At end of the video when u got low voltage automatic rth was it going to land over by the trees was that your original home point take off ? Also we’re u did ur compass dance u better off doing more in open space away from the shed and the car but sometime I see these drones are off the home point by 4 to 5 meters did u manage to regain control n move it to u ? Did u turn gps off to do so ?
Since when did it become drone on first and then control, it was always transmiter first and then the vehicle, to prevent any random signal interference on the drone which could possibly cause random behaviour before you get the transmitter on and connected
Yes, I was a little surprised with this at first. We all know that older RC brushed drones and aircraft can bind this way but I was surprised to find brushless drones (Cheaper end) doing it as well, the proof is in the pudding I suppose as they work well. I somehow suspect if we might turn on the TX first then the drone we have end up with the same result.
There are a couple of ways, use the stick or if I recall there is a button which you press twice. I'm just about to pass this model on but If I get time I'll go through it again.
Yeah I agree with you about drone then remote control thing
Yes, a fairly new way of binding models, more surprising given its a brushless drone.
Push unlock and they'll start 😊😊
At end of the video when u got low voltage automatic rth was it going to land over by the trees was that your original home point take off ? Also we’re u did ur compass dance u better off doing more in open space away from the shed and the car but sometime I see these drones are off the home point by 4 to 5 meters did u manage to regain control n move it to u ? Did u turn gps off to do so ?
Since when did it become drone on first and then control, it was always transmiter first and then the vehicle, to prevent any random signal interference on the drone which could possibly cause random behaviour before you get the transmitter on and connected
Yes, I was a little surprised with this at first. We all know that older RC brushed drones and aircraft can bind this way but I was surprised to find brushless drones (Cheaper end) doing it as well, the proof is in the pudding I suppose as they work well. I somehow suspect if we might turn on the TX first then the drone we have end up with the same result.
Yup I always go by that method transmitter on first
How do you get it to start, (the propellers)
There are a couple of ways, use the stick or if I recall there is a button which you press twice. I'm just about to pass this model on but If I get time I'll go through it again.
It's a very good drone to flying went up and out 300meter with no problem came home camera could be better this it