Unfortunately I doubt it, JJ and Chris Terrio seem very adamant on making it seem like this was all planned, and they keep tossing around blame for what happened. When watching the end it becomes apparent something from the end was missing, possibly with Ben surviving? Who knows, but I'm with Greedo, I don't think we'll get any deleted scenes.
We’re getting the novelization this March, and the author, Rae Carson, has said that if the film included everything in the novelization, it would have been 3 hours. So this means a majority of the deleted scenes will likely be present
@@travis_mitchell It made sense to cut that other half hour. If it wasn't needed for the story it wasn't included. Most movies are in the 3-4 hour range before cuts. What she won't do however is include these big Force ghost battles that contradict the movie heavily, especially as it has come out that that Reddit post from a "reliable" source was bullshit
@@eccentricjoe5410 That plus JJ doesn't really "believe" in deleted scenes. What you see on screen is what was intended. Its why the deleted scenes for TFA were so sparse and inconsequential. (when we know they filmed a lot more).
I really want an extended version that includes at least these two things: an explanation of how the emperor came back, and a scene where Finn reveals to Rey that he is Force sensitive.
he was gunna sai i love you. chased her around for 3 movies do you have a boyfriend, then pushed trans character away for two, i love you was the words that made most sense given the visual final material imho,
Wether it’s BS or not, I really hope we get the JJ cut or at least all the deleted scenes that were in that cut as an extra when they release RoS on DVD..
We got the J J Cut... But I am interested in deleted scenes, as is usual, because they are most often sacrificed for pacing and not because they are bad or don't work (at least from close to the final cut).
Darth Joker You need to read the actual interview though because a lot of these websites have misleading titles. Dominic Monaghan never said there was the “JJ” cut that has been rumored on Reddit. He simply said in an interview there was a lot of footage not used that he would love to see in a directors cut or extended edition someday. There is definitely extra footage not used but there is still no proof that their exist a version of the movie that magically fixes everyone’s problems. I mean in the interview the scene he mentions that was cut involves his character, Rose, and Connix at the final battle. Not exactly a scene that’s integral to the movie.
The emperor being back isn’t very good as an idea, but I really loved the way he looked and Exagol in general really reminded me of something out of Hellraiser
We get the novelization this March, and the author has stated that some of the subplots cut from the film will be present, including Lando and Jannah’s story in it’s entirety. So hopefully this provides much needed context and breathing room to the story.
Honestly, the lack of explanation surrounding Palpatine's return appeared to be one of the most noteworthy examples of lazy screenwriting in the film, so if there is in fact a deeper explanation available, that was cut from the film, it should be shown to us.
Yeah man 3 hours of the same dumb story is bound to make the movie better. The whole product was ill conceived, making it longer would only make the faults that much apparent.
@@Imanmagnet00 I get it man. It sucked for the most part and the entire sequel trilogy is a lesson in missed opportunity. Still, for all it's faults, I love Star Wars so much that I'd like to see JJ's original vision for TROS.
The whole Jannah and Lando scene felt out of place in the theaters now I know why, lol, just the way it was portrayed it’s like okay they’re related somehow lol, shouldn’t have kept it in, took me out of it
Dissapointed on how Lucasfilms didn’t do what the LOTR trilogy did: extended editions. We really need more scenes for this movie. An extended edition of this one would be fantastic.
For the wrestling fans out there: The Emperor returning and being revealed as the puppetmaster is akin to Vince McMahon being revealed as the "greater power" behind The Ministry.
There's an extended edition of a novelization of the movie coming out this year. They could include these kinds of extra details there. They could even add in totally new ideas created as explanations for questions fans have.
I watched rotj last night and I felt that had the emperor survived the initial fall it isn't totally unbelievable that he could've gotten off the d Star before it blew up because there's atleast 5-10 minutes between his fall and the destruction of the d Star. I mean what happened to the imperial guards where did they go when the emperor said leave us. This could be a bit of a long shot I mean perhaps the guards found him at the bottom of the shaft almost dead and took him to exegol straight from there.
I don't think we'll get those scenes on the DVD/BR, but I do think we could have those scenes expanded upon within the TROS novelisation when it comes out.
Surely some explanation of Palpatine coming back is better than LITERALLY NOTHING. A scene or two surely wouldn't clutter up an already very cluttered convoluted movie.
I said Rey was Palpatines daughter way back in the Force Awakens. It was obvious as we seen with her fighting style at the end, along with many other tell tales in the force back vision she had under Maz Canatas Castle. I'm so glad my prediction was right. It just made so much sense this way.
Is she the one who cut the Hayden scenes -.- I mean I get it, that whole too much in a movie stuff but the objective was linking the trilogies and Anakin would've been great to see imo
That stupid Reddit post from a "reliable source" was recently debunked. It was all made up for clicks and attention. Plus it doesn't make sense to see Anakin. As a force ghost you see only those you knew in life, Luke saw Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin. And Rey saw Luke and Leia. It's like a Christmas Carol, Jacob Marley wasn't just going around appearing to anybody, just the one he knew in Scrooge The fact of the matter is that there was no way that they would be able to get Sam Jackson, Liam Neeson, Hayden, Ewan, Mark, plus all of the other actors together on ONE day for minimal pay. So they were brought in to do voice work at separate times throughout production instead
@@rjkzbkfy9665 Sources which leaked the plot of TROS weeks before the release (which were accurate by the way) also stated that up to 3 scenes with him were cut. Hayden was very upset about it and ended up having voice appearances. The reason for the scenes being cut are the same as the ones stated as the video, explains the leak.
@@Lanosrep For real? But the leaks with the plot were right after all. Damn I thought ha would've been in the movie. But your point makes sense tho. Maybe they could've done some kind of force spirit such as Yoda meeting Darth Bane in TCW
I feel the novelization will expand on some of this stuff, and the novelizations are usually canon except for some stuff that may contradict film material.
I dont typically believe in rumors and conspiracy, but I dont think were just dealing with deleted scenes. We're dealing with an entire cut of the film which JJ wanted and Disney hid away.
I honestly don’t know why people can’t gather contextually how Palpatine is back. It’s all there if you think about it. We don’t need to be told just use your brains for a second. He is on a planet of extreme dark side magic shit ruling over an ancient cult that specializes in unnatural powers, his body is decaying and he has dead eyes, and he’s being supported by machinery until he can transfer his spirit into a new for or coincidentally Rey and Ben inadvertently unlock the secret to life through their special connection in the force. Is it not clear that what we are seeing is palpatine’s corpse being frankensteined by his followers until he can do his ritual? Come on people. This ain’t rocket science.
Agreed. Also, I feel like a lot of people are taking the part about Rey and Palpatine being one WAY too literally, especially since Palpatine says (something along the lines of) "as the previous sith are one with me". (Which is actually one of the things I kind of liked about the movie because it makes a lot of previous scenes in Star Wars movies involving if a Jedi should kill a Sith make some more sense).
It'd be cool to see it in one way or another, but it will for sure be in the novelization. I expect this to be like Revenge of the Sith. The movie was far to crowded and full of fan service, but the novelization really delved into Anakin's thoughts and feelings, smoothed over a few things, and gave excellent detail to the whole thing.
I agree with you on the flow and clutter of the movie. Also with the shear lack of original thought that went into the emperors return. Im sure at some point they will make a book, comic book or animated film that will explain more of the emperor’s return. Keep up the great work and may the force be with you.
Something tells me JJ's original concept was to have hints of Palpatine's return in The Last Jedi (or whatever he was going to call it had he actually made the film) and maybe it would have made it a different monster (the film story) all together. Did Palps have to return? Not really. A sinister force ghost himself... that would have worked better. Snoke should have been more a threat to this generation (Their evil emperor problem).... the mythos of Snoke really bottomed out at the end and that was disappointing. They built him up too much and then shrugged their shoulders leaving him high and dry. Snoke's return would have been more impactful. Making him the bigger threat than Palpy would have been better. But, they caved and this is what we got.
It makes sense to cut this, it's not necessary to need this for the story to make sense. The prequels were almost 100% exposition, people siting down for ten minutes to just talk exposition
So here is what was probably cut if I guess right: The fate of the New Republic The fate of the Jedi Order How Palpatine survived and his contingency plan explained More on Snoke, how he's created and if he was self aware of his actions or not Force spirits of Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda and Qui Gon in his ball of fireflys form More fleet battle More about Rey's lineage The chosen one prophecy is explained fully. Probably a lot of what the Visual Dictionary showed us.
the movie feels to me, as if it has been heavily edited in a way JJ didn't want it it to be. Can't imagine he is ok with how the pace and the scenes play out. The movie just feels off from a director point of view.
Yeah... I kind of feel like even JJ didn't even want the movie to turn out quite the way it did but was forced to write it this way due to executives wanting him to make various changes (due to the backlash of The Last Jedi) and also time restraints.
I think at the very least the movie needs something like 10 more minutes of just holding the scenes. Let me reorient my brain and breathe for a second.
I really enjoyed the movie, but can’t understand why many did not. I do agree that more exposition would have hurt in this case. I like the mystery of the Sith having this ability and not knowing how they accomplished it.
If I were a betting man, I’d say that we’d see a few of the scenes as deleted scenes on the home release. The rest will probably find their way into the novelisation.
Are you going to do a video about the supposed “JJ Abrams cut”? I know leaks, whether real or fake, aren’t really your sort of thing, but it would be interesting to hear your opinion.
I really don't mind the way they did it. Its not like he was living like he was before he fell. He was totally destroyed and kind of Dracula resurrected in a horror movie fashion, and that is what I got out of it.
I am perfectly fine with Palpatine's return being mysterious, but I totally understand why it bothers some people. I would love to see those scenes, but I think it's possible they won't release them so they could explain it in another book or something.
We won't see JJ's cut as with other cuts like justice league Yes they can make some extra cash But they would ridicule one of the directors in the process by pitting their versions against each other
As far as I'm aware the leaks suggest that Disney edited the movie down from 3 hours to 2:40ish and Abrams signed off on that, then the film premiered at 2:22 which apparently Abrams wasn't happy about. This wouldn't be pitting directors against eachother, it would be pitting Abrams against unnamed executives. I think that's a bullet they could take for the sake of money that a release could rake in
@@Keanine That would've made it the longest SW movie to date. Plus the shorter runtime wish less clutter helps to serve the story as the plot revolves around a countdown to the destruction of the galaxy. Plus if they really did do that to JJ, he would have rights to sue Disney for damages and have his name removed from the movie, and with "evidence" like that and him working to the very last day, he would win the suit. But it's obvious that that the leaks are fake. Because they also claim that Sam Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgreggor and Mark Hamil were all present on the same day o set to film some sort of force ghost battle, when in fact, they were never all free on any one day during production.
@@Keanine ye but you do realise there's also a George lucas cut of the film and jj's version wasn't his but a frankenstein mashup of each of the aprox 6 reshoots they had done where 2 affected many sequences throughout the film
I would have really liked for Snoke to return... I mean if you are going to use "Dark Empire" as a blueprint, change some things. Dark Empire worked better because Luke and Leia faced the Emperor, that was their nemesis. Rey? I get the connection, but her nemesis was Snoke. They should have brought Snoke back, I know... they "kinda did" but I mean Snoke as a independent character. I honestly think it would have made the villain more interesting and this is coming from a guy who loves Palpatine, but I felt it was unnecesary and that it actually hurt the story.
To the people that want the JJ cut. It wouldn't fix anything. The whole idea of the film and execution is misguided and the movie going on for longer would just make the whole experience drag even more. It was never a good idea to bring Palpatine back, nor was it a good idea to make the movie a giant retcon of TLJ.
I think we do need to know how Palpatine returned. Because if we don't know how he returned the first time, Rey killing him doesn't really mean much. Why can't he come back yet again and build a Third Order and even more Death Stars? What's different about this time. How Palps is back is now vital story information, if they want this to be in any way a satisfying end to the Saga.
Its a shame that Disney screwed over JJ behind his back, even though i loved the film, it held alot of questions that needed to be answered...There is a 3 hour cut that JJ thought he was getting , but Disney went and made its own film. JJ said on his very first viewing..." WTF?"
I have a list of things I dislike and wish were different. I have a similar list for just about all Star Wars movies. But I've given up getting too bent out of shape about the final product. I just chuck it up to this is a story that has been passed down through the ages and things got jumbled up. If the story wasn't a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away we'd learn that Luke Skywalker was the son of Anakin Starkiller a Jedi Knight, there was only one Death Star, and the Emperor was a puppet of a Sith Lord, and...
There’s still so much we didn’t need to know that made it into the movie. So many unnecessary plot points and unresolved characters arcs. The emperor apparently willed the Star destroyers into existence, so I get the feeling the exposition would’ve been just as ridiculous and forced as the dumb explanations we actually got
I know Hello Greedo keeps his opinion of Palpatine's return being unimaginative, but then he also says in the same breath that it is similar to the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. Star Wars hasn't ever been imaginative regarding storytelling. My opinion. It's based on myths and archetypes, with updated Buck Rogers special effects. It just clicks, and works to make the imagination spark. It ( the OT ) didn't waste time trying to explain how the universe worked, or why any of the characters were even motivated in the first place. It just dropped you into the middle if a galactic civil war and rebellion. C3PO and R2D2 made the OT. My opinion. Now, having Palpatine return makes total sense. He's been the bane of the Skywalker family as long as we've known in these films. And, when Lucad tried to get creative and explained everything to the smallest detail, people ( OT fans )were not enamored with the results. "George Lucas raped my childhood"...sheesh. So, my opinion, Rise of Skywalker works great when I realize it completes an entire multigenerational saga. Who else could be the ultimate evil in a Skywalker film?
No way was the emperor coming back worse than death star 2. This emperor didn't feel like the old emperor to me; felt like a different character altogether. But I remember going to see ROTJ for the first time and thinking "Really? The death star AGAIN?"...at age 13. The ewoks didn't help either. ROTJ is my least favorite SW film. I thoroughly enjoyed TROS. While it had its issues, its epic moments are really EPIC!
The explanation of Papa Palpatine coming back I don't care, but how choopy the film was. I would like an Extended Cut like Lord of the Rings, but hey if we get it yay if we don't oh well. I still liked and enjoyed Rise Of Skywalker despite the massive holes it has.
Some are, some have multiple editors. Directors supervise pretty much everything in editing. TFA had 2 editors. TLJ had 1 editor (who did neither TFA OR TROS). TROS had 2 editors (one of which was different to TFA).
How Palpatine survived is not important ? They had to make a choice and they didn"t included these scenes ? Yeah i'm sure those "Poe's girlfriend" and "Finn's new love interest" scenes were soooooo much more interesting and important
I normally agree with you, but you said let's face it, it's a simple story like it's a bad thing. All star wars movies are simple story. good guys vs bad guys
The dead speak! ... I have spoken. That's how lazy the starting scroll is... accept something that wasn't established in the prior movies and just go with it... it just is. Any explanation would be better than this and I'm open for sidious surviving by using another cloned body with his force ghost as it only supports how powerful he is but neither of the movies hints at his survival and only if you've read the whole contingency plan that was explained in the trilogy books that came out before the force awakens you might have picked up on the possibility that he survived which makes his appearance simply a "dunno what to do... here's palpatine I guess!" when it is established in the third movie. It works in the overall star wars universe even if it's basically the stolen plot from SWTOR: Knights of the fallen empire but the movies simply did nothing to build it up and the final movie is just a mess that throws stuff at you to distract you. It could have worked in a better trilogy though. My opinion anyway.
G1N HK Is that not the point of the text crawl to start en medius res? Is this not a problem of every Star Wars film or do we exclude it every time except this time because it’s the hot fashionable thing to be mad at?
I don't think the "return" of the Death Star i ROTJ is nowhere close to the return of Palpatine. In world: The Empire had the plans and resources to make another. They saw it as the ultimate weapon and built a new one that was bigger (better?) than the first one. Plotwise: Weaker. But understandable based on Lucas original scripts with the Death star destoyed in a battle including wookies (Ewoks in the movie). If the Death Star i ROTJ was the same Death star as in ANH that they had put together again (because it wasn't fully destroyed, it just looked like that, and it somehow got bigger and more powerful (destruction adding pieces and material)) it is closer to the return of Palpatine. With that, I agree with you that the return of Palpatine is weak, and the reuse of death stars isn''t the most imaginative. =)
It is sad that there is still A LOT of things I didn't wanted to know that were in the movie. Yes Canto bight was a 30min of lost time but rise of Skywalker as a whole movie is just too much differents things to be a good and working story for me. Felt like seeing a first writing of a fan-fiction brainstorm. I hope to never see again a star wars movie this messy...
I don't envy the editors. I bet they would have happily done without Zori and Jannah and Deeo and Babu Frikk and the dagger and the sith translation and and and…
If the 3rd movie in your trilogy required that much verbal exposition to give the audience a much need “why” in such an “important installment” of the saga then in my opinion your trilogy has failed it’s intended purpose or goal (from a storytelling perspective).
I agree with you HG Palpatine returning is worse than the Death Star in ROJ much worse and we didn’t get one Death Star we got 500! I would love to hear the pitch for this film and how JJ sold it to Disney. And I would love to know who heard the pitch and went “I thought the Emperor was blown up in the last last movie you want to bring him back? And you want to kill him again in the same exact way? Sounds great! And you want to reveal that Rey is a Palpatine? I thought that we already saw that with uh what’s that guys name? Great! People were complaining that she was no one special after all. You want to make sure that we have at least three UNO Reverse deaths no wait make that four Reverse deaths in the movie? Great! People will love it!
Release the JJ cut, everyone wants it. These rumours are just making us even more eager and begging for more, they know people will want to see it now. The Skywalker saga has been running for over 40 years and the final conclusion is 2 hours and 22 minutes long, (keep in mind that's shorter than The Last Jedi's runtime), who thought it was a good idea to cut more Palpatine and supposedly a scene with the Jedi helping Rey stand up? I might be a little too subjective, but I swear, they could have made the final movie longer and have more interesting scenes.
DenAnonyme Well that’s the question isn’t it? I tend to look at this movie and go... I will never watch ROS again and try never to think of it again. Much like Jar Jar Binks or the fact that Darth Maul got cut in half and ‘twas only a flesh wound he’s still alive half of him anyway. I enjoyed the first two movies in the sequels I liked the characters, I wanted more for them and it makes me sad that the ‘Skywalker Saga’ ended in such a dumpster fire and somehow managed to screw up the continuity of the other 8 films while doing it. Hopefully there will be better things in store moving forward.
I kinda hope that the story is false just because it would means that DIsney was actually influenced by the vocal minority on youtube and feared so much a backlash that they harmed the trilogy. It would be like having return of the jedi Vader saying "by the way i'm not your father that was just a metaphor that would be crazy" because people got mad. And before you comment that scene was a bit controversial at the time, people spent years wondering if it was true or if Vader was lying before episode VI.
No doesn’t feel clunky. It feels maclunky.
that jokes stinks
gimme more
There no saving this movie only like Anakin voice but movie was lame like sequel was great like there more stars tho unhappily but TV show tho
Rather than deleted scenes I hope we get a legit Extended Edition one day.
Include Sheev's Fortnite podcast in the extended cut!
Finally a man of culture
It should be explained that Rey has to go to the Fortnite world to hear the message.
Unfortunately for you history will not see it that way
OK here's how you do it look up the clip rip the blu ray (when it comes out) then put it over the opening scene. Render then watch it on the USB.
I wouldn’t mind seeing an extended cut just to slow down the pace a little
I enjoyed the movie, but it is a jumbled mess that's often confusing. I think the deleted scenes would make a more coherent movie.
That's being very optimistic. I very much doubt JJ had any kind of plan
I hope we get to see these deleted scenes one day.
Unfortunately I doubt it, JJ and Chris Terrio seem very adamant on making it seem like this was all planned, and they keep tossing around blame for what happened. When watching the end it becomes apparent something from the end was missing, possibly with Ben surviving? Who knows, but I'm with Greedo, I don't think we'll get any deleted scenes.
We’re getting the novelization this March, and the author, Rae Carson, has said that if the film included everything in the novelization, it would have been 3 hours.
So this means a majority of the deleted scenes will likely be present
@@travis_mitchell It made sense to cut that other half hour. If it wasn't needed for the story it wasn't included. Most movies are in the 3-4 hour range before cuts. What she won't do however is include these big Force ghost battles that contradict the movie heavily, especially as it has come out that that Reddit post from a "reliable" source was bullshit
EccentricJoe blu ray release
@@eccentricjoe5410 That plus JJ doesn't really "believe" in deleted scenes. What you see on screen is what was intended. Its why the deleted scenes for TFA were so sparse and inconsequential. (when we know they filmed a lot more).
I really want an extended version that includes at least these two things: an explanation of how the emperor came back, and a scene where Finn reveals to Rey that he is Force sensitive.
he was gunna sai i love you. chased her around for 3 movies do you have a boyfriend, then pushed trans character away for two, i love you was the words that made most sense given the visual final material imho,
Kriswixx someone asked John Boyega if that’s what Finn was going to say and he said that it wasn’t.
Im kinda ok with NOT knowing it fully. I realize the novel will probably give us this information though.
When do the novels usually come out? Been wondering that myself since they tend to have extra information
@@Keanine March this year I believe.
@@Keanine March!
Are TFA and TLJ novels the same way?
yes, they do add a lot of stuff to the movies
Wether it’s BS or not, I really hope we get the JJ cut or at least all the deleted scenes that were in that cut as an extra when they release RoS on DVD..
We will definitely get a bunch of them, but not all. We rarely get all deleted scenes, especially not after this kind of extensive rewrite.
We got the J J Cut...
But I am interested in deleted scenes, as is usual, because they are most often sacrificed for pacing and not because they are bad or don't work (at least from close to the final cut).
Darth Joker You need to read the actual interview though because a lot of these websites have misleading titles. Dominic Monaghan never said there was the “JJ” cut that has been rumored on Reddit. He simply said in an interview there was a lot of footage not used that he would love to see in a directors cut or extended edition someday. There is definitely extra footage not used but there is still no proof that their exist a version of the movie that magically fixes everyone’s problems. I mean in the interview the scene he mentions that was cut involves his character, Rose, and Connix at the final battle. Not exactly a scene that’s integral to the movie.
You mean just a director’s cut
It will be an even worse version of the film. Remember ROTS being around 4 hours long in the original cut? Yikes.
Judging from the DVDs from TLJ and TFA, its safe to say these deleted scenes will make it at least into the dvd edition of TROS.
The emperor being back isn’t very good as an idea, but I really loved the way he looked and Exagol in general really reminded me of something out of Hellraiser
you did not like the extenden universe before disney either then? :o
Not really, but I like how Merry throws out several ways he could’ve come back to tell the audience how it’s possible while still keeping it a mystery
We get the novelization this March, and the author has stated that some of the subplots cut from the film will be present, including Lando and Jannah’s story in it’s entirety.
So hopefully this provides much needed context and breathing room to the story.
So how hard is it to sip coffee through a stormtrooper helmet?
Dark Helmet said its easy as long as its not too hot.
weboes1 hot! Too.... hot!
Honestly, the lack of explanation surrounding Palpatine's return appeared to be one of the most noteworthy examples of lazy screenwriting in the film, so if there is in fact a deeper explanation available, that was cut from the film, it should be shown to us.
I hope we get the fabled 3 hour uncut JJ version
The JJ cut is what we got though.
@@WhiteWolf496 th-cam.com/video/k9ybXsZ1w5c/w-d-xo.html
Yeah man 3 hours of the same dumb story is bound to make the movie better.
The whole product was ill conceived, making it longer would only make the faults that much apparent.
@@Imanmagnet00 I get it man. It sucked for the most part and the entire sequel trilogy is a lesson in missed opportunity. Still, for all it's faults, I love Star Wars so much that I'd like to see JJ's original vision for TROS.
I wan't to see those Palpatine scenes...
That profile picture fits your comment very well.
The whole Jannah and Lando scene felt out of place in the theaters now I know why, lol, just the way it was portrayed it’s like okay they’re related somehow lol, shouldn’t have kept it in, took me out of it
Dissapointed on how Lucasfilms didn’t do what the LOTR trilogy did: extended editions.
We really need more scenes for this movie.
An extended edition of this one would be fantastic.
For the wrestling fans out there: The Emperor returning and being revealed as the puppetmaster is akin to Vince McMahon being revealed as the "greater power" behind The Ministry.
The movie isn’t really cluttered it’s just a giant chase scene, revelation, and final battle
That actually sounds more like TLJ than anything. Like that genuinely best sounds how to sum up TLJ.
@@Idk-fl2ed More like ESB.
@Darth Joker oh shut the fuck up
huge chiefs fan how
Pipboys and Lightsabers The sequel trilogy is *worse* than the prequels.
Needed to be said.
There's an extended edition of a novelization of the movie coming out this year. They could include these kinds of extra details there. They could even add in totally new ideas created as explanations for questions fans have.
I watched rotj last night and I felt that had the emperor survived the initial fall it isn't totally unbelievable that he could've gotten off the d Star before it blew up because there's atleast 5-10 minutes between his fall and the destruction of the d Star. I mean what happened to the imperial guards where did they go when the emperor said leave us. This could be a bit of a long shot I mean perhaps the guards found him at the bottom of the shaft almost dead and took him to exegol straight from there.
I don't think we'll get those scenes on the DVD/BR, but I do think we could have those scenes expanded upon within the TROS novelisation when it comes out.
Exposition isn't too bad though. Like the opera scene in revenge of the sith
Didn't need to know? How the guy who got thrown down a shaft & exploded is alive?
Surely some explanation of Palpatine coming back is better than LITERALLY NOTHING. A scene or two surely wouldn't clutter up an already very cluttered convoluted movie.
I said Rey was Palpatines daughter way back in the Force Awakens. It was obvious as we seen with her fighting style at the end, along with many other tell tales in the force back vision she had under Maz Canatas Castle. I'm so glad my prediction was right. It just made so much sense this way.
Is she the one who cut the Hayden scenes -.- I mean I get it, that whole too much in a movie stuff but the objective was linking the trilogies and Anakin would've been great to see imo
Hayden never filmed in TROS, only did voice.
That stupid Reddit post from a "reliable source" was recently debunked. It was all made up for clicks and attention. Plus it doesn't make sense to see Anakin. As a force ghost you see only those you knew in life, Luke saw Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin. And Rey saw Luke and Leia.
It's like a Christmas Carol, Jacob Marley wasn't just going around appearing to anybody, just the one he knew in Scrooge
The fact of the matter is that there was no way that they would be able to get Sam Jackson, Liam Neeson, Hayden, Ewan, Mark, plus all of the other actors together on ONE day for minimal pay. So they were brought in to do voice work at separate times throughout production instead
@@rjkzbkfy9665 Sources which leaked the plot of TROS weeks before the release (which were accurate by the way) also stated that up to 3 scenes with him were cut. Hayden was very upset about it and ended up having voice appearances. The reason for the scenes being cut are the same as the ones stated as the video, explains the leak.
@@Lanosrep For real? But the leaks with the plot were right after all. Damn I thought ha would've been in the movie. But your point makes sense tho. Maybe they could've done some kind of force spirit such as Yoda meeting Darth Bane in TCW
I feel the novelization will expand on some of this stuff, and the novelizations are usually canon except for some stuff that may contradict film material.
I'm thrilled that Sidious is back. My favourite character. :D
I dont typically believe in rumors and conspiracy, but I dont think were just dealing with deleted scenes. We're dealing with an entire cut of the film which JJ wanted and Disney hid away.
I honestly don’t know why people can’t gather contextually how Palpatine is back. It’s all there if you think about it. We don’t need to be told just use your brains for a second. He is on a planet of extreme dark side magic shit ruling over an ancient cult that specializes in unnatural powers, his body is decaying and he has dead eyes, and he’s being supported by machinery until he can transfer his spirit into a new for or coincidentally Rey and Ben inadvertently unlock the secret to life through their special connection in the force. Is it not clear that what we are seeing is palpatine’s corpse being frankensteined by his followers until he can do his ritual? Come on people. This ain’t rocket science.
Agreed. Also, I feel like a lot of people are taking the part about Rey and Palpatine being one WAY too literally, especially since Palpatine says (something along the lines of) "as the previous sith are one with me". (Which is actually one of the things I kind of liked about the movie because it makes a lot of previous scenes in Star Wars movies involving if a Jedi should kill a Sith make some more sense).
It'd be cool to see it in one way or another, but it will for sure be in the novelization.
I expect this to be like Revenge of the Sith. The movie was far to crowded and full of fan service, but the novelization really delved into Anakin's thoughts and feelings, smoothed over a few things, and gave excellent detail to the whole thing.
I actually just read that interview it its entirely. Thanks, HG! 😊
I agree with you on the flow and clutter of the movie. Also with the shear lack of original thought that went into the emperors return. Im sure at some point they will make a book, comic book or animated film that will explain more of the emperor’s return. Keep up the great work and may the force be with you.
Imma be honest, I absolutely loved rise of Skywalker
Something tells me JJ's original concept was to have hints of Palpatine's return in The Last Jedi (or whatever he was going to call it had he actually made the film) and maybe it would have made it a different monster (the film story) all together. Did Palps have to return? Not really. A sinister force ghost himself... that would have worked better. Snoke should have been more a threat to this generation (Their evil emperor problem).... the mythos of Snoke really bottomed out at the end and that was disappointing. They built him up too much and then shrugged their shoulders leaving him high and dry.
Snoke's return would have been more impactful. Making him the bigger threat than Palpy would have been better. But, they caved and this is what we got.
in the timeline before disney restarted it palps returned a few times too :/
Dude, would you mind citing your source? I'd like to read it for myself.
I'm fine with a 5 hour movie so I'm always fine with more in there, the flow doesn't matter to me.
It makes sense to cut this, it's not necessary to need this for the story to make sense. The prequels were almost 100% exposition, people siting down for ten minutes to just talk exposition
I hope they include when Sheev died again by Rey bouncing his force lighting that sheevs yells MAKLUNKEY
What you didn’t want Palpatine to return? That was the best thing ever. Would be a huge plot hole if he didn’t. I mean I knew how to cheat death
Finally, a completely objective and bias-free take 😄
(Edit: when I posted this, OP's username was Emperor Palpatine)
So here is what was probably cut if I guess right:
The fate of the New Republic
The fate of the Jedi Order
How Palpatine survived and his contingency plan explained
More on Snoke, how he's created and if he was self aware of his actions or not
Force spirits of Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda and Qui Gon in his ball of fireflys form
More fleet battle
More about Rey's lineage
The chosen one prophecy is explained fully.
Probably a lot of what the Visual Dictionary showed us.
The new republic exploded in The Force Awakens
Whatever Joker
Yes, but what happened after? Did it get restored or replaced?
@Darth Joker ohhhh ok, so it's only a problem when Disney brings back Palpatine. But when legends does it, its ok?
the movie feels to me, as if it has been heavily edited in a way JJ didn't want it it to be. Can't imagine he is ok with how the pace and the scenes play out. The movie just feels off from a director point of view.
Yeah... I kind of feel like even JJ didn't even want the movie to turn out quite the way it did but was forced to write it this way due to executives wanting him to make various changes (due to the backlash of The Last Jedi) and also time restraints.
May the force be with you! Always
I think at the very least the movie needs something like 10 more minutes of just holding the scenes. Let me reorient my brain and breathe for a second.
TROS ultimate cut like BvS release?
I don’t think I have ever been more disappointed in a theater ever.
Good for you 👏
Kingdom of Gamers ???
@@GD-fi7rm ???
I’m expecting a lot of the cut material will find its way into the novelization
I really enjoyed the movie, but can’t understand why many did not. I do agree that more exposition would have hurt in this case. I like the mystery of the Sith having this ability and not knowing how they accomplished it.
The movie was already mainly exposition, adding more to the breakneck pace can't do any more harm.
There are already rumors that Disney hacked up JJ's final cut, so I don't expect much in the way of Deleted Scenes later on.
Shouldn't these be called Palpascenes?
If I were a betting man, I’d say that we’d see a few of the scenes as deleted scenes on the home release. The rest will probably find their way into the novelisation.
I know SW fans want specifics, but "the dark side" is really the only explanation needed
I hope we get the deleted scenes. I love seeing cut scenes and determing why they weren't in the film.
Are you going to do a video about the supposed “JJ Abrams cut”? I know leaks, whether real or fake, aren’t really your sort of thing, but it would be interesting to hear your opinion.
Darth Joker I don’t think so, there’s probably not anything actually real to call out Disney for from the supposed “leaks”
We gotta see the JJ Abrams cut I heard it was 3 hours and 3 minutes
I really don't mind the way they did it. Its not like he was living like he was before he fell. He was totally destroyed and kind of Dracula resurrected in a horror movie fashion, and that is what I got out of it.
I am perfectly fine with Palpatine's return being mysterious, but I totally understand why it bothers some people. I would love to see those scenes, but I think it's possible they won't release them so they could explain it in another book or something.
We won't see JJ's cut as with other cuts like justice league
Yes they can make some extra cash
But they would ridicule one of the directors in the process by pitting their versions against each other
As far as I'm aware the leaks suggest that Disney edited the movie down from 3 hours to 2:40ish and Abrams signed off on that, then the film premiered at 2:22 which apparently Abrams wasn't happy about.
This wouldn't be pitting directors against eachother, it would be pitting Abrams against unnamed executives. I think that's a bullet they could take for the sake of money that a release could rake in
@@Keanine That would've made it the longest SW movie to date. Plus the shorter runtime wish less clutter helps to serve the story as the plot revolves around a countdown to the destruction of the galaxy.
Plus if they really did do that to JJ, he would have rights to sue Disney for damages and have his name removed from the movie, and with "evidence" like that and him working to the very last day, he would win the suit. But it's obvious that that the leaks are fake. Because they also claim that Sam Jackson, Liam Neeson, Ewan Mcgreggor and Mark Hamil were all present on the same day o set to film some sort of force ghost battle, when in fact, they were never all free on any one day during production.
@@Keanine ye but you do realise there's also a George lucas cut of the film and jj's version wasn't his but a frankenstein mashup of each of the aprox 6 reshoots they had done where 2 affected many sequences throughout the film
I hope we get some deleted scenes in a Blu-ray release.
I would have really liked for Snoke to return... I mean if you are going to use "Dark Empire" as a blueprint, change some things. Dark Empire worked better because Luke and Leia faced the Emperor, that was their nemesis. Rey? I get the connection, but her nemesis was Snoke. They should have brought Snoke back, I know... they "kinda did" but I mean Snoke as a independent character. I honestly think it would have made the villain more interesting and this is coming from a guy who loves Palpatine, but I felt it was unnecesary and that it actually hurt the story.
really wish we could've gotten more palpatine instead of new characters, I like Zorri, and Jannah is okay, but i really don't see why we need them.
To the people that want the JJ cut. It wouldn't fix anything. The whole idea of the film and execution is misguided and the movie going on for longer would just make the whole experience drag even more.
It was never a good idea to bring Palpatine back, nor was it a good idea to make the movie a giant retcon of TLJ.
Some else to derctet this movie may be better jj is bad
I think we do need to know how Palpatine returned.
Because if we don't know how he returned the first time, Rey killing him doesn't really mean much. Why can't he come back yet again and build a Third Order and even more Death Stars? What's different about this time.
How Palps is back is now vital story information, if they want this to be in any way a satisfying end to the Saga.
Its a shame that Disney screwed over JJ behind his back, even though i loved the film, it held alot of questions that needed to be answered...There is a 3 hour cut that JJ thought he was getting , but Disney went and made its own film. JJ said on his very first viewing..." WTF?"
Why not give Palpatine his owl trilogy? Can always make him younger with makeup and CG lol
I have a list of things I dislike and wish were different. I have a similar list for just about all Star Wars movies. But I've given up getting too bent out of shape about the final product. I just chuck it up to this is a story that has been passed down through the ages and things got jumbled up. If the story wasn't a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away we'd learn that Luke Skywalker was the son of Anakin Starkiller a Jedi Knight, there was only one Death Star, and the Emperor was a puppet of a Sith Lord, and...
I have a feeling that they can make Episode X using all those deleted scenes.
There’s still so much we didn’t need to know that made it into the movie. So many unnecessary plot points and unresolved characters arcs. The emperor apparently willed the Star destroyers into existence, so I get the feeling the exposition would’ve been just as ridiculous and forced as the dumb explanations we actually got
The special edition is gonna be great
I know Hello Greedo keeps his opinion of Palpatine's return being unimaginative, but then he also says in the same breath that it is similar to the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi.
Star Wars hasn't ever been imaginative regarding storytelling. My opinion. It's based on myths and archetypes, with updated Buck Rogers special effects. It just clicks, and works to make the imagination spark. It ( the OT ) didn't waste time trying to explain how the universe worked, or why any of the characters were even motivated in the first place. It just dropped you into the middle if a galactic civil war and rebellion. C3PO and R2D2 made the OT. My opinion.
Now, having Palpatine return makes total sense. He's been the bane of the Skywalker family as long as we've known in these films.
And, when Lucad tried to get creative and explained everything to the smallest detail, people ( OT fans )were not enamored with the results. "George Lucas raped my childhood"...sheesh.
So, my opinion, Rise of Skywalker works great when I realize it completes an entire multigenerational saga. Who else could be the ultimate evil in a Skywalker film?
also, palpetine came back in the legends a few times, tried to make luke his apprentice and stuff like that :D
No way was the emperor coming back worse than death star 2. This emperor didn't feel like the old emperor to me; felt like a different character altogether. But I remember going to see ROTJ for the first time and thinking "Really? The death star AGAIN?"...at age 13. The ewoks didn't help either. ROTJ is my least favorite SW film. I thoroughly enjoyed TROS. While it had its issues, its epic moments are really EPIC!
The explanation of Papa Palpatine coming back I don't care, but how choopy the film was. I would like an Extended Cut like Lord of the Rings, but hey if we get it yay if we don't oh well. I still liked and enjoyed Rise Of Skywalker despite the massive holes it has.
We better get a directors cut with alot of good deleted scenes
Unless they delete stuff like the dagger, no amount of additional fan service scenes is going to improve this movie.
Can't wait to see these deleted scenes
Well the emperor has been the villain in the previous movies so I guess it makes sense for him to be the villain in this trilogy.
Are movies edited by one person?
Yep. One dude.
Just one.
No more.
No less.
@@Scoot694 It's also the same guy for every Hollywood movie
Some are, some have multiple editors.
Directors supervise pretty much everything in editing.
TFA had 2 editors.
TLJ had 1 editor (who did neither TFA OR TROS).
TROS had 2 editors (one of which was different to TFA).
Depeted Palpa-scenes
How Palpatine survived is not important ? They had to make a choice and they didn"t included these scenes ?
Yeah i'm sure those "Poe's girlfriend" and "Finn's new love interest" scenes were soooooo much more interesting and important
I normally agree with you, but you said let's face it, it's a simple story like it's a bad thing. All star wars movies are simple story. good guys vs bad guys
Good guys, bad guys... made up words.
The dead speak!
... I have spoken.
That's how lazy the starting scroll is... accept something that wasn't established in the prior movies and just go with it... it just is.
Any explanation would be better than this and I'm open for sidious surviving by using another cloned body with his force ghost as it only supports how powerful he is but neither of the movies hints at his survival and only if you've read the whole contingency plan that was explained in the trilogy books that came out before the force awakens you might have picked up on the possibility that he survived which makes his appearance simply a "dunno what to do... here's palpatine I guess!" when it is established in the third movie.
It works in the overall star wars universe even if it's basically the stolen plot from SWTOR: Knights of the fallen empire but the movies simply did nothing to build it up and the final movie is just a mess that throws stuff at you to distract you. It could have worked in a better trilogy though.
My opinion anyway.
G1N HK Is that not the point of the text crawl to start en medius res? Is this not a problem of every Star Wars film or do we exclude it every time except this time because it’s the hot fashionable thing to be mad at?
I don't think the "return" of the Death Star i ROTJ is nowhere close to the return of Palpatine. In world: The Empire had the plans and resources to make another. They saw it as the ultimate weapon and built a new one that was bigger (better?) than the first one. Plotwise: Weaker. But understandable based on Lucas original scripts with the Death star destoyed in a battle including wookies (Ewoks in the movie).
If the Death Star i ROTJ was the same Death star as in ANH that they had put together again (because it wasn't fully destroyed, it just looked like that, and it somehow got bigger and more powerful (destruction adding pieces and material)) it is closer to the return of Palpatine.
With that, I agree with you that the return of Palpatine is weak, and the reuse of death stars isn''t the most imaginative. =)
So many things were wrong with this movie, this entire trilogy
Not as bad as the Prequels.
Darkness1984 way worse than the prequels.
@Darth Joker you first sequels hating cry baby
need to know??? wtf, i might not need to know but i sure want to. i wish they respected us enough to make a long star wars movie. we can handle it.
It is sad that there is still A LOT of things I didn't wanted to know that were in the movie. Yes Canto bight was a 30min of lost time but rise of Skywalker as a whole movie is just too much differents things to be a good and working story for me.
Felt like seeing a first writing of a fan-fiction brainstorm.
I hope to never see again a star wars movie this messy...
So who should have been the villain then? The last guy killed Snoke. So what? A brand new baddy in the third act?
Casper W Knights of Ren could have been the bad guys
I don't envy the editors. I bet they would have happily done without Zori and Jannah and Deeo and Babu Frikk and the dagger and the sith translation and and and…
Inbefore they release an even more expensive dvd release aftre everybody demmands a "jj cut"
I am not sure I want to see more of Palpatine than we already have in TROS. I wanted Rey to be a real nobody. I felt it had more meaning.
If the 3rd movie in your trilogy required that much verbal exposition to give the audience a much need “why” in such an “important installment” of the saga then in my opinion your trilogy has failed it’s intended purpose or goal (from a storytelling perspective).
I agree with you HG Palpatine returning is worse than the Death Star in ROJ much worse and we didn’t get one Death Star we got 500!
I would love to hear the pitch for this film and how JJ sold it to Disney. And I would love to know who heard the pitch and went “I thought the Emperor was blown up in the last last movie you want to bring him back? And you want to kill him again in the same exact way? Sounds great! And you want to reveal that Rey is a Palpatine? I thought that we already saw that with uh what’s that guys name? Great! People were complaining that she was no one special after all. You want to make sure that we have at least three UNO Reverse deaths no wait make that four Reverse deaths in the movie? Great! People will love it!
Release the JJ cut, everyone wants it. These rumours are just making us even more eager and begging for more, they know people will want to see it now. The Skywalker saga has been running for over 40 years and the final conclusion is 2 hours and 22 minutes long, (keep in mind that's shorter than The Last Jedi's runtime), who thought it was a good idea to cut more Palpatine and supposedly a scene with the Jedi helping Rey stand up? I might be a little too subjective, but I swear, they could have made the final movie longer and have more interesting scenes.
Just a simple line of dialogue was needed to explain the emperors return. Does his return make Vader's sacrifice for nothing?
DenAnonyme Well that’s the question isn’t it?
I tend to look at this movie and go... I will never watch ROS again and try never to think of it again. Much like Jar Jar Binks or the fact that Darth Maul got cut in half and ‘twas only a flesh wound he’s still alive half of him anyway.
I enjoyed the first two movies in the sequels I liked the characters, I wanted more for them and it makes me sad that the ‘Skywalker Saga’ ended in such a dumpster fire and somehow managed to screw up the continuity of the other 8 films while doing it.
Hopefully there will be better things in store moving forward.
@@zaphael7238 Couldn't agree more
I kinda hope that the story is false just because it would means that DIsney was actually influenced by the vocal minority on youtube and feared so much a backlash that they harmed the trilogy.
It would be like having return of the jedi Vader saying "by the way i'm not your father that was just a metaphor that would be crazy" because people got mad.
And before you comment that scene was a bit controversial at the time, people spent years wondering if it was true or if Vader was lying before episode VI.
they made yoda say "hes its true hes iss your dad" in episode 6 because noone belived it xd
@@seelfire4725 and after that they needed Obi wan to repeat it and also explain why he lied.
"certain point of view" my ass.
We’ll get like six deleted scenes.
Release the J.J. Cut!