We have been working on this technology for 17 years. We launched our initial product at NAMM in 2001. Since then, Spectrum Color technology has been implemented into some of the leading music software platforms by companies such as Apple and Yamaha. Our methodology is being used by teachers around the world. The methodology has been in use and studied for a decade. Even individuals with learning disabilities such as ADD, Dyslexia, and Autism easily learn with this technology.
This use of color is not arbitrary but is actually defining fundamental properties of note relationships through properties of color theory. It is much more than just a tool to easily identify notes. It allows individuals with no experience to have immediate insight into advanced concepts of music theory simply through relationships of color. It opens up a new frontier for music analysis and composition.
In most cases, even color blind people do not have issues. In the Virtuoso methodology, learning about color is the first lesson. After exposure to that lesson, individuals have no issues with identifying closely related colors. The point of having closely related colors is to show structural relationships so it is actually a huge benefit.
Thanks. It is understandable for individuals with synesthesia to want to create unique color assignments as each synesthete perceives associations uniquely. However, the relationships of color and sound are defined by precise mathematical relationships which are universal constants. For example, for Yellow and Blue to make Green, Yellow and Blue must have a precise mathematical relationship. This is why there is only 1 correct assignment of color to sound for all properties to function.
It does have a tendency to treat pitches as absolutes, which I don't think they are. However, it is an interesting new way to look at intervalic relationships. I will check out the website; have several questions. (keeping in mind the closed circle of fifths, presented in 12 tone equal temperament, does not jive with the way acoustics actually work).
Thanks for your comments. The closed Circle of Fifths is a harmonic truth but not based on the historical view of harmonics. Read the paper titled Development of the Symmetry Field Circle on the virtuoso website and you will see a wide range of new harmonic theory which validates this conclusion. Pitches too, are absolute, but again, not based on conventional historical knowledge. This theory explores a myriad of new harmonic concepts which necessarily change fundamental harmonic arguments.
This is really cool, I can really feel that the notes have the correct colors, in terms of complementation, warm and cold tones and colors and everything. :)
Alos, for me the vissual effect of this post has in the span of the length of the video taught me how to write this kind of music. I will experiment with those kinds of rhytms and chords in Finale 2012 today.
These are great! Note: the word is synesthesia (or, properly, synaesthesia), not synthesia. It's syn-(a)esthetics at root, not syn-thetics at root. Agreed, color would be useful both for simple note identification AND new frontiers in sound composition.
Through this technology, individuals can permanently learn every major scale on the piano with correct fingering in as little as 20 minutes. This can be easily repeated time and time again for all types and ages of individuals with no prior musical experience. It may seem impossible, but its not. This is simply a massive evolution of science and technology that is comparable to the differences in technology between a gun and bows and arrows. Spectrum Color dramatically changes outcomes.
It applies to music universally. We only have manufactured product for keyboards at this point, but are currently in the process of developing materials for guitar and string instruments.
Thank you for your comment. The octaves are specified by numbers both on the keyboard and to the left of the staff. Each octave repeats the same 12 colors. There are also lines on the piano roll which divide the octaves. On average, individuals who learn through this methodology will master the piano in 18 months. The colors are not arbitrary but are actually defining note relationships.
Thanks for your comments. The main component for obtaining accuracy concerns the rhythm. This sheet music is accurately notated in 12/8 time signature which allows for all notes to be accounted for in their proper time. This is the actual studio recording of Dave Grusin which you are hearing that is synchronized note for note to the sheet music. New video players in HTML5 allow for videos or audio files to be slowed down with very little pitch distortion so that you can play along slowly.
Good question. The biggest reason is because of the modern disconnect between mathematics and music. Without paying attention to mathematics, there is no room for advancement of the system. We are currently working on a new system which incorporates mathematics in very advanced ways. In the meantime we are using adaptations of the current system in order to provide a bridge from what is known to what is coming.
Thanks for your comment. The colors are set because they are scientifically correlated. Ultimately Spectrum Color is applied to pitch, duration, and volume. This allows for true color mixing to attain resultant color field outcomes, just as color is used in paint or light. Any other color to note, color to duration, or color to volume assignment will not provide this outcome. The use of Spectrum Color was not created for simple note identification but to explore new musical frontiers.
This format is also synchronizing real audio files to the music notation and the synthesia piano. Whereas in standard synthesia, only midi sounds are being triggered which is why it has a mechanical sound instead of the vibrant digital audio recording being experienced by using this format.
As a synaesthete, I would kind of reallly want the artistic license to reassing certain colours to pitches. I "see" an A note as red, and "F" as orange a "D" as blue. Certain instruments also invoke texture, i.e., strings--fine, silky threads, old pianos-- something like weathered leather, chimes- glass, horns-- highly polished metal, etc. I love the concept.
You are correct about the spelling of synesthesia, the physiological disorder of the senses. However, Synthesia (spelled correctly) is a type of piano roll gaming software.
Thank you for your comment. Regardless of an individuals level of experience, their current abilities are always an asset. The motor skill abilities you have in your hands and your ability to hear music melodies, harmonies, or rhythms would help accelerate the learning curve. The biggest obstacle to individuals developing a dynamic physical skill set is the abstract music alphabet terminology with the addition of sharps and flats. It obscures the fundamental relationship of the notes.
Music and music theory have been part of the Higher Curriculum centuries ago. Music, frequencies have been stated as the tools of creation. It is only when modern science took the place of integrated science that music became less interesting in the sense of a fundamental understanding and mastery of existence. But science is changing again, becoming more integrated with other fields of human understanding. Not old skool religion, but modern spirituality (filter away the charlatans) for example.
The challenge was creating the technology in the first place. Creating songs in this format is generally quite easy and does not take too much time. But whatever time it takes, the result is more than worth the effort.
I'd recommended making the colors corresponding to the order or the visible color spectrum. For example, C would be characterized as pink, D would be red, E would be Orange, F would be yellow, G would be Yellow-Green, A would be green, and B would be blue. This would be easier because it would avoid confusion, rather than making the color coded notes difficult to learn, and utterly confusing. See, learning a new style of interpretation with an already known style adds sufficient learning methods
I have the same sheets music but I'm not sure these sheets can render exactly what is played by Dave Grusin in the studio version of Memphis Stomp. He adds some notes and the rythmic is not always as written. This pianist Uwe Karcher seems to believe the same. His Memphis stomp video is here. But ColorMusicTheory is cool. What will be great is to be able to slow down the speed because at normal speed on a piece like this one, it's really hard to follow and to learn how he does the funky stuff.
Interesting question. First of all, numbers do not exist on any acoustic piano, electronic keyboard, or in traditional sheet music. They only exist as a result of MIDI. Our choice was made because the traditional primacy of C major has nothing to do with science. Clearly A 440 is the standardized referencing tuning frequency. Our choice was made for that reason, to align to the root alphabetic letter for easier crossover between the languages, and to break the primacy of C major.
All of the videos on this channel are available for viewing and we will be continually adding more. You can find out more about the Virtuoso methodology by visiting the virtuoso website.
The sharps and flats would still exist in music, possibly color coded, although it doesn't seem required. In visual representation, the sharp and flat notes can be a blend of the two notes surrounding the note in question, allowing for a simpler method of learning to read music.
With this technology you can read music with no prior experience. Each note is defined by 1 unique color out of 12. The 12 colors repeat every octave. Each octave of the staff and keyboard are defined by numbers. Simply match the color and octave number of the staff to the same color and octave number on the keyboard. As you watch the video, you can see that the note on the staff is playing at the same time as the note on the keyboard.
Thank you for your comment. Colors of pitches do move towards white as they go higher in frequency and towards black as they go lower in frequency. If you are going to claim something is artificial, then state your reasons why rather than just offer an uninformed opinion. To obtain a glimpse of the science, read the document titled The Development of the Symmetry Field Circle on the virtuosoism website and then make a comment.
The videos on this channel are available for constant viewing. The software used to create these videos is not yet available to the public, but we will create videos for individuals or take requests to upload on our channel. The Virtuoso methodology is available, but not in a downloadable version. Spectrum Color is patented technology.
This is a fantastic presentation. As a music educator, I love the fact that you have notated the time signature properly in 12/8 instead of 4/4. It is ridiculous for sheet music publishers to misrepresent triplet time by forcing it into 4/4. It makes it very difficult to teach. And the color just adds to the dynamic of the presentation.
It may be technically correct to show it in 12/8, but to see this arrangement written in 12/8 does not read as intuitive to me. The style of this recording to me does not have a 12/8 feel, although I can understand how it would be difficult to attempt to transcribe the "groove" of the song as written if it were in 4/4. Wouldn't having this song in 4/4 make it a lot easier to read?
Besides what ColorMusicTheory said, it's not as difficult as it looks. I have always been 'afraid' of sheet music, because I thought it was difficult, etc. But actually it's quite logical and easy once you start getting into it and get over the initial confusion. Anyway, good luck! ^^
Synthesia doesn't have colored notation. In this format, one can read true music notation in color correlated with a modified synthesia piano roll. There are lines and numbers defining the octaves on the keyboard. Every note of the octave has a unique color which is defined through the science of color theory. Whereas in synthesia, the colors are arbitrary and only used to define different voices or hands. The use of Spectrum color in this way actually teaches color and music theory.
Juxtapose that sentiment with a composer of the 20th Century like Stockhausen who went to extreme lengths within his notation to capture every nuance precisely. He has his own personal notation expert by the way. Your comments and inquiry is greatly appreciated. It is this lack of accuracy that is keeping music from advancing through new technologies. It is the goal of our company to change the status quo and we are working vigorously with educators and manufacturers to change the situation.
Thank you for your comments. We have specifically designed software to create these animations which integrate notation files, midi, and digital audio. The biggest hindrance of midi is that it cannot be used effectively to create perfect notation files. If you are interested in creating these files, our company is constantly hiring freelance notation experts. You can email us through the virtuosoism website to find out more.
Mastery of the Piano would mean; The ability to read competently and easily in every key, understanding hand position movement, understanding fingering logic, the ability to read complex rhythms including different rhythms in each hand, having complete muscle motor skill development of the hands, understanding harmonic analysis for the ability to break a song into smaller harmonics chunks for both expression and memorization purposes, being able to read advanced repertoire such as the Waldstein.
Thanks for your answer. I have a closer look to your sheet music and it's not the same than mine. But mine are the official sheet music book from the firm. So where do you find yours ? Do you made a rearrangement of the official sheet music ? Thanks for the trick to slow down the tempo.
This could fundamentally alter how children learn and approach music. Imagine top 10 charts every month using a social media backbone translated into a learning game that kids will actually enjoy and that mom would make sacrifices to budget for if need be. If I were in a position to do so, I would have already begun work on developing the engine to support community-modded music educational gaming platform and looking to tie with a social media outlet for marketing and further development.
The strange thing about me is I understand a score, I have a good head for theory, I was a decent sight reader when I sang bass in choir, a decent sight reader for sax. So I'm comfortable with both clefs but with piano everything has been about my ears and I am totally self taught. I get people asking for lessons all the time but I don't want to set anyone down the wrong road. So if I was to be diligent while taking this course in 1½ years I should be able to say yes to those jobs? How much?
you have all the notes with colors and it plays along, its very nice and if it becomes a standard that would be good. But how do I make my own animations? can I transform an animation to a midi or a midi to an animation?
On the left hand at 0:26. it strikes D and A together................and it's completely off. not right at all. It should be F and C.....................anyone else sees it?
I am professional who sight reads poorly but excels in improvisation and ability to play by ear. Unfortunately I have turn work down that involves accurate playing of complicated scores. Will my abilities be a hindrance or a help in this method?
If you watch the video on this channel titled 'Color Wheel Theory, The Circle of Fifths, and Reading Music' you can learn more about this specific color assignment and the science which correlates the languages of color and sound. You can also find out more by visiting the virtuosoism website and clicking on the Learn More tab.
Yes, but certainly the bar of mastery for a teacher goes beyond that of a student. You can find out all relevant information by visiting the virtuosoism website.
I'm sure you are aware that the octave numbering in your program begins with A insead of C and the numbers themselves don't match up with the numbering of octaves on the piano. I was just wondering why that is, I'm sure there's a reason, I was just curious if you could explain it to me.
In general, the majority of individuals who focus on playing pop music have less training then those who focus on playing classical music and the major music publishers are aware of this fact. They also view pop music as less serious then classical, so the bar for accuracy is lessened. They are more concerned with students being able to capture the 'feel' of a song then to play it note for note with accuracy.
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing! :) I can already read sheet music, but I am quite an visually oriented person, and this gives a very nice perspective/view on the music which I particularly like! Can I download this somewhere? Is it freeware, and if not how much does it cost?
No idea what the point would be with this. And since the color doesn't specify which octave the note is in, it's still going to be very hard to learn properly
The 'Official' sheet music is produced by Hal Leonard. Unlike classical music, sheet music produced for pop and jazz do not adhere to a goal of accuracy. In most cases, the 'Official' sheet music is not even approved by the composer. Hal Leonard pays for arrangers to make the 'Official' sheet music. This version of Memphis Stomp is the only truly accurate version from all standpoints which is why it can be synchronized with the original studio recording by Dave Grusin.
Currently learning the song.. i'm approaching the 81th measure.. is it just me or from there, until 97th measure, he doesnt actually play the Upper F .. unless its just like barely touched that we just dont hear it at all.. ?
What you are suggesting is a mathematical impossibility. You are assigning F (Yellow) and B (Blue). Yellow and Blue are primary colors and exist 1/3 of the way around the color circle. F and B are on opposite sides of the color circle and are related by the Square Root of 2. This color assignment is not confusing and is based on fundamental science. It is not a matter of choice or opinion. Watch the color theory video on this channel.
This idea of colors is amazing 👏 😍
We have been working on this technology for 17 years. We launched our initial product at NAMM in 2001. Since then, Spectrum Color technology has been implemented into some of the leading music software platforms by companies such as Apple and Yamaha. Our methodology is being used by teachers around the world. The methodology has been in use and studied for a decade. Even individuals with learning disabilities such as ADD, Dyslexia, and Autism easily learn with this technology.
This use of color is not arbitrary but is actually defining fundamental properties of note relationships through properties of color theory. It is much more than just a tool to easily identify notes. It allows individuals with no experience to have immediate insight into advanced concepts of music theory simply through relationships of color. It opens up a new frontier for music analysis and composition.
No, it doesn't. It really doesn't.
Great jazzy music!
The visual effects has deepened my appreciation of this genre of music greately. This is auite literally summed up with just one word. AWESOME!
In most cases, even color blind people do not have issues. In the Virtuoso methodology, learning about color is the first lesson. After exposure to that lesson, individuals have no issues with identifying closely related colors. The point of having closely related colors is to show structural relationships so it is actually a huge benefit.
So colorful
Insanely brilliant.
Ah I see. Amazing new program :) Goes to show how far music has come :)
First rate! Very exciting stuff. Thank you!
Thanks. It is understandable for individuals with synesthesia to want to create unique color assignments as each synesthete perceives associations uniquely. However, the relationships of color and sound are defined by precise mathematical relationships which are universal constants. For example, for Yellow and Blue to make Green, Yellow and Blue must have a precise mathematical relationship. This is why there is only 1 correct assignment of color to sound for all properties to function.
It does have a tendency to treat pitches as absolutes, which I don't think they are. However, it is an interesting new way to look at intervalic relationships. I will check out the website; have several questions.
(keeping in mind the closed circle of fifths, presented in 12 tone equal temperament, does not jive with the way acoustics actually work).
Thanks for your comments. The closed Circle of Fifths is a harmonic truth but not based on the historical view of harmonics. Read the paper titled Development of the Symmetry Field Circle on the virtuoso website and you will see a wide range of new harmonic theory which validates this conclusion. Pitches too, are absolute, but again, not based on conventional historical knowledge. This theory explores a myriad of new harmonic concepts which necessarily change fundamental harmonic arguments.
This is really cool, I can really feel that the notes have the correct colors, in terms of complementation, warm and cold tones and colors and everything. :)
Such a fun piece. I have got to learn this one.
I love the music in this video
Alos, for me the vissual effect of this post has in the span of the length of the video taught me how to write this kind of music. I will experiment with those kinds of rhytms and chords in Finale 2012 today.
These are great!
Note: the word is synesthesia (or, properly, synaesthesia), not synthesia. It's syn-(a)esthetics at root, not syn-thetics at root.
Agreed, color would be useful both for simple note identification AND new frontiers in sound composition.
fascinating, captivating...
Great video!
Through this technology, individuals can permanently learn every major scale on the piano with correct fingering in as little as 20 minutes. This can be easily repeated time and time again for all types and ages of individuals with no prior musical experience. It may seem impossible, but its not. This is simply a massive evolution of science and technology that is comparable to the differences in technology between a gun and bows and arrows. Spectrum Color dramatically changes outcomes.
Easy abs in 20 minutes or less!
It applies to music universally. We only have manufactured product for keyboards at this point, but are currently in the process of developing materials for guitar and string instruments.
Thank you for your comment. The octaves are specified by numbers both on the keyboard and to the left of the staff. Each octave repeats the same 12 colors. There are also lines on the piano roll which divide the octaves. On average, individuals who learn through this methodology will master the piano in 18 months. The colors are not arbitrary but are actually defining note relationships.
Thanks for your comments. The main component for obtaining accuracy concerns the rhythm. This sheet music is accurately notated in 12/8 time signature which allows for all notes to be accounted for in their proper time. This is the actual studio recording of Dave Grusin which you are hearing that is synchronized note for note to the sheet music. New video players in HTML5 allow for videos or audio files to be slowed down with very little pitch distortion so that you can play along slowly.
Wey Hey...Mr Grusin - Top Stuff...!!
Good question. The biggest reason is because of the modern disconnect between mathematics and music. Without paying attention to mathematics, there is no room for advancement of the system. We are currently working on a new system which incorporates mathematics in very advanced ways. In the meantime we are using adaptations of the current system in order to provide a bridge from what is known to what is coming.
Thanks for your comment. The colors are set because they are scientifically correlated. Ultimately Spectrum Color is applied to pitch, duration, and volume. This allows for true color mixing to attain resultant color field outcomes, just as color is used in paint or light. Any other color to note, color to duration, or color to volume assignment will not provide this outcome. The use of Spectrum Color was not created for simple note identification but to explore new musical frontiers.
This format is also synchronizing real audio files to the music notation and the synthesia piano. Whereas in standard synthesia, only midi sounds are being triggered which is why it has a mechanical sound instead of the vibrant digital audio recording being experienced by using this format.
As a synaesthete, I would kind of reallly want the artistic license to reassing certain colours to pitches. I "see" an A note as red, and "F" as orange a "D" as blue.
Certain instruments also invoke texture, i.e., strings--fine, silky threads, old pianos-- something like weathered leather, chimes- glass, horns-- highly polished metal, etc.
I love the concept.
Wow!! thanks for the heads up!!
Cool, man! Wish I still played piano. I'd learn this.
You are correct about the spelling of synesthesia, the physiological disorder of the senses. However, Synthesia (spelled correctly) is a type of piano roll gaming software.
fantastic. thanks
This is so cool. Thanks!
Its great!
Thank you for your comment. Regardless of an individuals level of experience, their current abilities are always an asset. The motor skill abilities you have in your hands and your ability to hear music melodies, harmonies, or rhythms would help accelerate the learning curve. The biggest obstacle to individuals developing a dynamic physical skill set is the abstract music alphabet terminology with the addition of sharps and flats. It obscures the fundamental relationship of the notes.
Music and music theory have been part of the Higher Curriculum centuries ago. Music, frequencies have been stated as the tools of creation. It is only when modern science took the place of integrated science that music became less interesting in the sense of a fundamental understanding and mastery of existence. But science is changing again, becoming more integrated with other fields of human understanding. Not old skool religion, but modern spirituality (filter away the charlatans) for example.
The challenge was creating the technology in the first place. Creating songs in this format is generally quite easy and does not take too much time. But whatever time it takes, the result is more than worth the effort.
Rich great idea, this sheet with colour on keyboard, now will it be possible to listen to slow down a bit? there so much in this work...
genius idea!!!
I'd recommended making the colors corresponding to the order or the visible color spectrum. For example, C would be characterized as pink, D would be red, E would be Orange, F would be yellow, G would be Yellow-Green, A would be green, and B would be blue. This would be easier because it would avoid confusion, rather than making the color coded notes difficult to learn, and utterly confusing. See, learning a new style of interpretation with an already known style adds sufficient learning methods
Very effective.
Interesting concept, I think it would make for an interesting music learning experience. Cheers!
This is great!
I have the same sheets music but I'm not sure these sheets can render exactly what is played by Dave Grusin in the studio version of Memphis Stomp. He adds some notes and the rythmic is not always as written.
This pianist Uwe Karcher seems to believe the same. His Memphis stomp video is here.
But ColorMusicTheory is cool. What will be great is to be able to slow down the speed because at normal speed on a piece like this one, it's really hard to follow and to learn how he does the funky stuff.
Interesting question. First of all, numbers do not exist on any acoustic piano, electronic keyboard, or in traditional sheet music. They only exist as a result of MIDI. Our choice was made because the traditional primacy of C major has nothing to do with science. Clearly A 440 is the standardized referencing tuning frequency. Our choice was made for that reason, to align to the root alphabetic letter for easier crossover between the languages, and to break the primacy of C major.
Foarte interesant, ingeniuos !
All of the videos on this channel are available for viewing and we will be continually adding more. You can find out more about the Virtuoso methodology by visiting the virtuoso website.
The sharps and flats would still exist in music, possibly color coded, although it doesn't seem required. In visual representation, the sharp and flat notes can be a blend of the two notes surrounding the note in question, allowing for a simpler method of learning to read music.
With this technology you can read music with no prior experience. Each note is defined by 1 unique color out of 12. The 12 colors repeat every octave. Each octave of the staff and keyboard are defined by numbers. Simply match the color and octave number of the staff to the same color and octave number on the keyboard. As you watch the video, you can see that the note on the staff is playing at the same time as the note on the keyboard.
Thank you for your comment. Colors of pitches do move towards white as they go higher in frequency and towards black as they go lower in frequency. If you are going to claim something is artificial, then state your reasons why rather than just offer an uninformed opinion. To obtain a glimpse of the science, read the document titled The Development of the Symmetry Field Circle on the virtuosoism website and then make a comment.
The videos on this channel are available for constant viewing. The software used to create these videos is not yet available to the public, but we will create videos for individuals or take requests to upload on our channel. The Virtuoso methodology is available, but not in a downloadable version. Spectrum Color is patented technology.
This is a fantastic presentation. As a music educator, I love the fact that you have notated the time signature properly in 12/8 instead of 4/4. It is ridiculous for sheet music publishers to misrepresent triplet time by forcing it into 4/4. It makes it very difficult to teach. And the color just adds to the dynamic of the presentation.
It may be technically correct to show it in 12/8, but to see this arrangement written in 12/8 does not read as intuitive to me. The style of this recording to me does not have a 12/8 feel, although I can understand how it would be difficult to attempt to transcribe the "groove" of the song as written if it were in 4/4. Wouldn't having this song in 4/4 make it a lot easier to read?
Besides what ColorMusicTheory said, it's not as difficult as it looks. I have always been 'afraid' of sheet music, because I thought it was difficult, etc. But actually it's quite logical and easy once you start getting into it and get over the initial confusion.
Anyway, good luck! ^^
Большое спасибо!
Synthesia doesn't have colored notation. In this format, one can read true music notation in color correlated with a modified synthesia piano roll. There are lines and numbers defining the octaves on the keyboard. Every note of the octave has a unique color which is defined through the science of color theory. Whereas in synthesia, the colors are arbitrary and only used to define different voices or hands. The use of Spectrum color in this way actually teaches color and music theory.
Juxtapose that sentiment with a composer of the 20th Century like Stockhausen who went to extreme lengths within his notation to capture every nuance precisely. He has his own personal notation expert by the way. Your comments and inquiry is greatly appreciated. It is this lack of accuracy that is keeping music from advancing through new technologies. It is the goal of our company to change the status quo and we are working vigorously with educators and manufacturers to change the situation.
Thank you for your comments. We have specifically designed software to create these animations which integrate notation files, midi, and digital audio. The biggest hindrance of midi is that it cannot be used effectively to create perfect notation files. If you are interested in creating these files, our company is constantly hiring freelance notation experts. You can email us through the virtuosoism website to find out more.
Mastery of the Piano would mean; The ability to read competently and easily in every key, understanding hand position movement, understanding fingering logic, the ability to read complex rhythms including different rhythms in each hand, having complete muscle motor skill development of the hands, understanding harmonic analysis for the ability to break a song into smaller harmonics chunks for both expression and memorization purposes, being able to read advanced repertoire such as the Waldstein.
Pretty good idea. Does it fit to any other instrument ?
Thanks for your answer. I have a closer look to your sheet music and it's not the same than mine. But mine are the official sheet music book from the firm. So where do you find yours ? Do you made a rearrangement of the official sheet music ?
Thanks for the trick to slow down the tempo.
Wow !!
this is amazing
This could fundamentally alter how children learn and approach music.
Imagine top 10 charts every month using a social media backbone translated into a learning game that kids will actually enjoy and that mom would make sacrifices to budget for if need be.
If I were in a position to do so, I would have already begun work on developing the engine to support community-modded music educational gaming platform and looking to tie with a social media outlet for marketing and further development.
The strange thing about me is I understand a score, I have a good head for theory, I was a decent sight reader when I sang bass in choir, a decent sight reader for sax. So I'm comfortable with both clefs but with piano everything has been about my ears and I am totally self taught. I get people asking for lessons all the time but I don't want to set anyone down the wrong road.
So if I was to be diligent while taking this course in 1½ years I should be able to say yes to those jobs?
How much?
you have all the notes with colors and it plays along, its very nice and if it becomes a standard that would be good. But how do I make my own animations? can I transform an animation to a midi or a midi to an animation?
love it
On the left hand at 0:26. it strikes D and A together................and it's completely off. not right at all. It should be F and C.....................anyone else sees it?
I am professional who sight reads poorly but excels in improvisation and ability to play by ear. Unfortunately I have turn work down that involves accurate playing of complicated scores. Will my abilities be a hindrance or a help in this method?
If you watch the video on this channel titled 'Color Wheel Theory, The Circle of Fifths, and Reading Music' you can learn more about this specific color assignment and the science which correlates the languages of color and sound. You can also find out more by visiting the virtuosoism website and clicking on the Learn More tab.
I want this so bad ...
Yes, but certainly the bar of mastery for a teacher goes beyond that of a student. You can find out all relevant information by visiting the virtuosoism website.
can I download this? Or is this like only for this channel? I mean, you are like the only one who has the right to use it?
Man, that is so kkkkkkkoooooollllllllll !!!
Can I choose my own colors?
Cool ¡¡
I'm sure you are aware that the octave numbering in your program begins with A insead of C and the numbers themselves don't match up with the numbering of octaves on the piano. I was just wondering why that is, I'm sure there's a reason, I was just curious if you could explain it to me.
In general, the majority of individuals who focus on playing pop music have less training then those who focus on playing classical music and the major music publishers are aware of this fact. They also view pop music as less serious then classical, so the bar for accuracy is lessened. They are more concerned with students being able to capture the 'feel' of a song then to play it note for note with accuracy.
Wow, this is awesome! Thanks for sharing! :) I can already read sheet music, but I am quite an visually oriented person, and this gives a very nice perspective/view on the music which I particularly like!
Can I download this somewhere? Is it freeware, and if not how much does it cost?
my ears were jumping while seeing this video...
wow cool technology there =O but seems like a lot of work.
What is costly?
I play this very difficult piece and I completely do not understand this material herein.
No idea what the point would be with this. And since the color doesn't specify which octave the note is in, it's still going to be very hard to learn properly
The 'Official' sheet music is produced by Hal Leonard. Unlike classical music, sheet music produced for pop and jazz do not adhere to a goal of accuracy. In most cases, the 'Official' sheet music is not even approved by the composer. Hal Leonard pays for arrangers to make the 'Official' sheet music. This version of Memphis Stomp is the only truly accurate version from all standpoints which is why it can be synchronized with the original studio recording by Dave Grusin.
Currently learning the song.. i'm approaching the 81th measure.. is it just me or from there, until 97th measure, he doesnt actually play the Upper F .. unless its just like barely touched that we just dont hear it at all.. ?
is there somewhere online I can buy this version of the sheet music?
Robbie Ragg Yes. You can contact info at virtuosoism dot com.
What you are suggesting is a mathematical impossibility. You are assigning F (Yellow) and B (Blue). Yellow and Blue are primary colors and exist 1/3 of the way around the color circle. F and B are on opposite sides of the color circle and are related by the Square Root of 2. This color assignment is not confusing and is based on fundamental science. It is not a matter of choice or opinion. Watch the color theory video on this channel.
0:46, 1:25, 2:22, 2:41
A 0:03
B 0:27
A, 1:25
C 1:44
C, 2:02
D 2:22