Even in the UK, to get a 'fair price' you don't go direct to GW. My preferred third party website is currently offering Dark Uprising for £140, which is a saving of 20% over GW themselves. And that is *still* too expensive...
To repurpose a FlashGitz quote: "the fewer models we put out, the more valuable they will be to the players". Win-Win! Drip-Fed is by far my most loathed aspect of this hobby. "Keep the excitement up by building suspense" hurr durr. Everything GW does now is revolved around this dumb marketing ploy. What can we as players do to discourage these behaviors? I genuinely think there needs to be a hidden camera expose in GW HQ. Knowledge is power and although money is the ultimate reason they supposedly act like this, certain lazy, greedy assholes are often the beginning. They need to be exposed and shamed.
The problem are there are whales who are happy to pay for this. GW is simply following the same practises as mobile games, push out a product that is "limited" jack up the price all the time and all you need is the 10% of people who are going to buy multiple sets and you are in profit. I personally know a guy who was so excited for the boney boys in Sigmar that he purchased 5 of those box sets with the ogres rather than wait a month for the actual kits to drop. That one man spent $1500 (AUD) and wiped out the stock at our local store, if one guy is spending the same as 5 people then why do you need to even bother appealing to 5 times as many people? Keep the whales happy and everything keeps ticking along.
The industry never learns? I think the problem is more on the people of the warhammer community that knows that GW pricing is a total ripoff and still buys their products in bulk. GW sells out their boxes every time no matter how much they increase the price on their products. So we the consumer never learn to not buy from a greedy ass company like GW
@@adahepper2665 Because there really isn't any competition. It is a GW market. Other games don't really compete and the resin alternates are not as "desirable" as injection plastic. Also in price they are similar to the GW price per model. No one, and I mean NO ONE. Is selling GW detail level multi-part models are prices less than GW except on the resale market. Most large terrain model kits are resin and cost quite a but when looked at as a whole. A resin board in this size would likely sell for 80-110 USD per tile. That and casting a resin panel 2x2ft that is flat is actually quite a challenge and requires specifically engineered resin.. or a board that size is going to warp and warp a lot. IS GW over priced? Yes, but about 15% or so. More so for certain models and kits (Rise of the Pheonix has been priced way too high, like a 50% overprice). Right now they are pushing into 20-25% over price range. But again. No one is offering an alternative for 40K nor a game that has the same popularity. If someone made a game that you could use all your current 40K models in you might be able to bleed people off GW much easier than saw Warmachine does.. though one has to wonder with the new "future" game they are reputedly working on. All of the other models on the market that are both plastic and available tend to be more about GW-2000 level of detail and quality. The higher the detail the more expensive and shorter the life of the mold in high pressure plastic injection. I'd love to see more competition but as it stands I buy above the discount level at my local game store. So I get a 15% discount.. or I order online for again, the discount that covers the GW markup. There needs to be someone who can compete with GW and in the wargame market it isn't large enough to support very many games and buy in is a thing and the only way you gain players is by stealing them from other companies. So you need to STEAL GWs customers to even exist since GW has the vast majority of the market share. Again, for the prices to fall you need other HIPS game makers that are on the market that are figure compatible (sunk cost) with GW figures.
@@meatybtz Wow what a complete GW shill you are. No wonder they can ripoff the Warhammer community so hard when you are telling yourself bullshit like that. First of all GW costs regarding production on new models are the lowest there have ever been, the most expensive part of creating models today is shipping costs. Everything you buy from them is made in china. Engineering costs for crafting models is around the same when they had sculptors, difference today is that they have advanced 3d modelling programs and machines that can achieve this high level of fidelity. How about GW jacking up prices for old model kits for 50% or more for kits that where made 15 years ago and older? Many new startup companies have at least the same quality as GW but are in resin due to there is not economically resonable for them to start with injection plastic. I think GW is so big on the market due to the amazing lore they have around their games. I know way more people collecting GW products due to lore reasons then actually playing the game. I think the miniature war gaming is not big of an audience in general and that is why other companies struggle so much compared to GW. GW is the miniature worlds Iphone company and the crazed people around it.
@@meatybtz I used to like the detailing that GW/Citadel had. However, as the miniatures became more and more detailed, GW also started to make them more and more monopose. I HATE monopose for rank-&-file miniatures, unless i go for a style that is deliberately inspired by greeenarmymen and the lot, with all aiming/shooting looking the same and all charging looking the same. .... And i really don't do that, normally, as i want even my rank-and-file to be characters, whenever possible. Meh.
Why are GW doing this? I live in London and bought a £250 Hot Toy from California and it only cost £25 extra for postage on top of the dollar price...my point being that other companies don't always do this so why do they? This looks very bad for GW surely. The conversion to pounds today is £263 for Australia for the £175 standard box set....what's the extra £88 for?
The extra £88 is the FU tax to people purchasing abroad. It's criminal but the issue is customers are paying it. Need a majority of the player base to stand up to this dodgy pricing
@@jeffers1985 I know dude, peoples psychological need for the next new thing pushes them to pay even when they know its bad for them...strange thing. I pay UK prices and still refuse to buy directly from GW, it's too expensive for what it is where ever you live...they are starting to believe their own hype.
@@01oo011 They already are at least in the States all the premium sets are sold out online,some people just won't learn because to them GW can do no wrong
It actually should cost 20% less than UK retail price, seeing as Australia is exempt from EU VAT tax. And no, it has nothing to do with import taxes or shipping. Those are paid in Australia and isnt baked into the sales price.
I did a breakdown post on FJ about the sheer avarice of this box-set, was waiting for you to do a video ;) And of course, when these same arguments are brought to reddit, the hive-mind descends on anybody with a dissenting opinion contrary to the "GW no wrong" line of reasoning
After all the Warhammer Adventures nonesense Dark Uprising has some awesome lore. It reveals that all Necromunda is fed by recycled HUMAN MEAT, without knowing it. "The Mercator Pallidus (better known as the Corpse Guilds) are responsible for feeding the populace of Necromunda - they take the bodies of the dead, render them down into refined protein and it’s this corpse-starch that keeps the underhive alive. But this is gruesome work - for those who carve up the carcasses and throw the parts into industrial grinders, madness is a constant risk."
The price got raised with every boxset since things like carrion-empire and shadowspear flew off the shelves...i suspect their pushing their luck on how far they can go. but its downright disgusting what they've done now. we're not buying solid gold miniatures and gemcrusted floor tiles. did anyone notice how they've put the cards for playing the goliath gang on last chance to buy? its crazy.
@@minimundus1712 Yeah, they don't come with the gang if you purchase the miniatures do they? it's not like a shadespire/beastgrave warband boxset either....just stupid marketing if you ask me.
@@RotneybotOfficial I mean that the product has to be shipped to australia/nz from wherever the set is made, obviously. Looks like it's still made in UK. Not defending the prices though. I find it to expensive even for me in europe. But the additional costs for shipping it to australia is the only logical explanation I can imagine for that high of a difference.
No import tax is more than 10% and as for shipping, you could ship thousands of units to Australia for next to nothing. Seriously less than a pound per box. Raise that to five dollars. At most it should be 200 dollars.
@@colinmack8655 I think you really underestimate the cost of shipping per unit if you ship low quantities/volume via container ship. As you do underestimate import tax. I know only the VAT in Europe for goods from non-european countries, it's not standardized, but EU member states are allowed a minimum of 17% VAT, meaning 17%+ import tax. I have to import a few items from time to time and I'm telling you, transport of goods via ship can get very expensive very quickly as can the additional VAT.
they don't need to take anything out the box; what they need to do is cut their markup, or the next best equivalent would be to throw in even more stuff to actually make it value for money so that you will be willing to split it between yourself and a friend. Macca it would be good to hear your thoughts on the sisters of battle army box whenever that drops and when we have a bit more of a concrete idea on the cost
I believe the sisters army box is gonna be £125. Less then I was expecting given GW's latest prices but still expensive as always... (Taken from ChapterMasterValerak latest vid.)
They never put more in a box, in fact I saw they are releasing a new Warcry box set, no warbands, a lot less terrain for only $22US less then the full starter set
I like how you point out that the tiles, which cost way too much at first glance, actually cost much less to produce than other kits. Thanks for putting your experience in.
Madness. Love the set, but for me it's staying on the shelf. You get a specialist sub-unit in the Enforcers and the Cults have 15 - usual 10 - figures but this is more Tau Manta than Battle for Macragge. I'd rather have the Scotch!
I'm going to be buying this boxed set, but I'm a very edge-case scenario: I want to have all of the gangs (if I have all the gangs - ideally with all of the add-on packs from Forgeworld, which I'm working on, I can say "hey lets play Necromunda" even when I know a friend doesn't have their gang with them) and due to various commitments I didn't get around to buying the Enforcers. I also play 30k but couldn't get a Zone Mortalis set from Forgeworld - whilst I'll need more later when they release it separately it will likely be a better price for one 2' x 2' section. I'm also in the UK where it's base price is "only" £175 and FLGS type sites will knock that down to £132ish. Fair to say there wont be a lot of people in my exact position. A lot of folks on Reddit seem to think this will be the only way to get ZM (because apparently they've never seen a GW release) so they're panic buying for ZM, others think this will be the only way to play Necromunda (even though Underhive is still for sale)... so GW will make an absolute fortune from the FOMO crowd, and the people wanting to part things out and flip them on eBay and maybe 5 or 6 people in my position will buy this stuff.
I never understood why GW's terrain is SOOO expensive, I have never bought any of it, because why would I spend 60$ on a castle when I can buy more models that will go to my army? I can play just as well with coke cans and books piled on my kitchen table. now if terrain was 10$ or at least you got a tables worth for one or two hundred then I would be tempted. I don't know anyone who populates their tables with GW terrain, it's a shame because it's good stuff but why would I?
I picked up an Unpunched copy of the ‘95 necromunda set for a third of the price of dark uprising, it also came with all the outlanders terrain unpunched. Yes it’s cardboard with plastic bulkheads, but the amount of terrain you get compared to the dark uprising set is staggering.
To be honest I was like "Oh that's a nice amount of terrain." But then I remembered how much terrain you get from MDF places for the same sort of money. For less then the new necromunda box set you can get enough mdf zone mortalis stuff for a full table, or necromunda style vertical terrain. From Death ray designs at least, but they are the brand I'm sort of saving up to get stuff from, for scifi at least.
I bought 4 boxes for the terrain sold off the miniatures and got each set of territorial for like $95 so its a steal if you know how to hustle and sell the excess stuff you don't need and part it out
Death Guard Dave Googley 3D printer and thingiverse boom all the zm terrain you want! You’re welcome. Btw the 3D printer and filament is half the price of this box!
these terrain tiles really aren't hard to make something even better looking yourself (if you have the space which sadly i do not right now) terrain tile - one sheet of 2x2 by maybe 4 milimeter thick plywood sheet (per tile - 1 to 2 sheets of mount card per tile - pre drawn patterns for the tiles on each section (draft them in a picture editor and print them then glue them onto the card or onto ceral box for the walls: foamcore 1cm thick + 3mm thick for mesh raised floor sections: fish tank filter mesh tray led lighting: kmart (aus) pre wired leds 10 meters $9aud
@S0l0Hammer pretty much though if scratch building it you can do alot more then you can with the bought terrain as your not governed by the restrictions of what comes in the box too
ZRTSTRA yes! Since you asked, a couple of the MK II prototypes are out being tested by painters for the next few months, hopefully the feedback they provide will get us to an end goal of a really reliable board, possibly swapped from plastic to a marine ply.
For $490, I could just buy a full competitve 40k army. Then again 10 cases/slabs/blocks of beer, or 4 bottles of good Scotch from my local Dan Murphys.
I will add that part of the enforcers are subjegators which are not available in the regular enforcer box. And that the corpse grinder cult in not the same rules wise from my understanding as the genaric chaos cult. But spot on with your analysis. I was on board with getting until i saw the price. Would rather spend a $100 on filament and fire up my printer.
I like to get those tiles. I’d get a set then use RTV to finish the set. They are a strate flat press. Those modular walls are looking good to me. Like to make a half outdoors map half zone martalis section that changes the rules once you enter the map sections, would be fun for a push through an area and adapt to the terrain. So like normal outside, cities of death, and then zone mortalis rules (or visa versa) I’d probably just buy a few parts and make my own off the dimensions to fill it out.
Some random thoughts for you: So, I'm a huge Necromunda collector, and was always going to buy this box, even without knowing the price. While it's certainly steep, it hasn't put me off buying it. But I'm very likely in the minority. Sure, I could have done without the Enforcers, as they only came out in August and the sculpts weren't as impressive as I'd been hoping for, but I'll still take them. I think the box is definitely meant to target the new-to-the-game crowd, because it has everything you need to start playing the game. It's the definition of a starter set. But the price definitely puts that into question. It's almost certainly influenced by both the time of year that it's coming out, and the fact it has ZM terrain that people will want to buy. I'm sure, once we get the GW prices for the terrain, it will have worked out cheaper to buy this box, so I'm sure they're hoping to appeal to the terrain enthusiasts who might be able to recoup some money through off-loading the gangs on ebay. But that isn't to say that it's intended as a money grab or something. This box is an expensive, but excellent way to get into Necromunda. You need multi-level terrain to really get the feel of the game, and you can either achieve that through the 2017 box plus a bunch of Sector Mechanicus kits, or this box. The 2017 starter set was about £100 cheaper, but came under fire for not having the multi-level terrain included. Now that they're including that terrain, they're under fire again. Seems they'll never get it right for everyone... 😕
I guess since Shadow Wars was so much cheaper again and yet included the large multi-level terrain like those generators and tanks, maybe people expect that?
@@TheOuterCircle Yeah, there is that! Though I suppose the counterpoint there is that it included very old miniatures as well. Most people seem to forget the new Necromunda box has got two gangs in it as well, and seem to focus on the fact it's £175 for the zone mortalis stuff alone 😅 No doubt about it, GW have really been pushing people to the limit with their recent boxed stuff...
I want to buy those Corpse Grinders for my Chainaxe-wielding Black Templars. Corpse Grinders would make perfect, less armoured neophytes for BT, provided that I change those Khornate masks for normal human heads. I will wait for the separate Corpse Grinder gang release and buy 2-3 boxes of this awesome Chainaxe folk.
Holy shit Necromunda dark uprising is $490 AUD?!!! Here in the US it's a still expensive $290 USD. Current exchange rate it should be around $422. I've been priced out of that game. It's just too much money for the content. Wonder how it will sell in Australia?
Justin Burnside it's not , even with higher Australian wages (compared to the US) I've not seen one box leave a shelf and never seen anyone playing it .
GW missed the Zone Mortalis boat ages ago. There are a dozen companies making MDF zone mortalis terrain that looks better than the stuff in this kit, and for the price you pay for one of these boxes, you can get 2 full zone mortalis tables from a third party terrain maker.
No but it should not cost an extra 60%. Shipping and import taxes would not be that high unless the transport manager is incompetent or they are doing it to make money.
So I checked the price of this in the U.S. and it was about 290 for the whole box. And then I asked my friend who operates the local shop were we all play and said that the whole Zone Mortalis he bought was about 500 dollars total. So there ya go.
One other target market - Kill Team players. This is a perfect set for the skirmish game, and that Terrain... It's like they threw in Necromunda in as a minor bonus.
This set looks more like it’s for the bits sellers.... because most experienced customers who only want the terrain will go to bits sellers and eBay and buy it separately, as I would do when I get around to 30k and zone mortalis
Does the DARK UPRISING Box contains the Corpse Grinder, Palanite Enforcers, Palanite Subjugator Miniature Boxes + Cards completly? It doesnt look so to me. Do i still need the Book of Judgement and Book of Ruin? So in Summary: If i still need the 2 Books... and NO Terrain (as i do use Core Space Terrain) would you say that i dont need this Box?
But I mean has GW ever released a bundle that had a saving? Like box sets and things like that often has savigs, But I dont remember there ever being any savings on just one click thingies.
william timonen I’m talking about the box. The Box of Dark Uprising (two factions) is a “starter” pack. And is way more pricey than previous boxed sets. Hell, even the second SW vs Tau Kill Team box is better for saving money.
I worked for GW in the 90s , we had a huge necromunda community going in store then GW pulled their best game ever and we weren't allowed to run it anymore ...... Waited about 20 years for it return , was amped , then I seen the price and the drip feed release schedule and didn't bother ....... Same with blood bowl , I just play that on PC and didn't bother
Dark Uprising is $350 here in Canada, That's Insane. If I wanted to start Necromunda, I'd could buy Underhive, some terrain for Underhive and it would be $100 - $150 CAD cheaper than Dark Rising, The terrain is cool in DU but no where near worth it at that price point.
It’s well worth the price in my opinion. I want to support the hobby so I’ll be buying 2 boxes. If people want to support it too they should buy it and just cut back on a few luxuries for a couple of weeks. If will be well worth it.
S0l0Hammer you sound like a salty peasant. Go play X-Wing or something where you get a shit game for next to nothing. Leave the real hobby to the rest of us who love Games Workshop.
Can you help me understand exactly what $761 means to an average Australian? Whats an average monthly wage after tax? Whats an average monthly rent? (EDIT - The conversion to pounds is £408.56 as of the day this video is posted....FUCK, criminals).
Rates on my house are $3k a year, insurance on cars and home is about $150 per month, we pay $1600 per month in mortgage, we pay about $400 per month on fuel, $1400 a month on car repayments, $1800 annually for car registration... Basically things that are all considered expensive here, are not that far removed from the reality of this box pricing point. $761 is about 2/3 of what it cost to fly from Australia to the USA return. It's about half of what it's costing me to go to Japan return!
They are NOT "snap fit miniatures". I bought the Palantine Enforcers kit when it was released a couple of months ago and they are highly advanced multi-part kits. They are TOO modular in my opinion. I I don't know anything about the corpse grinders or whatever they are called, but my guess is they are just as modular and just as multi-part as the Enforcers. Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. Definitely NOT snap fit, easy-to-build etc etc. This whole box is aimed at an experienced hobbyist and is not a beginner set in any way.
mordheim and necromuda were sort of pick up games in my gaming group to start with., we used to start playing them untilll everyone arrived.. We played AD&D and 40K and little bit of fanyasy at the time. As we found that some the girls in our group wanted to join our tabletop once a month. we worked out that they where more interested in mordhiem (we were a fantasy rpg group) and change to playing mordhiem only, with this it became a league,every one showed up on time because if you where not there you automatically lost and the winner of the last league was the randon entry into the next meaning given a bad draw you might just face up against the winner of last season. Out of this we had one girl that went towards fantasy and 40k chaos and did ok and one that went to play tyrinids and ripped most of us a new hole. Even now living a a fair way apart from each other we still note that one day we have to get together and play mordheim just for shits and giggles and because the last season was never finished. edited for spelling mistakes, hope I got them all.
And thats to say next to nothing about the ever-looming threat of the given game system/models being rendered obsolete later on. The expense is by no means a safe investment.
I know for a fact that there are necromunda players that will buy anything and everything coming out with Necromunda on it. Which is why, in part, why GW hasn't been burned by their atrocious release schedule and shoddy editing/proofreading/testing for this game.
yeah no, that price point I might as well get some of the most expensive campaign style board games that hosts up to 4 players with enough play time to make it worth.
wow, you guys in australia are getting seriously fucked with these prices. I paid the tiles 30 pounds and the boxed game 131 pounds. I'm very sorry for you guys :-(
It’s pricy but I don’t think it’s a rip off. It’s quite reasonable actually as there’s a lot of terrain. And to be honest you’d need that much terrain to play anyway.
Yeah not sure look at the mark up on pva glue for example. GW sold it at a price of £8 a bottle with a volume of 120ml. Poundland sells a bottle of pva at £1 for 500ml. So in Poundland the pva I get for 1/8 of the cost and I get more than four times the volume. I doubt Poundland are selling at a loss. This means that for every bottle of pva gw sold they are most likely making a profit of 3200%.
Who still buys this shit when a resin 3d printer will set you back $400, and game models of better quality can be either downloaded for free, or purchased in replicatable digital pack for the price of a pizza?
While I completely agree with you that the game is too expensive, I disagree with you working out on pricing. You are only factoring in the cost of the production of the products. GW Head office has 900 employees (Mouths to feed). Being a big organisation they legally have to have a lot of processes in place like HR, Payroll, Health and Safety, Managers etc. They also have rules writers, 3D Artists, etc. All of those 900 staff's wages are paid for by the sales of tiny plastic men, not to mention the stores running costs and their staff. Here is a bit of a run down of some of the jobs that are kept by the sales of those little plastic men Artist £32,500 3D Designer £33,928 Writer £24220 Game Designer £30,000 Customer Service Manager £32,500 Payroll Manager £38,049 IT Manager £42,500 HR Manager £38,569 Marketing Manager £37,500 Property / Maintenance Manager £30000 Health and Safety Manager £55,000 There is 9 jobs (of 900) that all have to be supported by the sales of their product (That's £394,766 or $735,311.30 AU) Consider that they have to find those 9 wages (taken from UK average wage) and the other 891 peoples wages in addition to store running costs and staff wages plus the production costs you quoted, just to break even. I have been involved in large corporations in Australia who have struggled to compete with "the little guy" because the little guy flies under the radar and doesn't get scrutinised for not having good payroll management or Health and Safety Systems, something large companies just can't get away with, because that's where govt watchdogs spend most of their time. While I agree and appreciate that GW's pricing is out there and I for one will not be buying the new Necromunda or any boxed sets that are at those big prices (Like you I can afford it but choose not to because I have a limit to what I am willing to spend) I can understand their pricing model because they still have to make a profit and pay shareholders after cost. Not bagging you out, just providing some food for thought :) Cheers
Mark SG so break that down by how many units they project to sell. Also what they sell to 3rd party retail is at discount too. If companies can sell the product at 20% off and make a profit then GW must be making a profit at what they sell to retail. Employee costs, moulds all of the associated costs will be covered by the amount they sell to 3rd party if that is say 50 to 60% of cost then what they sell in store is pure profit. Look at how much they made last year. They are selling way above production costs, and then when they ship it the prices go up again by between 40 to 60 percent again.
That still doesn't explain the ludicrous price hike from the UK to Australia. The UK price is high, but not even close to this much. And even when you factor in shipping and taxes it's still insane. He said it himself that it's cheaper to get someone from the UK to buy one for him there and then import it on his own than it is to buy it from GW in Australia. That's insane.
Mark SG great comment Mark, and I fully appreciate it. I have deep-dived on prices before on the channel, and so didn’t want to make a big deal of it here. In the end, the typical excuses of “tax, shipping, dies are expensive” etc. are all coverups for the true reason: greed. The company carries no debt, makes record profits, doesn’t seem to have appreciably more players than it has had in the past (entirely my own observation) so clearly they aren’t hurting for money. In fact they made so much money they gave a juicy dividend to their shareholders and a bonus of $4000 to every employee, let alone what the upper management gave themselves. My point, if I ever really had one, was that they aren’t charging for material values, but instead what they think the market will bear, and nothing more.
I got it.,... I got 2 ..... but I broke one up and sold components on eBay. Bought for terrain and corpse cults... and enforcers but mainly the terrain Matt was a bonus but I use tiles. It’s a decent set the brits complaining about 170 sterling should realize we have been paying more than that for boxes for a long time, it’s not even regular exchange rate, it’s worse for AUD! But it’s 290 usd or 240 on Discount sites. But yea we pay more in USA and Australia gets The shaft the worse! GW should sell at a static price point and let the exchange rate determine what we pay! It’s bull shit that they sell at different prices in different countries being a global company but I am sure they aren’t the only one they just do it the worse! Competition is heating up And GW is pushing envelope in mini quality but still 3D printing and other 3rd party mini companies are starting to match quality. I don’t see there current practice lasting forever it’s more of a get it while we can situation as other mini companies start to compete gw will eventually have to change or stock holders will suffer. AtM GW is going strong it’s a monster we keep feeding!!!!! Smh me included......, :(
Even in the UK, to get a 'fair price' you don't go direct to GW. My preferred third party website is currently offering Dark Uprising for £140, which is a saving of 20% over GW themselves.
And that is *still* too expensive...
I work for a large FLGS in the UK.. I get 35% off. I think it's a ripoff at that price :D
So true when on another website to get a pretty good discount.
You are not far off from buying a warhound titan at that price. Some perspective
To repurpose a FlashGitz quote: "the fewer models we put out, the more valuable they will be to the players". Win-Win!
Drip-Fed is by far my most loathed aspect of this hobby. "Keep the excitement up by building suspense" hurr durr. Everything GW does now is revolved around this dumb marketing ploy.
What can we as players do to discourage these behaviors? I genuinely think there needs to be a hidden camera expose in GW HQ. Knowledge is power and although money is the ultimate reason they supposedly act like this, certain lazy, greedy assholes are often the beginning. They need to be exposed and shamed.
The problem are there are whales who are happy to pay for this. GW is simply following the same practises as mobile games, push out a product that is "limited" jack up the price all the time and all you need is the 10% of people who are going to buy multiple sets and you are in profit. I personally know a guy who was so excited for the boney boys in Sigmar that he purchased 5 of those box sets with the ogres rather than wait a month for the actual kits to drop. That one man spent $1500 (AUD) and wiped out the stock at our local store, if one guy is spending the same as 5 people then why do you need to even bother appealing to 5 times as many people? Keep the whales happy and everything keeps ticking along.
I just can't drop $490 Aus dollars on a single box set, and I have more models than any 2 people I know.
TESTIFY 👏👏 I was shattered when i saw the price, plus postage, i was looking at over $500...
And they already stung me on Blood of the Phoenix -_-
Lets all laugh at an industry that never learns anything tee hee hee
The industry never learns? I think the problem is more on the people of the warhammer community that knows that GW pricing is a total ripoff and still buys their products in bulk. GW sells out their boxes every time no matter how much they increase the price on their products. So we the consumer never learn to not buy from a greedy ass company like GW
ADA Hepper Exactly!! Why would a company change their ways when the customers keep supporting their prices and methods?
@@adahepper2665 Because there really isn't any competition. It is a GW market. Other games don't really compete and the resin alternates are not as "desirable" as injection plastic. Also in price they are similar to the GW price per model. No one, and I mean NO ONE. Is selling GW detail level multi-part models are prices less than GW except on the resale market. Most large terrain model kits are resin and cost quite a but when looked at as a whole. A resin board in this size would likely sell for 80-110 USD per tile. That and casting a resin panel 2x2ft that is flat is actually quite a challenge and requires specifically engineered resin.. or a board that size is going to warp and warp a lot.
IS GW over priced? Yes, but about 15% or so. More so for certain models and kits (Rise of the Pheonix has been priced way too high, like a 50% overprice). Right now they are pushing into 20-25% over price range. But again. No one is offering an alternative for 40K nor a game that has the same popularity. If someone made a game that you could use all your current 40K models in you might be able to bleed people off GW much easier than saw Warmachine does.. though one has to wonder with the new "future" game they are reputedly working on.
All of the other models on the market that are both plastic and available tend to be more about GW-2000 level of detail and quality. The higher the detail the more expensive and shorter the life of the mold in high pressure plastic injection.
I'd love to see more competition but as it stands I buy above the discount level at my local game store. So I get a 15% discount.. or I order online for again, the discount that covers the GW markup. There needs to be someone who can compete with GW and in the wargame market it isn't large enough to support very many games and buy in is a thing and the only way you gain players is by stealing them from other companies. So you need to STEAL GWs customers to even exist since GW has the vast majority of the market share. Again, for the prices to fall you need other HIPS game makers that are on the market that are figure compatible (sunk cost) with GW figures.
@@meatybtz Wow what a complete GW shill you are. No wonder they can ripoff the Warhammer community so hard when you are telling yourself bullshit like that.
First of all GW costs regarding production on new models are the lowest there have ever been, the most expensive part of creating models today is shipping costs. Everything you buy from them is made in china.
Engineering costs for crafting models is around the same when they had sculptors, difference today is that they have advanced 3d modelling programs and machines that can achieve this high level of fidelity.
How about GW jacking up prices for old model kits for 50% or more for kits that where made 15 years ago and older?
Many new startup companies have at least the same quality as GW but are in resin due to there is not economically resonable for them to start with injection plastic.
I think GW is so big on the market due to the amazing lore they have around their games. I know way more people collecting GW products due to lore reasons then actually playing the game. I think the miniature war gaming is not big of an audience in general and that is why other companies struggle so much compared to GW.
GW is the miniature worlds Iphone company and the crazed people around it.
I used to like the detailing that GW/Citadel had.
However, as the miniatures became more and more detailed, GW also started to make them more and more monopose. I HATE monopose for rank-&-file miniatures, unless i go for a style that is deliberately inspired by greeenarmymen and the lot, with all aiming/shooting looking the same and all charging looking the same.
.... And i really don't do that, normally, as i want even my rank-and-file to be characters, whenever possible.
Can't wait for this insane GW bubble to burst.
That box would consume most of my annual hobby budget. Yeah..... I think I'll pass.
Why are GW doing this? I live in London and bought a £250 Hot Toy from California and it only cost £25 extra for postage on top of the dollar price...my point being that other companies don't always do this so why do they? This looks very bad for GW surely. The conversion to pounds today is £263 for Australia for the £175 standard box set....what's the extra £88 for?
The extra £88 is the FU tax to people purchasing abroad. It's criminal but the issue is customers are paying it. Need a majority of the player base to stand up to this dodgy pricing
@@jeffers1985 I know dude, peoples psychological need for the next new thing pushes them to pay even when they know its bad for them...strange thing. I pay UK prices and still refuse to buy directly from GW, it's too expensive for what it is where ever you live...they are starting to believe their own hype.
Because they can. We'll soon find out if the consumer allows them to get away with it this time.
@@01oo011 They already are at least in the States all the premium sets are sold out online,some people just won't learn because to them GW can do no wrong
It actually should cost 20% less than UK retail price, seeing as Australia is exempt from EU VAT tax. And no, it has nothing to do with import taxes or shipping. Those are paid in Australia and isnt baked into the sales price.
I did a breakdown post on FJ about the sheer avarice of this box-set, was waiting for you to do a video ;)
And of course, when these same arguments are brought to reddit, the hive-mind descends on anybody with a dissenting opinion contrary to the "GW no wrong" line of reasoning
After all the Warhammer Adventures nonesense Dark Uprising has some awesome lore. It reveals that all Necromunda is fed by recycled HUMAN MEAT, without knowing it. "The Mercator Pallidus (better known as the Corpse Guilds) are responsible for feeding the populace of Necromunda - they take the bodies of the dead, render them down into refined protein and it’s this corpse-starch that keeps the underhive alive. But this is gruesome work - for those who carve up the carcasses and throw the parts into industrial grinders, madness is a constant risk."
Skywatcher Adept It’s Soylent Green all over again...
The price got raised with every boxset since things like carrion-empire and shadowspear flew off the shelves...i suspect their pushing their luck on how far they can go. but its downright disgusting what they've done now. we're not buying solid gold miniatures and gemcrusted floor tiles. did anyone notice how they've put the cards for playing the goliath gang on last chance to buy? its crazy.
All card are limited
@@minimundus1712 Yeah, they don't come with the gang if you purchase the miniatures do they? it's not like a shadespire/beastgrave warband boxset either....just stupid marketing if you ask me.
@@Noxims47314 No you have to buy them extra and dices too
Well let's just NOT BY IT.
@@therandomheretek5403 i won't.
Just one of their cash-grabs coming out before Christmas.
UK's Dark Uprising Price Point: £175
US' Dark Uprising Price Point: $290
Australia's Dark Uprising Price Point: $490
NZ's Dark Uprising Price Point: $578
Shipping costs?
@@Gauntlet1212 That's retail prices, my dude.
@@RotneybotOfficial I mean that the product has to be shipped to australia/nz from wherever the set is made, obviously. Looks like it's still made in UK.
Not defending the prices though. I find it to expensive even for me in europe. But the additional costs for shipping it to australia is the only logical explanation I can imagine for that high of a difference.
No import tax is more than 10% and as for shipping, you could ship thousands of units to Australia for next to nothing. Seriously less than a pound per box. Raise that to five dollars. At most it should be 200 dollars.
@@colinmack8655 I think you really underestimate the cost of shipping per unit if you ship low quantities/volume via container ship. As you do underestimate import tax. I know only the VAT in Europe for goods from non-european countries, it's not standardized, but EU member states are allowed a minimum of 17% VAT, meaning 17%+ import tax. I have to import a few items from time to time and I'm telling you, transport of goods via ship can get very expensive very quickly as can the additional VAT.
761$... in Poland people don't earn that much in one month...
You could buy a car in Poland for that money XD
You can buy two cars in Poland for that
@@tyranroju7347 Or import four cars from Germany!
You could buy a car in ENGLAND for that money!!
Dude, that is just fu(k€d....
they don't need to take anything out the box; what they need to do is cut their markup, or the next best equivalent would be to throw in even more stuff to actually make it value for money so that you will be willing to split it between yourself and a friend.
Macca it would be good to hear your thoughts on the sisters of battle army box whenever that drops and when we have a bit more of a concrete idea on the cost
I believe the sisters army box is gonna be £125. Less then I was expecting given GW's latest prices but still expensive as always...
(Taken from ChapterMasterValerak latest vid.)
They never put more in a box, in fact I saw they are releasing a new Warcry box set, no warbands, a lot less terrain for only $22US less then the full starter set
I heard someone say that if you buy the bundles you get the keyring for free! Hahahaha!
Worth the 490 right there
Praise the Lawd
Be thankful you live in a country where you are legally allowed to buy a SMLE. Great vid as usual mate.
I like how you point out that the tiles, which cost way too much at first glance, actually cost much less to produce than other kits. Thanks for putting your experience in.
I pre-ordered with all the bells and whistles around £270 that shit is well worth it 🤑
The terrain looks fun!... that’s all I’ve got 😅
Also holy shit every time I see aussi prices I die inside
Madness. Love the set, but for me it's staying on the shelf. You get a specialist sub-unit in the Enforcers and the Cults have 15 - usual 10 - figures but this is more Tau Manta than Battle for Macragge. I'd rather have the Scotch!
I'm going to be buying this boxed set, but I'm a very edge-case scenario: I want to have all of the gangs (if I have all the gangs - ideally with all of the add-on packs from Forgeworld, which I'm working on, I can say "hey lets play Necromunda" even when I know a friend doesn't have their gang with them) and due to various commitments I didn't get around to buying the Enforcers. I also play 30k but couldn't get a Zone Mortalis set from Forgeworld - whilst I'll need more later when they release it separately it will likely be a better price for one 2' x 2' section.
I'm also in the UK where it's base price is "only" £175 and FLGS type sites will knock that down to £132ish.
Fair to say there wont be a lot of people in my exact position. A lot of folks on Reddit seem to think this will be the only way to get ZM (because apparently they've never seen a GW release) so they're panic buying for ZM, others think this will be the only way to play Necromunda (even though Underhive is still for sale)... so GW will make an absolute fortune from the FOMO crowd, and the people wanting to part things out and flip them on eBay and maybe 5 or 6 people in my position will buy this stuff.
*[ laughs in chinaforge ]*
honestly mdf seems to be the optimal choice for ZM over resin, there is also paper too I suppose.
I never understood why GW's terrain is SOOO expensive, I have never bought any of it, because why would I spend 60$ on a castle when I can buy more models that will go to my army? I can play just as well with coke cans and books piled on my kitchen table. now if terrain was 10$ or at least you got a tables worth for one or two hundred then I would be tempted. I don't know anyone who populates their tables with GW terrain, it's a shame because it's good stuff but why would I?
I picked up an Unpunched copy of the ‘95 necromunda set for a third of the price of dark uprising, it also came with all the outlanders terrain unpunched. Yes it’s cardboard with plastic bulkheads, but the amount of terrain you get compared to the dark uprising set is staggering.
Yeah you can buy about 9 cases of G-NTH tinnies with $4 left to buy a pack of jerky. Plus you get more fun out of it.
To be honest I was like "Oh that's a nice amount of terrain." But then I remembered how much terrain you get from MDF places for the same sort of money. For less then the new necromunda box set you can get enough mdf zone mortalis stuff for a full table, or necromunda style vertical terrain. From Death ray designs at least, but they are the brand I'm sort of saving up to get stuff from, for scifi at least.
I bought 4 boxes for the terrain sold off the miniatures and got each set of territorial for like $95 so its a steal if you know how to hustle and sell the excess stuff you don't need and part it out
it’s unbelievable how australia gets shafted on price, it’s £175 over here in the uk. that’s almost half the price (still overpriced)
That's like 199usd
Makes no sense
Too damn high/10
Bell of Lost Souls had a very different take on this. Hell, they even had a different take on Matt Ward when they interviewed him a few weeks ago...
I don't click on anything BOLS not worth the cancer.
@Itachirevived why does that not surprise me. I'm all for making money but its getting ridiculous.
@@madmusial lmfao, and now i know ;)
I’m going to buy 4 sets of this box to make a ZM board. No, just kidding.... lol
Death Guard Dave Googley 3D printer and thingiverse boom all the zm terrain you want! You’re welcome. Btw the 3D printer and filament is half the price of this box!
these terrain tiles really aren't hard to make something even better looking yourself (if you have the space which sadly i do not right now)
terrain tile
- one sheet of 2x2 by maybe 4 milimeter thick plywood sheet (per tile
- 1 to 2 sheets of mount card per tile
- pre drawn patterns for the tiles on each section
(draft them in a picture editor and print them then glue them onto the card or onto ceral box
for the walls:
foamcore 1cm thick + 3mm thick
for mesh raised floor sections:
fish tank filter mesh tray
led lighting:
kmart (aus) pre wired leds 10 meters $9aud
@S0l0Hammer pretty much though if scratch building it you can do alot more then you can with the bought terrain as your not governed by the restrictions of what comes in the box too
Hey Macca, any news on the painting station you showed off?
ZRTSTRA yes! Since you asked, a couple of the MK II prototypes are out being tested by painters for the next few months, hopefully the feedback they provide will get us to an end goal of a really reliable board, possibly swapped from plastic to a marine ply.
@@TheOuterCircle Cool, looking forward to trying it out once you put them up for sale.
For $490, I could just buy a full competitve 40k army.
Then again 10 cases/slabs/blocks of beer, or 4 bottles of good Scotch from my local Dan Murphys.
I will add that part of the enforcers are subjegators which are not available in the regular enforcer box. And that the corpse grinder cult in not the same rules wise from my understanding as the genaric chaos cult. But spot on with your analysis. I was on board with getting until i saw the price. Would rather spend a $100 on filament and fire up my printer.
I like to get those tiles. I’d get a set then use RTV to finish the set. They are a strate flat press.
Those modular walls are looking good to me. Like to make a half outdoors map half zone martalis section that changes the rules once you enter the map sections, would be fun for a push through an area and adapt to the terrain.
So like normal outside, cities of death, and then zone mortalis rules (or visa versa)
I’d probably just buy a few parts and make my own off the dimensions to fill it out.
Some random thoughts for you:
So, I'm a huge Necromunda collector, and was always going to buy this box, even without knowing the price. While it's certainly steep, it hasn't put me off buying it. But I'm very likely in the minority. Sure, I could have done without the Enforcers, as they only came out in August and the sculpts weren't as impressive as I'd been hoping for, but I'll still take them.
I think the box is definitely meant to target the new-to-the-game crowd, because it has everything you need to start playing the game. It's the definition of a starter set. But the price definitely puts that into question. It's almost certainly influenced by both the time of year that it's coming out, and the fact it has ZM terrain that people will want to buy. I'm sure, once we get the GW prices for the terrain, it will have worked out cheaper to buy this box, so I'm sure they're hoping to appeal to the terrain enthusiasts who might be able to recoup some money through off-loading the gangs on ebay. But that isn't to say that it's intended as a money grab or something. This box is an expensive, but excellent way to get into Necromunda. You need multi-level terrain to really get the feel of the game, and you can either achieve that through the 2017 box plus a bunch of Sector Mechanicus kits, or this box.
The 2017 starter set was about £100 cheaper, but came under fire for not having the multi-level terrain included. Now that they're including that terrain, they're under fire again. Seems they'll never get it right for everyone... 😕
I guess since Shadow Wars was so much cheaper again and yet included the large multi-level terrain like those generators and tanks, maybe people expect that?
@@TheOuterCircle Yeah, there is that! Though I suppose the counterpoint there is that it included very old miniatures as well. Most people seem to forget the new Necromunda box has got two gangs in it as well, and seem to focus on the fact it's £175 for the zone mortalis stuff alone 😅
No doubt about it, GW have really been pushing people to the limit with their recent boxed stuff...
I want to buy those Corpse Grinders for my Chainaxe-wielding Black Templars. Corpse Grinders would make perfect, less armoured neophytes for BT, provided that I change those Khornate masks for normal human heads. I will wait for the separate Corpse Grinder gang release and buy 2-3 boxes of this awesome Chainaxe folk.
@S0l0Hammer I need a lot of different heads, scouts are good base, but I want to check out Orlock gang heads to add more diversity.
Great video. Thank you for sharing your insights. I am a Necromunda player and am holding off. I have enough terrain.
Holy shit Necromunda dark uprising is $490 AUD?!!! Here in the US it's a still expensive $290 USD. Current exchange rate it should be around $422. I've been priced out of that game. It's just too much money for the content. Wonder how it will sell in Australia?
Justin Burnside it's not , even with higher Australian wages (compared to the US) I've not seen one box leave a shelf and never seen anyone playing it .
GW missed the Zone Mortalis boat ages ago. There are a dozen companies making MDF zone mortalis terrain that looks better than the stuff in this kit, and for the price you pay for one of these boxes, you can get 2 full zone mortalis tables from a third party terrain maker.
Are you implying the only cost the company bears when delivering a product is the cost of the mould and the plastic?
Nobody thinks that. But it puts things into perspective.
No but it should not cost an extra 60%. Shipping and import taxes would not be that high unless the transport manager is incompetent or they are doing it to make money.
As games workshop is a franchise in Australia ...... Yes
Colin Mack Australia doesn't have tariffs and a 10% GST
thats why 3D printers are popular, a good 3D printer is around 200 bucks and a roll of filiment 20 bucks, and print a army!
So I checked the price of this in the U.S. and it was about 290 for the whole box.
And then I asked my friend who operates the local shop were we all play and said that the whole Zone Mortalis he bought was about 500 dollars total.
So there ya go.
One other target market - Kill Team players. This is a perfect set for the skirmish game, and that Terrain... It's like they threw in Necromunda in as a minor bonus.
This set looks more like it’s for the bits sellers.... because most experienced customers who only want the terrain will go to bits sellers and eBay and buy it separately, as I would do when I get around to 30k and zone mortalis
I don't play competitive, but would you say the audience wants a more stable meta?
I would love that, but not gw.
Does the DARK UPRISING Box contains the Corpse Grinder, Palanite Enforcers, Palanite Subjugator Miniature Boxes + Cards completly? It doesnt look so to me. Do i still need the Book of Judgement and Book of Ruin? So in Summary: If i still need the 2 Books... and NO Terrain (as i do use Core Space Terrain) would you say that i dont need this Box?
But I mean has GW ever released a bundle that had a saving? Like box sets and things like that often has savigs, But I dont remember there ever being any savings on just one click thingies.
Also this is so Blood of the Phoenix.
there definitely used to be. even FW i remember used to do bundles that would save you a few £
The Dark Imperium boxset, the ShadowWar box, even the kill team first box. All 3 were nice starter boxes.
Serge Kent Those were not ”bundles” they were their own boxes.
william timonen I’m talking about the box. The Box of Dark Uprising (two factions) is a “starter” pack. And is way more pricey than previous boxed sets. Hell, even the second SW vs Tau Kill Team box is better for saving money.
I worked for GW in the 90s , we had a huge necromunda community going in store then GW pulled their best game ever and we weren't allowed to run it anymore ...... Waited about 20 years for it return , was amped , then I seen the price and the drip feed release schedule and didn't bother ....... Same with blood bowl , I just play that on PC and didn't bother
Awe, married. Congratulations.
Dark Uprising is $350 here in Canada, That's Insane. If I wanted to start Necromunda, I'd could buy Underhive, some terrain for Underhive and it would be $100 - $150 CAD cheaper than Dark Rising, The terrain is cool in DU but no where near worth it at that price point.
I've always loved Adeptus Arbites and Necromunda Enforcers, but that price is just insane.
When only the floor tiles look like the only decent affordable thing to get..
I will be sticking with my MDF thank you.
It’s well worth the price in my opinion. I want to support the hobby so I’ll be buying 2 boxes. If people want to support it too they should buy it and just cut back on a few luxuries for a couple of weeks. If will be well worth it.
S0l0Hammer you sound like a salty peasant. Go play X-Wing or something where you get a shit game for next to nothing. Leave the real hobby to the rest of us who love Games Workshop.
Can you help me understand exactly what $761 means to an average Australian? Whats an average monthly wage after tax? Whats an average monthly rent? (EDIT - The conversion to pounds is £408.56 as of the day this video is posted....FUCK, criminals).
My monthly pay is about $800
Rates on my house are $3k a year, insurance on cars and home is about $150 per month, we pay $1600 per month in mortgage, we pay about $400 per month on fuel, $1400 a month on car repayments, $1800 annually for car registration...
Basically things that are all considered expensive here, are not that far removed from the reality of this box pricing point. $761 is about 2/3 of what it cost to fly from Australia to the USA return. It's about half of what it's costing me to go to Japan return!
@@TheOuterCircle I"m English and I feel like I have to apologise on the UK's behalf for these prices....cant understand it at all.
GW looks at this as 15 sprues of terrain. The rest of the known world looks at just enough terrain to cover a 2x2 board.
Has anyone checked out Hard West?
these enforcers are how many of us wanted them back when gw released enforcers (mace and board
They are NOT "snap fit miniatures". I bought the Palantine Enforcers kit when it was released a couple of months ago and they are highly advanced multi-part kits. They are TOO modular in my opinion. I I don't know anything about the corpse grinders or whatever they are called, but my guess is they are just as modular and just as multi-part as the Enforcers. Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. Definitely NOT snap fit, easy-to-build etc etc. This whole box is aimed at an experienced hobbyist and is not a beginner set in any way.
Forgebane. I got the admech half on ebay.
I just want the floor tiles and zone mortalis walls
Boxed set is £130 here in the UK through an independent retailer - still too fucking high for me.
mordheim and necromuda were sort of pick up games in my gaming group to start with., we used to start playing them untilll everyone arrived.. We played AD&D and 40K and little bit of fanyasy at the time. As we found that some the girls in our group wanted to join our tabletop once a month. we worked out that they where more interested in mordhiem (we were a fantasy rpg group) and change to playing mordhiem only, with this it became a league,every one showed up on time because if you where not there you automatically lost and the winner of the last league was the randon entry into the next meaning given a bad draw you might just face up against the winner of last season. Out of this we had one girl that went towards fantasy and 40k chaos and did ok and one that went to play tyrinids and ripped most of us a new hole. Even now living a a fair way apart from each other we still note that one day we have to get together and play mordheim just for shits and giggles and because the last season was never finished.
edited for spelling mistakes, hope I got them all.
That kind of $ could keep you in smack for almost a week!(I no longer indulge, but when I did it was approximately 100$usd daily)
Necromunda dark uprising, who wants it?
All you have to do is
Necromunda: Dark Uprising is 290 US from what I'm looking at it right now 11/10/2019
If you split it with someone it sounds alright, if your going to play the necro game. I’m not dropping that much for things I’m not going to use.
And thats to say next to nothing about the ever-looming threat of the given game system/models being rendered obsolete later on. The expense is by no means a safe investment.
I think they get five different enforcers.
I know for a fact that there are necromunda players that will buy anything and everything coming out with Necromunda on it. Which is why, in part, why GW hasn't been burned by their atrocious release schedule and shoddy editing/proofreading/testing for this game.
My god Aussie pricing is insane!!!
yeah no, that price point I might as well get some of the most expensive campaign style board games that hosts up to 4 players with enough play time to make it worth.
The playmat is paper lol. All that money and you don't even get a cardboard playmat.
wow, you guys in australia are getting seriously fucked with these prices. I paid the tiles 30 pounds and the boxed game 131 pounds. I'm very sorry for you guys :-(
I want it. At a real price, say 130 €
It’s pricy but I don’t think it’s a rip off. It’s quite reasonable actually as there’s a lot of terrain. And to be honest you’d need that much terrain to play anyway.
Project Biology The ShadowWar Armaggeddon box was 130 USD and had way more bigger terrain. More miniatures too.
@@Lamadredetuamigo the thing is boxes used to be good value, now they are basically bundles.
Yeah not sure look at the mark up on pva glue for example. GW sold it at a price of £8 a bottle with a volume of 120ml. Poundland sells a bottle of pva at £1 for 500ml. So in Poundland the pva I get for 1/8 of the cost and I get more than four times the volume. I doubt Poundland are selling at a loss. This means that for every bottle of pva gw sold they are most likely making a profit of 3200%.
Woah, Palanites are expensive, I got mine cheaper through Ebay. Kids can NEVER get into this hobby (14+ I meant).
Who still buys this shit when a resin 3d printer will set you back $400, and game models of better quality can be either downloaded for free, or purchased in replicatable digital pack for the price of a pizza?
While I completely agree with you that the game is too expensive, I disagree with you working out on pricing. You are only factoring in the cost of the production of the products. GW Head office has 900 employees (Mouths to feed). Being a big organisation they legally have to have a lot of processes in place like HR, Payroll, Health and Safety, Managers etc. They also have rules writers, 3D Artists, etc. All of those 900 staff's wages are paid for by the sales of tiny plastic men, not to mention the stores running costs and their staff. Here is a bit of a run down of some of the jobs that are kept by the sales of those little plastic men
Artist £32,500
3D Designer £33,928
Writer £24220
Game Designer £30,000
Customer Service Manager £32,500
Payroll Manager £38,049
IT Manager £42,500
HR Manager £38,569
Marketing Manager £37,500
Property / Maintenance Manager £30000
Health and Safety Manager £55,000
There is 9 jobs (of 900) that all have to be supported by the sales of their product (That's £394,766 or $735,311.30 AU)
Consider that they have to find those 9 wages (taken from UK average wage) and the other 891 peoples wages in addition to store running costs and staff wages plus the production costs you quoted, just to break even.
I have been involved in large corporations in Australia who have struggled to compete with "the little guy" because the little guy flies under the radar and doesn't get scrutinised for not having good payroll management or Health and Safety Systems, something large companies just can't get away with, because that's where govt watchdogs spend most of their time.
While I agree and appreciate that GW's pricing is out there and I for one will not be buying the new Necromunda or any boxed sets that are at those big prices (Like you I can afford it but choose not to because I have a limit to what I am willing to spend) I can understand their pricing model because they still have to make a profit and pay shareholders after cost.
Not bagging you out, just providing some food for thought :)
Mark SG so break that down by how many units they project to sell. Also what they sell to 3rd party retail is at discount too. If companies can sell the product at 20% off and make a profit then GW must be making a profit at what they sell to retail. Employee costs, moulds all of the associated costs will be covered by the amount they sell to 3rd party if that is say 50 to 60% of cost then what they sell in store is pure profit. Look at how much they made last year. They are selling way above production costs, and then when they ship it the prices go up again by between 40 to 60 percent again.
That still doesn't explain the ludicrous price hike from the UK to Australia. The UK price is high, but not even close to this much. And even when you factor in shipping and taxes it's still insane. He said it himself that it's cheaper to get someone from the UK to buy one for him there and then import it on his own than it is to buy it from GW in Australia. That's insane.
Mark SG great comment Mark, and I fully appreciate it. I have deep-dived on prices before on the channel, and so didn’t want to make a big deal of it here.
In the end, the typical excuses of “tax, shipping, dies are expensive” etc. are all coverups for the true reason: greed.
The company carries no debt, makes record profits, doesn’t seem to have appreciably more players than it has had in the past (entirely my own observation) so clearly they aren’t hurting for money. In fact they made so much money they gave a juicy dividend to their shareholders and a bonus of $4000 to every employee, let alone what the upper management gave themselves.
My point, if I ever really had one, was that they aren’t charging for material values, but instead what they think the market will bear, and nothing more.
Price is too ridiculous
its FAR too expensive.
I got it.,... I got 2 ..... but I broke one up and sold components on eBay. Bought for terrain and corpse cults... and enforcers but mainly the terrain Matt was a bonus but I use tiles. It’s a decent set the brits complaining about 170 sterling should realize we have been paying more than that for boxes for a long time, it’s not even regular exchange rate, it’s worse for AUD! But it’s 290 usd or 240 on Discount sites. But yea we pay more in USA and Australia gets The shaft the worse! GW should sell at a static price point and let the exchange rate determine what we pay! It’s bull shit that they sell at different prices in different countries being a global company but I am sure they aren’t the only one they just do it the worse! Competition is heating up
And GW is pushing envelope in mini quality but still 3D printing and other 3rd party mini companies are starting to match quality. I don’t see there current practice lasting forever it’s more of a get it while we can situation as other mini companies start to compete gw will eventually have to change or stock holders will suffer. AtM GW is going strong it’s a monster we keep feeding!!!!! Smh me included......, :(
Let me see if I understood it right. You are evaluating a product you actually never handled or even know details about what it is made of?
@S0l0Hammer I was a theater director, but I do not write critics by reading play's descriptions. I understand now who is confuse here.
@S0l0Hammer No, dude. I am sorry but no matter how much you talk it still sounding unethical.