I had tried to build a Arduino controlled quad a couple years ago, and I just got a 3d printer and I found your videos on this build. This will help allot in finally finishing this project. Thanks.
What an effort, amazing, you must be crazy mad over electronics, The amount of time and energy you have dedicated for electronics is immense , keep it up :)
At 1:38 when you are listing the purpose of each connection you have SCL as data and SDA as clock, this is backwards AFAIK. The SDA pin is serially polled at the rate of SCL Other than that great video!
I was really curious to see the code to test the sensors and control the motors. Sort of a bit like the code to keep a humanoid robot balanced and walking in any direction I suppose. That’s some pretty advanced stuff though.
did you get data and clock backwards on the MPU6050? you have SDA labeled "clock", SCL labeled "data" - but seems like DA would stand for "DAta" and CL stand for "CLock"
great video. Can you create the video drone(quadcopter) DYI, GPS using arduino step by step all connection and configuring and how to connecting each other all of things. And you created this controller and connecting that controller to drone.
Hay i like your quadcopter project . It will be awesome and helpful if u add barometer and magnetometer for altitude holding and navigation . OR u can use sonar sensor for altitude holding and also obstacle avoidance . I hope to see this arduino based project to be more advanced . Thank you.
holy cow this was exactly what i was looking for. thank you. cant wait till next videos. Im also building a fixed wing drone, and i dont know how to send data to the arduino. any tips?
Can u make a radio transmitter and reciver with brushed or brushless esc without using arduino and with high amper rating (all homemade) i want to make a drone myself without buying readymate circuts
Hey Electro i made the same connections u briefed about, the multiwii simulater is showing everything fine the gyro-accelerometer all the throttle yaw pitch etc but the output is not adequate i.e the pins to be given to ESCs, its showing values 8000(not 1000-2000)
That's strange. Go to config.h, type cntrl+F in order to open the find tab adn search for MAXTHROTTLE variable and make sure it is 2000. And MINTHROTTLE is 1000. Keep up!
Thanx for this video...i would like to know about the coding used in the Arduino.....how it works and more.....i have a question...i have seen other videos....in those videos they have used a barometer also and said programming a barometer is a difficult task ...what do u want to say about it..?
hola , gracias tenias toda la razón, utilice el enlace que me dejaste para configurar las esc y ya no pitan , no me encendían los motores por que quizás el radio control tiene otra configuración y me toco invertir el pin d3 con el d6 y ya encienden lo único que me falta es que al dejarlo sin acelerar los motores siguen funcionando que podría ser? gracias
Eso es normal. Puedes quitar esa opción pero es mejor así. Piensa, si aceleras desde cero tendrás mucho mas turbulencias hasta que todos los motores tengan la misma velocidad y en ese instante el dron podría perder el control. Para eso cuando lo enciendes es mejor dejarlo a bajas rotaciones. Saludos!
Hola! Estoy en proceso de armar un tricoptero, usando multiwii 2.3. No encuentro la sección del código en el cual indique en qué pin de Arduino conectar el servo para la cola. Tendrás alguna idea de dónde debería ver? Gracias!
excuse me, I tried to connect nano board to the multiwii, but when I clicked Start, MultiWiiConf instantly closed and a text file name "hs_err_pid15704' appeared. So, how can I fix it? Thank you so much!
great tutorial , thank you, I have a problem with two motors (front-R and rear-L),and their speed decreases automatically, although they are at maximum speed.
I followed every step of each video twice. But it still is not working for me. The software shows the controller is working but the motor doesnt respond. Sometimes, I just get random fluctuating behavior from the motor. Any advice is highly appreciated!
Hi, The motor says 'biggest thrust (g/s) - 1265/4' does that mean if I use 4 motor the total thrust generated will be 1.2kg or the one motor will generate that much thrust
@Electronoobs Hi, I'm trying to run Multiwii on Windows11. After searching for a solution in many online forums and trying to install several different versions of JAVA SE 8 (such as 8u202), I managed to open the .exe file but the window stays blank. After a minute or so the interface appears, but as soon as I select the COM port it freezes. Does anyone know what can I do to fix this? Or if MultiWii is even compatible with Windows11?
You have six channels for drones right ?? what are these channels I know nrf24 has 120 channels so when you say 6 channels does that mean each of 1Mhz different or just 6 different parts of one 1Mhz band?
I wondered can you possibly connected the 5V pin from the Arduino to Vcc pin from mpu6050 and then supply power from your computer to the boards? I thought you might risk burning the Arduino through connecting the board to your computer when you connected the 5V pin to other components.
I'm not aware of that. I use arduino for more than 4 years and I never heard that. The USB 5V could suppl,y up to 1A of current. If you dont connect too much modules that could draw more than that, everything should be ok.
Hi brother. One more doubt. If I am not using BEC then I have to connect the signal only .is ground needed bcz I powered my arduino with 8 v regulator ...I am only powering reciver with bec
hola buen dia que pena molestar, resulta que yo ya conecte todo ya hice todos los pasos y probe el radiocontrol desde el multiwiiconfg y los mandos responden bien pero los motores no arrancan , tambien calibre las esc como muestras en el video , que me faltara gracias
Para arrancar los motores debes poner throttle y yaw a minimo durante unos segundos. Si tienes el multiwii conectado un boton verde se va a encender en la pantalla.
hola que pena volver a molestar es que le he dedicado mucho tiempo a este proyecto y no me quiero dar por vencido ,pero resulta que ya hice lo del control y no nada que arrancan los motores , habra otra configuracion ? gracias
Can you help me. When I try to move the MPU6050, it is not detecting on multiwii and when I try to upload the code, it is showing a lot of errors. Please answer ASAP
I have replaced the 2400kv motor into 2200kv and 12A ESC into 30A ESC. So please help me to find that what mAh battery can be usable for this combination?
The capacity will only ioncreas or decreas the flight time. I recommand a 3S. You should check this article on how to choose your lipo for your drone: www.dronetrest.com/t/lipo-batteries-how-to-choose-the-best-battery-for-your-drone/1277
I have successfully completed this product using Arduino Nono as flight Controller, Transmitter and receiver.. Now I want to add a Bluetooth module on my flight Controller and control the drone with my mobile Can you please help me
Also I am curious if my esc doesn't have a 5v power wire can I create on with a voltage stabilizer that I can connect directly to the Lipo and run in series with everything else
Awesome man. Thank you for these tutorials. Im building this drone with my kids, with home made radio control as your previous videos. Unfortunately, my ecs don’t seem to work with ppm signal. They spin fast from throttle 0. I calibrated my radio control and work fine. Trying to find MultiWii setup directions for pwm singnal and cant find anything. Kids want to present this project to school.. Can you help me on this please?
the MPu6050 is already a 6DOF, it has 3 axis gyro and 3 axis accelerometer. With this too you could fly a drone. If you want some extra sensors add barometer and magnetometer for 2 more axis
Hi their I was making the flight controller I soldered everything and connected to multi Wii I have a i2c error that increase in both postive and negative numbers pls help
hello - any idea why the MPU6050 orientation on multiwii is continuously changing randomly. On clicking start on multiwii, the quadcopter image on the screen rotates in all direction uncontrollably. is something wrong? how do i correct it?
No, Al reset no le debes conectar nada. En la PCB parece que tengo algo conectado pero por debajo las conexiones son como en el esquemático. Sigue las conexiones del esquemático. Saludos!
Electronoobs.sir..i add barometer(bmp180 baro)..i2c pin...but not pogram it..1st.. open your brushed drone multiwii file...2nd.. open config.h and..do same..3rd.. open def.h...but i dont undersatand..how to pogram this baro..help me sir..
Hello @Electronoobs, how is the Arduino an advantage over normal flight controllers? I read people saying it is slow and have huge latency working as a FC for RC models but maybe you could connect Arduino to a conventional F4/F7 flight controller and have both? Can an Arduino run new software like Mission Planner, CleanFlight or ArduCopter? Is the Arduino compatible with conventional RC Tx and Rx systems? Would adding all the sensors mean you can program everything in a running loop i.e. something like "IF (sensor detects something 30cm away) THEN (correct_the_opposite_way)" or how does it work ? Sorry for asking so much, lol
iMeMySelf you heard right. Arduino is slower and has no advantage. The only advantage is that you could learn how to.make your own flight controllers how to program it, what components do you need etc. This video is for learning reasons. Arduino is quite good but almost any other especially designed flight controller board is better. Keep up!
I love the Arduino Nano! I think it has gone up in price though and the STM32 bluebill is cheaper now and much more powerful, but a bit harder to setup with Arduino IDE and with less library support.
I am just making a 450 class drone and I want the flight controller to be Arduino but I have flysky transmitter, is there any ideas to link up and controller. Please help me I am new to drones
This is awesome. I have a Arduino Uno R3 and a L3G4200D gyro. Can I use these items to build my quad using your program/code/software etc.. If so, what do I need to change in the code? Do I need any other hardware in order to get it to work? I also have a Flysky FS-T6 Transmitter with a regular receiver. I will build according to your lesson in a couple weeks. I just want to use what I currently have if possible. Thanks. Great Job!!!
the code is the same. when selecting IMU boards you should leave everything comented and scrool down to independent boards and select yours: /*************************** independent sensors ********************************/ /* leave it commented if you already checked a specific board above */ /* I2C gyroscope */ //#define WMP //#define ITG3200 //#define MPU3050 //#define L3G4200D //#define MPU6050 //combo + ACC //#define LSM330 //combo + ACC Here uncomment the L3G4200D Also if your receiver is not PPM you should't make the PPM part of the video asn use 4 inputs for each of throttle, yaw, pitch and roll! Keep up!
ELECTRONOOBS thanks for your response. i originally set up everything using the build video by Joop but have had challenges with calibrating my esc's. Then i saw your video and think it is awesome. Anyway, my receiver is connect to ports 8 through 11 and my esc's ports 4 through 7 according to his video. IMU is connected to SCL(A5) and SDA(A4). I can still use my receiver and transmitter using your software' correct? Would this cause a problem using your method/software? Any changes i have to make? Both you guys are doing a awesome thing for DIY projects. thanks for your contribution. keep it up!!!
If you use the Multiwii code and a normal receiver with one PWM signal for each channal you have to make this connections: static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/2/6/7/7/0/3/a3627791-98-quadX.jpg?d=1291037190 The imu is still A4 and A5, the receiver is from D4 to D7 if you use 4 channals. Motors are D3, D9, D10 and D11. In the multiwii code don't add the PPM part and select you IMU in independent boards. The rest is the same. You could use the Java multiwii platform to test it out!
ELECTRONOOBS ok i will make the changes. In the schematic, link you sent me above, there is a green board. what is that? does that matter to me? it shows some wire connections that you did not mention. do i ignore it? thanks
Hello excellent project I'm from Colombia, so my English is not good I already have armed almost everything following your videos but I want to use a radio control that I have, it's a flyskyfs-th9x but I do not know how to connect it to arduino nano, I do not know which pins to use please help Thank you
Hola. Tu receptor tiene salida PWM. Quires seguir usando la plataforma MulTiWii? Para PWM es asi: Pin Arduino / Función D2 Throttle D4 Roll D5 Pitch D6 Yaw D7 Mode Si los usas asi en la parte del tutorial donde añado la lista de PPM SUM, no la añadas. Una vez hecho comprueba si recibes bien con la plataforma Java Multiwii. Conexion extra aqui: img.rcgroups.com/radio-commande.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/quadX.jpg?h=n0YzUYH7qWh6qONQA4lfzg Saludos. Pronto activo el canal en español ELECTRONOOBS EEE Blog, Visita si quieres.
Hello I'm following this tutorial but I have a problem. Whenever I press the start button in the multiwiiconf gui program it crashes. Have anyone had this problem?
Hey guys im running into a problem with multiwii. It sees the com port i used for the arduino nano but when i select it and click start the multiwii gui shutsdown. Has anyone else encountered this??
I'm constantly getting error EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000001fced8a44cb, pid=5836, tid=17520 whenever I click start on the MultiWiiConf file I have no idea how to fix this Is there a way I can go around this problem or are there any other programs I can use to fly my drone?
I had tried to build a Arduino controlled quad a couple years ago, and I just got a 3d printer and I found your videos on this build. This will help allot in finally finishing this project. Thanks.
What an effort, amazing, you must be crazy mad over electronics, The amount of time and energy you have dedicated for electronics is immense , keep it up :)
Thank you very much!
At 1:38 when you are listing the purpose of each connection you have SCL as data and SDA as clock, this is backwards AFAIK. The SDA pin is serially polled at the rate of SCL
Other than that great video!
Jake freise can these values be used for a 350 size drone with 1400kv motors?
God bless people like you that share their knowledge to the mortals around the world ! :D
You should talk with Joop Brokking
hhhh, maybe they are friends,
thanks bro i work desprately to find this pid and now i find you i will smash the like button for you great jobs
This is exactly what I'm looking for... Thank you so much
it's great video. who in the world give a thumbs down?
I was really curious to see the code to test the sensors and control the motors. Sort of a bit like the code to keep a humanoid robot balanced and walking in any direction I suppose. That’s some pretty advanced stuff though.
did you get data and clock backwards on the MPU6050? you have SDA labeled "clock", SCL labeled "data" - but seems like DA would stand for "DAta" and CL stand for "CLock"
great video. Can you create the video drone(quadcopter) DYI, GPS using arduino step by step all connection and configuring and how to connecting each other all of things. And you created this controller and connecting that controller to drone.
Ch Sukhee i will first build this easy drone. later i will start adding stuff like GPS, barometer and so on...
thank you.
++ and Opencv bro :D
Nice ! yes, at this level it's also easy to enter for everyone, additions... well the sky is the limit i guess :)
Hay i like your quadcopter project . It will be awesome and helpful if u add barometer and magnetometer for altitude holding and navigation . OR u can use sonar sensor for altitude holding and also obstacle avoidance . I hope to see this arduino based project to be more advanced . Thank you.
Best video tutorial ever !
im using a win10 x64 it seems the multiwii 2.3 or 2.4 gui is not responding
any ideas?
i am using an arduino uno + MPU6050
Nice ! a very detailed project ! with easy to get parts and all Arduino based, Great !
Hi can you make a heavy lift drone with more than 6 bldc motor and build it's flight controller .?
Very Great and Informative video but one thing in the schematic shown u said Motor1, Motor2, Motor3, Motor3. You repeated motor3 2 times
This is so good I built mine and I want add a barometric sensor please how do I do it do I need to code 🙏🙏
holy cow this was exactly what i was looking for. thank you. cant wait till next videos. Im also building a fixed wing drone, and i dont know how to send data to the arduino. any tips?
Rodrigo D Madruga I'm using the NRF24 radio module and ppm output for the receiver. you will see in my next videos
Can u make a radio transmitter and reciver with brushed or brushless esc without using arduino and with high amper rating (all homemade)
i want to make a drone myself without buying readymate circuts
hey friend that mpu6050 is slowly drift on z axis.
Hey Electro i made the same connections u briefed about, the multiwii simulater is showing everything fine the gyro-accelerometer all the throttle yaw pitch etc but the output is not adequate i.e the pins to be given to ESCs, its showing values 8000(not 1000-2000)
That's strange. Go to config.h, type cntrl+F in order to open the find tab adn search for MAXTHROTTLE variable and make sure it is 2000. And MINTHROTTLE is 1000. Keep up!
Thanx for this video...i would like to know about the coding used in the Arduino.....how it works and more.....i have a question...i have seen other videos....in those videos they have used a barometer also and said programming a barometer is a difficult task ...what do u want to say about it..?
hola , gracias tenias toda la razón, utilice el enlace que me dejaste para configurar las esc y ya no pitan , no me encendían los motores por que quizás el radio control tiene otra configuración y me toco invertir el pin d3 con el d6 y ya encienden lo único que me falta es que al dejarlo sin acelerar los motores siguen funcionando que podría ser?
Eso es normal. Puedes quitar esa opción pero es mejor así. Piensa, si aceleras desde cero tendrás mucho mas turbulencias hasta que todos los motores tengan la misma velocidad y en ese instante el dron podría perder el control. Para eso cuando lo enciendes es mejor dejarlo a bajas rotaciones. Saludos!
Can u make a quadcopter with nrf24l01 and brushed motors (not brushless)
VJ Technicals I have a project in progress about that but I don't know when I'll upload a video. keep up!
Pak ,saya mau bertanya saya menggunakan arduino uno r3 dan sensor mpu5060 apa yg harus di ubah dalam program multiwi,?
Mohon bimbingannya trimah kasih
Why are you didn't connect BEC output from ESC to Vin pin of arduino nano?you connected BEC output from the ESC to 5v of nano .pleas reply
Hola! Estoy en proceso de armar un tricoptero, usando multiwii 2.3. No encuentro la sección del código en el cual indique en qué pin de Arduino conectar el servo para la cola. Tendrás alguna idea de dónde debería ver? Gracias!
should the male pins be 5.08mm?
excuse me, I tried to connect nano board to the multiwii, but when I clicked Start, MultiWiiConf instantly closed and a text file name "hs_err_pid15704' appeared. So, how can I fix it? Thank you so much!
Awesome project. Can i use atmega8a 8kb flash memory microcontroller in this project
I would like to understand the procedure to make the radio transmitter and receiver..
Hola , es necesario el arduino en el mando? no vale uno tipico de radio control?
Buen tutorial , enhorabuena.
No es necesario, pero este tutorial es para un dron 100% con Arduino. Un transmisor/receptor normal con PWM o PPM también sirve.
thank you sooooooooooo much. now i know how to make a drone
great tutorial , thank you, I have a problem with two motors (front-R and rear-L),and their speed decreases automatically, although they are at maximum speed.
I followed every step of each video twice. But it still is not working for me. The software shows the controller is working but the motor doesnt respond.
Sometimes, I just get random fluctuating behavior from the motor. Any advice is highly appreciated!
can i program it to be automated flying to any distance? or can i program it to be a semi-automated dron?
Why are you didn't connect bec output pin to Vin pin of nano?
el control en arduino trabaja igual que un transmiter y receiver regular ?
The motor says 'biggest thrust (g/s) - 1265/4' does that mean if I use 4 motor the total thrust generated will be 1.2kg or the one motor will generate that much thrust
forgive my ignorance, but please tell me if ESC is required for all the drones? what about power distributor?
watawonderfulworld yes every drone needs ESC. 1 ESC for every motor. Take ESC with 30A its safe
@Electronoobs Hi, I'm trying to run Multiwii on Windows11. After searching for a solution in many online forums and trying to install several different versions of JAVA SE 8 (such as 8u202), I managed to open the .exe file but the window stays blank. After a minute or so the interface appears, but as soon as I select the COM port it freezes. Does anyone know what can I do to fix this? Or if MultiWii is even compatible with Windows11?
hi what did you did did you fix it?
Can i use brushed motor for this arduino flight controller?
You have six channels for drones right ?? what are these channels I know nrf24 has 120 channels so when you say 6 channels does that mean each of 1Mhz different or just 6 different parts of one 1Mhz band?
In multiwii conf after selecting com port when i click start it shows hs_err_pid.
How to fix this problem plz help me.
Hey, my gyroscope is MU 2020, does it have to be programmed for Drone? It can be used by direct connection with Arduino!
hi electronoobs,can i use a gps module with this via I2C bus communication and a fpv camera for make it hitech drone
Hii can I directly connect the ESC with brushless motor with receiver to test my brushless motor
I have an ADXL345 Accelerometer (w/o Gyro). Can I use the same code as yours to calibrate and run that?
I wondered can you possibly connected the 5V pin from the Arduino to Vcc pin from mpu6050 and then supply power from your computer to the boards? I thought you might risk burning the Arduino through connecting the board to your computer when you connected the 5V pin to other components.
I'm not aware of that. I use arduino for more than 4 years and I never heard that. The USB 5V could suppl,y up to 1A of current. If you dont connect too much modules that could draw more than that, everything should be ok.
multi wii not working
Please give guide to use it
Hi brother. One more doubt. If I am not using BEC then I have to connect the signal only .is ground needed bcz I powered my arduino with 8 v regulator ...I am only powering reciver with bec
Can we also use esp8288 please help
hola buen dia que pena molestar, resulta que yo ya conecte todo ya hice todos los pasos y probe el radiocontrol desde el multiwiiconfg y los mandos responden bien pero los motores no arrancan , tambien calibre las esc como muestras en el video , que me faltara
Para arrancar los motores debes poner throttle y yaw a minimo durante unos segundos. Si tienes el multiwii conectado un boton verde se va a encender en la pantalla.
hola que pena volver a molestar es que le he dedicado mucho tiempo a este proyecto y no me quiero dar por vencido ,pero resulta que ya hice lo del control y no nada que arrancan los motores , habra otra configuracion ? gracias
can i use these values with a 350 size drone with 1400kv motors?
can i include nrf module in the flight controller pcb itself? please help
So are the 5 volts for the flight controller supplied from the lipo battery or the esc’s?
Bro, i don't understand why we use only one pin for PPM receiver.
Can you help me. When I try to move the MPU6050, it is not detecting on multiwii and when I try to upload the code, it is showing a lot of errors. Please answer ASAP
I have replaced the 2400kv motor into 2200kv and 12A ESC into 30A ESC. So please help me to find that what mAh battery can be usable for this combination?
The capacity will only ioncreas or decreas the flight time. I recommand a 3S. You should check this article on how to choose your lipo for your drone:
Electronoobs Thank you so much sir..✌
I have successfully completed this product using Arduino Nono as flight Controller, Transmitter and receiver..
Now I want to add a Bluetooth module on my flight Controller and control the drone with my mobile
Can you please help me
Can you run the NRF24 and MPU6050 on the same arduino board???
Also I am curious if my esc doesn't have a 5v power wire can I create on with a voltage stabilizer that I can connect directly to the Lipo and run in series with everything else
In the material list you use 12A esc right? is it can used 30A esc? thanks
We are making Hex copter then what will changes in program please tell ??
Awesome man. Thank you for these tutorials.
Im building this drone with my kids, with home made radio control as your previous videos. Unfortunately, my ecs don’t seem to work with ppm signal. They spin fast from throttle 0.
I calibrated my radio control and work fine.
Trying to find MultiWii setup directions for pwm singnal and cant find anything.
Kids want to present this project to school..
Can you help me on this please?
awsome! can you tell me is the normal mpu6050 enuf for a quadcopter or a 6dof mpu will be better? and also do we need an adxl335 too? thanks :3
the MPu6050 is already a 6DOF, it has 3 axis gyro and 3 axis accelerometer. With this too you could fly a drone. If you want some extra sensors add barometer and magnetometer for 2 more axis
oh i see, is it possible to add an ultrasonic sensor and bluetooth module onto the drone?(bcuz i dhv controller 😅😅)
Yes you could but I haven't done that using Multiwi yet.
I want to use coreless brushed DC motors. Can I use this flight controller
Hi their I was making the flight controller I soldered everything and connected to multi Wii I have a i2c error that increase in both postive and negative numbers pls help
Can u make a arduino uno flight controller without accelerometer and gyro
Sir...I still have not solved the error. Do you know what it means?
hello - any idea why the MPU6050 orientation on multiwii is continuously changing randomly. On clicking start on multiwii, the quadcopter image on the screen rotates in all direction uncontrollably. is something wrong? how do i correct it?
Can you show 10dof flight controller wiring
hay veo que pones un voltage de 5v desde una esc al pin reset del arduino es correcto
No, Al reset no le debes conectar nada. En la PCB parece que tengo algo conectado pero por debajo las conexiones son como en el esquemático. Sigue las conexiones del esquemático. Saludos!
Electronoobs.sir..i add barometer(bmp180 baro)..i2c pin...but not pogram it..1st.. open your brushed drone multiwii file...2nd.. open config.h and..do same..3rd.. open def.h...but i dont undersatand..how to pogram this baro..help me sir..
How about if I only use 2 motors? How would the configuration look like?
Hey, great video. I wonder if you have a wiring diagram for a hexacopter? I would like my drone to have 6 motors.
Thanks :)
Hello @Electronoobs, how is the Arduino an advantage over normal flight controllers? I read people saying it is slow and have huge latency working as a FC for RC models but maybe you could connect Arduino to a conventional F4/F7 flight controller and have both? Can an Arduino run new software like Mission Planner, CleanFlight or ArduCopter? Is the Arduino compatible with conventional RC Tx and Rx systems? Would adding all the sensors mean you can program everything in a running loop i.e. something like "IF (sensor detects something 30cm away) THEN (correct_the_opposite_way)" or how does it work ? Sorry for asking so much, lol
iMeMySelf you heard right. Arduino is slower and has no advantage. The only advantage is that you could learn how to.make your own flight controllers how to program it, what components do you need etc. This video is for learning reasons. Arduino is quite good but almost any other especially designed flight controller board is better. Keep up!
I love the Arduino Nano! I think it has gone up in price though and the STM32 bluebill is cheaper now and much more powerful, but a bit harder to setup with Arduino IDE and with less library support.
I am just making a 450 class drone and I want the flight controller to be Arduino but I have flysky transmitter, is there any ideas to link up and controller. Please help me I am new to drones
Sir it is posibol?.... 2dc motor without esc and bldc motor and without flytcontrollar? Just use arduino?...please answer me please.
I have solder the board properly but in the java program its not simulating my gyro movement.what can be the problem?
This is awesome. I have a Arduino Uno R3 and a L3G4200D gyro. Can I use these items to build my quad using your program/code/software etc.. If so, what do I need to change in the code? Do I need any other hardware in order to get it to work? I also have a Flysky FS-T6 Transmitter with a regular receiver. I will build according to your lesson in a couple weeks. I just want to use what I currently have if possible. Thanks. Great Job!!!
the code is the same. when selecting IMU boards you should leave everything comented and scrool down to independent boards and select yours:
/*************************** independent sensors ********************************/
/* leave it commented if you already checked a specific board above */
/* I2C gyroscope */
//#define WMP
//#define ITG3200
//#define MPU3050
//#define L3G4200D
//#define MPU6050 //combo + ACC
//#define LSM330 //combo + ACC
Here uncomment the L3G4200D
Also if your receiver is not PPM you should't make the PPM part of the video asn use 4 inputs for each of throttle, yaw, pitch and roll!
Keep up!
ELECTRONOOBS thanks for your response. i originally set up everything using the build video by Joop but have had challenges with calibrating my esc's. Then i saw your video and think it is awesome. Anyway, my receiver is connect to ports 8 through 11 and my esc's ports 4 through 7 according to his video. IMU is connected to SCL(A5) and SDA(A4). I can still use my receiver and transmitter using your software' correct? Would this cause a problem using your method/software? Any changes i have to make? Both you guys are doing a awesome thing for DIY projects. thanks for your contribution. keep it up!!!
If you use the Multiwii code and a normal receiver with one PWM signal for each channal you have to make this connections:
The imu is still A4 and A5, the receiver is from D4 to D7 if you use 4 channals. Motors are D3, D9, D10 and D11.
In the multiwii code don't add the PPM part and select you IMU in independent boards. The rest is the same. You could use the Java multiwii platform to test it out!
ELECTRONOOBS ok i will make the changes. In the schematic, link you sent me above, there is a green board. what is that? does that matter to me? it shows some wire connections that you did not mention. do i ignore it? thanks
That board is the IMU. It's another type but you should use yours! Connect yours to A4 and A5 (SDA and SCL) pins!
How to calibrate same this same board using mission planner software
What maximum weight
drone 311or 600
hello friend there is a problem with my multiwii . when i clike start option on multiwii it becom disapear can you help me please!
excellent project
I'm from Colombia, so my English is not good
I already have armed almost everything following your videos
but I want to use a radio control that I have, it's a flyskyfs-th9x
but I do not know how to connect it to arduino nano, I do not know which pins to use
please help
Thank you
Hola. Tu receptor tiene salida PWM. Quires seguir usando la plataforma MulTiWii?
Para PWM es asi:
Pin Arduino / Función
D2 Throttle
D4 Roll
D5 Pitch
D6 Yaw
D7 Mode
Si los usas asi en la parte del tutorial donde añado la lista de PPM SUM, no la añadas. Una vez hecho comprueba si recibes bien con la plataforma Java Multiwii.
Conexion extra aqui: img.rcgroups.com/radio-commande.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/quadX.jpg?h=n0YzUYH7qWh6qONQA4lfzg
Saludos. Pronto activo el canal en español ELECTRONOOBS EEE Blog, Visita si quieres.
gracias mañana lo ensayo
How to connect this with a commercial receiver and transmitter
Hey man , nice video tutorial ! Can i ask you to update when you can the link of the material ?
Can we use market flight controller in place of arduino flight controller
Hello I'm following this tutorial but I have a problem. Whenever I press the start button in the multiwiiconf gui program it crashes. Have anyone had this problem?
can we use 20A esc's ??
and 1000kv brushless motor?
Hey guys im running into a problem with multiwii. It sees the com port i used for the arduino nano but when i select it and click start the multiwii gui shutsdown. Has anyone else encountered this??
Can you fix the link for MPU6050 test , the current link is not working
Excellent video thanks
I'm constantly getting error
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x000001fced8a44cb, pid=5836, tid=17520
whenever I click start on the MultiWiiConf file
I have no idea how to fix this
Is there a way I can go around this problem or are there any other programs I can use to fly my drone?
my multiwii platform is not working when i click the start button it automatically closes the platform please help me
Can you help me pls, how can I make this into a Bluetooth control drone, what is the codes for that to happen?
It should be, "The Transmitter* we are..."
Superb Video BTW...👍
How much baudrate Flight control pls its very urgent for school project