La storia dei Catari e dell'Occitania e della sua cultura hanno lasciato tracce presenti in varie parti del sud Europa. Musica sublime, onirica e delicata. Un balsamo per questi tempi infernali e cupi. Grazie per aver caricato questi gioielli sonori.
Reminiscent of the troubadours and the early music of the 12th-15th Centuries. We are listening to this in "La France Profonde" here in Aveyron🌿where we share a common language (Occitan) with the Provençals.
Comme la première lumière de l'aube, cette musique ouvre les yeux à de nouvelles promesses et à toutes les merveilles de la nature. Evocatrices de pouvoirs au-delà de l'observation, ces pièces tirent les ficelles du cœur, attirent les nostalgies et réveillent les amours, les vies écorchés et la torpeur des veilleurs endormis🌿🎋🍃
Awake tonight with loneliness, I cannot keep myself from longing for the handsome moon My body, wandering, lost, knows only night now- that is why my sleeves stay soaked in darkness, unable to dry
In those times life was incomparably rougher, shorter and more uncertain, but music was enormously lightful. Now (western) people live in plenty and stability, but the music is mostly unlistenable to. full of darkness and despair.
I listened to this the whole way through, time passed by, and I felt transported to the Medieval World. Luckily I didn't bring back Plague. Or... wait...
This music is influenced by Arabian culture, like many things in the Middle Ages from musical instruments to science, games... Traditions of today are the innovations of yesterday. Fortunately there was not a moment in history where people didn’t have an exchange of any type, could have been artistic, of love, commercial... We can’t survive without exchanges.
à partir du moment où l'on s'intéresse au fond des choses, on se rend bien vite compte que les idéologies volent en éclats et que les frontières n'existent pas en art... On trouve dans cette musique des influences byzantines, arabes, (et donc persanes, indiennes... ) Nos racines sont plus bigarées qu'on veut bien nous le faire entendre.
i´m a hobby musician and my first instrument was a zither i inherited from my grandfather - the ivory pegs are broken now, but it still hangs on my wall and looks beautiful - well, some tones here and the atmosphere of the music remind me a lot of my old zither, but then other tones sound also quite different... i´m happy to have found this fine and humble music - thank you so much for the upload...
J'ADORE❣️ En entamant l' écoute, la magie opère de suite: J'Y SUIS ET M'Y BAIGNE DE NOUVEAU DANS CETTE ONDE PURE venant tout droit de mon cher moyen-âge. Merci pour ce vaste choix de morceaux inoubliables si magnifiquement présentés❣️ Mon coeur ne se lasse pas et j'écoute en-core et en-core❣️❣️❣️
The lyrics of the first song: Douce dame jolie Pour dieu ne pensés mie Que nulle ait signorie Seur moy fors vous seulement Qu'adès sans tricherie Chierie Vous ay et humblement Tous les jours de ma vie Servie Sans villain pensement Helas! et je mendie D'esperance et d'aïe; Dont ma joie est fenie Se pité ne vous en prent Douce dame jolie Mais vo douce maistrie Maistrie Mon cuer si durement Qu'elle le contralie Et lie En amour tellement Qu'il n'a de riens envie Fors d'estre en vo baillie; Et se ne li ottrie Vos cuers nul aligement Douce dame jolie Et quant ma maladie Garie Ne sera nullement Sans vous, douce anemie Qui lie Estes de mon tourment A jointes mains deprie Vo cuer, puis qu'il m'oublie Que temprement m'ocie Car trop langui longuement Douce dame jolie Pour dieu ne pensés mie Que nulle ait signorie Seur moy fors vous seulement
@Ryan Wagner -- I don't know if what I'm going to say is the case here, but it could very well be because medieval painting is way more about symbolism than realism (that's why e.g. in terms of size, peasants are depicted like children in height compared to noblemen). So what I know about at least some depictions -- though mostly of saints dying -- is that it's an attempt to depict the Christian concept of bliss in death. The problem with this painting especially is that on first glance, it always looks like he rests his head on his own palm. :D
Beautiful. My favourite part is at 4:47, when the tranquility of the melody perfectly binds with typical medieval confraternization. Pure delight shinning in their candid faces.
It is surprising that in such hard and wild times such fine and beautiful music was made ... and that today "civilized" times there is such bad and ordinary music. I sometimes like to play provence music with my violin or viola but I need a rabel.
Those times were absolutely NOT wild, and they weren't harsh for the people who lived then. You are judging from today's perspective and comfort, but people back then didn't now any other way of life, they were perfecty happy. I speak from personnal family experience (before coming in the West my grand parents had led a very simple and "hard" life, but they were happy 'cause cause didn't know something else could exist )
True. but regions in east europe to india have today still modal music and not that borind dur moll music öike in german folk music or classical music from 19th c.
Long live Provence the land of Mystic artists ,the Drifter poets ,the Cathars ,And of Cource of The Greek explorer Pytheas who first traveled to North Pole all the best to the Magic region from Greece!
@@pierrekiroule2827 🙏😊⚡💖Real birth place of the Primary Celts,Provence according Our Mythology and Mystic traditions, Hercules in one one f his journey with his comrades meet a Princess named Galatia in where is Know Provence and married her with after that marriage he makes two sons one son name Keltis means Celt and the other Galatis means Gaul many centuries before the Glorious City of Masalia /Marseille, also Provence is Mystic land of the first Druids ,Drys in Greek means the OAK is the sacred Tree of ZEUS,stay strong Brother s when the time comes you Help again ...and this time with no sacrifices
=-) Marseille et une autre ville du sud de la France ont été fondées par des grecs dans l’antiquité. La région des cathares n’est pas en Provence mais elle est en Occitanie dont la Provence fait partie.
Je ne connaissais pas et je découvre pour la première fois ce qu’est la musique, du fond du cœur et du plus profond de mon âme je vous suis reconnaissant. Merci
33:33 Me: "Are you trolling me, Musica Medievale?" MM: "No, this is historical footage and it has to be studied in detail. We have to appreciate the artwork. This can only be done, close and veeery slowly."
Reading medieval sagas and legends while listening to this, feels like riding next to Parzival or fighting giants with Dietrich von Bern and Hildebrand. Splendid
Aren't all sounds artificial? Almost all music is created through the mind and body of a human, rendering it artificial. The instruments are also artificial devices to create beautiful sounds. Artificial isn't inherently bad, and natural isn't inherently superior. We can be free to enjoy whatever music we want to without having to designate anything as inherently better.
Claro, si eras de la nobleza habrías tenido el privilegio de escuchar esto en vivo, a costa de la vida y sangre del pueblo que lo pagaba con sudor, porque si te revelabas el rey te cortaba la cabeza o la iglesia te prendía fuego en plaza. Si no era tan obscura. Mejor lea o al menos vea alguna película del Medievo para tener una idea del terror que vivió el 90 porciento de una población antes de opinar.
On nous les a decrits comme vivant dans une période "sombre" de notre histoire.......leur musique ne l'était pas ! Et à ecouter celle de notre XXI eme siècle.......que penser de la luminosité de ce dernier.
Música con sonoridades arcaicas, de una era olvidada pero siempre presente. Gracias por tarernos estas expresiones artísticas que viven dentro de nosotros . Saludos desde México
Спасибо за подарок,я много читала о катаризме и чистых людях, которые ради Христовой правды пошли на огонь.А теперь слушаю мелодию этих душ.Это просто потрясает!😊
J'avais appris le morceau 11 (Schiarazula Marazula) quand je faisais du folk, il y a 50 ans (!) ; il était à la mode chez les folkeux. C'est sympa d'entendre la version médiévale. Elle a du passer dans le corpus des musiques populaires des siècles suivants, car je ne me rappelle pas avoir eu connaissance que je jouais du médiéval.A dire vrai, je croyais que ça venait d'Alan Stivell, donc de la musique bretonne. Intéressant d'avoir l'origine du morceau.
Cette pièce (" Douce dame jolie") est l'oeuvre de Guillaume de Machaut, chanoine de la cathédrale de Reims qui vécut de 1300 (c) à 1377.Cet immense poète et compositeur, théoricien de l' "Ars nova" qui succéda à l' "Ars antiqua". Le vieux chanoine qui fut aussi secrétaire du roi de Bohème, Jean de Luxembourg et guerroya avec lui dans toute l'Europe, fut dans son vieil âge, amoureux d'une jeune fille, la belle Péronne d'Armentière à qui il dédia les 50.000 vers (oui, cinquante mille) de son ouvrage, "le Voire dict". Il semble que ces amants "platoniques" aient échangé des lettres. Je crois savoir qu'on en aurait retrouvé quelques unes. Il fut enterré dans la cathédrale de Reims ainsi que son frère André, chanoine également. C'est pour son souvenir qu'il composa la fameuse "Messe de Notre-Dame", messe votive pour laquelle il constitua une rente perpétuelle afin qu'à l'anniversaire de son décès, chaque année, elle fut chantée par quatre chantres. Le texte fondateur est connu et existe toujours.
@@fredfred7222 LOL! _Others_ may scoff, but -- yes -- there actually _were_ female illuminators in Medieval times, although there's no guarantee that the 34:29 image wasn't done by a man. You might do a Google search based on a description... but I ain't going there! Who knows what may pop up. 😏
I don't think so, modern music is inspired by the african music carried by the african slaves to the USA and mixed with other kinds of music. I think this music is the base of classical music and some european traditional songs.
Allow me to add my note of admiration and gratitude -- for your amazing patience at assembling the graphics, the intoxicatingly beautiful performances, excellent recording -- and the delightfully humorous comments your work has evinced! You've converted my wife, a lifelong music troll (only liked music "of our time") to widen her musical tastes! ! For that, alone, I am nominating you for the Nobel Peace Prize. Felices Navidades, y muchos anos prosperos!
Thank you so much, I confess that I’ve saved this comment but not for my vanity, just to remember the power of medieval music! I wish to you and your lady an amazing new year full of medieval love. ⚔️ 🌹
Clever! You can thank David Munrow, 1970. A brilliant musician in Birmingham at school with my brother. He devised The Renaissance Music Consort with Christopher Hogwood. He virtually redisovered this type of music.....written down on velum and kept in scriptoriums and Lord’s Records of everything that went on. PeopIe knew very little about it till the 20th C. Very sadly, David committed suicide about 1974. I have the first records of his which went on sale, which we so happily bought. Still got those LPs.
The one thing that would improve this is if you could include the timestamps so I can tell which song I'm listening to. There are so many tracks it's difficult to keep up by the middle!
Alucinante quedar dormido de cansancio y escuchando esta maravilla , música para el alma en búsqueda de verdaderas experiencias profundas y limpias .... Cuánto tiempo perdido antes de descubrirlo.
Can I use your music to the back of some of my 2-3 minute videos? I love the theme of your music and it usually is a good tempo for my voice. I'm a small tiny channel. I do ask you permission. Thank you, Sweet Polly Purebred.
Here from the album “Long Ago and Far Away” by a band called “The Shroud”, whose last song on the album (and its namesake) are sung to the tune “L’Aucèu en Gabiolo” at 12:56. The actual song is just as pretty as the band’s version, if not, even more so. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to hear such a beautiful arrangement.
Landed on this for the music and can't take my eyes off the visual art. I had no idea medieval illuminations were this strange--or this editorial-cartoon-like (the fox bishop with a flock of geese, ducks, turkeys, etc.)
Medieval art is full of fantasy and sarcasm! The fox is the famous Renart from the Roman de Renart. It’s a really wonderful, grotesque and satirical book, easy to find on internet.
Me gusta mucho el sonido del salterio,muy bonita musica, excelente interpretacion,realmente tiene el espiritu de libertad que caracterisaba a los trovadores y musicos provensales de la edad media
Il faut rescussiter le psalterion ,c 'est trop beau !!! 😍😍😍😍
La storia dei Catari e dell'Occitania e della sua cultura hanno lasciato tracce presenti in varie parti del sud Europa. Musica sublime, onirica e delicata. Un balsamo per questi tempi infernali e cupi. Grazie per aver caricato questi gioielli sonori.
sad the girl who fell on her sword
Clumsy girl
@@IsntTheInternetGreat lol, that’s terrible 😬
Honor suicide?
It is the "Suicide of Dido", miniature taken from the 'Roman de la Rose' (about 1390), Bodleian Library, Oxford.
@@MusicaMedievale Ah yes, Dido and Aeneas 👍 Thank you very much! Btw your channel is awesome 💕🥂❤️🍾🌻
Reminiscent of the troubadours and the early music of the 12th-15th Centuries. We are listening to this in "La France Profonde" here in Aveyron🌿where we share a common language (Occitan) with the Provençals.
Sounds horrible that “ la france profonde” , but i guess is the price of the occupation and forced invasion of the french speakers
J'écoute ça presque tous les jours lorsque je suis en train d'étudier. Un grand merci directement du Brésil !
Comme la première lumière de l'aube, cette musique ouvre les yeux à de nouvelles promesses et à toutes les merveilles de la nature. Evocatrices de pouvoirs au-delà de l'observation, ces pièces tirent les ficelles du cœur, attirent les nostalgies et réveillent les amours, les vies écorchés et la torpeur des veilleurs endormis🌿🎋🍃
@MegaCirse- beautifully written, thank you!
You are super, love you
El poder de la musica catalana, SAYEZ CATALAN, PROPES
That was so beautifully poetic, it was worthy of a minstrel's song.❤❤❤
Awake tonight
with loneliness,
I cannot keep myself
from longing
for the handsome moon
My body, wandering, lost,
knows only night now-
that is why my sleeves
stay soaked in darkness,
unable to dry
What iv realised listening to this beautiful music is. There will never be anything again i will love so much ❤️ 😢
This helped with my headache and my broken heart. lol
When we were in love with the world
Are your sure?
No; wrong! When we were in love whit the Church. İntellectuals wouldn't say that.
@@insan3.0 cringe
old music cultures are historically fascinating
In those times life was incomparably rougher, shorter and more uncertain, but music was enormously lightful. Now (western) people live in plenty and stability, but the music is mostly unlistenable to. full of darkness and despair.
@@nicolaedumitru1930 now people don't want to live, back then people died for living. Says a lot uh
@@pg6917 only very true.
@@pg6917 true true !!!!
@@nicolaedumitru1930 there has been written a lot on theses subjects, try Rene Guenon
I listened to this the whole way through, time passed by, and I felt transported to the Medieval World. Luckily I didn't bring back Plague. Or... wait...
Racine chrétienne.
L âme de la Provence.
France cristalline est éternelle.
Essence de pureté et de douceur.
This music is influenced by Arabian culture, like many things in the Middle Ages from musical instruments to science, games... Traditions of today are the innovations of yesterday. Fortunately there was not a moment in history where people didn’t have an exchange of any type, could have been artistic, of love, commercial... We can’t survive without exchanges.
à partir du moment où l'on s'intéresse au fond des choses, on se rend bien vite compte que les idéologies volent en éclats et que les frontières n'existent pas en art... On trouve dans cette musique des influences byzantines, arabes, (et donc persanes, indiennes... ) Nos racines sont plus bigarées qu'on veut bien nous le faire entendre.
@@75Pollux Totally agree.
This ancient music evokes the beauty and art of past times. Thanks for sharing 🍀
i´m a hobby musician and my first instrument was a zither i inherited from my grandfather - the ivory pegs are broken now, but it still hangs on my wall and looks beautiful - well, some tones here and the atmosphere of the music remind me a lot of my old zither, but then other tones sound also quite different...
i´m happy to have found this fine and humble music - thank you so much for the upload...
Je connais langue Française et aime ecouter les chansons de cette epoque lá. J'habite au Bresil. Merci.
Adoro questa musica e anche le immagini sono molto belle🙂
La Provence et les Provençaux vous remercient.
Exquisite interpretations of many Medieval classic songs.
Thank you!!❤❤❤
La musique on e ntend ici touchant l' ame et elle est si simple!
En entamant l' écoute, la magie opère de suite: J'Y SUIS ET M'Y BAIGNE DE NOUVEAU DANS CETTE ONDE PURE venant tout droit de mon cher moyen-âge. Merci pour ce vaste choix de morceaux inoubliables si magnifiquement présentés❣️ Mon coeur ne se lasse pas et j'écoute en-core et en-core❣️❣️❣️
c est de la musique chrétienne ?
@@boanerges149 C'est de la musique de ces temps obscurantistes, si abominables n'est-ce pas. La Chrétienté, c'est vous dire !…
@@jacqueslemorvan5333 c'est à dire
@@boanerges149 C'est une blague a prendre au second degré qui veut exprimer, évidemment, mon admiration pour la Chrétienté !
@@jacqueslemorvan5333 Admiration? Comment avez-vous réucie à réunir les deux... cette musique divine et l'amour pour la Chrétienté?
The lyrics of the first song:
Douce dame jolie
Pour dieu ne pensés mie
Que nulle ait signorie
Seur moy fors vous seulement
Qu'adès sans tricherie
Vous ay et humblement
Tous les jours de ma vie
Sans villain pensement
Helas! et je mendie
D'esperance et d'aïe;
Dont ma joie est fenie
Se pité ne vous en prent
Douce dame jolie
Mais vo douce maistrie
Mon cuer si durement
Qu'elle le contralie
Et lie
En amour tellement
Qu'il n'a de riens envie
Fors d'estre en vo baillie;
Et se ne li ottrie
Vos cuers nul aligement
Douce dame jolie
Et quant ma maladie
Ne sera nullement
Sans vous, douce anemie
Qui lie
Estes de mon tourment
A jointes mains deprie
Vo cuer, puis qu'il m'oublie
Que temprement m'ocie
Car trop langui longuement
Douce dame jolie
Pour dieu ne pensés mie
Que nulle ait signorie
Seur moy fors vous seulement
les pommes frites?
A Sergio L. M. Fortuna : merci pour la retranscription de ces paroles (qui restent assez difficiles à comprendre...).
It's such a beautiful song, I have the actual with lyrics saved on YT.
thanks 🖤
Takes me back many years to my days performing with an early music group 🙃
Beaux morceaux méditatifs que j'aimerais entendre à la radio de temps en temps, comme d'autres musiques.
4:53 He's making the face of "I've been through this quite a few times."
@Ryan Wagner -- I don't know if what I'm going to say is the case here, but it could very well be because medieval painting is way more about symbolism than realism (that's why e.g. in terms of size, peasants are depicted like children in height compared to noblemen). So what I know about at least some depictions -- though mostly of saints dying -- is that it's an attempt to depict the Christian concept of bliss in death. The problem with this painting especially is that on first glance, it always looks like he rests his head on his own palm. :D
@Ryan Wagner, a lot of wisdom in those manuscripts, and a heck of great sense of humor to.
watch extra credit history, the 2nd danelaw video about erik blood axe. the expressions are priceless.
Mi rendo conto di non conoscere nulla del passato nemmeno dell'arte che amo di più. Grazie (come sempre)
Beautiful. My favourite part is at 4:47, when the tranquility of the melody perfectly binds with typical medieval confraternization. Pure delight shinning in their candid faces.
Guiraut Riquier was great. It's consider the last of the troubadours...
We see what you did there...
It is surprising that in such hard and wild times such fine and beautiful music was made ... and that today "civilized" times there is such bad and ordinary music. I sometimes like to play provence music with my violin or viola but I need a rabel.
We have bardcore nownso it's not all bad.
History repeats itself my friend, whether it's visible at first glance or not.
Those times were absolutely NOT wild, and they weren't harsh for the people who lived then. You are judging from today's perspective and comfort, but people back then didn't now any other way of life, they were perfecty happy. I speak from personnal family experience (before coming in the West my grand parents had led a very simple and "hard" life, but they were happy 'cause cause didn't know something else could exist )
True. but regions in east europe to india have today still modal music and not that borind dur moll music öike in german folk music or classical music from 19th c.
Long live Provence the land of Mystic artists ,the Drifter poets ,the Cathars ,And of Cource of The Greek explorer Pytheas who first traveled to North Pole all the best to the Magic region from Greece!
Long live to our friend, sibling, and ancestor, the glorious Greece: From Provence 🙏
@@pierrekiroule2827 🙏😊⚡💖Real birth place of the Primary Celts,Provence according Our Mythology and Mystic traditions, Hercules in one one f his journey with his comrades meet a Princess named Galatia in where is Know Provence and married her with after that marriage he makes two sons one son name Keltis means Celt and the other Galatis means Gaul many centuries before the Glorious City of Masalia /Marseille, also Provence is Mystic land of the first Druids ,Drys in Greek means the OAK is the sacred Tree of ZEUS,stay strong Brother s when the time comes you Help again ...and this time with no sacrifices
@@eliaspapanikolaou3563 Most of these songs are not from provence.
@@carthkaras6449 Neither are the cathars actually, who are from western occitany, this one's historical knowledge seems to be weirdly small xD
Marseille et une autre ville du sud de la France ont été fondées par des grecs dans l’antiquité.
La région des cathares n’est pas en Provence mais elle est en Occitanie dont la Provence fait partie.
Douce dame jolie au psalterion ! Trop beau !
Je ne connaissais pas et je découvre pour la première fois ce qu’est la musique, du fond du cœur et du plus profond de mon âme je vous suis reconnaissant. Merci
Lorena Mckennit must love this channel... Just like me. Thanks for share. ✌️😄
33:33 Me: "Are you trolling me, Musica Medievale?"
MM: "No, this is historical footage and it has to be studied in detail. We have to appreciate the artwork. This can only be done, close and veeery slowly."
This is my favourite comment ever.
@@MusicaMedievale So what is the source of this picture? Good grief '-_-
Which one?
@@MusicaMedievale the one at 33.33
@@geartweaker8518 It's from the Gorleston Psalter, a Psalter with calendar, prayers, litany, offices, penises...
Back again. I can't get enough of this, it sounds amazing!
Reading medieval sagas and legends while listening to this, feels like riding next to Parzival or fighting giants with Dietrich von Bern and Hildebrand. Splendid
What reading suggestions do you have?
Thank you so much for this music. It feels like a soothing hand caressing our restless souls. Bless you 🙏🏻
Thanks! 🌷
Douce dame Jolie 😻😻😻😻
Thanks so much for posting!
This melody is inexplicable and awesome .
The indescribable awesomeness of this character has a profound effect of the human psyche
coming from the imaginations of people not contaminated with artifitial sounds...just those coming from the mind..
Aren't all sounds artificial? Almost all music is created through the mind and body of a human, rendering it artificial. The instruments are also artificial devices to create beautiful sounds. Artificial isn't inherently bad, and natural isn't inherently superior. We can be free to enjoy whatever music we want to without having to designate anything as inherently better.
@@writershard5065 Nature is always superior, men are small compared to nature, but they become great if they remember to be a part of it.
@@writershard5065 except for k-pop
...and from the soul....🌹❤️
Thank you for thousand times!
Je dois avoir trois albums 30cm des musiciens de Provence, c’est toujours aussi beau
Moi de même.
Moi de même, dont le premier date des années '70. La musique de ma jeunesse ...
Perla di bellezza. Grazie. 🐟
Maravilloso. La Edad Media no fue tan oscura como nos hacen creer.
soy de acuerdo con usted ! !!!!!
Claro, si eras de la nobleza habrías tenido el privilegio de escuchar esto en vivo, a costa de la vida y sangre del pueblo que lo pagaba con sudor, porque si te revelabas el rey te cortaba la cabeza o la iglesia te prendía fuego en plaza. Si no era tan obscura.
Mejor lea o al menos vea alguna película del Medievo para tener una idea del terror que vivió el 90 porciento de una población antes de opinar.
Habla de tus sacrificios humanos y tus mierdas, no de lo que no te pertoca, indio. @@MWff
On nous les a decrits comme vivant dans une période "sombre" de notre histoire.......leur musique ne l'était pas ! Et à ecouter celle de notre XXI eme siècle.......que penser de la luminosité de ce dernier.
Exquisite music and the art selection is very much appreciated. I am staring at a picture of a dog addressing his flock of assorted birds
Recognized the first piece right away, we learned about it in my medieval and renaissance music class in undergrad, I love this era!
If you are interested, in the info you can find the tracklist!
I love doce dame jolie, so beautiful.
Sono ancora tornata a sentire questa musica che mi fa sperare un mondo migliore ! Grazie bacci da Francia
Grazie, saluti dalle Alpi! 🌹
Magnifique. Es la musicà di mioù pais !
Music to reminisce when a modern plague takes you way back when.
Magnifiques musiques médiévales hyper relaxantes de ma si chère Provence.
Música con sonoridades arcaicas, de una era olvidada pero siempre presente. Gracias por tarernos estas expresiones artísticas que viven dentro de nosotros . Saludos desde México
Спасибо за подарок,я много читала о катаризме и чистых людях, которые ради Христовой правды пошли на огонь.А теперь слушаю мелодию этих душ.Это просто потрясает!😊
J'avais appris le morceau 11 (Schiarazula Marazula) quand je faisais du folk, il y a 50 ans (!) ; il était à la mode chez les folkeux. C'est sympa d'entendre la version médiévale. Elle a du passer dans le corpus des musiques populaires des siècles suivants, car je ne me rappelle pas avoir eu connaissance que je jouais du médiéval.A dire vrai, je croyais que ça venait d'Alan Stivell, donc de la musique bretonne. Intéressant d'avoir l'origine du morceau.
Cette pièce (" Douce dame jolie") est l'oeuvre de Guillaume de Machaut, chanoine de la cathédrale de Reims qui vécut de 1300 (c) à 1377.Cet immense poète et compositeur, théoricien de l' "Ars nova" qui succéda à l' "Ars antiqua". Le vieux chanoine qui fut aussi secrétaire du roi de Bohème, Jean de Luxembourg et guerroya avec lui dans toute l'Europe, fut dans son vieil âge, amoureux d'une jeune fille, la belle Péronne d'Armentière à qui il dédia les 50.000 vers (oui, cinquante mille) de son ouvrage, "le Voire dict". Il semble que ces amants "platoniques" aient échangé des lettres. Je crois savoir qu'on en aurait retrouvé quelques unes. Il fut enterré dans la cathédrale de Reims ainsi que son frère André, chanoine également. C'est pour son souvenir qu'il composa la fameuse "Messe de Notre-Dame", messe votive pour laquelle il constitua une rente perpétuelle afin qu'à l'anniversaire de son décès, chaque année, elle fut chantée par quatre chantres. Le texte fondateur est connu et existe toujours.
quels purs instants de bonheur !
It's great to have brought the psaltery into the spotlight. This instrument has an amazing sound.
I love the art on the background.
Uh... 34:29
@@hlcepeda Haha, wonder who did that and why. Some women pissed off with her husband
@@fredfred7222 LOL! _Others_ may scoff, but -- yes -- there actually _were_ female illuminators in Medieval times, although there's no guarantee that the 34:29 image wasn't done by a man. You might do a Google search based on a description... but I ain't going there! Who knows what may pop up. 😏
@@hlcepeda Haha! ;) This and all em Sheela na gigs. Weird times, weird tastes.
Oooo right in top of the head!
que arte tan sublime!!! this music is the base and origin of all our modern music art.
I don't think so, modern music is inspired by the african music carried by the african slaves to the USA and mixed with other kinds of music. I think this music is the base of classical music and some european traditional songs.
@@ximoleee8719 Yes,
@@ximoleee8719 true
Merci et bravo pour ce voyage musical et pictural.
Allow me to add my note of admiration and gratitude -- for your amazing patience at assembling the graphics, the intoxicatingly beautiful performances, excellent recording -- and the delightfully humorous comments your work has evinced! You've converted my wife, a lifelong music troll (only liked music "of our time") to widen her musical tastes! ! For that, alone, I am nominating you for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Felices Navidades, y muchos anos prosperos!
Thank you so much, I confess that I’ve saved this comment but not for my vanity, just to remember the power of medieval music! I wish to you and your lady an amazing new year full of medieval love. ⚔️ 🌹
Wow! The digital recording quality back then was surprisingly good! =P
Because is analog, not digital!
@@MusicaMedievale He was making a joke lmao
I know! 🌼
Clever! You can thank David Munrow, 1970. A brilliant musician in Birmingham at school with my brother. He devised The Renaissance Music Consort with Christopher Hogwood. He virtually redisovered this type of music.....written down on velum and kept in scriptoriums and Lord’s Records of everything that went on. PeopIe knew very little about it till the 20th C. Very sadly, David committed suicide about 1974. I have the first records of his which went on sale, which we so happily bought. Still got those LPs.
Quelle merveille !!! Et sans Pub... Merci bien
What I imagine the soundtrack of the elder scrolls VII: Summerset Isle will sound like
This music makes mine ears dance with joy!
Merveilleux ! Une belle sonorité et un enregistrement de qualité !
Now I feel like making a red Midevale Kurtle, with a huge Henin...
That ought to stop people in Central Pk..
The one thing that would improve this is if you could include the timestamps so I can tell which song I'm listening to. There are so many tracks it's difficult to keep up by the middle!
Exquisite music.
Música muy buena e ideal para teletrabajar.
Beautiful music thank you ❤️
Fantástica la música y el video. Esta maravillosa página nunca baja el nivel. Felicitaciones.
Grazie! 🌹
Merci ❗🎵💙
Muchas Gracias! Nos acompañan todas las noches al hacer dormir a mi hija. Excelente recopilación! Saludos desde Chile
Quel bonheur, merci bien! :)
the imagery makes me . feel . like a mediaeval villein.
Beautiful songs thanks
Without words! Fantastic. Thank you
Thanks for the upload. I’m enjoying a quick feast with the best knights of my fief before we ride again to punish rebellious peasants. Huzzah sire.
Well done Wigwam, but have mercy and remember: a rebel does more damage dead than alive.
Delizia per lo spirito e mitezza lieta in questi trilli⚘🌷🌿
Si simpleet si pur!
C'est sublime.
this is real beautifull music art...
Absolutely wonderful. My soul stays in peace with this music. Thanks for posting.
Exquisite album. Adore medieval music and the sound of the psaltery. Thanks for sharing this gem with us.
perfetta colonna sonora di Duby - Mandrou...histoire de la civilisation française. Je suis exactement à la fase féodal ....🐎 🏰 🛡 ⚔
I am in love with this upload. Thank you! Beautiful.
Genial, bravo. Esta musica tiene poder de transportarnos en el tiempo. Eran unos maestros
Interesting channel, simpler times.
Thanks 🌷
Cada vez estoy más enamorado de la Música Medieva y de este Canal también! Los vídeos, la combinación del sonido y las imágenes son espléndidas.
Dança 🧚♂️🧚♀️🧚♂️🧚♂️🧚♂️🧚♀️🧚♀️🧙♂️🧜♂️👏
Alucinante quedar dormido de cansancio y escuchando esta maravilla ,
música para el alma en búsqueda de verdaderas experiencias profundas y limpias .... Cuánto tiempo perdido antes de descubrirlo.
Can I use your music to the back of some of my 2-3 minute videos? I love the theme of your music and it usually is a good tempo for my voice. I'm a small tiny channel. I do ask you permission. Thank you, Sweet Polly Purebred.
Here from the album “Long Ago and Far Away” by a band called “The Shroud”, whose last song on the album (and its namesake) are sung to the tune “L’Aucèu en Gabiolo” at 12:56. The actual song is just as pretty as the band’s version, if not, even more so. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to hear such a beautiful arrangement.
Landed on this for the music and can't take my eyes off the visual art. I had no idea medieval illuminations were this strange--or this editorial-cartoon-like (the fox bishop with a flock of geese, ducks, turkeys, etc.)
Medieval art is full of fantasy and sarcasm! The fox is the famous Renart from the Roman de Renart.
It’s a really wonderful, grotesque and satirical book, easy to find on internet.
You still have a lot tot discover, then. ;-) Medieval artists had a sense for both esthetics and humour.
Me gusta mucho el sonido del salterio,muy bonita musica, excelente interpretacion,realmente tiene el espiritu de libertad que caracterisaba a los trovadores y musicos provensales de la edad media
La musique des trouvères, ne'ces't pas? J'aime la musique trouvères. C'est trop dignifie.
Guillaume de Machaut--one of my favorites! In college music history classes, we referred to him in fun as Guy de Macho.