Kingdom Rush Origins: (Hard) Duredhel Outskirts Heroic Instacalled on Impossible - Eridan no Selling
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025
- Absolutely insane challenge due to what happens on wave 6. This drove me quite insane, and I had a very good run here, just did one thing wrong and another thing didn't go according to plan for some reason. it ended up working out regardless since I executed the strategy so well. I will say, it took a long time to get this strategy down so well, and I spent significantly more time on this challenge than I have on any other challenge that I have done before. Having said all that, let's do a rundown of the waves and what I needed to do in order to beat them, shall we?
Wave 1: Easiest wave. All you need to do is buy the first wild magus and an instakill on it as soon as you start. This will allow for the skill to be active once the first avenger reaches the tower. Meanwhile, Eridan is up top at the entrance killing one of the harassers while reinforcements are holding back the scourgers. Use a barrack tower to group up the first set of harassers on the top and then send them back down to the middle path. Use lightning on the scourgers and the extra lightning bolts will kill the harassers. Use arrows on second set of harassers.
Wave 2: Wild magus will instakill the second avenger once the scourger effect runs out. Send barracks back up to top path and use arrows on the second set of harassers and the bats. Afterwards, move them back down to the middle and have them placed properly as shown. Meanwhile, Eridan and reinforcements will be holding the avengers and scourgers at the middle entrance in the middle and bottom sub lanes, leaving room for one scourger to get through up top. This is so the wild magus will have something to instakill so that the cooldown will be reset sooner, and you can buy the second sooner. Once you get lightning back, use it on all the avengers and scourgers at the front and buy a second wild magus, before then or right after having done so.
Wave 3: Wild magus will instakill the scourger, and about a second after it does so, buy the next instakill. Use arrows on the blood servants and bats on the top path and send barracks back up to block the avenger along with reinforcements. Use Eridan with barracks to stall the mounted avengers to wait for instakills to recharge. Buy third wild magus as soon as possible. Also move barracks in the middle path down to bottom path.
Wave 4: Here is where things begin to get tricky. On the top path there will be an avenger and a bunch of blood servants. Bunch them up with barracks and reinforcements and use arrows on them. Also, as soon as the wave starts two mounted avengers, and a twilight golem will come out of the middle path. Once the four harassers that precede them get far enough, move barracks back up to the middle path. There will also be bats and scourgers coming out from the top areas. Once the enemies start to group up near the middle, use lightning to get rid of all of them so that the wild magus' can instakill both mounted avengers, and all 3 wild magus' can be focusing on the twilight golem at once to kill him asap.
Wave 5: Another twilight golem will be coming out the middle entrance as well as a heretic and 6 scourgers. Use arrows on the heretic and scourgers, and let the golem get to the back where the mages can kill him. Then use lightning on the enemies in the back from the previous wave. The wild magus on the bottom will instakill the heretic as soon as he gets in range. What's important here is that you move Eridan up to the middle where the leftover scourgers are to kill them. Get bladesingers with max parry at the back so that the golem doesn't get through. Then start putting reinforcements up at the middle entrance to prepare for wave 6.
Wave 6: This is the hardest wave, and I have lost to it many times. Immediately as the wave starts, a huge group of enemies will come out from the middle entrance. Put down another set of reinforcements there and use arrows as well as lightning on them as well as possible. Start getting blade dance on the bladesingers and move them to the back out of the range of the wild magus. This is so the scourgers that come out don't get focus on by the mages and they focus on the avengers and harassers instead. the first heretic that comes out of the top will get instakilled (unless you get bad rng with teleport) and the two that come out next from the middle entrance will also get instakilled if everything is done correctly. After this, there really isn't an exact plan that needs to be followed, just do whatever works the best. Here I was really nervous and tried holding the top path golem back with some barracks but I somehow failed that easy task and let him down. This is fine since I could have sent eridan forward, but I didn't, and I let the golem get too far. Because of this, the ending was somewhat close, but spells recharged in time, and I got the win. Also, somehow the wild magus' instakilled the same heretic, unfortunate. Still worked though since everything else was done correctly.