Xin cầu chúc những người có hoàn cảnh tương tự cũng sẽ tìm lại được người thân.
# Và đây là một vài Sự thật:
# Mỹ, Pháp đã có nền công nghiệp mấy trăm năm; họ giàu mạnh hơn Việt Nam rất, rất nhiều lần; và họ có ảnh hưởng lớn, ngay cả khống chế, lên rất nhiều nước, như Thái Lan, Singapore, …
# Nước Việt Nam sau 30 năm chiến tranh chống Pháp đô hộ, chống Mỹ xâm lược, giành lại được Độc lập Thống nhất, nhưng Đất nước tan hoang, cửa nhà sụp đổ, ruộng vườn xơ xác tiêu điều
# Hàng triệu người còn bị thương tật chưa lành cần phải ngày ngày thuốc men chạy chửa, hàng triệu Gia đình tan nát con mất cha vợ mất chồng mẹ mất con, còn đang tìm kiếm xương cốt (chỉ mong tìm được xương cốt thôi, chớ không dám mơ thấy người còn sống trở về)
# Hàng triệu cha mẹ già không ai chăm sóc, vợ góa neo đơn phải bươn chải nuôi con, ...
# Đất nước sau chiến tranh đã rất nghèo, ruộng vườn nhiều nơi còn sót bom mìn chưa nổ, trình độ công nghiệp lại rất thấp (gần bằng 0) mà Chính quyền Mỹ lại thâm độc trả thù bao vây Việt Nam 4 bề cấm vận Việt Nam toàn diện, định dùng GIẶC ĐÓI giết Dân Việt Nam ta như khi trước Nhật - Pháp cấu kết gây nạn đói giết trên 2 triệu Đồng bào ta chỉ trong vòng có mấy tháng hồi 1945 (để Dân ta hết sức hết người mà theo Việt Minh chống lại chúng)
# Chính quyền Mỹ lại xúi giục giúp sức cho bọn Bành trướng Trung Quốc Đặng Tiểu Bình - Mao Trạch Đông tiến đánh nước ta ở phía Bắc với 600 ngàn quân tinh nhuệ nhất của chúng, và cùng nhau (có thêm Thái Lan, Singapore, ... hùa vào) chỉ đạo xúi giục giúp sức cho bọn Diệt chủng Pôn Pốt dốc toàn lực với 300 ngàn quân điên cuồng tiến đánh ta ở phía Nam.
# Chưa hết, Chính quyền Mỹ cùng với Thái Lan, Singapore, ... còn nuôi dưỡng, xúi giục hết đám "Phục quốc" nầy, tới bọn "Đông tiến", ... kia, hiệp đồng với bọn Diệt chủng Pôn Pốt và Bành trướng Trung Quốc Đặng Tiểu Bình - Mao Trạch Đông, cố sức "Chuyển lửa về Quê hương" (là cố đốt cháy Quê hương lần nữa) điên cuồng quậy phá Đất nước ta, nhằm gây hổn loạn từ bên trong.
# Đó, hoàn cảnh Đất nước ta những năm sau 1975 là như vậy đó.
# Hoàn cảnh Đất nước quá khó khăn, đời sống mọi người cực kỳ thiếu đói, quá khổ, quá cực, nên rất nhiều Đồng bào ta đã bỏ nước vượt biên.
# Phần lớn Đồng bào ta biết rõ những Sự thật nầy (trừ bọn Tàn dư 3 Que là bọn vẫn còn đang mơ tiếp tục kiếp Chó săn Tay sai cho một Quân Xâm lược nào đó để được nuôi ăn), nên ngày nay Đất nước yên bình, đời sống ổn định phát triển, mỗi năm có chừng 800 ngàn Đồng bào ta về thăm lại Quê hương Việt Nam yên bình đang tiến lên phồn vinh hạnh phúc của mình.
Năm nay Đào lại nở / Donald Trump phất cờ: / "Tui theo Việt Cộng nhen. / Nè! Tui cười hết cỡ!"
# Ủa? Tàn dư 3 Que sao không thấy mống nào ÍT RA cũng hó hé phản đối, chửi Donald Trump dùm 1 tiếng (khoan tính tới "Sát" (giết) Việt Cộng Donald Trump) ?
# Sợ bị cúp Welfare là đói chớ gì ? À thì ra là vậy !
Nếu Bạn lỡ sinh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu (đầu quân vào Quân đội Liên hiệp Pháp [LÀ CỦA PHÁP] năm 1948, số quân 43/300.661) ....
# Nếu Bạn lỡ sinh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, dĩ nhiên BẠN KHÔNG CÓ LỖI, vì Bạn đã không có sự chọn lựa.
# Đây là điều Đạo lý Việt Nam nhờ Ông Bà đúc kết qua mấy ngàn năm để lại cho con cháu, hoàn toàn trái ngược với “mới sanh ra là đã có tội và phải rữa tội” như bọn đạo Thiên chúa Va-ti-căn ép buộc các con Chiên (là con Cừu, là con thú vật, để cho bọn “Chủ chăn” sai bảo, lấy lông, làm thịt) của chúng phải chấp nhận!
# Trời ơi! Mới sanh ra còn đỏ hỏn có làm gì hại ai, có biết gì đâu, mà đã phải mang tội! Mà phải “rữa tội”!
# Mà đã mang tội (như chúng vu vạ lên con nít người ta) thì bọn chúng như đám “Chủ chăn” có quyền giết chết không tha! Là chúng tự cho mình quyền giết con nít mới sanh còn đỏ hỏn đấy, vì chúng nói con nít mới sanh cũng có tội!
# Và chúng đã làm, rất nhiều lần! Là giết chết con nít mới sanh còn đỏ hỏn đấy! Đúng là bọn Quỷ dữ đội lốt Đạo!
# Trở lại chuyện Bạn lỡ sanh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu.
# Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu tội lỗi chất chồng, mà đã lỡ là con cháu nó, Bạn phải làm sao?
# Như đã nói, lỡ sanh ra là con cháu tên Chó săn Tay sai Nguyễn Văn Thiệu, BẠN KHÔNG CÓ LỖI, vì Bạn đã không chọn như vậy.
# Nhưng Bạn vẫn có thể chuộc phần nào lỗi lầm của ông cha mình, trước hết bằng cách nhận rõ là Nguyễn Văn Thiệu là Chó săn Tay sai đã phục vụ đắc lực cho Quân xâm lược mấy chục năm, tra tấn bắn giết Đồng bào mìmh, đốt nhà tàn phá ruộng vườn Quê hương Đất nước mình!
# Xa hơn nữa, Bạn có thể góp tay góp sức bảo vệ, xây dựng Quê hương Việt Nam ngày nay đã sạch bóng Quân thù Xâm lược, đang tận hưởng Thanh bình, đang phát triển tiến lên phồn vinh, hạnh phúc cho tất cả mọi người! Tới nỗi, Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump cũng bị vui lây mà tự đi kiếm một lá cờ đỏ lấp lánh sao vàng Việt Nam mà quơ mà phất, mà hồ hở tươi cười (ý nói "Coi nè! Tui theo Việt Cộng rồi nghen!") rồi còn nói cái gì như "Phải vậy thôi!" nữa chứ!
# Chú ý: TẤT CẢ MỌI NGƯỜI, là tất cả mọi người sống trên Đất nước Việt Nam, kể cả tất cả những người xưa kia hoặc vì bị bắt buộc (phần lớn), hoặc vì hoàn cảnh, vì lợi ích riêng, hoặc vì bị tuyên truyền một chiều (như do sinh ra lớn lên và chỉ sống trong vùng quân Xâm lược và Tay sai khống trị, kiểm soát, nên chỉ biết và nghe chúng tuyên truyền xuyên tạc, gây áp lực, nói láo nói xạo ngày nầy qua ngày khác) nên đã phục vụ (kể cả đi lính) cho Quân Xâm lược và Chế độ Ngụy Sài Gòn do chúng dựng lên để làm Chó săn Tay sai cho chúng (Thực dân cũ Pháp, Thực dân mới Mỹ [và Quân Phiệt Nhật xen vào mấy năm])
GOD Bless to you guys and to your family, what an experience, a scary road were no one want to go back, well it's already 40 years been left behind, all you have to do is to share this unforgettable moments. 👍👍
My great uncle StgMaj Bob Schlager was one of the 11 men last out.
Michelle Mauk Amazing. Greatings from Brazil
was he ever a recruiter after the war?. in Connecticut
Glad he made it.
Semper Fi...Brasil!!
Thanks for telling this story
Highly recommend anyone liking this to read “Last Men Out! Incredible, Superb book.
Thank God for all of you.
It would be interesting to interview the first 11 American combat troops into Vietnam back in 1965.
Better get busy then. Chances are great you’ll not find many.
My ex-husband always said he was on this last helicopter: Larry Copeland. He has PTSD so bad, I don't know whether to believe him or not. Anyone remember him? He looks like the last guy in this shot - on the far right.
I need to know for his 2 sons. He hasn't been there for them. Knowing this would help explain why.
Was Larry on "Embassy Duty" Security stationed at the US Embassy during the Fall of Saigon or was he a Marine from Okinawa 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, helping in the Evacuation at the Embassy? This may help your search.
USMC 73-77 my cousins name is Greg Hargis
Did you find anything...?
The last eleven US Marines departing Saigon on 30 APR 1975 were: James H. Kean, John J. Valdez, Mike K. Sullivan, Philip A. Babel, Terry J. Bennington, Steven T. Schuller, Stephen Q. Bauer, Duane R. Gevers, Robert Schlager, Robert L. Frain, and David E. Norman. Time of departure from the Embassy for the last helicopter was 0753 per Major Kean and 0758 per SSgt Sullivan. Some of the Marines on the second-to-the-last helicopter to leave: Randy C. Smith, Douglas Potratz, William Newell, John Ghilain, and Carlos Silva. The last forty-two Marines were evacuated from the Embassy roof by a sortie of three CH-46 helicopters. The Marines were delivered to the USS Okinawa LPH 3 before 0830 on 30 APR 1975. Larry Copeland is not listed on the roster of Saigon Detachment Marines (see fallofsaigon dot org site). Three platoons totaling 130 BLT 2/4 Marines were inserted into the US Embassy between 1900 and 2100 on 29 APR 1975 to reinforce the Embassy Marines. Perhaps Larry Copeland was part of the BLT 2/4 unit sent to the embassy. May God bless you. HTH
Recommended Reading
U. S. Marines in Vietnam: The Bitter End 1973 - 1975 by George R. Dunham and David A. Quinlan
Last Men Out by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin
Thanks God for the fact that these 11 guys were not forgotten at the last moments. My family had the chance to get out of Vietnam during these last days but we didn’t. We finally resettled in the US 15 years later in 1990.
Respect. Withdrawals are always harder than invasions...
I want to see their faces, reactions and comments after see the Fall of Kabul and Evacuation of US Embassy in Kabul...
Bobby Frain, may he RIP. Semper Fi my brother! You are all heros!
I was in the Army and in West Germany when Saigon fell. I blame this fiasco to all the politicians that didn't lift a finger to support the South Vietnamese!
Nope, there was no hope for the south VN and the US in this war. They lost from the begining. The people did not support them .
This war was winnable, but the conquences would been much worse. The Vietnamese including southeners were North sympathisers (The North truly fought for sovereignty and independence, and the OSS Deer team would argue that North was really 100% communists), the South's government was a French pawn, faked votes and silenced the Vietnamese emperor forever. Such democracy wouldn't stand long and another civil war would happen and the US would fall into a much bigger debt. Vietnam today is a socialist country that has great ties (even friendships) with the West.
Biden was one them...
It could have been better if the OSS (precedence of CIA) had stood by the side of Viet Minh and Ho Chi Minh in 1946, there would have been no war. We were once allies in the past, now we are friends thank to the effort of both sides.
@1:24 The squadron that the helicopter was associated with was HMM164 came from Futenma Marine Air Station, I was serving there when the evacuation took place. The base was emptied of all of its helicopters.
Waiting for the same story from Kabul 2021.
Thanks for going and welcome home.
God Bless our Precious Marines! All our servicemen but especially Marines!! ❤🇺🇸
I bet troop extraction went smooth in Kabul. Probably the only lesson learned from Nam.
Come on Hollywood when are we going to do the movie....🇲🇽🇺🇸🇬🇧🇨🇦🇨🇵
Hollywood won't do a movie unless there's a LGBT person in there. And I don't think there were any in those last 11.
It was very very sad day April 30 1975 can't never forget
Chào mừng ngày Giải phóng Miền Nam.
Ay am argentino live in Argentina ay am teacher haig school this history ameizing congratulations herous may respect
I love how this was recommended to me on 8/31/21. The YT algorithm is something else.
That must be the last to leave the embassy. I knew the last airman to leave the airfield. A buck sergeant by the name of Louis o. Brabham. A combat controller that held the airfield as the last of the troops Departed. He then did his job and got out. He got a silver star for that. God bless him. He passed away in the '04.
All great men.
I. Was Air Force Security Police aboard the C-130 that got hit and blocked the taxiway at Thon Sun Nut AB when McMan and Judge were killed!
Have watched this Sooo many Times .................... Gives Me Chills ..................... So Very Humbling ................... My Lottery number was 199 In the First lottery ................... So Scared
fall of Kabul> fall of Saigon
If you cannot ... Các bạn không đọc được tiếng Anh chịu khó chờ bản tiếng Việt nhé.
# I must say the Vietnamese were extremely humane.
# During the last hours before the end of the war at 11:30 30-4-1975 (in fact, always, well before that time), the Vietnamese commandos and militia (Viet Cong) were everywhere in Saigon, for sure even on the US Embassy ground.
# What would have happened if a grenade or two were thrown at the crowds at the US Embassy or the American Marines still there? Yet, nothing had happened.
# For sure, all around and very close to Saigon, and inside Saigon itself, there were enough of Vietnamese (Viet Cong) guns and missiles that could down a helicopter or two that were evacuating the escapees.
# Yet, not a single shot was fired at the low-flying helicopters.
# Furthermore, during the many years of the bloody war, WHILE THE AMERICAN MILITARY (and their followers, the South Korean troops, the Australian troops, ...) committed heinous barbarities on the Vietnamese people every hour of the day, every day of the many years that they waged their invading, unjust, immoral, barbaric war on Vietnam (barbarities like the kill-all-burn-all-rape-all massacre in Son My - My Lai in 1968, or the napalm bombing of the "Napalm Girl" Phan Thi Kim Phuc in Trang Bang in 1972, or the indiscriminate B52 carpet bombings killing all, including infants and old women, or the spraying of toxin Dioxin - Agent Orange that is still, right now in March 2019, causing catastrophic destruction of the bodies of many Vietnamese young, and numerous monstrous birth defects to Vietnamese women), THE VIETNAMESE on the other hand had NOT, not once, kidnapped or committed any atrocity on American children or women, or American civilians, many of whom were living in Vietnam at the time (and quite vulnerable). NOT ONCE.
# If that does not show Vietnamese's humanity, I don't know what else does.
# In Video on a similar topic, "The Fall Of Saigon (Part 7)" ( ), at 10:41 the journalist Mr Peter Arnett says "What was this war all about?"
# Mr Peter Arnett asked the question, but I think he had also implied the answer; and the answer was similar to that by Australian Prime Minister Mr Gough Whitlam.
# Prime Minister of Australia Mr Gough Whitlam was among the few westerners who voiced the OBVIOUS TRUTH (in contrast to many other who knew this truth but chose not to say it, or worse even colluded with the rich and powerful US Government to wage an extremely barbaric invading conquering immoral unjust war on the Vietnamese people in an attempt to impose a new colonialism [after the failure of the French's old colonialism] on Vietnam)
# Mr Gough Whitlam said (I saw it on the internet some years ago, but sorry I did not write down any info; it was in one of the interviews he gave; I just remember him saying so) "THE VIETNAMESE SIMPLY WANTED THEIR INDEPENDENCE."
# That's why they kept on fighting the almighty US war machine against all odds, with tremendous sacrifice and suffering, and unbelievable hardship and difficulties; that's why they resolutely fought off the expansionist Deng XiaoPing - Mao ZeDong's Chinese invasion combined with the genocidal Khmer Rouge's Pol Pot attacks (supported by the vengeful US Administration)
In video "RR7522A VIETNAM SAIGON THE COMMUNISTS TAKEOVER" on the same topic (, at 04:17 the Saigon Regime's soldier says "Everybody is happy!" with another face smiling broadly next to him.
# How true, at least for (I'd estimate) 99.9% of the Vietnamese people!
If you don't read Vietnamese, maybe the English interpretation below helps.
# Vietnamese saying: Giặc đến nhà, đàn bà cũng đánh! English: Enemy arriving to your home; women too fight!
# To better understand Vietnamese women, look up for "Trưng sisters", "Lady Triệu (Triệu Thị Trinh)", “Võ Thị Sáu”, “Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai”, “Lê Thị Hồng Gấm”, “Đặng Thùy Trâm”, “Nguyễn Thị Út (Út Tịch)”, "Tạ Thị Kiều", "Nguyễn Thị Định", "Bùi Thị Xuân", ...
# Poem by Tố Hữu:
O du kích nhỏ giương cao súng
Thằng Mỹ lênh khênh bước cúi đầu
Ra thế! To gan hơn béo bụng
Anh hùng đâu cứ phải mày râu!
# My attempt at English translation:
Petite militia girl raising high her gun
Towering American guy stoopingly walking, his head bent
So! Big liver (courage) better than fatty stomach (big body)
Heroes not having to be reserved just for men.
# There was a happy ending to the "Petite militia girl and the towering American guy" photo: They (Nguyễn Thị Kim Lai, 17 years old at the time the photo was taken on 20-09-1965, and American ex-pilot William Andrew Robinson, aged 22 then) met up again 30 years later, but this time as FRIENDS when Robinson came to visit Kim Lai at her home in Hà Tĩnh province in Central Vietnam (
While you make a good point, the only objection I have is that the North Vietnamese did, indeed, commit crimes. Perhaps not against Americans, but against those who supported the Americans. I think the Hue City massacre and their attacks on the hamlets that American advisors had brought in food and more rice to are the clearest examples of their crimes. However, in every war, every side will commit crimes. It is just a part of war and our nature.
Vietnamese didn't commit atrocities? HA!
drink that kool-aid
garge7676 says "... the North Vietnamese did, indeed, commit crimes ... I think the Hue City massacre and their attacks on the hamlets ... are the clearest examples of their crimes." - I reply:
# During the American war in VietNam, I'd estimate that for every bullet the Vietnamese side (Viet Cong) fired, the American Military shot back the equivalent of 100 thousand bullets (equivalent: 1 rocket launcher's round = probably 1 thousand bullets, etc.)
# And of course the Vietnamese (Viet Cong) had no helicopter gunships, no long range artillery, no armed-to-the-keel warships hugging Vietnam's coast, no bombers, no B52s for carpet bombings, not as many soldiers as the American side, no (negligible number of) war correspondents (those for propaganda) ....
# And of course the American side totally dominates 100% the propaganda machinery.
# In Hue City in 1968 (and in fact everywhere in Southern VietNam during the whole American war), if there was even a suspect (no need for fact yet) of Viet Cong's presence anywhere, then the American Military would bomb, shoot, burn that place indiscriminately, trying to kill all, burn all, destroy all, in the manner of "We bomb them back to the stone age"
# So, is there any surprise that all the killing and massacre committed in Hue City in 1968 were in fact committed by American shooting all, killing all, burning all, "bombing them back to the stone age", then with the total dominance of the propaganda machinery, they (the Americans and their puppet Saigon regime) concocted the false story of the Vietnamese side (Viet Cong) killing civilians ?
Now,who will be the lucky last marines to leave kabul airport...
Chased out of Vietnam by a peasant army,the US military went on to defeat the island of Grenada wow
They should make a movie the last 11
It would do very well. Also, why no movie made about Chesty Puller?
True Southern Vietnamese people never forget American heroes fighting for freedom of South Vietnam.
Thomas Sankara no need explaining to those betrayed their own country
If southern “Vietnamese” “never forget..” then US never have to withdraw even with any reason until their “work” done
@@blackallucid7905 there are many south vietnamese in US
@@farhanxkhan5942 and there’re more in Vietnam
@@blackallucid7905 they fled to vietnam
@@farhanxkhan5942 dude...”southern VIETNAMESE” how to fled TO the place they were living in
almost 50 years later they still look like hard ass soldiers ...............
Who is here after Kabul
What are there names
OMG Amazing!
Thanks to Gen. Giap fulfilling Ho chi Minh's dream.
thank god they were rescued
Juan Valdez, the coffee guy!!!!
you are the real hero sir!!!!
Heros? because VC did not shoot?
Vu Ha Because he kept in account of all 11 men knowing that if one was left behind, that person was surely fucked.
Viva Vietnam!
,We won all of enemies in 35 years of 20 century: French,Americans,Khmer Rouge,Chinese.
@@thuankhong and Japanese
They weren't the last eleven... Many were left behind.... Waiting dor Rambo to free them.
Waiting dor Rambo & the Talibans to free them. Nuance
11 the number of judgement .
From 500K troops to only 11. From a retreat during the day to a retreat during the night in Kabul.
Real heroes!
I thought that said American Express ...We're the last Seven Eleven
Proud of your rout and of having left behind you the chaos you generated, congratulations, what lesson did you draw from it: Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, now Ukraine? What lesson did you draw from it vis-à-vis your government?
The last days of kabul
Juan Valdez, the very, very last marine to leave Vietnam. It has to be Mexican, of course. Mexican-American served in disproportionate rates in Vietnam.
Wondering who the lucky bastards will be this time for the Vietnam sequel?
does the cameraman count?
I'm surprise the helicopter can lift thier balls of steel
Mike Billodeaux
This sounds like a movie.
Praise God 🙏😇, God gave Vietname the Victory... Hallelujah Jesus!!!!
Now again! In Afghanistan, history always repeats itself! Until we learn!
We need Michael Bay iMovie!!!
A war where America really did get its ass kicked !
But now they are big trade partner of Communist Vietnam.(1/4 of export from Vietnam)
We didn't get our asses kicked. We did lose, don't get me wrong, we left the country to get taken over, but we didn't get our asses kicked.
@Charles Moore True but irrelevant as Gen Giap once said. Alibi of a loser.
my grandpa was the last one
I was one of the last eleven to leave my english classroom last month. nothing special but it felt similar
Thy rod, your staff, may it comfort you in your time of aloneness.
I was one of the last to leave your mothers bedroom last weekend LOL
u guys betrayed south Vietnamese govt n Vietnamese. U guys forced them to sign Paris treaty by telling a lie that in case north Vietnam invaded u would stop them. Then what happened?
Didn't Juan Valdez go on to start a coffee company? Just kidding WELCOME HOME TO ALL! Thanks to all now serving, those who have, and those who will in the future. FLY NAVY!!!
Maybe we should be talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident...
.In the film "The Vietnam war": All the American presidents lied to the American people about the Vietnam War
God bless the algorithm
What a waste it all was
a boss of mine, was on a navy ship three days before last evacuation he was on a detail on the deck. he was adjusting his shirt so he raised his arm to adjust his collar. he didnt hear the navy guy asking for marine volunteers to go to the embassy.
he found himself holding a rifle, web gear and barely enough ammo to get you through three round of targets at the range. he had two and a half clips?????oh shyt!!! he was pushed in a sea stallion off they went to the coast. he found himself the only senior NCO on the helo. It got worse, he was the highest ranking NCO on the Embassy grounds he could find. He couldnt find the RTO or the commander. CIA was still burning shit, people were climbing the walls and dropping babies over, bags, suit cases. papers were being rotor washed away. A Huey landed in the court yard at the Embassy. It was full of people....So mike asked him who he was ...the guy replyed...'you dont want to know"! "There is more ammo at the safe house", I need a detail to get it"! The radio sqwack was NVA was 60 klicks north and west of Saigon. That is where he was sent to get the ammo.
that is some afternoon....he told me that story in 1978, at his second job! He got promoted to Gunny Sgt the next month.
the second day was gun fire at the city limits, later in the after noon shells in the background. the CIA flew until 10 pm no lights all the way across the city.
Sorry but your boss is lying , it wasn't a volunteer operation . And no Navy personal were with us except the Corpmen . Cpl. Donald R. Cloud , Fox 2/4 Weapons Plt.
I've met others lying and cant even tell you what Company they were in .
@@robincloud208 what makes you so sure, but then again an E4 is a really high rank in any branch! and i also suppose the cong didnt violate the cease fire, sweetie! then again i knew him your just a YT commentor to me....
edit now that i think about it i dont know many SEA vets that watch videos like this that were im actually going to go with his story. besides he was on a navy ship and i never said which embassy. the thirty marines that were put on the ground to cover the AMBOs extract were not stationed at the embassy. the marines were so thin on troops to do anything. i doubt mike was lying to me i worked with him for two years ...not the kinda guy! nice try troll....
lastly the Mayaquez in Cambodia were marines and they werent exactly seasoned guys....i think your the one that is full of shyt!!! bye!!
@@robincloud208 and to think you were just a fkn private mere months before this time.... calling this man a liar, ...impressive to say the least!
edit cant tell you what company they were in, it is 18 months after a cease fire and a military pull out what makes you think a company level would exist?????
They are telling how they save their ass being fu***ed up🤣🤣🤣
A shemeful war and there is nothing to be proud of. Same as USSR in Afganistan.
I am the Vietnamese watching this video and not believing in my ears
It happened, trust me. But now, we are "trading" products from each country. Time will heal us. The older we get the softer our hearts. Semper Fi from an old Marine Sergeant.
Us.. Always to interfere in every conflict, and make it even worst to handle the situation
We left alot of people behind . Pows mainly. They were never released by the north. We should not have left without them. Disgrace.
you should have never been there in the first place.
Những kẻ xâm lược thì nên biến đi
What a history would it be if Clinton and Bush were part of the last eleven.
The country was run better then. Now we have 'the last 10-15,000' American civilians in a 20 year war, and they're stuck.
@PBS/American Experience
You guys at PBS couldn't place more than 3 minutes of video on here?
What gives? Need more donations?
Lame... 👎
VC did not shoot them ,because they win.
The Afghanistan is Coming
Bullshit...There were only five left and the army aircor took them out with two tanks at the fence..lie'ers
So what the hell ? You guys had to pay your heavy price for your sins, that's all ?
shame on you usa! its a shame to let the people in the south alone and do NOTHING against the fall of saigon. maybe it was a fail to go to vietnam (maybe, iam not sure) but give a shit of the south after so many years shows how us gouvernments are thinking. still thinking. THATS the bigger shame.
iam a friend of vietnam, iam from europe, i traveld eight times through southeastasia and vietnam.
because of that sometimes i follow my algorhythm from youtube and look a few videos from the war of vietnam.
mostly there are comments like "you are all heros, we are so proud of our veterans"..... and shit like that.
the normal us blabla.
the truth is that in this war, in the worldwars no one is a hero...... the reality is that the gouvernments are totally wrong and big assholes.
the soldiers are silly puppets and not heros.
heros are doctors and nurses.
soldiers NOT!
they go after school to there (and very often they wasnt good a school) and say "i want to fight"....... or like in nazideutschland "i have to fight"!
you have to do more use your brain when you say "hero" my dear americans!
please stop that heroshit. its boring!
thank u!
people who are fighting at a war are poor victims of a system or stupid because they choose by themselves to serve. they are not heroes.
ok uncle sam.
all the time you are so fast PROUD.
PROUD to be a soldier.
PROUD to serve in vietnam.
PROUD to be an american.
what do you do by YOURSELF for THAT??????
its random to be born in europe or in the united states!!!!!
i can be proud of things that i had influenced. not of random. iam proud that my son becomes good at school and will be a good person with a good heart!
Are you stupid? Or are you stupid?
im living happy with communism :D
I have many foods with commie
because you are paid to say so.
@@temulka.g Lol sure
@@honestytoafault Your stupidity makes me sick. Live in VN today not only Vietnamese,but many foreigners.
You are not the last. 2,000 young people are still buried somewhere in the jungle of Vietnam, they have not been able to reach. and return to their motherland.Pity.