Turks r realy brave and strong and in there deen also In todays time also...May Allah bless the Turkish people and its leader and guide them in the sahi path Its an Triumph when Haya Sophia was returned as Masjid
You can search it with name of “Fatih Sultan Mehmed” because that is what we call him. Out of respect to prophet we name kids Muhammed but we call them Mehmed.
@@DhukuAC I’m a Turk and they are much more they ruled with dignity and honour what did attaturk do he close Hague Sofia which men died for he banned hijab with people fought for he turned turjey secular inshallah turkey will become part of the caliphate under imam al mahdi
@@alqudzz-9864 Yh you’re not Turkish You’re from the subcontinent And we’ll always be secular He banned niqab which is good Hagia Sofia should be a museum Ataturk was right. Khilafa is never returning secularism is spreading even in Iran lmao The Sultans aren’t even close the Level of Ataturk. Ataturk saved Turkey. Turkey will NEVER return to Sharia
The muslimeen from the time of Rasulullah (saw) till end times of the Ottomans were all successful because they followed the Quran and the sunnah, its when we as a Ummah loved the dunya and followed our desires we fell apart and lost power. We should adhere to the Quran n Sunnah and InsaAllah we will gain victory again
@@harunkov what happened was all destiny and nothing else. It was meant to happen. I happened and ended. Now there is no way to go but forward. It ıs all going better.
"We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, God will humiliate us again." Umar ibn Al-Khattab {May Allah (Glorified and Exalted) be pleased with him}
One narration says that one of Mohammad al-Fatihs first moves after conquering the city was to visit a famous sheikh in Constantinople who had already been living there for years converting people into islam. However the sheikh rejected seeing him since he got scared that the sultan could be inspired by the depths of islam and neglect his duties as a sultan. Then Mohammad al Fatih said to one of his guardians"I was able to open the doors of Constantinople but not the doors of this noble man". And they have never faced again. It's also narrated that he would have rather given himself completely to islam and give away his throne as a sultan but Aq Shamsaddin was against it. That's how great of an Amir and Muslim he was.
It’s reported in an authentic Hadith that whosoever recites Ayat al Kursi after every obligatory prayer then between him and jannah would only be death. 💖❤️
Alhamdulillah was waiting for this along time jzk to IG for posting, can this channel do more talks on Ottoman, great leaders in Islam would be great in sha Allah May Allah reward this channel for sharing knowledge with that background nasheed in all vidoes makes it heart touching
O Allah, I seek the counsel of Your Knowledge, and I seek the help of Your Omnipotence, and I beseech You for Your Magnificent Grace. Surely, You are Capable and I am not. You know and I know not, and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter (mention the matter) is good for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come in both the short term and the long term, then ordain it for me and make it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come in both the short term and the long term, then distance it from me, and distance me from it, and ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, and help me to be content with it. Aameen 🤲🏼
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW) #...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) #...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah *SubahanAllah 33 times *AllahuAkbar 34 times *Amhamdulillah 33time #...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna) #... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah) #...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self #...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right *and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib *and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it #...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home #...Every muslim you cross by give salam #...Using meswak #...Using fragrence #...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday #...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm #...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person #... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it *after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers #...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah *if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi) #... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin) #...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah #...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala) #...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah #...Sleeping on the right shoulder #...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest #...Before going to sleep *sleep in the state of wudu *Surah ikhlas 3 times *Surah Nas 3 times *Surah Falak 3 times *Ayatul Kursi 3 times *And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah) *And reciting Surah Mulk #...When going to sleep saying this supplication (Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or (Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa) #...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor) #...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it #... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah) *While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes Reference Sahih Al Bukhari: 6293.6294.6295.6296.6311.6314. 6322.7393.7394 Sahih Muslim: 265.267(c).304.2018(a).2020.2024. 2025.2032.2034.2626 Jami Al Tirmidi: 14.1857.1858.1885.2048.2678.2689. 3426.3458 Abu Dawood: 5212 Ibn Majah: 303.307.3287.3288 An nasai: 259. Credits goes to Ismalic knowledge official Ranga nature English May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday Plz pray for palistine,Jordan,Syria,Iraq, Iran,Somalia,Yemen,India,China, Bangladesh And for this ummah Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah
after Khalid bin al Waleed ra its been for Turks and Kurds to liberate the holy lands it took the bravest to liberate the holy lands and the bravest who will liberate the Al aqsa hasnt born yet May Allah help us to liberate the palestine gazza kashmir
MIND-BLOWING HADITH: The Messenger of Allah passed by me, so I said: I get older and weaker [or something similar to this] so command me of an act which I shall perform while sitting. He said: “Say SUBHANALLAH a hundred times, for it is equivalent to FREEING A HUNDRED SLAVES among the sons of Isma`il, Say ALHAMDULILAH a hundred times, for it is equivalent to a HUNDRED HORSES SADDLED WITH REIGNS ready to carry fighters for the sake of Allah, Say ALLAHU AKBAR a hundred times, for it is equivalent to a HUNDRED SLAUGHTERED CAMELS for the sake of Allah, Say LA ILAHA ILLALLAH a hundred times [I think he said] It fills what is BETWEEN THE HEAVEN AND EARTH And on that day, out of all the DEEDS that are risen to Allah, NONE WILL BE BETTER than yours except a person who said what you said.” -Sheikh Albaani classified it as Hasan -Al-Munthiri stated Ahmad related it with a Hasan Isnad
Bismillah Hir rahman nir raheem Always begin your day with Fajr prayer and Ayat AL KURSI READ QURAN EVERYDAY AND NEVER IGNORE YOUR FIVE DAILY PRAYERS 😊😊😊😊😊😊
@@istanbullover7614 the muslim empire is almost extinct all we can say now is alhamdulilah allah still kept Makkah medina Egypt and Istanbul for us and patiently wait until the coming of imam Mahdi who will conquer the world by allahs permission
@Abbas Abdullah Unfortunately, Iran, a shia country, is the strongest muslim country of today... this world is like living when the Fatimid Caliphate existed.
Subhanallah. Shukran for this vedio. I always seek knowledges to this RA somehow i search many vedio but i coul'dnt find it. Jazakallah khair for this😊Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslimin.
From the time they used swords and cannons for fighting, Horses and northern Arabian camels to travel, tribal villages as cities, to the times, when they used vintage cannons, pistols, old machine guns, grenades for fighting, vintage cars, steamboats and vessels, and steam engine to travel, and great big cities like Istanbul, Damascus, Aleppo, and holy cities like, Makkah, Madeenah and Jerusalem!
All people; believe me when I say ! We will not make any zhulm, we will not hurt anyone. We will be there for anyone who needs help, we will crush enemies and we will be friendly to our friends. Being a Turkish is hard because you fight with the world, but being enemy of Turks is worse because you fight the Turks. We are always be ready to sacrifice ourselves for sake of our friends, we will always be ready to put out hell in our chests. Fear or not we are coming. We just need some time...
May allah have mercy upon Abu Ayoub al Ansari ans mehmet Fatih this story blow me away : once we were one umah that way we had legends like Mehmet ; if we unite like use to undoubtedly we will succeed we can achieve everything We don’t get leaders like this ever ; I’m the decedent of Salahadin Ayoubi may Allah have upon him May Allah have united us again
*Sultans qadasAllahu arwahuhum Aziz, were always in a tariqa..Always in, to help first, and establish justice. Real , genuine Tassawuf, like Sultans Nurudeen and Sultan Salahudeen and uncle Shirkuh, RadhiAllahu anhum ajmaen, qadasAllahu arwahuhum Aziz.*
Aasalamu alaikum brother and sister how are islamic guidence team ...pllz humble request for more deep vedio on the life of sultan muhmmad al fateh...becuse i teach the lesson my child and prepare my child for ummahh insallahh..
We Malay people from Malaysia back then we are under the Ottoman too.The true history had been wiped out by the christian colonialists but now the truth came out of nowhere one by one.Malay peoples back then had ships so big that 20 times bigger than the Portuguese ships.we used to ruled the seas and lands.until today we still call our homeland 'tanah air' which means land and water because our ancestors used to be the great sailors.They are Muslims under Ottoman Empire.
An important part was left out. Fatih's father Sultan Murad goes to visit Haji Bayram Wali and takes his son Mehmed and his teacher Aq-Shams Ad-Din along. Sultan Murad asks Haji Bayram Wali when will they conquer Constantinople and Haji Bayram Wali responds "May Allah give you a long life my sultan but neither you or i will see it happen. That little child(Fatih) and our beardless(Aq-Shams Ad-Din) will see it" That's why Sultan Murad abdicated to Mehmed Al-Fatih at so early age.
Mehmet Fatih RA..what a Prophecy by Muhammad PBUH...what a feat....what a story...SubhanAllah
Ey wallah
@@yusufbenamar9990 Aye MashAllah
For us Turks those Ottoman Sultans aren’t even close to being equivalent to the shoes of Ataturk!!!! Yaşa Mustafa Kemal Paşa Yaşa!!!!
@@DhukuAC K*malist being unoriginal with his copy-paste comments, I see.
@@believeranon5686 Ataturk is more popular than your ‘pRoPhEt’ Muhammad according to Google Trends in Turkey
May Allah have mercy upon Muhammad Rahim Ullah,His Father and all the Ottomans peace be upon them and all the righteous men and women
@@uveshmd2064 aaqWaaaAAQAqq
Sadly many of the Ottomans were graveworshipper mushriks
@@sualehirfan2514 no
Turks r realy brave and strong and in there deen also
In todays time also...May Allah bless the Turkish people and its leader and guide them in the sahi path
Its an Triumph when Haya Sophia was returned as Masjid
Wallahi today I was searching for a video on this amazing man but I couldn't find a good video and you guys uploaded this just now. Subhanallah...
You can search it with name of “Fatih Sultan Mehmed” because that is what we call him. Out of respect to prophet we name kids Muhammed but we call them Mehmed.
For us Turks those Ottoman Sultans aren’t even close to being equivalent to the shoes of Ataturk!!!! Yaşa Mustafa Kemal Paşa Yaşa!!!!
@@DhukuAC I’m a Turk and they are much more they ruled with dignity and honour what did attaturk do he close Hague Sofia which men died for he banned hijab with people fought for he turned turjey secular inshallah turkey will become part of the caliphate under imam al mahdi
@@alqudzz-9864 Yh you’re not Turkish
You’re from the subcontinent
And we’ll always be secular
He banned niqab which is good
Hagia Sofia should be a museum Ataturk was right.
Khilafa is never returning secularism is spreading even in Iran lmao
The Sultans aren’t even close the Level of Ataturk.
Ataturk saved Turkey.
Turkey will NEVER return to Sharia
@@DhukuAC turkey wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for sultans it would be Greece
The muslimeen from the time of Rasulullah (saw) till end times of the Ottomans were all successful because they followed the Quran and the sunnah, its when we as a Ummah loved the dunya and followed our desires we fell apart and lost power.
We should adhere to the Quran n Sunnah and InsaAllah we will gain victory again
I agree. Let’s forget what we feed to our children smh haram money is in everything. May Allah guide us all.
In Sha Allah
very true..
Mashallah Muhammad Al Fatih was an amazing man! ♥️ Ramadan Mubarak Muslim brothers and sisters 🙏🏾
This is so far one of my favorite bayans I love listening too!!
1453 Mehmed el Fatih "closes the door" for new crusades.
While in 1924 "the door was open" and unfortunately it is still open ...
It will change, destiny crippled us for 100 years but that ended. We now have gods strength and one by one we will win.
@@EkremSelimInShaAllah change will happen. It is up to us to work on reviving Allah’s precepts and to trust in Allah and pray for His help.
@@EkremSelim are you turkish?
100% True
@@harunkov what happened was all destiny and nothing else. It was meant to happen. I happened and ended. Now there is no way to go but forward. It ıs all going better.
Make dua for me that I die in prostration and Allah grants jannah to us Muslims by his mercy
Dear brothers and sisters please pray for the Al Aqsa Masjid
Ameen may Allah grant the Muslims victory
Zam Zam water will not destroy the enemy. Allah will help the Ummah when you stand up and fight. prayers without actions are useless.
Is it possible that we will see another time of such magnificence. Inshallah we will
Imaam mahdi a.s ❤️
Ya Rab
"We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honour through Islam. If we ever seek honour through anything else, God will humiliate us again."
Umar ibn Al-Khattab {May Allah (Glorified and Exalted) be pleased with him}
This touched my heart😭
One narration says that one of Mohammad al-Fatihs first moves after conquering the city was to visit a famous sheikh in Constantinople who had already been living there for years converting people into islam. However the sheikh rejected seeing him since he got scared that the sultan could be inspired by the depths of islam and neglect his duties as a sultan. Then Mohammad al Fatih said to one of his guardians"I was able to open the doors of Constantinople but not the doors of this noble man". And they have never faced again. It's also narrated that he would have rather given himself completely to islam and give away his throne as a sultan but Aq Shamsaddin was against it. That's how great of an Amir and Muslim he was.
Ramadan Kareem! May Allah give you all the prosperity and success. May Allah bless you with wealth and happiness and gives you a healthy life. Ameen
same to u as well Aameen ❤
@@AK-47ak12 Sending my best wishes to you on this holy occasion. Have a wonderful Ramadan Kareem
We need leaders like him, in the current situation we hoping a true leader will emerge in our Ummah and liberate the jerusalem
Only Prophet Eisa alaiihisallam will liberate Palestine
Only Prophet Eisa alaiihisallam will liberate Palestine
alhamdulillah! may allah shower blessings on mehmed al fatih.
It’s reported in an authentic Hadith that whosoever recites Ayat al Kursi after every obligatory prayer then between him and jannah would only be death. 💖❤️
That's 100% tru3
After fardz Namaz the Gates are left open so plz read Aytal Kursi..send Durood & Salams on Hazradth Mohammed Mostafa Sala Wa Salim..on Thursday nights
@Zander Benson Probably not a place for conducting a scam
@Westley James nice add
That hadith is not authentic. It is da'if but there is still a good amount of chance that muhammad (pbuh) siad these words
*Allah kabul etsin, Oşmanlu Kardeşlerim*
Teşekkürler ❤️
If we become Ummah like the times of our forefathers, we can have another promised city❤
Rome and China Inshallah
Unfortunately it will be difficult, as long if we don't solve the kemalism issue we can't start ummah yet...
The blessed commander Fatih Sultan Mehmet Khan
Read Quran everyday and never ignore your five daily prayers...
SubhanAllah ....what a great king ...Ma Sha ALLAH.
May Allah be pleased with him. Jazaakum Allah Khair for sharing this with us.
We need someone like this today for the Ummah. May Allah safeguard us from our enemies.
Either I will conquer Constantinople or Constantinople will conquer me - Muhammad Al Fatih (RA)
Thank you for this amazing video. May Allah reward you here and in the hereafter
Alhamdulillah was waiting for this along time jzk to IG for posting, can this channel do more talks on Ottoman, great leaders in Islam would be great in sha Allah May Allah reward this channel for sharing knowledge with that background nasheed in all vidoes makes it heart touching
Proud of him as a turkish i feel bad i am so bad muslim he is our superhero 🇹🇷🇹🇷
Super hero is our prophet p.b.u.h. ✌️☝️🤲
@@naimhari7477 we as muslims have many superheroes
May Allah forgive us all and grant us all Jannatul-Firdaus. Ameen
The Whole Ottoman Empire was filled with legends
For us Turks those Ottoman Sultans aren’t even close to being equivalent to the shoes of Ataturk!!!! Yaşa Mustafa Kemal Paşa Yaşa!!!!
Liar ataturk was the enemy of islam
Mehmetsiz istanbul yoktu, biraz kafani calistir
@@DhukuAC you white kaafir turks yes, not for us muslim turks.
Ramadan Mubarak from Thailand 🇹🇭🎉💖
Ramadan Mubarak from Saudi Arabia رمضان مبارك من السعودية
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦
Seninde RAMAZAN MÜBAREK olsun ,Türkiyeden selam 👍🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Im so proud of him…
Ramadan Mubarak
As Salaam u alaykum
Jzk fid dunya wal akhira
Beautifully told
Allah grant us such righteous leaders again
One of the best leaders in a time of trials
Salamualike.lov your videos.8 9 years loving ur channel.
this was beautiful, Make your children like Mohammad Al-fateeh
Ramadan Mubarak 🌙 💫
Ramadhan Mubarak from Malaysia 🇲🇾☪️
O Allah, I seek the counsel of Your Knowledge, and I seek the help of Your Omnipotence, and I beseech You for Your Magnificent Grace. Surely, You are Capable and I am not. You know and I know not, and You are the Knower of the unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter (mention the matter) is good for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come in both the short term and the long term, then ordain it for me and make it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if You know that this matter is bad for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come in both the short term and the long term, then distance it from me, and distance me from it, and ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, and help me to be content with it.
Aameen 🤲🏼
This is the dua of istekhara you make this dua when you need advice with something and guidance like marriage or travelling or a new job etc
May Allah be merciful to my Ancestors, my family settled in Cyprus after the Otterman invasion.
Oh Allah, please forgive all of our past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
Here are some sunnah of the prophet(SAW)
#...When ever the prophet is mentioned say (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)
#...Dikir after every prayer/you can also add (wa bihamdi) and reciting *Alatul Kursi after every fard salah
*SubahanAllah 33 times
*AllahuAkbar 34 times
*Amhamdulillah 33time
#...While entering home syaing this supplication (Allahumma inni as'aluka khairal mawliji wa khairul makhraji bismillahi wajlana wa bismillahi kjarajna waaalla rabbina tawakkalna)
#... While going outside of home saying this supplication (Bismillah tawakkaltu aaalallah wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah)
#...When entering your home give salam even if there is no one give salam to your self
#...Entering the bathroom with left foot and exiting with right
*and covering the head and while relieving yourself sitting is wajib
*and when relieving yourself don't face the qibla or your back behind it
#...Entering the masjid with right foot and exiting with left and performing wudu at home
#...Every muslim you cross by give salam
#...Using meswak
#...Using fragrence
#...Reading Surah Khaf every Friday
#...Dusting the bed with an edge of an cloth or bromm
#...Eat with your right hand and share your food with the nearest person
#... if any food drops of the plate pick it up remove the dust and eat it
*after finish eating lick the plate with your fingers and lick your fingers
#...Before eating and drinking saying bismillah and after finishing eating and drinking saying Allhamdulillah
*if one forgots to say bismillah before eating or drinking say this (bismillahi fi awwalihi wa akhirihi)
#... After finish eating sya this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil ladhi at amani hadha wa razaqanihi min ghayri hawlin minnee wa la quwwatin)
#...Before staring any work or going to do something saying bismillah
#...After doing wudu saying (La illah illallah wadahu la sarikala)
#...While drinking or eating sitting is recommended and it is an sunnah
#...Sleeping on the right shoulder
#...Not sleeping on your stomach or chest
#...Before going to sleep
*sleep in the state of wudu
*Surah ikhlas 3 times
*Surah Nas 3 times
*Surah Falak 3 times
*Ayatul Kursi 3 times
*And saying (Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah)
*And reciting Surah Mulk
#...When going to sleep saying this supplication
(Bismika rabbi wada tu janbi wa bika arfahu in amskata nafsi
fagfir laha wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ibadaka-s-salihin)or
(Allahuma bismika amutoo wa ahyaa)
#...After waking up saying this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil-lathee ahyana baaada ma amatana wa ilayhin nushoor)
#...After waking up doing wudu and put water inside the nose and blow it
#... when wering cloths syaing this supplication (Allhamdulillah hil lathee kasanee hatha aththawab warazaqaneehi min ghayri hawlin minnee wala quwwah)
*While wearing entire the right hand first and when taking of start with left hand same with the shoes
Sahih Al Bukhari:
Sahih Muslim:
Jami Al Tirmidi:
Abu Dawood: 5212
Ibn Majah:
An nasai:
Credits goes to
Ismalic knowledge official
Ranga nature English
May Allah guide us and have patience and remember Your lord is not ONE EYED and to read surah kahf every friday
Plz pray for palistine,Jordan,Syria,Iraq, Iran,Somalia,Yemen,India,China, Bangladesh And for this ummah
Lailahaillallah MuhammadaRrasulullah
after Khalid bin al Waleed ra its been for Turks and Kurds to liberate the holy lands
it took the bravest to liberate the holy lands and the bravest who will liberate the Al aqsa hasnt born yet
May Allah help us to liberate the palestine gazza kashmir
You don’t know if he hasn’t been born yet
What do you said about Salahudden Al-Ayyubi RA?
@@anasyaks He said that he is a Kurd. Look at any source like Wikipedia.
Surprised u ain't hit million subs .ur channel is my favourite.blessed siam shehril Ramadan shehril eman.month of Ramadan month of eman.
Amazing been waiting for something like this
Great sultan❤️ rahimahullah nawwarallahu qabrahu sh shereef
The Messenger of Allah passed by me, so I said: I get older and weaker [or something similar to this] so command me of an act which I shall perform while sitting. He said:
“Say SUBHANALLAH a hundred times, for it is equivalent to FREEING A HUNDRED SLAVES among the sons of Isma`il,
Say ALHAMDULILAH a hundred times, for it is equivalent to a HUNDRED HORSES SADDLED WITH REIGNS ready to carry fighters for the sake of Allah,
Say ALLAHU AKBAR a hundred times, for it is equivalent to a HUNDRED SLAUGHTERED CAMELS for the sake of Allah,
Say LA ILAHA ILLALLAH a hundred times [I think he said] It fills what is BETWEEN THE HEAVEN AND EARTH
And on that day, out of all the DEEDS that are risen to Allah, NONE WILL BE BETTER than yours except a person who said what you said.”
-Sheikh Albaani classified it as Hasan
-Al-Munthiri stated Ahmad related it with a Hasan Isnad
It doesn't matter what that dutty wobbler albani approves. The hadith is authentic without his approval
Ramadan mubarak
جزاكم الله خيراً
May god bless you
Bismillah Hir rahman nir raheem
Always begin your day with Fajr prayer and Ayat AL KURSI
So many shaykhs in the comments. Good to see they are putting their valuable time into youtube comments.
We a proud to be indian muslims becoz of this humble person, we a muslims. (muhammed al fateh), alhamdulillah,
Allahu Akbar May Mohamed al Fatih ra Rest In Peace 🙏❤️
Ramadan karem All muslims
Ramadan Mubarak to all !
What a blessed commander!!! Certified
That’s why I’m in Istanbul now😎😎
@Taha Amjad Insha Allah
@@istanbullover7614 the muslim empire is almost extinct all we can say now is alhamdulilah allah still kept Makkah medina Egypt and Istanbul for us and patiently wait until the coming of imam Mahdi who will conquer the world by allahs permission
@Abbas Abdullah Unfortunately, Iran, a shia country, is the strongest muslim country of today... this world is like living when the Fatimid Caliphate existed.
Muhammad Al Fathih Raheemullah ❤❤❤🤲🤲🤲🤲
Subhanallah. Shukran for this vedio. I always seek knowledges to this RA somehow i search many vedio but i coul'dnt find it. Jazakallah khair for this😊Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslimin.
Happy ramadhan to all my brother's and sisters in Islam from NORTH EAST INDIAN MONGOLOID MUSLIM
Great video today keep it up your doing amazing job
From the time they used swords and cannons for fighting, Horses and northern Arabian camels to travel, tribal villages as cities, to the times, when they used vintage cannons, pistols, old machine guns, grenades for fighting, vintage cars, steamboats and vessels, and steam engine to travel, and great big cities like Istanbul, Damascus, Aleppo, and holy cities like, Makkah, Madeenah and Jerusalem!
JazakAllahu khair,
All people; believe me when I say !
We will not make any zhulm, we will not hurt anyone.
We will be there for anyone who needs help, we will crush enemies and we will be friendly to our friends.
Being a Turkish is hard because you fight with the world, but being enemy of Turks is worse because you fight the Turks.
We are always be ready to sacrifice ourselves for sake of our friends, we will always be ready to put out hell in our chests. Fear or not we are coming. We just need some time...
Allahu akbar
Wallahi this brings tears in eyes of every muslim
Eyup Sultan's grave is still in Istabul. People goes for regular visits and prayers! Fatih Sultan Mehmet❤❤❤
May allah have mercy upon Abu Ayoub al Ansari ans mehmet Fatih this story blow me away : once we were one umah that way we had legends like Mehmet ; if we unite like use to undoubtedly we will succeed we can achieve everything
We don’t get leaders like this ever ; I’m the decedent of Salahadin Ayoubi may Allah have upon him
May Allah have united us again
Thats great...
*Sultans qadasAllahu arwahuhum Aziz, were always in a tariqa..Always in, to help first, and establish justice. Real , genuine Tassawuf, like Sultans Nurudeen and Sultan Salahudeen and uncle Shirkuh, RadhiAllahu anhum ajmaen, qadasAllahu arwahuhum Aziz.*
Whosoever is visualizing the video, may ALLAH bless you with all the goodness.
We will and must turn back to our true nature.Not only the muslim ummah but the whole humanity needs it.We have a heavy burden.May Allah help us
Pretty good lecture!!!
Allah akbar
Mehmed (ra) was 19 when he ascended to the throne and 21 when he conquered Constantinople
@islamic guidance
Please do one on Muhammad Alp Arslan
Aasalamu alaikum brother and sister how are islamic guidence team ...pllz humble request for more deep vedio on the life of sultan muhmmad al fateh...becuse i teach the lesson my child and prepare my child for ummahh insallahh..
That man will go to Paradise according to prophet mamad pbuh
We Malay people from Malaysia back then we are under the Ottoman too.The true history had been wiped out by the christian colonialists but now the truth came out of nowhere one by one.Malay peoples back then had ships so big that 20 times bigger than the Portuguese ships.we used to ruled the seas and lands.until today we still call our homeland 'tanah air' which means land and water because our ancestors used to be the great sailors.They are Muslims under Ottoman Empire.
An important part was left out.
Fatih's father Sultan Murad goes to visit Haji Bayram Wali and takes his son Mehmed and his teacher Aq-Shams Ad-Din along.
Sultan Murad asks Haji Bayram Wali when will they conquer Constantinople and Haji Bayram Wali responds "May Allah give you a long life my sultan but neither you or i will see it happen. That little child(Fatih) and our beardless(Aq-Shams Ad-Din) will see it" That's why Sultan Murad abdicated to Mehmed Al-Fatih at so early age.
The sun does rise. What comes is heat.
Allahu Akbar
May Allah (SWT) grant Jannah to all the flag bearers of Islam.
Btw the Byzantine leader at that time of when Muhammed al Fatih layed siege on Constantinople wasn’t Cesar it was Constantine XI
@Taha Amjad ohhh ok thx
every ruler of the east roman empire had the title ceasar, but you are right his actual name was constantine XI
invite you to listen to hadith narration if your interested in learning about sunnah
Make dua I am like him.
He was amazing,
This is the power of the ottomans
Such pleasure listening to this
Subscription and like on the way
And the Jealous Historians made up tales that he sacked the cities
jazakallahu khairan