Predator in a Horse Game

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 579

  • @nrzx_
    @nrzx_ หลายเดือนก่อน +1398

    there was a boy in the server, asking how he could get the special role since he didnt have anything to show yk. Jan said he could ask one of his friends to send pics of herself to him, and then send it to Jan

    • @echowishmeow
      @echowishmeow หลายเดือนก่อน +95

      i think ur talking about me 😅we were kinda trolling in there with a friend.
      he also told me that he has a gay friend and i could make a call with his friend for the role but not sure if he was serious lmaoao

    • @echowishmeow
      @echowishmeow หลายเดือนก่อน +66

      we decided to just leave the "community" after it switched to telegram.
      my friend messaged him about those calls for fun just to see what he'll say then the discord server got deleted and my friend just deleted florian/jan from their friend's list and we thought it'll be over but florian/jan sent them an invite about a week ago and asked if they still want to call to get the role

    • @medea27
      @medea27 หลายเดือนก่อน +85

      FYI - if Florian is doing that he's delving into a whole other crime, being solicitation & distribution of explicit material. Lots of countries have laws about revenge pron that this guy is blatantly breaking too, so he needs to be reported.

    • @MariamaDiallo-fj6ow
      @MariamaDiallo-fj6ow หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@echowishmeow odd joke to make asking for and dsitributing child porn (still disgusting if they're an adult) and then males wonder why women and girls do not want to be around them

    • @dwagongirl-9327
      @dwagongirl-9327 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      @@medea27Germany is kinda strict from what i know, but Poland is ugh… idk anymore

  • @StacyDoodles
    @StacyDoodles หลายเดือนก่อน +2028

    And Star Stable will only address issues like this by going, "Let's try to be nicer to each other and please don't cheat, everyone!"

    • @SoyCami-u3w
      @SoyCami-u3w หลายเดือนก่อน

      Y, son 1 grupo pequeño de personas quienes trabajan para mantener el juego a flote, qué te esperabas?
      En mi caso, yo denuncié a unas chicas que viven acosando a todos los jugadores. A mí me insultaron 1 montón, y me insistían siempre con que desinstalara el juego. Las tuve que bloquear a todas, porque ya eran meses y meses que, cada vez que iba para 1 campeonato y estaba yo sola, y alguna de esas chicas, solía ponerse a darme patadas en la cara de mi personaje con su caballo Mustang, y luego, cuando llegaba primera, la chica que me acosaba venía caminando atrás sin su caballo, como haciéndome burla. Al final no di más y las bloqueé a todas.
      Pero la cosa no termina ahí con estas chicas.
      Ellas crearon su propio club hípico donde parece que están reuniendo a todas las chicas tóxicas del juego. Porque ya me pasó de que varias chicas (que sé que en la vida real son chicas) me dijeran insultos solo por entrar al juego.
      Y cómo inició todo este acoso de estas chicas hacia mí? Bueno, voy a llamarlas por sus nombres en el juego para que se entienda mejor: Tracy y Eden.
      Tracy estaba inrentando cender su cuenta en el chat del juego, varios jugadores le dijeron que se lo compraban hasta que yo dije que no le creyeran, que eso es ilegal, y que le pueden banear la cuenta a Tracy si descubren los moderadores (que creo que este juego no tiene), y pueden banear también a quienes le compren la cuenta. Entonces Eden le dijo que ella se lo compraba. Pensé que la cosa quedó ahí, hasta que, 1 semana después, comencé a encontrarme solo a Tracy en los campeonatos, y fue ahí que comenzó a acosarme. Al comienzo solo era Tracy, luego se le unió Eden con muchos insultos.
      De Eden sé que es mujer ya que años atrás ella tenía 1 club hípico en el juego, en el cual nos conectábamos por Discord para tener las clases. Ella junto con sus amigas, solían acosar a las demás jugadoras. De todo el club, solo había 1 chico que en ese entonces era menor de edad, y no hacía nada, era bueno. Eden y sus amigas nos tenían a todos vigilados, tanto fuera del juego, como dentro. Si quería jugar a las 12 de la noche, venían 2 chicas del club a la parte del mapa donde estaba (no sé cómo hacían para encontrarme) y me empezaban a llenar de mensajes con que me saliera del juego, que ya era tarde, y que me fuera. Y si no quería, me empezaban a amenazar conque me iban a reportar al juego, y me iban a banear del club.
      Este club, supuestamente era "serio". La dueña, Eden, quería que fuera recobocido a nivel mundial. De ella me enteré varias cosas, como que es de mi mismo país, Argentina. Se llama Antonela en la vida real, la provincia en la que vive, y que está en la universidad, estudiando para ser maestra creo que de primaria, lo cual me parece nefasto siendo que ella es una acosadora. Pareciera más que acosa y maltrata a los demás por gusto, por diversión, por cómo nos trató a mí y a los demás del club. Me insistió mucho para que yo consiguera el caballo del club, y cuando lo conseguí, me dijo que iban a cambiar de raza.
      También tenía mucho favoritismo con sus amigas, a las que ponia para que nos dieran las clases. En cierto momento ella abrió la posibilidad de que cualquier miembro del equipo pudiéramos dar clases y ofrecer ideas de nuevos deportes y uniformes. Yo me ofrecí y di mi idea. Eden estuvo 1 semana entera animándome y cuando le di el resultado final, mandó a su mano derecha a decirme por Discord que "yo no valgo nada y que mejor ni me esfuerce en destacar". Cuando le conté eso a Eden, ella me dijo que su amiga tiene razón y que no iban a hacer la idea que yo proponía, y que mejor siguiera siendo 1 miembro más del club y ya.
      Esa misma tarde presentaron por Discord el nuevo deporte, que era em mismo que yo había propuesto y me dijeron que no: Salto. Con el mismo uniforme que yo había propuesto y que me lo negaron, con la misma raza que yo había propuesto. La única diferencia es que Eden puso a 1 de sus amigas para que hiciera de la peofesora. Literal me robaron todo. Me dijeron que no lo aceptaba para quedarse con mi idea. Cuando qyise reclamar todas sus amigas (que eran todas las profesoras del club) junto con Eden dijeron que yo estaba mintiendo, que yo propuse otras cosas, que no me podía decidir, y que quería cambiar todo el club, adueñarme de él. Me di cuenta que fuera de ese grupito de amigas, los demás miembros no les creían, porque ya había pasado otras veces, que roben ideas de los demás, y digan luego que mienten.
      Eso último me quebró. Para colmo el día de la inauguración la diske "profesora" llegó 2 horas tarde porque se fue a dar la vacuna contra el cobicho, no avisó que no iba a estar, y cuando dio la clase no se sabía nada, no hablaba bien, pareciera que ni quería estar ahí. Todo fue 1 fiasco y me sentí horrible de que usaran mi idea para eso. También solían tratarme muy mal las amigas de Eden cuando ella no estaba. Me decían cosas como "pedó......fila" porque yo ya tenía como 24 años y ellas entre 16 y 25 años. Cuando le dije a Eden, ella me dijo que eran ideas mías.
      Yo uso el Discord como instalado en la pc, entonces cada vez que prendo la compu, se me abre solo el discord. Eden me bombardeaba de mensajes por todas partes cada vez que veía que "me conectaba al discord". Me decía cosas como "Por qué te conectaste al discord, pero al juego no?!" Y si le decía que no me había conectado, me decía "Sí! Te vi! Estabas conectada al discord y al juego no entraste!" Y así era para todo. También si hablábamos con alguien de otro club, nos venía a amenazar con banearnos y así.
      No di más de tanto acoso. No lo soporté. Si no entraba al juego estaba mal, pero me sentía muy mal entrar al juego. Ya no era divertido, y siempre Eden me amenazaba con todo y por todo. Me salí. Avisé que me iba. Ella insistió para que me quede, pero me fui. Admito que en ese entonces mi autoestima era muy baja, lo que me hace pensar que fue por eso que me quedé por tanto tiempo en ese club. Hoy en día no me quedaría tanto tiempo. Como 1 mes después 1 de las chicas amigas de Eden, comenzó a hablar mal de mi con otros jugadores. Me enteré porque esos jugadores vinieron a contármelo. En 1 de esas me encontré con esa chica y le dije que si su club tenía tan mala fama, era por cómo tratan a sus miembros.
      Para qué le habré dicho eso?! A la mañana siguiente, prendo la compu y me sale que en Discord Eden me envió mensaje al privado. Abro, y eran amenazas de Eden hacia mí. Decía que me había metido con su familia y que no intente que me vuelva a aceptar en el club porque me baneó (ya me había salido, así que me dio igual). Y con esa amenaza, más cuenta me di que ese club no lo vale. Todavía me acuerdo el nombre del club y todo: "Heroic Manes", tenía perfil de Instagram y todo.
      Con el pasar del tiempo me enteré que todo el mundo se fue de ese club. Otros fueron echados. Eden tiene muy mala fama en el juego. Y mucha gente la tiene bloqueada. Y ahora, con su nuevo club, que la verdad no me acuerdo el nombre, parece que está haciendo 1 Heroic Manes 2.0.
      Hasta acá llega mi historia. Con esto quiero dar a conocer que las chicas pueden ser malas, claro que sí. Por ser hombre, no significa que sí o sí tienes que ser malo en los videojuegos, o una persona nefasta fuera de ellos. Yo soy una chica y la mayoría de malas experiencias en juegos las tuye con otras chicas. Pero creo que Eden y sus amigas, se llevan la corona a PEORES PERSONAS.
      Y no sé cómo no las han baneado aún. Ya van años que la gente reporta a estas acosadoras, y no pasa nada. Creo que en este juego es todo 1 "Viva la Pepa", la gente hace lo que quiere y lo mucho que puedes hacer es bloquearlos, porque no sirve de nada avisar a los moderadores lo que pasa en este juego.

    • @raqueluwu4713
      @raqueluwu4713 หลายเดือนก่อน +40

      This is more to an out sso control at this point

    • @kleinmelmurmel
      @kleinmelmurmel หลายเดือนก่อน +45

      They can't admit there is this problem. Its bad press. They fear of their reputation. That doesn't make their actions (or rather no actions) any better.

    • @susannepersson5224
      @susannepersson5224 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      Unfortunately there is not much they can do but report it to the authorities and this is something every kid exposed to this should do. It´s agaming company and have no authorities to take it further than this on their own. I´m not sure what exactly you like them to do?

    • @kleinmelmurmel
      @kleinmelmurmel หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@susannepersson5224 First: Better chat moderation (people that really read the messages you write and not just give standart answers and take weeks and months to take actions on the people that misbehave in chat. Chat moderation in my opinion needs to be seperate from support and needs to respond quicker).
      And second: Inform the community about this ongoing problem (many people don't know how dangerous these hacks really are and asking all the time in ingame chat if they should try hacks or bsso. Some people really thought the anti-cheat system that was implemented and removed a while back was just there to take the fun out of the game and steal their data or something..).

  • @simplynepp
    @simplynepp หลายเดือนก่อน +470

    His "disabled pass" has run out 10 years ago. It says "valid until 10/2014". It could have been just for temporary purposes. There's no excuse for his behaviour, ever. I hope he'll get locked up soon.

    • @TrappedinSLC
      @TrappedinSLC หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      In the US you can get a short term one for things like a badly broken leg that causes you mobility problems while it is healing.

    • @simplynepp
      @simplynepp หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @TrappedinSLC yep, same here in Germany

  • @acidsuzanne4049
    @acidsuzanne4049 หลายเดือนก่อน +353

    Wait a minute, he's in Poland. We recently had the Pandora Gate here so catching another offender shouldn't be a problem.
    I'll absolutely tip someone more more knowledgeable in this field in Poland.

    • @koqarashl2077
      @koqarashl2077 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      But in Poland nothing has changed after Pandora Gate and there was no happy ending

    • @acidsuzanne4049
      @acidsuzanne4049 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      @@koqarashl2077 Because Stuu ran away to Britain?

    • @MajaDzikowska-s4w
      @MajaDzikowska-s4w หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@acidsuzanne4049 isnt he in jail? I believe he is

    • @Unmatchedlel
      @Unmatchedlel หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      he doesnt live in poland, hes still in germany lol

    • @mnichenjoyer
      @mnichenjoyer หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The investigation is still going on. I believe Stuu was captured in UK and sent to Poland.

  • @aizela03
    @aizela03 หลายเดือนก่อน +660

    Sadly, when I was 17-18, I was part of his community for a while. I never showed myself because of respect towards my body and myself, but I’m so angry that he moved from Germany to Poland (the country where I live). I hope he’ll get caught and punished for his actions. In Poland we DO NOT support pedophiles. He’s gross.

    • @kellowstone
      @kellowstone หลายเดือนก่อน +73

      He's beyond gross! What even was that line about "Poland being more in-line with his values"? The implications of that statement are terrible, he's not welcome anywhere.

    • @YamiEryie
      @YamiEryie หลายเดือนก่อน +50

      ​@@kellowstone That was probably a lie he told to not reveal the real reason he moved. What could possibly be in line with his values in Poland? Even age of consent is higher in Poland, I mean yeah it's only a year higher but I assume that for a pdf a year is a big difference. So I'm guessing it's just that no one in Poland knows what he did, and if anyone knows there's very little people that do.

    • @MaskedZoo
      @MaskedZoo หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Someone should tell him that he should go live on north sentinel island because it aligns with his values. That'll work. 😅

    • @softpurplebat
      @softpurplebat หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Germany doesn't support them as well, tf.

    • @ThatLocalBit
      @ThatLocalBit หลายเดือนก่อน

      Duh weirdos like that shouldn't be supported anywhere. Disgusting

  • @tizisart
    @tizisart หลายเดือนก่อน +674

    This is just beyond disgusting. StarStable is such a lovely and relaxing game and "people" like him use this as a way to get their "needs"... I am just speechless.

    • @SoyCami-u3w
      @SoyCami-u3w หลายเดือนก่อน

      Peores son las mujeres acosadoras, el server en el que yo estoy, está repleto de mujeres acosadoras. Y sé que son mujeres porque hace tiempo que las conozco. Ellas tienen muy mala fama, no importa cuanto se las reporte, nohacen nada, siguen ahí. Hasta han intentado vender sus cuentas.

  • @sandydarkfall
    @sandydarkfall หลายเดือนก่อน +687

    This made me feel absoloutely sick to the stomach, I swear... I was shadow boxing my screen with anger!

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +34

      LOL! Hope you didn't the screen! And yes, this man is creepy and sickening!

  • @huntermoonhearth
    @huntermoonhearth หลายเดือนก่อน +1289

    Some people dont deserve air. 🤮

    • @Hannahs_Mustangs
      @Hannahs_Mustangs หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ah hello there!

    • @huntermoonhearth
      @huntermoonhearth หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Hannahs_Mustangs Hello. :3

    • @KittyTrackz
      @KittyTrackz หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      that gives some kinda…eugenics vibes. kinda gross

    • @BloodwyrmWildheart
      @BloodwyrmWildheart หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@KittyTrackz Nope, they're right. You need to learn what eugenics means, because it has nothing to do with violence.
      ...Also, you'd prefer dysgenics? You can only have one or the other. There is no in-between.

    • @собака-й4м
      @собака-й4м หลายเดือนก่อน

      @KittyTrackzthat’s a p3do who exploits young girls using them for his own advantage to supposedly give them skins in a horse game for kids we’re talking about!

  • @Frannie.
    @Frannie. หลายเดือนก่อน +536

    As someone who wanted the different coat-colored horses and the different colored hairs, this completely changed my perspective. If you never posted this I could be in a bad situation. Thank You for spreading awareness Rattle!!!

  • @weewavr
    @weewavr หลายเดือนก่อน +198

    This guy is also known in the Vrchat Community.
    He is a creep dated minors there and is blacklisted.
    Its so disguesting.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Really? If you know more, don't hesitate to reach out on Discord! rattle9247

  • @leahspringspoon
    @leahspringspoon หลายเดือนก่อน +425

    Star Stable is a fantastic online mutliplayer aimed at children. I myself find it a perfect way to relax, quest, race and play after a long day. I find it heart breaking that Im hearing more and more of vile predators using the game to exploit children. Star stable NEED to do more about this. Fantastic video as always ❤

    • @mellowhny
      @mellowhny หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      i fear that this is not something they can do anything about other than ingame ban him over and over again... maybe ip ban/hardware ban idk

    • @RNM-k4-c5i
      @RNM-k4-c5i หลายเดือนก่อน +27

      star stable have already reported him, but the german police doesnt care

    • @emkav6364
      @emkav6364 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I feel like star stable need to black list him from their servers

    • @ladykarin691
      @ladykarin691 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Another game I'm playing is actually using anti-cheat software, as these programs have to run in the background as explained in the video. I think especially when it comes to children, this should be used and SSO has to officially announce it to all players so those children KNOW it won't work.
      And on the other hand it's also the parents responsibility at this point as they allow their children to play online and they should keep an eye on them as well :/

  • @GravityArcation
    @GravityArcation หลายเดือนก่อน +204

    So so thankful for all the awareness spread about Jan/Zuey , he's one slippery slug , couldn't have done it without Ren & Rae and Rattle and all those that helped , Thank you so much for making this video and lets hope he stays off the internet , otherwise we may have an upcoming trilogy .. , Seriously though thank you so so much

    • @Renarin.
      @Renarin. หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      No trilogy I beg.. The police need to finally do something about this creep!!

  • @anotherlevifangirl9589
    @anotherlevifangirl9589 หลายเดือนก่อน +86

    As a German I have to correct you on the laws regarding the age of consent. Yes, it is legal for a 14 year old to have sex BUT only with other teens under 16. Once you're 16 the limit is 21. And with 18 there are no legal limitations anymore, just like in most other countries. Just to make things clear.
    So, a 14 year old having an intimate relationship with a 20+ year old wound definition NOT be legal

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      This is the Information I found, I literally tried to search specifically "Can a 19 y/o be intimate with a 14 y/o in Germany" and this is what I found:
      "The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offence by itself."
      If this is incorrect, then it desperately needs to be corrected! ♥

    • @leanashine
      @leanashine หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      We seem to all have been told that story, I used to believe it too but that is not the case. If the child doesn't report abuse, it is sadly legal in Germany

    • @matthewdemarey4762
      @matthewdemarey4762 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@YTRattle If I recall correctly, Germany's foundational legal principals lie in something called Civil Law. I'm not as well-versed in that compared to Common Law, which is our legal foundation here in the United States, but with what you found it SOUNDS like the only difference with this kind of thing is what the law sees as the actual offence.
      Here in the U.S the offensive act is, obviously, the sexual relations themselves. But perhaps under Civil Law the offence is more the willing manipulation of someone under a certain age rather than the physical acts? Which if we're being honest IS the issue at hand, and I would wager a guess that how things actually play out in court is a lot more along the lines of what you'd expect; especially if the accused is WAY older than the victim. It could be that, when that's the case, the legal precedant is to just assume there was deliberate manipulation involved.
      Looking up what it says on the books unfortunately doesn't give you the full picture; the law as written is typically meant to be a baseline for a judge to interpret from, with legal precedant taking higher priority than what's literally written. Perhaps generally these sorts of accusations require confirmation from the victim, but not in really severe cases with several victims like this one.
      I could be wrong, again I'm only familiar with how Common Law handles this sort of thing, but Germany is still a Western country, and had major influence from us during the Cold War. I wouldn't be surprised if their system of law is closer to ours than it is to the rest of Europe, minus the U.K and Ireland.

    • @wanderer_808
      @wanderer_808 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      ​@@leanashine its even worse because how are children supposed to know they're being abused if they're being groomed and no one knows about it? sigh

    • @horselover8851
      @horselover8851 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I agree it’s very similar in Canada and people warp these laws to justify their own nasty behaviour

  • @aquamarina5216
    @aquamarina5216 หลายเดือนก่อน +202

    I feel so disgusted that this... thing is in my country now, and that he uses a Polish name to mislead people, avoid being cought by our authorities 🤮. Thank you for making this video Ratle, it's so very important to speak about it. I'm happy my nieces decided SSO is not for them, but I feel so very sorry for young people he became his victims.

    • @J44MN1K
      @J44MN1K หลายเดือนก่อน +26

      Też jestem z Polski, powinnyśmy chyba wszystkie info dać policji żeby może został złapany, zawsze możemy jakoś pomóc prawda?

    • @einchaotenwuschel
      @einchaotenwuschel หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@J44MN1Kplease do. we have to protect children.

    • @mariaszmyt8542
      @mariaszmyt8542 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@J44MN1Kteż o tym myślę, ale z drugiej strony znając naszą policję to nic nie zrobią

  • @idontspeakanime8989
    @idontspeakanime8989 หลายเดือนก่อน +181

    15:57 small correction: age of consent in germany only counts between 14 - 17 years old. meaning: if a 20 year old had intercourse with a 14 year old, he'll be charged with r@pe. as long as both are between the age of 14 - 17, it's completely legal.

    • @annatj
      @annatj หลายเดือนก่อน +31

      That’s not true. Sadly, a 20 year old is allowed to have intercourse with a 14 year old, as long as it‘s not forced, for money or if the parents don’t allow it. Everything between the age of 14 - 21 is allowed. Plus, there’s no age limit if you’re above 16 years old, again, as long as it’s not forced or for money. Germany doesn’t do anything against r@pe anyway.

    • @kiraakakitsune7786
      @kiraakakitsune7786 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​​@@annatj§12StGB §23StBG 😑
      Yes §176II StBG allowes the judge to refrain from a criminal conviction if he/she believes the two children to be quite close in age and maturity to each other but that is a big if.
      No judge will decide that a 14 year old and a 20 year old are close in age.
      A 14 year old and a 16 year old is already quite a stretch for german courts.

    • @leanashine
      @leanashine หลายเดือนก่อน +28

      Unfortunately not true, I also used to think that but it's only illegal if there has been coercion aka if the kid outright says they've been abused. There's been a case of a minor dating a teacher (I think?) but he didn't get in trouble because the child said they wanted the relationship

    • @leanashine
      @leanashine หลายเดือนก่อน

      From Wikipedia: Über die Vorschriften des § 182 StGB Abs. 1 und 2 (Zwangslage, Entgelt) bezüglich des Schutzalters 18 Jahre (siehe unten) hinaus, die auch für unter 16-jährige Opfer gelten, sind sexuelle Handlungen von Personen über 21 Jahren mit 14- und 15-Jährigen nach § 182 Abs. 3 StGB als sexueller Missbrauch von Jugendlichen strafbar, wenn die Person über 21 Jahren die „ihr gegenüber fehlende Fähigkeit zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung“ des Jugendlichen ausnutzt.

    • @idontspeakanime8989
      @idontspeakanime8989 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

      @@annatj just did some research. holy shit, i thought it was illegal if a partner is over 18.

  • @izulu214
    @izulu214 หลายเดือนก่อน +89

    It's actually very shocking to me how, in my 5-6 years of playing this game, starting as a really naive 12 year old little girl, the only times I ever heard or seen predators is in videos like this, and last week when I was afking at Silverglade Manor in the demon summoning circle, now soon to be an adult. Apparently there are still some servers in some countries where we don't have to worry as much about people like this sickening guy. But still, star stable needs to do more about this. As we can see, one guy can mess with a lot of kids.

  • @poppy_pixie
    @poppy_pixie หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    As someone who fell victim to an online groomer as a child and was coerced into some stuff I'll never be able to forget or undo - thanks for raising awareness for the safety of children. The internet is scary and dangerous.

  • @natu7512
    @natu7512 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    I live in Poland and im shocked...I DO NOT WANT THIS MAN IN MY COUNTRY, THE HELL...

  • @cyberiaarts
    @cyberiaarts หลายเดือนก่อน +80

    i feel terrible for all the children effected by this horrible excuse for a human being

  • @vay_exe
    @vay_exe หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Hello :) I'm a german sso player, and a friend of mine used to be in his server. She was 12 at the time and she also got the cheat (you didn't have to show anything to get the basic version). She shared her screen a few times, while she was in the server and also in their voice call (sadly I don't have any recordings to show, only an old version of the script, that might not work anymore, however I don't want to check). I think the main thing that led her to downloading the cheat, was that you could buy the old fjords. (yes that worked, I watched her buy all of them, the fjord thing used to be free). I'm honestly just happy that she didn't give in to showing her body to him. I discouraged her from doing that many times and luckily it worked. When she was in their voice call, he asked her numerous times if she wanted to get vip or the 'boobies-role'. He was very persistent but she kept telling him off, until she was banned from the server. Also I can confirm that his name is Florian Lehmann, she also reported him to the police and they said that there have been many reports on him, but they weren't allowed to tell the exact number.

    • @harperdiscoball4684
      @harperdiscoball4684 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I was also in one of his discord servers. The cheat got me banned lol. But i never saw anything suspicious when I was in there but I was only 13 at the time so I'm not sure

    • @Taro_BobaTea
      @Taro_BobaTea 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@harperdiscoball4684 At least it didn't leave a traumatizing impact on you.

  • @unbekanntessflugobjekt
    @unbekanntessflugobjekt หลายเดือนก่อน +51

    yall, we really need to report him to "No text to speech" he has about a million followers and if he makes a video about it, maybe something will finally happen

  • @kawaiitaco215
    @kawaiitaco215 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I’m 17 and this is so disgusting I feel so sad for the younger ones who was victims, this man need to be in jail

  • @DenisWisestorm
    @DenisWisestorm หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    How is he not in jail yet? Has anyone reported him to the police yet? If his real name is leaked, couldn't that help track him down?

    • @RNM-k4-c5i
      @RNM-k4-c5i หลายเดือนก่อน +33

      @DenisWisestorm hey denis! star stable has reported him numerous times, but the german police didnt care at all. its a huge problem in germany, cyber crime is not taken seriously there.

    • @koqarashl2077
      @koqarashl2077 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@RNM-k4-c5i Same in Poland. I don't see any way to stop him

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +31

      He has been reported, sadly, a few times. But the German Government just does not want to do anything. Hopefully the Polish Government can. And hi Denis! XD ♥

    • @DenisWisestorm
      @DenisWisestorm หลายเดือนก่อน

      @ that's egregious... hope they lock this skid mark up. Hi Rattle 😆

  • @zandikaa
    @zandikaa หลายเดือนก่อน +137

    Dear any victims watching this: you are not to blame. It's him. Please do not be hard on yourself for being manipulated. 💖 It's NOT your fault.

    • @ChrryCola-ln5uq
      @ChrryCola-ln5uq หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      But also have some self awareness too learn to stop using guys for “favors” and learn to live without

    • @zandikaa
      @zandikaa หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      ​@ChrryCola-ln5uq You are talking about children and that is a fully grown man. They are vulnerable. Please have some tact.

    • @TryinaD
      @TryinaD หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ChrryCola-ln5uqdamn maybe try to not victim blame for once

    • @TryinaD
      @TryinaD หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ChrryCola-ln5uqyou think girls (MINORS IN THIS CASE) are just manipulative and would use guys for favors?

    • @Etheriyal
      @Etheriyal หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Its not about self awareness or doing without. This is what grooming is about. Its about finding ways to manipulate and coerce people to do things they might not do, to find ways to gain their trust, and if they make the first mistake with something relatively harmless, to use that to threaten them to go further and do more. You can be the most self aware person in the world and still get taken advantage of. Now imagine you're 12 and have little experience of the world and you have an adult putting all this pressure on you, making out like its no big deal, that you can stop any time, that its quick and over in a few seconds. You might make the mistake of doing one tiny thing, and we see in the screen caps how he pressures and threatens if they try to back out.
      Its really important that we make sure not to blame the victims. They are not idiots, they are not stupid, they are not AT ALL to blame here. They are also not delusional to not have the capacity yet to understand whats going on, or to know how predators work, or not have the knowledge of how hidden screen capture software operates. They are children. We have to remember this, they are small children. Thats the point and thats why so many of these predators target them. Because they are far too young to know these things, and will be easily scared by threats.
      Those who might have the knowledge and ability to see through this, they arent getting caught by it. But they are also not the ones abusers are targeting.
      Please remember that we were all children who didn't know any better at one point. And when we tell people that they should know better, be more self aware, not be so stupid, that they should realise or recognise whats going on, it just makes them feel so ashamed that they can't come forward. Its the blaming of victims that let abusers continue to abuse. And while I like that people are calling the abusers out in videos like this, I wish they would offer links to support them to report it, or to get help, rather than tell them that they are delusional if they didnt realise what was going on. They are children. How are they to know? And when everyone is acting like they should have known better, what makes anyone think they are going to report it and admit to being "delusional" or not having any self awareness?
      This is not about "favours" either. Which is the usual trope where its about girls being responsible for the fact guys are showing bad behaviours and trying to manipulate women and girls for their own satisfaction.
      We need to teach guys not to abuse and manipulate or treat women like objects, not tell girls they need to not be so stupid, and not be objectified. It shouldnt be a 12yo's job to police the behaviour of a 24yo.

  • @Galoogie
    @Galoogie หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Maybe I'm wrong but I feel that a company with an online game directed at children who have been made aware of a sexual offender should be held criminally responsible when they do not properly take action.

  • @kieferschredder
    @kieferschredder หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    I also know this guy. His name is not Jan, not Noah and not anything like that. I had contact with him in mid 2021-22 (not sure, I drenched the time away from my memory) when I was 13. Now when I think back I am truly disgusted. This guy should be behind bars but the police doesnt do ANYTHING about him even though he is already KNOWN to them which doesnt make any sense to me. If you already know this guy, why dont you dig deeper? There is also a doxbin about him, offering all information just like city, name and number which he probably also knows of because when I commented that in his tiktok live he instandly blocked me. There is so much more behind that, what he said and what he did to me and other young kids. Also, the Tia Lightvalley Account he once had was given to him by me, which I really regret now. (I liked the name)
    I am truly disgusted.
    Edit: most of that is already told in the vid which i didnt fully watch before this comment, i just had to take out my anger

  • @GuavaChicken_gaming
    @GuavaChicken_gaming หลายเดือนก่อน +86

    YOOOO I was just thinking about the time somebody tried to groom me in Star stable! Rattle is a mind-reader confirmed?!!!🤯
    7:31 so ironic that he has used the name "kids exploit" like yeah bro that's exactly what you're doing.

    • @Sonorus22
      @Sonorus22 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Kids exploit" is totally a 100% safe and normal sounding name for somebody who totally doesnt diddle kids on the side. Yup, 100% /j

  • @space-bunny
    @space-bunny หลายเดือนก่อน +29

    what an absolute disgusting person, I am German and just to tell you even if the age of consent here is 14 it is still often very unlikely that people are okay with it, especially if its an older man. Glad you took your time to get into the details of the law as we take child protection very seriously. I have a friend whom I met in a game and the art I did of it, she was 13 and is now 18, we are still friends and she looked up to me which was sweet, I felt like a momma and I am proud of the woman she became to be. Me and my ex always and still protect her from evil doers. So if you know a young person, might it be your family or a stranger, protect them, talk to them if you think they are being targeted by people like this individual in the video or prevent it from even happening in the first place.

  • @flufflewarrior
    @flufflewarrior หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    Thank you for spreading awareness! It's so important that players (especially younger ones) hear about these disgusting people who target them....
    I still can't understand why SSO doesn't have a report button in game.

  • @annabelle1065
    @annabelle1065 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    14 year olds should be protected, they’re still children. It’s such an easy place for predators to find vulnerable victims. Absolutely should be repercussions for creepy, predatory behaviour. It’s so easy to groom a 14 year old, so even though they are abused they aren’t aware.

  • @Raccoonboi634
    @Raccoonboi634 หลายเดือนก่อน +76

    Wake up everyone!! Rattles posted

  • @River_Wild
    @River_Wild หลายเดือนก่อน +67

    Woah what a pedo. Thanks for pointint this out for everyone because at least the community knows to avoid it!!
    Also when you said 'do you want to have your favorite horses?? Well you can for the price of nudes' my face dropped bro, i thought it was gonna be simple hacks or a predator was just involved but not doing anything, but, not like this.

  • @teleportingtoaster783
    @teleportingtoaster783 หลายเดือนก่อน +69

    As a disabled person, this guy using his disability as an excuse is such shitty behavior. He should be in jail, not trying to pry sympathy.

    • @levves4526
      @levves4526 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      this!! No disability does allow something do horrible as this!!

    • @kleinmelmurmel
      @kleinmelmurmel หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      At least off the internet. I know people might not be charged for crimes because of certain circumtances (such as beeing under the influence or being mentally ill). I don't know if thats the case here and the reason why the police seems to do nothing. But if thats the case, there still needs to be actions taken to keep others (minors in this case!) safe.

    • @teleportingtoaster783
      @teleportingtoaster783 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@kleinmelmurmel Yeah, I hate how this person gets caught for being a pedophile, and a groomer, and the reaction is throwing the disabled card instead of being a better person. Like, no, your disability does not mean you get to suddenly be a pedophile. Like, the dude is hiding and knows that it is bad, no matter if they're disabled, if they know they're doing something wrong, it's still a person who knows they're doing something wrong. And using the disability card makes other disabled people look bad because of that one dude.

    • @AwkwardAurum
      @AwkwardAurum 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I absolutely agree, also as a disabled person.

  • @mskaptka
    @mskaptka หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    THANK YOU for covering this! I knew many many friends who were 13-17 that ran into this guy over and over again, thank you so so so much for this.

  • @MSentencia
    @MSentencia หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    im so disgusted. I've been playing sso for a long time, and I am also from Poland. Words can't describe how disgusted and shocked i am rn.

  • @DelilahMistfall
    @DelilahMistfall หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Thank you so much, Rattle, for spreading awareness about this! Honestly there’s some really sick people out there, I can’t believe they’re that desperate that they’ll keep on going and pushing people to get the cheats. I side with you, also because of the things people do to get cheats. Like, if someone was going to make cheats surely they’d just want a crazy amount of money? Apparently not…

  • @karo2146
    @karo2146 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Omg i wanted to get cheats on one of his websites i think without knowing who was behind it but thankfully the website got taken down ! Thank you to cover those kind of subjects to prevent children be attacked online

  • @Flynnandme
    @Flynnandme หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    Omg did he use the name kids exploit 🤢 thats a red flag in its self

  • @Ariticuu
    @Ariticuu หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    OF COURSE he also has a vrchat profile picture.

  • @Esztey
    @Esztey หลายเดือนก่อน +35

    Hey! I see this video is not yet public. I was still able to reach it through your playlist called "Horse Game Drama". I thought I'd tell you, just in case you wanna fix it.

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      Oh damn! 😂 It's going live in around 4 minutes! I was not aware that could even happen! Thanks for letting me know! ♥♥

    • @_Zer1s_
      @_Zer1s_ หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      You were a different kind of Early xD

  • @Sonorus22
    @Sonorus22 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Forever astonished at how people do this kind of stuff or sexting minors in general, it's sickening.

  • @kwaszona_
    @kwaszona_ หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Im from poland, and when i heard about this sick man, my face went from 😐 to 😧💀 like bro get out of my country, we dont want you here

  • @LailahMoten
    @LailahMoten หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Rattle, I love the way these videos are formatted! Very informative and still interesting :-)

  • @kitCat-andreyna
    @kitCat-andreyna หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Oh GOD! I pray that children are protected on star stable from pedos and please stop evil from spreading online.

  • @Nifilway
    @Nifilway หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    This was important, thank you for making this video. I hope no one ends up in this situation ever again.

  • @Ninetails2000
    @Ninetails2000 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It's almost impressive how literally anything can be turned into a pedo sex ring.

  • @freakinkaynmainlunalilys5568
    @freakinkaynmainlunalilys5568 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Why this man is in MY country. We had a drama last year about this time of people so he shouldn't be save here as he thinks he is...

  • @lemoncakeslemonade5430
    @lemoncakeslemonade5430 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Commenting for the algorithm. I am horrified beyond words- this is so unbelievably disgusting. Thank you for raising awareness.

  • @charlottegold5983
    @charlottegold5983 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    This was seriously hard to watch. I feel very bad for all the victims. Thank you a lot for sharing this all, Rattle! My kids play sso, I'll make sure to tell them about this monster so they stay safe.

  • @pibgeon8794
    @pibgeon8794 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    this is absolutely insane. how can discord allow this to happen on their platform??????

  • @BasicallyBB
    @BasicallyBB หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Thank you for making this. I've watched alot of your SSO content, and as an adult player I am appalled at the amount of predators/predatory actions that take place. I am glad you take the time to explain why these things are wrong and give definitions to people who may not have a full grasp on how actually harmful this is.

  • @banca7576
    @banca7576 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I was in fact in his discord server last year and I'm so happy something bad never happened, thank you for spreading awareness Rattle, something really needs to be done about this

  • @poppy_pixie
    @poppy_pixie หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Just to explain the age of consent in Germany a bit more, as someone who grew up there - even though the law just says age of consent is 14, this doesn't automatically mean that a person over the age of 18 is legally allowed to engage with someone who is 14. It's more to legally establish that "close interactions" between teenagers are legally protected, as long as those teenagers are between the ages of 14 and 17.
    Moreover, if any 14 year old is found to have any kind of "close interaction" with someone who is over the age of 18, there would be high scrutiny and it would immediately get reported, because it will always be an adult that has some kind of authority over that minor - which is immediately illegal.

  • @myseaside
    @myseaside หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    This makes me glad I wasn't a kid when I started playing, who knows if I would've fallen for something like this, though sometimes I still feel silly playing a horse game meant for kids as an adult, but the horses, world and quests drew me in. This is just beyond disgusting, I will never understand why some people are like this 🤬

  • @mobstercrow7515
    @mobstercrow7515 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Someone find this thing and report it to the FBI and police. Report it to it's own country. If anyone has been affected by it, tell the authorities in your own country also.

  • @FloweringAramondii
    @FloweringAramondii หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    My motivation for coding is to make things for my friends (and maybe others) to enjoy. The idea he is justifying this by saying its the only way he is 'motivated' to work is just revolting.

  • @emilka2033
    @emilka2033 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Pisses me off that someone like that is in my country. Needs to be sent back to Germany to go to jail. He is stupid if he feels safe in Poland while doing this, if people catch wind of it he will be sorry.

  • @StarStableGaming._
    @StarStableGaming._ หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I think he was the same guy that used to stream on tiktok (showing off his cheats) and I saw him several times (and also reported his account). As soon as I heard his voice in one of your videos I remembered his streams. Its scary to think that this guy did such terrible things and its even creepier knowing that you saw his streams before all of this came out.

  • @spookymp8366
    @spookymp8366 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    He has to get in jail for that

  • @Djurrattsaktivist2.
    @Djurrattsaktivist2. หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you so much for making this video! You have done more to protect young lives than the laws of different countries have done. Keep making more videos if you find more dangers.

  • @mellie19
    @mellie19 หลายเดือนก่อน +8


  • @katannaki
    @katannaki หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    As someone living in germany I'm shocked that I've never heard of this except for in Rattles videos, this is a serious crime, HOW is he not in jail, there should be so much more awareness towards this disgusting abuse. This is the most disgusting exploitation I could think of when it comes to children playing video games. The government, sso, anyone please do something about it. 🤢 Excuse me, brb emptying my stomach.

  • @Falling_Ra1n
    @Falling_Ra1n หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm in the sever and supported him for a month now. I didn't know of anything. Omg. I feel so sick right now..
    I never wanted to use the cheats myself anyways but still. I can't even believe that I trusted that disgusting human being.
    Thank you so much for posting this, otherwise who knows what would've happened.

  • @magicpensel9548
    @magicpensel9548 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    KidsExploit that's a disturbingly acurate name

  • @ABloomAtMoonrise
    @ABloomAtMoonrise หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I grew up playing StarStable when I was like 10-13yrs old…this is disgusting and sickening. I’m 21yrs now so obviously I don’t play it anymore, but after seeing this, I don’t think I’ll look at StarStable in that nostalgic “happy-memory” typa way ever again now that I’ve got this info that creeps take advantage of this game’s platform to do that typa criminal insanity.

  • @bitter-bit
    @bitter-bit 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The way my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach during the intro. How horrific. These poor kids. That horrible monster.

  • @SalemIarna
    @SalemIarna หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    What he’s doing is completely disgusting and sad that he was able to get this far. I hope this video can help some of those who were unaware of the situation to stay safe.
    People, never send compromising photos/video or get on a compromising video call to anyone, not even those you trust. You never know when they’ll turn on you and use them against you. This goes for all ages of course but especially if you’re under 18.

  • @a4rosli
    @a4rosli หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Oh he's in Poland currently, becouse he doesn't feel safe in Germany? Well let me try to find out where exactly can I report him so he doesn't feel safe here too

    • @nattmelankoli
      @nattmelankoli หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      fr, someone really needs to find him. what he's doing is disgusting and illegal

  • @ryugujiken6936
    @ryugujiken6936 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I stopped playing star stable a while back, but i visit every so often to see whats new. I cannot believe there are people doing this. Absolutely disgusting.

  • @btw.ananas
    @btw.ananas หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    why can‘t he get arrested like fr what is wrong with the government?! My little sister plays sso, I am terrified…

  • @BakaLaVie
    @BakaLaVie หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    It was a very different situation, but this reminded me a lot of my own experience. It is almost funny how textbook these people are

  • @nanananananananana00
    @nanananananananana00 หลายเดือนก่อน

    my little nine year old sister plays and this makes me sick to my stomach, forwarded this video to my mom to be safe. thank you so much for bringing awareness to this situation

  • @RosesareAllie
    @RosesareAllie 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    As a parent who was considering letting my daughter play the game too this makes me so sick!!!

    • @CottenVee
      @CottenVee 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Make you you watch who she talks to on there. It will maybe prevent the child preadator.

  • @LinaLeopardmoon
    @LinaLeopardmoon หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I got cancelled 2 years ago because of this person. Somebody out of his bubble was cheating on a championship and I was recording a video (I wanted to test all horse breeds) and uploaded what just happened. They got super mad at me.
    The girl (a very young one) and Florian were doing a video where they accused me to make those videos and more. Those videos reached a lot of people and I haven’t recovered yet.

  • @TheButtercreamKing
    @TheButtercreamKing หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thank you for explaining some of these things for everyone , especially the fact that this stuff hes consuming is most definitely going into circulation among these sick rings 🤮. I feel so bad for any kids who were groomed or exposed to him

  • @nadia-ti3os
    @nadia-ti3os หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Yeah surely a predator will be safe in Poland

  • @katiemarie3266
    @katiemarie3266 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It’s sad that this video alone isn’t enough to put him in prison forever. Or at LEAST spark concern to those working as police or with the government etc. It’s honestly devastating and just sad that this man along with many others aren’t being held accountable

  • @Kartonnnn61616
    @Kartonnnn61616 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Omg I’m from Poland and I am so ashamed that he lives here like 😢 can’t believe that

  • @suedeheadd
    @suedeheadd หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    not an SSO player, this popped up on my feed... but it's actually kinda insane to think that these level 90 predators hang around in childrens games so often and how it happens on any game thats got a strict ingame currency/economy system of sorts... its a disgusting yet simple scheme that repeats itself in nearly every case related to games; kid wants rank in a group/ingame currency thats unattainable without purchasing with real money > pred takes advantage of this, asks for something in return/acts all nice to get what he wants > kid gives in > blackmail/deprivation of what the victim wanted starts > manipulation of victim until creep gets bored/victim reaches out for help
    ive heard about and seen firsthand lots of similar things happening over at roblox which atleast has a much broader audience of different ages (which doesnt make it better anyway), but its genuinely DISGUSTING that one of these freaks would prey for victims who play SSO... because if i remember correctly, it mainly had children as its playerbase (

  • @ZaraSorayaMoore
    @ZaraSorayaMoore หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    back in early 2023 the cheat "only" costed $250 if you didn't wanna exploit yourself. he's greedy and a disgusting human, it sucks that people like this exist in the community. it's a PIXEL PONY GAME

  • @woofnuggiez
    @woofnuggiez 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Theres sadly a predator in every game it feels like :(

  • @Giomancer
    @Giomancer หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Telegram has been a nexus for fans of the playground for a while. In South Korea, whole rings have been brought down, but more keep popping up. If Zuey flees there, he will be that much harder to flush out.

  • @JoyfulNerd400
    @JoyfulNerd400 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I don’t think its strange for a child to trust an adult when they say they aren’t filming them. It’s exploitation on the part of the adult in this situation, i think that obvious, but… it did sound like you were blaming the child for the pedo’s actions, which I do not agree with at all

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      I'm not blaming the child. Unfortunately, we have a lot of people online saying that this man 'didn't do anything wrong' I'm a little harsher in this video, but I think kids do need to clearly understand what they are getting themselves into.

  • @llywas
    @llywas หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thank you talking about this. It's fucking sickening that this is a thing in first place and that horse games have served as a platform for so many playground hunters.

  • @Nzuri.
    @Nzuri. หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    10 dollars per horse? it's 30 for me

    • @YTRattle
      @YTRattle  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      so, I went on the 'if I bought the full package' estimate. It's a VERY rough estimate, but if I said 30 dollars, inevitably someone would have popped in and said "Um, actually, if you buy 5k SC, the cost is WAY less! PLUS we get free SC!!!"
      Just didn't wanted to deal with the headache XD

    • @Nzuri.
      @Nzuri. หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@YTRattle all of sso's prices are so high in australia, i've been scrounging off my lifetime allowance for the past couple of years

    • @froggyringu
      @froggyringu หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@YTRattleBecause of different value of currencies. 30USD can be worth 1 chocolate bar in one country and a car in another.

  • @L0veBug_08
    @L0veBug_08 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I had no idea this happened until now. I’m now terrified to redownload the game.

  • @Vixx-f3o
    @Vixx-f3o หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There’s a special place below hell for this one

  • @lurix6711
    @lurix6711 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    My bf is studying programming, it is fairly easy to build cheats for games like this

  • @marketarychtarikova1949
    @marketarychtarikova1949 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    its so sad that things like these still happen nowadays... i was I kid back in the omegle days and the amount of times I got told to do something so gross by adult men on camera.. now that people my generation are becoming parents, I hope we will protect our kids better against these predators because we've also been through it ://

  • @CybeaCon
    @CybeaCon หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's absolutely wild that's he's gotten away with this in multiple online circles, and he's STILL getting away with it??

  • @AlishaH-hb6ig
    @AlishaH-hb6ig หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    this is horrible...and wha's even more sad is seeing that Cody Ko clip after knowing what he did😭😭😭😭😭

  • @kaypreston819
    @kaypreston819 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Gobsmacked. This is utterly sickening. Well done Rattle for bringing this sick f*** to light again

  • @EverythingPrecure
    @EverythingPrecure หลายเดือนก่อน +3


  • @TarotBelle
    @TarotBelle หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I dont know the slightest thing about Star Stable or the community, but great work for making this video to keep eyes on this creep!

  • @cxlcxz
    @cxlcxz หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i was in contact with him a few years ago, gladly never came this far to show myself on call, or photos,
    but really scary man.

  • @samdancer3808
    @samdancer3808 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for bringing this to peoples attention. Let’s all work to get this guy arrested. This guy makes me sick

  • @ChristelleMoonlight
    @ChristelleMoonlight หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What disgusts me the most is that he was not arrested. His place is in prison, that would calm him down. What will he do next?

  • @JessyNyan
    @JessyNyan หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Nothing will ever disappoint me as much as the fact that SSO cares more about banning the word "Discord" ingame in world chat than actually banning predators that genuinely try to lure children. We need to protect those kids...why does nobody care??

  • @sharpieton
    @sharpieton 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    what a weird game to prey in

  • @crayonmuncherseal
    @crayonmuncherseal หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Not sure if anyone else noticed, but the SyncGirl / Jan's profile picture is from Vrchat. I wouldn't be surprised if this person did the same things in there, as I've seen some similar cases.
    I am yet to finish the video, but I wanted to say that you're doing good job covering on this subject! Hopefully more people can learn about this case, and be more careful!
    Thank you for spreading the word