They exist. its all about how much $ you want to spend an how accurate you care about. There are systems that will auto test and auto add needed chemicals as needed. super cool. super expensive
The LaMotte SpinTouch does all these tests with a single sample. The unit costs about $950 and the single use cartridges about 50 cents each. It’s the consumer version of the device of what Leslie’s Pool uses. Or you can just bring a fresh sample to wherever you buy your chemicals
I am a conceptual learner (not visual). With only the audio, this video made it way too easy. Thanks.
Awesome video and presentation! Thank you from Louisiana
Perfect video instruction. Great job presenting also. Thanks from beautiful Wylie Tx
Thank you from Tampa Florida area! You were a huge help!
This was a great help. Awesome video!
Thanks Great info you
This is perfect, thank you very much.
Thanks for the detail!
excellent information presented wonderfully
His was fantastic thanks! A lot more helpful information as compared to similar videos.
Awesome video for a newbie like me, thanks!
Great video
Does having a saltwater system affect any of these tests?
Fantastic !
If I'm not mistaken there was something that just came out but it is pretty expensive.
thanks for the video
some one should invent a device that you put in the pool water and gives out all the readings without doing all this.
They exist. its all about how much $ you want to spend an how accurate you care about. There are systems that will auto test and auto add needed chemicals as needed. super cool. super expensive
The LaMotte SpinTouch does all these tests with a single sample. The unit costs about $950 and the single use cartridges about 50 cents each. It’s the consumer version of the device of what Leslie’s Pool uses. Or you can just bring a fresh sample to wherever you buy your chemicals
Water guru which I have also surrounded but you have to pay a monthly subscription
Great video