I kept mixing up AC names when writing. You talk about the same games and they blend together. Catch me live: www.twitch.tv/legendary_drops Also we have a discord: discord.gg/e54hzqZRYG
The 1000 Communist party leaders, billionaires, the defrauders of Chinese people buy the American stock market, then flood the company with communist woke policies, then they sell the stock before the company collapses. This is communist economic warfare. They take over the directory and destroy the companies to destroy the country. And in the process that influences the elections by making everybody accept their work communist ideas, buy HR coercion and brainwashing videos of DEI. Win win. And there you are like an idiot voting their puppet because of misinformation from the oke media.
they keep digging deeper and deeper and somehow they still stand, i guess milking FIFA, Apex Legends and the sims down to its last penny is the way to go it seems. hopefully this shitstain of an industry will be once gone. Remember when these companies stood as the pinacle of gaming? now we have quadruple A money laundering schemes and student projects for a game lmao not to mention the predatory monetisation absolutely everywhere. Seeing the AAA tag on anything reeks of shit and vomit cuz thats what it is these days.
@@ToadimusPrime Because casual gamers dont really care about any online controversy. They are not even aware of it. Look at the sales of FIFA. They just make the same game with generic changes and hundreds of micro transactions and yet these guys just lap it up. Until and unless some other company start making similar games with same genre like sports with less price, EA is unlikely to fall
@@lukinoo686 it needs proper competition. They can milk the sims because there has been no game like that for a long time. There were some that tried but it was at the time the sims (2) was at very strong position but now they are easy to outmatch. It can happen similar way cities skylines busted SimCity but unfortunately we got another DLC spammer instead.
@@shatteredteethofgodThe fact they threw it to people's faces. Like Diablo imortal stunt don't you all have a phone? Diablo mobile whohoo. Made millions taking advantage of people and gambling addiction
@@shatteredteethofgod Technically yes, but in practice not really. Steam and GoG do provide a decent amount of games that do NOT require steam or GoG in order to function, meaning that as long as you have the exe + root folders saved in your pc or an external drive you do own the game and can play it. That obviously does mean that anything that requires steam, won't work but the game it self is playable.
@@VykeKing This is not entirely accurate. While it is true that the majority of the games on these platforms we technically have no 'true' ownership over, people often forget of platforms like GoG that provide a ton of games that require zero launchers, as long as you have the install or exe + root folders of the games stored either in your pc or an external drive you can play them anywhere without needing GoG and no future legal shenaniganry can take those away from you unless you lose them. And surprisingly enough even Steam has a decent amount of games that can be launched without ever booting up steam after they're installed, hell even baldur's gate 3 can be played without steam, so again if you store them anywhere you can just play them. I think we can consider that as true ownership of those products. And I very much doubt any modern Ubisoft game allows for this (Intentionally that is). Now obviously this doesn't apply to EVERY game on those platforms but I think we're all more willing to accept this fact with steam and gog especially, simply due to the fact that they provide superior services (not perfect services but definitely superior) and stability as their companies are not at risk of losing control of their own damn money as Ubisoft is (though it did look a but iffy for CD Projekt Red after the initial launch of CP 2077).
It won't fall as long as people keep buying every Iteration of FIFA and battlefield. Then there's their other cash cow, apex legends, consumed by idiots just like FIFA.
I think Ubisoft final nail in their coffin was with The Crew, shutting down servers and telling us we don't own our games, potential Shadows and Outlaws buyers simply closed their wallets, goodbye Ubisoft, you won't be missed
I checked out from Ubi years ago, and Crew was the only thing keeping me attached to the company because my closest friends and I love playing it together.
@@Uber_GoobTube yes it's interesting they kept the trashy games nobody plays anymore and they stole the game that people enjoy instead . The crew was just the start that's why he made that statement. Happy to see everyone clued into that bs
For me it was them saying NFTs were the future of gaming and gamers were too dumb not to realize it, yeah, nah, good look finding someone that's not Microsoft to buy you.
I'll never forgive ubisoft for quietly killing splinter cell because "no one wants to play it" only to release games that actually no one wants to play like skull and bones
Would you rather them remake your beloved franchise into a steaming pile of “modernized” Ubisoft bullshit, or release nameless trash that you KNOW you don’t want to play? Personally, I’d be more pissed if they decided to go back only to fuck it up.
nobody wants to play splinter cell because they ruined that aswell. SC Conviction was actually decent and I enjoyed it but Blacklist was fucking horrendously bad.
The fact they’re selling “time savers” in their games is just Ubisoft looking you dead in the eye and saying “yeah this game is boring lol”. Shouldn’t I want to spend time in your game???
I think that's when a game is just a money grabber at that point, they will sell endgame gear instead of simply making it an item you can discover in game, they make a massive open world with empty areas and filler after filler but hey it looks pretty also find me 40 rocks for 25xp. It's just not worth it, which is why I just don't bother with Ubisoft, even their older Assassin's Creed games had filler collectibles that I just ignored.
"“yeah this game is boring lol”" Not really, it's saying that Ubisoft purposly made the game lengthy so people short on spare time aka people with jobs are forced to cough up more money to enjoy the complete game!
now that you said it, i think its true lol, why would we buy their time saver package if we are not lazy people that want to enjoy the game or they made the game intentionally boring so that they can sell more things to the players, Ubisoft are done.
@@Varangian_af_ScaniaeYou're wrong. You don't need time savers if the gameplay loop is fun, the environment is interesting and the time spent in the game is enjoyable. You simply enjoy the game longer. Selling "time savers" is there for when the game is trash, but people are compelled to play it for braindead reasons like: your friends play it too, brand loyalty and the like. It's a trap megacorps leverage against you. See, making a good game costs a lot, real artists, game designers who can make a name for themselves demand higher wages and more time than unpaid interns. If their game is intentionally crap and they abuse human nature to sell it and then offer a way out of the misery through time savers, they not only make a game at a lower cost, they make extra money as well, at the cost of deteriorating their brand slowly...
Yeah, exactly. Fck that "you don't own this, you don't wanna play ths, you' dont wanna play this for hours and hours - buy skip". Good riddance (golden years of gaming are gone anyway). Mmo's and micro are kinda special case (since 90-95%, sometimes even 100% comes from micro... and there are "ok" and seriously fcked up titles)
RIP Ubisoft. I appreciate the impact you had on my younger years, but you're not even a shadow of your former self. You lived long enough to become a villain. Rest well.
Could be a perfectly good model if they spent their money better. They think slightly improving the engine and marketing their games up the wazoo is gonna bring them the same results every time. Not all their fault, I suppose. We see how gamers flip out when a game makes a sequel with the same engine. (when they aren't Bethesda)
@@insensitive919 The Yakuza games reuse assets and locations all the time, nobody cares because those games are fucken good. Ubisoft games are just mid at best
Monster hunter too, the fans actively hope we get returning monsters and are hyped to see new monsters using the same skeleton as others, but you see, mh games are never ass
@@rickfastly2671 Well Nintendo fanboys also have extremely low standards, heck the pokemon games for the switch look like some ps1 game lmao and still hardly runs. Masochists
Isn’t it ironic that the best character Ubisoft ever made said the quote “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Ubisoft said we should get used to not owning games. Soon nobody's gonna own their games, not even themselves Edit: shilling won't make you rich Edit 2: if you don't venture beyond official platforms then you don't own the games you buy. Some of us buy and also have "backup" copies
Tbf, its the trendy thing to do (I want to say Square was the first but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kotick and Activizzard. And whoever runs TakeTwo has probably said but not loudly and pubicallly). Of course the second half of that is that only a vocal minority of critics and even fewer gamers care. BLops whatever it is still immediately tossed everything else out of its way to have #1 sales for 2 weeks straight as a 2 month early preorder (you preorder to get early access to an upcoming beta week or something) (Heck, even Ubisoft themselves is still hanging onto 3 out of the current top 30 spots on consoles which is still the main money market for AAA)
@@3thirtyDr3amz I think it was EA who mostly started the trend and Activision-Blizzard followed. If I remember correctly, the Spyro collection has a TOS and it says you don't own the game and they can revoke access whenever. It went downhill from there with the likes of Ubisoft and Take Two. Surprisingly Square Enix arrived late to that particular trend as it wasn't too into live services when the trend started, though since a lot of their games had expansions that were never added to a physical disc, you kind of only own half of their older games anyway. Regardless I'm glad at least one of them is crumbling under its own weight. This dramatic downfall started with them deleting The Crew from existence.
Last game I bought by Ubisoft was Assassin's Creed 2. And that won't change. Ever. May the woke movement continue to fail. Ubisoft and many other large companies are too comfortable with insulting their consumers.
OG post didn't even age badly. I mean that's already happened. There's now tons of games that have been forced to remove ie. music from their titles.IIRC correctly GTA4 is now missing a complete radio channel. That's a lot of music. I recently played it and something felt bit off and read about it, but luckily it was station I highly disliked anyway. Plus think how old GTA4 is already. They've apparently made some interesting "leases" of music already back then. I would bet this is one of the reasons Rockstar essentially destroyed San Andreas copies from every possible platform and replaced it with their "best" new version that no one likes. I'm sure it has code changes in it that make disabling music easily if needed.
@@bkthedefbeatz respectfully, what is wrong with you? First of all, idk where you get your information but 25% of ubisofts employees are female. It’s still mostly male. A quick google search would’ve shown that. Second of all, hatred to women is kinda fucked and like not funny. I understand your poor manly ego feels like it has to be sexist to be strong manly man but its 2024. You can drop that bullshit now homie.
The last Ubisoft game I bought was Valhalla. I remember about 20 hours in, I just thought to myself “Huh… I’m not having fun at all.” You said it perfectly, the game just felt like a checklist simulator. Haven’t touched one of their games since.
"Did I every tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing same f*cking thing over and over again, expecting sh*t to change. That is crazy." - Vaas, Far Cry 3
This is completely not relevant. The only thing Ubisoft didn't want was change. The market has been eating up "the Ubisoft game" for over a decade, the very last thing they wanted or expected was change 😂
@@boblioniathats the point, they do the same shit over and over again each year, and expect bigger sales numbers. they're going insane and the fall of the company proves that
It's so sad because I literally grew up on Ezio's trylogy and Assassin's Creed was the spark that lit my love for video games and to see the series in this state and to see Ubisoft not give a sh*t about giving us good games... it breaks my heart.
literally me. my literal first game played on my old PC was AC 2, the game that started it all. And then I played AC I to syndicate. Ezio's trilogy grew in me. Until Origins and Odyssey released, I just knew it was the start of the fall. It's sad how they've become..
Ubisoft switched from making art like the ezio trilogy to simply making "content". But the market is oversaturated with content. Nobody wants an overprized game without a soul. Requiescat in Pace..
Ubisoft should get used to people not purchasing their games. As long as I have access to AC Ezio Collection, I’m good. I don’t need Ubisoft for anything else.
We don't know anything about Valhalla's sales, we know that they have "20 million players" which can easily be gamepass and uplay+ or whatever it is called. Ubisoft usually proudly announces when their game crosses the 10 mil sales mark ... which they didn't do with Valhalla. I wonder why.
Valhalla was a decent Viking fantasy. A bad Assasins creed game though. Once I had done all the raiding I could do and other vikingy stuff and had to progress the story I got bored and never finished it.
Valhalla rode the hype from Odyssey and Origins. A lot because it was the Origins team working on it. Origins was the start of the assassin's order, Odyssey was the ancient history of the Isu and man. Valhalla really felt like them trying to just repeat the formula, but barely any connection to the lore. It wasn't bad, B+ Viking RPG but just not as good as the others.
No one will ever pick up any Ubisoft franchise. All of the games will be lost to history and gaming as a whole will take a huge hit. You will all realize the mistake too late.
@cezarstefanseghjucan The games being lost to history and the impact it would make on gaming in general is sad...but the fact is thats not going to make me support ubisoft or their increasingly predatory monetization methods. Like i dont want games like R6 siege or splinter cell to disappear, but am i really going to buy into their latest titles when i know after 3 months theyre just going to pull the plug on development and let the game die because they arent making record breaking profits off of them? No. I am not. Goodbye Ubisoft, you wont be missed.
Here's a lesson from Nintendo: don't release the same IP every year until it burns and has to be shelved. Make one really good game and let it stay relevant for years while you focus on a different IP and rotate them. Instead of 5 AC games in 5 years release 1 AC, follow with a Rayman, and a Splinter Cell, and a Prince of Persia, etc. Create games that redefine the franchise for a generation and remain selling activelly well at full price for years instead of yearly disposable rushed titles padded with low quality filler and milking your IP's dry
@@MilkTestingMan You spend money to make money. Money doesn't come from thin air and consumer wallet is finite. But of course, their customers are no longer consumers, but the shareholders. They dug their own grave.
something that, at least for me, killed ubisoft as a whole, was making genuenly great games into RPG´s. I don´t need a health bar on a dud whilest playing assasins creed, i dont need clothes that give me skills in far cry, i dont want to be an assasin, that cant assasinate people with throwing knifes, despite being two levels above their level and throwing them into their head. i hate a health bar on a dude, so that he can survive three mags of 5.56 into the chest, but will die when shot with a .22 in the head (looking at chost recon here (pre game mode patch) it worked well with the devision, because it was introduced as such a game, and, for me, failed with games like assasins creed, because it got rid of one of the most importend things thing that made assasins creed : stealth. I miss games that where genuine fun, games without battle passes, games without 360° degree sliding. games, that you liked playing the whole time, with well written characters, a nice story, or on the multiplayer front: games where you could play to get slightly better equipmen, mini thech trees, games that would let you get the option to maby mount a scope, but not to the extend of 30 grips, like in the newest rendition of Coll of duty. I miss games likte kill zone, wolfenstein, the older battlefields (bf4, bf 3 ) tom calncy´s H.A.W.X., assasins creed black flag, fallout 3, deus ex, mankind devided. so many great game titels, that eather where milked and, sadly, damaged in doing so, or have not been seen since a decade ago. well, gone and kicked the dead horse some more, here is to the hope of better games and learned lessons
I dunno how but the animations also took a hit, which I would never imagine happening when technology is always getting better. In Ac2 when you deal some damage but not enough to kill the enemy, so they have an amazing animation of them blocking you but their posture can be seen getting weaker with each hit you deal on them, eventually letting us deal a killer blow which made shit way more satisfying. When you hit an enemy 20 times in odyssey, all of the hits look like they’re supposed to kill the enemy, but most of them don’t. It’s a fucking joke now
i think of all the Asian dudes like myself playing decades of AC games waiting for one of our own to star in medieval Japan or ancient China. and then they turn around and give us the finger and call us racist for feeling left out. yeah, no sympathy for this company
I’m all about criticizing Ubisoft but this such a shitty and unoriginal critism. AC Origins and Odyssey are great you’re just blinded by nostalgia. I hated ac mirage but I think it’s disingenuous to say it’s not close to the originals
They hired people from my college Sheridan college game design and game level design courses who were always handing in poorly put together projects always more interested in their cell phones then the lesson or engagement with the teachers. They hired Clinton Bowman a man who stole my work for his shitty space game A.R.M. on steam. When I took it down he sent me death threats. Ubisoft hired him. Ubisoft hired someone who uttered death threats to another developer. All of Clinton's projects and levels were horrible and broken. But he got hired at Ubisoft. If you are wondering why Ubisoft has gone to shit it's because of shit like this.
I keep telling people that the new devs (who often are likely behind some of the new "modernization" attempts) just aren't able to replace the talent that built the studio. A game dev working on 10 year old technology with 20 years of experience iterating is worth more than 5 devs with no experience working with the latest technology. You can't brute force that level of expertise. They opened up a new studio in Asia for skull and bones and everyone's like "why are the facial animations worse? Why are the water physics so bad? Why couldn't they include any open world exploration, where is the boarding?" Bruh that's like baby's first game project. And some green dev is supposed utilize the most sophisticated technology in the industry when they haven't even done the basics. Even if there's 4 more of them than before, you can't boil an egg faster with extra cooks. The old devs also had to invent new tools to add a feature into a game that wasn't prebuilt into the technology or engine. They also have to find artistic solutions to produce something optimized for limited hardware. Now the kiddies just lean on the power only to find that their game looks worse than stuff 10 years ago and runs like shit. Today they can't even get a horse to walk on the ground in a world release trailer. Don't blame the devs, they are getting hired as a local mechanic to design and build a spaceship. Blame the leadership who thinks these people can produce the kind of stuff that took years of game releases to master. And while some may think the hiring practices are a societal good, you are inherently going to lose value if all of your developers are straight outta school or they are promoted to leads with very little track record to show that they are qualified. Not to mention how much time they spend getting into twitter wars with angry customers and defending all of their artistic decisions in games that are widely ridiculed. They haven't earned that yet. I rarely see them post some example of their achievements and technical or artistic prowess outside of a vague allusion to some workplace position because it's almost like they don't have any high quality work that speaks for itself. And all this inexperience means they are slow to do the basics and get flooded with bugs and their masters crunch them to death to try and make up for expectations set by the developers who both had the technology AND the ability to make the best looking games of the last decade (alot of them are nearly 10 years old by the way)
@@aidancoutts2341 I definitely think you are onto something, and yet palworld shows that literally anyone can create a hit game. I think the devs of pal world had literally no experience going in, save 1 of the 3 original people making it? The problem isn't just game devs. It is poor management, poor utilization of man hours, focus on the wrong things, weak creative direction, not allowing the devs to actually make a good product.
Something you forgot to mention is that MUCH OF THEIR OLD GOOD GAMES ARE JUST GONE. Driver San Francisco? Gone Their deception based RTS Ruse? Gone Hawx 1 and 2? Gone, delisted Wanna play the old rayman games? Only on gog Pandora Tomorrow? Only on Xbox Their 2000s licensed games like Lost? All delisted Red Steel? Dead on the wii Dark Messiah? Broken at least not delisted but only playable after a bunch of cibbled fan fixes on steam
@@CommanderRiker0 What does "woke" have to do with this? In my experience, anti-capitalist woke people are the first ones turned off by monetization and corporate greed and start pirating or play grassroots games. But sure, blame everything on "woke".
They are activists look it up. The point was never to deliver a good game, but to dry your wallet. I beginning to think Ubisoft purposely wanted to ruin the industry.
@@rodrigofreitas3288 No they’re not activists lmao, they’re a corporation that’s being told to do things a certain way by a few select people think their echo chamber is the ideal market. They are doing it purposefully, not because they’re trying to ruin the market; but because they think their methods are the gold standard.
Back in 2013 I graduated from Vancouver Film School's game design program with honours, and I spoke with representatives from Ubisoft regarding job offerings at my graduation. I also spoke with EA, and a handful of others... Their pompous attitude and the clearly delusional superiority complex regarding "how it's done" showed me beyond any doubt that this day would come, which is why I turned down any and all offers from them. That, and their pay was shit. If I had taken a job with them, I would have been driven completely mental suffering through each and every stupid decision from execs on the way down.
Exactly the same. I could see through the charade way back and lost complete interest in all their AAA offerings. I would have been interested in their smaller, high quality games like the latest Prince of Persia, but their anti-consumer Uplay platform stopped me in my tracks. They have lost trust with all types of players
@@hemishrp Schadenfreude is a german word that just means the experiencing of joy or self-satisfaction by watching the misfortune of others. There isn't really an english equivalent of the word.
First time viewer of your channel and was happy to watch this video. Me as well grew up playing Ubisoft games which my first Ubisoft game was 1996's Rainbow Six game. After seeing what they have done to the franchise where they removed one of the pillars of their design, "Terrorist Hunt", that was was it for me and a few casual players that have been there for decades. I do wish they would keep with what worked well for them and improve on minor things like mechanics to increase retention and player base. Also would love if they would listen to their communities and adjust accordingly. I will wait 10 years for a game if it is done right. P.S. I too want them to make and put their passion into a Division 3
@@pszemyslaw1365 Rabbids are the Minions of gaming (though maybe a little less annoying, or more annoying, depending on who you ask). We're talking about Rayman; some truly excellent platformers with a wonderfully vibrant, silly, and distinct visual style. I miss Rayman.
I honestly feel like if Ubisoft continued making subpar games but DIDNT try to convince gamers that they don't know what they want (when it came to NFTs, game ownership, etc.) Ubisoft wouldn't be in this situation. Gamers would've rallied around them purely because of nostalgia but now they're happy that they're collapsing.
EXACTLY. All they had to do was give people what they've been buying. Far Cry has barely changed since Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed has had a group of fans for every version of the games, The Crew and The Division have had a long time fanbase, etc. If they kept making the innofensive slop games, people would have kept buying them. But no, they had to believe they knew what the people that keep them afloat wanted better than they knew themselves.
Listen when Ubisoft made AC shadow with black dude, that spell doom on the company. Also that they really are idiots at times and think they can lie their way into people and business. It utterly disgusting.
It's sad because in another world, we could've gotten another Far Cry game that was on par with 3 and 4, and fulfilled the potential of 5. That's all I want.
Ubisoft do not like Angry gamers...gamers owning their games....gamers not liking the leftist politics inserted into games, gamers spending too much time on a thus getting too much value( they want to charge per hr) so who do they make their games for as he said. If i have forgotten any group let me know.
@@EaglePicking Far Cry 5 was terrible, me and my brother rushed it just to call it a day. Far Cry 6 was so boring and repetitive it was just fast travel all the time.
2:59 I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT GAME MENTIONED IN SO LONG~! Bless you for bringing it up, seriously! My community has been trying to spread the word about it for years and its small tidbits like this that really bring it back.
lol Ubisoft fell about the time Ezio's legacy ended. When they fired their leading and best writer for "not wanting to push soulless garbage every year" For those that don't know. Ubisoft fired the guy who created AC, the guy who made the game popular, for refusing to release a watered down spinoff every year. Then they hired a nobody, a random writer to take his place who they can easily control. Every AC game after Ezio's trilogy is not AC. It's fanfiction, and bad fanfiction at best.
@@NobleKnightForever I loved Syndicate and Unity, but after those two, I don't know… the graphics, mechanics, and art style were terrible. I like Valhalla and Odyssey, but honestly, those aren't Assassin's Creed games. Unity and Syndicate were the peak, and they should have built upon those, but instead, they went for a more colorful direction. Ubisoft is dead easy, and games are weird now-no passion, just money.
For a good decade, I was a total fangirl for Ubisoft. Today, I would have to go back at LEAST 6 years to find a Ubisoft game I would still recommend. They've taught me a very valuable lesson on the follies of brand loyalty.
Honestly I feel almost any game developer can fall victim to the Icarus syndrome. Success gives rise to growth, growth gives rise to shareholders, shareholders change the priority from quality and innovation to profit and see innovation mostly as a risk not worth taking. The fate is sealed at this point and eventually the company just flies into the sun, powered only by the sputtering momentum of it's prior successes.
I remember playing black flag as one of my first games on my PS4 on launch day. I remember playing Assassins creed 3 for the first time, it was cold out and the beautiful colors of autumn covered every tree, then the soundtrack for the intro played and I still remember like it was yesterday. And who can forget the Ezio trilogy. All the way back to picking up the first Assassins Creed game in a local Pawn shop for $10 which made me fall in love with the franchise. I have such vivid memories of these games because they were truly special to me. Now it’s just not the same.
Ubisoft burned me so many times over years (post golden age) i've stopped consuming their products a while ago. Ruining Might and Magic was the last straw.
Dont even bring HoMM up, this is an open wound. Remember when they released HoMM3 HD and it has 0 expansion content, making the cheaper version on GoG with free mods objectively better than the official HD remake. Their excuse was they "lost the source code". Meanwhile, remasters of games from the same era are recieving brand new expansions. Are you telling me they found the source-code for those expansions? Of course not, the expansions didnt exist. If you're too lazy to remaster a game properly, either dont do it or be honest about it.
@@VelMecannathey talked shit about the quest design and lack of direction in Elden ring. They rightfully got roasted for it being that Elden ring is considered one of the greatest games ever made now,
My only beef with Elden ring is no matter the grind, you die in 4 shots from everything in the game, and bosses are 2-3 if you’re lucky. Or you look up a way to nuke the boss with a specific build 🤷🏻♂️ but it’s easily 9/10, just ultra difficult
@@tylerjacobson8012 Elden Ring is a true work of art and much worthy of purchase for both new and veteran players. The fun game mechanics that has been refined over the years along with strong narratives, thought provoking and intriguing story with the additional release of the DLC to complete. It's a global success and a prime example of what a modern game should be. Those employees only revealed that they are incompetent and can never measure up.
I worked at Ubisoft from 2007 to 2012 as Assassin's Creed was ramping up and back then it was a very conscious strategy for the company to flood the market with games in every genre. I personally worked on games I'd never play myself and so did tons of other studios and thousands of people. This was IMO a large part of the backbone of Ubisoft's success. And also it was a part of the reason I got disgusted with the games industry and left - because even when we got to work on an AC title, 99% of the good ideas ultimately went into the garbage bin - due to amateur time management, bad leadership decisions, incompetence all the way to the top of the company, and bad and slow low-level execution. Each game got released with a tremendous struggle to lift it up from a state of a total shitware to a simply mediocre game, and the story repeated endlessly, with nothing learned along the way.
Remember: Yves refused to disclose preorder numbers for Star Wars Outlaws and AC Shadows when asked by investors. We saw the state of Outlaws when it launched. What does that say about Shadows?
@@prince_warherothing is. I hate what Ubisoft is doing but actually outlaws is really fun. Great universe graphics and atmosphere. Combat is ok but it’s not a shooter. Really enjoyed it
@@prince_warherowell yeah obviously if you like "the Ubisoft game" and Star Wars, you are going to like the Star Wars Ubisoft game. The thing you gotta remember is that "I like this game" is not the same as a game being good. Being able to admit and be aware of what makes a game bad while still retaining your enjoyment of it is how you build good critiques in your mind and ultimately leads to being able to enjoy more games to a greater degree. Plenty of games I loved and would put in my top 5 for the given year that I would be the first to admit are bad games. And bro, Outlaws is a *bad* game, even if you ignore the hiatorical and social context
I am Persian when I saw they made the new prince of Persia game look like Miles Morales with hiphop music I knew I wasn’t going to touch another one of their games. I’m sure it’s a fun game, but I’m done with their woke bullshit. The one time us Persians get a game in modern times they make us black with dreadlocks.
@@aidancoutts2341 No you don’t need a Persian you know. Just make them look somewhat Persian. An ebony character with dreadlocks and American hiphop is definitely not that lol. You can get any olive colored white actor and just give them an authentic looking Cyrus beard and there you have it. Doesn’t have to be too accurate just somewhat authentic.
How is 'looks like miles Morales and hiphop music" woke? I swear people like you call anything they don't like "woke" and it's boring af. Guaranteed you have no idea yourself wt that means
@@punkthatiscyber9091 Yes that looks much much more authentic looking. I don’t think I played that one. But they represent Turkish people back then. You don’t see Asians or Ebony people anywhere. If that game was made today, you would see that. You would see an Ebony woman, or an ebony man. If you look at the characters, they all look authentic. It doesn’t have to be accurate just authentic. But you won’t see an ebony or Asian woman or an ebony or Asian man in that setting. Because it just doesn’t belong there.
That's why ghost of tsushima is so good imo. Japanese person fighting for Japanese people, against Mongol invaders. And it's a great game on top of that
Not really, majority of the game companies treat their games like business, it's the decisions that ruin everything. A good business decision is to give what gamers want not what we think they want, that's how companies like Rockstar games are still loved
@@Estropurus Making your consumers hate you is certainly a dumb business decision. Overmonetazing will boost your share holder value in the short run, but doing so ruins your brand reputation, which will cost your company much more money than a quick cash grab strategy could ever bring you.
Assassins creed used to be about a struggle throughout history of 2 opposing factions with the same core belief but very different ways of reaching that goal. tie in a lost civilization (which we would only get slights bits of lore in every game) and a puzzle solving aspect that was optional to fill out more lore. now assassins creed is about all faiths throughout history actually being based on that lost civilization where they come back to rule the world, where you can explore mythical like azgaurd by doing shrooms. the gameplay used to be somewhat slow paced but realistic and now its teleporting and power ups. they lost their identity, they lost their lead writer who had a overall plan of what they story would be. the modern day was tossed out the window when they killed off the main character only the not replace him for years and never get back the interest of original fans. the part of AC that made me love it, was the fight against essentially the illuminati in a david vs goliath scenario. it had awesome writing and amazing character development. now days they bounce setting to setting, build up a character just to ditch them. couple that with poor writing and why would anyone be invested in a story. some people like the easy to jump in gameplay and not needing to know the story, but in turn for that they abandoned the core base that made the games popular and it so seems, that had back fired (not to mention the abuse from within the company) i will always love the ezio games and even some other games i enjoyed. but new games i will wait to buy to see if they are actually worth it. and with this current ubisoft model i don’t see myself buying games anytime soon. final point, letting patrice desilets go was the worst mistake they could have made. they fucked it up 2 years after he left, let alone 14
Older game developers used to read books, you know? That stimulates your imagination. Let's face it, there's a new generation, new times, the market it oversaturated and we are overstimulated and that affects all industries, not only entertainment
Ubisoft: We hammer the wagon until the wheels fall of, and rather then put the wheels back on again we continue hammering until there is not a wagon left, when we are done with the wagon we will hammer away at the wheels. After all that we will sell rides on the same wagon and not understand why customers complain about the wagon and wheels being broken. Did we mention that we also killed and ate the horse, now expecting that the customers will drag the wagon?
Ubisoft is like that family member you lost to cringe addiction. You can't help them. All you can do is stop giving them money and watch. EDIT: lost to BEING cringe
When a company STRAIGHT UP TELLS YOU you don't own their games (And then do what they did to me by wiping my purchase history deactivating my access to games I PAID MONEY FOR and telling me to pound sand when I send them an email with the EMAILED RECEIPTS for those games and refusing to give me back access), They are money hungry and nothing more. This problem is of their own making and taking money from too many investors (that know FK ALL about video games and why people like them) when they did not need to to have studios and buildings IN EVERY FREAKIN COUNTRY with their name on it.
I had the same shit when I bought South Park games. Even though I looked for them everywhere, they were erased from my purchase history, and there was nobody to call and complain. At that time, Ubisoft was dead to me.
I've always hated video game piracy... Until I wanted to play the old AC games. I bought all first 8 games from the steam store. 8 games. Not a single one performed properly. I had to mod Ubisoft's launcher on to AC2 just to get it to launch. I ended up getting my Ubisoft account temporarily banned after I tried to force gamepad compatibility. Somehow signing in and out while I was trying to get my Xbox controller worked raised an alarm. So I pirated all the games. They worked perfectly....
As a pirate from childhood. We never had the money or the understanding of what legal sooftware was. My parents bought me games for chrismas and put the CD under the tree. The Cd was pirat from a pirat. My parents thought it was legal. They barely knew how to open the computer and start word. Gettimg older and having money I started to buy gsmes legaly. Yet for old games I will go straight to pirat stuff. For me piracy is a great demo customer experiance to decide if I buy future instalments of a franchise or not. People say that pirates never buy games, that is not true, yes we spend less on games, but if a game is good we will feel a sense of obligation to the game studio to buy the next gsme.
My young son purchased some in game coins for a game so I asked steam for a refund. Which they did. Then Ubisoft banned my account for fraud. There's no way to appeal. I'm fuming.
I was literally bagging Ubisoft for years to set AC in Japan but, by the time they got to it, Ghost of Tsushima already exists, with sequel otw, making AC completely redundant 🤣
It's literally a better assassin's creed 😂 GoT was exactly what I needed after being disappointed in Ubisoft for so long. The audience is there, but they can't stop pushing us away.
Besides the fake virtue signaling Ubisoft had this coming every game is cookie cutter slop.....it's either an AC, farcry or rainbow six game and if not it's one of these games with a skin slapped on top, that mediocre avatar game is just a farcry game in that universe......no original titles and no creativity
@asura48 Yup. The innovation and creativity is gone. Ubisoft, like many publishers, fall into a rut of just doing the same thing over again. Sometimes it can work like Call of Duty where you target a base who love the franchise but acknowledge its shortcomings in recent stuff. But Ubisoft the fact they do this with such buggy, unrefined games is unacceptable. They expect us to pay 70 USD for unfinished games and then day one patch it or fix it later? No thanks. That’s why I play a lot of indie games or older games. If you can’t nail basic game design and have it play well, why bother making games?
@@Avarn388 Totally agree, Ubisoft used to be the innovative underdog we were pulling for. Now its just the same garbage infecting creatives because a Poli-Sci teacher made millions in packaging Marxism ala Rules for Radicals.
The People in charge at ubisoft are the type of people to talk to a black person get nervous and awkward and they tell them selves in their head “im not racist” “im not racist”.
And the kind who use terms like "hecking" or "pet parent" unironically, or who censor their swearing on the internet Lame people will shit out lame games
Far cry 3 12 years ago they got vaas’s actor face perfect, but in 2024 they can’t even get an actress face to look anything remotely close to her using brand new tech. That’s really sad.
I was a Ghost Recon fan and I still remember how shock I was when seeing that RPG element and "GEAR LEVEL" appears in Breakpoint, a serious military series game. And I realized that they wanted to mix all the features of other series, and it was absolutely insane. At that time I even thought next Splinter Cell game would have something like LEVEL 50 Fire Seven, thank god they never made one. I was sure that, UBISOFT will one day fall as their games series will all be the same gameplay, same design. Now they finally go down like they should years ago.
EA, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, Microsoft, Sony, they're all the same now, producing the same garbage. It's funny saying that about Sony after making masterpieces like the original God of War games + the 2018 game, SOCOM, The Last of Us 1, Uncharted franchise and the Quantic Dream exclusives (that no longer are PS exclusives though.), to now making complete steaming shit with heavy Sweet Baby Inc involvement, plus to add insult to injury, the complete disaster their PS5 Pro is going to be.
When Far Cry 6 launched I remember in his review Skillup said YOU'VE ALREADY PLAYED FAR CRY 6 EVEN BEFORE INSTALLING IT. That was the best description of the Ubisoft games these days.
I don’t fully agree when I come to far cry 6. Yeah it had the basic far cry formula but the new gameplay mechanics and story were terrible. I’ve never played a far cry game as bad as 6 before installing it. Far cry 5 didn’t have best story but I loved it and the gameplay is great. I still play it. I mean how can you make a game about overthrowing a dictator and not be able to loot weapons off of dead enemies.
Bro they see sweet baby who we know works very closely with UBI Montreal (sweet baby CEO in a pic with the all female devs of AC shadows) destroying every game & ruining the reputation of every studio & studios still hire them. Or they’re blackmailed because she did say that’s one of their tactics to get companies to comply.
There's also the Mario Rabbids games. The two games are shockingly good, accessible strategy games and one of the weirdest projects both Nintendo and Ubisoft ever made. Now that the lead developer has officially left Ubisoft, the series is pretty much over.
"9 times of out 10 if you bought a Ubisoft game you were going to have your socks knocked off. They were incredible experiences". It's so wild to hear something like now it feels like we're talking about an alternate reality.
Honestly I've never liked Ubisoft. I feel like their popularity is severely overrated and only a medium sized audience played Ubisoft games, same with Bethesda and Activision-Blizzard. Loud-but-not-that-big of a fanbase.
That was also true for a much shorter span of time than what he's claiming. It was like their prime was 2005 to 2012 or so. Not up to the late 2010's, they were already well into their "make everything identical" phase by then. Admittedly they made those games better then than they do now, but it was still the same old Ubisoft garbage that had begun in the early 2010's. Every game and series tried to implement a near identical formula into it regardless of settings or mechanics or genre.
I'd say it was true for their early days of Rayman games and up to their "first" of their current running games. The _first_ assassin's creed, the _first_ Far Cry, the _first_ Tom Clancy games. Once these became franchises which sometimes happened as early as the 2nd installment they started showing the issues that are now plaguing every game on the regular.
I was going through an old Game Informer magazine and it had polling results and it said consumer confidence was the highest in Ubisoft, and this was back in either 2007 or 2011 I cant remember the issue date
I'd argue Division 1 WASN'T a hit from the player reception side of things, despite selling extremely well, and marked the start of Ubisoft's downfall. The trailer sold people on a game that didn't exist and I remember being there on launch day for the beta and EVERYBODY I talked to in-game was disappointed with the game not being what they advertised. Then it came out 1.0 and all the content could be completed in about 15 hours or so and everybody I knew was even more disappointed with the game. This is when Ubisoft started faking their trailers and that's when I personally stopped trusting anything they made. Same thing with Rainbow Six Siege, the fake trailer misrepresented gameplay and a lot of the people I talked to on launch and during the beta were unhappy at being deceived, even though they liked the game that did release.
I had fun with it. i never really watched the trailer so there was never any expectations for me. Rainbow six seige is one of the best tactical shooters ever. Legit in a class of its own. The division is okay the concept is better then the actual execution.
@@JosephWalker-ip7pd Siege gets a pass because there’s quite literally nothing else like it, imo. But basically every other Ubi game is outclassed by some other game out there
I gotta tell ya man, these people look down on us, they think we are stupid. They took the good will we extended them and good faith that we gave them. They took it and in their hubris decided we would just blindly buy whatever they sold. Truth is it's only a tiny fraction of us that blindly spend like that anymore. Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, I can go on and on about companies I grew up with that aren't worth the pixels they are printed on any more.
All majority of AAA publishers qre chasing trend. Apparently, they are a prisoner of their own doing; always go for cutting edge graphics that cost millions, try to bait the algorithm with inclusivity, always use Open World structure which is very time consuming. Cutting cost on graphics & details seems like a weak move from these AAA, and I don't know why. Games like Prince of Persia, Hifi Rush, Ori, Titanfall are mid budget at best. And they sell more than expectation. The pattern is there, but somehow their mindset is: If you don't go big, force yourself to look big. Nobody's rooting for AAA anymore, but I never close my door to their releases (even I still enjoy the mess of Jedi Survivor performance on PC), because they can create a really great game once in a while when the devs are also sick of producing mediocre product with Tickboxes.
Ubisoft was the company that taught me the lesson, dont buy gold editions or season passes at launch. Ubisoft always discounts the season passes by the time the dlc releases. Also the base games will burn you out so much that you dont want to go back for dlc.
In 2011-2015 when somebody asked me about gaming I used to answer "I don't play a game, I participate in a story". Because that's what Ubisoft games back then felt like. The storytelling was just so great, that playing was like being the protagonist of your favourite novel. The story was written just like that. Characters had goals, protagonists weaknesses, the mistakes they made were human. Also Ghost of Tsushima is the true AC-Japan. I already feard that Ubisoft wouldn't be able to match it, but the trailer is outright disappointing.
Whenever a games company prioritises shareholder value over making good games (aka.: short term over long term) they die. Hopefully, soon, even the money people will realise that this is not good for their investments. They gotta be realising this by now, surely?
One of the worst things about Ubisoft is how horribly they've tried to monetize single player games like multiplayer ones. Every game has a $100+ super ultimate deluxe gold edition for preorder, every main menu has half the screen taken up with ads for DLC and other games, Far Cry has pay to win weapon packs, Assassin's Creed has tedious to grind cosmetic loot boxes that try to push you towards buying currency to obtain them, hell there's a paid DLC in AC Odyssey that ends with an ad for Valhalla and then sends you to a page telling you to go to the store and buy it. It devalues otherwise decent games so much that theres no point in dropping $60-$100 on those flagship games at launch because if you do want to play them, you're better of waiting a couple years and just grabbing the complete editions when they're inevitably on sale for dirt cheap.
Ubi has REALLY cooked themselves this year. Between The Crew, Skull and Bones, Outlaws, and the disaster that is Shadows, I don’t think they’re gonna recover
Yeah, even if they improve the quality of their games, it's going to take a lot to get players to actually respect the company or buy their products again. Many people have already completely stopped buying anything with the Ubisoft name on it. Being a development studio at Ubisoft making new games right now is pretty much a death sentence.
Nobody was even playing the crew and some people don’t understand how licensing works everyone even Ubisoft knew skull in bones was trash outlaws is on pace to sell 2 million units in less then a month but will ultimately fall short but is no way a flop and shadows for all the mess that’s going on it will not be Ubisoft savior but it will sell well for them regardless people seem to forget how big of a franchise AC is and also games like prince of Persia platform that did well xdifiant had a strong start but cod bout to come out would say u soft had a mixed year not the year they where expecting but at the end of the day there 2 main games shadows and outlaws will sell just not how they thought they would
@@coolbrotherf127I disagree it’s actually very simple for Ubisoft to turn it around but that’s if they care which idk probably don’t they have to have those French owners get rid of them fire all the women making dumb decisions fire the activist left ideals dei BS frauds that are not gamers at all keep that tech they have then mabey just mabey they also have to cut down on there employees why they heck do they need 19,000 employees it’s ridiculous
@@ISGAMINGFORNERDS when even the shareholders are bailing out and tanking the price of their stocks to near decade-old numbers, yes it’s a bad year. You can’t mitigate a year where they had nothing that actually garnered a profit. I bet you already forgot Avatar Frontiers of Pandora like everybody else did.
I played ghosts of Tushima in Japanese with English dub and it was incredible. It was like playing an anime or old black and white Japanese film. The soundtrack was killer. The story killer. The characters killer. The combat. Killer. Everything about it was killer. It truly made me feel like I was in a movie. Ubisoft used to make me feel this way too back in the day. Assassins creed 3 and the DLC was the last time I truly enjoyed a ubi game. RIP though I have some amazing memories with them. And I got shadows, the CE. I don’t care if it’s gonna fail or suck. I see it as a collectors relic!
wrong. black flag was argueable the best title of thr franchise. unity is great today and syndicate is fine. origins did a great job. it is greed ,microtransactions maybe lazyness that destroyed ubi and ac
@@zakzerak7191 Black flag was a good pirate game on itself not a good "Assassin's" Creed game. Rouge was mid. Unity has best parkour but fail at story and was plagued by bugs at lunch so much that was unplayble for 2 year. Syndicate is boring. And rest with RPG mechanics are stupid. Level requirements for being able to kill an enemy while already sneaking on him? Seriously?
They make the best Pirate game of all time and just replace it with S&B, if only they make one standalone pirate game with details like RDR or Witcher 3 people with play it for next 10-20 years like GTA V, they flopped big times there, so much wasted potential
AC Mirage was complete crap. The bugs aside, the writing, voice acting, and NPC movement/speech was so lazy. It felt like I was playing AC1 again in 2024.
You all know that Ubisoft didn't write that, right? They just took a quote that existed for decades before Far Cry 3 and is often misattributed to Albert Einstein, and added some f-bombs to it. Ubisoft isn't clever enough to write something that good. And so of course they would never think about it and act on the point it makes.
For me it would already be better if they go back to the old style of assassins creed. The last assassins creed i really enjoyed (after all the bug fixes) was Unity, especially the coop you could do with your friends. It would've been so dope if they made an assassins creed coop style like they did in Unity.
It’s honestly depressing how much the industry changed compared to when I was growing up. I’m an early 90’s kid so most of my exposure to gaming was the 6th generation(ps2, xbox, gamecube, and dreamcast) and the early to mid 7th generation( ps3, xbox 360, and wii) which to me is when gaming peaked. Back then, AAA games were smaller in scale but had ambition to be creative, innovative, and fun. I remember watching G4 and watching shows like Icons where they would talk about important figures in the industry and studios that were renowned for unique experiences. All that plus the games I played made me want to become a game dev specifically in the field of art. But life happened and that dream never happened unfortunately, but I held onto the hope that it could. Then the industry shifted from fun to profit. We started to see these companies’ true colors through greed, anti consumerism, incompetence and tone deaf behavior. Ubisoft, Blizzard, EA, Activision were publishers I wanted to work under but now they all showed that what I would’ve help create and the kind of creativity I could provide would be wasted and unwanted because of their poor business practices. But I still hold onto the hope that the successes of games like Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, Stellar Blade, Black Myth Wukong, and collections like Marvel vs Capcom push the industry in a better direction. Small hope but it’s there
Let's be honest, though, with the track record of gamers I guarantee shadows will be one of the best selling games of this year or whenever it's released. Every time gamers insist they're going to boycott something, all they manage to achieve is the exact opposite; aka making it one of or the most successful game of the year upon its release. I can count on my hands how many times this has happened, and that's just the more well known ones, lol.
@@fawnieeewell this is stupid when the whole point of this video is showing how gamers aren’t doing that for Ubisoft and how their stock has dropped. Keep up ffs
@@fawnieee Right? This always happens! Like with Concord, which lost the company $400 Million. Or the Saints Row Reboot, which bankrupted the company. Or Forspoken, which bankrupted that branch of the company and cost them $300 Million. Oh wait, I guess you're wrong and are just pulling literal diarrhea out of your brown eye to skew the narrative because you're a woke shill.
Their launcher can go phuk itself. That's the main reason why I don't play Ubisoft or EA or Rockstar games anymore. I paid for Battlefield games, Watch Dogs 2, and Red Dead Redemption 2/GTA 5 and 4 and I CAN'T PLAY ANY OF THEM! I refuse to pay for any games that require a launcher from here on out. Literally been screwed from all the launchers and lost $40+ from EACH launcher. I lost the most money from Rockstar by far. I will not pay any money to play any games from these publishers for the rest of my life if you catch my drift.
@@warmike I'm just not gonna support them no matter what now. I bought them. I should be able to just download them, press play, and play the muthaphuckas. I'm over 3rd party launchers completely.
I kept mixing up AC names when writing. You talk about the same games and they blend together.
Catch me live: www.twitch.tv/legendary_drops
Also we have a discord: discord.gg/e54hzqZRYG
AC Black Shadows should be the original title, I love it XD
as far as i know ac shadows isnt 130 dolars, its the gold package with 3 upcoming dlcs
Ubisoft did a lot more and good ones too than only far cry or Assassin's
The 1000 Communist party leaders, billionaires, the defrauders of Chinese people buy the American stock market, then flood the company with communist woke policies, then they sell the stock before the company collapses.
This is communist economic warfare. They take over the directory and destroy the companies to destroy the country.
And in the process that influences the elections by making everybody accept their work communist ideas, buy HR coercion and brainwashing videos of DEI.
Win win.
And there you are like an idiot voting their puppet because of misinformation from the oke media.
thank god im not the only one this happens to! lol
Turns out, if you keep disappointing your consumers...they stop consuming your products. What a wild concept, I bet no one could see this coming.
@@qwe5qwe566 I'm as confused as you are, they're even worse than Ubisoft and they're still standing.
they keep digging deeper and deeper and somehow they still stand, i guess milking FIFA, Apex Legends and the sims down to its last penny is the way to go it seems. hopefully this shitstain of an industry will be once gone. Remember when these companies stood as the pinacle of gaming? now we have quadruple A money laundering schemes and student projects for a game lmao not to mention the predatory monetisation absolutely everywhere. Seeing the AAA tag on anything reeks of shit and vomit cuz thats what it is these days.
@@ToadimusPrime Because casual gamers dont really care about any online controversy. They are not even aware of it. Look at the sales of FIFA. They just make the same game with generic changes and hundreds of micro transactions and yet these guys just lap it up. Until and unless some other company start making similar games with same genre like sports with less price, EA is unlikely to fall
@@lukinoo686 it needs proper competition. They can milk the sims because there has been no game like that for a long time. There were some that tried but it was at the time the sims (2) was at very strong position but now they are easy to outmatch. It can happen similar way cities skylines busted SimCity but unfortunately we got another DLC spammer instead.
Ubisoft: Get used to not owning your games
Players: Get used to not owning your company
@@shatteredteethofgodThe fact they threw it to people's faces. Like Diablo imortal stunt don't you all have a phone? Diablo mobile whohoo. Made millions taking advantage of people and gambling addiction
@Rugidios That literally has nothing to do with Ubi saying you don't own your games. What you're talking about is a different issue entirely.
@BenZ-dr9pk It's true, people just don't like hearing it. Unless you have a physical copy of your game, then you don't own it.
@@shatteredteethofgod Technically yes, but in practice not really. Steam and GoG do provide a decent amount of games that do NOT require steam or GoG in order to function, meaning that as long as you have the exe + root folders saved in your pc or an external drive you do own the game and can play it. That obviously does mean that anything that requires steam, won't work but the game it self is playable.
@@VykeKing This is not entirely accurate. While it is true that the majority of the games on these platforms we technically have no 'true' ownership over, people often forget of platforms like GoG that provide a ton of games that require zero launchers, as long as you have the install or exe + root folders of the games stored either in your pc or an external drive you can play them anywhere without needing GoG and no future legal shenaniganry can take those away from you unless you lose them.
And surprisingly enough even Steam has a decent amount of games that can be launched without ever booting up steam after they're installed, hell even baldur's gate 3 can be played without steam, so again if you store them anywhere you can just play them. I think we can consider that as true ownership of those products. And I very much doubt any modern Ubisoft game allows for this (Intentionally that is).
Now obviously this doesn't apply to EVERY game on those platforms but I think we're all more willing to accept this fact with steam and gog especially, simply due to the fact that they provide superior services (not perfect services but definitely superior) and stability as their companies are not at risk of losing control of their own damn money as Ubisoft is (though it did look a but iffy for CD Projekt Red after the initial launch of CP 2077).
Together with Ubisoft, EA needs to fall too.
They can fall after selling off need for speed to a developer that actually cares!
It won't fall as long as people keep buying every Iteration of FIFA and battlefield. Then there's their other cash cow, apex legends, consumed by idiots just like FIFA.
Not before they buy the overlord franchise! Because evil alwsys finds a way....
All I care about from EA is need for speed and battle field
Get rid of 2k too
This is how you rant. This video should be watched by all of this industry. Very well thought out and spoken. Honest fair and informative.
I think Ubisoft final nail in their coffin was with The Crew, shutting down servers and telling us we don't own our games, potential Shadows and Outlaws buyers simply closed their wallets, goodbye Ubisoft, you won't be missed
I checked out from Ubi years ago, and Crew was the only thing keeping me attached to the company because my closest friends and I love playing it together.
The Crew was fun, the Crew 2 was fun.
But they could have 100% been a single player experience with multiplayer options instead of live service games.
@@Uber_GoobTube yes it's interesting they kept the trashy games nobody plays anymore and they stole the game that people enjoy instead . The crew was just the start that's why he made that statement. Happy to see everyone clued into that bs
@@DecimatedRanger the animations in the crew are clunky
For me it was them saying NFTs were the future of gaming and gamers were too dumb not to realize it, yeah, nah, good look finding someone that's not Microsoft to buy you.
I'll never forgive ubisoft for quietly killing splinter cell because "no one wants to play it" only to release games that actually no one wants to play like skull and bones
Would you rather them remake your beloved franchise into a steaming pile of “modernized” Ubisoft bullshit, or release nameless trash that you KNOW you don’t want to play? Personally, I’d be more pissed if they decided to go back only to fuck it up.
Splinter cell is a forgotten brand but i would kil for a good immersive single player pirate game... the thing is Skull and Bones is just garbage.
nobody wants to play splinter cell because they ruined that aswell. SC Conviction was actually decent and I enjoyed it but Blacklist was fucking horrendously bad.
The real reason is they couldn't think of a good way to stuff it with microtransactions.
The fact they’re selling “time savers” in their games is just Ubisoft looking you dead in the eye and saying “yeah this game is boring lol”. Shouldn’t I want to spend time in your game???
I think that's when a game is just a money grabber at that point, they will sell endgame gear instead of simply making it an item you can discover in game, they make a massive open world with empty areas and filler after filler but hey it looks pretty also find me 40 rocks for 25xp. It's just not worth it, which is why I just don't bother with Ubisoft, even their older Assassin's Creed games had filler collectibles that I just ignored.
"“yeah this game is boring lol”"
Not really, it's saying that Ubisoft purposly made the game lengthy so people short on spare time aka people with jobs are forced to cough up more money to enjoy the complete game!
As I read your comment i had flashbacks to valhalla and suddenly it all made sense why I stopped playing after 20 hours
now that you said it, i think its true lol, why would we buy their time saver package if we are not lazy people that want to enjoy the game or they made the game intentionally boring so that they can sell more things to the players, Ubisoft are done.
@@Varangian_af_ScaniaeYou're wrong. You don't need time savers if the gameplay loop is fun, the environment is interesting and the time spent in the game is enjoyable. You simply enjoy the game longer.
Selling "time savers" is there for when the game is trash, but people are compelled to play it for braindead reasons like: your friends play it too, brand loyalty and the like.
It's a trap megacorps leverage against you.
See, making a good game costs a lot, real artists, game designers who can make a name for themselves demand higher wages and more time than unpaid interns.
If their game is intentionally crap and they abuse human nature to sell it and then offer a way out of the misery through time savers, they not only make a game at a lower cost, they make extra money as well, at the cost of deteriorating their brand slowly...
I stopped playing ANY game with in-game monetisation years ago. Done with it.
Yeah, exactly. Fck that "you don't own this, you don't wanna play ths, you' dont wanna play this for hours and hours - buy skip". Good riddance (golden years of gaming are gone anyway).
Mmo's and micro are kinda special case (since 90-95%, sometimes even 100% comes from micro... and there are "ok" and seriously fcked up titles)
Me too.
Except for Minecraft, but I mean no one really spends money for Minecraft monetisation
Every time Ubisoft releases an Assassin's Creed game, I can only think "This looks like it was made by people sick of making Assassin's Creed games."
The last "real" Assassin's Creed games came out in the mid-2010s, as the 7th generation was ending and the 8th generation was beginning.
I was never interested in the assassin's Creed games and I guarantee you I could probably drunkenly write a better one on a bar napkin.
@@AnneHathawayRulesthe older ones were awesome, I love AC3, and the last Assassin’s Creed game I actually played was Syndicate
i just miss the cooler half of AC, the future shadow war that we were promised so long ago.
@@NexusKinDeadass. The new games kinda feel like a disjointed amalgamation of mechanics that were done better in other games.
RIP Ubisoft. I appreciate the impact you had on my younger years, but you're not even a shadow of your former self. You lived long enough to become a villain. Rest well.
And you aswell
@@Alex-bw3jjAnd you
@@GatsuKS dăte drecu
Nah, all the money they made can cushion their pillows in hell.
“In a world without gold we could have been heroes”
The best part of the investor open letter was them calling out Ubisoft for "releasing multiple average games per year."
Could be a perfectly good model if they spent their money better. They think slightly improving the engine and marketing their games up the wazoo is gonna bring them the same results every time.
Not all their fault, I suppose. We see how gamers flip out when a game makes a sequel with the same engine. (when they aren't Bethesda)
@@insensitive919 Nintendo churns out practically the same game every year, the difference is it’s not cheeks.
@@insensitive919 The Yakuza games reuse assets and locations all the time, nobody cares because those games are fucken good. Ubisoft games are just mid at best
Monster hunter too, the fans actively hope we get returning monsters and are hyped to see new monsters using the same skeleton as others, but you see, mh games are never ass
Well Nintendo fanboys also have extremely low standards, heck the pokemon games for the switch look like some ps1 game lmao and still hardly runs. Masochists
Isn’t it ironic that the best character Ubisoft ever made said the quote “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Try to think about that for 5 seconds more. They kept making the same game over and over again, but in the end, they did get a different result.
Ubisoft said we should get used to not owning games. Soon nobody's gonna own their games, not even themselves
Edit: shilling won't make you rich
Edit 2: if you don't venture beyond official platforms then you don't own the games you buy. Some of us buy and also have "backup" copies
...and we wont owning their games! i'm down with that ;-)
Tbf, its the trendy thing to do (I want to say Square was the first but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Kotick and Activizzard. And whoever runs TakeTwo has probably said but not loudly and pubicallly).
Of course the second half of that is that only a vocal minority of critics and even fewer gamers care. BLops whatever it is still immediately tossed everything else out of its way to have #1 sales for 2 weeks straight as a 2 month early preorder (you preorder to get early access to an upcoming beta week or something)
(Heck, even Ubisoft themselves is still hanging onto 3 out of the current top 30 spots on consoles which is still the main money market for AAA)
@@3thirtyDr3amz I think it was EA who mostly started the trend and Activision-Blizzard followed. If I remember correctly, the Spyro collection has a TOS and it says you don't own the game and they can revoke access whenever. It went downhill from there with the likes of Ubisoft and Take Two. Surprisingly Square Enix arrived late to that particular trend as it wasn't too into live services when the trend started, though since a lot of their games had expansions that were never added to a physical disc, you kind of only own half of their older games anyway.
Regardless I'm glad at least one of them is crumbling under its own weight. This dramatic downfall started with them deleting The Crew from existence.
Last game I bought by Ubisoft was Assassin's Creed 2. And that won't change. Ever. May the woke movement continue to fail. Ubisoft and many other large companies are too comfortable with insulting their consumers.
OG post didn't even age badly. I mean that's already happened. There's now tons of games that have been forced to remove ie. music from their titles.IIRC correctly GTA4 is now missing a complete radio channel. That's a lot of music. I recently played it and something felt bit off and read about it, but luckily it was station I highly disliked anyway. Plus think how old GTA4 is already. They've apparently made some interesting "leases" of music already back then. I would bet this is one of the reasons Rockstar essentially destroyed San Andreas copies from every possible platform and replaced it with their "best" new version that no one likes. I'm sure it has code changes in it that make disabling music easily if needed.
Ubisoft should get comfortable with gamers not owning their games.
When buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing 🤪
Hit the nail on the head with every single point you've made this video. I'm so glad people are finally able to see the huge Ubisoft problems.
For me, Ubisoft lost all credibility when they said we won't be owning our own games anymore. There's no coming back for them, no redemption.
No mercy.😊
I've not bought a ubisoft game for so long, these games were my child hood but they haven't made a truly brilliant game since black flag imo
another problem is that majority of game developers in ubisoft....are female ( which another major problem)
You simple jacks will buy even more games from them, they'll be fine
@@bkthedefbeatz respectfully, what is wrong with you? First of all, idk where you get your information but 25% of ubisofts employees are female. It’s still mostly male. A quick google search would’ve shown that. Second of all, hatred to women is kinda fucked and like not funny. I understand your poor manly ego feels like it has to be sexist to be strong manly man but its 2024. You can drop that bullshit now homie.
Don't forget when it comes to Ubisoft, if buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing.
Copying comments?
@@edwardrieckpeople can think similarly, big whoop.
Ubisoft games nowadays are not even worth your time even if you get them for free
Lol ^
If companies aren't allowed to fail then it's not a free competitive market.
Buh bye Ubisoft, go learn your lesson.
Enjoy not owning our money.
The market is void of any awesome games.
@@cezarstefanseghjucan go play indie
@@gabrielc7861 Recommendation of historical games or at least something Cyberpunk with grounded stories and gameplay?
@@cezarstefanseghjucanrdr 2 , outer wilds, subnautica
@@cezarstefanseghjucanTry Crosscode. 20 bucks, good pixel art, relatively grounded story.
The last Ubisoft game I bought was Valhalla. I remember about 20 hours in, I just thought to myself “Huh… I’m not having fun at all.”
You said it perfectly, the game just felt like a checklist simulator. Haven’t touched one of their games since.
"Did I every tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing same f*cking thing over and over again, expecting sh*t to change. That is crazy." - Vaas, Far Cry 3
This is completely not relevant. The only thing Ubisoft didn't want was change.
The market has been eating up "the Ubisoft game" for over a decade, the very last thing they wanted or expected was change 😂
Def of persistence
@@boblioniathats the point, they do the same shit over and over again each year, and expect bigger sales numbers. they're going insane and the fall of the company proves that
It's so sad because I literally grew up on Ezio's trylogy and Assassin's Creed was the spark that lit my love for video games and to see the series in this state and to see Ubisoft not give a sh*t about giving us good games... it breaks my heart.
literally me. my literal first game played on my old PC was AC 2, the game that started it all. And then I played AC I to syndicate. Ezio's trilogy grew in me. Until Origins and Odyssey released, I just knew it was the start of the fall. It's sad how they've become..
Ong bro The Ezio Trilogy was my peak in gaming the story the stealth it was soo good. But then came the wokeness. And that was the downfall of Ubisoft
@@Ellesdy1what’s wrong with assassins creed being “peak gaming” they are some of the best games ever made
Funny thing, AC was supposed to be a trilogy. I gave up on it when it wasn't.
Ubisoft switched from making art like the ezio trilogy to simply making "content". But the market is oversaturated with content. Nobody wants an overprized game without a soul. Requiescat in Pace..
Ubisoft should get used to people not purchasing their games. As long as I have access to AC Ezio Collection, I’m good. I don’t need Ubisoft for anything else.
I'm tired of them as well, but I would buy a new Rayman game
Same but with black flag
Preach brother! I always play Ezio Collection every December 🫡
And it's Denuvo free too
You can’t go wrong if you pick anything before AS Origins
Now Ubisoft is hanging by a thread, and has only AC Shadows to help them. If that game doesn't sell? Bankruptcy! 😂
Valhalla sales were highly inflated because we were all in Covid lockdown. People seem to forget that when talking about Valhalla sales.
They stole Valhalla from PSN players. Left me holding dlc I cannot use. They lost hundreds from me over 20$. Hope it was worth it.
We don't know anything about Valhalla's sales, we know that they have "20 million players" which can easily be gamepass and uplay+ or whatever it is called.
Ubisoft usually proudly announces when their game crosses the 10 mil sales mark ... which they didn't do with Valhalla. I wonder why.
Valhalla was a decent Viking fantasy. A bad Assasins creed game though. Once I had done all the raiding I could do and other vikingy stuff and had to progress the story I got bored and never finished it.
Not to mention that the final Vikings season was on its way during that time
Valhalla rode the hype from Odyssey and Origins. A lot because it was the Origins team working on it. Origins was the start of the assassin's order, Odyssey was the ancient history of the Isu and man. Valhalla really felt like them trying to just repeat the formula, but barely any connection to the lore. It wasn't bad, B+ Viking RPG but just not as good as the others.
The best thing Ubisoft can do now, in my eyes, is to leave Sam Fisher the fuck alone.
They’d just ruin him.
Unfortunately, his head is on the chopping block; UBI is now developing a Splinter Cell remake.
No one will ever pick up any Ubisoft franchise.
All of the games will be lost to history and gaming as a whole will take a huge hit.
You will all realize the mistake too late.
@cezarstefanseghjucan The games being lost to history and the impact it would make on gaming in general is sad...but the fact is thats not going to make me support ubisoft or their increasingly predatory monetization methods. Like i dont want games like R6 siege or splinter cell to disappear, but am i really going to buy into their latest titles when i know after 3 months theyre just going to pull the plug on development and let the game die because they arent making record breaking profits off of them? No. I am not. Goodbye Ubisoft, you wont be missed.
Ten dollars says ubiflop will either make him black or make him into Samantha fisher
@@johnjuandemarco Black Trans Fisher
Here's a lesson from Nintendo: don't release the same IP every year until it burns and has to be shelved. Make one really good game and let it stay relevant for years while you focus on a different IP and rotate them. Instead of 5 AC games in 5 years release 1 AC, follow with a Rayman, and a Splinter Cell, and a Prince of Persia, etc. Create games that redefine the franchise for a generation and remain selling activelly well at full price for years instead of yearly disposable rushed titles padded with low quality filler and milking your IP's dry
I would love another 3D Rayman game….. been so long…
Yeah but that costs money and takes effort, neither of which corporate CEO’s care very much about giving.
@@MilkTestingMan You spend money to make money. Money doesn't come from thin air and consumer wallet is finite. But of course, their customers are no longer consumers, but the shareholders. They dug their own grave.
Except main Pokemon games lol
@@fr0ck360Because Pokemon games are not made by Nintendo. They are made by Game Freak, Nintendo doesn't own them.
something that, at least for me, killed ubisoft as a whole, was making genuenly great games into RPG´s. I don´t need a health bar on a dud whilest playing assasins creed, i dont need clothes that give me skills in far cry, i dont want to be an assasin, that cant assasinate people with throwing knifes, despite being two levels above their level and throwing them into their head. i hate a health bar on a dude, so that he can survive three mags of 5.56 into the chest, but will die when shot with a .22 in the head (looking at chost recon here (pre game mode patch)
it worked well with the devision, because it was introduced as such a game, and, for me, failed with games like assasins creed, because it got rid of one of the most importend things thing that made assasins creed : stealth.
I miss games that where genuine fun, games without battle passes, games without 360° degree sliding. games, that you liked playing the whole time, with well written characters, a nice story, or on the multiplayer front: games where you could play to get slightly better equipmen, mini thech trees, games that would let you get the option to maby mount a scope, but not to the extend of 30 grips, like in the newest rendition of Coll of duty. I miss games likte kill zone, wolfenstein, the older battlefields (bf4, bf 3 ) tom calncy´s H.A.W.X., assasins creed black flag, fallout 3, deus ex, mankind devided. so many great game titels, that eather where milked and, sadly, damaged in doing so, or have not been seen since a decade ago.
well, gone and kicked the dead horse some more, here is to the hope of better games and learned lessons
I dunno how but the animations also took a hit, which I would never imagine happening when technology is always getting better. In Ac2 when you deal some damage but not enough to kill the enemy, so they have an amazing animation of them blocking you but their posture can be seen getting weaker with each hit you deal on them, eventually letting us deal a killer blow which made shit way more satisfying. When you hit an enemy 20 times in odyssey, all of the hits look like they’re supposed to kill the enemy, but most of them don’t. It’s a fucking joke now
i think of all the Asian dudes like myself playing decades of AC games waiting for one of our own to star in medieval Japan or ancient China. and then they turn around and give us the finger and call us racist for feeling left out. yeah, no sympathy for this company
Yea, man, I noticed that too defiently racism to Asians. Welcome to the democrats and their policies.
A black samurai is fucking hilarious
Japanese are black wdm?
@@nikodemwronowski5185especially when in reality he was nothing more than a fancy umbrella holder for his boss, literally a butler
@@Panzottero Aside from Nobunaga, I think people back then saw him as pet. Theres reason he got spared
Modern AC games aren't AC games. They're Far Cry with an AC skin. Everything AAA Ubi seems to make these days seem to be Far Cry with a skin.
I'm pretty sure far cry is ac with a skin, not the other way around.
The moment you open up an in game map from a Ubisoft game you realize all their games are the same game.
We did get Assasins Creed in VR that was pretty well received
I’m all about criticizing Ubisoft but this such a shitty and unoriginal critism. AC Origins and Odyssey are great you’re just blinded by nostalgia. I hated ac mirage but I think it’s disingenuous to say it’s not close to the originals
@@jonmann4980 ac odyssey is one of the worst Ac games, bloated to no end and so repetitive you feel like you're doing chores, not playing a game
The greatest risk Ubisoft ever took was Far Cry Blood Dragon. And I'm forever grateful for it.
And call of Juarez that came out around the same time. I have the disc version of both.
only good ubisoft game is the one they don't even sell and that's driver san francisco
Blood Dragon was the high water mark for Ubisoft. Hell FC3 was a classic in my eyes too.
Blood Dragon was stupid and insane and I love it.
The latest metroidvania version of Prince of Persia was amazing as well.
They hired people from my college Sheridan college game design and game level design courses who were always handing in poorly put together projects always more interested in their cell phones then the lesson or engagement with the teachers. They hired Clinton Bowman a man who stole my work for his shitty space game A.R.M. on steam. When I took it down he sent me death threats.
Ubisoft hired him. Ubisoft hired someone who uttered death threats to another developer. All of Clinton's projects and levels were horrible and broken. But he got hired at Ubisoft. If you are wondering why Ubisoft has gone to shit it's because of shit like this.
I’d believe it. The only thing that smells more than Ubisoft is the doodoo brains of its CEO.
Ah yes, they hired someone who understood HR better than game dev. Classic.
I keep telling people that the new devs (who often are likely behind some of the new "modernization" attempts) just aren't able to replace the talent that built the studio.
A game dev working on 10 year old technology with 20 years of experience iterating is worth more than 5 devs with no experience working with the latest technology. You can't brute force that level of expertise.
They opened up a new studio in Asia for skull and bones and everyone's like "why are the facial animations worse? Why are the water physics so bad? Why couldn't they include any open world exploration, where is the boarding?"
Bruh that's like baby's first game project. And some green dev is supposed utilize the most sophisticated technology in the industry when they haven't even done the basics. Even if there's 4 more of them than before, you can't boil an egg faster with extra cooks.
The old devs also had to invent new tools to add a feature into a game that wasn't prebuilt into the technology or engine. They also have to find artistic solutions to produce something optimized for limited hardware. Now the kiddies just lean on the power only to find that their game looks worse than stuff 10 years ago and runs like shit. Today they can't even get a horse to walk on the ground in a world release trailer.
Don't blame the devs, they are getting hired as a local mechanic to design and build a spaceship. Blame the leadership who thinks these people can produce the kind of stuff that took years of game releases to master.
And while some may think the hiring practices are a societal good, you are inherently going to lose value if all of your developers are straight outta school or they are promoted to leads with very little track record to show that they are qualified.
Not to mention how much time they spend getting into twitter wars with angry customers and defending all of their artistic decisions in games that are widely ridiculed. They haven't earned that yet. I rarely see them post some example of their achievements and technical or artistic prowess outside of a vague allusion to some workplace position because it's almost like they don't have any high quality work that speaks for itself.
And all this inexperience means they are slow to do the basics and get flooded with bugs and their masters crunch them to death to try and make up for expectations set by the developers who both had the technology AND the ability to make the best looking games of the last decade (alot of them are nearly 10 years old by the way)
Bro are you a game dev? @@aidancoutts2341
I definitely think you are onto something, and yet palworld shows that literally anyone can create a hit game. I think the devs of pal world had literally no experience going in, save 1 of the 3 original people making it?
The problem isn't just game devs. It is poor management, poor utilization of man hours, focus on the wrong things, weak creative direction, not allowing the devs to actually make a good product.
Something you forgot to mention is that MUCH OF THEIR OLD GOOD GAMES ARE JUST GONE.
Driver San Francisco? Gone
Their deception based RTS Ruse? Gone
Hawx 1 and 2? Gone, delisted
Wanna play the old rayman games? Only on gog
Pandora Tomorrow? Only on Xbox
Their 2000s licensed games like Lost? All delisted
Red Steel? Dead on the wii
Dark Messiah? Broken at least not delisted but only playable after a bunch of cibbled fan fixes on steam
I give up, they win. I got comfortable in the idea of not owning Ubisoft games.
@@shatteredteethofgodWow did that go way over your head.
yeah i stopped buying ubisoft games years ago, cant sign in to ubisoft account..
aint got time for that
If I don’t buy at all, I don’t own. That’s it
@@sleepyhealer that was my joke x)
At this point Ubisoft is less a game developer, more a case study on the sunk cost fallacy.
What's woke about being a profit hungry monster?
@@CommanderRiker0 What does "woke" have to do with this? In my experience, anti-capitalist woke people are the first ones turned off by monetization and corporate greed and start pirating or play grassroots games. But sure, blame everything on "woke".
@@CommanderRiker0 🤦🫵🤡
They are activists look it up. The point was never to deliver a good game, but to dry your wallet.
I beginning to think Ubisoft purposely wanted to ruin the industry.
@@rodrigofreitas3288 No they’re not activists lmao, they’re a corporation that’s being told to do things a certain way by a few select people think their echo chamber is the ideal market. They are doing it purposefully, not because they’re trying to ruin the market; but because they think their methods are the gold standard.
Ubisoft is still around because Quebec's taxpayer money is keeping them afloat, which will stop coming in 2027. They are 2 billion in debt
😂good riddance
Ah, that's explains the 'creative direction' they've been taking. State funded media always turn into propaganda.
The Canadian government has been bailing out Ubisoft with subsidies this whole time? May peace soon be upon the Canadian taxpayer in 2027
What's gonna happen in 27 ?
tax payer money should NEVER be used for creative output. EVER.
Back in 2013 I graduated from Vancouver Film School's game design program with honours, and I spoke with representatives from Ubisoft regarding job offerings at my graduation. I also spoke with EA, and a handful of others... Their pompous attitude and the clearly delusional superiority complex regarding "how it's done" showed me beyond any doubt that this day would come, which is why I turned down any and all offers from them. That, and their pay was shit. If I had taken a job with them, I would have been driven completely mental suffering through each and every stupid decision from execs on the way down.
I thought this was clickbait, but Ubisoft is down nearly 90% from its high in 2021. That’s remarkable incompetence
As somebody who has refused to purchase a Ubisoft product for about 10 years, this is incredibly gratifying to watch. Pure schadenfreude.
Pure what now
@@hemishrp schadenfreude
@@Tototoo88 Pure schadenfreude 🥂🎩🕴👨🗣🗣
Exactly the same. I could see through the charade way back and lost complete interest in all their AAA offerings. I would have been interested in their smaller, high quality games like the latest Prince of Persia, but their anti-consumer Uplay platform stopped me in my tracks. They have lost trust with all types of players
@@hemishrp Schadenfreude is a german word that just means the experiencing of joy or self-satisfaction by watching the misfortune of others. There isn't really an english equivalent of the word.
Star Wars Outlaws but you can’t be a literal outlaw, like how IGN said that this game is the space version of RDR2, how deluded.
IGN gave Alien Isolation 6/10. Goat Simulator, 8/10
Concord was 8/10 I believe 😂
Who cares about IGN
Comparing SWO to RDR2 is like comparing my neighbor from high school who was a role player on our high school basketball team to Michael Jordan
@@BongoBaggins Goat simulator deserves its rating, but alien isolation simply deserved more, that’s all.
First time viewer of your channel and was happy to watch this video. Me as well grew up playing Ubisoft games which my first Ubisoft game was 1996's Rainbow Six game. After seeing what they have done to the franchise where they removed one of the pillars of their design, "Terrorist Hunt", that was was it for me and a few casual players that have been there for decades. I do wish they would keep with what worked well for them and improve on minor things like mechanics to increase retention and player base. Also would love if they would listen to their communities and adjust accordingly. I will wait 10 years for a game if it is done right. P.S. I too want them to make and put their passion into a Division 3
The fact that Ubisoft has basically all but abandon the Rayman Franchise should be a crime against humanity
Its better they do nothing with it. If they made a new one, they would turn him into Gay Man to satisfy the rainbow freaks
“It’s my IP to sit on and do nothing with!”
They were making fun of that very fact in Captain Laserhawk and Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC, so maybe they are planning something for Rayman
@@pszemyslaw1365 Rabbids are the Minions of gaming (though maybe a little less annoying, or more annoying, depending on who you ask). We're talking about Rayman; some truly excellent platformers with a wonderfully vibrant, silly, and distinct visual style. I miss Rayman.
Rayman, Splinter Cell, single player Rainbow Six and Brothers in Arms... so many IPs not used.
I honestly feel like if Ubisoft continued making subpar games but DIDNT try to convince gamers that they don't know what they want (when it came to NFTs, game ownership, etc.) Ubisoft wouldn't be in this situation. Gamers would've rallied around them purely because of nostalgia but now they're happy that they're collapsing.
Yeah you're completely correct.
Source: EA, Blizzard and 2K are still in business despite barely releasing 1 good game between them this decade
EXACTLY. All they had to do was give people what they've been buying. Far Cry has barely changed since Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed has had a group of fans for every version of the games, The Crew and The Division have had a long time fanbase, etc. If they kept making the innofensive slop games, people would have kept buying them. But no, they had to believe they knew what the people that keep them afloat wanted better than they knew themselves.
Listen when Ubisoft made AC shadow with black dude, that spell doom on the company. Also that they really are idiots at times and think they can lie their way into people and business. It utterly disgusting.
@@aleysibbs2461 ??? people obsessing over this woke shit really live in their own bubble, most people don't care about this
@aleysibbs2461 yeahh they completely got cough lying and Admit.
that they lied
An angry gamer is really just a passionate gamer that the corporate game industry has continuously disappointed/Gaslighted.
A silent gamer is an audience that has given up and don't care anymore
It's sad because in another world, we could've gotten another Far Cry game that was on par with 3 and 4, and fulfilled the potential of 5. That's all I want.
Ubisoft do not like Angry gamers...gamers owning their games....gamers not liking the leftist politics inserted into games,
gamers spending too much time on a thus getting too much value( they want to charge per hr) so who do they make their games for as he said.
If i have forgotten any group let me know.
@@whe832kso10 I loved 3 & 4, but 5 was a major disappointment to me.
@@EaglePicking Far Cry 5 was terrible, me and my brother rushed it just to call it a day. Far Cry 6 was so boring and repetitive it was just fast travel all the time.
2:59 I HAVEN'T HEARD THAT GAME MENTIONED IN SO LONG~! Bless you for bringing it up, seriously! My community has been trying to spread the word about it for years and its small tidbits like this that really bring it back.
lol Ubisoft fell about the time Ezio's legacy ended. When they fired their leading and best writer for "not wanting to push soulless garbage every year"
For those that don't know. Ubisoft fired the guy who created AC, the guy who made the game popular, for refusing to release a watered down spinoff every year.
Then they hired a nobody, a random writer to take his place who they can easily control.
Every AC game after Ezio's trilogy is not AC. It's fanfiction, and bad fanfiction at best.
oh and my favorite part is how they keep digging themselves deeper with public statements like "Players shouldn't own their games"
I agree every ac after ezio is meh or bad but Black flag is a masterpiece. easily the best AC game or the second best
@@NobleKnightForever I loved Syndicate and Unity, but after those two, I don't know… the graphics, mechanics, and art style were terrible. I like Valhalla and Odyssey, but honestly, those aren't Assassin's Creed games. Unity and Syndicate were the peak, and they should have built upon those, but instead, they went for a more colorful direction. Ubisoft is dead easy, and games are weird now-no passion, just money.
3 ,4 and rogue were great
I wonder what would have been with Desmonds story
For a good decade, I was a total fangirl for Ubisoft. Today, I would have to go back at LEAST 6 years to find a Ubisoft game I would still recommend. They've taught me a very valuable lesson on the follies of brand loyalty.
SAME. Odyssey is my last favorite game2018 - I did enjoy Far Cry 6 but then I love the random recipe of Far Cry, period
far cry 5 was the last good one i remember
Same. A massive fan girl. The last Ubi game I purchased is Anno 1800. Nothing they have released since interests me one bit.
Honestly I feel almost any game developer can fall victim to the Icarus syndrome. Success gives rise to growth, growth gives rise to shareholders, shareholders change the priority from quality and innovation to profit and see innovation mostly as a risk not worth taking. The fate is sealed at this point and eventually the company just flies into the sun, powered only by the sputtering momentum of it's prior successes.
How about dishonestly?
I remember playing black flag as one of my first games on my PS4 on launch day. I remember playing Assassins creed 3 for the first time, it was cold out and the beautiful colors of autumn covered every tree, then the soundtrack for the intro played and I still remember like it was yesterday. And who can forget the Ezio trilogy. All the way back to picking up the first Assassins Creed game in a local Pawn shop for $10 which made me fall in love with the franchise. I have such vivid memories of these games because they were truly special to me. Now it’s just not the same.
The collapse of Ubisoft will trigger a well-overdue winter in the triple A game industry.
I don’t think so. Unless the gamers take control the industry continue to churn out poor games and mechanics
Ubisoft burned me so many times over years (post golden age) i've stopped consuming their products a while ago. Ruining Might and Magic was the last straw.
The perfect cure for your HoMM pain is Hero's Hour! Lovely indie game with 10x more heart and modernized gameplay! Also lovely pixel aesthetics!
@@BDrumev001 another good one is Songs of Conquest
Was it heros of might and magic that had that cool wow artstyle? I liked that game a lot
Dont even bring HoMM up, this is an open wound.
Remember when they released HoMM3 HD and it has 0 expansion content, making the cheaper version on GoG with free mods objectively better than the official HD remake.
Their excuse was they "lost the source code".
Meanwhile, remasters of games from the same era are recieving brand new expansions.
Are you telling me they found the source-code for those expansions? Of course not, the expansions didnt exist. If you're too lazy to remaster a game properly, either dont do it or be honest about it.
What? No one even knows what that is. They've ruined better franchises than w/e TF Might and Magic is.
When ubisoft devs attacked elden ring, that was the day I knew I was never gonna buy an ubisoft game again
Why they attacked Elden ring ?
@@VelMecannathey talked shit about the quest design and lack of direction in Elden ring. They rightfully got roasted for it being that Elden ring is considered one of the greatest games ever made now,
@@tylerjacobson8012 Yes I confirm, Elden ring is hard but so great, I spend lot of hours play this awesome game ^^ Thank you for your respond. 👍
My only beef with Elden ring is no matter the grind, you die in 4 shots from everything in the game, and bosses are 2-3 if you’re lucky.
Or you look up a way to nuke the boss with a specific build 🤷🏻♂️ but it’s easily 9/10, just ultra difficult
@@tylerjacobson8012 Elden Ring is a true work of art and much worthy of purchase for both new and veteran players. The fun game mechanics that has been refined over the years along with strong narratives, thought provoking and intriguing story with the additional release of the DLC to complete. It's a global success and a prime example of what a modern game should be. Those employees only revealed that they are incompetent and can never measure up.
I worked at Ubisoft from 2007 to 2012 as Assassin's Creed was ramping up and back then it was a very conscious strategy for the company to flood the market with games in every genre. I personally worked on games I'd never play myself and so did tons of other studios and thousands of people. This was IMO a large part of the backbone of Ubisoft's success. And also it was a part of the reason I got disgusted with the games industry and left - because even when we got to work on an AC title, 99% of the good ideas ultimately went into the garbage bin - due to amateur time management, bad leadership decisions, incompetence all the way to the top of the company, and bad and slow low-level execution. Each game got released with a tremendous struggle to lift it up from a state of a total shitware to a simply mediocre game, and the story repeated endlessly, with nothing learned along the way.
Remember: Yves refused to disclose preorder numbers for Star Wars Outlaws and AC Shadows when asked by investors. We saw the state of Outlaws when it launched. What does that say about Shadows?
outlaws is amazing i bought on launch, easily my top 3 of the year
@prince_warhero you must only play two games a year then.
@@prince_warhero The other two games must of been the day before and Skull and bones for The only 3 games you played this year.
@@prince_warherothing is. I hate what Ubisoft is doing but actually outlaws is really fun. Great universe graphics and atmosphere. Combat is ok but it’s not a shooter. Really enjoyed it
@@prince_warherowell yeah obviously if you like "the Ubisoft game" and Star Wars, you are going to like the Star Wars Ubisoft game.
The thing you gotta remember is that "I like this game" is not the same as a game being good.
Being able to admit and be aware of what makes a game bad while still retaining your enjoyment of it is how you build good critiques in your mind and ultimately leads to being able to enjoy more games to a greater degree.
Plenty of games I loved and would put in my top 5 for the given year that I would be the first to admit are bad games.
And bro, Outlaws is a *bad* game, even if you ignore the hiatorical and social context
I am Persian when I saw they made the new prince of Persia game look like Miles Morales with hiphop music I knew I wasn’t going to touch another one of their games. I’m sure it’s a fun game, but I’m done with their woke bullshit. The one time us Persians get a game in modern times they make us black with dreadlocks.
@@aidancoutts2341 No you don’t need a Persian you know. Just make them look somewhat Persian. An ebony character with dreadlocks and American hiphop is definitely not that lol. You can get any olive colored white actor and just give them an authentic looking Cyrus beard and there you have it. Doesn’t have to be too accurate just somewhat authentic.
How is 'looks like miles Morales and hiphop music" woke? I swear people like you call anything they don't like "woke" and it's boring af. Guaranteed you have no idea yourself wt that means
@420Pezz-qc4ntQuick question. Thoughts about AC Revelations?
@@punkthatiscyber9091 Yes that looks much much more authentic looking. I don’t think I played that one. But they represent Turkish people back then. You don’t see Asians or Ebony people anywhere. If that game was made today, you would see that. You would see an Ebony woman, or an ebony man. If you look at the characters, they all look authentic. It doesn’t have to be accurate just authentic. But you won’t see an ebony or Asian woman or an ebony or Asian man in that setting. Because it just doesn’t belong there.
That's why ghost of tsushima is so good imo. Japanese person fighting for Japanese people, against Mongol invaders.
And it's a great game on top of that
Ubisoft is a prime example when you turn an art form like games into a business
Not really, majority of the game companies treat their games like business, it's the decisions that ruin everything. A good business decision is to give what gamers want not what we think they want, that's how companies like Rockstar games are still loved
@@Estropurus Making your consumers hate you is certainly a dumb business decision. Overmonetazing will boost your share holder value in the short run, but doing so ruins your brand reputation, which will cost your company much more money than a quick cash grab strategy could ever bring you.
Art has been a business for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Assassins creed used to be about a struggle throughout history of 2 opposing factions with the same core belief but very different ways of reaching that goal. tie in a lost civilization (which we would only get slights bits of lore in every game) and a puzzle solving aspect that was optional to fill out more lore. now assassins creed is about all faiths throughout history actually being based on that lost civilization where they come back to rule the world, where you can explore mythical like azgaurd by doing shrooms. the gameplay used to be somewhat slow paced but realistic and now its teleporting and power ups. they lost their identity, they lost their lead writer who had a overall plan of what they story would be. the modern day was tossed out the window when they killed off the main character only the not replace him for years and never get back the interest of original fans.
the part of AC that made me love it, was the fight against essentially the illuminati in a david vs goliath scenario. it had awesome writing and amazing character
development. now days they bounce setting to setting, build up a character just to ditch them. couple that with poor writing and why would anyone be invested in a story. some people like the easy to jump in gameplay and not needing to know the story, but in turn for that they abandoned the core base that made the games popular and it so seems, that had back fired (not to mention the abuse from within the company)
i will always love the ezio games and even some other games i enjoyed. but new games i will wait to buy to see if they are actually worth it. and with this current ubisoft model i don’t see myself buying games anytime soon.
final point, letting patrice desilets go was the worst mistake they could have made. they fucked it up 2 years after he left, let alone 14
Who could have ever predicted that plugging your ears and ignoring your customer base would result in poor sales?
Older game developers used to read books, you know?
That stimulates your imagination.
Let's face it, there's a new generation, new times, the market it oversaturated and we are overstimulated and that affects all industries, not only entertainment
Same with film makers.... reading was a big component
Ubisoft: We hammer the wagon until the wheels fall of, and rather then put the wheels back on again we continue hammering until there is not a wagon left, when we are done with the wagon we will hammer away at the wheels. After all that we will sell rides on the same wagon and not understand why customers complain about the wagon and wheels being broken. Did we mention that we also killed and ate the horse, now expecting that the customers will drag the wagon?
Nice analogy
You can't fix a problem until you admit it exists.
Ubisoft is like that family member you lost to cringe addiction. You can't help them. All you can do is stop giving them money and watch.
EDIT: lost to BEING cringe
Cringe addiction? Like they're addicted to cringe?
getting addicted to cringe and ruining your life doesnt sound too too wack in this current reality
When a company STRAIGHT UP TELLS YOU you don't own their games (And then do what they did to me by wiping my purchase history deactivating my access to games I PAID MONEY FOR and telling me to pound sand when I send them an email with the EMAILED RECEIPTS for those games and refusing to give me back access), They are money hungry and nothing more.
This problem is of their own making and taking money from too many investors (that know FK ALL about video games and why people like them) when they did not need to to have studios and buildings IN EVERY FREAKIN COUNTRY with their name on it.
Yes. If you wipe out my entire library, you will never see a cent from me ever again.
I had the same shit when I bought South Park games. Even though I looked for them everywhere, they were erased from my purchase history, and there was nobody to call and complain. At that time, Ubisoft was dead to me.
Might as well pirate at that point.
Yes but then when web3 games come along, you hate and jump the hate bandwagon.
@@agelosmekras619 Name one good Web3 game
Ubisoft should've listened to their own best antagonist, Vaas.
"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?"
Best comment
“Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome”
A* foreshadowing right here
I've always hated video game piracy... Until I wanted to play the old AC games. I bought all first 8 games from the steam store. 8 games. Not a single one performed properly. I had to mod Ubisoft's launcher on to AC2 just to get it to launch. I ended up getting my Ubisoft account temporarily banned after I tried to force gamepad compatibility. Somehow signing in and out while I was trying to get my Xbox controller worked raised an alarm. So I pirated all the games. They worked perfectly....
As a pirate from childhood. We never had the money or the understanding of what legal sooftware was. My parents bought me games for chrismas and put the CD under the tree. The Cd was pirat from a pirat. My parents thought it was legal. They barely knew how to open the computer and start word.
Gettimg older and having money I started to buy gsmes legaly. Yet for old games I will go straight to pirat stuff.
For me piracy is a great demo customer experiance to decide if I buy future instalments of a franchise or not. People say that pirates never buy games, that is not true, yes we spend less on games, but if a game is good we will feel a sense of obligation to the game studio to buy the next gsme.
My young son purchased some in game coins for a game so I asked steam for a refund. Which they did. Then Ubisoft banned my account for fraud. There's no way to appeal. I'm fuming.
Prince of Persia wasn't owned by Ubisoft until 2002. Broderbund Software owned it.
Considering the number of toxic and predatory trends Ubisoft has set in the gaming industry along the years I say good riddance.
I was literally bagging Ubisoft for years to set AC in Japan but, by the time they got to it, Ghost of Tsushima already exists, with sequel otw, making AC completely redundant 🤣
It's literally a better assassin's creed 😂 GoT was exactly what I needed after being disappointed in Ubisoft for so long. The audience is there, but they can't stop pushing us away.
@@JO-hs1ue eggactly
@@JO-hs1ueGhost of tsushima sucked too tho
@@Knacker777 that's your opinion, but most people won't agree with you
@@Knacker777 Want to say why it blows or is this just a "stand out against the popular opinion for no reason" thing?
4:54 "Ubisoft was everywhere at that time! Ubihard pressed..." 😂
Besides the fake virtue signaling Ubisoft had this coming every game is cookie cutter slop.....it's either an AC, farcry or rainbow six game and if not it's one of these games with a skin slapped on top, that mediocre avatar game is just a farcry game in that universe......no original titles and no creativity
@asura48 Yup. The innovation and creativity is gone. Ubisoft, like many publishers, fall into a rut of just doing the same thing over again. Sometimes it can work like Call of Duty where you target a base who love the franchise but acknowledge its shortcomings in recent stuff. But Ubisoft the fact they do this with such buggy, unrefined games is unacceptable. They expect us to pay 70 USD for unfinished games and then day one patch it or fix it later? No thanks. That’s why I play a lot of indie games or older games. If you can’t nail basic game design and have it play well, why bother making games?
@@Avarn388 Totally agree, Ubisoft used to be the innovative underdog we were pulling for.
Now its just the same garbage infecting creatives because a Poli-Sci teacher made millions in packaging Marxism ala Rules for Radicals.
Even skin slap on top of previous game is better than what ubi gave us now... they literally evolved backward.
I do like far cry games though.
They also pulled out and changed their past money making franchises like Splintercell and prince of persia
The People in charge at ubisoft are the type of people to talk to a black person get nervous and awkward and they tell them selves in their head “im not racist” “im not racist”.
lmfao right?
And the kind who use terms like "hecking" or "pet parent" unironically, or who censor their swearing on the internet
Lame people will shit out lame games
Yes ! lol We have plenty of proof of this in the way they think & treat them!
Yeah bland ignorant assholes got MBA and don‘t care what the drain and destroy.
Far cry 3 12 years ago they got vaas’s actor face perfect, but in 2024 they can’t even get an actress face to look anything remotely close to her using brand new tech. That’s really sad.
nothing to do with tech, its a choise 😢
The guys still look pretty immaculate to their model, it’s the girls who usually end up being “adjusted” one way or another.
@@kylele23and we all know why. Well most of us gamers who aren’t twitch thots or tourists
@@kylele23 Made for "Modern Audiences".
@@adaptivegamer9905Yep, they're troonifying all the female characters.
I was a Ghost Recon fan and I still remember how shock I was when seeing that RPG element and "GEAR LEVEL" appears in Breakpoint, a serious military series game. And I realized that they wanted to mix all the features of other series, and it was absolutely insane. At that time I even thought next Splinter Cell game would have something like LEVEL 50 Fire Seven, thank god they never made one. I was sure that, UBISOFT will one day fall as their games series will all be the same gameplay, same design. Now they finally go down like they should years ago.
At this point Ubisoft is the new EA. I'm done with this company.
Except it's EA with no money
EA, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard, Microsoft, Sony, they're all the same now, producing the same garbage. It's funny saying that about Sony after making masterpieces like the original God of War games + the 2018 game, SOCOM, The Last of Us 1, Uncharted franchise and the Quantic Dream exclusives (that no longer are PS exclusives though.), to now making complete steaming shit with heavy Sweet Baby Inc involvement, plus to add insult to injury, the complete disaster their PS5 Pro is going to be.
Nah even EA is better than ubisoft, even if EA sucks too
Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bioware, etc. etc.
They are more like heading down the Volition path.
When Far Cry 6 launched I remember in his review Skillup said YOU'VE ALREADY PLAYED FAR CRY 6 EVEN BEFORE INSTALLING IT. That was the best description of the Ubisoft games these days.
I think the best one recently was Yahtzee’s Fully Ramblomatic with Star Wars Outlaws having him sigh and say “You. Know. How. It. Plays.”
I couldn't even finish it. It was so generic.
Loved FC5, but couldn't be bothered to finish 6. Was so hollow, repetitive and boring, I just turned it off and uninstalled.
I don’t fully agree when I come to far cry 6. Yeah it had the basic far cry formula but the new gameplay mechanics and story were terrible. I’ve never played a far cry game as bad as 6 before installing it. Far cry 5 didn’t have best story but I loved it and the gameplay is great. I still play it. I mean how can you make a game about overthrowing a dictator and not be able to loot weapons off of dead enemies.
@@InvokeZero yeah i was Just thinking they should at least do a sequal to five while forgetting 6 is already out lol
Imagine ruining your business for agendas no one cares about
Bro they see sweet baby who we know works very closely with UBI Montreal (sweet baby CEO in a pic with the all female devs of AC shadows) destroying every game & ruining the reputation of every studio & studios still hire them. Or they’re blackmailed because she did say that’s one of their tactics to get companies to comply.
Ubisoft has been awful long before SBI/DEI though.
@@m_56782 Were they?
@@m_56782 Really, when did it start in your opinion?
@@donkeykonghustler At LEAST 2014 with Unity's disastrous launch and Rainbow Six Siege's terrible release.
Unattractive character design? Kind of a weird complaint.
There's also the Mario Rabbids games. The two games are shockingly good, accessible strategy games and one of the weirdest projects both Nintendo and Ubisoft ever made. Now that the lead developer has officially left Ubisoft, the series is pretty much over.
Probably for the best that series ends on a high note. We got DK and we got Rayman, we can let it rest
"9 times of out 10 if you bought a Ubisoft game you were going to have your socks knocked off. They were incredible experiences". It's so wild to hear something like now it feels like we're talking about an alternate reality.
Honestly I've never liked Ubisoft. I feel like their popularity is severely overrated and only a medium sized audience played Ubisoft games, same with Bethesda and Activision-Blizzard. Loud-but-not-that-big of a fanbase.
That was also true for a much shorter span of time than what he's claiming. It was like their prime was 2005 to 2012 or so. Not up to the late 2010's, they were already well into their "make everything identical" phase by then. Admittedly they made those games better then than they do now, but it was still the same old Ubisoft garbage that had begun in the early 2010's. Every game and series tried to implement a near identical formula into it regardless of settings or mechanics or genre.
I'd say it was true for their early days of Rayman games and up to their "first" of their current running games. The _first_ assassin's creed, the _first_ Far Cry, the _first_ Tom Clancy games. Once these became franchises which sometimes happened as early as the 2nd installment they started showing the issues that are now plaguing every game on the regular.
I was going through an old Game Informer magazine and it had polling results and it said consumer confidence was the highest in Ubisoft, and this was back in either 2007 or 2011 I cant remember the issue date
It was so jarring to read
I'd argue Division 1 WASN'T a hit from the player reception side of things, despite selling extremely well, and marked the start of Ubisoft's downfall. The trailer sold people on a game that didn't exist and I remember being there on launch day for the beta and EVERYBODY I talked to in-game was disappointed with the game not being what they advertised. Then it came out 1.0 and all the content could be completed in about 15 hours or so and everybody I knew was even more disappointed with the game. This is when Ubisoft started faking their trailers and that's when I personally stopped trusting anything they made. Same thing with Rainbow Six Siege, the fake trailer misrepresented gameplay and a lot of the people I talked to on launch and during the beta were unhappy at being deceived, even though they liked the game that did release.
This. I played it off and on with a huge group of friends and coworkers, and every single one of us was disappointed at launch.
yeah, its not like controversial statements from the company and NFT bs actually mattered, if the crack is good addicts will keep buying
I got to say I really didn't enjoy the game play but maybe it's just not my cup of tea
I had fun with it. i never really watched the trailer so there was never any expectations for me. Rainbow six seige is one of the best tactical shooters ever. Legit in a class of its own. The division is okay the concept is better then the actual execution.
@@JosephWalker-ip7pd Siege gets a pass because there’s quite literally nothing else like it, imo. But basically every other Ubi game is outclassed by some other game out there
At this point Ubisoft isn't a game company anymore. I just see them as a greedy out of touch activist group.
I gotta tell ya man, these people look down on us, they think we are stupid. They took the good will we extended them and good faith that we gave them. They took it and in their hubris decided we would just blindly buy whatever they sold. Truth is it's only a tiny fraction of us that blindly spend like that anymore. Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, I can go on and on about companies I grew up with that aren't worth the pixels they are printed on any more.
All majority of AAA publishers qre chasing trend. Apparently, they are a prisoner of their own doing; always go for cutting edge graphics that cost millions, try to bait the algorithm with inclusivity, always use Open World structure which is very time consuming.
Cutting cost on graphics & details seems like a weak move from these AAA, and I don't know why.
Games like Prince of Persia, Hifi Rush, Ori, Titanfall are mid budget at best. And they sell more than expectation. The pattern is there, but somehow their mindset is: If you don't go big, force yourself to look big.
Nobody's rooting for AAA anymore, but I never close my door to their releases (even I still enjoy the mess of Jedi Survivor performance on PC), because they can create a really great game once in a while when the devs are also sick of producing mediocre product with Tickboxes.
As someone who remembers the old Ubisoft, it’s ridiculous to see how far they’ve fallen without at any point realising what they were doing wrong
Ubisoft was the company that taught me the lesson, dont buy gold editions or season passes at launch. Ubisoft always discounts the season passes by the time the dlc releases. Also the base games will burn you out so much that you dont want to go back for dlc.
In 2011-2015 when somebody asked me about gaming I used to answer "I don't play a game, I participate in a story". Because that's what Ubisoft games back then felt like. The storytelling was just so great, that playing was like being the protagonist of your favourite novel. The story was written just like that. Characters had goals, protagonists weaknesses, the mistakes they made were human.
Also Ghost of Tsushima is the true AC-Japan. I already feard that Ubisoft wouldn't be able to match it, but the trailer is outright disappointing.
Radical Entertainment (1991-2012)
Guerrilla Cambridge (1989-2017)
Silicon Knights (1992-2014)
Acclaim Entertainment (1987-2004)
Zipper Interactive (1995-2012)
Bizarre Creations (1988-2011)
Psygnosis/Sony Liverpool (1984-2012)
Lionhead Studios (1997-2016)
Free Radical Design (1998-2014)
Ensemble Studios (1995-2009)
Pandemic (1998-2009)
Clover Studios (2004-2007)
Visceral Games (1998-2017)
Neversoft (1994-2014)
Midway (1958-2010)
the list waits for Ubisoft
Whenever a games company prioritises shareholder value over making good games (aka.: short term over long term) they die. Hopefully, soon, even the money people will realise that this is not good for their investments. They gotta be realising this by now, surely?
Ensemble studios 😢
meanwhile Taito is still giving us fresh Space Invaders reboots every few years lol
Pandemic did not deserve to go out
Looking Glass. 😔
One of the worst things about Ubisoft is how horribly they've tried to monetize single player games like multiplayer ones. Every game has a $100+ super ultimate deluxe gold edition for preorder, every main menu has half the screen taken up with ads for DLC and other games, Far Cry has pay to win weapon packs, Assassin's Creed has tedious to grind cosmetic loot boxes that try to push you towards buying currency to obtain them, hell there's a paid DLC in AC Odyssey that ends with an ad for Valhalla and then sends you to a page telling you to go to the store and buy it. It devalues otherwise decent games so much that theres no point in dropping $60-$100 on those flagship games at launch because if you do want to play them, you're better of waiting a couple years and just grabbing the complete editions when they're inevitably on sale for dirt cheap.
Ubi has REALLY cooked themselves this year. Between The Crew, Skull and Bones, Outlaws, and the disaster that is Shadows, I don’t think they’re gonna recover
Yeah, even if they improve the quality of their games, it's going to take a lot to get players to actually respect the company or buy their products again. Many people have already completely stopped buying anything with the Ubisoft name on it. Being a development studio at Ubisoft making new games right now is pretty much a death sentence.
and they still havent fired every woke dev
Nobody was even playing the crew and some people don’t understand how licensing works everyone even Ubisoft knew skull in bones was trash outlaws is on pace to sell 2 million units in less then a month but will ultimately fall short but is no way a flop and shadows for all the mess that’s going on it will not be Ubisoft savior but it will sell well for them regardless people seem to forget how big of a franchise AC is and also games like prince of Persia platform that did well xdifiant had a strong start but cod bout to come out would say u soft had a mixed year not the year they where expecting but at the end of the day there 2 main games shadows and outlaws will sell just not how they thought they would
@@coolbrotherf127I disagree it’s actually very simple for Ubisoft to turn it around but that’s if they care which idk probably don’t they have to have those French owners get rid of them fire all the women making dumb decisions fire the activist left ideals dei BS frauds that are not gamers at all keep that tech they have then mabey just mabey they also have to cut down on there employees why they heck do they need 19,000 employees it’s ridiculous
@@ISGAMINGFORNERDS when even the shareholders are bailing out and tanking the price of their stocks to near decade-old numbers, yes it’s a bad year. You can’t mitigate a year where they had nothing that actually garnered a profit. I bet you already forgot Avatar Frontiers of Pandora like everybody else did.
I played ghosts of Tushima in Japanese with English dub and it was incredible. It was like playing an anime or old black and white Japanese film. The soundtrack was killer. The story killer. The characters killer. The combat. Killer. Everything about it was killer. It truly made me feel like I was in a movie. Ubisoft used to make me feel this way too back in the day. Assassins creed 3 and the DLC was the last time I truly enjoyed a ubi game. RIP though I have some amazing memories with them. And I got shadows, the CE. I don’t care if it’s gonna fail or suck. I see it as a collectors relic!
Assassin's Creed died with Desmond, What left is it's corpse.
Honestly I think it should have ended with Revelations but AC 3 was also a great point to end Desmonds story.
wrong. black flag was argueable the best title of thr franchise. unity is great today and syndicate is fine. origins did a great job. it is greed ,microtransactions maybe lazyness that destroyed ubi and ac
@@zakzerak7191 Black flag was a good pirate game on itself not a good "Assassin's" Creed game.
Rouge was mid.
Unity has best parkour but fail at story and was plagued by bugs at lunch so much that was unplayble for 2 year.
Syndicate is boring.
And rest with RPG mechanics are stupid. Level requirements for being able to kill an enemy while already sneaking on him? Seriously?
Assassin’s Creed was still good up to Syndicate, anything after that was just a generic RPG with nothing tying it to the AC franchise.
@@Hewasnumber1Ehh dunno, I liked quite a lot Origins and even Odyssey
I hope Bethesda is listening
There not look at the broken Starfield the whole story in that game is broken
Bethesda is a lost cause too
don't worry, they aren't
Their next game is a make or break for me
Nope, they done. Already full of modern feminist, there’s a pattern.
Thinking of how a simple request for the pirate mechanics of Black Flag in a standalone game became so complicated makes my blood boil
They make the best Pirate game of all time and just replace it with S&B, if only they make one standalone pirate game with details like RDR or Witcher 3 people with play it for next 10-20 years like GTA V, they flopped big times there, so much wasted potential
AC Mirage was complete crap. The bugs aside, the writing, voice acting, and NPC movement/speech was so lazy. It felt like I was playing AC1 again in 2024.
It's quite ironic how Ubisoft made a villain like Vaas and never listened to his advice about "Insanity". They will never change
You all know that Ubisoft didn't write that, right? They just took a quote that existed for decades before Far Cry 3 and is often misattributed to Albert Einstein, and added some f-bombs to it. Ubisoft isn't clever enough to write something that good. And so of course they would never think about it and act on the point it makes.
@@COMMODOOSA Idk, there's a lot of dummies out there. People still think Kendrick Lamar came up with the "a minor" bar..
I tend to detest on-going monetization for a game you've paid $80-100 for the privilege to play...
I'm straight up not buying any game that has a battle pass
@@vandal1764even if it’s free like fn
Literally bought a game not related to ubisoft Cod/ modern warfare, and High on life. To no longer own them. And I know I bought them
Bioware is about to get that same treatment if they keep only checking boxes.
Bioware's a dead company walking.
RIP actual Bioware. biowEAr is not the same company.
For me it would already be better if they go back to the old style of assassins creed. The last assassins creed i really enjoyed (after all the bug fixes) was Unity, especially the coop you could do with your friends. It would've been so dope if they made an assassins creed coop style like they did in Unity.
It’s honestly depressing how much the industry changed compared to when I was growing up. I’m an early 90’s kid so most of my exposure to gaming was the 6th generation(ps2, xbox, gamecube, and dreamcast) and the early to mid 7th generation( ps3, xbox 360, and wii) which to me is when gaming peaked. Back then, AAA games were smaller in scale but had ambition to be creative, innovative, and fun. I remember watching G4 and watching shows like Icons where they would talk about important figures in the industry and studios that were renowned for unique experiences.
All that plus the games I played made me want to become a game dev specifically in the field of art. But life happened and that dream never happened unfortunately, but I held onto the hope that it could. Then the industry shifted from fun to profit. We started to see these companies’ true colors through greed, anti consumerism, incompetence and tone deaf behavior. Ubisoft, Blizzard, EA, Activision were publishers I wanted to work under but now they all showed that what I would’ve help create and the kind of creativity I could provide would be wasted and unwanted because of their poor business practices. But I still hold onto the hope that the successes of games like Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, Stellar Blade, Black Myth Wukong, and collections like Marvel vs Capcom push the industry in a better direction. Small hope but it’s there
become an independent solo dev
Remember a guy from ubisoft who said: "we are making an open world, why would we need leveldesigners?"
...that figures...
lol what?!
Let's be honest, though, with the track record of gamers I guarantee shadows will be one of the best selling games of this year or whenever it's released. Every time gamers insist they're going to boycott something, all they manage to achieve is the exact opposite; aka making it one of or the most successful game of the year upon its release. I can count on my hands how many times this has happened, and that's just the more well known ones, lol.
@@cleanerben9636yea a guy really said that🤣 like how can you work for a giant gaming company and be that disillusioned with what the customers want
@@fawnieeewell this is stupid when the whole point of this video is showing how gamers aren’t doing that for Ubisoft and how their stock has dropped. Keep up ffs
@@fawnieee Right? This always happens! Like with Concord, which lost the company $400 Million. Or the Saints Row Reboot, which bankrupted the company. Or Forspoken, which bankrupted that branch of the company and cost them $300 Million.
Oh wait, I guess you're wrong and are just pulling literal diarrhea out of your brown eye to skew the narrative because you're a woke shill.
Their launcher can go phuk itself. That's the main reason why I don't play Ubisoft or EA or Rockstar games anymore. I paid for Battlefield games, Watch Dogs 2, and Red Dead Redemption 2/GTA 5 and 4 and I CAN'T PLAY ANY OF THEM! I refuse to pay for any games that require a launcher from here on out. Literally been screwed from all the launchers and lost $40+ from EACH launcher. I lost the most money from Rockstar by far. I will not pay any money to play any games from these publishers for the rest of my life if you catch my drift.
I don't mind the Ubisoft launcher because they've given away a lot of their classics for free through it.
@@warmike I'm just not gonna support them no matter what now. I bought them. I should be able to just download them, press play, and play the muthaphuckas. I'm over 3rd party launchers completely.
Yarr 🏴☠️
PC gamers are the biggest criminals in the world.
@@leonoraekaterina5838 You know it matey!