my head cutting operator would come to me and bitch about that many cuts on one parent sheet. have them make more plates for the press is what he would say. what my guys doesn't see is the price of the plates and set up time on the press. cracks me up every time. I tell him to cry me a river.
I ran a cutter for 23 years until the University I worked did away with the print shop I worked at. I ran a 42' & a 45' cutter. I miss it so much!
I'm off work today and watching people do what I do everyday lol what is life -_-
How much that machine cost? This place in Miami i print my flyers with just got that same exact machine.
How much for this Machine?
Hope the striping dept layout was right or nightmare to program glad I never get subjected to the gang run
There is no stripping. Its all direct to plate. Who strips anymore?...
how many cuts is that's awesome. that'd do my head in trying to programme that.
how much this price sir
my head cutting operator would come to me and bitch about that many cuts on one parent sheet. have them make more plates for the press is what he would say. what my guys doesn't see is the price of the plates and set up time on the press. cracks me up every time. I tell him to cry me a river.
Billy Goode how much does this job usually pay?
boa pessoal tem algum video ensinando a colocar polar 78x78 no esquadro por favor se tiver mi fale onde achar
Poxa, se fosse hoje eu faria, mas vc já deve ser um master. Valeu!
9 people wanted to keep the big sheets
queria trabalhar nessa polar
sir i am ten year exprence cutting machine
What's up with that program? lol Turn,turn,turn,turn....
yep, around the world cutting for gang run is the standard.
can you do more faster take too long
Like hw
Fastest trimmet not cutter!
Saejbharne ki Jaankari