Saying coloured is not a dirty word, I've always identified myself as coloured and I always will. I'm not black, and not white. I refuse to call myself anything other than that. Proud coloured
but you wont understand, if your not south african, why this lady is a proud coloured. theres more to it than colour. coloured people have their own language even. contrary to popular believe Afrikaans is not white people's language. it originates from coloured slaves who took the dutch language and formed it into their own. why should a coloured stand with the very same black people who would at every turn "disown" them
this reinforces my first comment. if all the whites were forcibly removed from the country, who would be next? indians? because blacks think they are corrupt. or maybe coloureds would be next? because black think we think we are white and because we can speak afrikaans. but whether or not you consider afrikaans as an african language is irrelevant, it is already an official language of S.A
Because coloured people are racist whilst simultaneously having black genes. They claim to be African whilst sympathising with colonisers. We see coloured people as traitors
I have seen some coloured who look exactly like black people, when you ask something to them in Xhosa they look like they are offended, they reply speaking Afrikaans boldly with a little bit of anger.
Lol. I have witnessed that for so many times and experienced someone addressing me in Xhosa numerous times. What should be noted is that Coloured people are more diverse than basically any group of peole in the world. These people (or is it we?) can look black, khoi, white, asian, latin etc. but we will all be strikingly all ma se kinners . . .
If South Africa decides to take away the Coloured identity and place us is the Black category then South Africa should not be not be called the Rainbow nation and will be a problem, because South Africa is famous for being a Rainbow nation, so we need Coloureds, Black, White and Indian to be considered a Rainbow nation
@@brandonashleythompson3876 what you don’t know is that coloured is something that never existed before the nationalist party come into power and yes the now coloured people identified as black and as our now constitution still classify coloured people as black. The term black means non-white meaning Asian African and coloured are black people of SA
The coloured people of South Africa have their own history and differs vastly from Black African culture. People should stop being ignorant, they are not sell outs etc etc...They have a distinct language, culture and ethnicity and that should always be respected and upheld by others. We all have a right to be different.
@mziwethumbotho3354 My friend your opinion is childish and devoid of any historical perspective. It's not as simple as you are trying to make it out to be. My question to you is: Why has the Blacks abandoned their language and culture in favour of a European identity?
Real San people are today in Namibia. You see them around a lot and they are not mixed race looking! In SA I've seen Basotho look more like San than the coloureds in South Africa!
Have you heard of Dawid Kruiper. Have you been to the western part of the northern Cape where the San, Gwiqua and Khoi san people still live? Inform your self with actual information instead of reading something that you Googled.
Then what do you say about the Nama and the Griqua who have alot of members who are of majority Khoi descent. Similarly there are many Griqua and Nama who look mixed but still maintain the first nation cultures
Nicole I agree with you, Basotho, Tswana and Xhosa tribes look more Khoi n San than coloureds. The tswana cultural gear and dance is heavily influenced by khoisan. Coloureds in SA SA don't want to admit that bantu and nguni people integrated and mixed with the khoisan
I did a dna test.Im coloured and I am 15% African,40%asian and 45% yes we are multiracial ppl and should be allowed to celebrate all parts of our ancestry.
I think South African Coloured are the most diverse people on earth. I've seen ranges from as low as 15% African to 80% African. Check out Masaman. He does a thorough breakdown of SA coloured
Bantu and mfecane people are also mixed with Khoi and San, you can tell by the Xhosa language and batswana culture. There are too many cultural trades, that goes way back before VOS.
Don't be ignorant: this is a test and you are failing. Contoured is a European constructed. It was designed to devide to separate based upon socio caste systems with the native at the bottom. Quit focusing on democracy as a solution to a problem you cannot vote away. This is about race and control in by a non-native minority that's no longer in controll. That desire to maintain to control the government, natural resources, commerce and the movement of the population.
Dr leonard martin is a great thinker and a real african. The way he talks and looks he can be a jamaican, an american, an african, latin american and an african. He fits in everywhere where black people are.
Very one sided debate with a clear political agenda to position the Khoisan as the only legitimate race that would have great material benefits and power if recognized. The coloured debate is a very complexed debate and I would have appreciated if the panel consisted of a pro-coloured person. Discussions on the Afro-Asia people group Cape Malay would also have been appreciated. Stop viewing coloured as something negative us the younger generation is proud of being coloured and we celebrate it.
Generally "coloured" people are seen as other or outsiders. Yes, it is a complex issue but one cannot hold back the fact that white settlers sought to have coitus with "fair" skinned people (people or women close to the "white" skinned males) and that government (1950-199, was able to coin the word coloured for its use.
Khoi n San is not a race but tribes, Afican/black tribes just like the different Nguni tribes we have but same race. Black people come in different shades in all tribes
Coloureds musnt confuse themselves. They are not khoisan. They are the mixture of African and Europe. Khoisans are pure black and would never see themselves as half African and half Europe. They see themselves as black. As long as you don't believe that you are black, Then u not khoisan, you are coloured.
The word "coloured" was socially can't be 100% sure that all of them aren't Khoisan... They know themselves better than you...think deep...these guys have a point ...these guys are going all the way before apartheid..before Europeans and know.................they not confusing themselves.. The history that was never taught was the one before ...waaaay before colonialism
I know this a late response, but I cant read nonsense like this. Yes they are NOT 'true' Khoi-San, but nor is any Xhosa or Zulu either, any person that claims to be should get their DNA tested. As stated in this show and backed up by science, the only true "race/nation" is the Khoi-San. even they now are few and far between as they were almost totally wiped out by both European and bantu tribes. So to say they 'they' see themselves as pure black, you need to get your facts straight or your head checked. Coloured = Mixed genealogy = meaning they are the 'true' South Africans, as they were born and raised in the country they call home, they themselves didn't come from some where else regardless of their parents and they need to be treated as such!
@@Mrs.T305 I'm cape colored but don't consider myself as such. The Sotho, Xhosa and Tswana are REAL Khoi-San and consider themselves Blacks. So who are these Khoi people you refer to?
@@ROG518ZA Funny story. My Husband is Xhosa and I'm colored (don't consider myself as such), we did the ANCESTORY DNA TEST and his came out 98% Khoi-San from Southern Africa and mine is 62% Southern Africa. I hear my denialist colored mense saying they are the rightful owners of South Africa and all other Blacks must leave 😂😂😂😂 because a colonizer told my people these lies because they know we are incapable of thinking for ourselves, doing for ourselves that is why they are so proud of this term "colored" because they are ashamed of their African roots and desperate to be associated with whites.
😂😂I'm not south african . My question is this : Is this term of "COLORED " a new race ? It doesn't make sens to me . They seem to be mixed race who WILL ALWAYS be perceived as blacks the momemt they leave their comfort zone ( SA)
I don’t care how mixed/coloured people identify. However if you have any anti blackness in you whilst simultaneously claiming African then you can go and join your European ancestors or Asian or whatever. Africa really doesn’t need that stuff anymore. We are one. We are tired of being looked down on and being exploited. It’s time to unite
This guy be like "we are the givers of life" he's not a khoi he's mixed race why doesn't he say anything about his European ancestry. We as blacks are 100% African and South African and he denies that.
I like Dr. Leonard Martin's perspective on the social construction of race and ethnicity in South Africa and worldwide. I also like his deep knowledge about the history of the Saan people. The way he presents his arguments and explanations with clarity reminds me of my mentor the late Dr. Neville Alexander.
Being black is not a matter of skin colour. Its about the exclusion from social, economic systems. Native african tribes, coloureds and indians we are all blacks caz we were and still are oppressed. Being coloured is about culture not race because we have mixed race people who do not identify as coloured. And if black was about skin colour then no south african would be black because we are all brown to light skin. At the end of the day we are all Africans lets us enjoy that and stop creating divisions. We are all sons of this soil, black white, blue...we are one.
South Africa plz recognise Khoisan their culture and language as one of the official language...and this coloured term confuses me are khoisan coloured or wat? arent coloured mixed race people? khoisan arent mixed they must be recognised
Remofilwe Mokgatlhe Khoisan people currently fall under the coloured classification. And most coloured people are Khoisan which a study found made up almost 80percent of the coloured population
We can recognize something that doesn't exist bcoz there was no tribe called khoisan in South Afrika the first tribe to immigrate to the cape was Xam!ka a tribe that was murdered in the cape by khoi khois
I am not black I am not white. I am colorful. Mixed race. Colored. I have a white mans blood & a black mans blood within me both at 50% each. How can I be black? What about the other blood?
Sis I see you are confused let me break this down for you because ppl are confusing being black and African. Black refers to all individuals that are non white or partially white whereas being African means being indigenous and pure descent of Africans. With that being said you are black and not African.
@@esethumadlavu8631 u making up ur own philosophies here ....jst for knowing ur culture doesn't make u more African than u already are....there is alot of mixes in the nguni tribes it is not pure as u say it's to be
A black person telling a Coloured person about being Coloured Coloured or White people that were born and raised in Africa are African. Same with black people in American are American, or black people in Europe are European.
@@realriaan3620 No we are not European, I may be born in the UK but ny bloodline and DNA is mostly African, besides if I came to South Africa in the 1960s, there's no way I could go into a bar with a sign saying Europeans only because European meant white.
Coloureds of South Africa are still Africans!!! Why make a fuss about it. Yes during the Apartheid days, it was beneficial to be classified as “Coloured”, at least a little better than being classed as “Bantu” (“Black”). Apartheid is gone now, just relax.
Does it really matter what color your skin is " coloured" with? Wade's victory is for everyone who identifies as South African regardless of race or creed
The problem is that when there are so many negative associations with coloured people. The problem is that whenever coloured people are mentioned, only negative aspects are mentioned. That is why it is important to emphasise that Wade is coloured. Because when coloured people achieve things then suddenly they are not coloured but South African and belong to everyone which is true but they strip the coloured identity away
@@incognitoinformant5326 I get it where coloured people are coming from. Did we mention that Caster Semenya represented black people when she succeeded or rather that she represented South Africa and made us proud? What I am saying don't isolate yourselves. There shouldn't be a reason for such
A proud coloured ✊ even though we’re always in the middle and overlooked. Our people have also suffered during apartheid and helped fight the struggle. Never forget.
I think the terms black & coloured must fall...the khoisan and the 'blacks" must all identify as AFRICANS and be given the same recognition and other coloureds who do not identify as khoi be called mixed because most are mixed with different race...khoisan be treated like any other tribe in south africa be taught in school and be one of the official language
so tell me something, are Khoisan not black and if they are not black, who decided to kick them out of the black race? Because Khoisan as I understand, they are a tribe within the black race as well
@ronald wiley this is nonsense because if you can do an ancestry DNA within Xhosas, Zulus and Tswanas you will find about 75% and above DNA says that they Khoisans
@ronald wiley in the African culture you identify yourself with your father's tribe which I have mentioned Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana even Sotho. And black people do admit that we have Khoisan ancestry since we were kids we were told by our elders.
@ronald wiley dude, you are African either way and claim it freely because it is who you are. Unfortunately we have to live through results of apartheid which is division...
Khoisan people doesn't hav to b recognize we are the people of South Africa whoever came here added to the south African population. No problem wit SAT. D problem is that black feel more privileged about it. I respect that because they a powerful people but the truth is that the Khoisan history should b tort to the south African population and the Khoisan must b recognized. If the government refuses this then they are no better than the old white colonialist. Don't blame the white man u refuse to recognize the true owners of the land we not talking about white black. We talking about the Khoisan who are the indigenous people of South Africa. This is not a race issue the plain simple truth that the government refuses to acknowledge. Mandela was Khoi decent. Why does the government promote hatred among the Khoi and black people. The Khoi were living in peace especially wit d Xhosa people. That's wer the Xhosa gets the click from the Khoi who's language is the click
Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho are true Khoi-San decendants. I'm cape colored but consider myself Black. My husband is Xhosa and we did the DNA he is 98% Khoi-San combined and I'm 68% combined so the Colored mentality thinking all other Blacks are not rightful decendants of Southern Africa is complete brainwash.
Funny the haplogroup A and B would have been more or less even showing intermarriage between the qua and the xhosa, but it’s not. Xhosa are more then 90% haplogroup E1b1a.
But the Khoi Coloured people are just as Black as another tribe but the we as Khoi people lost our heritage and our language and inherited this Afrikaans language and inherited partial of their culture this coloured debate is too insane these guys just ashamed to be black
@@bauzblak2957 thank you very much. This is white people trying to divide us by starting the stupid debate so that the focus of land can be shifted. you said exactly what I have been telling people all along
@@arnezkasimnoble8033 No other race in the world want to be black because we are seen as a race that beneath all. Khoisan are black people and now other races want to call it differently because it suits them. I remember telling my other former colleagues years ago that they are Khoisan and that means they are black but they denied being Khoisan and black but said they are coloured
Jeepas. Seems like being colored will always be a struggle for me no matter where I live. Both here in the States and in Africa. Accepted nowhere I goodness.
Why does everything has to be about race in South Africa, I remember in 2019 when black People were excellent then they started to divide themselves saying the Xhosa people are very much achieving and representing SA. And other tribes were offended. Apartheid was a very very dangerous tool that was used against the people of South Africa. 😭
There's no "pure" origin of any human. As humans we are one human nation, intermixed or not...the fact remains we are all human with the same biology, the same desires ,the same emotions. I am so mixed....Hottentot, Koi, white, Xhosa, French, Dutch whatever. .. What I know is that I am human, a South African and that's that...finish...
Whats all this of Coloured about we were never spoken or recognized all of a sudden its about Coloureds whats the problem we know who we are there must be something very special about us just be happy who u are not from the outside But from the inside
South Africa rightfully belongs to "Coloureds" , but yet the whole government and other high offering jobs are pitch black even our Army. Double standards are real here
Your motive its based on the land without compensation I can see you are trying to prove the point that bantu people don't belong in South Africa and it wont work
I have a major identity crisis because people are always arguing if I'm coloured because I have a lighter skin tone than most coloured a and I have a few white features . My mother is a cape Malay coloured and my father is white so I have no idea what I am and I can't choose to identify myself as coloured because I will be told " no you are white " but if I identify as white they will say " no you are coloured " This happens all the time so if someone could help identify me as either white or coloured that would be greatly appreciated
You are a human being don't stress yourself about race. Race is not important, we all humans, blood colour is the same, same oxygen, die the same. Jst enjoy life n avoid racists of all colour, you will be the hapienst
@@mcscrabble3869 It would help if the government takes away the term completely, I firstly identify as proudly South *African* I believe the government is choosing to keep labelling our people to keep us divided, we must unite as AFRICAN brothers and sisters.
@@dancewebstudios5466 if you are "coulored" you are black and so african. Don't let the apartheid fool all of you 25 years later. There are people in others countries in Africa and the rest of the world as well who are clearly darker as most "coloured" but no question blacks, period!
If by KhoiSan you mean coloured then fine but then you have to include us in AA and BEEE. Until that happens we will stay coloured and look after ourselves.
Mogomotsi Victor Medupe Muscle City Zulus are not pure tribe. They are jist a bunch of tribes mixed together. Same as coloureds. Just that coloureds also have white and asian tribes mixed. Guess there's no such thing as a true Zulu then either using your logic..
Mogomotsi Victor Medupe Muscle City And yes they pure African but they aren't the same tribes. Pure African means nothing. The nguni come from West Africa. At least our ancestors come from South africa. You will never be able to claim land in your ancestors true home in west africa. Your ancestors must be so mad at you all for leaving your land
JdV you are included in BBBEE if you didn't know. Remember you cannot compare your situation to black Africans, simply because the so called coloreds were given a privilege to a certain extend during apartheid to do and have things than Black were not suppose to, e.g better school facilities, right to vote for their local governance, and many other services that blacks didn't get, just merely because they were blacks. As for land are whites entitle to the land as they do own majority of it given by the apartheid movement which is found to have committed a crime against humanity?? we are Africans and it doesn't matter where we wanna stay within Africa.
Black and White are no colours, LOL! If color is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcasts and don’t count as true, physical colors. LOL
All I care about is that all black people own land in Africa (including you black people who call yourselves coloured ) in spite of your confused anti black rhetoric. Africa should be a safe haven for Africans. We should be able to freely practice our customs and speak our native language instead of English and Afrikaans/ Flemish/Dutch. We didn’t have boarders before the white man came. They wanted to divide and prevail. Let’s not lose focus and let them win. We are one ✊🏾
But Coloured people need a lot of mindset training. There is a lot to be done in their minds cause they are struggling from denial. All the four men in the studio are more black than white. In the accounting T account, there is Dr & Cr and nothing In between as much as in the equation of black and white which doesn't have something in between. Williams is talking differently here but all his other interviews he is talking on terms of a coloured not black or African. True, white people are coloureds not white. They twisted the whole history but now is the time for us to redefine ourselves and THEM. It's long overdue brothers. Amandla!!!
The Office for Race Classificationhas died, apartheid is over...stop refering to yourself as coloured. The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with his or her racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid...apartheid is dead...the word coloured is dead.
The issue is coloured don’t see themselves as blacks and don’t want to associate themselves with the blacks so what do you think the black in which you were before you became anything else which you don’t accept and don’t associate yourself with which is why the coloured communities have a lot of issues. Just look at the confusion with the youth/young in the coloured communities. If you don’t know where you come from, you’ll always be lost because there’s a void which you’ll always try to fill. The term coloured is a apartheid racial term to simply separate people blacks, in which there are different variations/skin tone/ colours and hair textures of what black is. Look at the Ethiopians or people from Madagascar. All in all you’re Black bruh. Whether you admit it or not, even if you’re mixed raced, you’re Black before you’re anything else. Anywhere near the world you’re Black. The sooner you accept & be proud of who you really are the more you’ll start to understand yourself. Look at Beyoncé, Barack even Van Diesel & the Rock. All proud & black but hey each to their own. Peace & Love
I identify as a Coloured with the knowledge that I descent from the Khoisan. Europeans came into contact with our ancestors in 1952. And with the passing of time (naughty) took place among the early settlers and our ancestors. The result was a beautiful diverse offspring. I know for certain that many of us know that we descent from the Khoisan, Dutch settlers and slaves from Indonesia in the Cape. Koisan is not pure black. They are African but brown.
Khoisan are NOT BLACK /BANTU but they are PURE AFRICANS. Uncolonized Khoisan people only recognize themselves as Khoisan over and above the fact they can see that their distinct Pure Khoisan futures are different from Black/Bantu nguni and coloured people . Even genetic tests dish out evidence that clearly shows Khoisan DNA and Bantu DNA separately.
refilwe don't let them confuse you the khoi people are black people among Xhosa and Tswana morwa kgabo mokgatla those are khoi the coloured that are claiming khoi today are mixed with Malay.dutch.India etc. closest people to khoi today are xhosa
Khoi San is black. San mostly from cape became mix with other races. We have xhosa people tswana who still carry great resemblance of the khoi people who r pure africans/not mix with European. These people are trying so hard to exclude themselves calling themselves not white n not black that's crazy.
Dude coloured people always identified with being Khoisan. there is no such thing as pure race especially here in SA, since we've had interracial marriages for hundreds of years. Khoisan people are a heterogeneous ethnic group, the lightskinned ones were classified as coloured and the dark skinned were classified as black.
And I'm not saying that the San and Khoi aren't black, all I'm saying is that coloured people who have mostly Khoi and San DNA have just as much of a right to be considered Khoisan just like xhosa, Tswana . They suffered genocide, mass rape and oppression so they integrated into different communities
You don't get it I see ... You know how many of them don't even know the term does not exist while they are the one keeping the derogatory term alive.... Believe or Not de Klerk had it abolished I think in 1992.... Go do your research.... But our people refuse to stop using the term, It's exactly like our Brothers n Sisters in States... So once I again, I'm informing you the Coloured has been abolished.... Do or Did you even know this fact???
A question I'm not hearing is should South Africa separate itself from the rest of the Black world? Should it pretend that Black and White is not a worldwide thing? As a person born in America but living in Africa permanently I had to choose. I had to choose Black American only as though my heritage began only after the first slave ships arrived in the fifteenth century or I see myself as an African that was born in America with a cool ethnicity amongst all the other outgrowths of Mother Africa. Slavery was only a small part of our history. I can't process focusing only on that part of our past. I have to always remember the whole journey. Anything else would be too small of thinking.
The EUROPEAN ettlers were very stupid to call everyone who did not look like them BLACK . Indians, Chimese, Coloureds are NOT black. The people of this country fall into the following groups :- Africans, Asians (Chinese, Indians) ,Europeans (aka Whites) and Coloureds . As for racism, it shall never end in this country nor indeed worldwide USA got independent in 1776 ( over 244 years ago ) but Racism is thriving big time. Rainbow nation is total BS .
Colored people have never had a problem being called colored. Logically any shape and form require a description. How else can a shape, form, or being be described? There are more important things in life than caring about this (descriptive name) that really in the past never bothered them. The reason why it would now bother is because the race issue is always a topic hi-lightd by the media. Race is not the most important topic on their agenda. How they are treated currently in SA because of their race is something to be discussed. The only descriptive name that can be given to a coloured is Mixed Race. To all those seeking to make them choose a side. Don't you have anything better to do?
I love the comments a fair balance between what media pushes and what reality actually is. There is nothing wrong with coloured, don't assimilate be who you are they don't even believe there is black people. There is heritage, history, culture, belief, there are colors of cultures, they are distinct and beautiful, the only thing that is one mono color is money culture, and a money people are without heritage, history, culture and belief. May none of the colors in culture water themselves down but nourish your identity, love it, grow it, better it, but don't sell it, just don't sell it, money is hollow bricks with which to build a future, true foundations takes a bit more.
I only agree if you mean that the matter has not yet been resolved. The focus on race should increase. Why? It is so attached to wealth and land in South Africa. Getting rid of race means the beneficiaries of apartheid continue to hold their wealth and land and pass it down to their own decedents only.
I've been watching coloured ppl take ancestry dna tests here, it's funny how some have more black ancestry over Khoisan. But then again, Khoisans are also from the same soil, been hearing ppl saying their also black. I really can't be bothered. All I can say is white people are still winning.
Khalil Streeter - he had a white mother and a black father. In South Africa he would be classified as coloured. I agree, he was the first coloured president of the USA. He however governed for blacks. I thought that he would be more neutral and govern for all people. A pity though, he could have made a difference to bridge the gap between the races by using his parents as an example.
Just because you wanna sound political correct dont give you the mandate to decide who is who in the zoo .Let we use our democratic right to decide who we want to be.i guess no one is entitled to decide
The first Britons, 10,000 years ago had a black skin as Africans and many had blue eyes. So under your Apartheid, where they fit? My maternal grandmother would classify as “Coloured” in R.S.A., so would my sister though I wouldn’t. So under Apartheid, were we going to be separated.
Dnt make sense blue eyes only occured 6thousand years ago and the white race is about 7thousand years old.. so they prolly had hazel or green eyes becoz mutation of skin colour happened for 3thousand years evolving from Neanderthals to white humans through inter mixing with creatures
I have read a lot of race hatred in the above comments….How SAD !!!…country still has racial issues…. start accepting each other for who you are / or for who we are…. FELLOW SA citizens and enjoy he diversity that the country is…..a very rich and vibrant culture
I've always heard mix race people Said people are saying they are not black enough and asking myself who Said that because black people will never said that
At least one genetic study indicates that Cape Coloureds have an ancestry consisting of the following ethnic groups: Khoisan: (32-43%) Bantu-speaking Africans: (20-36%) Ethnic groups in Europe: (21-28%) Asian peoples: (9-11%)
Those guy's all of them are mixed so I don't know why they discuss khoisan people who they don't represent..khoisan were black with an African hair not this kind of hair they have
Bull we perform well in everything we do we just get ignored and sidelined,there were many heroes and historical figures that were coloured but go check your history books but most are overlooked
Coloured is not a race but the mixed heritage descendents of Europeans(Dutch, German, French, British) and their slaves/endentures who were Africans(Khoi, Bantu, Malagasy, East and West Africans) and Asians(Indian, Indonesian). Each person is unique, some can be mjority indigenous Khoi or Bantu others majority Asian or European. The unifying factor is a common history and somewhat culture, mainly Afrikaans language a dialect of Dutch. The Coloured classification was introduced by the British, around 1904. During apartheid Coloureds were marginalised but treated much better than blacks. Post apartheid black govt totally marginalises Coloureds.
I support the view that the South African government should recognize the indigenous languages of the Khoi (Nama) and Saan people for those people who consider themselves to be members of those groups. This is important in light of the ethnic cleansing and genocide that the white minority governments carried out against these groups since 1652 and the almost total destruction of their languages, cultures, and identities. With regard to the panel members here I always enjoy listening to Dr. Leonard Martin. Although I am a historian and political scientist, I always learn something new from Dr. Martin about the history of the world and the Saan people. However, although I sometimes agree with comments by Anthony Williams, I am always not satisfied with his understanding of the history of the Saan in Africa and Europe and in terms of the paleontological history of our continent as it relates to these communities and human origin in Africa. The reporter in the far corner of the room asked the question about many people all over the world who have Khoisan genes, and then in response to that question Williams says that this is not true. Then he provides an answer that doesn't debunk but supports the idea that the reporter asked about. For example, Williams says that there are people as far away as Europe and Australia who have more Khoisan genes. It is not clear what he means by “having more Khoisan genes,” i.e., more Khoisan genes compared to what? Through their cyclical migrations over millennia the Saan people used to migrate as far north as southern Europe. Also, Dr. Martin is pointing out that the Saan are the oldest inhabitants of both Africa and Europe. Therefore, If the people of Europe have Saan genes then it should not be surprising that Europeans in Europe and as far away as Australia would have Saan genes. At other forums I have noticed Williams’ tendency to ignore the fact that large sections of the Bantu speaking groups, i.e., Zulu, Pedi, Sotho, Xhosa, and Tswana, have Khoisan genes through centuries of inter-mingling with them. I have seen how Williams tends to acknowledge this fact only after it is pointed out to him by other people at forums. Also, when I look at Williams he reminds me of the Saan people of northern Namibia who have had centuries of substantial intermingling with the Bantu speaking groups of that area.
Ryt5014 absolute rubbish. someone with white/european ancestors is certainly not the same as a full African person. And Ethiopians come in a range of shades and most of the full-blooded Ethiopians are actually very very dark-skinned.
iloverette I don’t believe how crazy you are coloured are black just they hate to be black but black people hate to be coloured they think they better than blacks people
Ethiopians arent Black. Ethiopians are Abyssinian/Habesha - a unique ethnic group who's roots stem from generations of inhabitants from the Horn of Africa and surrounds (hence their unique language, culture and genetic features). Ethiopians in Ethiopia DO NOT IDENTIFY AS BLACK IN THE SAME WAY AS A BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN WOULD. Coloured people are a racially mixed group who share common cultural and lingistic traits....hence there are coloureds who look more white, or more asian, or more african, but they speak the same and their cultural experiences are the same. They are NOT black, as only a percentage of coloureds have black ancestory. Our genetic make up is far too complex, so making an uneducated blanket statement that coloureds are black is an insult.
Ryt5014 Why do black people get so offended by a small group that doesn’t want to join the club? No other group so obnoxiously tells others who they are. It’s bizarre how offended blacks get by people of mix ancestry who acknowledge that they are mixed.
Coloured people are a one of the many black races under the African umbrella. So coloured people should never disown their coloured culture but they should also identify as the same manner an Ethiopian or Nigerian identifies as black.
Saying coloured is not a dirty word, I've always identified myself as coloured and I always will. I'm not black, and not white. I refuse to call myself anything other than that. Proud coloured
dexmond817 real talk
but you wont understand, if your not south african, why this lady is a proud coloured. theres more to it than colour. coloured people have their own language even. contrary to popular believe Afrikaans is not white people's language. it originates from coloured slaves who took the dutch language and formed it into their own. why should a coloured stand with the very same black people who would at every turn "disown" them
Stacey Damons, same. Proud Cape Coloured
how can you not. when more black people speak afrikaans better than english. also black people need to stop associating afrikaans with apartheid.
this reinforces my first comment. if all the whites were forcibly removed from the country, who would be next? indians? because blacks think they are corrupt. or maybe coloureds would be next? because black think we think we are white and because we can speak afrikaans. but whether or not you consider afrikaans as an african language is irrelevant, it is already an official language of S.A
I'm a proud coloured African.I love my black ,white ,Indian and Malay heritage . Don't ask me to pick sides .
I am glad to hear that. Be coloured, be proud. Just like anyone else.
What race are you?
@@chesterdonnelly1212 Agree 100%
I fully agree. I'm mixed and proud. I celebrate all my ancestors, as they have collectively contributed to who I am today.
What is coloured?
Why are all the black people angry? If I want to be coloured then let it be. We can speak for ourselves!!!
Black people we colored too...we called people of colour bicoz of out coloured isn't a race at all
Because coloured people are racist whilst simultaneously having black genes. They claim to be African whilst sympathising with colonisers. We see coloured people as traitors
@@mikamiks2475 Thanks for being honest.
Permy angry! Everything is a protest 🤣🤣🤣
@@giagia4631 🤣🤣
I have seen some coloured who look exactly like black people, when you ask something to them in Xhosa they look like they are offended, they reply speaking Afrikaans boldly with a little bit of anger.
Lol. I have witnessed that for so many times and experienced someone addressing me in Xhosa numerous times.
What should be noted is that Coloured people are more diverse than basically any group of peole in the world. These people (or is it we?) can look black, khoi, white, asian, latin etc. but we will all be strikingly all ma se kinners . . .
If South Africa decides to take away the Coloured identity and place us is the Black category then South Africa should not be not be called the Rainbow nation and will be a problem, because South Africa is famous for being a Rainbow nation, so we need Coloureds, Black, White and Indian to be considered a Rainbow nation
Many blacks dont regard Coloureds as African especially as Coloureds only seem to claim an embrace their European side.
@@brandonashleythompson3876 what you don’t know is that coloured is something that never existed before the nationalist party come into power and yes the now coloured people identified as black and as our now constitution still classify coloured people as black. The term black means non-white meaning Asian African and coloured are black people of SA
@@jasonjumat5070 Khoi are black people
Rise up my coloured people.. Stick together and let's get ours!!
@Kasa King lol 😏
The coloured people of South Africa have their own history and differs vastly from Black African culture. People should stop being ignorant, they are not sell outs etc etc...They have a distinct language, culture and ethnicity and that should always be respected and upheld by others. We all have a right to be different.
Spot on
Which history or culture because you want to be white than being black because you think black is poor
@mziwethumbotho3354 My friend your opinion is childish and devoid of any historical perspective. It's not as simple as you are trying to make it out to be.
My question to you is: Why has the Blacks abandoned their language and culture in favour of a European identity?
@@mziwethumbotho3354 I am white you donkey
Not in Africa, go to Europe, India or Malaysia to be different,you’re in Africa
Real San people are today in Namibia. You see them around a lot and they are not mixed race looking! In SA I've seen Basotho look more like San than the coloureds in South Africa!
Have you heard of Dawid Kruiper. Have you been to the western part of the northern Cape where the San, Gwiqua and Khoi san people still live? Inform your self with actual information instead of reading something that you Googled.
U haven't been to south Africa darling
Then what do you say about the Nama and the Griqua who have alot of members who are of majority Khoi descent. Similarly there are many Griqua and Nama who look mixed but still maintain the first nation cultures
Nicole I agree with you, Basotho, Tswana and Xhosa tribes look more Khoi n San than coloureds. The tswana cultural gear and dance is heavily influenced by khoisan. Coloureds in SA SA don't want to admit that bantu and nguni people integrated and mixed with the khoisan
You are dumb. Educate yourself..
I did a dna test.Im coloured and I am 15% African,40%asian and 45% yes we are multiracial ppl and should be allowed to celebrate all parts of our ancestry.
Wow 💯
I think South African Coloured are the most diverse people on earth. I've seen ranges from as low as 15% African to 80% African. Check out Masaman. He does a thorough breakdown of SA coloured
Only 15%. That should matter when we talk about land
Black Americans are multiracial but we identify as Black
@@catherinesterling1685 it's their dominant gene that's reason why
Bantu and mfecane people are also mixed with Khoi and San, you can tell by the Xhosa language and batswana culture. There are too many cultural trades, that goes way back before VOS.
Don't be ignorant: this is a test and you are failing. Contoured is a European constructed. It was designed to devide to separate based upon socio caste systems with the native at the bottom. Quit focusing on democracy as a solution to a problem you cannot vote away. This is about race and control in by a non-native minority that's no longer in controll. That desire to maintain to control the government, natural resources, commerce and the movement of the population.
Dr leonard martin is a great thinker and a real african. The way he talks and looks he can be a jamaican, an american, an african, latin american and an african. He fits in everywhere where black people are.
Very one sided debate with a clear political agenda to position the Khoisan as the only legitimate race that would have great material benefits and power if recognized. The coloured debate is a very complexed debate and I would have appreciated if the panel consisted of a pro-coloured person. Discussions on the Afro-Asia people group Cape Malay would also have been appreciated. Stop viewing coloured as something negative us the younger generation is proud of being coloured and we celebrate it.
Generally "coloured" people are seen as other or outsiders. Yes, it is a complex issue but one cannot hold back the fact that white settlers sought to have coitus with "fair" skinned people (people or women close to the "white" skinned males) and that government (1950-199, was able to coin the word coloured for its use.
@@AngorRandford stop living in the past.
Nothing is wrong with that panel khoisan are there for all of their children stop separating your self
From the rest
Khoi n San is not a race but tribes, Afican/black tribes just like the different Nguni tribes we have but same race. Black people come in different shades in all tribes
That is always the case they are very racist toward coloured people an you wright shy doing a debate without coloureds 😮
Coloureds musnt confuse themselves. They are not khoisan. They are the mixture of African and Europe. Khoisans are pure black and would never see themselves as half African and half Europe. They see themselves as black. As long as you don't believe that you are black, Then u not khoisan, you are coloured.
The khoi ppl have sd that they don't want to be referred to as black though.
The word "coloured" was socially can't be 100% sure that all of them aren't Khoisan... They know themselves better than you...think deep...these guys have a point ...these guys are going all the way before apartheid..before Europeans and know.................they not confusing themselves.. The history that was never taught was the one before ...waaaay before colonialism
I know this a late response, but I cant read nonsense like this. Yes they are NOT 'true' Khoi-San, but nor is any Xhosa or Zulu either, any person that claims to be should get their DNA tested. As stated in this show and backed up by science, the only true "race/nation" is the Khoi-San. even they now are few and far between as they were almost totally wiped out by both European and bantu tribes. So to say they 'they' see themselves as pure black, you need to get your facts straight or your head checked. Coloured = Mixed genealogy = meaning they are the 'true' South Africans, as they were born and raised in the country they call home, they themselves didn't come from some where else regardless of their parents and they need to be treated as such!
@@Mrs.T305 I'm cape colored but don't consider myself as such. The Sotho, Xhosa and Tswana are REAL Khoi-San and consider themselves Blacks.
So who are these Khoi people you refer to?
@@ROG518ZA Funny story. My Husband is Xhosa and I'm colored (don't consider myself as such), we did the ANCESTORY DNA TEST and his came out 98% Khoi-San from Southern Africa and mine is 62% Southern Africa. I hear my denialist colored mense saying they are the rightful owners of South Africa and all other Blacks must leave 😂😂😂😂 because a colonizer told my people these lies because they know we are incapable of thinking for ourselves, doing for ourselves that is why they are so proud of this term "colored" because they are ashamed of their African roots and desperate to be associated with whites.
😂😂I'm not south african . My question is this : Is this term of "COLORED " a new race ?
It doesn't make sens to me . They seem to be mixed race who WILL ALWAYS be perceived as blacks the momemt they leave their comfort zone ( SA)
I don’t care how mixed/coloured people identify. However if you have any anti blackness in you whilst simultaneously claiming African then you can go and join your European ancestors or Asian or whatever. Africa really doesn’t need that stuff anymore. We are one. We are tired of being looked down on and being exploited. It’s time to unite
Uhhh ok
How is this a debate when their both agreeing with each other?
This guy be like "we are the givers of life" he's not a khoi he's mixed race why doesn't he say anything about his European ancestry. We as blacks are 100% African and South African and he denies that.
I like Dr. Leonard Martin's perspective on the social construction of race and ethnicity in South Africa and worldwide. I also like his deep knowledge about the history of the Saan people. The way he presents his arguments and explanations with clarity reminds me of my mentor the late Dr. Neville Alexander.
Dr. Martin is exceptionally articulate when it comes to explaining the complexity of racial identities.
Being black is not a matter of skin colour. Its about the exclusion from social, economic systems. Native african tribes, coloureds and indians we are all blacks caz we were and still are oppressed. Being coloured is about culture not race because we have mixed race people who do not identify as coloured. And if black was about skin colour then no south african would be black because we are all brown to light skin. At the end of the day we are all Africans lets us enjoy that and stop creating divisions. We are all sons of this soil, black white, blue...we are one.
Personally I believe Coloured people are Black!!!! I really don't understand why anyone would think they are more White than Black😅 that's insane.
Black folks doing a Coloured debate as if Coloureds doesn't have a voice. What an insult and it is not acceptable.
What you mean they are not coloured are they not coloured enough for you?🤔
@@nduduzomlambo8539 I thought the panel was all coloured, I am shocked by what this lady is saying.
We should not condemn any "colour", we should embrace DIVERSITY
Exactly. Just let coloureds be coloureds.
@@chesterdonnelly1212 Quite right
Apartheid achieved what it needed to, lawfully it's over but it's implications still exist and will for a long time and I wish that wasn't the case.
Exactly, that's exactly how I see it too.
,Coloureds are not Khoisan and will never be, coloureds are mixed race,Khoisan are blacks
Lol very true, the real Khoisan are somewhere in Namibia they don't look coloured and don't speak Africans.
These people feel desperate to belong somewhere
It is difficult for Malaysians and Indonesians to call themselves black.
Thank you
@@andiswaphaphu2673 nah dude! That is so racist
South Africa plz recognise Khoisan their culture and language as one of the official language...and this coloured term confuses me are khoisan coloured or wat? arent coloured mixed race people? khoisan arent mixed they must be recognised
Remofilwe Mokgatlhe Khoisan people currently fall under the coloured classification. And most coloured people are Khoisan which a study found made up almost 80percent of the coloured population
The blacks of South Afrika are so hateful they will never give the Khoisan people the rights and respect that they are due as indigenous people.
Recognizing them as the ''first'' is very dangerous.
being black is an apartheid classification. i have never heard anybody with a problem being black. why are coloureds singled out
We can recognize something that doesn't exist bcoz there was no tribe called khoisan in South Afrika the first tribe to immigrate to the cape was Xam!ka a tribe that was murdered in the cape by khoi khois
I am not black I am not white. I am colorful. Mixed race. Colored.
I have a white mans blood & a black mans blood within me both at 50% each. How can I be black? What about the other blood?
Stay in the middle darling, its up to you
Sis I see you are confused let me break this down for you because ppl are confusing being black and African. Black refers to all individuals that are non white or partially white whereas being African means being indigenous and pure descent of Africans. With that being said you are black and not African.
@@esethumadlavu8631 u making up ur own philosophies here ....jst for knowing ur culture doesn't make u more African than u already are....there is alot of mixes in the nguni tribes it is not pure as u say it's to be
A black person telling a Coloured person about being Coloured
Coloured or White people that were born and raised in Africa are African.
Same with black people in American are American, or black people in Europe are European.
No we are not European, I may be born in the UK but ny bloodline and DNA is mostly African, besides if I came to South Africa in the 1960s, there's no way I could go into a bar with a sign saying Europeans only because European meant white.
Coloureds of South Africa are still Africans!!! Why make a fuss about it. Yes during the Apartheid days, it was beneficial to be classified as “Coloured”, at least a little better than being classed as “Bantu” (“Black”). Apartheid is gone now, just relax.
We are African... full stop
Coloureds are not African look at most of them's hair they have white ancestry and black ancestry most of them
@@olwethunqindi8488 we're still african
@@geminiforlife8326 nah dude you are coloured accept your identity coz it what it is.
@@olwethunqindi8488 I've accepted my identity a long time ago , I'm a coloured south-*AFRICAN* there's nothing more to it
@@olwethunqindi8488 African =/ Black! I'm Cape Malay but my ancestry is from all over the world and I'm proudly South **African**
There are people here in the comments that have not learnt a thing after watching this video.
Does it really matter what color your skin is " coloured" with? Wade's victory is for everyone who identifies as South African regardless of race or creed
The problem is that when there are so many negative associations with coloured people. The problem is that whenever coloured people are mentioned, only negative aspects are mentioned. That is why it is important to emphasise that Wade is coloured. Because when coloured people achieve things then suddenly they are not coloured but South African and belong to everyone which is true but they strip the coloured identity away
@@incognitoinformant5326 I get it where coloured people are coming from. Did we mention that Caster Semenya represented black people when she succeeded or rather that she represented South Africa and made us proud? What I am saying don't isolate yourselves. There shouldn't be a reason for such
Let coloureds have their heroes
Stupid to evaluate a person's ability and compare it with race. This guys picks on the coloured people to open a stupid debate
@@African1313 the minority will always want to be heard too.
These groups are either marginalized ,so would want some attention when the need arise
A proud coloured ✊ even though we’re always in the middle and overlooked. Our people have also suffered during apartheid and helped fight the struggle. Never forget.
So where do so called “black” South Africans( xhosa,zulu etc) with European ancestry fall under ?
EXACTLY!!! Black people have the most to say, but don’t even know the beginning of our history as South Africa
If black is mixed, then they are still black
I think the terms black & coloured must fall...the khoisan and the 'blacks" must all identify as AFRICANS and be given the same recognition and other coloureds who do not identify as khoi be called mixed because most are mixed with different race...khoisan be treated like any other tribe in south africa be taught in school and be one of the official language
so tell me something, are Khoisan not black and if they are not black, who decided to kick them out of the black race? Because Khoisan as I understand, they are a tribe within the black race as well
@ronald wiley this is nonsense because if you can do an ancestry DNA within Xhosas, Zulus and Tswanas you will find about 75% and above DNA says that they Khoisans
@ronald wiley in the African culture you identify yourself with your father's tribe which I have mentioned Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana even Sotho. And black people do admit that we have Khoisan ancestry since we were kids we were told by our elders.
@ronald wiley dude, you are African either way and claim it freely because it is who you are. Unfortunately we have to live through results of apartheid which is division...
@@African1313 yah my father is coloured
Khoisan people doesn't hav to b recognize we are the people of South Africa whoever came here added to the south African population. No problem wit SAT. D problem is that black feel more privileged about it. I respect that because they a powerful people but the truth is that the Khoisan history should b tort to the south African population and the Khoisan must b recognized. If the government refuses this then they are no better than the old white colonialist. Don't blame the white man u refuse to recognize the true owners of the land we not talking about white black. We talking about the Khoisan who are the indigenous people of South Africa. This is not a race issue the plain simple truth that the government refuses to acknowledge. Mandela was Khoi decent. Why does the government promote hatred among the Khoi and black people. The Khoi were living in peace especially wit d Xhosa people. That's wer the Xhosa gets the click from the Khoi who's language is the click
Xhosa, Tswana, Sotho are true Khoi-San decendants. I'm cape colored but consider myself Black. My husband is Xhosa and we did the DNA he is 98% Khoi-San combined and I'm 68% combined so the Colored mentality thinking all other Blacks are not rightful decendants of Southern Africa is complete brainwash.
Funny the haplogroup A and B would have been more or less even showing intermarriage between the qua and the xhosa, but it’s not. Xhosa are more then 90% haplogroup E1b1a.
But the Khoi Coloured people are just as Black as another tribe but the we as Khoi people lost our heritage and our language and inherited this Afrikaans language and inherited partial of their culture this coloured debate is too insane these guys just ashamed to be black
@@bauzblak2957 thank you very much. This is white people trying to divide us by starting the stupid debate so that the focus of land can be shifted. you said exactly what I have been telling people all along
@@arnezkasimnoble8033 No other race in the world want to be black because we are seen as a race that beneath all. Khoisan are black people and now other races want to call it differently because it suits them. I remember telling my other former colleagues years ago that they are Khoisan and that means they are black but they denied being Khoisan and black but said they are coloured
Jeepas. Seems like being colored will always be a struggle for me no matter where I live. Both here in the States and in Africa. Accepted nowhere I goodness.
Onse tyd sal kom, en ons moet saam staan
Why does everything has to be about race in South Africa, I remember in 2019 when black People were excellent then they started to divide themselves saying the Xhosa people are very much achieving and representing SA. And other tribes were offended. Apartheid was a very very dangerous tool that was used against the people of South Africa. 😭
South Africa should be divided into many countries taking the different races into account. Also the land should be divided according to race.
Is the time now,opportune for our 'Coloured folk' to rise & excel 🤔🙏
Ai tog! Love this eye-opening panel session! It renews strength. Let me now go put pen to paper...
There's no "pure" origin of any human. As humans we are one human nation, intermixed or not...the fact remains we are all human with the same biology, the same desires ,the same emotions. I am so mixed....Hottentot, Koi, white, Xhosa, French, Dutch whatever. .. What I know is that I am human, a South African and that's that...finish...
Whats all this of Coloured about we were never spoken or recognized all of a sudden its about Coloureds whats the problem we know who we are there must be something very special about us just be happy who u are not from the outside But from the inside
South Africa rightfully belongs to "Coloureds" , but yet the whole government and other high offering jobs are pitch black even our Army. Double standards are real here
We never even had a Coloured President !😭
it's because coloreds support Black (Anc) or White(Da).
Your motive its based on the land without compensation I can see you are trying to prove the point that bantu people don't belong in South Africa and it wont work
I have a major identity crisis because people are always arguing if I'm coloured because I have a lighter skin tone than most coloured a and I have a few white features . My mother is a cape Malay coloured and my father is white so I have no idea what I am and I can't choose to identify myself as coloured because I will be told " no you are white " but if I identify as white they will say " no you are coloured "
This happens all the time so if someone could help identify me as either white or coloured that would be greatly appreciated
Your are the flesh and blood of your mother...identify with your mother's ethnicity
coloureds are not defined by skin colour, rather by culture. If you feel your self to identify most with coloureds then go for it
You can choose. Marry a white man and enjoy white privilege.
You are a human being don't stress yourself about race. Race is not important, we all humans, blood colour is the same, same oxygen, die the same. Jst enjoy life n avoid racists of all colour, you will be the hapienst
@@dududugwala1059 and so u say
In Europe im black
In Africa you're White
Go to Europe
@@honestyfirst978 in south africa you mean. i dont understand why you identify yourself as coloured 25 years after apartheid 🤷🏿♂️
@@mcscrabble3869 It would help if the government takes away the term completely, I firstly identify as proudly South *African* I believe the government is choosing to keep labelling our people to keep us divided, we must unite as AFRICAN brothers and sisters.
@@dancewebstudios5466 if you are "coulored" you are black and so african. Don't let the apartheid fool all of you 25 years later. There are people in others countries in Africa and the rest of the world as well who are clearly darker as most "coloured" but no question blacks, period!
Fadiel Adams needed to be on this panel
we are more than happy to welcom Khoi and the San into our society. The are our brothers and they are black.
If by KhoiSan you mean coloured then fine but then you have to include us in AA and BEEE. Until that happens we will stay coloured and look after ourselves.
J .dV coloureds are not Khoisan first of all,they are multiracial while San and khoi are pure African.
Mogomotsi Victor Medupe Muscle City Zulus are not pure tribe. They are jist a bunch of tribes mixed together. Same as coloureds. Just that coloureds also have white and asian tribes mixed. Guess there's no such thing as a true Zulu then either using your logic..
Mogomotsi Victor Medupe Muscle City And yes they pure African but they aren't the same tribes. Pure African means nothing. The nguni come from West Africa. At least our ancestors come from South africa. You will never be able to claim land in your ancestors true home in west africa. Your ancestors must be so mad at you all for leaving your land
JdV you are included in BBBEE if you didn't know. Remember you cannot compare your situation to black Africans, simply because the so called coloreds were given a privilege to a certain extend during apartheid to do and have things than Black were not suppose to, e.g better school facilities, right to vote for their local governance, and many other services that blacks didn't get, just merely because they were blacks. As for land are whites entitle to the land as they do own majority of it given by the apartheid movement which is found to have committed a crime against humanity?? we are Africans and it doesn't matter where we wanna stay within Africa.
Wayde's victory was for coloureds not black (my people). GTFOH
Trevor Noah is a descendant of Khoi and San? Come on plz.
Yet, for purposes of BEE, you need to tick race not as black but as coloured. The government pushes the race idea.
Black and White are no colours, LOL!
If color is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcasts and don’t count as true, physical colors. LOL
All I care about is that all black people own land in Africa (including you black people who call yourselves coloured ) in spite of your confused anti black rhetoric. Africa should be a safe haven for Africans. We should be able to freely practice our customs and speak our native language instead of English and Afrikaans/ Flemish/Dutch. We didn’t have boarders before the white man came. They wanted to divide and prevail. Let’s not lose focus and let them win. We are one ✊🏾
But Coloured people need a lot of mindset training. There is a lot to be done in their minds cause they are struggling from denial. All the four men in the studio are more black than white. In the accounting T account, there is Dr & Cr and nothing In between as much as in the equation of black and white which doesn't have something in between. Williams is talking differently here but all his other interviews he is talking on terms of a coloured not black or African. True, white people are coloureds not white. They twisted the whole history but now is the time for us to redefine ourselves and THEM. It's long overdue brothers. Amandla!!!
Well well you reason like a white ,don't let your numbers make you feel entitled or your political concisnous
The Office for Race Classificationhas died, apartheid is over...stop refering to yourself as coloured. The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with his or her racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid...apartheid is dead...the word coloured is dead.
The issue is coloured don’t see themselves as blacks and don’t want to associate themselves with the blacks so what do you think the black in which you were before you became anything else which you don’t accept and don’t associate yourself with which is why the coloured communities have a lot of issues. Just look at the confusion with the youth/young in the coloured communities. If you don’t know where you come from, you’ll always be lost because there’s a void which you’ll always try to fill. The term coloured is a apartheid racial term to simply separate people blacks, in which there are different variations/skin tone/ colours and hair textures of what black is. Look at the Ethiopians or people from Madagascar. All in all you’re Black bruh. Whether you admit it or not, even if you’re mixed raced, you’re Black before you’re anything else. Anywhere near the world you’re Black. The sooner you accept & be proud of who you really are the more you’ll start to understand yourself. Look at Beyoncé, Barack even Van Diesel & the Rock. All proud & black but hey each to their own. Peace & Love
Coloreds dont come from black. They come from Koisan.
I identify as a Coloured with the knowledge that I descent from the Khoisan. Europeans came into contact with our ancestors in 1952. And with the passing of time (naughty) took place among the early settlers and our ancestors. The result was a beautiful diverse offspring. I know for certain that many of us know that we descent from the Khoisan, Dutch settlers and slaves from Indonesia in the Cape. Koisan is not pure black. They are African but brown.
KhoiSan are Black people. If we gonna trust European anthropologists, then Bantu peoples are not Black but reddish-brown.
Khoisan are NOT BLACK /BANTU but they are PURE AFRICANS. Uncolonized Khoisan people only recognize themselves as Khoisan over and above the fact they can see that their distinct Pure Khoisan futures are different from Black/Bantu nguni and coloured people . Even genetic tests dish out evidence that clearly shows Khoisan DNA and Bantu DNA separately.
@@gloriamatshoge8724 isn't Bantu a type of language
i need clearity do Khoisan identify as black or coloured?
refilwe don't let them confuse you the khoi people are black people among Xhosa and Tswana morwa kgabo mokgatla those are khoi the coloured that are claiming khoi today are mixed with Malay.dutch.India etc. closest people to khoi today are xhosa
Khoisan people are today classified as coloured, however they do not necessarily identify with being black even in Namibia
Khoi San is black. San mostly from cape became mix with other races. We have xhosa people tswana who still carry great resemblance of the khoi people who r pure africans/not mix with European. These people are trying so hard to exclude themselves calling themselves not white n not black that's crazy.
Dude coloured people always identified with being Khoisan. there is no such thing as pure race especially here in SA, since we've had interracial marriages for hundreds of years. Khoisan people are a heterogeneous ethnic group, the lightskinned ones were classified as coloured and the dark skinned were classified as black.
And I'm not saying that the San and Khoi aren't black, all I'm saying is that coloured people who have mostly Khoi and San DNA have just as much of a right to be considered Khoisan just like xhosa, Tswana . They suffered genocide, mass rape and oppression so they integrated into different communities
Still crying about colonialism.Get over it.America was a colony too.We thrive.
fred easton who cares about your murders America.
You thrive, in concentration camps? Yeah right
What about the police over there?
Can you say the same about the Natives
you are not South African, keep your silly opinions to yourself
I'm black and my skin is lighter than that "coloured" man's. 😭😂😂😂
so? Coloureds are not homogeneous 😭😂😂😂
coloureds don’t all look the same
@@paddaboi_ exactly so the blacker ones should snap out of it cause they're always mostly the anti black ones.
Lost confused people.
@@joe_lubinda dumb confused person
The guy in the blue shirt is a liar
The term " Coloured " has been abolished & SABC should do their homework
How can it be abolished if the people who are called coloured continue to identify themselves as coloured?
You don't get it I see ... You know how many of them don't even know the term does not exist while they are the one keeping the derogatory term alive.... Believe or Not de Klerk had it abolished I think in 1992.... Go do your research.... But our people refuse to stop using the term, It's exactly like our Brothers n Sisters in States... So once I again, I'm informing you the Coloured has been abolished.... Do or Did you even know this fact???
@@KatlegoMmadi Exactly
A question I'm not hearing is should South Africa separate itself from the rest of the Black world? Should it pretend that Black and White is not a worldwide thing? As a person born in America but living in Africa permanently I had to choose. I had to choose Black American only as though my heritage began only after the first slave ships arrived in the fifteenth century or I see myself as an
African that was born in America with a cool ethnicity amongst all the other outgrowths of Mother Africa. Slavery was only a small part of our history. I can't process focusing only on that part of our past. I have to always remember the whole journey. Anything else would be too small of thinking.
Wen we win we are African, but there is , issue we are colour
The EUROPEAN ettlers were very stupid to call everyone who did not look like them BLACK . Indians, Chimese, Coloureds are NOT black. The people of this country fall into the following groups :-
Africans, Asians (Chinese, Indians) ,Europeans (aka Whites) and Coloureds . As for racism, it shall never end in this country nor indeed worldwide USA got independent in 1776 ( over 244 years ago ) but Racism is thriving big time. Rainbow nation is total BS .
Someone please help me understand how this is a debate? Its coloureds agreeing with one another.
Colored people have never had a problem being called colored. Logically any shape and form require a description. How else can a shape, form, or being be described? There are more important things in life than caring about this (descriptive name) that really in the past never bothered them. The reason why it would now bother is because the race issue is always a topic hi-lightd by the media. Race is not the most important topic on their agenda. How they are treated currently in SA because of their race is something to be discussed. The only descriptive name that can be given to a coloured is Mixed Race. To all those seeking to make them choose a side. Don't you have anything better to do?
I love the comments a fair balance between what media pushes and what reality actually is.
There is nothing wrong with coloured, don't assimilate be who you are they don't even believe there is black people.
There is heritage, history, culture, belief, there are colors of cultures, they are distinct and beautiful, the only thing that is one mono color is money culture, and a money people are without heritage, history, culture and belief. May none of the colors in culture water themselves down but nourish your identity, love it, grow it, better it, but don't sell it, just don't sell it, money is hollow bricks with which to build a future, true foundations takes a bit more.
lol the race thing here in SA id Hilarious
race gone too far
I only agree if you mean that the matter has not yet been resolved. The focus on race should increase. Why? It is so attached to wealth and land in South Africa. Getting rid of race means the beneficiaries of apartheid continue to hold their wealth and land and pass it down to their own decedents only.
But we ain't finna not talk about it
The question is are we mixed or are we koisan decent
Both brother.
I've been watching coloured ppl take ancestry dna tests here, it's funny how some have more black ancestry over Khoisan. But then again, Khoisans are also from the same soil, been hearing ppl saying their also black. I really can't be bothered. All I can say is white people are still winning.
@@Mlindos yes they black. Khwe and san is their individual tribe name
The first people weren’t Khoisan and I’m part Khoisan
Zuma should call Obama, the first colourd president.
Andre Williams Obama is an American. A black American. Y'all leave that "colored" crap in South Africa
Khalil Streeter - he had a white mother and a black father. In South Africa he would be classified as coloured. I agree, he was the first coloured president of the USA. He however governed for blacks. I thought that he would be more neutral and govern for all people. A pity though, he could have made a difference to bridge the gap between the races by using his parents as an example.
He was the 1st mix race president he not black or white he is mix and he admitted to that.
They had the same debate about Obama because prior to his presidency he wasn’t black.
You are what your father is ... Obama is black
I am the giver of life
Just because you wanna sound political correct dont give you the mandate to decide who is who in the zoo .Let we use our democratic right to decide who we want to be.i guess no one is entitled to decide
We are africans, and that's all that matters . If u are not, it's okay .
The Indian is not African
There are no such human animal as a genetically pure race!
The first Britons, 10,000 years ago had a black skin as Africans and many had blue eyes. So under your Apartheid, where they fit?
My maternal grandmother would classify as “Coloured” in R.S.A., so would my sister though I wouldn’t. So under Apartheid, were we going to be separated.
Dnt make sense blue eyes only occured 6thousand years ago and the white race is about 7thousand years old.. so they prolly had hazel or green eyes becoz mutation of skin colour happened for 3thousand years evolving from Neanderthals to white humans through inter mixing with creatures
These are all abstract pedigree labels not actual biological races.
I have read a lot of race hatred in the above comments….How SAD !!!…country still has racial issues….
start accepting each other for who you are / or for who we are…. FELLOW SA citizens and enjoy he diversity that the country is…..a very rich and vibrant culture
I think we should do what Rwanda did and not have these stupid forms saying what race we are?We are just South African.
I've always heard mix race people Said people are saying they are not black enough and asking myself who Said that because black people will never said that
a vast number of Coloreds in Kzn have their roots in Griqualand
At least one genetic study indicates that Cape Coloureds have an ancestry consisting of the following ethnic groups:
Khoisan: (32-43%)
Bantu-speaking Africans: (20-36%)
Ethnic groups in Europe: (21-28%)
Asian peoples: (9-11%)
Those guy's all of them are mixed so I don't know why they discuss khoisan people who they don't represent..khoisan were black with an African hair not this kind of hair they have
Bull we perform well in everything we do we just get ignored and sidelined,there were many heroes and historical figures that were coloured but go check your history books but most are overlooked
I'm original South African did not come with a ⛵ from somewhere coulder that love my African brothers and sisters Amandala
The Colored man is the pale skin man. The Melanated man is the Original.
What is your exact point?
@@incognitoinformant5326 just stating the order of things, not who's better or worse just who was first.
Its not that black and white
@@rahmelel4174 original man is khoisan witch is brown not black
go to Joburg Xhosas are called Bushman, this must go to lab ,
Lies! No one calls Xhosas bushmen. Coloureds were always labeled busbies
Are coloureds black or white?
Coloured is not a race but the mixed heritage descendents of Europeans(Dutch, German, French, British) and their slaves/endentures who were Africans(Khoi, Bantu, Malagasy, East and West Africans) and Asians(Indian, Indonesian). Each person is unique, some can be mjority indigenous Khoi or Bantu others majority Asian or European. The unifying factor is a common history and somewhat culture, mainly Afrikaans language a dialect of Dutch.
The Coloured classification was introduced by the British, around 1904. During apartheid Coloureds were marginalised but treated much better than blacks. Post apartheid black govt totally marginalises Coloureds.
I support the view that the South African government should recognize the indigenous languages of the Khoi (Nama) and Saan people for those people who consider themselves to be members of those groups. This is important in light of the ethnic cleansing and genocide that the white minority governments carried out against these groups since 1652 and the almost total destruction of their languages, cultures, and identities. With regard to the panel members here I always enjoy listening to Dr. Leonard Martin. Although I am a historian and political scientist, I always learn something new from Dr. Martin about the history of the world and the Saan people. However, although I sometimes agree with comments by Anthony Williams, I am always not satisfied with his understanding of the history of the Saan in Africa and Europe and in terms of the paleontological history of our continent as it relates to these communities and human origin in Africa. The reporter in the far corner of the room asked the question about many people all over the world who have Khoisan genes, and then in response to that question Williams says that this is not true. Then he provides an answer that doesn't debunk but supports the idea that the reporter asked about. For example, Williams says that there are people as far away as Europe and Australia who have more Khoisan genes. It is not clear what he means by “having more Khoisan genes,” i.e., more Khoisan genes compared to what? Through their cyclical migrations over millennia the Saan people used to migrate as far north as southern Europe. Also, Dr. Martin is pointing out that the Saan are the oldest inhabitants of both Africa and Europe. Therefore, If the people of Europe have Saan genes then it should not be surprising that Europeans in Europe and as far away as Australia would have Saan genes. At other forums I have noticed Williams’ tendency to ignore the fact that large sections of the Bantu speaking groups, i.e., Zulu, Pedi, Sotho, Xhosa, and Tswana, have Khoisan genes through centuries of inter-mingling with them. I have seen how Williams tends to acknowledge this fact only after it is pointed out to him by other people at forums. Also, when I look at Williams he reminds me of the Saan people of northern Namibia who have had centuries of substantial intermingling with the Bantu speaking groups of that area.
So does it matter I mean it's a south african victory not say oo it's only a black victory or a colored one it's bullshit
I classify myself from earth or a human being ever since us humans are planning to colonize mars.
What happened to their land is that is was not used. 😂🤣
what happened to their land is that it was stolen.
coloured are just lightskinned blacks stop separating .Ethiopians are the same skin as so called coloured but they're black .
Ryt5014 absolute rubbish. someone with white/european ancestors is certainly not the same as a full African person. And Ethiopians come in a range of shades and most of the full-blooded Ethiopians are actually very very dark-skinned.
iloverette I don’t believe how crazy you are coloured are black just they hate to be black but black people hate to be coloured they think they better than blacks people
Ethiopians arent Black. Ethiopians are Abyssinian/Habesha - a unique ethnic group who's roots stem from generations of inhabitants from the Horn of Africa and surrounds (hence their unique language, culture and genetic features). Ethiopians in Ethiopia DO NOT IDENTIFY AS BLACK IN THE SAME WAY AS A BLACK SOUTH AFRICAN WOULD. Coloured people are a racially mixed group who share common cultural and lingistic traits....hence there are coloureds who look more white, or more asian, or more african, but they speak the same and their cultural experiences are the same. They are NOT black, as only a percentage of coloureds have black ancestory. Our genetic make up is far too complex, so making an uneducated blanket statement that coloureds are black is an insult.
Ryt5014 Why do black people get so offended by a small group that doesn’t want to join the club? No other group so obnoxiously tells others who they are. It’s bizarre how offended blacks get by people of mix ancestry who acknowledge that they are mixed.
Coloured people are a one of the many black races under the African umbrella. So coloured people should never disown their coloured culture but they should also identify as the same manner an Ethiopian or Nigerian identifies as black.
Race isn't real but racism is real.
Well with a racist ANC government (EFF as well) that is supposed to lead by example I see this never ending.
When senenya won. That is for Black's