LCW is the best, most humble and respectable badminton player, He deserves to be world number One ! Datuk Lee, Singaporeans are behind you all the way and we are very proud of you
Crazy how these talents emerge. Standards get soo high these days and young players are actually developing so quick. LZJ winning it at 23 years old , Shi Yuqi was only 22 when he won it (2018). This is his first yet he made it to the final beating Lin Dan , its insane. LZJ first All England he went into semis , and next year he made sure to win it.
When i heard there calling the world Champion no 1 i feel like want to cry for it,bcoz I'm proud to be a msian,and one of us is a champion that is lcw😊😊😊😍😍😍
" The Lion Roars once again and rules the arena "----LCW -always a treat to watch. He has proved himself once more what a great singles player he is✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻. Shi needs more exposure and he is a promising young talent.
lee chong wei, he has a very strong defense and has a variety of shots, as well as agility in the ring, that's why he is always number 1 in the world and the longest holder of number 1 in the world, lin dan and le chong wei the best player of all time 😊
I think that was Lee Chong Wei"s fourth and last All England men's singles title triumph before he called it quits in May 2019. He had won three All England titles in 2010,2011 and 2014.
"It must be annoying for a player because anything you can do he seems to be better." I agree. LCW seems to be 'teaching' Shi yuqi how things are done. Lol.
Just because Lin dan had to meet Viktor in QF, he lost so much energy that cost him SF from a fresher Shi Yuqi......It would have been a treat to the eyes if LCW vs LD were into final fight for a fourth time win in ALL ENGLAND ( as each won 3 times)....anyway, I can see, this new guy Shi Yu Qi is gaining momentum, perhaps in years to come he will be among highest ranked...well played...
Watching this now and seeing how far Shi Yuqi has come as a player is truly fascinating. His defence and net shots are so perfect now!!! No way he is making these mistakes now.
Well, what is with lzj's mentality? I thought he took a set from yesterday's match. Its not bad right.probably yuqi is more experience and better than lzj. He just need to learn and improve. Lcw is a different story..he is really a class above these players 😅
@@farahsyamimi8370 watch the whole match again. Repeating unforced error, never tried to gain control over the court plays. Power smash and some unforced errors from shiyuqi were the reason lzj won the second set.
A funny thing is that Shi was called “Lin Dan buster” at that time since he defeated Lin Dan quite often in those years. He defeated Dan in the semifinal and got destroyed by Lee in the final.
LCW control the rhythm of the game very well, play it to his advantage. I revealed my analysis. Shi Yuqi is a talented shuttler but he is inexperienced especially against LCW. He simply could not read LCW shuttle movement, where the shuttle will go next and what kind of shot will be next? Is it a smash, drop or the backcourt lope. You can see he read Lin Dan movement very well, maybe because he used with his gameplay. I think Shi Yuqi should play aggressively in this match. Keep a long rally and send shuttle high. This will easily tired your opponent. Viktor did this frequently when he beat LCW recently in Dubai BWF Super Series. We knew LCW is aging and he prefer steady rhythm rather than quick and very offensive ones.
physika That's the Chinese strategy. They try to save energy by finishing in 2 sets, but if they can't then they just let them lose. If Lin Dan won the first set, it probably would have been rigged to let him make it to the final.
Ant Wong I just meant it sarcastically. When you say “the great something” yes it means something so extraordinary so legendary. But it’s used too often to become such a cliche. Like when you say third time is a charm when you’re about to do something for the third time or whatever related to 3rd time. It’s just subtle sarcasm
Because, as matches go, this was not a competitive one. Even though people enjoy seeing LCW showing his great skills. We all want a competitive match where both players are challenged to use the best they have (see the match between Tai Tzu Yi and Ratchanok Intanon). For a final game this was a one sided event hence boring, in that sense.
Wow...188 dislikes here. Not surprising as all must be sore losers from China! They should instead be so fortunate to see a maestro such as Lee Chong Wei in action. He have been the World No 1 for 10 of the last 11 years. Is there any sportsman or sportswoman in any sports who have been World No 1 for 10 years other then Malaysia's squash queen Nicol David and Lee Chong Wei? Not even tennis great Roger Federer, golf's Tiger Woods or boxing's Muhammad Ali has ruled one sport for so long. Malaysia Boleh!!
Yeah! In Badminton= Lee Chong Wei Is Very Consistant For Long Years!! In Squash= Nicol David Is Very Consistant For Long Years!!! In WWE = The Undertaker Is Very Consistant For Long Time!!!!
The man who can unite all the Malaysian with different races
Actually Malaysian always unite, only gov try to make racist issue among us😢
The only Malaysian icon !. Even Boris Johnson ❤️ him . Yes ! And now PMX !.
One of my favourite match. The crisp sound and the smooth footwork and exciting play from LCW.
Datok Lee- You are the best. You are humble and made Malaysia proud.
I have rarely seen anybody play this well as LCW in this match. Incredible speed and the ease at which he was playing.
First match already can tell LCW is trying to figure out his opponent while Yu Qi is nearly going all out
LCW is the best, most humble and respectable badminton player, He deserves to be world number One ! Datuk Lee, Singaporeans are behind you all the way and we are very proud of you
gho clyne u singaporean?
Yes... We proud of Dato LCW and respect Singaporean also...
21 march 2021, LZJ came back to win all england 2021. Tahniah! He showed the best fighting spirit and mentality
Crazy how these talents emerge. Standards get soo high these days and young players are actually developing so quick. LZJ winning it at 23 years old , Shi Yuqi was only 22 when he won it (2018). This is his first yet he made it to the final beating Lin Dan , its insane. LZJ first All England he went into semis , and next year he made sure to win it.
@@dannyphantom8937 and then in 2022 he settled for semis again...
he lose to shi yu qi denmark final~
@@paparazi2475 I do know. He had to pay the price cuz of his mistake on 1st set
its incredible how fit LCW still is
Its 2024, I miss this man on court, I miss the thrilled he gave to Malaysia!!
Almost 2022, im still watching Master Lee games. It just super satisfying 😍
me too.. simply love his playing style so enjoyable :)
Have a cup of tea and watch Lee Chong Wei
I have seen so many LCW match, but this match LCW look like to produce his best performance ever.
Confident, strong and firm.
Lcws entry always gives me goosebumps.
A legend.
When i heard there calling the world Champion no 1 i feel like want to cry for it,bcoz I'm proud to be a msian,and one of us is a champion that is lcw😊😊😊😍😍😍
" The Lion Roars once again and rules the arena "----LCW -always a treat to watch. He has proved himself once more what a great singles player he is✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻. Shi needs more exposure and he is a promising young talent.
terharu aq dngar dato lee chong wei ckp 😭😭
Well, it’s so enjoyable to watch Lee Ching Wei at his best day. Simply a brilliant play from the world number 1 ever.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🏆
You edited the comment but didn't see the most important part the name is spelled wrong??? Might as well say Lee Chang Wei
Aku datang lepas lee zii jia menang All England 2021
Adik shazlie sam ke ni
@@muhammadnaquib9569 bukan2😂
Datuk LCW adalah antara ahli sukan terbaik yang dilahirkan oleh malaysia..
Dia bukan di antara yang terbaik..tapi dia yang terbaik
@@ChengKerLeDeck forgetting dato nicol david are we?
U must remember one thing..badminton and squash..which one people play most?
lee chong wei, he has a very strong defense and has a variety of shots, as well as agility in the ring, that's why he is always number 1 in the world and the longest holder of number 1 in the world, lin dan and le chong wei the best player of all time 😊
wow our lee chong wei we love u so much and always malaysia boleh congrats lcw keep support him and do the best !!!!
I think that was Lee Chong Wei"s fourth and last All England men's singles title triumph before he called it quits in May 2019.
He had won three All England titles in 2010,2011 and 2014.
Yeah it was his last
"It must be annoying for a player because anything you can do he seems to be better." I agree.
LCW seems to be 'teaching' Shi yuqi how things are done. Lol.
Fuck you you don even know how hard shi you Qi has tried how about you try and play down there bet you get ripped by shi you qi
@@shadyvoid6731 woah calm down buddy
@@shadyvoid6731 This dumbass needs teaching.
@@ammarharith5512 ya
@@shadyvoid6731 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Proud to be Malaysia 🇲🇾 ❤
give Shi Yuqi a few more years, he will be the next chen long. Congratz LCW!
I agree you, and I would like to see him against Viktor axelson
Hui L I don't know. His footwork is a little choppy, and he isn't calm enough.
Hui L like my badminton player too leezijia the next chong wei
yeah, and YAE 2018 be long to him
Lớn Lên Lặng Lẽ because the opponent is not lcw
LCW is the best, best badminton player in the world.!
just like Rio, the semi's were more fun to watch than the finals
Cause he got destroyed in the Finals for the 3rd time
@@mr.z6252 Destroyed? Nah that's an overstatement.
Just because Lin dan had to meet Viktor in QF, he lost so much energy that cost him SF from a fresher Shi Yuqi......It would have been a treat to the eyes if LCW vs LD were into final fight for a fourth time win in ALL ENGLAND ( as each won 3 times)....anyway, I can see, this new guy Shi Yu Qi is gaining momentum, perhaps in years to come he will be among highest ranked...well played...
Lol nope
@@haziq12ish you're replying after 3 years. I hope you are still watching badminton. Shi managed top rank.
In 2024 to reply your comments, you were so right about SYQ years ago.
You are the best player and the legend... Love u dato... 🥰
Watching this now and seeing how far Shi Yuqi has come as a player is truly fascinating. His defence and net shots are so perfect now!!! No way he is making these mistakes now.
Still watching this in 2022. Dato Wira Lee Chong Wei, you are a true Legend💪🏻🇲🇾
Watching it in 2019 and missing LCW in the courts.
mana dia pergi, mana dia join tournament, bila menang dia tak pernah lupa cium bendera MALAYSIA di dada"
really miss him😌🇲🇾
he gave him a masterclass
Has beaten Lin Dan, Chen Long and axelsen.. yet can’t even take a set off against LCW
Shi Yu Qi be like ‘ holy shit !!! ‘
For me lcw is are never give up warrior and he his are legend in the world badminton.
True Legend,. Time break coach berckp tumpu btul dato LCW kt apa yg coach bgitau...berbeza dgn player2 muda ckp pndng tmpat lain
betul tuh
Thanks for the HQ video!
38:43 Mr Lee!!! LOL
it distracted him, that's why he smash into da net LMAO
Hahaha, he messed up his smash as well. 😂
Xem nhiều trận của lee . Có lẽ trận này là một trong những trận hay nhất sự nghiệp. Công áp đảo. Thủ thành công . Đánh ít hỏng
Came back from lee zii jia’s loss against shi yuqi. If he has the same strong mentality as lee chong wei, he wouldn’t have been embarrassed by shiyuqi
Well, what is with lzj's mentality? I thought he took a set from yesterday's match. Its not bad right.probably yuqi is more experience and better than lzj. He just need to learn and improve. Lcw is a different story..he is really a class above these players 😅
@@farahsyamimi8370 watch the whole match again. Repeating unforced error, never tried to gain control over the court plays. Power smash and some unforced errors from shiyuqi were the reason lzj won the second set.
LCW is crying cuz LCW never lost to him!
@@marklim9987 😊 to seelmllm LLP m LP LP no see omg this o op l LP📸😊
36:36, who can dont enjoy this moment?
miss him 😞2022 fc Thailand 🇹🇭
A funny thing is that Shi was called “Lin Dan buster” at that time since he defeated Lin Dan quite often in those years. He defeated Dan in the semifinal and got destroyed by Lee in the final.
with his personality in recent Sudirman Cup and Thomas Cup, he’ll never get near as legendary or good as Lin Dan or Lee Chong Wei.
its a fact that besides Lin Dan, 90% of other players never could or have had repeated victories against LCW. He was one tough nut to crack.
What I love and admire LCW because he is truly Malaysia by kissing Malaysian flag each time on the court
Only LCW can beat Shi Y c with that kind of scores..miss our 🇲🇾🇲🇾 legend
Shi yuqi beats malaysian MS so easily except lee chong wei
Shi yuqi is beast now
in this time shi yu qi already quite strong , but lee chong wei prove that he is a legend!!
LCW control the rhythm of the game very well, play it to his advantage.
I revealed my analysis.
Shi Yuqi is a talented shuttler but he is inexperienced especially against LCW. He simply could not read LCW shuttle movement, where the shuttle will go next and what kind of shot will be next? Is it a smash, drop or the backcourt lope. You can see he read Lin Dan movement very well, maybe because he used with his gameplay.
I think Shi Yuqi should play aggressively in this match. Keep a long rally and send shuttle high. This will easily tired your opponent. Viktor did this frequently when he beat LCW recently in Dubai BWF Super Series. We knew LCW is aging and he prefer steady rhythm rather than quick and very offensive ones.
He is experienced in beating lin dan, however. He just got injured on 2nd set. I hope he comes back.
Shi Yuqi did not have the skill to play high quality shots consistently and will make error first in long rally.
I really hope it is LD vs LCW.... However, I believed LD is just too tired after the Quarter-Final .....
viktor wasted his energy, thus Shi won the SF.
physika That's the Chinese strategy. They try to save energy by finishing in 2 sets, but if they can't then they just let them lose. If Lin Dan won the first set, it probably would have been rigged to let him make it to the final.
china dh ada pmain baru shi hrap leezijia dpt jdi juara mcm dato lee chong wei jugk
China lin dan cuk
Saya dari masa hadapan Lee Zii Zia juara All England 2021
Saya dari masa hadapan lee zii jia champion All England 2021 maceh
That winner smash speed at 398 km/h! That's insane!
In terms of faster smash speed, Anthony Ginting from Indonesia hv recorded with 412km/hr.
@@mustafamansortahir6862 ya ya ya whatever.
@@mustafamansortahir6862 Tan beong Hong 515 km/hr from malaysia
That winner at 3980 km is insane
@@mustafamansortahir6862 LCW record 417kmh
The legend...lcw!
36:55 Mr.Leeeeeeeeeeee
2024 miss him 🥰🥰🥰
Terbaik lah lee chong wei💟
49:48 Terrible Injury
the way Shi Yuqi attack LCW still the same style he attack Lee Zi Jia yesterday in Final Men Single Denmark Open 2022
29:08 secret weapon ^^
@Tomas Eric shut up bot
@Maxton Immanuel bot
Today lzj in final lets support 🇲🇾😭💪
aku menonton semula perlawanan ni apabila LZJ hari ni kalah kepada Shi Yuqi [All England 2023]. kecewa yg teramat haha.
Here after Denmark Open 2022 Final between LZJ vs Shi Yu Qi.✌️
Watching it in 2022 and still missing LCW in the courts.
7:55 the Great Lindan lol
They say it Linn Daan
Anh Vu why is that funny? (Lin Dan)
Emphasis of her accent and also of how impressive Lin Dan is to her.
someone has a crush
Ant Wong I just meant it sarcastically. When you say “the great something” yes it means something so extraordinary so legendary. But it’s used too often to become such a cliche. Like when you say third time is a charm when you’re about to do something for the third time or whatever related to 3rd time. It’s just subtle sarcasm
Epic match betul DLCW! LZJ mesti tgk ni k?
24:17 "SUI AH!!!" only M'sian & Taiwanese understand XD
Ra Những Cả Dứt Điểm Thật Tuyệt Vời 😁
Watching this again in 2023 ❤
Main kerana duit dan nama ❌ main kerana minat dan demi negara,tanah air ✅
best rally starts at 36:35
Seramm bunyi MC jerittt.Terobaek lh LCW
very good LCW
Come here after LZJ defeated by SYQ in SF AE2023
LCW smash totally explosive🥲
Chi Y O VS Lee Chong wei 💫✨👆👍
What is lee chong wei's racket in the video
Muhammad Zahin AJ Yonex Duora 10 LCW Frosty Blue Edition
Shi Yuqi is not yet up to the level, too many unforced error.
I couldn't agree with you less. He still did great job. He has great potential
Shi Yuqi used to be this much decent(continue playing after twisting the ankle) but lost all his grace later(walk over before 1 point)
18:27 gun shot
35 y.o can win all england.. wew
Idol 😍🇲🇾
Are Shi yu qi and Lee Jong Suk (Korea) brotherhood? Why do they look so similar?
whats the song when lcw came in?? anyone
what is the song name start from 1.01.51
Which song is that entry song?
Shut up and dance with me - walk the moon
what racket does Shi Y Q use?
@Arno. Lining racket.
Why are there so many dislikes?
expecting a more exciting final perhaps?...
porbably because they can't watch it due to their region
maybe because almost all of them were bitter chinese who hates to lose
Dislikes are from users in restricted countries, because they can't watch these matches.
Because, as matches go, this was not a competitive one. Even though people enjoy seeing LCW showing his great skills. We all want a competitive match where both players are challenged to use the best they have (see the match between Tai Tzu Yi and Ratchanok Intanon). For a final game this was a one sided event hence boring, in that sense.
Wow...188 dislikes here. Not surprising as all must be sore losers from China!
They should instead be so fortunate to see a maestro such as Lee Chong Wei in action. He have been the World No 1 for 10 of the last 11 years. Is there any sportsman or sportswoman in any sports who have been World No 1 for 10 years other then Malaysia's squash queen Nicol David and Lee Chong Wei? Not even tennis great Roger Federer, golf's Tiger Woods or boxing's Muhammad Ali has ruled one sport for so long. Malaysia Boleh!!
He deserves to be nr 1 because he is so hard working
Being nr 1 doesn't mean you are the greatest in the sport though. He is allround greatest the last few years though...
Lin Dan was best in Badminton from 2006-2014 and that's almost 10 years! He beat almost all his opponents in big finals!
unfortunately, you are wrong about this, LCW is also very popular in China, either of them wins is win
Yeah! In Badminton= Lee Chong Wei Is Very Consistant For Long Years!! In Squash= Nicol David Is Very Consistant For Long Years!!! In WWE = The Undertaker Is Very Consistant For Long Time!!!!
Tiada siapa yang boleh ganti lee chong wei smpi skrg ...
Chung kết mà ly đánh như đánh tập .. quá đẳng cấp 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆