@beforeyouplay you gotta play this game. It’s diffidently up your alley. It’s gotta the beige euro look that Naveen likes and the elegant gameplay and awesome cut throatness you both like.
@@sarahjoylagunzad6159 yeah you’re absolutely right, it definitely checks all of Naveen’s boxes! We are definitely going to play. Thanks for the recommendation!
This is hands-down my favourite boardgame (closely followed by a few other favourite such as Imperial 2030, Bruxelles 1893 and Combat Commander). Simply superb.
CORRECTIONS: 1. 23:07 - The RIGHTMOST trading post breaks the tie, I, unfortunately, misspoke here. 2. 28:55 - This token can only move opponent's pieces, NOT your own. I will use this incorrectly. 3. 46:36 - We only took 1 action, not 2!
just got the game recently, havent opened the shrink yet. this is perfect. checked out many tutorials and this is the best. thank you for the clear thorough playthrough.
Awesome tutorial. Best one for this game that I've seen. Great job!! The game has such simple (seemingly) rules but so much nuance and strategy. Can't wait to give it a try. Hopefully can play multiple sessions with the same group.
Thanks for the vid - very helpful. i have just bought the Big Box edition (thanks SU&SD for the recommend) and spending an hour to watch you explain the game was worth every minute. Thanks for making it simple! #NZ
Hi Jon, love your work on tutorials and playthroughs. When you used the bonus token - move 3 tradesmen near the 29 minute mark you moved one of your own tradesmen, current rules state - move 3 of your opponents tradesmen.
Watched your original review of Hansa Teutonica. So glad you were able to do a teach and play through. Just got the big box and ready to teach for the weekend! Thanks!
@@brianfoley1805 I found it on Amazon. I’ve been watching out for it everyday because I know it has been out of print for awhile and everyone reselling their’s were asking too much for it. I got it for $41.99. I would just keep watching Amazon or if your LFGS has it.
At 23:07 you say that if there is a tie for control of a city it is the leftmost that is the tiebreaker. It is the rightmost spots, the harder to get ones, that are the tiebreaker.
Maybe sometimes we should criticise people's taste, thinking patterns and expectations, instead of game designs. There is no problem in map colors, no problem in "just cubes" being workers and no problem in repetitive patterns. Hansa's design let you dive in full player interaction from round one. If we leave out multiplayer solitaire games for people who actually don't like playing with friends (they just like playing in company of their friends), every game boils down to something slimmer. That is the point of games I think. Yes, sometimes I like being able to buy original card that allows me to do something that no other player can do and they have to adapt their tactics, because the old ones will not work against me.. but you can do this by developing new mid term or long term tactics and strategies in Hansa, too. It's just the design decision (or it's the characteristics of those "older" designs) to exclude all obstacles being put between players in many other games. Big, modern, nicee and more complex games with more elaborate mechanics feel harder to crack and more fresh because to significant level you are cracking the actual game mechanics and rules isntead of cracking the strategy and tactic of your opponent. In Hansa, you have full interaction from round 1. and you are learning things about your friend's tactics and tempers from game 1 or 2. And it is possible because of the simple and bland looks and open design. So it is not something to generally criticise. It is different and superior approach to game design for many people. We don't have to review it as negative in all reviews on the internet :D I'm still waiting for that review that says "this is perfect as it is - player turn order changes everything from round one and it's not perfectly balanced, it's bland and straightforward, which is contrasting perfectly with it's brutality and interactivity that even many wargames or fighting games can only dream of."
I've learned a lot from your videos. Thank you for making them! P.S. Not sure if someone's said this before, but the audio isn't great. Sorry, not sure if you have a speech impediment, but it sounds muffled all the time. Maybe have English subtitles (somehow)?
Hi Jon, thanks for the video, it is excellent. Quick question: at 45:10 you say that he will now get a 7th action. However, I think that the newly acquired action will not apply yet as these 3 are from the bonus tile which grants 3 actions, not a bonus turn). If he had used the bonus tile first (and acquired the 4th action from that) then he would have 4 actions from his normal turn. Is this correct? Hope you get what I’m asking.
I don't fully track your question unfortunately. You can't use bonus tokens in the action where you took them, but you can use them later on in the same turn.
Seems like the city next to the upgrade that increases actions is op, everyone would want to complete that road so they can unlock more actions, and the player that own that city is getting a point everytime? Before you know it that player has 20 points.
In my dozens of games I've seen someone place onto that city only a few times. It's so strong getting new actions that people almost always do that instead of investing in the city instead. Perhaps I should give that a shot next time I play.
Hi Jon, thanks for the great view!what do you think about the production quality of the argentum verlag version?recently got a chance to get the original version and don't like the new big box art… thanks!
My copy was from the first print run and the colors are pretty muted. I do wish I had a newer one where the board has more color, but not enough to go out and buy it. As far as the cover is concerned, I think both options are fine (not something I usually pay attention to).
Very quick question, but there were a number of times when players had a "full route" when they finished their turn but had no actions spare to claim the route. However, neither of the other players displaced any of the cubes/discs in that route, so is there a rule that once that route is complete, no one can displace it?
No, that is a move you can do though I've seen it rarely happen. It only makes sense when you can displace a cube with a disc to then force that opponent to displace the disc to claim the route. By doing this move you've gotten in the way, but also put another tradesman on the board for that opponent and only if they decide to displace you back will you gain one tradesmen on them (since you spent one on the cube and they spend 2 on the disc you put in). In my experience players often do a book action to move off a route to do something else when someone aggressively displaces in.
At 46:36 you say you've taken 2 out of your 3 actions, but you only took one at that point - finishing the route to increase your "bag" action. So seems like you either forgot to take an action or took an action off-screen.
Interesting how much coverage this game has been getting online lately. Is this a hidden gem that people are just finding? Or is the box box campaign really driving this? Definitely interested to try it though!
just a quick question, why bother doing lots of messing about when all that needs to be done is put one trading post in adjoining cities and then keep putting your tradesmen between those cities gaining two points every turn
If you start doing that, it's likely your opponents will play off it and put their own trading houses on those locations as well, so you'd quickly be feeding them almost or equal points, as they go and do other things on their turns.
Wow that is embarrassing! YT automatically puts a ton in and I delete them all in order to carefully place just 2 or maybe 3 for very long videos. I did that for this video but maybe I forgot to click "save"? I just checked and you were right, it was a total onslaught of advertisements. Thank you so much for commenting about this, I believe I have fixed it now. So many people watched this video already with all those ads, that honestly makes me feel awful.
@@JonGetsGames Thanks Jon. The ad placement and frequency in your videos has always been a good balance, so it was noticeably different this time. I nonetheless watched the whole thing, and this looks like a really fun game.
You are a trooper! 16 ads is rediculous, I can't imagine how annoying that was. Thanks again for calling it out, sometimes mistakes happen like forgetting to click a button.
Naveen has been talking about wanting to try this game lately! Thanks for the video!
I love your videos! I'd love to see a play through of this from you guys as well
@beforeyouplay you gotta play this game. It’s diffidently up your alley. It’s gotta the beige euro look that Naveen likes and the elegant gameplay and awesome cut throatness you both like.
@@sarahjoylagunzad6159 yeah you’re absolutely right, it definitely checks all of Naveen’s boxes! We are definitely going to play. Thanks for the recommendation!
@@gem2289 thank you! We’ll see what we can do!
@@BeforeYouPlay oh man, I hope we get a playthrough. You guys are the best!
This is hands-down my favourite boardgame (closely followed by a few other favourite such as Imperial 2030, Bruxelles 1893 and Combat Commander). Simply superb.
You have great taste in board games.
1. 23:07 - The RIGHTMOST trading post breaks the tie, I, unfortunately, misspoke here.
2. 28:55 - This token can only move opponent's pieces, NOT your own. I will use this incorrectly.
3. 46:36 - We only took 1 action, not 2!
What a great video, thank you. Just got the game and can't wait to play.
It's so good, I hope you enjoy it!
just got the game recently, havent opened the shrink yet. this is perfect. checked out many tutorials and this is the best. thank you for the clear thorough playthrough.
Awesome, thanks for the kind words. I hope you enjoy the game, it's a classic.
Awesome tutorial. Best one for this game that I've seen. Great job!! The game has such simple (seemingly) rules but so much nuance and strategy. Can't wait to give it a try. Hopefully can play multiple sessions with the same group.
Good luck, I hope you and your group enjoys it :)
I watched so many Hot To Play videos, but couldn’t get it to the table. Thanks to your Playthrough it was easy going. Well done!👍🏼
Awesome, I hope you enjoy playing it!
Thanks for the vid - very helpful. i have just bought the Big Box edition (thanks SU&SD for the recommend) and spending an hour to watch you explain the game was worth every minute. Thanks for making it simple! #NZ
Hi Jon, love your work on tutorials and playthroughs. When you used the bonus token - move 3 tradesmen near the 29 minute mark you moved one of your own tradesmen, current rules state - move 3 of your opponents tradesmen.
Huh, I didn't realize it had that restriction. This is the first time I've ever played with the modified ruleset for that token.
Really helpful, thanks, Jon! I picked up this game recently and am really looking forward to trying it out
This video is so good and helpful.
This was a great video. I may have to see if I can pick up a copy of this game.
Watched your original review of Hansa Teutonica. So glad you were able to do a teach and play through. Just got the big box and ready to teach for the weekend! Thanks!
Where you find it??
@@brianfoley1805 I found it on Amazon. I’ve been watching out for it everyday because I know it has been out of print for awhile and everyone reselling their’s were asking too much for it. I got it for $41.99. I would just keep watching Amazon or if your LFGS has it.
@@sarahjoylagunzad6159 Nice...just so out of stock! great get for you!
I just bought a used copy on BGG after watching SUSD review. This play through makes me even more excited to bring to the table.
Very good video, this game seems very interesting !
Great video! Thanks
Great video! I’m always tempted to put out trading houses at the upgrade cities to get all those points
Yeah, super tempting. That one right next to gaining actions.... so hard to go for though when you could just have more actions!
At 23:07 you say that if there is a tie for control of a city it is the leftmost that is the tiebreaker. It is the rightmost spots, the harder to get ones, that are the tiebreaker.
Crap, that was just a wording flub. Meant to say right, and said left :( I'll add note about this thanks.
@@JonGetsGames No problem. I thought it was just a wording mistake from the hand movements.
I’ve heard this was a mean game... that disc placement by the green player on the second move of the game made my blood boil 😆
Maybe sometimes we should criticise people's taste, thinking patterns and expectations, instead of game designs.
There is no problem in map colors, no problem in "just cubes" being workers and no problem in repetitive patterns.
Hansa's design let you dive in full player interaction from round one. If we leave out multiplayer solitaire games for people who actually don't like playing with friends (they just like playing in company of their friends), every game boils down to something slimmer.
That is the point of games I think. Yes, sometimes I like being able to buy original card that allows me to do something that no other player can do and they have to adapt their tactics, because the old ones will not work against me.. but you can do this by developing new mid term or long term tactics and strategies in Hansa, too.
It's just the design decision (or it's the characteristics of those "older" designs) to exclude all obstacles being put between players in many other games.
Big, modern, nicee and more complex games with more elaborate mechanics feel harder to crack and more fresh because to significant level you are cracking the actual game mechanics and rules isntead of cracking the strategy and tactic of your opponent.
In Hansa, you have full interaction from round 1. and you are learning things about your friend's tactics and tempers from game 1 or 2. And it is possible because of the simple and bland looks and open design. So it is not something to generally criticise. It is different and superior approach to game design for many people. We don't have to review it as negative in all reviews on the internet :D
I'm still waiting for that review that says "this is perfect as it is - player turn order changes everything from round one and it's not perfectly balanced, it's bland and straightforward, which is contrasting perfectly with it's brutality and interactivity that even many wargames or fighting games can only dream of."
Fantastic game, fantastic playthrough. I hope to get a big box soom!
thank you! best playthrough as always
I've learned a lot from your videos. Thank you for making them!
P.S. Not sure if someone's said this before, but the audio isn't great. Sorry, not sure if you have a speech impediment, but it sounds muffled all the time. Maybe have English subtitles (somehow)?
Thank you for the tutorial
13:19 You meant to say most trading posts. Not most trading routes.
Hi Jon, thanks for the video, it is excellent. Quick question: at 45:10 you say that he will now get a 7th action. However, I think that the newly acquired action will not apply yet as these 3 are from the bonus tile which grants 3 actions, not a bonus turn). If he had used the bonus tile first (and acquired the 4th action from that) then he would have 4 actions from his normal turn. Is this correct? Hope you get what I’m asking.
I don't fully track your question unfortunately. You can't use bonus tokens in the action where you took them, but you can use them later on in the same turn.
One of my favorite of all time !!! Will you get the big box Jon ? :)
Probabaly not, I already have the expansions it adds.
Seems like the city next to the upgrade that increases actions is op, everyone would want to complete that road so they can unlock more actions, and the player that own that city is getting a point everytime? Before you know it that player has 20 points.
In my dozens of games I've seen someone place onto that city only a few times. It's so strong getting new actions that people almost always do that instead of investing in the city instead. Perhaps I should give that a shot next time I play.
Hi Jon, thanks for the great view!what do you think about the production quality of the argentum verlag version?recently got a chance to get the original version and don't like the new big box art… thanks!
My copy was from the first print run and the colors are pretty muted. I do wish I had a newer one where the board has more color, but not enough to go out and buy it. As far as the cover is concerned, I think both options are fine (not something I usually pay attention to).
@@JonGetsGames thanks!
Very quick question, but there were a number of times when players had a "full route" when they finished their turn but had no actions spare to claim the route. However, neither of the other players displaced any of the cubes/discs in that route, so is there a rule that once that route is complete, no one can displace it?
No, that is a move you can do though I've seen it rarely happen. It only makes sense when you can displace a cube with a disc to then force that opponent to displace the disc to claim the route. By doing this move you've gotten in the way, but also put another tradesman on the board for that opponent and only if they decide to displace you back will you gain one tradesmen on them (since you spent one on the cube and they spend 2 on the disc you put in). In my experience players often do a book action to move off a route to do something else when someone aggressively displaces in.
@@JonGetsGames Cheers, that's very clear now. I had realised that it was only marginally valuable, ut your explanation makes sense.
At 46:36 you say you've taken 2 out of your 3 actions, but you only took one at that point - finishing the route to increase your "bag" action. So seems like you either forgot to take an action or took an action off-screen.
Good catch! I've added a note about this, thanks.
Interesting how much coverage this game has been getting online lately. Is this a hidden gem that people are just finding? Or is the box box campaign really driving this? Definitely interested to try it though!
I've loved this game since 2010, but it did just get a big signal boost from Shut up and Sit Down.
SUSD is why I’m here.
I had to teach the big box 2 days ago. Just my luck lol 😥
I always teach the bar game first. This one is relatively rules light compared to most of my favorites.
just a quick question, why bother doing lots of messing about when all that needs to be done is put one trading post in adjoining cities and then keep putting your tradesmen between those cities gaining two points every turn
If you start doing that, it's likely your opponents will play off it and put their own trading houses on those locations as well, so you'd quickly be feeding them almost or equal points, as they go and do other things on their turns.
What do you think of it at 2 players?
I've never tried it with just 2 players.
@@JonGetsGames Fair enough. I only ask b/c my life circumstances have me mainly looking for good two-player games. HT looks attractive, though.
Perfect timing !!! Thank you !!!
Any chance for the game “ deep state: new world order” tutorial ?
Glad you enjoyed it :) I actually declined to make a video for that game due to not being interested enough in it.
Woah, the increase in ad frequency is a bit much.
How many did you see? There should only have been two midrolls, at 9ish minutes and 25ish which is what I’ve been doing for a while.
@@JonGetsGames There were a total of 16 ad breaks in my case
Wow that is embarrassing! YT automatically puts a ton in and I delete them all in order to carefully place just 2 or maybe 3 for very long videos. I did that for this video but maybe I forgot to click "save"? I just checked and you were right, it was a total onslaught of advertisements. Thank you so much for commenting about this, I believe I have fixed it now. So many people watched this video already with all those ads, that honestly makes me feel awful.
@@JonGetsGames Thanks Jon. The ad placement and frequency in your videos has always been a good balance, so it was noticeably different this time. I nonetheless watched the whole thing, and this looks like a really fun game.
You are a trooper! 16 ads is rediculous, I can't imagine how annoying that was. Thanks again for calling it out, sometimes mistakes happen like forgetting to click a button.
Very weird to hear the phrase “white privilege” in an informal and lighthearted context!