No matter how many times I hear this story I cannot get enough of it. And every other video has a nice new addition subhan-Allah. And the last sentence is so factual.
Aslamualaykom brothers and sisters, we are in a special time , we are in the time of Jesus Aslamualaykom brothers and sisters, we are in a special time , we are in the time of Jesus PBUH, and Mah.di PBUH, and daj. al , There very great things are coming like the very bad thing will happen in the USA in the coming months inchallah , I don't want to define a date but we expect it is very probable 2023 is the time of the start. The start is with a star will get close to earth , Now you can see it in the sky , firstly turn the east , and then turn your eyes a little bit to the right , it looks closer than other stars and the next months you will see it get bigger , and then catastrophes will be caused by it especially in the USA , then Mahdi _who will establish khilafah _is a matter of time ( months) firstly you need to know that we are in a period called jabri ( military) rule . . But this period has other names like rajaa period. This period started in mekka in 1344 . One asked the prophet Muhammad PBUH: how long the rajaa of your ummah . The prophet Muhammad PBUH didn't answer his question until the third time . The third time he said 100 years Narrated in Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain. , and Mah.di PBUH, and daj. al , There very great things are coming like the very bad thing will happen in the USA in the coming months inchallah , I don't want to define a date but we expect it is very probable 2023 is the time of the start. The start is with a star will get close to earth , Now you can see it in the sky , firstly turn the east , and then turn your eyes a little bit to the right , it looks closer than other stars and the next months you will see it get bigger , and then catastrophes will be caused by it especially in the USA , then Mahdi _who will establish khilafah _is a matter of time ( months) firstly you need to know that we are in a period called jabri ( military) rule . . But this period has other names like rajaa period. This period started in mekka in 1344 . One asked the prophet Muhammad PBUH: how long the rajaa of your ummah . The prophet Muhammad PBUH didn't answer his question until the third time . The third time he said 100 years Narrated in Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain.
"It is enough to get ne to the other side" and "honour is giving to those who keep their promises" imagine if we just live by these 2 sentences, there won't be the separation there is right bow in the ummah
Missing the Umar RA and crying when Umar thought of the Prophet as he was about to establish first prayer in Aqsa. Missing the first Muslims. May Allah bless them according to their ranks and stations.
May Allah bless Umar radiallahu anhu, Salahuddin may Allah bless him, Imam Shamil may Allah bless him,Abu Sufyan radiallahu anhu,Abu Ubaidah radiallahu anhu, Amr radiallahu anhu,Khalid radiallahu anhu,Shurahbil radiallahu anhu,Muawiyah radiallahu anhu,Abdur Rahman radiallahu anhu
Sunan Abi Dawud 1422 Narrated AbuAyyub al-Ansari: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The witr is a duty for every Muslim so if anyone wishes to observe it with five rak'ahs, he may do so; if anyone wishes to observe it with three, he may do so, and if anyone wishes to observe it with one, he may do so.
If he is the same Abu Sūfyān(R.A) about whom I have read then for the information of the people who don't know about him, he later accepted Islām and became a companion of our Prophet(peace be upon him).
*How much trouble did the prophet face* Lost his mother at the age of 6. Lost an uncle who gave him protection. Lost his child ibrahim at the time he got so attached to him. Lost his son Qaseem and daughters Zainab, Ummul khultum and Rukayya. Lost his beloved uncle Hamza (r.a). Lost his beloved wife khadija (r.a) who believed in him and supported him like a backbone for her entire life. Got stoned until his sandals turned red from his bleeding. Got chased away out of the city he loved the most. He has never ate to his fullest. Has never slept on a soft mattress. And yet, he is the best human being to ever walked on this earth. If pain and tests weren't the biggest blessing, why would Allah give it to his most beloved prophet? {Do you suppose that you will enter Paradise untouched by the suffering endured by the people who passed before you? They were afflicted by the misery and hardship and they were so convulsed that the Messenger and the believers with him cried out: “When will Allah’s help arrive?”} (Al-Baqarah 2: 214) Don't forget Allah's commandment: 1. Pray your 5 daily salah. 2. Give your Zakat. 3. Read Qur'an, understand and follow it. 4. Do dhikr of Allah. 5.Sent salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). 6. Fast in the Ramadaan. 7. Respect your parents and help your neighbor. 8. Feed poor people.
Omar r.a was the second Arab Muslim to pray two rakaa in masjid Al Aqsa cause prophet Muhammad s.a.w was the 1st to pray two rakaah when he led the all the prophet from Adam a.s to issah a.s in pray at the masjid Al aqsa
There is nobody without an observer in it! Everything is a possibility that became a stabilized reality! Glory be to the Undefinable, Causer of Existence, Stabilizer of Matter! That has given the right way of living throught man's subconscious, and by silence waves! And can you reflect if there was a past before your life, where was your soul? And only ask the Lord, who can teach you in perfect way, as he stabilized you in perfect way, The path that you call "Deeds like my character" And is not burdensome, but improves you! You could have existed in every kind of possibility (In infinite world, You could have either be in David's body, or other's body, but You are there) if the soul is depressed, then it should ask himself ("What's there before I came, and as this world came?") the subconscious is the one who sustains the body in every kind of way, and shows how the world like by its feeling state (and requires fats and B vitamins to work properly) and is the holder of the blitzing thoughts. And there is no body which isn't having any observer in it (Or example YOU) *The other people are different brains, and the spiritual books are only a reminder* Inviting to the Causer and Answerer *And each man is a soul which controls the body, and it can do all things matter-based physics, and can only listen and control the nerves which allow themselves, but does it do by his own will, or by programmed will? And each numb feeling is that your body being sick, either by nutrition deficiency or self-punishment by subconscious or ego, and every "reward" feeling should be checked for its next purpose as everything's a possibility! And what's the difference between eternal souls? But you exist in your body! And no possibility can understand the Undefinable! The world is created perfect in its purpose, and what can a soul learn from this?* Brain produces trillions of things in perfect order, perfectly knowing his body and having DNA that improves and doesn't collapse (This type of world is insanely hard to stabilize, and how did it happen? the Undefinable caused its existence) *and a soul that is aware of its moves and eye pixels, that listens to the brain and controls things and chooses by what it knows and by unconnected logic!* *but how could no rules create rules?* *and then put even more rules (which are limited)* *and make from it compact creation* *and the rules work perfectly, atoms connect perfectly, things get compact and perfectly smart enough, and it has an observer in it* *And as the matter listens to all the physics of the universe, and the limited space supporting matter, and by infinite Existence! How does Existence get smart enough to create and stabilize?* And every thing that man has touched publicly will be tested by evil And if he successes it, then he will multiply in his parts of way, and will be other people's part of way, (evil returns numbness and area filled with numbness returns evil mind, and truth leads to progressive work, and so does progressive work return truth) just like math has negative and positive, and as atoms have anti-matter and matter but the man today is malnourished lacking vitamin D3, Vitamins B group (from B1 to Nitrilosides) and lacking iodine, and vitamin k2 And is fed with seed oils and synthetic creations, and anti-nutrients Good examples are in everything natural, and wheatgrass, and fruit seeds and pumpkins and in fermented foods (one is rich in everything, and another one has nitrilosides (Cyanide, Benzaldehyde, Glucose) and cells that break down them into good things, and another one is an awesome healing food, and another one has increased rate of goods in exchange of sugar, and contains bacteria, that also produce a lot of serotonin and continue their job inside guts) Each area feels differently, and they all give a different way of life The universe is not only 4 dimensional (transparent energy) have you seen animals who can contact with man? have you tried asking the Causer of Existence to give you a way to glorify him then actually doing it? And feeling how does it go? Only the Lord knows about those who don't have beginning and end! And by the intuition and creativity with inspiration! And indeed the greatest practices besides praying and high intensity&high progress work is contemplating about being existent in this body and place and observing how you function And do the goods so they become your goods!!! And Ask the Lord to give you the way! The other great practice is going to a quiet place, then stopping all bodily moves (You will be in a meditative state immediately) Every deed is a reflection of their mind-state, and nobody knows the truth you need except Lord, Have you not heard that prayers are answered? If they aren't then how will the others lead you to the right way? The Lord has created everything in this world as it is, and only The Stabilizer of Matter can answer how it all works, all other people give illusion to your mind! Except if it gives great peace. And you choose the ones who will have an image and control in your life. And you have always existed. And you have a purpose! In the beginning of all paths (the generalized paths, the state of a purely clean mind) you can choose 2 of them Path of shortsightedness 1.Illusion (and all of them contribute in what they think about, and indeed you should go your ways, and observe everything around you and possibilities that happen in the world, the better people are chosen as those who become good despite being in bad position, and don't worry about paradise, in this state just observe how your subconscious will behave, and free yourself of anything that restricts you, And only ask The Undefinable for knowledge, Because he is the only answerer! You can call him by any name, And free yourself of second-brains (People), they can have bad restrictions) 2.Stubborness (those feel like they're near a very deep hole, those are the people which go towards the worse ways, and if they reject their Existence then you will understand what ego actually is!) 3.Evildoing and evil-spreading (the area near them feels like scary darkness!) Or Path that is given in response to that prayer: 1.Choosing the best (Everything is a possibility! The man is with life, and the The Stabilizer has caused existence out of nothing! And even the astray ones go by the best in what they haven't been brainwashed yet) 2.Knowledgeable (The state of all this-date greats, all of them feel bliss and power, and they see many things in this life, and can do some of hard things that result in great gain, and You can only rely on the The Lord, By yourself and by the truly good ones, And indeed you can plan the events be in the way you would like them to be! As a soul is free, so shall it be freed from anything that restrict it! An example of it is just by changing and charging your body doing the goal) 3.Master of Life (Nobody has reached this stage! this is a stage of life-control where the man never fails! in this state the man can shape-make anything as they have imagined! their words are joyously-burning to each man like sun's light burns eyes, They have total control over their lifes! And is it our body controlling everything we think? What does a soul in this body do things what a bot could make? But we are existent in our bodies, and Reason found its connections! And everything is possible in this timeless existence!) and what made anything happen? and the causing to happen? In each way that has been deeply gone into glorifies the Undefinable! And you will know what's the difference between numbness and misguided force, bliss and free power! *Humble is the man which no things affect him in any bad way (And he still is the conscious-clear controller of his body)* *The observer is sent to this life (man's body) for his own achievements and experiences, and take role as someone in this world, and everything can be repeated again as everything is a possibility, and purposes were found for everything to happen in this timeless existence!* *And every placement is like that, the past in this world is like today, with exceptions of position* *So what are your thoughts about the life of this world? Because you exist you have purpose, and happiness, and success, and as every pair of existence exist, then You could have existed before time and will not cease to ever exist!* *And the good should be preserved, because of it we live, and evil hurts man in many ways, And don't change creations which your Lord has perfected!* *Glory be to the Undefinable!*
Oh Allah! Only you can turn the hearts of believers to purity and faith in you and to do good. May Allah cause us to meet the Prophets and messengers of Allah led by prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all) along with the companions of the prophet (pbuh) including Omar and all the rest in Janatul Fardaws Al’alaa…Ameen 😪
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me concentrate in halal medical studies.
Some people really don't know from where imam Shameel first read.He not from Russia before don't have this country have USSR but imam Shameel from Dagestan not from Russia but Russia starting only from 1992 imam Shameel from Dagestan...
People who are truly concerned about your hereafter are the purest because they even want the goodness of this Dunya for you Whatever you repent from, will be placed in front of you to test your sincerity. Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence. Your good deeds will remain when you die and your good looks will be buried under the earth. I pray you never get attached to anyone you have to lose someday Whatever you're yearning for right now... Pray for it. Pray for it at this very moment. If you are facing too much difficulties in life, Believe this, Allah is training you for a huge victory. Say ‘Alḥamdulillāh’ often. When you utter Alḥamdulillāh constantly, you’re reminded on the source of all the blessings and happiness in this life. Practicing this daily keeps you humble and content and has positive effects on your relations with others. “Ya Allah I need you to save me from myself for I am my own destruction.” May Allah guide the Ummah back to the truth and save us from drowning in a world filled with Fitna and misguidance.
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ ، وحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ ، وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer [100x] The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (said, “He who utters a hundred times in a day these words: (see above) he will have a reward equivalent to that for emancipating ten slaves, a hundred good deeds will be recorded to his credit, hundred of his sins will be blotted out from his scroll, and he will be safeguarded against the devil on that day till the evening; and no one will exceed him in doing more excellent good deeds except someone who has recited these words more often than him…” [Bukhari and Muslim]
Why would u want to sacrifice your life for a dead man ..he was a companion to the prophet and he wss just a human. Dont.sacrifice your life for a human being
The only fair, brave, and outstanding individual was Salahudin Ayubi who treated people with dignity in wars and he was not an Arab, he was of Kurdish decent. May be that is why he was a man of integrity. Do you really take people as fools? You think people do not read tge history? Shame, Shame on you.
If anyone has a problem they want to solve: (Whatever health, social or financial) By (problems) I mean all problems. Healthy -- I mean sick.. any disease.. Social --- means a single person who wants to get married, He has a disobedient son, he has a strong father on him, She has a bad husband...and so on. Finance. -- I mean, he has a debt, his livelihood is weak. Among the ways to solve problems: 1. Continuous daily charity, even if a little. 2. Repetitive supplication anyway (two words) Oh Lord bless me, Lord heal me, Lord spend my religion. 3. Kiss your father and mother's hand every day, even once. Then I pray to God (two words) 4. Morning and Evening Prayers . 5. Forgiveness while continuing. 6. Repeat..there is no power and no strength but Allah. 7. Prayers for the Prophet while continuing. 8. Read Surat Al-Baqarah daily, even if it is by mobile phone, even if it is intermittent in stages. 9. Humanitarian aid and supplication afterwards. [The meaning of this paragraph is (benevolence to creation) whether it is a human being or an irrational being cat or sparrow]. 10. Duha prayer four rak'ahs. 11 . Two units of prayer of need... with the intention of (healing / marriage / sustenance) repeat it every day. 12. Al-Raqiya Al-Shari'a - by yourself - from it - To read Surat Al-Ikhlas or Al-Fatihah or something else on the Water and drink..every day even once. You will see good and pleasant results, God willing These are all tried and true in real life... and there are people who adhere to them And reap a lot of good results... And it is not a requirement that you do it all... Take from it What suits your situation and condition.. even if I stuck to one paragraph of it, and I won.. Note: How if you do these points or Some of them solve problems? The answer--your problem will be solved with one There are two ways, but God guides you for a reason missing you... Or that God mocks you from external causes Other people do not solve your problem. May God grant you success... God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions . Do not forget the good prayers ..... ٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠٠
May Allah swt create a Person like umar r.a once again who conquers Jerusalem back . Amin
Amin yarabball alamin ☺️🤲
It was given to the jews.
What are you're talking about.
Are you a Jew?
Please STOP WORSHIPPING LAND and things of your world.
*This channel is a treasure trove of knowledge about Islam and its mysteries. Thank you for the enlightening content!*
No matter how many times I hear this story I cannot get enough of it. And every other video has a nice new addition subhan-Allah. And the last sentence is so factual.
Asalamu Alikum do you know the name of the Shiekh
@Fredy Moon Jazak Allah khair brother
Who is proud to be a part of UMMAT E MUHAMMAD SAW
Me ❤❤❤
I am I am
Me ❤ﷺ ﷺ ﷺ
*MashaAllah! Islam's rich culture and diversity reflect Allah's greatness. Alhamdulillah for this beautiful faith! 🕌🌍*
your speech brings tears in eyes mashallah
“Whoever recites Ayat Al-Kursiy after each obligatory prayer, then nothing stands in his way to Paradise except death.”
Insyaallah amin
MashaAllah, may Allah be pleased with all of the Sahaba of RasulAllah( saw) Aameen
SubhanAllah! Allah hu Akbar ! Indeed facts have been spoken. And ended with an eye opening speech !
Daily reminder to say 💕
1. Subhanallah 10x
2. Alhamdulillah 10x
3. Allahu akbar 10x
4. La ila ha ilahallah 10x
ajr for you and me ✨
I feel so happy to read and hear about khulafaye rashideen period
May Allah continue to bless Umar RA, may Jerusalem be liberated once more & may the people of palestine be victorious against their oppressors.
Aslamualaykom brothers and sisters, we are in a special time , we are in the time of Jesus Aslamualaykom brothers and sisters, we are in a special time , we are in the time of Jesus PBUH, and Mah.di PBUH, and daj. al , There very great things are coming like the very bad thing will happen in the USA in the coming months inchallah , I don't want to define a date but we expect it is very probable 2023 is the time of the start. The start is with a star will get close to earth , Now you can see it in the sky , firstly turn the east , and then turn your eyes a little bit to the right , it looks closer than other stars and the next months you will see it get bigger , and then catastrophes will be caused by it especially in the USA , then Mahdi _who will establish khilafah _is a matter of time ( months)
firstly you need to know that we are in a period called jabri ( military) rule . . But this period has other names like rajaa period. This period started in mekka in 1344 . One asked the prophet Muhammad PBUH: how long the rajaa of your ummah .
The prophet Muhammad PBUH didn't answer his question until the third time . The third time he said 100 years
Narrated in Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain. , and Mah.di PBUH, and daj. al , There very great things are coming like the very bad thing will happen in the USA in the coming months inchallah , I don't want to define a date but we expect it is very probable 2023 is the time of the start. The start is with a star will get close to earth , Now you can see it in the sky , firstly turn the east , and then turn your eyes a little bit to the right , it looks closer than other stars and the next months you will see it get bigger , and then catastrophes will be caused by it especially in the USA , then Mahdi _who will establish khilafah _is a matter of time ( months)
firstly you need to know that we are in a period called jabri ( military) rule . . But this period has other names like rajaa period. This period started in mekka in 1344 . One asked the prophet Muhammad PBUH: how long the rajaa of your ummah .
The prophet Muhammad PBUH didn't answer his question until the third time . The third time he said 100 years
Narrated in Mustadrak ala al-Sahihain.
Subhan Allah, may Allah give me the tawfiq to dwell with the sahaba and prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him) in the life after death. Amin.
I am so grateful for these video's Alhamdulillah
Subhanallah ❤
"It is enough to get ne to the other side" and "honour is giving to those who keep their promises" imagine if we just live by these 2 sentences, there won't be the separation there is right bow in the ummah
Missing the Umar RA and crying when Umar thought of the Prophet as he was about to establish first prayer in Aqsa. Missing the first Muslims. May Allah bless them according to their ranks and stations.
Man i listen to these at the gym and it send electricity down my spine may Allah bless me
MashaAllah TabarkAllah, keep going 💪
May Allah(SWT) make men similar to this the leaders of our nations again. Ameen.
May Allah bless Umar radiallahu anhu, Salahuddin may Allah bless him, Imam Shamil may Allah bless him,Abu Sufyan radiallahu anhu,Abu Ubaidah radiallahu anhu, Amr radiallahu anhu,Khalid radiallahu anhu,Shurahbil radiallahu anhu,Muawiyah radiallahu anhu,Abdur Rahman radiallahu anhu
جزاكم الله خيراً
Sunan Abi Dawud 1422
Narrated AbuAyyub al-Ansari:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: The witr is a duty for every Muslim so if anyone wishes to observe it with five rak'ahs, he may do so; if anyone wishes to observe it with three, he may do so, and if anyone wishes to observe it with one, he may do so.
The Bravest sahaba of allah may allah bess him inshallah🌙⭐
Truly,,, the right path is Islam!
John 14 v 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
@andrewplater1782 Christianity is dead. Christians are idol worshipers.
Salaman Ya Umar al Farooq(RA)
Allah Hu Akbar!!! Alhumdulillah, Jajjakallah Hu Khairan, Ameen. ❤❤❤
In Shaa Allah by the power of Allah swt we will take Al Quds those days are very close to us
If he is the same Abu Sūfyān(R.A) about whom I have read then for the information of the people who don't know about him, he later accepted Islām and became a companion of our Prophet(peace be upon him).
Yes, Abu Sufyan RA was previously the leader of Quraysh and the enemy of the Muslims but he accepted Islam later on
Also daughter of Abu sufiyan was married to our prophet Muhammad (saws) .
*How much trouble did the prophet face*
Lost his mother at the age of 6.
Lost an uncle who gave him protection.
Lost his child ibrahim at the time he got so attached to him.
Lost his son Qaseem and daughters
Zainab, Ummul khultum and Rukayya.
Lost his beloved uncle Hamza (r.a).
Lost his beloved wife khadija (r.a) who
believed in him and supported him like a
backbone for her entire life.
Got stoned until his sandals turned red from his bleeding.
Got chased away out of the city he loved the most.
He has never ate to his fullest.
Has never slept on a soft mattress.
And yet, he is the best human being to ever walked on this earth.
If pain and tests weren't the biggest blessing, why would Allah give it to his most beloved prophet?
{Do you suppose that you will enter Paradise untouched by the suffering endured by the people who passed before you?
They were afflicted by the misery and hardship and they were so convulsed that the Messenger and the believers with him cried out: “When will Allah’s help arrive?”} (Al-Baqarah 2: 214)
Don't forget Allah's commandment:
1. Pray your 5 daily salah.
2. Give your Zakat.
3. Read Qur'an, understand and follow it.
4. Do dhikr of Allah.
5.Sent salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
6. Fast in the Ramadaan.
7. Respect your parents and help your neighbor.
8. Feed poor people.
Allahu akbar
May Allah liberate Jerusalem! Ameen.
Omar r.a was the second Arab Muslim to pray two rakaa in masjid Al Aqsa cause prophet Muhammad s.a.w was the 1st to pray two rakaah when he led the all the prophet from Adam a.s to issah a.s in pray at the masjid Al aqsa
One day soon InshaAllah and by his Grace Jerusalem’s keys will once again be in the hands of the righteous slaves of Allah
Remember Filistin In Your Duas 🇵🇸♥️
There is nobody without an observer in it!
Everything is a possibility that became a stabilized reality!
Glory be to the Undefinable, Causer of Existence, Stabilizer of Matter!
That has given the right way of living throught man's subconscious, and by silence waves! And can you reflect if there was a past before your life, where was your soul? And only ask the Lord, who can teach you in perfect way, as he stabilized you in perfect way, The path that you call "Deeds like my character" And is not burdensome, but improves you!
You could have existed in every kind of possibility (In infinite world, You could have either be in David's body, or other's body, but You are there)
if the soul is depressed, then it should ask himself ("What's there before I came, and as this world came?")
the subconscious is the one who sustains the body in every kind of way, and shows how the world like by its feeling state (and requires fats and B vitamins to work properly) and is the holder of the blitzing thoughts. And there is no body which isn't having any observer in it (Or example YOU)
*The other people are different brains, and the spiritual books are only a reminder*
Inviting to the Causer and Answerer
*And each man is a soul which controls the body, and it can do all things matter-based physics, and can only listen and control the nerves which allow themselves, but does it do by his own will, or by programmed will? And each numb feeling is that your body being sick, either by nutrition deficiency or self-punishment by subconscious or ego, and every "reward" feeling should be checked for its next purpose as everything's a possibility! And what's the difference between eternal souls? But you exist in your body! And no possibility can understand the Undefinable! The world is created perfect in its purpose, and what can a soul learn from this?*
Brain produces trillions of things in perfect order, perfectly knowing his body and having DNA that improves and doesn't collapse (This type of world is insanely hard to stabilize, and how did it happen? the Undefinable caused its existence)
*and a soul that is aware of its moves and eye pixels, that listens to the brain and controls things and chooses by what it knows and by unconnected logic!*
*but how could no rules create rules?*
*and then put even more rules (which are limited)*
*and make from it compact creation*
*and the rules work perfectly, atoms connect perfectly, things get compact and perfectly smart enough, and it has an observer in it*
*And as the matter listens to all the physics of the universe, and the limited space supporting matter, and by infinite Existence! How does Existence get smart enough to create and stabilize?*
And every thing that man has touched publicly will be tested by evil
And if he successes it, then he will multiply in his parts of way, and will be other people's part of way, (evil returns numbness and area filled with numbness returns evil mind, and truth leads to progressive work, and so does progressive work return truth) just like math has negative and positive, and as atoms have anti-matter and matter
but the man today is malnourished
lacking vitamin D3, Vitamins B group (from B1 to Nitrilosides) and lacking iodine, and vitamin k2
And is fed with seed oils and synthetic creations, and anti-nutrients
Good examples are in everything natural, and wheatgrass, and fruit seeds and pumpkins and in fermented foods (one is rich in everything, and another one has nitrilosides (Cyanide, Benzaldehyde, Glucose) and cells that break down them into good things, and another one is an awesome healing food, and another one has increased rate of goods in exchange of sugar, and contains bacteria, that also produce a lot of serotonin and continue their job inside guts)
Each area feels differently, and they all give a different way of life
The universe is not only 4 dimensional (transparent energy)
have you seen animals who can contact with man?
have you tried asking the Causer of Existence to give you a way to glorify him
then actually doing it? And feeling how does it go?
Only the Lord knows about those who don't have beginning and end!
And by the intuition and creativity with inspiration!
And indeed the greatest practices besides praying and high intensity&high progress work is contemplating about being existent in this body and place and observing how you function
And do the goods so they become your goods!!!
And Ask the Lord to give you the way!
The other great practice is going to a quiet place, then stopping all bodily moves (You will be in a meditative state immediately)
Every deed is a reflection of their mind-state, and nobody knows the truth you need except Lord, Have you not heard that prayers are answered? If they aren't then how will the others lead you to the right way? The Lord has created everything in this world as it is, and only The Stabilizer of Matter can answer how it all works, all other people give illusion to your mind! Except if it gives great peace.
And you choose the ones who will have an image and control in your life. And you have always existed. And you have a purpose!
In the beginning of all paths (the generalized paths, the state of a purely clean mind) you can choose 2 of them
Path of shortsightedness
1.Illusion (and all of them contribute in what they think about, and indeed you should go your ways, and observe everything around you and possibilities that happen in the world, the better people are chosen as those who become good despite being in bad position, and don't worry about paradise, in this state just observe how your subconscious will behave, and free yourself of anything that restricts you, And only ask The Undefinable for knowledge, Because he is the only answerer! You can call him by any name, And free yourself of second-brains (People), they can have bad restrictions)
2.Stubborness (those feel like they're near a very deep hole, those are the people which go towards the worse ways, and if they reject their Existence then you will understand what ego actually is!)
3.Evildoing and evil-spreading (the area near them feels like scary darkness!)
Path that is given in response to that prayer:
1.Choosing the best (Everything is a possibility! The man is with life, and the The Stabilizer has caused existence out of nothing! And even the astray ones go by the best in what they haven't been brainwashed yet)
2.Knowledgeable (The state of all this-date greats, all of them feel bliss and power, and they see many things in this life, and can do some of hard things that result in great gain, and You can only rely on the The Lord, By yourself and by the truly good ones, And indeed you can plan the events be in the way you would like them to be! As a soul is free, so shall it be freed from anything that restrict it! An example of it is just by changing and charging your body doing the goal)
3.Master of Life (Nobody has reached this stage! this is a stage of life-control where the man never fails! in this state the man can shape-make anything as they have imagined! their words are joyously-burning to each man like sun's light burns eyes, They have total control over their lifes! And is it our body controlling everything we think? What does a soul in this body do things what a bot could make? But we are existent in our bodies, and Reason found its connections! And everything is possible in this timeless existence!)
and what made anything happen? and the causing to happen?
In each way that has been deeply gone into glorifies the Undefinable!
And you will know what's the difference between numbness and misguided force, bliss and free power!
*Humble is the man which no things affect him in any bad way (And he still is the conscious-clear controller of his body)*
*The observer is sent to this life (man's body) for his own achievements and experiences, and take role as someone in this world, and everything can be repeated again as everything is a possibility, and purposes were found for everything to happen in this timeless existence!*
*And every placement is like that, the past in this world is like today, with exceptions of position*
*So what are your thoughts about the life of this world? Because you exist you have purpose, and happiness, and success, and as every pair of existence exist, then You could have existed before time and will not cease to ever exist!*
*And the good should be preserved, because of it we live, and evil hurts man in many ways, And don't change creations which your Lord has perfected!*
*Glory be to the Undefinable!*
Oh Allah! Only you can turn the hearts of believers to purity and faith in you and to do good. May Allah cause us to meet the Prophets and messengers of Allah led by prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all) along with the companions of the prophet (pbuh) including Omar and all the rest in Janatul Fardaws Al’alaa…Ameen 😪
La illah illah lah ❤
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Can you please make dua for me to Allah to accept all my dua's. Can you please make dua particularly for helping me concentrate in halal medical studies.
Some people really don't know from where imam Shameel first read.He not from Russia before don't have this country have USSR but imam Shameel from Dagestan not from Russia but Russia starting only from 1992 imam Shameel from Dagestan...
Good Luck!!!
Fast a I'm a Muslim 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰
This is my power 🔥🔥🔥
People who are truly concerned about your hereafter are the purest because they even want the goodness of this Dunya for you
Whatever you repent from, will be placed in front of you to test your sincerity.
Sometimes it takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.
Your good deeds will remain when you die and your good looks will be buried under the earth.
I pray you never get attached to anyone you have to lose someday
Whatever you're yearning for right now... Pray for it. Pray for it at this very moment.
If you are facing too much difficulties in life, Believe this, Allah is training you for a huge victory.
Say ‘Alḥamdulillāh’ often.
When you utter Alḥamdulillāh constantly, you’re reminded on the source of all the blessings and happiness in this life.
Practicing this daily keeps you humble and content and has positive effects on your relations with others.
“Ya Allah I need you to save me from myself for I am my own destruction.”
May Allah guide the Ummah back to the truth and save us from drowning in a world filled with Fitna and misguidance.
Ameen and thanks for the advice ♥️
Allah humma ameen
Can anyone share the nasheed/tilawat which started just before the end of the video
We live in the past every day, instead of enjoy this present
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللهُ ، وحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ ، وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer [100x]
The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم (said, “He who utters a hundred times in a day these words: (see above) he will have a reward equivalent to that for emancipating ten slaves, a hundred good deeds will be recorded to his credit, hundred of his sins will be blotted out from his scroll, and he will be safeguarded against the devil on that day till the evening; and no one will exceed him in doing more excellent good deeds except someone who has recited these words more often than him…” [Bukhari and Muslim]
I'm very interested in islamic history. Where can i find reliable stories of how islam spread? Through the sahabas and the magnificent battles?
Post more links with image in community tab Insa-Allah
Absolutely correct to the end. It is shame for the Muslim Ummah in its current state.
Shia’s left the chat
Not before punching themselves.
what is the name of the nasheed in the background?
Religion need history. Not just teachings. Islam has the History of a 500,000 years if you discover further the Holy quran and Hadiths.
May my life be sacrificed for Umar R.A & the people who are protecting Masjid ul Aqsa
Brother, you must only sacrifice your life for the sake of Allah and no one else.
Why would u want to sacrifice your life for a dead man ..he was a companion to the prophet and he wss just a human. Dont.sacrifice your life for a human being
What was the name of the Khadim
Who is the person saying azan in beginning plz lemme know
Amr ibn Al'Aas AR and khalid ibn walid RA become Muslim at the time of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
Alhammdullah we have a great history but where are our leaders now?
That last word in the and is True 😞
What was the nasheed at the end?
It's bigger shame for everybody else in Muslim ummah.
We will conquer our Jerusalem Al-Quds back soon, I’m just waiting for my Imam Mahdi R.A, In-Sha-Allah
My question is there anyother prophesy of conquer jerusalem after saladin
Al-Aqsa Holy Land is in the Hand of Fatih Sultan Mehmed r.a. 🫵🌉🏇🗡️🤺💫🌙⛓️🫲🕌🕋Allahu Ekber
Nasheed name at end?
Ida al amjad
@@Mr.tanzillion jazakallah...shukran
Pray 2 rakaats salaah. If you can not then burn oil in a lantern explained?
What the nasheed can anybody tell me?
Ida al amjad
@@Mr.tanzillion jazakallahukhair
May Allah bless u with jannatul firdous
Who is this Shiekh
Sheikh Zahir Mahmoud
May Allah free Palestine
Abu Hafs Al Farooq
@±⁷⁴²⁵⁰²1²⁷⁷islamicguidance you’re a scammer, stop scamming Muslims.
Shia left the chat
May Allah make the companions of imam mehdi the white Europeans Ameen. For once they need to be on the side of Allah Ameen.
Are you okay brother?
Are you high bro
Belive me or not No palestinian will allow to give the key to be fool again like Omar did. You can see Quran 2🙏58.
The only fair, brave, and outstanding individual was Salahudin Ayubi who treated people with dignity in wars and he was not an Arab, he was of Kurdish decent. May be that is why he was a man of integrity. Do you really take people as fools? You think people do not read tge history? Shame, Shame on you.
If anyone has a problem they want to solve:
(Whatever health, social or financial)
By (problems) I mean all problems.
Healthy -- I mean sick.. any disease..
Social --- means a single person who wants to get married,
He has a disobedient son, he has a strong father on him,
She has a bad husband...and so on.
Finance. -- I mean, he has a debt, his livelihood is weak.
Among the ways to solve problems:
1. Continuous daily charity, even if a little.
2. Repetitive supplication anyway (two words)
Oh Lord bless me, Lord heal me, Lord spend my religion.
3. Kiss your father and mother's hand every day, even once. Then I pray to God (two words)
4. Morning and Evening Prayers .
5. Forgiveness while continuing.
6. Repeat..there is no power and no strength but Allah.
7. Prayers for the Prophet while continuing.
8. Read Surat Al-Baqarah daily, even if it is by mobile phone, even if it is intermittent in stages.
9. Humanitarian aid and supplication afterwards.
[The meaning of this paragraph is (benevolence to
creation) whether it is a human being or an irrational being
cat or sparrow].
10. Duha prayer four rak'ahs.
11 . Two units of prayer of need... with the intention of (healing / marriage / sustenance) repeat it every day.
12. Al-Raqiya Al-Shari'a - by yourself - from it -
To read Surat Al-Ikhlas or Al-Fatihah or something else on the
Water and drink..every day even once.
You will see good and pleasant results, God willing
These are all tried and true in real life... and there are people who adhere to them
And reap a lot of good results...
And it is not a requirement that you do it all... Take from it
What suits your situation and condition.. even if
I stuck to one paragraph of it, and I won..
Note: How if you do these points or
Some of them solve problems?
The answer--your problem will be solved with one
There are two ways, but God guides you for a reason
missing you...
Or that God mocks you from external causes
Other people do not solve your problem.
May God grant you success...
God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions .
Do not forget the good prayers .....
Take clips from the seerah on the channel @kingfahadmosque