【Magical Girl Proto】v2023.02.28

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • - Entities that are Essential and take damage will clamp to 1 Health minimum
    - Combat_Off
    - Given X distance (10m) with no Entities of other teams, CurrentStats are modified
    - If player: No change to Health/Shield, Mana is 0
    - If not player: Health/Shield/Mana reset
    - Shake Camera and Shake Gamepad on targets in AN_Deal_Damage
    - Disregards whether or not the target successfully blocked; it will shake anyways
    - Complete project double check and clean up
    - Removed unused files from old project
    - Migrated latest UE 5.1.1 LevelPrototyping and StarterContent over
    - Updated/cleaned map with LevelPrototyping and in general
    - Update UI
    - Fixed bug regarding `Invulnerable`
    - Two ways of getting Invulnerability:
    - 1. StatusCondition that modifies Entity_Status.Invulnerable
    - 2. AnimNotify from AN_Invulnerable, given an undetermined amount of duration
    - Removed BPC_Combat functions from BPI_Entity:
    - Receive_Damage
    - *et_CurrentStats
    - *et_StatusConditions
    - Entities implementing BPI_Entity should have BPC_Combat
    - Standardize one way of dealing damage; should be called from Server
    - BPC_Combat.Server_Receive_Damage
    - BPC_Combat.Server_Receive_Damage_Direct_*
    - Add `SkipNumerical` to BPC_Combat.Server_Receive_Damage
    - Used for non-numerical only: StatusConditions, Knock
    - Note: There is no distinction between positive or negative StatusConditions; both are dodgeable/blockable
    - Fixed text in Block_Outcome
    - In seconds, not milliseconds
    - Updated BPC_EffectZone
    - Added duration, will automatically Destroy self after X seconds
    - System_EffectZone_Attack is moved to unused
    - Removed BP_Entity_Summoner
    - Unneeded; can just drag Entities onto map
    - AN_Spawn_Actor
    - Spawn Actor(s) in three ways in an AnimNotify, around Owner:
    1. An array of Polar Coordinates
    - Example: Boss summoning minions around him
    - Example: Boss summoning poison zones around him
    2. An array of Actors within a range, where if found will spawn an Actor at that location
    - Example: Boss summoning electricity fields (BP containing BPC_EffectZone) at each lightning conductor nearby
    3. An array of radiuses, each will spawn an Actor if found (and if matching optional Team conditions with requires it to be an Entity)
    - Example: NPC spawns healing field at the nearest ally
    - Example: NPC spawns torch at the nearest checkpoint
    - No need for Particles, SoundEffects, or Delay. The Animation will handle it with other ANs
    - Icons
    - Updated icon images from game-icons
    - System_RichStyling
    - Clean up, split generic RichText stuff out of FloatingCombatText to RichStyling
    - FloatingCombatText Style
    - Note: "Player" refers to Locally Controlled AND Player Controlled
    - Note: "NPC" refers to NPCs but also other Players
    // X attacks Y
    Enemy - Player = White
    Enemy - Enemy = Grey
    Enemy - NPC = Grey
    Player - Player = White
    Player - Enemy = Orange
    Player - NPC = Orange
    NPC - Player = White
    NPC - Enemy = Grey
    NPC - NPC = Grey
    1. If Defender is Local Player = White
    2. Else If Attacker is Local Player = Orange
    3. Otherwise = Grey
    - BP_Manager_Generic
    - Removed BPC_GenericEventsFunctionality, moved to BP_Manager_Generic
    - Generic helper event/RPCs accessible through GameInstance

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