Ja i weź porażka z tą Luną. Patrząc na piosenki innych to Justyna by się tam idealnie odnalazła a nawet inni stwierdzili że Luna jest za cicha. Z Blanką miałam taki problem że ta piosenka była tak denerwująca że wbijała się do głowy i nie chciała wyjść XDD A przy Lunie to szkoda gadać
Theoretically speaking, it's not an outstanding piece of work but let's admit the fact it's extremely catchy, hard to get it out of the head 😅 Lovin' it. It just has an amazing vibe to it
could be better if they made a slight better stage performance. it was like created for small stages. a bit more people if possible, some confetti or whatever. there was like nothing on the stage, even though the dance was nice. you must be a winner before you win to win (confucius). and she didn't sing all the lyrics, it sounds awful. even though she had it prerecorded, it just doesn't sound nice. another thing... well, i don't know, maybe slightly better arrange. just a bit more. it could been top 3 imo. it's not a polish type of song, it's latin. but she's part-bulgarian. i don't know
Damn, she improved tremendously. Lowkey in shock. The song is catchy as hell. I suspect you are going to hear it regulary during your summer vacation in Europe. Which is why I think she is a different kind of winner of this year's Eurovision.
It wasn't that bad after all. Her vocals were way much better than two months ago, she could sort of dance while singing and keeping the tones and if you only see this performance and not the previous ones, you can like it. The song is catchy as hell, guess she is a different kind of winner of the night. Congrats, Blanka!
@@Szartia Wtedy się dużo narzekało ale Blanka serio dobrze wypadła, bez problemu przeszła do finału i w głosowaniu samych widzów było 4 miejsce :v To się docenia jeszcze bardziej po tym "występie" królowej ketchupu
As a Pole, I was very upset when she was chosen to represent us and when Jann was robbed. But I have to admit that she improved a lot and delivered a solid performance, even though it was not in my taste. Good job!!
I don't really understand why so many people are telling how great she is after eurovision tho the only improvement she made was her vocal. The song feels like those disco polo vacation songs from 2018 and only became unique cause her "bejba" became a meme, and tbh I can't see the idea exactly for the show? Like, what does neons and 2010 vibes have to do with being solo(?) (can't really tell what her song is about). Her song is just average and "copy paste" like edyta górniak said but in a bad way 💀💀💀
Funny how some of you guys here brag and cry that she did a catchy pop song with mid 00’ vibe, and TBH it’s remarkable. Even “Bejbe” bothers some of you as it’s too catchy.. WTF?!? Be happy that we have music like this in 2023. Go Blanka, Go Poland! 💪🏻❤️
Aż wróciłem do tego występu po masakrycznym występie Luny. Chociaż w Blankę wątpiłem na początku, to potem byłem pełen podziwu. Tutaj niestety u Luny nie dałem rady się przekonać po występie. Słabizna. Tancerze i choreografia przykryła jej taniec i śpiew.
Luna is way more artistically superior than blanka, and you all should know that this girl qualified only because she became a meme for how much terrible she was as a singer, so I would not do this paradoxical comparisons. Stop this ridiculous frustration and just support your own artists, they all deserve it.
You've definitely got my vote, brothers! Lithuanians are just crazy for this song, it's being played every single day on the radio here. Greetings from Lithuania! ❤️
@@n0vaplayer293 we don't know, how many of the votes she got in the NF, secondly, not many people are watching national selections, and many people of this audience don't even have much knowledge about music and are fans of particular acts, that's how we ended up with bad entries from Ireland or Spain last year and with other non-qualifiers and last places like Austria 2012, almost every Swiss entry before 2019, UK 2010,and 2019, Germany 2019, and 2022 or Estonia 2017. And Spain 2017, Finland 2010 and 2015 and the list goes on and on. Maybe you shouldn't put too much value into the televote of a national final, it even got a school band into Eurovision back in 2022, because their schoolmates were voting en masse for them, and they then went on to finish last in the semi-final.
@@onyx267 Nikt na eurowizji nie miał tragicznego wokalu XD! Jak chcesz wydawać subiektywne sądy to chociaż doedukuj się w kwestii muzyki zanim się wypowiesz jak już masz gówno zapodawać
I have to admit, her National performance left me underwhelmed. Her singing felt off and lacked the spark I was hoping for. However, her transformation in Eurovision 2023 was nothing short of impressive! She really turned things around and delivered a performance that deserved a spot in the Grand Final.
Yes, her singing in the NF was off, but this was due to dancing, a too tight outfit, and also because she had to sing after a terrible vocalist. Käärijä also didn't sound great, when he had to perform after the Dutch couple in the semi-final (especially in rehearsals). Her whole NF performance wasn't energetic and appealing enough. And neither did it make any sense. Now, her lyrics have improved, so has the staging, the choreography, her outfit, everything was more energetic and looked better than in the NF, definitely worthy of a qualification.
My card is between this and the Finland song , it's so hard to choose , but this gives me more vibe and this song is so catchy , 12 points from Lithuania , Goodluck Poland.
You need to drink more. Trust me, then it will get out of your head! Or... Listen to some real quality music and then this piece will also leave your life fast 😉
As a Polish at first I was a little bit afraid that we may embarras ourselves because Blanka's beginnings wasn't the best but she made such a huge progress and worked really hard to improve. Song is great for the summer, easy to listen and catchy and I'm sure that it will stay with many people for a longer time. She looked beautiful and the energy and skill she showed during dance break was very impressive. Overall speaking she did a great job and I'm so proud of her of not giving up ❤
Her performance is just WOW. I know that not all people from Poland supported her, but she delivered it professionally. I love Polish entries, they are very creative, specifically those on Junior Eurovision. Love from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 to beautiful Poland 🇵🇱 .Thanks for your support to Ukraine from Kazakhstan as well.
Her performance in the final is something completely wonderful, compared to what she showed in the pre-selection. People from Poland do not support her, because there are too many reasons for the fact that she got to the Euro through connections. She had no audience votes at all. One member of the jury choreographed her and the other member is the mother of her friend.
I want it surgically removed from my head. I’ve never watched Eurovision and had a song in mid table in my rankings in my head 2 weeks after. So catchy
Blanka - mimo początkowego niezadowolenia i krytyki, która była olbrzymia w Twoją stronę - poradziłaś sobie! Serdeczne gratulacje i życzę wysokiego miejsca. ❤
Widać, że ciężko trenowała, by nie łapać zadyszki i czysto śpiewać. To zupelnie inne i o niebo lepsze wykonanie, niż to, ktory wszyscy słyszeliśmy na elimimacjach, gdzie śpiewała poza dźwiękami.
@@p.m9714zobacz po 55 sekundzie jest moment gdy widać że ona ma wokal prowadzący z podkładu. Dlatego dostała tak mało punktów od jury, jury rozpoznaje gdy ktoś śpiewa, a gdy ktoś dobrze rusza ustami. Luna była słaba bardzo, ale śpiewała na żywo.
@PeMa8fakt ze Szpakiem była dziwna akcja. Sędziowie oceniają po próbie generalnej, może na próbie coś źle poszło. Ich oceny to żart. Też z Ochmanem od sędziów było średnio. Myślę że wtedy to Anglicy się przyczynili. Najpierw że pojedynek dwóch wokali, potem że Sam taki charyzmatyczny, a Ochman nie ma kontaktu z kamerą. Na koniec prezentacja na scenie, że kicz, memy z tej prezentacji. I te sugestie że falset naśladuje wcześniejszego zwycięzcę, gdzie to nie było wcale naśladujące. Myślę że to zrobiło robotę. Widać było nawet po komentarzach że było złe nastawienie do piosenki Ochmana, takie szukanie dziury w całym. Dziś jak puściłam tego Sama, to w ogóle nie chce mi się tego słuchać, nuda zero klimatu, a te geometrie na scenie, porażka. Uczciwie przyznam że prezentacja piosenki Ochmana na Eurowizji, też mi się nie podobała, zła praca kamery przede wszystkim.
FM radio stations of Ukraine played this song long before the Eurovision Song Contest, I thought it was one of the usual commercial songs, I didn't think it was a song before the Eurovision Song Contest.
She looked like the one who got the most fun out of ESC. I am impressed by her improvement and this song was great to me. One of my favorites and the only one I voted for
fax, jej akcent jest po prostu prześmieszny, i trochę generyczne to, ale chociaż chwytliwe i da się zapamiętać. To cokolwiek Luna wysrała to zapomnisz 5 minut po wysłuchaniu
Blanka had a lot of hates after the first performance, deservedly, it was very bad, but let's admit that the final was not bad, much better than the first performance. Performance and vocals are more stable, entourage and so on, she did everything she could
Brawo Blanka. Nie każdy byłby w stanie się pozbierać po takiej lawinie nienawiści, która spadła na ciebie. Twój występ był widowiskowi. Widać, że włożyłaś cale swoje serce i energie w ten występ. Za to wszyscy ci dziękujemy. Zyskałaś sporo fanów, a sama pokazałaś, jakim jesteś świetnym człowiekiem-podczas tych wszystkich rozmów z mediami poświęconymi Eurowizji. Twoje charakterystyczne "bejba it's kinda krejza" będzie uwiecznione w kręgach Eurowizji do końca czasu. Szkoda tylko ze tak późno Polacy cię docenili. Odbiegając od końcowego wyniku to chyba mówię to w imieniu nas wszystkich, że my Polacy są z ciebie dumni. EDIT: Nie ma co narzekać 8 miejsce od widzów to świetny wynik głowa do góry Blanka jesteś niesamowita.
When I heard this song for the first time in pre selections I was not happy with the jury decision but after her great work and huge huge improvement it became my favourite song. She is fantastic with this arrangement! Love it! Great job Blanka and wish you all the best in voting ❤️🔥🔥🔥
why 19th? Cuz its a song like all others, nothing special. Also add that there is almost no talent, words are pronounced terribly and that she got into eurovision by corruption.
@@drunksanta3052 your litle brain realy think that she is saying szoł jo because of lack of english? You really think it wóuld be better if sze sing bejbi, idys kaind of krejzi?
@@viktoralgotsson you are missing the point, after 2 months you will never hear this song again, its dull like disco polo - no one considers it a good music, you just dance to it at parties without thought
@@Dark_emotions55 Exactly what i think this is just your average pop song you´d hear somewhere and forget it instantly, but apparently everybody loved it xd
I was so pleased by that performance ! It reminded me of a trip in Hawaii i had with my dear husband in the 90's 🌴. I'm definitely voting for this, now i have the right. Kisses ❤️. Dorothy, from Michigan 🇺🇲
Thank You Dorothy for a vote😊 Music can evoke so many dear memories. Blanka gave us all great show and she represented Poland proudly. Hugs from Poland❤❤
Znamy szczegółowe wyniki i możemy na spokojnie wyciągnąć wnioski. 1/5 głosów dla Polski w finale pochodzi z Ukrainy (niezależnie czy ktoś lubi "Solo", czy nie, wypada za to Ukraińcom podziękować). Pozostałe najwyższe punktacje dostaliśmy z Litwy, UK, Norwegii, Irlandii, Islandii, Belgii i Armenii. Poza Armenią we wszystkich tych krajach mieszka duża społeczność Polaków. Oczywiście nie twierdzę, że głosowali na nas wyłącznie przedstawiciele Polonii, ale biorąc pod uwagę, że praktycznie całe południe Europy nie dało nam ani jednego punktu (z wyjątkiem Cypru - 2 i Słowenii - 1), można jednak postawić tezę, że wsparcie dla Polski było ograniczone do pewnych obszarów. Szacunek dla Blanki za pracę, jaką wykonała i łapka w dół wszystkim hejterom, ale dla mnie wniosek jest jeden: TVP musi zacząć traktować sprawę poważnie, słuchać ludzi, przeprowadzić następnym razem w pełni transparentne presekekcje albo się wycofać z ESC. Bo jeśli chcemy osiągać dobre wyniki, nie możemy się opierać tylko na poparciu Polonii i przyjaciół z Ukrainy, ale wysyłać utwory, które przekonają i jurorów i widzów z całej Europy.
My możemy wysłać na Eurowizję nawet Celine Dion a i tak nie wygramy bo tu nie chodzi o utwór a o kraj który wysyła, o niewybrane przez nikogo jury i o tych którzy liczą głosy.
Możemy wysłać co chcemy, ale jury i tak zrobi swoje. W tym roku wygrał znowu ich faworyt, nie faworyt widzów. Nie mam nic do wygranej Szwecji, ale zastanawiamy się, dlaczego zawsze przyznają Szwecji dużo punktów bez względu na piosenkę. Jakim cudem w tym roku Norwegia dostała od jury tak niskie punkty na przykład? Nie wiem czemu nas tak nie lubią. Ochman był świetny, a też nas nie obdarzyli punktami.
Lithuanian viewers gave her 3rd place 😭 I guess we just really love Poland more than we thought 🤷♀️ we show ya what it is ya missin out after the break of Commonwealth ❤
@Konfederat barski Polacy się wpierdolili na Litwę i tak samo na Ukrainę bez żadnego powodu, mają prawo nas za to nie lubieć. A czy za 10 lat jak Ukraińców będzie więcej w Warszawie od POlaków to powiesz że Warszawa jest Ukraińska młotku ?!
she definitely improved her vocals it is very catchy song and i hope the bejba meme never dies, love from SZWAJCARIA 🇨🇭♥️🇵🇱 (also polish affects are so bad that they just make me smile the pink farts were an interesting choise)
Have to say, she proved everyone wrong with a public vote top 10. It is a good little summer pop song and she really grew with confidence between her performance in the Polish final and Eurovision.
Baby It's kind of crazy How else to phrase it? With you I've lost my senses Baby What happened to ya? I thought I knew ya But now it's time to face it You're hot and cold High and you're low Messin' with my mind No, oh-oh, that's not how it goes So, let me spell it out Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya Show you what it is you're missing out Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya How I be getting down, solo Tell me Now, was it worth it? (Oh) Playin' me dirty (oh) But now who's laughing, baby? Watch me All eyes on me now Bet you regret how What goes around comes around You're hot and cold High and you're low Messin' with my mind No, oh-oh, that's not how it goes So, let me spell it out Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya Show you what it is you're missing out Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya How I be getting down, solo No, no, I'm going solo Yeah, ya better, better, watch me now 'Cause I know how to let go Gonna make it, make it on my own, whoa Oh, no, I'm going solo Yeah, ya better, better, watch me now 'Cause I know how to let go So, it's clear to see I'm Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya Show you what it is you're missing out Now I'm better solo, solo I never let me down, didi-down-down-down Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya How I be getting down, solo ترجمة إلى اللغة العربية
I just want to say this: my 6 year old niece was crying the whole time this evening, because the 12 points never went for "Solo" (as she always said it). For her, it was a grave injustice that "Solo" didn't win this ESC. Greetings from Germany.
Big hugs to your niece❤❤ we are sad too but proud at the same time. Whats the most important the people of the world love our Blanka thats why there is such a massive contrast between the jury and the viewers votes. Love from Poland😊🇵🇱❤🇩🇪
@@piotr6744 Thank you. At the end, my niece came crying to my sister (her mother) and asked her "Can you please console me?" ("Kannst Du mich bitte trösten?"). She needed hugs a lot after this. A world, in which "Solo" wouldn't win the ESC made absolutely no sense for her.
To be honest this was very powerful performance of the night!!:D She actually did great work and what most important that she had fun. After all the criticism she managed a great show. :D
I'm from Azerbaijan. If I'm here now for listen this music and performance it means Poland did good choice in 2023 with Blanka 🙂 This music really good and Blanka have positive dance vibes 👍
When i first heard her singing a couple pf months ago I thought she sounded awful and a definite NQ but I was amazed by how much better she was on the night! The song was never a winner but it's very catchy and the performance here is very fun and laid-back. Top ten in the televote and 12 televote points from Ukraine is no mean feat! Well done!
@@patrickh3385 what? The account you're responding to got banned? Do you mean, that she sounded bad in the NF, but could improve in the actual contest? If so, there's probably 4 reasons for it a) practice plus lack thereof before the NF, b) too much (and vocal unfriendly) dancing in a tight 2 piece, which doesn't even allow her to belt, etc, c) bad sound mixing + probably she couldn't even hear herself, and d) she was preceded by a very bad vocalist. I remind you of the fact that Käärijä also didn't sound that great either when performing after the Dutch couple. But he's a man and the biggest star of this edition after Loreen, so everyone forgives him for that. And it's better to have a bad performance in the NF and improve on the Eurovision stage, than reverse (eg Albania 2022), mosf people don't watch these performances anyway and whatever happens on the actual Eurovision stage is what counts.
@@in_wino_veritas yes, I heard her singing before the contest and she sounded pretty bad but her performance in the final was a lot better than I expected it to be and it was well staged.
Myślę, że tutaj brzmiała już NAJLEPIEJ z każdego razu... Gdyby kamery i mniej efektów byłoby po prostu idealnie. I think that she sounded the best here and was so happy to performing just doesn't matter which place she will be. ☺️ She is not longer a meme she is a icon. Edit: od nas nikt nigdy nie wygra ale chociaż publiczność doceniła. Stabilny wokal po tańcu to się ceni
It became to be my quilty pleasure. The performance while domestic competition was terrible but here the vocal and choreography were much better, and Blanka looked really gorgeous here
The Polish song is like poetry, hypnotizes, magical, and a cultural legacy full of passion, art, and energy. Blanka, thank you for this song to the soul.
@@minetube2699 To się nazywa krytyka i słuch. Ale spoko, nazywanie każdej krytyki hejtem tylko umacnia ludzi w przekonaniu, że nie istnieje absolutnie żaden argument na wybronienie tej tandety, a jedyne osoby, które się tej obrony podejmują generalnie nie grzeszą rozumiem, także kontynuuj.
The next generation will ask what happened in eurovision 2023 and everybody will say: BEJBA…
Yes and that's kajnda krejza
wat hapen to ja?
Nobody will ask. Eurovision is leftard circus where a guy with a beard is a woman
10/10 🤣
Reporter: will you win?
Blanka: mejba
@@merimalicina635 ^^ hah
@@nickonicko7019 mejba-maybe
She's like the student who prepared for the exam the day before and got a good grade! ❤😂
Why is that so true thooo??
Gold comment
also georgia 2008 can relate
I mean junior eurovision
Anyone, june 2024? 😍😍😍
@@TheFakeRobloxGuywhat are we doing here now
Yeeeeaaaaaahhh 🎉🎉🎉
12 Points for BEJBA🔥
hahahaha🔥 lets go polska
Who won Eurovision?
@@dx439 BEJBA WON
Ja man!!
I must admit, she made an unbelievable progress in these three months
IKR, in Poland we call such thing "heaven and earth"
Yeah must be the heavily amplified pre-recorded backing vocals lol
That progress is amazing! I don't watch it, but as a Polish I seen people comments on the beginning and now. After all she did great job! Well done❤
U mnie blanka od tylu xdd
i literally can't stop making meme compilations, it's almost as if all the artists agreed on making this year's Eurovision iconic
PLEASE I've watched all of your videos they're the best
your funny moments are hilarious
robots above me
Wciąż uwielbiam ten dancebreak!🙌
also spice girls like 1997
That was the intention, I guess.
@@Christoss007 And Britney Spears, at the beginning
@@biyumusic XD
Ktoś tutaj po porażce Luny?
Ja i weź porażka z tą Luną. Patrząc na piosenki innych to Justyna by się tam idealnie odnalazła a nawet inni stwierdzili że Luna jest za cicha. Z Blanką miałam taki problem że ta piosenka była tak denerwująca że wbijała się do głowy i nie chciała wyjść XDD
A przy Lunie to szkoda gadać
Ja xd. Przyszłam posłuchać tej Luny bo każdy narzekał ale wróciłam do bejby
Ja xD Myślałam że z Luną będzie jak z Blanką, że zrobi taki progres, no ale niestety...
I can’t stop listening to Eurovision
Addict huh😂
@@Dominian1uk 2021 was good atleat
Same 😂
@@ales1024512 I’m still listening to Belgium lol
me too, i love it
Hej Blanka, glupio wyszlo, jesteś moze wolna na 2025?
Dobre xD
Nie przesadzaj, obydwie są w jednej lidze.
this song lives in my head rent free i don’t even know how to live without it anymore
😅😅same since I've heart it 😁
I just woke up with it…
Same 😂😂
Listening to it at least 50,000 times in an hour😂😘
it's always bejba time 🥰
Theoretically speaking, it's not an outstanding piece of work but let's admit the fact it's extremely catchy, hard to get it out of the head 😅 Lovin' it. It just has an amazing vibe to it
could be better if they made a slight better stage performance. it was like created for small stages. a bit more people if possible, some confetti or whatever. there was like nothing on the stage, even though the dance was nice. you must be a winner before you win to win (confucius). and she didn't sing all the lyrics, it sounds awful. even though she had it prerecorded, it just doesn't sound nice. another thing... well, i don't know, maybe slightly better arrange. just a bit more. it could been top 3 imo. it's not a polish type of song, it's latin. but she's part-bulgarian. i don't know
im lovin it paraprpappa
@@shrinocri A maximum of 6 people can perform at Eurovision and there must be no confetti.
Damn if only you were in Poland. Everyone hates it. Everyone calls it BEJBA instead of solo.
Absolutely. Summer vibe hit
I’m gonna be voting from 5 different phones for our Bejba! 12 points from Germany!
Thank you our neighbours 🇵🇱🇩🇪
Thank you Neighbor 🇵🇱❤️🇩🇪
Team Bejba forever!!!!!!
@@kpop2476 Danke!! :)
Poland 2023 was like that student who got a 5 at an important and hard exam without preparing or anything, which means he passed it.
Lol that is so true
Dutch guys also , planty of super universe but not even have one Kopernik, tfu
Damn, she improved tremendously. Lowkey in shock. The song is catchy as hell. I suspect you are going to hear it regulary during your summer vacation in Europe. Which is why I think she is a different kind of winner of this year's Eurovision.
Especially in Poland, since she is associated with the corrupt National Media
She should have won and what place did poland come in like 14th?
@@ollieonlytwice Poland was 19 overall and 8 in online vote
@@ollieonlytwice she took 24th place
She didn't improve, she was barely singing
Can't lie BEJBA was the most iconic thing to happen to this years Eurovision
Yeah if u mean how the girl literally stole Jann's place in Eurovision
is this a meme not only in Poland?
@@anakinskywalker4499 it's a meme everywhere at this point xd
what is the meme about
It wasn't that bad after all. Her vocals were way much better than two months ago, she could sort of dance while singing and keeping the tones and if you only see this performance and not the previous ones, you can like it. The song is catchy as hell, guess she is a different kind of winner of the night. Congrats, Blanka!
There was. She sang only at certain moments, big applause belongs to the girl who sings from behind the stage
@@devil3sixiyeah295 stop being a hater. have you seen the girl from behind the stage or what? get a life and leave our girl alone!
@@Up-rp1ky i did actually. And you stop pretending to be an omniscient critic
Where is this girl behind the stage?
yeah , found the vocal weak in this performance, then i watched to poland final...it was way worse....
Po wystepie Luny uważam, że wystep Blanki był dobry. Luna śpiewała tak jakos nie wiem cicho, niepewnie...
@@Szartia Wtedy się dużo narzekało ale Blanka serio dobrze wypadła, bez problemu przeszła do finału i w głosowaniu samych widzów było 4 miejsce :v To się docenia jeszcze bardziej po tym "występie" królowej ketchupu
As a Pole, I was very upset when she was chosen to represent us and when Jann was robbed. But I have to admit that she improved a lot and delivered a solid performance, even though it was not in my taste. Good job!!
I don't really understand why so many people are telling how great she is after eurovision tho the only improvement she made was her vocal. The song feels like those disco polo vacation songs from 2018 and only became unique cause her "bejba" became a meme, and tbh I can't see the idea exactly for the show? Like, what does neons and 2010 vibes have to do with being solo(?) (can't really tell what her song is about). Her song is just average and "copy paste" like edyta górniak said but in a bad way 💀💀💀
@@Glxdies Solo to nie disco polo tylko zwyczajny generyczny pop.
@@fox08403 my bad
@@Glxdies it's really just generatic top and it probably give nostalgia since pop is almost dead ... Other than that it's again really generic
Funny how some of you guys here brag and cry that she did a catchy pop song with mid 00’ vibe, and TBH it’s remarkable. Even “Bejbe” bothers some of you as it’s too catchy.. WTF?!? Be happy that we have music like this in 2023. Go Blanka, Go Poland! 💪🏻❤️
She is the moment
She is the legend
She is the *✨BEJBA✨*
BEJBA never dies!!!!!
Aż wróciłem do tego występu po masakrycznym występie Luny. Chociaż w Blankę wątpiłem na początku, to potem byłem pełen podziwu. Tutaj niestety u Luny nie dałem rady się przekonać po występie. Słabizna. Tancerze i choreografia przykryła jej taniec i śpiew.
Ja dzisiaj właśnie słuchałam występu Luny i jestem ogromnie rozczarowana. Występ Blanki był dużo lepszy...
ja to samo
Myślałam że gorzej od Blanki się nie da, a jednak...
Luna is way more artistically superior than blanka, and you all should know that this girl qualified only because she became a meme for how much terrible she was as a singer, so I would not do this paradoxical comparisons. Stop this ridiculous frustration and just support your own artists, they all deserve it.
You've definitely got my vote, brothers! Lithuanians are just crazy for this song, it's being played every single day on the radio here. Greetings from Lithuania! ❤️
Thank you our brothers! 🇵🇱🇱🇹
It was 12x on first place on Top 50 Lithuania Spotify ❤🎉
Thank You😊❤❤❤
What happend to ya?!
Top 3 at semi 2!
Top 10 televoting at Grand Final!
1/3 televoting in national final💀
@@n0vaplayer293 we don't know, how many of the votes she got in the NF, secondly, not many people are watching national selections, and many people of this audience don't even have much knowledge about music and are fans of particular acts, that's how we ended up with bad entries from Ireland or Spain last year and with other non-qualifiers and last places like Austria 2012, almost every Swiss entry before 2019, UK 2010,and 2019, Germany 2019, and 2022 or Estonia 2017. And Spain 2017, Finland 2010 and 2015 and the list goes on and on. Maybe you shouldn't put too much value into the televote of a national final, it even got a school band into Eurovision back in 2022, because their schoolmates were voting en masse for them, and they then went on to finish last in the semi-final.
Po tegorocznym wystepie Luny, uwazam ze Blanka wypadla swietnie!
Bez przesady. Blanka lepiej czuje się na scenie, ale talentu wokalnego zero. Luna jednak potencjał ma duży.
@@Satoshii20 Owszem ma potencjał do zakręcania soków w firmie u rodziców.
Też jestem tego zdania. Blanka wypadła super, nawet nie ma co porównywac do Luny, której wokal był tragiczny
@@onyx267 Nikt na eurowizji nie miał tragicznego wokalu XD! Jak chcesz wydawać subiektywne sądy to chociaż doedukuj się w kwestii muzyki zanim się wypowiesz jak już masz gówno zapodawać
Blanka appears in the music video of the kolors in the race in Sanremo 2024
I have to admit, her National performance left me underwhelmed. Her singing felt off and lacked the spark I was hoping for. However, her transformation in Eurovision 2023 was nothing short of impressive! She really turned things around and delivered a performance that deserved a spot in the Grand Final.
Its what happens when backing vocals are allowed and boosted to its limits to mask her actual singing.
Sam nim jestes
Yes, her singing in the NF was off, but this was due to dancing, a too tight outfit, and also because she had to sing after a terrible vocalist. Käärijä also didn't sound great, when he had to perform after the Dutch couple in the semi-final (especially in rehearsals). Her whole NF performance wasn't energetic and appealing enough. And neither did it make any sense. Now, her lyrics have improved, so has the staging, the choreography, her outfit, everything was more energetic and looked better than in the NF, definitely worthy of a qualification.
Jann deserved better
@@pinkcookgorilla7092 maybe he can go to Eurovision as a dancer, but not as a singer. His vocals in the NF were awful.
My card is between this and the Finland song , it's so hard to choose , but this gives me more vibe and this song is so catchy , 12 points from Lithuania , Goodluck Poland.
Thanks !!! Love from Poland Please vote 4 ♥️🔥
This shitty song given you more vibes than Finland's song?you are joking, right?
Vote for Bejba
Aaa thankss!! ❤️❤️
After two days, I find myself singing this song without realising 😊. Congratulations, I can’t get this song out of my head 😅
Same here.
Same,i was as well!! Very Catchy Tune!🎉☀️
Me too
same XD i can't wait for the final :D
You need to drink more. Trust me, then it will get out of your head! Or... Listen to some real quality music and then this piece will also leave your life fast 😉
How am I still obsessed with this?, It is August
Me too 😅
@@Slavic_Mapperthis might sound like a weird question but are you subscribed to Mr Bulgaria
@@esclovisa no but I can subscribe him haha
@OrderlyOrange who is mr bulgaria
As a Polish at first I was a little bit afraid that we may embarras ourselves because Blanka's beginnings wasn't the best but she made such a huge progress and worked really hard to improve. Song is great for the summer, easy to listen and catchy and I'm sure that it will stay with many people for a longer time. She looked beautiful and the energy and skill she showed during dance break was very impressive. Overall speaking she did a great job and I'm so proud of her of not giving up ❤
Girl bye
Who asked
@@tarumakela5075 bye👋🏼
Nie wiem jak ty ale ja bylam zazenowana
What are Blanka's beginnings? Or do you mean the way the song begins?
Legend says: BEJBA will always be an icon of Eurovision history ❤️
Forever ❤
She cant even sing💀💀
@@Jason__idk At least she sings better than Mae Muller.
Girl literally stole Jann's place did u know that 😭💀
Her performance is just WOW. I know that not all people from Poland supported her, but she delivered it professionally. I love Polish entries, they are very creative, specifically those on Junior Eurovision. Love from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 to beautiful Poland 🇵🇱 .Thanks for your support to Ukraine from Kazakhstan as well.
Her performance in the final is something completely wonderful, compared to what she showed in the pre-selection. People from Poland do not support her, because there are too many reasons for the fact that she got to the Euro through connections. She had no audience votes at all. One member of the jury choreographed her and the other member is the mother of her friend.
She can't sing, who told her she can sing?how did she become a singer în the first place with no talent?
Рааахмеееет брааатааннн❤❤
How can anyone not love her performance😭❤It was amazing!!
Thank You so much for your kind words 😊😊 cant wait to see Kazakhstan in the Eurovision Song Contest🇵🇱❤🇰🇿
Rok 2023 Rafał Przepraszamy
Rok 2024 Blanka przepraszamy
Rok 2025 Mam nadzieję ze nie będziemy musieli luny przepraszac bo to bedzie oznaczac upadek
Mordo blanka byla w 2023. Teraz była Luna.
@@klaudia8853 ale w 2024 przepraszamy za hejt w poprzednim roku
@@divadsn aaa o to chodzi. Sorry.
no bez kitu ;x Aż zatęskniłam za Pawłem Skibą u Rafała ;-; ten koń wczoraj mnie dobił
Poland and Cyprus was the most underrated countries ! Solo was amazing and sure it will be a summer hit ! Congrats from Cyprus 🇨🇾🇵🇱
I agree with you! I think exactly this same.
This song is to conservatibe to win. You need to be a freak and non binary to win. World please stop, I am getting off.
LOVE for every one from Ppland❤🇵🇱♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Yeah, Cyprus had the best vocals.
I want it surgically removed from my head. I’ve never watched Eurovision and had a song in mid table in my rankings in my head 2 weeks after. So catchy
Loved this performance 😍 ! 12 points from Armenia 🇦🇲 to Poland 🇵🇱 ❤️
Your performance was OUTSTANDING. God damn, this woman is gorgeous.
Dziękujemy ❤
I dont understand anything but i still love it. Greetings from Podlasie.
Blanka - mimo początkowego niezadowolenia i krytyki, która była olbrzymia w Twoją stronę - poradziłaś sobie! Serdeczne gratulacje i życzę wysokiego miejsca. ❤
Trudno się nie zgodzić, sam ją hejtowałem na początku, ale teraz to jest piękne
True, her performance was really great
Widać, że ciężko trenowała, by nie łapać zadyszki i czysto śpiewać. To zupelnie inne i o niebo lepsze wykonanie, niż to, ktory wszyscy słyszeliśmy na elimimacjach, gdzie śpiewała poza dźwiękami.
Z czym ona sobie poradziła? Ta piosenka to jest jakiś dramat.
@@erniernolds1416 zrobiła coś, czego nikt się nie spodziewał - dobrze zaśpiewała.
This song is so catchy! I love it.
This was so catchy amd the singer is really beautiful! Love her smile and positive vibes.
Tu przynajmniej Blanka śpiewa i to wyraźnie słychać... W przeciwieństwie do luny przy której trzeba było na ful podglosic by coś usłyszeć....
Blanka trzymała ten mikrofon i tak nie najbliższej, jakby Luna miała tak trzymać mikrofon to nie byłoby jej słychać
@@p.m9714zobacz po 55 sekundzie jest moment gdy widać że ona ma wokal prowadzący z podkładu. Dlatego dostała tak mało punktów od jury, jury rozpoznaje gdy ktoś śpiewa, a gdy ktoś dobrze rusza ustami. Luna była słaba bardzo, ale śpiewała na żywo.
@@magorzatammielak4158 na Eurowizji nie można mieć podkładu. Taki jest regulamin
Zwalaj z tym hejtem!
@PeMa8fakt ze Szpakiem była dziwna akcja. Sędziowie oceniają po próbie generalnej, może na próbie coś źle poszło. Ich oceny to żart.
Też z Ochmanem od sędziów było średnio. Myślę że wtedy to Anglicy się przyczynili. Najpierw że pojedynek dwóch wokali, potem że Sam taki charyzmatyczny, a Ochman nie ma kontaktu z kamerą. Na koniec prezentacja na scenie, że kicz, memy z tej prezentacji. I te sugestie że falset naśladuje wcześniejszego zwycięzcę, gdzie to nie było wcale naśladujące. Myślę że to zrobiło robotę. Widać było nawet po komentarzach że było złe nastawienie do piosenki Ochmana, takie szukanie dziury w całym. Dziś jak puściłam tego Sama, to w ogóle nie chce mi się tego słuchać, nuda zero klimatu, a te geometrie na scenie, porażka. Uczciwie przyznam że prezentacja piosenki Ochmana na Eurowizji, też mi się nie podobała, zła praca kamery przede wszystkim.
12 POINTS from ROMANIA GOES TO POLAND BRAVO BLANKA < I have this song on my playlist...well done, you the queen this year :D
Thank you so much !! Love Romania from Poland ♥️ Please vote 4 🔥🔥
Greetings from Poland
România and Poland are the best friends 🇷🇴❤️🇵🇱
We must to have a border...România and Poland 🇷🇴🇵🇱❤️
FM radio stations of Ukraine played this song long before the Eurovision Song Contest, I thought it was one of the usual commercial songs, I didn't think it was a song before the Eurovision Song Contest.
А я то думав, де ж я її чув до цього…
I LOVED this song it is one of my favorites of the 2023 EUROVISION
whats wrong with You?!
@@pancakeofdestiny1509it's called ✨opinions✨ and yes it's one of my favourites too... 7th favourite to be exact
Currently the only song I listen to every day (several times) of Eurovision 2023 🧡
I hope the polish people are proud of their most viral act in eurovision over 5 million views
No Bro its difrent
Were not
@@Boba_fett327 you should be
@@in_wino_veritas we had a better candidate
@Boba_fett327 nope, you hadn't
I'm happy for Loreen, but this is my winner ❤🇧🇬🇵🇱
❤ ❤
Ale ty dziewczyno jesteś silna, mimo niewiary i potężnego hejtu zaśpiewałaś i zatańczyłaś idealnie!!!❤❤🇵🇱🇵🇱👏👏
I o to chodzi tak jak Seksmasterka stała się Lil Masti
FENIX 🔥🔥🔥🔥
ta tez tak mysle
Według mnie nie jest jakaś śliczna ale ja za to jestem brzydki więc beka
@@Xi4V nikt nie jest idealny. Nie oceniaj się aż tak nisko😢
Hm ciekawe skąd hejt. Może stąd że ustawione były preselekcje...
She looked like the one who got the most fun out of ESC. I am impressed by her improvement and this song was great to me. One of my favorites and the only one I voted for
Yes, a song for the beach, disco, not for the synagogue like the others 😅😂
To było zarąbiste w porównaniu do Luny xD
fax, jej akcent jest po prostu prześmieszny, i trochę generyczne to, ale chociaż chwytliwe i da się zapamiętać. To cokolwiek Luna wysrała to zapomnisz 5 minut po wysłuchaniu
Inne w porównaniu z tobą też są zayebiste!
Luna's studio version was good actually, but her live performance was lacking 😢
Blanka had a lot of hates after the first performance, deservedly, it was very bad, but let's admit that the final was not bad, much better than the first performance. Performance and vocals are more stable, entourage and so on, she did everything she could
yeah i like it
deserved more points in that case
It wasn't " very bad". It was realy pretty, nice. I'm singing this song since the first time I've herd it.
Literally only made it through a corrupt jury
Jann is still so much better
Brawo Blanka. Nie każdy byłby w stanie się pozbierać po takiej lawinie nienawiści, która spadła na ciebie. Twój występ był widowiskowi. Widać, że włożyłaś cale swoje serce i energie w ten występ. Za to wszyscy ci dziękujemy.
Zyskałaś sporo fanów, a sama pokazałaś, jakim jesteś świetnym człowiekiem-podczas tych wszystkich rozmów z mediami poświęconymi Eurowizji. Twoje charakterystyczne "bejba it's kinda krejza" będzie uwiecznione w kręgach Eurowizji do końca
czasu. Szkoda tylko ze tak późno Polacy cię docenili.
Odbiegając od końcowego wyniku to chyba mówię to w imieniu nas wszystkich, że my Polacy są z ciebie dumni.
EDIT: Nie ma co narzekać 8 miejsce od widzów to świetny wynik głowa do góry Blanka jesteś niesamowita.
Na pocieszenie, w rankingach Bookmarkerskich wciąż idzie do góry. Jest już 12sta!
Podpisuje się pod tym co napisałeś. Brawo Blanka
@@Kamils2107 serio? Szok😮
@@Kamils2107 jezus za co. Ani ładna ani tańczyć nie umie ani śpiewać
@@jacksonhunkel2982 napisałeś kompletnie odwrotnie jak jest
The song I voted for. Disappointed by how little it scored in the end. Great one, Poland!🇵🇱 🇮🇹
Very nice of you. Italy was my favourite 😊
Grazie mille! ❤️ Con la giuria siamo abituati, ma l'8 posto del pubblico ci piace molto!
Marco ha spaccato...e si sapeva! Complimenti! 🎉❤
Thank you😊 unfortunately we are robbed by the jury every year. They just dont like us I guess. Love from Poland 🇵🇱❤🇮🇹
@@piotr6744 We weren't robbed. The song itself, as well as the vocalist, are weak. Blanca was lost against the background of the rest.
@@nixxxjj tylko że inne też słabe,bo najlepsze piosenki już wymyślono,a oni tylko nam dają mało punktów.
עבר פאקינג חודשיים ועד היום אני שומעת את השיר הזה כל יום פשוט יצירת אומנות
When I heard this song for the first time in pre selections I was not happy with the jury decision but after her great work and huge huge improvement it became my favourite song. She is fantastic with this arrangement! Love it! Great job Blanka and wish you all the best in voting ❤️🔥🔥🔥
I agree now on my regular playlist
One of the few songs that really puts you in a good mood
Not me
I love this song! Seriously, i can't get it out of my head! HELP! I don't understand why it is placed 19th?
@@Eliroxu it's catchy as hell, don't give yourself a hard time. Just embrace your inner BEJBA!
why 19th? Cuz its a song like all others, nothing special. Also add that there is almost no talent, words are pronounced terribly and that she got into eurovision by corruption.
@@drunksanta3052zajmij się sobą i nikogo nie oskarżaj jeśli nie masz na to dowodów.
@@drunksanta3052 your litle brain realy think that she is saying szoł jo because of lack of english? You really think it wóuld be better if sze sing bejbi, idys kaind of krejzi?
This is the song i listen to on repeat this day (2024-08-12).
This is the best song from Eurovision 2023, greatings from Romania!!!
🙏 thnx
At least grom you.
You rocked the stage BEJBA!
Go Poland🇵🇱🇵🇱❤️🇦🇿
P.S voted for Poland
Love you 🇦🇿❤️🇵🇱
nothing to brag about.
Three days later, THIS is the song I can't stop singing!
Thats why she lost so hard, its only a song to catch masses for a minute and gets forgotten even faster
@@Daglasu I think you missed the point.. the song is catchy. It's obviously not forgotten if OP is singing it after the contest has ended.
@@viktoralgotsson you are missing the point, after 2 months you will never hear this song again, its dull like disco polo - no one considers it a good music, you just dance to it at parties without thought
Am i the only one hearing "slay" at 2:51?
Yes :(
No, I heard it too.
Bro screamed louder than da foghorn 😂
I voted for this song, it was quieter, different from the aggressive trend more and more frequently!
It is very important on Eurovision to stand out and Blanka did stand out this year.
I thought it was really good so was surprised how low her score was. It was a really catchy tune.
Ikr! I voted for this too but ppl thought this was too childish. This is a rlly catchy song
No bros this isn't good music...
@@Dark_emotions55 Exactly what i think this is just your average pop song you´d hear somewhere and forget it instantly, but apparently everybody loved it xd
All Africa is voting for Bejbaaaaa ❤🇵🇱
Thanks and Please vote 4 🔥🔥♥️
Thank you! ❤ Brothers!
woww thankss
All Africa masturbating for Bejba
Thanks❤ but Jan is better.
I was so pleased by that performance ! It reminded me of a trip in Hawaii i had with my dear husband in the 90's 🌴. I'm definitely voting for this, now i have the right. Kisses ❤️. Dorothy, from Michigan 🇺🇲
Thank You Dorothy for a vote😊 Music can evoke so many dear memories. Blanka gave us all great show and she represented Poland proudly. Hugs from Poland❤❤
I'm not a Eurovision fan, but I like this song.
Great wooow, what a progres since national final. Thanks Blanka🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
I vote for her 4 times! Love from 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
So unfair that my country didn't gave her not even 1 point 😢
she really didn't deserve it
LOVE❤ for every one from Poland 🇵🇱
@@secretpotatoes Your opinion.
@@babs0970 🇬🇷❤️🇵🇱
Znamy szczegółowe wyniki i możemy na spokojnie wyciągnąć wnioski. 1/5 głosów dla Polski w finale pochodzi z Ukrainy (niezależnie czy ktoś lubi "Solo", czy nie, wypada za to Ukraińcom podziękować). Pozostałe najwyższe punktacje dostaliśmy z Litwy, UK, Norwegii, Irlandii, Islandii, Belgii i Armenii. Poza Armenią we wszystkich tych krajach mieszka duża społeczność Polaków. Oczywiście nie twierdzę, że głosowali na nas wyłącznie przedstawiciele Polonii, ale biorąc pod uwagę, że praktycznie całe południe Europy nie dało nam ani jednego punktu (z wyjątkiem Cypru - 2 i Słowenii - 1), można jednak postawić tezę, że wsparcie dla Polski było ograniczone do pewnych obszarów. Szacunek dla Blanki za pracę, jaką wykonała i łapka w dół wszystkim hejterom, ale dla mnie wniosek jest jeden: TVP musi zacząć traktować sprawę poważnie, słuchać ludzi, przeprowadzić następnym razem w pełni transparentne presekekcje albo się wycofać z ESC. Bo jeśli chcemy osiągać dobre wyniki, nie możemy się opierać tylko na poparciu Polonii i przyjaciół z Ukrainy, ale wysyłać utwory, które przekonają i jurorów i widzów z całej Europy.
My możemy wysłać na Eurowizję nawet Celine Dion a i tak nie wygramy bo tu nie chodzi o utwór a o kraj który wysyła, o niewybrane przez nikogo jury i o tych którzy liczą głosy.
Możemy wysłać co chcemy, ale jury i tak zrobi swoje. W tym roku wygrał znowu ich faworyt, nie faworyt widzów. Nie mam nic do wygranej Szwecji, ale zastanawiamy się, dlaczego zawsze przyznają Szwecji dużo punktów bez względu na piosenkę. Jakim cudem w tym roku Norwegia dostała od jury tak niskie punkty na przykład? Nie wiem czemu nas tak nie lubią. Ochman był świetny, a też nas nie obdarzyli punktami.
Drugie miejsce to facet przebrany za żabę. Mamy iśc w tym kierunku ?
Jury nie dalo zadnych punktow dlaczego
Very good performance ❤🇵🇱
I love Poland and this song very much 😍❤ I wish you win 🥳 hugs from Turkey ❤🇵🇱🇹🇷❤
Love !!! PLEASE VOTE 4 ♥️♥️♥️🔥
Please tell me you're deaf
@Zuzia No tak zapomniałem że jest 2023 i ludzie zapominają czym jest satyra, sarkazm i żart. Sory może to się nie powtórzy.
I speak for myself and no, i'm not deaf 🙋♂️
@@felban3656 good for you o guess
Winner ALERT!!! 🇵🇱 Go for victory BEJBA ! 🔥🔥🔥
Loreen will win for sure but i think Blanka will be in top 15
Tu jesteśmy zgodni 🙂♥️🇵🇱♥️💪
niezły winner
Lithuanian viewers gave her 3rd place 😭 I guess we just really love Poland more than we thought 🤷♀️ we show ya what it is ya missin out after the break of Commonwealth ❤
Sorry for taking Vilno from you, anyway we had good history
@Konfederat barski Polacy się wpierdolili na Litwę i tak samo na Ukrainę bez żadnego powodu, mają prawo nas za to nie lubieć. A czy za 10 lat jak Ukraińców będzie więcej w Warszawie od POlaków to powiesz że Warszawa jest Ukraińska młotku ?!
@Konfederat barski idąc tym tokiem myślenia, rozumiem że popierasz aneksję Krymu przez Rosję i atak na Ukrainę
@@fanfarlom4119 idąc tym tokiem, rozumiem, że popierasz oderwanie pod przymusem Kosowa od Serbii i uznanie tego jako państwo?
UNITED BY BEJBA XD Thanks Lithuania for points :) Poland can only hope for people, because the jury gives us few points 😢 So, thank again :)
she definitely improved her vocals it is very catchy song and i hope the bejba meme never dies, love from SZWAJCARIA 🇨🇭♥️🇵🇱 (also polish affects are so bad that they just make me smile the pink farts were an interesting choise)
Los efectos son malos, porque los mejores fueron a Ucrania😂
they wouldn't have done this b(these effects) to Jann, though, another reason why Poland should have chosen him over her.
but can we appreciate the blonde dancer? such a strong charisma!! brava!
Paulina Maciejewska !
Had the exact same thought !!
because she did the split and her ass almost visible? both of them are good .
To me its the only performances where the dancers are used uniquely in the performance, instead of being a space filler on the stage.
yeah! she can use face expressions while dancing and that's rare
Have to say, she proved everyone wrong with a public vote top 10. It is a good little summer pop song and she really grew with confidence between her performance in the Polish final and Eurovision.
Kto słucha w lutym 2024? ( ja słucham)
Definitely me😂
Ja też! Super zaśpiewała. Nie dziwi mnie zatem, że robi swoją karierę!
It's kind of crazy
How else to phrase it?
With you I've lost my senses
What happened to ya?
I thought I knew ya
But now it's time to face it
You're hot and cold
High and you're low
Messin' with my mind
No, oh-oh, that's not how it goes
So, let me spell it out
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
Show you what it is you're missing out
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
How I be getting down, solo
Tell me
Now, was it worth it? (Oh)
Playin' me dirty (oh)
But now who's laughing, baby?
Watch me
All eyes on me now
Bet you regret how
What goes around comes around
You're hot and cold
High and you're low
Messin' with my mind
No, oh-oh, that's not how it goes
So, let me spell it out
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
Show you what it is you're missing out
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
How I be getting down, solo
No, no, I'm going solo
Yeah, ya better, better, watch me now
'Cause I know how to let go
Gonna make it, make it on my own, whoa
Oh, no, I'm going solo
Yeah, ya better, better, watch me now
'Cause I know how to let go
So, it's clear to see I'm
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
Show you what it is you're missing out
Now I'm better solo, solo
I never let me down, didi-down-down-down
Now I'm gonna show ya, show ya
How I be getting down, solo
ترجمة إلى اللغة العربية
I just want to say this: my 6 year old niece was crying the whole time this evening, because the 12 points never went for "Solo" (as she always said it). For her, it was a grave injustice that "Solo" didn't win this ESC. Greetings from Germany.
Big hugs to your niece❤❤ we are sad too but proud at the same time. Whats the most important the people of the world love our Blanka thats why there is such a massive contrast between the jury and the viewers votes. Love from Poland😊🇵🇱❤🇩🇪
@@piotr6744 Thank you. At the end, my niece came crying to my sister (her mother) and asked her "Can you please console me?" ("Kannst Du mich bitte trösten?"). She needed hugs a lot after this. A world, in which "Solo" wouldn't win the ESC made absolutely no sense for her.
Greetings bro
One day when your nephew grows up he'll see it again and understand why she didn't get a 12 points 😂😂😂 Hugs for her ❤
All praise for the performance, regardless of not winning, she won the hearts of the audience with her performance. Greetings from Croatia.❤
let 3 rules
And Croatia won my Polish heart
Thank you bro, i love your tractors!
Congratulations 🇵🇱🇵🇱
I'm waiting for the official verdict of this eurovision final so much!!!
19 miejsce
@@Dejaka Najważniejsze że Niemcy ostatnie. Mnie bardziej boli sukces sąsiada niż własna niedola. Dlatego cieszę się że przed Niemcami.
@@szczepanmaj8771 Niemcy mieli 30 razy lepszą piosenkę
Inna & Sean Paul - Up
@@neveryt1242Dobry żart, aż oplułem monitor XD
To be honest this was very powerful performance of the night!!:D She actually did great work and what most important that she had fun. After all the criticism she managed a great show. :D
I'm from Azerbaijan. If I'm here now for listen this music and performance it means Poland did good choice in 2023 with Blanka 🙂 This music really good and Blanka have positive dance vibes 👍
@@Kirliqelem thank you
When i first heard her singing a couple pf months ago I thought she sounded awful and a definite NQ but I was amazed by how much better she was on the night! The song was never a winner but it's very catchy and the performance here is very fun and laid-back. Top ten in the televote and 12 televote points from Ukraine is no mean feat! Well done!
To me it was a winner !!
@@james-angelYes I think the the same happened last year but whatever the reason, it's still a valid and legitimate result.
@@patrickh3385 what? The account you're responding to got banned? Do you mean, that she sounded bad in the NF, but could improve in the actual contest? If so, there's probably 4 reasons for it a) practice plus lack thereof before the NF, b) too much (and vocal unfriendly) dancing in a tight 2 piece, which doesn't even allow her to belt, etc, c) bad sound mixing + probably she couldn't even hear herself, and d) she was preceded by a very bad vocalist. I remind you of the fact that Käärijä also didn't sound that great either when performing after the Dutch couple. But he's a man and the biggest star of this edition after Loreen, so everyone forgives him for that. And it's better to have a bad performance in the NF and improve on the Eurovision stage, than reverse (eg Albania 2022), mosf people don't watch these performances anyway and whatever happens on the actual Eurovision stage is what counts.
@@in_wino_veritas yes, I heard her singing before the contest and she sounded pretty bad but her performance in the final was a lot better than I expected it to be and it was well staged.
Myślę, że tutaj brzmiała już NAJLEPIEJ z każdego razu... Gdyby kamery i mniej efektów byłoby po prostu idealnie.
I think that she sounded the best here and was so happy to performing just doesn't matter which place she will be. ☺️ She is not longer a meme she is a icon.
Edit: od nas nikt nigdy nie wygra ale chociaż publiczność doceniła. Stabilny wokal po tańcu to się ceni
Dokladnie - ilość efektów była przytłaczająca. Jak to powiedział jeden zagraniczny dziennikarz: "TVP, please stop it"
@@Poligniana to nie TVP, tylko jej Producent to zrobil.
@@ch36799 Rok temu było to samo.
It's kinda creijza how much i like this song, congratulations from Colombia 🇨🇴
Love for every one from Poland❤❤❤❤🇵🇱❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It became to be my quilty pleasure. The performance while domestic competition was terrible but here the vocal and choreography were much better, and Blanka looked really gorgeous here
The Polish song is like poetry, hypnotizes, magical, and a cultural legacy full of passion, art, and energy. Blanka, thank you for this song to the soul.
Should I cry or laugh cause I don't know
Yes what a cultural presentation 😍loved all these elements of Polish culture and heritage
I really hope this a joke
Hahaha, good joke.
Not a fan myself, but end of December 2023 and 70K likes and 7,9M that makes me shut my mouth, bow my head and applaude....
Kto przyszedł zobaczyć to cudo po porażce Luny?
Jaa, dla poprawy humoru po tym okultycznym badziewiu.
Czyli jest nas więcej
jak dobrze, że popracowali nad tym występem, naprawdę duży progres
Progres duży, a poziom wciąż żałosny - o czym to świadczy?
@@TubisZia hejter hejter
@@minetube2699 To się nazywa krytyka i słuch. Ale spoko, nazywanie każdej krytyki hejtem tylko umacnia ludzi w przekonaniu, że nie istnieje absolutnie żaden argument na wybronienie tej tandety, a jedyne osoby, które się tej obrony podejmują generalnie nie grzeszą rozumiem, także kontynuuj.
@@TubisZia Nazywanie występu "żałosnym" to trochę dziwny rodzaj krytyki.
Szkoda, że nie popracowali też nad muzyką
I have a exam tommorrow and this song makes me feel that i'm gonna pass
Are you super hot!? 💃💣💥
Anyway, break a leg👨🎓
anyone here in august 2024?? love this song!!
She was TOP 10 in televoting and TOP 3 in semi-final 2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Top 3 in semi-final? Potwierdź to
Not true
@@hanna28114 That's true
@@hanna28114 Eurowizja podała już wszystkie oficjalne wyniki, to prawda.
8 по зрителям в финале. Лучшая!
Love it so much. I'm a 90's kid and yes, this is really 90's.... 12 points from Germany ❤
same to u, this song is totally my style, it sounds nostalgic with catchy flavour
Girl bye
German liking poland is somethin new
This is so 90´s, the 90 timeter, did broke🤣🤣🤣she looks like Jessica Alba
Yeah, I'm a fucking 90s bitch as well and I don't care, I love it.
I am from Armenia.
I've voted this song.
I fall in love ❤️ you Blanka))
Greetings for Armenia from Poland :)
Bejba never gets old
Our Bejba was 3rd place in televote in SF2
Siema zapraszam do przesłuchania mojej nutkii
@@KR3K_rap jest okropna
@@KR3K_rap tragiczna
She was 7th in televotes
This performance has been my favorite this year definitely deserved better, and will always be in our memories as BEJBA!