You are so right! Most doctors say only HLA DQ2 OR HLA DQ8 are Celiac. I am Celiac and have HLA DQA1:05. What about HLA DQ 3, 6, 7 and HLA DA1:05 and I am Celiac.
Carissima Maria! Hai provato a vedere se è possibile attivare i sottotitoli italiano cliccando sulla rotella in basso a destra il video? Dall’anno prossimo voglio aprire un canale interamente in italiano.rimane sintonizzata!
I have the... HLA- DQ rs4713586 ( AA) / rs2395182 ( TT) / rs7775228 ( TC) and HLA-DQ 2.5 rs2187668 (TC). intergenic rs917997 ( TT) LOC105371664 rs2816316 ( A) and blood test 16 ttg or something. how much of a celiac change do I have, I have an appointment for an endoscopy, but I'm scared asf to eat gluten. I also have depression and anxiety most of my life. Don't know if it's childhood related or celiac/gluten related.
You are so right! Most doctors say only HLA DQ2 OR HLA DQ8 are Celiac. I am Celiac and have HLA DQA1:05. What about HLA DQ 3, 6, 7 and HLA DA1:05 and I am Celiac.
Do any of the commercial options (My Heritage, for example) cover the same markers for coeliac predisposition as the interviewee's company does?
I tested positive for the DQ8 gene and low IGA .. My endoscopy didn’t show celiacs but it was very inflamed. Does that mean I have celiacs?
C'è un modo per avere i sottotitoli in italiano?
Carissima Maria! Hai provato a vedere se è possibile attivare i sottotitoli italiano cliccando sulla rotella in basso a destra il video? Dall’anno prossimo voglio aprire un canale interamente in italiano.rimane sintonizzata!
Se hai qualche domanda fai pure
I have the... HLA- DQ rs4713586 ( AA) / rs2395182 ( TT) / rs7775228 ( TC) and
HLA-DQ 2.5 rs2187668 (TC).
intergenic rs917997 ( TT)
LOC105371664 rs2816316 ( A)
and blood test 16 ttg or something. how much of a celiac change do I have, I have an appointment for an endoscopy, but I'm scared asf to eat gluten. I also have depression and anxiety most of my life. Don't know if it's childhood related or celiac/gluten related.