People can have different opinions, if someone has a different opinion than yours that doesn’t mean you can go to other people’s property and damage it.
Both sides are too biased on there own opinion. One sides calls them racist and the other calls them snowflakes. They fight, bicker and make fun of each other.
Flame Werewolf we can't say that what trump is doing is wrong in general because its based on opinion and just cause a group of poeple who thinks it wrong can mess up you properly because of that mess up the whole point of freedom of speech
Saying that the Nazi's were Socialists because they had the word Socialist in their name is like saying North Korea is a democracy because they call themselves The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. That being said, I don't condone people stealing Trump signs from yards even though I can't stand him. Just as much as I don't condone the assholes that vandalized my cousins car because of her Hillary stickers. Even though I can't stand Hillary. There is 10% on the right that are completely nuts and 10% on the left that are compleatly nuts. The other 80% of us are tired of all your bullshit.
12 modern society is so sensitive that we turned a meme used by some racists into a hate symbol. What's next ? Overly attached girlfriend and the asian parent memes becomes hate speech for being sexist and racist respectively?
People seem to be defending the thieves for some reassign and I'm just wondering, why? What about having a different opinion makes you think it's alright to steal other people's shit? You realize we live in a civilized society correct? This means you can't throw a tantrum like a child every time you don't get what you want, so why are you okay with this?
Luke Sowers The purpose isn't revenge. It's to teach people to back off and let other people have their opinions, if people didn't do anything than they'll just keep doing it, there needs to be punishment.
Luke Sowers But the only people who would take said bait would be people who think they reserve the right to mess with other people’s things because they have a different opinion. They aren’t innocent. The only people that are hurt or humiliated are people that need to be punished.
Luke Sowers. Granted, you’re not supposed to booby trap the jar, but you are supposed to punish them for bad behavior (similar to how these people should be punished for theirs. Secondly, most children don’t know the difference between right and wrong, the people featured in the video are clearly adults who’ve had more than enough time to figure this out. Lastly, by attempting to steal someone else’s property, they’ve clearly shown that they have no intent to actually talk about their ideals, resorting to criminal behavior instead to get their ideas across.
Yeah. I don't like Trump. In fact I wouldn't bat an eye if he was shot fourty-seven times in the chest. However, trying to steal others property is still bad. If they had any morals at all they would settle their differences calmly and civil-mindedly
+Luke Sowers Another problem that people havent brought up is that these people in the video probably wouldnt discuss anything with you anyway as evidenced by their attempts to stifle people's freedom of speech and association.
Stealth Cat wow so does Trump getting on live tv and apoligizing for saying he likes to sexually molest women count? Or was that "FAKE NEWS" as well! LMFAO YOU GUYS ARE SO DELUSIONAL!! OH AND BY THE WAY HOW DO YOU KNOW I VOTED FOR HILARY???? THOSE ARE NOT THE ONLY TWO CHOICES!
i’m a moderate liberal and needless to say, i wasn’t pleased when trump became president. however, the right to free speech is such an important standard to uphold, running onto *someone else’s property* and *stealing* signs is scummy and stupid.
kermit sewerside and that we can agree on, yet there are still some people in this vid arguing against trump just because his sign is shown in the vid....
Yea its stupid but ive seen stupid conservatives do the same thing but that doesn't make it any better in fact thats worse ive come to expect this kind of stupid shit from dumb libs but there are also sadly dumb rightists
Idk the to think I'm damn near right in the middle but if anything I'd say I probably have a couple more conservative beliefs then liberal. However both sides have their fair share my whole life pretty much until Obama the right were the crazys saying outrageous stuff. However since trump took office the far left has going absolutely nuts. They are willing to give up their rights of that means they get what they want. Something needs to be done about this shit I dont know what that is but it cant go on like this. The far right are still saying the same things people called them crazy for but the far left has gone so far off the deep end that these far right guys look reasonable in comparison.
kermit sewerside... Wrong, the leftist neo-Marxists of the western-world hate free speech because it exposes the lies and deceptions of their psychological indoctrinations and of their enforcement mechanism called political correctness.
One time i was at a restaurant and can you believe that someone else had the nerve to order something that i didnt like!?!!? So i did the rational thing and shrieked REEEEEEE!!!!! as i ran over and slapped everything they ordered onto the floor They told me to stop so now im pressing charges, i wont stand for racism
@@williamtate6268 A great idea aside from the questionable legality. Remember that when you are "trapping" your signs, you need to make sure any modification can be defended in court. Strong metal wire and tent stakes is anti theft. Itching powder is not anti theft, but a chemical agent. Be VERY aware of the law before you attempt something like that.
@Meowster Strangely I was wrong. At least, based on this definition of a booby trap from USLegal. Now I got to rethink a few things I've wanted to do to a window in my house hehehe "A booby trap may be defined as any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily injury when triggered by any action of a person making contact with the device. This term includes guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, nails, spikes, electrical devices, lines or wires with hooks attached, and devices for the production of toxic fumes or gases." So technically, itch powder would not be considered a booby trap!
Meowster that would be poetry !! But it would have to get em good to the point they have to say to themselves DAMN I WISH I WOULD OF JUST TOOK THEIR ADVICE INSTEAD OF BEING AN IDIOT... but that will never happen, I have watched video and people that do these acts never admit when they are to blame , it’s always The Presidents Fault (which blows my mind) but NO ONE ADMITS FAULT THESE DAYS.... that’s the first step in personal growth is Judge yourself CONSTANTLY, what can I do to make me and the world around me better for me and for others
Instead of doing all of that work the homeowner should have just put up posted signs and put razor blades on the bottom of the posters that’s how you truthfully catch a thief red handed
sandman7322 And then they sue for having their feewings hurt, as well as the _grievous_ wounds inflicted on their precious bodies. “Their body, their choice”, they cry, “and it wasn’t my choice to have my hands hurt like this”. This is better, because it doesn’t give them fuel to fight back with. Stupid as it is, I wouldn’t put it past someone to sue for that.
J Dawg 25o and that’s why you would put posted signs up so then there all sliced up and you can get them for trespassing on private property and I don’t think they can do anything with those signs up
@@tomclose6643 It's called a freedom of expression. Nobody cares how mad you are, you don't damage other people's properties because they disagree with you
Christopher Kensei i made Fermented apple juice homemade landmines, every three days i change the bottles very carefully, only once that a bottle blew up while i was handling it, cops we called, explained, they laughed, they left. i ferment my apple juice a week beforehand, the reason it works is because when someone steps on it, it shakes the bottles hard enough and they blow up along with the 2mm of dirt on top of it. it scares any shitbag really easily
@@tarantulamadness6191 The same can be said about people that hate Biden... they hear stuff like “communist” and “wants to take our guns away” and flip out for no reason.
GOODWILLHAWK just watch the video. I wouldnt call people who steal other peoples stuff just due to different opinions and political views particularly bright. Well thats probably just a handful of them and such people are on both sides.
@@adrianfelipe9509 Thats why you have morning routine fat burning videos in your playlist shut the fuck up obese bitch you cant even get a sustainable job lmao
I hate trump and Hillary. Hillary is a figure head for corporate democrats(Republican-lite) and trump is a child with no qualities to lead a business let alone a country. I'd be fine with burning all the signs
actually a trumpanzee was cought on video vandalizing property including a school, he wanted to make the left look bad and was posting hate towards the right to make the left look bad. good thing there was video and he was arrested.
Old Iron are you a comedian ? If you are quit immediately. Like right this instant. If not then good because that was a terrible excuse for a joke. Wasn't clever, wasn't funny and didn't even include any puns.old iron is a little rusty there. Good luck with that. Love you
Old Iron I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was upset. It's hard to convey or interpret emotion over the Internet. I wasn't. I'm a very logically driven person. Not very invested in people's opinions. I was just meme-ing. Lol.
Belicose777 - if you were logical you'd support Trump as his policies make logical sense. Only self righteous hypocrites who seem to be oversensitive and buy into the liberal fake news propaganda seem to dislike Trump.
great patriot20 You seem very opinionated. 1. Your opinions aren't absolute truth. 2. I don't have to validate your opinions. 3. I'm entitled to think how I please. Idc much for liberal propaganda. I form my opinions based on my thought process. No one else's. I didn't say anything about his policies.
Belicose777 THE WHOLE Point is that there are 2 choices here , you either support a democRAT = SOCIALISM, OPEN BORDERS, HIGH TAXES , BIG GOVERNMENT, ISLAMIZATION, ANTI-WHITE RACISM or you support Republicans (real ones not RINOS). Regardless of your sensitivities you have to support policies. Trump tweets wont kill you, a drunk illegal, islamist or a criminal one will,
GURU dude you do realize there were other presidents that did lot worse then Trump did and these so called presidents didn't get that much hate. Geez are the citizens seriously that fucking corrupted
@@jwill5892 Lol, Planet Witless here, and I don't know if this is the same elsewhere, but here they went so woke they were literally GIVING AWAY memberships free of charge and STILL couldn't find enough takers.
They dropped the charges. There's a book called the Clinton's war on women. Read it. Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist and intimated the victim Kathy Jones at 12 years old.
Jeffery Soles They aren't liberals, they are leftist socialists. The white ones are all suffering from extreme self deprecating white guilt. The black ones have been raised in a culture of "black people are victims of constant white racism all the time, everywhere."
I actually voted for Trump because of the protesters blocking the highway for more than four hours when I was in Arizona last year and things like this. And I'm apolitical. Was not planning to vote at all but after I found out why I was parked on the highway all that time I made sure I was at the polls. You don't block people when they have places to go. And leave people stuff alone.
Anybody remembers leading to the elections when the media was whipping every liberal into a frenzy about the reaction that Trump supporters were going to have when he lost the election? Who protested in the streets, destroyed property and attacked other people unprovoked??
Bug Pal Was over a year ago. I said I am apolitical. You are wasting your time. Argue with someone else I'm sure there's plenty. And I don't think a $160k a year aerospace metallurgical engineer can be retarded.
It takes more effort to rip out a secured lawn sign than to just politely disagree with someone. But I guess when you feel you’re emotionally immature and unable to intelligently defend your position, you feel compelled to resort to baser activities.
Actually it's a mental disorder, lack of impulse control :Impulse control disorders are characterized by a lack of self-control that goes beyond just an inability to control harmful impulses. Anxiety, depression, and substance abuse commonly co-occur with impulse control disorders, which formally include kleptomania, pyromania, and intermittent explosive disorder. (source Contrary to what you may have heard that is the biggest mental health concern in the world today...seems EVERYBODY born after 1965 has it!!!
Im not a fan of Trump, but having never had to urge to commit vandalism bc someone else is, this vid is hilarious. So they dont like Trump, so they want to be seen walking around with trump sign? Do they think pulling the sign is going to change people's minds? I wish some of these kids could just learn about respect.
it shows you just how threatening Trump was in there eyes probably because of the media. I mean because of the media if I didn't know any better I would have thought Hillary was Satan reincarnate
IzPopTime I wish I supported Trump so I could have gotten I sign to fuck with people like this. Sorry, but unless it's a giant swastika you're tearing down I have a hard time sympathizing with anyone who's damaging someone else's property.
Nick Frye even if its a swastika, technically its protected by our first amendment as sad as it sounds (the swastika was banned in Germany from 45' until at least when I left in 99') either way, people tore down Hilary signs too. What's actually funny, is these people were so personally and emotionally motivated, yet 5 years ago they were watching his reality TV show along with half of the US.
Geo K That's it the situation calls for deadly force. I don't want to be responsible for taking somebody's life unless it's absolutely necessary man just to be clear but I think I get what you were getting at.
Not really, You have to buy shotgun shells and they also require a costly barrel to be effective even if it is just a $5 3/4" black pipe nipple from Lowes or Home depot... Homemade claymore mines can be made with crap already lying around 90% of US homes... Like acetone peroxide whipped up from acetone (nail polish remover) and hydrogen peroxide for the charge, a sardine/tuna/canned ham can for the casing and a smashed up ceramic coffee mug, nails/nuts, rock salt etc for projectiles with a simple improvised initiator crafted from an old Christmas tree light bulb. Seal it all in with some candle wax to make it fully weather proof, swipe the 9v battery out of the smoke detector and there you go, basically PS: Don't actually try this, it's for entertainment/trolling purposes only. There's a really high probability of pruning your own arms and legs off and turning your torso inside out if you actually attempt this (Particularly with the large canned ham anti tank mine sized variant) so just DON'T! ...lmao
I agree. I hate Trump with a passion but pulling the signs is wrong. I personally like the 'wired' idea because I don't have to be around to chase anybody down. I'm too lazy for that lol
Well I don't support Trump but I do like the creative ideas that the Trump supporters have for their signs. Although they probably should have electrified it so whoever tries to pull it out gets a nasty shock.
its illegal to electrify things as a booby trap, even if it's on your property iirc, on the basis that it would obstruct any would be rescue via police, firefighters, ect
Brian nope and would prevent police from stealing your property as I found out when I mildly electrified my bike lock cable with the insides of a taser. Was told to return the boltcutters he dropped. Told them to get them from Internal Affairs. Pigs do not like being cooked for collecting bikes to auction.
Dissenting Tirade, he was not incorrect at all, you are incorrect. Booby trapping is a criminal offence in all states, and a simple Google search would have prevented _you_ from making _yourself_ look stupid. See: Katko v. Briney, Starkey v. Dameron, Wilder v. Gardner, Phelps v. Hamlett, United Zinc & Chemical Co. v. Britt, State v. Childers (Ohio), Pierce v. Commonwealth, etc. Need I go on?
@@TTGRainbowDash which means your laws are stupid. Every person has the right to defend their own property. In our country if you get tetanus because of a rusted barbed wire or got electructed when there's a massive sign that just says "No tresspassing, high wattage" then it's your fault and we will not cover your hospital bills. Best private property sign I ever seen was a farm owned by a former marine: "Tresspassers will be shot, Survivors will be shot twice"
Before and during the Election, I had three large (2'x3') Trump/Pence signs along the front of my property. All were over ten feet away from the sidewalk, up at least six feet from sidewalk level (hills) and behind 2 rows of fieldstone flower bed edging. I glued the signs to sheet metal that was tack welded to angle iron frames. Both the sheet metal and frames had very sharp edges....The frames had 2' stakes on the bottom and were also fastened to 3' rebar stakes by a piece of braided steel wire. Twice I found where someone had tried unsuccessfully to pull a sign out. Pretty sure they needed stitches.
I'm not a supporter of him buuuut I woul never go as low as to pull a sign off someone's yard, unless I'm drunk, in that case it wasn't me it was drunk me, two different people
Getting that drunk that you have no control of your actions is a bad idea. So you just hand the killer a knife and a pat on the back. It's still you...
I may hate Trump, but if someone wants to put a Trump sign in their yard, it's their right. People may disagree on politics, but we're free to like who we like, hate who we hate, and if I see a political sign I hate? I simply look away, and problem solved. It's called democracy because we get to pick who we like, not because others pick for us.
America isn't a democracy. It's a Democratic Republic where certain people are selected to vote for the President for us. Have you heard of the Electoral College? If America was a Democracy, Trump wouldn't be President. Hillary had 2 million+ votes than Trump. But Trump won the Electoral College so he is the President. Do you have any questions?
The Zen Fool There are also over 2 million+ illegals in America, so until you can show me that they aren't able to vote in these left leaning sanctuary states, then I'll take that "Hillary won the popular vote" with a grain of salt. Interestingly, when Trump wanted to investigate voter fraud... who wouldn't cooperate again?
jon paul Are you assuming every illegal immigrant voted for Hillary? And it's pretty dumb of you to ask me to provide proof of something that can't be proven or disproven.
@@bigchest51 I hope someone rigs a sign with shotgun shells and you lose yer face you grub. Trump, Hillary, Samuel L Jackon it don't make a damn difference son. Do not deface other people's property or you deserve to be punished with pain.
I can see the headline now : "Man Sues and Wins Case Against Homeowner for Injuries Incurred While He Was Trespassing and Attempting to Steal Political Sign on Private Property." Film at five
Not if labeled correctly like if you had an electric fence and it was clearly visible that it was electric its thier fault for messing with electricity you cant sue an electric company for installing electrical sockets in your house because you got shocked acting like a dumb ass
BEST TRAP: taser built into the sign that shocks when the sign is pulled out of the ground. Then trigger sprinklers all around the area and flour cannons. Net trap then scoops them up and hangs them from the tree. All could be automated with an Arduino
While he's hanging up in the net from the tree call all of your beer buddies and tell them you just tapped a fresh keg and hung a new pinata in the front yard.
I'm a liberal, I dislike trump, I support gays, all of that stuff. However, in no way would I ever attempt to commit an act of vandalism simply because that other human being has a different opinion than mine. I'm ashamed of what so much other liberals have done to completely pollute our image and completely contradict what they stand for. If some else has a different opinion, leave it, it's fine. Their opinion is not the most important thing in the world. We can try to persuade them of possible different views but if not, just ignore it. I'm sick and tired of how polluted our image has become and I hope that we can fix it one day. A bigger wish is that one day, we can all just look past our political views and all that separates us so that together, we can work to build a better future. Yes, I'm "Liberal Trash" but I'm proud to be one. Anyways, that's my view on things. Knowing my luck, probably no one is going to see this but I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Yea but its not just liberals acting fools. Everyone acted stupid during the campaign and now the losers are goin nuts. It makes me glad I'm labeled independent and i just vote for who ever can deal with the stress of the oval office. I didn't vote for obama cuz ik it was gunna wreck him. Now he looks like e could just die. I did end up voting for trump only vuz ik he wasn't gunna crack under negotiations and making tough calls. I'm pleasantly surprised at how ell he actually has done. He still acts a out on social media but i think thats on purpose. Like how he was a raging douche on celebrity apprentice. Who did you vote for and why? What liberal views do you hold and do you hold any libertarian views? My dad is a libertarian but i can't bavk all their agendas lol.
Well said. If you were a conservative and said this then all would be well. Both party followers are blaming other parties and making them all 100% bad.. They are not. If someones mom had different view than their child would the child call the mother the things people are calling others here? NO.
I knew a guy who had a trump sign on his front lawn. He caught a guy on camera trying to pull it out. It was a regular from the neighborhood Who jogged frequently around the area. The homeowner never said a word. He simply went and got a bigger Trump sign. And put it in his front lawn. As luck would have it the jogger came around again. And once again went for the Trump sign. This time the homeowner and his friends jumped out from behind a fence and opened up on the jogger with paintball guns. The jogger Took many hits before he ran off. And to this day he has never been seeing jogging in that neighborhood🤣
Ideas 1. Smear Cat/dog shit on the backside of the sign and spray it with water occasionally. Keeping it moist for fingers to slide through it as they grab it up. 2. Set a trap with a hidden rope, that yanks them up into a tree by a leg or something. 3. Dig a hole in front of the sign. Cover it with something so they fall inside of it. Post sign, no trespassing. 3. Set a string on the trigger of a paint ball gun. When they yank it up they get shot. 4. Electrify the sign. That one is the funniest. 5. Place fake siren close, when they pull it up, it's loud and alerted. Or train horn.
With the release of Mueller report the public are finally seeing the extent of last ADMINs meddling into INTEL branches. 2020 elections the most important of our life times, stay the course.
That's correct, we can finally put this Trump-Russia conspiracy theory to rest. Maybe when Trump wins the 2020 election, he'll finally be able to have a chance to do something without frivolous anti-Trump meddling.
@@BuddyandMax You're going to be waiting a long long time. Now the handcuffs could fitting tight on the wrists of the democrats who spied on his campaign very soon! Get your popcorn ready, dominoes are beginning to fall!
Just fasten a lot of small fish hooks on the backside of the sign and make sure the sign is hard to rip out of the ground. Then you'll be able to follow the bloody trail :)
it is punishable by law, sadly most liberals get away with things like this due to our laws not being enforced equally. For example a white citizen of the country can get ticketed for hunting without a license 🤣🤣 while some cities and states don't even deport illegal aliens
??? What? How does that even sense? No matter what anyone says, if someone doesn't like your beloved Trump, you find a way to be agressive and personally insult them. You Trump supporters are the actual worst.
Yeah when I saw the liberal media meltdown videos on YT as the election shifted from all Hillary to oh no Trump pulling ahead to oh shit Hillary is screwed to Trump is President elect! I thought of that as background music, along with night on bald mountain and in the hall of the maintain king. The reaction by the Young Turks( turds) was priceless!!!!!
@@wrangler2106 And if you say anything that they disagree with or call them out on their fascist hypocrisy they label it "hate speech." Libtards are the scum of society and will be the ruination of this nation.
I love all of these comments! I wish I could give a thumbs up for each of them 1,000 times! I hope a lot of people will see these posts in days to come. Asinine liberals/Democrats like that, hate Trump so much, that all of a sudden the rules apply to everybody else except THEM.
Would've been funnier if people who booby trapped signs like these had hid somewhere and popped out and laughed at whoever fell for the trap. They wouldn't even be able to do anything because they've already been caught trying to steal the person's property.
Jorrel Doe that is how we think, but in reality they would robably try to stab you. That is why they want to take your 2nd amendment away, to steal your stuff safely.
killercloud345 I agree. I don't go by his views. And certainly don't like him. But with that in mind I don't go around saying crap and wish death on him or anything.
Bob Jenkins I think one of the main reasons people don’t like trump is because of his fan base. People like you make people hate trump. No reason to call people in a comment section libtards because they don’t agree with you. And before you call me a libtard as I’m sure you will, just know that I don’t care for either side. They’re both trash
Bob Jenkins Dude..if you can't see the faults in any of his views and call anyone who doesn't like him a libtard then you have some serious fucking issues
@@scooterhangbird5582 The trump administration wont last long now that theres a house full of democrats on him. Hes becoming fearfull in his recent intetviews with how he's behaving/responding. He wont last long.
I had a guy who used to run over by trump sign on the front part of my property So I decided to mount a 4 inch steel pipe in the ground with concrete so he could experience what it is to be an idiot and one day he hit it and he totaled his Prius it was amazing. His insurance company then gave me $473 to repair the damage to the steel pipe and concrete base
So here it is at one o:ckock in the afternoon and this professional charity case has the free time to go around stealing property from front yards. If he had his head blown off by a boobie trap I wouldn't be too concerned. But boobie trapping is highly illegal and if one of these wards of the government is harmed by a trap, they could sue and win in court. We need to stick with essentially harmless traps like mace in the face or a bag of crap exploding in front of them, Lights, cameras, prosecutions for theft, but nothing potentially fatal. And remember that snowflakes are fragile things.
UPS driver, gov. wards? Postal carrier? Voter support people, census takers, church canvas, kids selling magazine subs, yeah bubba..just blow them all away, it's so 'merican......your hate dreams melt away into your horrible life, devoid of happiness except for you McNuggets.
I have a 60 foot 2x4 laid in the ground right in front of my 13 Trump yard signs. In the board, are over 300 nails. Luckily, to the best of my knowledge, no ones tried to steal any of my signs. Theft shouldn’t ever be tolerated, more importantly on your own property.
Aaron Hallam what are you talking about? Pro-life and anti-blm are stereotypes of conservative beliefs. Lol basically what I'm saying is putting up those signs wouldn't attract conservatives to come pull them up.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Thieves deserve swift and brutal justice. Anyone disliking this video are the kind of people that want to commit crime and get away with it.
Yah, they enjoy pissing on it as our American ideals collapse under the weight of his fat ass lies and racist tendencies persuade us into leaving our homes!
Marshall Renner America ideals like wearing pink pussy hats and rioting in the streets? I have no plans to leave my home like all the liberals were going to if Trump won. Notice they're still here?
cbi1991 Just DIY it. I probably use a mosquito racket (idk how you call it). Take the circuit off, link it to wires, and plant the wires onto the sign.
I’d dig a 4-5 ft hole in front of the sign , place garbage bag over said hole, place leaves over said garbage bag over said hole , and watch the ass fall into said hole . !!!!! Brilliant , just jolly brilliant !!!
T B I mean. Shooting them is obviously not good by the law. But having a small piece of electric wire in your own property doesn't sound like much of a problem.
awesomebomber13 Should go the extra mile and rig the thing to blow. At least line the top with razor blades. REALLY make them feel the punishment for their ignorance.
I think there is a video out somewhere where they electrified the sign and the person grabbed it and started shaking violently holding the sign for about 10 seconds before limping off
Mitchell Hardy nah, dig a very small hole in front of the sign, stick a snare just on the outside of it, cover it with leaves and make the sign easy to pull out, so once they try to pull it out and run, they face plant onto the ground.
Jerod S People are rich so they’re pieces of shit. Why not stop being mediocre and become rich yourself and change it? Because it’s easier to blame people right? No one is responsible for anyone else in this world.
Jerod S Calling the 1% of people whom you don’t know somehow makes you a thinker? Someone without world views? No. It doesn’t. We pay more in taxes than the other 99% of Americans. In fact if it wasn’t for us the 1% unemployed people would be everywhere.
Bill Jones He has flaws just like everyone else, but at least he gives two shits about Americans and the US, unlike the last one who hates America and everything it stands for. The US dodged a a huge bullet by not electing Hillary aka Obama 2.0
alucard624 You lose credibility with the conspiracy-theory, right-wing talk radio bullshit, i.e. Obama hates America crap. If you believe Trump gives two shits about America, I don't know what to tell you. I think that's another fundamental difference between the right and left. The left realizes politicians are full of shit, but the right still is prone to hero-worship them. Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. care about power, money, and influence, not what's best for the country...
Bill Jones Trump has shown he cares a helluva lot more about the US than Obama and Bush ever did. Both of those guys were weak presidents. Both sides have their extremes and that's why I don't like either of them. I Iean more libertarian these days.
PenisMcWhirtar Except for the person who purchased the sign. They may call the authorities and get your ass for trespassing and destruction of property. I know I would. I would do the same thing to Hillary Clinton signs. First election I didn't vote for President because I didn't like either candidate. Hillary Clinton that old hag wanted more regulations on small businesses and I really never liked Trump got to meet them both. Trump seemed nice but couldn't trust him and Hillary well she's just a bitch.
@@CaileanMacQueen Touching signs could escalate into more dangerous offenses. If the person is willing to step on your property,then theyre willing to attack you aswell. Defending one's property is important.
lol! don't do that. you could get sued unless you put a huge warning sign and other stuff. also, you could kill people with pacemakers. it's amusing but it's reckless and potentially extremely dangerous pls don't do stuff like that.
@@flappy7373 Sorry Kyle but I just cant stand idly by as some scumbag destroys or steals my property, I'm the one who solders razor blades to the back side of my car stereo back in the day and laugh when I see blood under the dash of my car, booby traps don't hurt the innocent, if it does then they were not innocent.
Anyone see the one with an electrified trump sign? Was golden! I remember I was a bit of an ass as a kid when I was younger and someone had a traffic cone in their yard and I kicked it and their was dog shit beneath it which I stepped in. Learned me lesson lol
Well true enough. An infant mind in an adult body would be better then I suppose. I still face palm a bit to see how petty they are. Being little thieves and vandals.
Joe Mccullough I honestly would pee on mine each night. Both times they took my sign it was found less then two yards away. Probably after they realized there was sticky, half dried piss all over it! 🤣😂🤣😂
Doesn't matter who you support, don't mess with other people's property.
Seth Campbell Why do democrats always do this? Lmao Good lord I had put up with seeing Hillary signs and didn't jump out snatching them up.
No, you just shame them.
Amen to that.
People can have different opinions, if someone has a different opinion than yours that doesn’t mean you can go to other people’s property and damage it.
Have you played metal gear solid 3 anake eater
Both sides are too biased on there own opinion. One sides calls them racist and the other calls them snowflakes. They fight, bicker and make fun of each other.
Flame Werewolf no it's not different
Flame Werewolf we can't say that what trump is doing is wrong in general because its based on opinion and just cause a group of poeple who thinks it wrong can mess up you properly because of that mess up the whole point of freedom of speech
For a bunch of people said to be against prejudice and hate they seem to have a lot of prejudice and hate for people who don't think like them.
* AnimalHeadSpirit * whiny ass baby. What you idiots do is 100% in line with nazis.
> "writing a mega rant will prove my side isn't totally insane!"
Um. Yeah...
Hm, so you are willing to break the law. great! another leftist who wants to take away rights from other citizens.
Saying that the Nazi's were Socialists because they had the word Socialist in their name is like saying North Korea is a democracy because they call themselves The Democratic People's Republic of Korea. That being said, I don't condone people stealing Trump signs from yards even though I can't stand him. Just as much as I don't condone the assholes that vandalized my cousins car because of her Hillary stickers. Even though I can't stand Hillary. There is 10% on the right that are completely nuts and 10% on the left that are compleatly nuts. The other 80% of us are tired of all your bullshit.
* AnimalHeadSpirit * you are a complete moron. You’ve done too many drugs and you appear to have daddy issues
As a non-Trump supporter I fully support this message, and suggest rat traps would be even funnier!
I like Rat traps! Such a great idea! May have to improve on the idea a bit but great start
Another idea would be hook up a rope that catches their leg and pulls them upside hanging in the air. No way to get away
John Reed lol classic movie booby trap
bear traps
@@soundwavesuperior6761 Flash/bang would be great...
I may not like trump, but his supporters have the right to put there signs up so just leave them alone.
12 modern society is so sensitive that we turned a meme used by some racists into a hate symbol. What's next ? Overly attached girlfriend and the asian parent memes becomes hate speech for being sexist and racist respectively?
12 some people created racist pepe memes and they become so well known that pepe is officially considered a hate symbol.
yea, helps u recognize the inbred racists
People seem to be defending the thieves for some reassign and I'm just wondering, why? What about having a different opinion makes you think it's alright to steal other people's shit? You realize we live in a civilized society correct? This means you can't throw a tantrum like a child every time you don't get what you want, so why are you okay with this?
Luke Sowers The purpose isn't revenge. It's to teach people to back off and let other people have their opinions, if people didn't do anything than they'll just keep doing it, there needs to be punishment.
Luke Sowers But the only people who would take said bait would be people who think they reserve the right to mess with other people’s things because they have a different opinion. They aren’t innocent. The only people that are hurt or humiliated are people that need to be punished.
Luke Sowers. Granted, you’re not supposed to booby trap the jar, but you are supposed to punish them for bad behavior (similar to how these people should be punished for theirs. Secondly, most children don’t know the difference between right and wrong, the people featured in the video are clearly adults who’ve had more than enough time to figure this out. Lastly, by attempting to steal someone else’s property, they’ve clearly shown that they have no intent to actually talk about their ideals, resorting to criminal behavior instead to get their ideas across.
Yeah. I don't like Trump. In fact I wouldn't bat an eye if he was shot fourty-seven times in the chest. However, trying to steal others property is still bad. If they had any morals at all they would settle their differences calmly and civil-mindedly
+Luke Sowers Another problem that people havent brought up is that these people in the video probably wouldnt discuss anything with you anyway as evidenced by their attempts to stifle people's freedom of speech and association.
Even if my candidate lost I wouldn’t be so childish and trashy to rip up other people’s property
David Korb thank you!!
USA THE GREAT of your talking about David being scummy than your a fucking spastic if not than ignore what I said
Stealth Cat wow so does Trump getting on live tv and apoligizing for saying he likes to sexually molest women count? Or was that "FAKE NEWS" as well! LMFAO YOU GUYS ARE SO DELUSIONAL!! OH AND BY THE WAY HOW DO YOU KNOW I VOTED FOR HILARY???? THOSE ARE NOT THE ONLY TWO CHOICES!
Hook a Cattle fence charger to the sign and see how they like that.
And water the lawn
My thoughts exactly! Kapow!
Plot twist they take the sign for their property
TurtleDude29 kek
That would be pretty ironic.
Theodore Scherette ironic would be Trump supporters stop bringing up someone that hasn’t been relevant in almost 16 months...
Derek Napier gotta love when Trump supporters bring up Hillary then try to claim anyone that doesn’t support Trump actually did.
TurtleDude29 i would prolly do tht
i’m a moderate liberal and needless to say, i wasn’t pleased when trump became president. however, the right to free speech is such an important standard to uphold, running onto *someone else’s property* and *stealing* signs is scummy and stupid.
kermit sewerside and that we can agree on, yet there are still some people in this vid arguing against trump just because his sign is shown in the vid....
Yea its stupid but ive seen stupid conservatives do the same thing but that doesn't make it any better in fact thats worse ive come to expect this kind of stupid shit from dumb libs but there are also sadly dumb rightists
No ... you haven't.
Idk the to think I'm damn near right in the middle but if anything I'd say I probably have a couple more conservative beliefs then liberal. However both sides have their fair share my whole life pretty much until Obama the right were the crazys saying outrageous stuff. However since trump took office the far left has going absolutely nuts. They are willing to give up their rights of that means they get what they want. Something needs to be done about this shit I dont know what that is but it cant go on like this. The far right are still saying the same things people called them crazy for but the far left has gone so far off the deep end that these far right guys look reasonable in comparison.
kermit sewerside... Wrong, the leftist neo-Marxists of the western-world hate free speech because it exposes the lies and deceptions of their psychological indoctrinations and of their enforcement mechanism called political correctness.
One time i was at a restaurant and can you believe that someone else had the nerve to order something that i didnt like!?!!?
So i did the rational thing and shrieked REEEEEEE!!!!! as i ran over and slapped everything they ordered onto the floor
They told me to stop so now im pressing charges, i wont stand for racism
how dare they
Lol omg about 300 more likes just because I can imagine the REEEEEE sound😂😂😂
I think that would be called food ism
Timelapse Experimentals 2k18 liberals be like
On top of burying the sign deep, add a little adhesive spray and apply a generous amount of itching powder on it. Then they'll really squirm 😜
Aaron Estrada That’s a great idea. A generous application of trapping scent might also help. You really gotta scrub to wash off that stink!🤪
@@williamtate6268 A great idea aside from the questionable legality. Remember that when you are "trapping" your signs, you need to make sure any modification can be defended in court. Strong metal wire and tent stakes is anti theft. Itching powder is not anti theft, but a chemical agent. Be VERY aware of the law before you attempt something like that.
@Meowster Strangely I was wrong. At least, based on this definition of a booby trap from USLegal. Now I got to rethink a few things I've wanted to do to a window in my house hehehe
"A booby trap may be defined as any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily injury when triggered by any action of a person making contact with the device. This term includes guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, nails, spikes, electrical devices, lines or wires with hooks attached, and devices for the production of toxic fumes or gases."
So technically, itch powder would not be considered a booby trap!
@@dorn284 It's not like any of these people are going to go to the police unless your booby trap cuts their arm off or something. lol
Meowster that would be poetry !! But it would have to get em good to the point they have to say to themselves DAMN I WISH I WOULD OF JUST TOOK THEIR ADVICE INSTEAD OF BEING AN IDIOT... but that will never happen, I have watched video and people that do these acts never admit when they are to blame , it’s always The Presidents Fault (which blows my mind) but NO ONE ADMITS FAULT THESE DAYS.... that’s the first step in personal growth is Judge yourself CONSTANTLY, what can I do to make me and the world around me better for me and for others
No one has the right to come in your yard & ruin your property. These people actually got what they deserved
sweetncool Less than. And I wasn’t even a Trump supporter.
You right it doesn't matter what the sign is its there property
Well in Texas that’s considered trespassing and they can be shot 🤷🏻♂️
I agree with you 100%
Would have been shot out here.
Instead of doing all of that work the homeowner should have just put up posted signs and put razor blades on the bottom of the posters that’s how you truthfully catch a thief red handed
Very red handed! LMAO!!!
Mine was rigged with a cross bow and some dumb ass got shot..
And then they sue for having their feewings hurt, as well as the _grievous_ wounds inflicted on their precious bodies. “Their body, their choice”, they cry, “and it wasn’t my choice to have my hands hurt like this”. This is better, because it doesn’t give them fuel to fight back with. Stupid as it is, I wouldn’t put it past someone to sue for that.
J Dawg 25o and that’s why you would put posted signs up so then there all sliced up and you can get them for trespassing on private property and I don’t think they can do anything with those signs up
Imagine having to basically weaponize your sign just so it doesn't get stolen.
This post made by bear trap gang.
yeah what does that tell you about the person on the sign??
All I can tell is the Bear Trap Gang GOTTEEEM
@The main cause of warps in all of reality its a sign representing hate and divide of course people dont like it
@The main cause of warps in all of reality its a sign spreading hate and divide not property!! gee weez youre being dumb
just shut up already!
@@tomclose6643 It's called a freedom of expression. Nobody cares how mad you are, you don't damage other people's properties because they disagree with you
Other people’s booby trapped signs: strings and long stakes
My booby trapped signs: *FRONT TOWARDS ENEMY*
Fin Frog More like “yeet” but ok
Dark times where people attack you just for having a different opinion.
Shit has been that way since the beginning of time.
Dark times for both of those reasons.
Trump is a racist fucktard...and his supporters are poor racist fucktards
DarkJusticeXX3 Gaming i see the communist
@zandyr hasn't Trump been under investigation for Russian Collusion his entire term?
I don't like Trump, but I can't stand people fucking with other people's property. Next time make them electric.
Christopher Kensei Agreed, they have the right to their opinion, so trespassing and vandalizing against their opinion is kind of petty.
Christopher Kensei i made Fermented apple juice homemade landmines, every three days i change the bottles very carefully, only once that a bottle blew up while i was handling it, cops we called, explained, they laughed, they left.
i ferment my apple juice a week beforehand, the reason it works is because when someone steps on it, it shakes the bottles hard enough and they blow up along with the 2mm of dirt on top of it. it scares any shitbag really easily
There is a video somewhere that a guy rigged up his trump sign to an electric fence on his property. Made for some hilarious reactions.
M3RKPH4NT0M that is incredible, kudos.
It's like Home Alone for adults.
Phillies Bob grats on the win
Love that scene in Home Alone. hahaha!
+Geist you're all over the place with this one... None of what you said makes sense
Phillies Bob go Eagles!
Phillies Bob yup fly eagles fly🦅🦅
This is great! So sad people can’t respect a persons political choice and property.
Steve Cascio American schools in a nutshell
Half these retards don't even know why they hate trump, they just hear someone else say shit about him and think its true.
@@tarantulamadness6191 The same can be said about people that hate Biden... they hear stuff like “communist” and “wants to take our guns away” and flip out for no reason.
@@iniesta8856 you sound a wittle sawlty
the people who scream tolerance are the most intolerant.
The leftist scum crys out as they strike you
I'm not a Trump supporter, but this was hilarious. LOL
Precious Felton same
Lamp in 2020
People kept running over ours, so I put a wooden board with nails at the bottom. Fun times, for me anyways.
MintyFreshness4 so they were just driving in your yard?
SuperSix4 I guess we'll never know
SuperSix4 Yup. He lives in a town where driving over sidewalks and into front lawns is a regular
GOODWILLHAWK just watch the video. I wouldnt call people who steal other peoples stuff just due to different opinions and political views particularly bright. Well thats probably just a handful of them and such people are on both sides.
FN / LS Trump supporters are retarded if yall think this is a good lie.
Love those tolerant, anti fascist socialists and Marxists.
Okay ron
Fk trump bltch ass
@East ßeirut bet y’all call yourself Christians too and saying this shlt, thats why I burn the Bible for fun cunts
@@adrianfelipe9509 Thats why you have morning routine fat burning videos in your playlist shut the fuck up obese bitch you cant even get a sustainable job lmao
@@reflexserenity5752 wow and they say the left is not tolerant😂 how does it feel to know trump lost
People thought it was perfectly okay to pull a Trump sign but the second someone pulls a Clinton sign everyone would be going crazy
I hate trump and Hillary. Hillary is a figure head for corporate democrats(Republican-lite) and trump is a child with no qualities to lead a business let alone a country. I'd be fine with burning all the signs
actually a trumpanzee was cought on video vandalizing property including a school, he wanted to make the left look bad and was posting hate towards the right to make the left look bad. good thing there was video and he was arrested.
chong joshua she was found not at fault for Benghazi also more americans died at embassies during republican presidents why don't you mention that?
Angie actually people go crazy because of the rarity of a clinton sign. All and all people don't care
Hillary is evil and should be in prison
As a republican I don't like trump but I also don't like people hypocritically try to censor or stop people's constitutionally protected rights.
Old Iron are you a comedian ? If you are quit immediately. Like right this instant.
If not then good because that was a terrible excuse for a joke. Wasn't clever, wasn't funny and didn't even include any puns.old iron is a little rusty there. Good luck with that. Love you
Old Iron I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I was upset. It's hard to convey or interpret emotion over the Internet. I wasn't. I'm a very logically driven person. Not very invested in people's opinions. I was just meme-ing. Lol.
Belicose777 - if you were logical you'd support Trump as his policies make logical sense. Only self righteous hypocrites who seem to be oversensitive and buy into the liberal fake news propaganda seem to dislike Trump.
great patriot20 You seem very opinionated. 1. Your opinions aren't absolute truth. 2. I don't have to validate your opinions. 3. I'm entitled to think how I please. Idc much for liberal propaganda. I form my opinions based on my thought process. No one else's. I didn't say anything about his policies.
THE WHOLE Point is that there are 2 choices here , you either support a democRAT = SOCIALISM, OPEN BORDERS, HIGH TAXES , BIG GOVERNMENT, ISLAMIZATION, ANTI-WHITE RACISM or you support Republicans (real ones not RINOS). Regardless of your sensitivities you have to support policies. Trump tweets wont kill you, a drunk illegal, islamist or a criminal one will,
Moral of the story don't touch stuff that doesn't belong to you.
Someone should tell trump this
GURU dude you do realize there were other presidents that did lot worse then Trump did and these so called presidents didn't get that much hate. Geez are the citizens seriously that fucking corrupted .....was a joke
GURU lol I get it.
Love how they preach tolerance, just only when it is in their favor.
You must be talking about the left.
Who else would he be talking about? The damn teletubbies?!
@@LiterallyCensoredDaily Planet Fitness maybe?
@@jwill5892 Lol, Planet Witless here, and I don't know if this is the same elsewhere, but here they went so woke they were literally GIVING AWAY memberships free of charge and STILL couldn't find enough takers.
Do they think trump supporters would wake up, see the sign was gone, and choose Hillary ?
Underrated comment is underrated
no they're just angry because to them, he represents racism and other things like that
I'm a Trump supporter. I would never vote for that criminal known as Hillary Clinton.
You're aware that Trump has had more rape accusations then any other president in the united states...
They dropped the charges. There's a book called the Clinton's war on women. Read it. Hillary Clinton defended a child rapist and intimated the victim Kathy Jones at 12 years old.
Why do people go into a private property to steal a sign??
They aren't people they are liberals
Jeffery Soles They aren't liberals, they are leftist socialists. The white ones are all suffering from extreme self deprecating white guilt. The black ones have been raised in a culture of "black people are victims of constant white racism all the time, everywhere."
Alex Povolotski th Eyre communist so they act like everything is theirs
Because they are liberals.
I actually voted for Trump because of the protesters blocking the highway for more than four hours when I was in Arizona last year and things like this.
And I'm apolitical.
Was not planning to vote at all but after I found out why I was parked on the highway all that time I made sure I was at the polls.
You don't block people when they have places to go.
And leave people stuff alone.
Anybody remembers leading to the elections when the media was whipping every liberal into a frenzy about the reaction that Trump supporters were going to have when he lost the election? Who protested in the streets, destroyed property and attacked other people unprovoked??
The Guardian of Truth
Never liked her.
Bug Pal
Was over a year ago.
I said I am apolitical. You are wasting your time.
Argue with someone else I'm sure there's plenty.
And I don't think a $160k a year aerospace metallurgical engineer can be retarded.
Bug Pal "Wrecked the country"
Lol what an overdramatic pussbag.
Bug Pal "you?" so you are one of them from that videos it is so clear now
It takes more effort to rip out a secured lawn sign than to just politely disagree with someone. But I guess when you feel you’re emotionally immature and unable to intelligently defend your position, you feel compelled to resort to baser activities.
John Smith - "thats a very racist thing to say". NOT!
Well said.
John Smith you can
You mean like the person in the white house, now?
Actually it's a mental disorder, lack of impulse control :Impulse control disorders are characterized by a lack of self-control that goes beyond just an inability to control harmful impulses. Anxiety, depression, and substance abuse commonly co-occur with impulse control disorders, which formally include kleptomania, pyromania, and intermittent explosive disorder. (source Contrary to what you may have heard that is the biggest mental health concern in the world today...seems EVERYBODY born after 1965 has it!!!
Im not a fan of Trump, but having never had to urge to commit vandalism bc someone else is, this vid is hilarious.
So they dont like Trump, so they want to be seen walking around with trump sign? Do they think pulling the sign is going to change people's minds? I wish some of these kids could just learn about respect.
IzPopTime here's what's sad: they're adults.
At least, their age is an adult age.
it shows you just how threatening Trump was in there eyes probably because of the media. I mean because of the media if I didn't know any better I would have thought Hillary was Satan reincarnate
IzPopTime She's not far off....
IzPopTime I wish I supported Trump so I could have gotten I sign to fuck with people like this. Sorry, but unless it's a giant swastika you're tearing down I have a hard time sympathizing with anyone who's damaging someone else's property.
Nick Frye even if its a swastika, technically its protected by our first amendment as sad as it sounds (the swastika was banned in Germany from 45' until at least when I left in 99') either way, people tore down Hilary signs too. What's actually funny, is these people were so personally and emotionally motivated, yet 5 years ago they were watching his reality TV show along with half of the US.
After watching the first 10 seconds all I can say about this is that's what you get for being a freaking Thief.
They should have wired homemade claymore mines to them!
Geo K bit exssive. However If it came down to me having to defend my property....Shot Gun Shells are Alot cheaper Buddy
Geo K That's it the situation calls for deadly force. I don't want to be responsible for taking somebody's life unless it's absolutely necessary man just to be clear but I think I get what you were getting at.
Not really, You have to buy shotgun shells and they also require a costly barrel to be effective even if it is just a $5 3/4" black pipe nipple from Lowes or Home depot... Homemade claymore mines can be made with crap already lying around 90% of US homes... Like acetone peroxide whipped up from acetone (nail polish remover) and hydrogen peroxide for the charge, a sardine/tuna/canned ham can for the casing and a smashed up ceramic coffee mug, nails/nuts, rock salt etc for projectiles with a simple improvised initiator crafted from an old Christmas tree light bulb. Seal it all in with some candle wax to make it fully weather proof, swipe the 9v battery out of the smoke detector and there you go, basically PS: Don't actually try this, it's for entertainment/trolling purposes only. There's a really high probability of pruning your own arms and legs off and turning your torso inside out if you actually attempt this (Particularly with the large canned ham anti tank mine sized variant) so just DON'T! ...lmao
Angelo Frisone typical dumb yank. Someone pulling a sign up.... yeeeeeehaaa I’m getting my shotgun.
They simply do not have enough arm strength drinking soy
What is your profile picture?
@@malluk7064 Asian happy merchant
Not wacist because I am Asian
The wire is made out of hair.
Soy is good if you workout, which they obviously didnt
It’s even harder to steal a Biden sign...can’t seem to find them anywhere
Who's Biden?
Come to Portland or people here need to wake up before are whole state ends up like Portland
Well he won soeee
@Kristin Smith 306 votes for biden 232 votes for trump, why can't trump supporters just don't accept that he lost and move on.
Whether you love Trump or hate him, this is unacceptable.
I agree. I hate Trump with a passion but pulling the signs is wrong. I personally like the 'wired' idea because I don't have to be around to chase anybody down. I'm too lazy for that lol
Comicsluvr I would personally have fun and set up signs to who people seem to hate just to camp out with a paintball gun
Yea. Its wrong. Just burn the house next time.
agreed, its is unacceptable to have a booby trapped trump sign on your front lawn
You should make it electric.
When they touch it they get a nasty zap, lol
I was thinking the same lol, would love to see those assholes getting zapped
"how was I supposed to know someone hooked it up to my electric fence, officer?"
I saw a clip where someone did that. It was hilarious XD
@Infiniti Only only in Texas
@@aramondehasashi3324 please link if you can. Thanks 😊
Well I don't support Trump but I do like the creative ideas that the Trump supporters have for their signs. Although they probably should have electrified it so whoever tries to pull it out gets a nasty shock.
You should see some of the Obama ones lol
they already had a nasty shock, when Trunp won hahaha.
its illegal to electrify things as a booby trap, even if it's on your property iirc, on the basis that it would obstruct any would be rescue via police, firefighters, ect
Brian nope and would prevent police from stealing your property as I found out when I mildly electrified my bike lock cable with the insides of a taser. Was told to return the boltcutters he dropped. Told them to get them from Internal Affairs.
Pigs do not like being cooked for collecting bikes to auction.
Then they can sue the owner
Use triple prong fishing hooks. They have no choice but to keep pulling on a well anchored trump sign. Lol.😎
It's illegal to intentionaly set a trap to hurt people, even when they are being malicious and their intent is to vandalize.
Dissenting Tirade, he was not incorrect at all, you are incorrect. Booby trapping is a criminal offence in all states, and a simple Google search would have prevented _you_ from making _yourself_ look stupid. See: Katko v. Briney, Starkey v. Dameron, Wilder v. Gardner, Phelps v. Hamlett, United Zinc & Chemical Co. v. Britt, State v. Childers (Ohio), Pierce v. Commonwealth, etc. Need I go on?
@@TTGRainbowDash which means your laws are stupid. Every person has the right to defend their own property.
In our country if you get tetanus because of a rusted barbed wire or got electructed when there's a massive sign that just says "No tresspassing, high wattage" then it's your fault and we will not cover your hospital bills.
Best private property sign I ever seen was a farm owned by a former marine: "Tresspassers will be shot, Survivors will be shot twice"
The tolerant left folks.
Charlottesville ..."hey, there were some really good people under those KKK hoods..!"
Tolerant of EBT, other people's property that they decide they want, etc... Too bad they are not tolerant of intelligence, the law, and class
@ wet - Probably staged by the left. Nothing is beneath them.
goose2goose2 yes antifa are such good people WHITE KNIGHT, LOW TESTOSTERONE, soy boys are what the left is
Love the entitlement of just walking on people's property
Justin Watkins you can walk onto property, you cant fuck with it is all
Them: you cant OWN property man!
Me: i can, because im not a pennyless hippie!
People watch too much fake news nowadays look what it does to your brain
This is what shotguns were made for.
"Love the entitlement of just walking on people's property" Kind of like manifest destiny.
I went and bought one of those 'Make America Great Again' hats. I don't wear it, but it's gonna be a collectible someday.
James Studebaker is it made in China? Or better yet Honduras? If so good luck lol
cody1212143 they’re made in China but if you watch any speeches or showings trump does he concludes china
Won't be any more a collectible than a turd exiting your lazy ass.
Carl Spackler actually it will be, considering 90% of Trump products increased in value when he was elected
postman1782. Awwww poor Libtards...Crooked Hillary Clitoris lost.....
Before and during the Election, I had three large (2'x3') Trump/Pence signs along the front of my property. All were over ten feet away from the sidewalk, up at least six feet from sidewalk level (hills) and behind 2 rows of fieldstone flower bed edging. I glued the signs to sheet metal that was tack welded to angle iron frames. Both the sheet metal and frames had very sharp edges....The frames had 2' stakes on the bottom and were also fastened to 3' rebar stakes by a piece of braided steel wire. Twice I found where someone had tried unsuccessfully to pull a sign out. Pretty sure they needed stitches.
I'm not a supporter of him buuuut I woul never go as low as to pull a sign off someone's yard, unless I'm drunk, in that case it wasn't me it was drunk me, two different people
Aye, me magic scrumpeh.
Getting that drunk that you have no control of your actions is a bad idea. So you just hand the killer a knife and a pat on the back. It's still you...
@@floppydisksareop I know what I am doing, but I'm just more tolerable with my terrible actions
I may hate Trump, but if someone wants to put a Trump sign in their yard, it's their right. People may disagree on politics, but we're free to like who we like, hate who we hate, and if I see a political sign I hate? I simply look away, and problem solved. It's called democracy because we get to pick who we like, not because others pick for us.
Melly Kidd I completely agree.
America isn't a democracy. It's a Democratic Republic where certain people are selected to vote for the President for us. Have you heard of the Electoral College? If America was a Democracy, Trump wouldn't be President. Hillary had 2 million+ votes than Trump. But Trump won the Electoral College so he is the President. Do you have any questions?
You are someone I could respect. Friend or foe. More opposites should be like you.
The Zen Fool There are also over 2 million+ illegals in America, so until you can show me that they aren't able to vote in these left leaning sanctuary states, then I'll take that "Hillary won the popular vote" with a grain of salt. Interestingly, when Trump wanted to investigate voter fraud... who wouldn't cooperate again?
jon paul Are you assuming every illegal immigrant voted for Hillary? And it's pretty dumb of you to ask me to provide proof of something that can't be proven or disproven.
Cannot wait to put the Trump signs in my yard again.
judsonkr ohhh the things we can do, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
what is your address
@@bigchest51 123 west 4th street, come get it bitch
@@bigchest51 I hope someone rigs a sign with shotgun shells and you lose yer face you grub. Trump, Hillary, Samuel L Jackon it don't make a damn difference son. Do not deface other people's property or you deserve to be punished with pain.
Adam Arzo wow you are an illiterate little shit. Dude, it’s called a joke.
I can see the headline now :
"Man Sues and Wins Case Against Homeowner for Injuries Incurred While He Was Trespassing and Attempting to Steal Political Sign on Private Property." Film at five
Randall Ledbetter Sad but that’s what I was thinking.
Not if labeled correctly like if you had an electric fence and it was clearly visible that it was electric its thier fault for messing with electricity you cant sue an electric company for installing electrical sockets in your house because you got shocked acting like a dumb ass
Just like a liberal, trying to justify criminal behavior.
CNN would run that 24/7 for a week.
That last idiot WAS going back for a second attempt on that sign.. until his buddy saw the patrol car coming down the street and warned him.
+Monroe50 Well white leftists to be precise
Samuel I yes he did!
BEST TRAP: taser built into the sign that shocks when the sign is pulled out of the ground. Then trigger sprinklers all around the area and flour cannons. Net trap then scoops them up and hangs them from the tree. All could be automated with an Arduino
While he's hanging up in the net from the tree call all of your beer buddies and tell them you just tapped a fresh keg and hung a new pinata in the front yard.
Nicksperiments guess who has an arduino
Nicksperiments no a mine that detonates when the sign is removed
And a feather blower ontop of all of that. Just blast them with a million super tiny feathers of various colors.
You watch too many action comedies like "Home Alone".
I'm a liberal, I dislike trump, I support gays, all of that stuff. However, in no way would I ever attempt to commit an act of vandalism simply because that other human being has a different opinion than mine. I'm ashamed of what so much other liberals have done to completely pollute our image and completely contradict what they stand for. If some else has a different opinion, leave it, it's fine. Their opinion is not the most important thing in the world. We can try to persuade them of possible different views but if not, just ignore it. I'm sick and tired of how polluted our image has become and I hope that we can fix it one day. A bigger wish is that one day, we can all just look past our political views and all that separates us so that together, we can work to build a better future. Yes, I'm "Liberal Trash" but I'm proud to be one. Anyways, that's my view on things. Knowing my luck, probably no one is going to see this but I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Yea but its not just liberals acting fools. Everyone acted stupid during the campaign and now the losers are goin nuts. It makes me glad I'm labeled independent and i just vote for who ever can deal with the stress of the oval office. I didn't vote for obama cuz ik it was gunna wreck him. Now he looks like e could just die. I did end up voting for trump only vuz ik he wasn't gunna crack under negotiations and making tough calls. I'm pleasantly surprised at how ell he actually has done. He still acts a out on social media but i think thats on purpose. Like how he was a raging douche on celebrity apprentice.
Who did you vote for and why? What liberal views do you hold and do you hold any libertarian views? My dad is a libertarian but i can't bavk all their agendas lol.
I may be a conservative (well, more like a right-leaning centrist) , but you make some valid points.
Well said. If you were a conservative and said this then all would be well. Both party followers are blaming other parties and making them all 100% bad.. They are not. If someones mom had different view than their child would the child call the mother the things people are calling others here? NO.
I knew a guy who had a trump sign on his front lawn. He caught a guy on camera trying to pull it out. It was a regular from the neighborhood Who jogged frequently around the area. The homeowner never said a word. He simply went and got a bigger Trump sign. And put it in his front lawn. As luck would have it the jogger came around again. And once again went for the Trump sign. This time the homeowner and his friends jumped out from behind a fence and opened up on the jogger with paintball guns. The jogger Took many hits before he ran off. And to this day he has never been seeing jogging in that neighborhood🤣
those Trump signs are such good prank bait. i think a concealed ditch right in front of the sign would be so funny
M--- Excrement mixed with a little cooking oil to keep it from drying out.
Hard to run up on someone's stuff with broken ankles. Hahaha!
1. Smear Cat/dog shit on the backside of the sign and spray it with water occasionally. Keeping it moist for fingers to slide through it as they grab it up.
2. Set a trap with a hidden rope, that yanks them up into a tree by a leg or something.
3. Dig a hole in front of the sign. Cover it with something so they fall inside of it. Post sign, no trespassing.
3. Set a string on the trigger of a paint ball gun. When they yank it up they get shot.
4. Electrify the sign. That one is the funniest.
5. Place fake siren close, when they pull it up, it's loud and alerted. Or train horn.
King Snowman Or just smear shit all over the front and back of the sign
1 better sign
2 no one would steal it
3 you have fertilizer
Well then it wouldn't piss off low life walking the dog pieces of shit. That's why. :-)
If you don't like freedom in America, then find the door to another country.
King Snowman who said i didn't like freedom in America?
#1: take your sign,
#2: stomp on it,
#3: get a bunch of matches,
#4: burn it
here's an idea, and i have no political leanings either way, leave other peoples property ALONE!
Anthony Michalski Now, now common sense is not allowed anymore and isn't quite as "common" as it once was!
Sounds logical.
well said
With the release of Mueller report the public are finally seeing the extent of last ADMINs meddling into INTEL branches.
2020 elections the most important of our life times, stay the course.
That's correct, we can finally put this Trump-Russia conspiracy theory to rest. Maybe when Trump wins the 2020 election, he'll finally be able to have a chance to do something without frivolous anti-Trump meddling.
@@TTGRainbowDash Can't wait till that POS in the white house leaves office in 2020 in handcuffs !
What are you talking about? You're aware that Hillary lost the election, right? She can't leave the White House in handcuffs if she was never elected.
@@BuddyandMax your delusions have reached past the point of comical.
Please get the mental help you need and seek treatment for your TDS.
@@BuddyandMax You're going to be waiting a long long time. Now the handcuffs could fitting tight on the wrists of the democrats who spied on his campaign very soon! Get your popcorn ready, dominoes are beginning to fall!
Just fasten a lot of small fish hooks on the backside of the sign and make sure the sign is hard to rip out of the ground. Then you'll be able to follow the bloody trail :)
That's what the guy did. Weren't you reading?
BayviewFinch I was reading and that wasn't what the guy did. Weren't you reading?
You didn't read.
Or razor blades but if you use fishhooks make sure there size 2 or size 1 hooks and sharp.
Or you could put landmines around it
I'm not a fan of Trump either but coming onto someone else's property and then stealing their property is a new low and should be punishable by law
it is punishable by law, sadly most liberals get away with things like this due to our laws not being enforced equally. For example a white citizen of the country can get ticketed for hunting without a license 🤣🤣 while some cities and states don't even deport illegal aliens
jhanks2012 I mean, if you don't have a license, you shouldn't be hunting.
That's a lot more dangerous than living here without papers, honestly.
Wow! The fact that you don’t know that it is ALREADY against the law reveals why you don’t like Trump!
Yep, liberals are ALL psychopaths and loonies and criminals.
What? How does that even sense?
No matter what anyone says, if someone doesn't like your beloved Trump, you find a way to be agressive and personally insult them. You Trump supporters are the actual worst.
I clicked on this hoping for the benny hill theme...was not disappointed! Liked! :D
CountryMusic52 everything is funnier with the Benny Hill theme playing! 😳
CountryMusic52 Hillary supporters are like Christmas lites. Half of them don't work and the one's that do, aren't very bright.
Colleen Edgington Yes when I saw
Yeah when I saw the liberal media meltdown videos on YT as the election shifted from all Hillary to oh no Trump pulling ahead to oh shit Hillary is screwed to Trump is President elect! I thought of that as background music, along with night on bald mountain and in the hall of the maintain king. The reaction by the Young Turks( turds) was priceless!!!!!
EazyE187um Uh oh, the Liberal is attacking someone for no reason! Not like its anything new.
People amaze me the same people ripping the signs down are the same people who fight for freedom of speech 🙄
buster 53546 Leftists only fight for their own freedom of speech, at least not for those they oppose.
@@wrangler2106 And if you say anything that they disagree with or call them out on their fascist hypocrisy they label it "hate speech."
Libtards are the scum of society and will be the ruination of this nation.
I love all of these comments! I wish I could give a thumbs up for each of them 1,000 times! I hope a lot of people will see these posts in days to come. Asinine liberals/Democrats like that, hate Trump so much, that all of a sudden the rules apply to everybody else except THEM.
No, they don't. The people ripping the signs down are =against= freedom of speech. Only their own speech.
So your side doesn’t fight for freedom of speech? Maybe read your comment before you post it.
Would've been funnier if people who booby trapped signs like these had hid somewhere and popped out and laughed at whoever fell for the trap. They wouldn't even be able to do anything because they've already been caught trying to steal the person's property.
yeah, but you have to remember that Right wing's have jobs. They can't wait around all day...
Maybe Californians could do that!
Jorrel Doe that is how we think, but in reality they would robably try to stab you. That is why they want to take your 2nd amendment away, to steal your stuff safely.
Imagine if there was a 5-foot hole in front of that sign hahaha
With dog shit in it.
Naw. The tunnel from Jeepers Creepers.
Punji pit
I dont like Trump. But these people deserve this hilarious punishment.
killercloud345 I agree. I don't go by his views. And certainly don't like him. But with that in mind I don't go around saying crap and wish death on him or anything.
Bob Jenkins I think one of the main reasons people don’t like trump is because of his fan base. People like you make people hate trump. No reason to call people in a comment section libtards because they don’t agree with you. And before you call me a libtard as I’m sure you will, just know that I don’t care for either side. They’re both trash
PEARS This guy gets it
Bob Jenkins
Dude..if you can't see the faults in any of his views and call anyone who doesn't like him a libtard then you have some serious fucking issues
Bob Jenkins you got owned boy
2020 Make Democrats cry again..
Lol. Yes, please.
so you mean let a racist bigot be president for 4 more years.@@andybuscus383
Carsten Briscoe You watch way too much cnn. Why are you even watching this video if you know you’re gonna get triggered lol
@@scooterhangbird5582 The trump administration wont last long now that theres a house full of democrats on him. Hes becoming fearfull in his recent intetviews with how he's behaving/responding. He wont last long.
Carsten Briscoe are you the type of person to call every republican a racist bigot ? I put America first.
I had a guy who used to run over by trump sign on the front part of my property
So I decided to mount a 4 inch steel pipe in the ground with concrete so he could experience what it is to be an idiot and one day he hit it and he totaled his Prius it was amazing. His insurance company then gave me $473 to repair the damage to the steel pipe and concrete base
Thats what we should do instead of guns, this is both funnier and less illegal, and can actualy be broadcast to USJWtube
IRON60 BITCH ok I’m not a big trump fan but thats good
Prickly Pear I was more offended that he was coming on my property then he was running over the signed
I would keep the money then move out. Why I dont want some idiot driving on my lawn
So here it is at one o:ckock in the afternoon and this professional charity case has the free time to go around stealing property from front yards. If he had his head blown off by a boobie trap I wouldn't be too concerned. But boobie trapping is highly illegal and if one of these wards of the government is harmed by a trap, they could sue and win in court. We need to stick with essentially harmless traps like mace in the face or a bag of crap exploding in front of them, Lights, cameras, prosecutions for theft, but nothing potentially fatal. And remember that snowflakes are fragile things.
UPS driver, gov. wards? Postal carrier? Voter support people, census takers,
church canvas, kids selling magazine subs, yeah bubba..just blow them all away,
it's so 'merican......your hate dreams melt away into your horrible life, devoid of happiness except for you McNuggets.
goose2goose2 Man, I wish i could say the same.
24 hours in a day.....
Everyone isn't blessed to ONLY work Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Why yes, you are a fragile snowflake. Don't worry, history will leave you in the dust.
Michael Armstrong Sarcasm yo. I wish I could Say the same comes in some meanings and in this one i oppose petty snowflakes like goose.
I have a 60 foot 2x4 laid in the ground right in front of my 13 Trump yard signs. In the board, are over 300 nails. Luckily, to the best of my knowledge, no ones tried to steal any of my signs. Theft shouldn’t ever be tolerated, more importantly on your own property.
Texas law allows you to defend your property.
yuck, you can shoot them for tearing a sign down?
Dude I need to move to Texas lmao
creamyJif Same with Wyoming law lmao
fire at will
It needs to be a felony to remove a political sign on private property. Ten thousand dollar fine and five years in prison.
Just remember it works both ways.
@@bugpal I dare you to find as many videos of people stealing Biden signs...
Political views aside, because we are all entitled to our own opinions, this is what you get for messing with someones property :)
If someone did that to an Obama sign, the owners would be the pulling race card out for sure.
For sure
Felony hate crime speed run
I stuck a sign right in front of a brick wall. Won't say how many people tried to kick it and ended up with broken feet.
Jon Carey Good one!
Jon Carey but did the Mexicans pay for the brick wall?
(It’s just a joke, this has no correlation to my political view).
Anthony Lane no North Korea did
You're so full of shit that your eyes are brown.
It amazes me how really dumb you people are. I'll bet it's just a poster of a brick wall and Trump told you it was real.
Not even a trump supporter but this is fucking hilarious. I may need to just put some trump signs in the yard just to do this lol
do pro life and anti blm aswell there would probably get a lot of attention
USER 1 probably not! Conservatives aren't animalistic rejects!
Make sure you get it on camera 😂😅😁
Aaron Hallam what are you talking about? Pro-life and anti-blm are stereotypes of conservative beliefs. Lol basically what I'm saying is putting up those signs wouldn't attract conservatives to come pull them up.
Aaron Hallam so you and user1 are in agreement. Lol
Do we rip out Hilary signs? NO WE DONT
SSLM films uh, yes you do. And you can’t even spell Hillary. Typical, uneducated trump supporter
SSLM films She lost. Why would they be out?
Utrix _ Lmao chuck
Utrix _ Obviously, but my notification says chuck.
SSLM films I don't know bout that
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Thieves deserve swift and brutal justice. Anyone disliking this video are the kind of people that want to commit crime and get away with it.
Im not a big fan of trump but i want a sign that gives an electric shock to them and also sets off maybe a peper spray container. Hilarious.
Gotta prepare for 2020 election and do that! It'll be some of the funniest shit ever!
There’s a few videos of electric ones
All that WITH superglue
The dye packs they put in money. Someone needs to do this.
Everyone wants a Trump sign!
Yah, they enjoy pissing on it as our American ideals collapse under the weight of his fat ass lies and racist tendencies persuade us into leaving our homes!
Marshall Renner, you left your home? Did you run to Canada? Or are you a full of shit over dramatic snowflake?
Marshall Renner What American values?
When he supported the bump stock ban? Yes i agree with that.
ill piss on your face Marshall, then you can leave America for good. Thank you kindly.
Marshall Renner
America ideals like wearing pink pussy hats and rioting in the streets? I have no plans to leave my home like all the liberals were going to if Trump won. Notice they're still here?
Lets legalise land mines.
*Spike Pits*
Minecraft TNT traps
KommissarKek I mean you could get that plant from Plants versus Zombies which is considerably more effective than a landmine
Or a minecraft piston trap door with lava under it, pretty hard to make on an open and flat lawn
land mines are legal.
This is why he will win in 2020 again
How does it feel to know he lost😂
@@alejandrodelrivero4590 meh
This comment did not age well 😂
@@goodluckgoofy3354 rigged 🤷
@@alejandrodelrivero4590 rigged 🤷
Where can I get me an electric Trump sign? 2020 will be here soon.
cbi1991 Just DIY it.
I probably use a mosquito racket (idk how you call it). Take the circuit off, link it to wires, and plant the wires onto the sign.
Thanks. I wonder if they make a 'Trump' mosquito racket. There is a lot of liberal mosquitos' in my town.
sounds like a waste of electricity.
If you think Trump's presidency is going to survive the entire first term... Then I have a bridge to sell you.
cbi1991 we build them
Orange man bad me programmed with hard code cant say anything else
Seetrump-sign/angerlevel3-*^ stealsign#@ouchshit-fuck --blood//runaway reboot
{. :color-set orange. ; } =bad
Console.log('bad bad eeeeerrrrr');
console.log('tHe BeSt pReeeeSident ever') ;
If {Orange} Dislike = True
Who could dislike something as pure and comedic as this?
Jack Baer that last dude made a bunch of bot accounts to dislik this video
Jack Baer the people who tried to take the signs
A descent person.
Dudemeister67665 *dumbasses* * fixed that for you
I'm putting razor blades on mine next time....I cant wait!!!!
that kind of booby trapping is a federal offense, so please do, prison needs more idiots like you, haha
Show me the law... you're the fucking idiot... it's his property.
Or a shotgun with a string
A shotgun isn't property you can just leave around though. Razor blades are even a legal stretch.
Mitchell Thurber guys that talk about murder over a sign are the biggest pussies in real life. Is this how you feel tough haha. What a loser
I’d dig a 4-5 ft hole in front of the sign , place garbage bag over said hole, place leaves over said garbage bag over said hole , and watch the ass fall into said hole . !!!!! Brilliant , just jolly brilliant !!!
mickslone call your local (I don’t know what they’re called but you can call them and they will show where the wires and pipes are
You would get your butt sued off
Remember to put another sign In front of the hole: Warning, a hole has been made around the Trump sign, go closer at your own risk.
Finding a way to make it electric would have been 10X funnier.
T B I mean. Shooting them is obviously not good by the law. But having a small piece of electric wire in your own property doesn't sound like much of a problem.
T B i mean, they are trespassing, and would have possibly stolen/vandalized the sign.
awesomebomber13 Should go the extra mile and rig the thing to blow. At least line the top with razor blades. REALLY make them feel the punishment for their ignorance.
Oh there is one that’s electric. Problem is here in liberal California he be brought up on charges. It was funny
There was an electric one in Dallas, but the cops made him stop that.
Next time put barbed wire spikes on the poles. And electrify the sign
I think there is a video out somewhere where they electrified the sign and the person grabbed it and started shaking violently holding the sign for about 10 seconds before limping off
Calm down Satan
Damn satan stop smokin weed
Mitchell Hardy nah, dig a very small hole in front of the sign, stick a snare just on the outside of it, cover it with leaves and make the sign easy to pull out, so once they try to pull it out and run, they face plant onto the ground.
Cover a bear trap with leaves in front of your Trump sign, and tape live mouse traps to the back of it
OMg that face plant was epic!
If they looked for jobs this hard the US would have no unemployment! 😂😂
Jerod S People are rich so they’re pieces of shit. Why not stop being mediocre and become rich yourself and change it?
Because it’s easier to blame people right? No one is responsible for anyone else in this world.
Jerod S Calling the 1% of people whom you don’t know somehow makes you a thinker? Someone without world views?
No. It doesn’t. We pay more in taxes than the other 99% of Americans. In fact if it wasn’t for us the 1% unemployed people would be everywhere.
In my state (Georgia), theft by taking has a $500 fine and is a misdemeanor. Then there's the trespassing on top of that.
Any signs featuring claymore mines
ProJanitor I wish. It would eliminate the leftist scum who think vandalism is cool and thin out the herd as well.
Booby-traps and claymores not something draft-dodger Trump ever had to worry about. Yet y'all consider him a patriot and American hero.
Bill Jones He has flaws just like everyone else, but at least he gives two shits about Americans and the US, unlike the last one who hates America and everything it stands for. The US dodged a a huge bullet by not electing Hillary aka Obama 2.0
alucard624 You lose credibility with the conspiracy-theory, right-wing talk radio bullshit, i.e. Obama hates America crap. If you believe Trump gives two shits about America, I don't know what to tell you. I think that's another fundamental difference between the right and left. The left realizes politicians are full of shit, but the right still is prone to hero-worship them. Trump, Obama, Bush, etc. care about power, money, and influence, not what's best for the country...
Bill Jones Trump has shown he cares a helluva lot more about the US than Obama and Bush ever did. Both of those guys were weak presidents. Both sides have their extremes and that's why I don't like either of them. I Iean more libertarian these days.
Mission failed, we'll get'em next time
ViableDex Rosie o'Donnell seen her shadow and thankfully for us Republicans seven more years of Donald Trump.
Mission faowed*
I collect dog shit in a bag, mix it with urine and then use a spatula to smear it on Trump signs. Everybody happy, 'specially me!!! १✌◡✌५
PenisMcWhirtar Except for the person who purchased the sign. They may call the authorities and get your ass for trespassing and destruction of property. I know I would. I would do the same thing to Hillary Clinton signs. First election I didn't vote for President because I didn't like either candidate.
Hillary Clinton that old hag wanted more regulations on small businesses and I really never liked Trump got to meet them both. Trump seemed nice but couldn't trust him and Hillary well she's just a bitch.
This is why you have to have box cutters and spray paint with you when trashing chump signs.. lol
Rick Exactly why we have Louisville Slugger. Gonna be hard to vandalize with two broken hands.
Thats when you break out the 12gauge shot gun. Trespassing on private property.
Thomas Wilkes That might be a bit extreme, don’t you think? Just call the police and let them handle things.
Aaron Landry Just a tad extreme...
A tad...
@@aaronlandry3934 Never needed a cop to do shit
Hell yeah, I kill bunches of people for touching my signs. That'll teach em!
@@CaileanMacQueen Touching signs could escalate into more dangerous offenses. If the person is willing to step on your property,then theyre willing to attack you aswell. Defending one's property is important.
Like my mom Said don’t touch what doesn’t belong to you 😏🇺🇸💯
Like my homies say destroy what don't belong there
Atshitshi And that’s why no one feel sorry when the pigs shoots the homies.
@Nice Try yuh 🔥
You can buy a nice 40,000 volt zapper on Ebay for less than $12.
In the military, my roommate connected a laser power supply about 1200V low amps, to his room doorknob. Knocked people on their ass.
lol! don't do that. you could get sued unless you put a huge warning sign and other stuff. also, you could kill people with pacemakers.
it's amusing but it's reckless and potentially extremely dangerous
pls don't do stuff like that.
@@flappy7373 No, we should all do that. If you got a pacemaker dont be stealing or vandalizing property.
@@dkennylee: Exactly!
@@flappy7373 Sorry Kyle but I just cant stand idly by as some scumbag destroys or steals my property, I'm the one who solders razor blades to the back side of my car stereo back in the day and laugh when I see blood under the dash of my car, booby traps don't hurt the innocent, if it does then they were not innocent.
I confronted a sign stealer in my yard with a shotgun. It's super effective!
vandalism,, pushing home owner down assault.
In most states, that would constitute battery, which is a more severely punished offence.
Stand your ground legislation will fix that.
If I caught someone doing that in my yard it would be a SmackDown!
Yeah if by that you mean a whole bunch of men in underwear st your house than yes
Anyone see the one with an electrified trump sign? Was golden! I remember I was a bit of an ass as a kid when I was younger and someone had a traffic cone in their yard and I kicked it and their was dog shit beneath it which I stepped in. Learned me lesson lol
The problem is these are adults. They haven't learned shit.
sik3xploit lmao DemocRats are not adults! They act out like children bitter and angry at their Republican parents/betters.
Well true enough. An infant mind in an adult body would be better then I suppose. I still face palm a bit to see how petty they are. Being little thieves and vandals.
My Trump sign has explosives attached to it...
Is that even legal? Btw F Trump
That's certainly on-brand. Hyperparanoia. Pathetic.
I have mine rigged with a motion senser to spray buck lure and skunk smell lol
Joe Mccullough I honestly would pee on mine each night. Both times they took my sign it was found less then two yards away. Probably after they realized there was sticky, half dried piss all over it! 🤣😂🤣😂
Joe Mccullough no you don't
Dolan Duck Well not anymore. Trump already won.
Dolan Duck 🦆 the duck is king is this comment section. McCullough , you can't dodge the DUCK!
Put a pipe bomb underneath it