I got the chance to see guttermouth earlier this year and it was a awesome show. Mark is a really cool dude and him and the band put on a awesome show. If you get the chance to see them live do it. Even if you don't know all there music. I'm pretty new to there music but there awesome.
I got the chance to see guttermouth earlier this year and it was a awesome show. Mark is a really cool dude and him and the band put on a awesome show. If you get the chance to see them live do it. Even if you don't know all there music. I'm pretty new to there music but there awesome.
Mark Adkins is the Will Ferrell of punk rock.
Will Ferrel is a cuck for the entertainment industry. Mark destroys will Ferrell in every way.
He's special.
Hahaha had to ask what year it is !!! Haha
So much for to see these guys live
You are so awesome!!!!
Saw these guys in the observatory In San Diego. Seeing them again at the it's not dead festival 👌🏻
dude can't form words! Bless his heart
Mark rules thanks for being awesome there isn't to many cool people left
saw them live couple of year ago that guy is fuckn nuts.
Love the Guttermouth
Whats todays date? The 1st,..The 1st of what year? I just got an email today, thats how long I've been doing this.
mark seems oddly happy and friendly.
Someone's yay'd out hahaha
I LOVE Gutter mouth & eating the good food @ Slide bar in Fullerton, Ca.
Yeah Justin love u cuz
whats the song in the background?
Trevor Sobierajski that’s life
jesus this guy is coked out of his mind. can't stand still for 2 seconds. and his pupils are huge.
uhummm.. gay uncle vibes
Joey vanwestbrook is the man
amen to the d rugs
Yeah, slight... ;)
If anyone knows Mark our if u see this just wanted you to know Dave Rose is dead RIP Dave your buddy in Ft Collins 🤘😎🌱 rit rit woooooooooh
Dilated pupils