Back in 2020 I think around the time the new owners of gopher dunes bought the place they were playing around with the trail systems. At the time their trail 3 was labeled “expert”. There wasn’t anything expert about it just a normal trail.
@@SBP_BUILD_MACHINE_RIPP ah, didn’t know that. Also, didn’t know there were new owners… I though Frank was selling it to his son (Derek) and business partner, but that fell through and Frank answered Derek now share ownership. I could be wrong.
Ya I was expecting more for the name expert trail. When we road through it was just a normal trail I’m not sure why it was like that. I’m guessing they were going to add something into it but never happened.
thanks for giving me view of the trails there I'm looking forward to go out there and do some riding
nice vid
What makes #3 the “expert” trail? I find that one my favourite, but certainly not challenging (and I’m no expert).
Back in 2020 I think around the time the new owners of gopher dunes bought the place they were playing around with the trail systems. At the time their trail 3 was labeled “expert”. There wasn’t anything expert about it just a normal trail.
@@SBP_BUILD_MACHINE_RIPP ah, didn’t know that. Also, didn’t know there were new owners… I though Frank was selling it to his son (Derek) and business partner, but that fell through and Frank answered Derek now share ownership. I could be wrong.
Expert trail haha a 5 year old can make it in all the trails there
Ya I was expecting more for the name expert trail. When we road through it was just a normal trail I’m not sure why it was like that. I’m guessing they were going to add something into it but never happened.