What Makes Wish's Music So Bad?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 มิ.ย. 2024
  • People have been clowning primarily on Wish's awful lyrics, but I think the issue goes MUCH deeper than a few bad lines. Wish is easily one of the worst films I have ever seen, so join me on my journey to make fun of all its hilarious flaws.
    ALSO GO WATCH ‪@brainless_mastermind‬'S VIDEOS ON WISH
    I am not a musician and cannot eviscerate Wish's lyrical and tonal failures as well as I'd like to, so thank the lord Brainless Mastermind already did a fantastic job
    #disney #wish #disneywish #starboy #review #reaction #music #musical #animation #movie #opinion #baconguy #opinionatedbacon #bible #theory

ความคิดเห็น • 363

  • @brainless_mastermind
    @brainless_mastermind 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +283

    Okay Bacon Guy pop off 👀👀👀

    • @wooperfan584
      @wooperfan584 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Omg mastermind! Didn't expect you to be here lol

    • @jonniepalma3460
      @jonniepalma3460 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Yay!! Mastermind is here! 👏👏👏

  • @qman28000
    @qman28000 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +686

    "Watch out world, here I are!" should be considered a war crime and against the Geneva convention.

    • @Daryl-2009
      @Daryl-2009 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +26

      I feel like one of the composers put "here I ara ara" as a joke but then the execs kinda liked the "ar" sound

    • @bringbackpbskidsgo4562
      @bringbackpbskidsgo4562 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      It should be "Watch out world, here I come!".

    • @michaelawalton6579
      @michaelawalton6579 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +29

      @@bringbackpbskidsgo4562 how about "Watch out world, here we are"?

    • @bringbackpbskidsgo4562
      @bringbackpbskidsgo4562 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@michaelawalton6579 ok...

    • @AlIRounder
      @AlIRounder 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      I second this decision

  • @kingagrabowska9366
    @kingagrabowska9366 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +477

    In the book version of the movie, there's a powerful line from Magnifico. It's when he captures Star and asks something along the lines of ''Where were you when I needed you? What makes the girl so special?''

    • @ab.6223
      @ab.6223 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +91

      Oh woah really? That's actually really heartbreaking for him...

    • @thoughtsofaleo2916
      @thoughtsofaleo2916 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      What book are you talking about? I thought that was just a rumor floating around, not an original concept from the film?

    • @kingagrabowska9366
      @kingagrabowska9366 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thoughtsofaleo2916 Disney Wish: The Graphic Novel.

    • @kingagrabowska9366
      @kingagrabowska9366 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thoughtsofaleo2916 Or Disney Wish: A Recipe for Adventure.

    • @ZidaneKiano
      @ZidaneKiano 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +44

      ​@@thoughtsofaleo2916Probably the book of Wish concept art

  • @meowsielee
    @meowsielee 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +195

    as a christian i think your point on i’m a star was a weird reach. it’s actually meant to do the opposite, trying to argue that everyone is important and magical considering how stars are the most important thing in this film. it’s a bad, bad song but i wouldn’t go that far

    • @ek0dev
      @ek0dev 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      I agree

    • @autumnleaf4380
      @autumnleaf4380 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +29

      I’m not a Christian but I am an optimistic nihilist, and I also felt like it was a bit of a reach. The song is largely meaningless (I’m pretty sure the only thing it was supposed to accomplish was explaining why Asha connected with the star and why she can understand the animals sometimes?) so I don’t blame them for seeing something like that in it at all, but I don’t think it was ever meant to just say everyone is meaningless stardust, it was *supposed* to say we’re all connected and inherently magical so it could tie in the “wish on yourselves” ending it had going (again, extremely poorly executed, but not the point). I’d also like to mention that the nihilism brought up in the video is pessimistic nihilism, and that a lot of people instead subscribe to optimistic nihilism, where you say “the world has no inherent meaning, so let’s make our own” instead of just laying down and accepting that we’ll all die one day or whatever. I agree that the movie he brought up had a pessimistic nihilist message that is overall harmful, but it’s not representative of nihilism as a whole. Optimistic nihilism is a pretty good worldview and motivator for a lot of agnostics/atheists like myself :)

    • @gachalifelilly
      @gachalifelilly 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Yeah 😅

    • @vertx6186
      @vertx6186 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Tbh i can see were he comes from with magnifico and the forbiden fruit, but this part did seem like a jump and i also disagree but only on the topic of the song

    • @winterfrost589
      @winterfrost589 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Yeah I agree! The message was so weird at that part. The “you’d be happier if you were gay” at 17:39 is just like??? NO ONE is saying that. In fact, I’d argue that they say the opposite. Just because it’s becoming more accepted doesn’t mean it’s being pushed onto children. It’s just a weird message to include if we’re talking about why the songs in the movie are flopping.

  • @catelynh1020
    @catelynh1020 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +240

    Additionally, as a not-a-christian, "we're all stardust" isn't meant to make you think you're nothing. It's meant to say we're all connected. So many times i hear christians say "without god there is no meaning to anything" and that's pretty forking dark and nihilist. Like hearing "without god, everyone would rpe and hurt people and steal" and that tells you exactly what that person thinks. They're saying that without having their god over them, they would be participating in said bad things.
    As an athiest, knowing that all life is connected, that humans are no different from the rest of the creatures on the planet except for perhaps written language and thus more advanced technology passed down generationally while being very good at being an invasive species so spreading out to all areas of the globe, i find so much meaning in the life i have rather than just twiddling my thumbs until my death to get to the meaningful thing of "my next life"
    It is correct that the song doesn't answer the questions. The question is "why does all these things happen" and the answer is "we're all connected". Why are there tree rings? We're connected. Why does the sun go down at night? We're connected. It's a stupid response, but it isn't nihilism.

    • @katrp_5700
      @katrp_5700 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +69

      I appreciate you saying this. As someone who is agnostic myself, that’s such a horrible misunderstanding of non-Christian beliefs. I’m not a perfect person obviously, but I’m able to function and be a decent human without the moral guidance of a book. It’s basic empathy.

    • @catelynh1020
      @catelynh1020 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      My reward for being a good and moral person is that i feel good and get social brownie points. Not heaven. Like gifting someone something at christmas to see them happy you thought of them rather than because you want a gift in return.
      I owe my father 70 dollars and he won't ask for it because I'm good for it (i have it in my wallet for the next time i see him). I am considered trustworthy and am very loyal to my friends. Because it feels good to be.
      That said, the meaning i find in life is something i had to find for myself. I'm still not planning on kids so it isn't procreation. I love science and learning, but i also love helping others from the shadows (like setting the stage for someone else to shine). Religion just wasn't in the cards for me

    • @AngelDustMyBel0ved
      @AngelDustMyBel0ved 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +49

      Thank you so much for saying this, I was thinking the same thing!! The message that "we're all stardust so everything's connected in a way" is comforting. No idea how he read hopelessness or meaninglessness into that lol.

    • @MrsYasha1984
      @MrsYasha1984 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      I know how he meant it.
      Ex-atheist here.
      The christian world view does not exclude us being made of star dust (from dust you came, dust you will become). It excludes that that was an accident or just coincidence.
      In the christian worldview, God had thought each of us into existence before He even created the world. He loved us all, specifically you personally!, to create YOU.
      Beats your existence being a coincidence by far imo😊
      That does not mean atheists are by default degenerates, and that is not what the video said or implied. It's just that a secular worldview has more chance to lead into nihilism, because if you are your own 'summum bonum', 'highest good', it's way easier to cut some moral corners when dilemmas arise.
      (Granted, there are christians who fall into that too. The human condition affects us all, we are all sinners). Without a summum bonum outside of yourself, it gets sometimes hard to cope with the hard things in life. It can get really close to break you, can lead to despair and depression.
      At least that was the case with me. And then i fell back into the catholic Church, and whoa... suddenly i was flooded with an inner peace that i was looking for so long! And that inner peace comes from a connection to God, and makes it just easier to cope with life, and do the right things.

    • @catelynh1020
      @catelynh1020 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

      "Fell back into the catholic church" sounds like you were of the faith and left it temporarily. Going back into the faith generally means you never became atheist (as it is incredibly difficult to believe something, not believe it, then believe it again), which makes it hard to determine if your difficulty to find meaning was due to your struggle during a time of not wanting to believe. For you, it was likely that your belief in god and my unbelief are as inshakable as "the sky is blue" (try to convince yourself to actually believe the sky is royal purple or forest green and you'll never truly believe it).
      But back to the religious comment, i do in fact need to point out that that god specifically does not in fact have to love you and want your existance. The abrahamic god starts with the same source material before each sect added their own work to it to change the god. The self-proclaimed jealous and wrathful god has to use rainbows to remind himself that destroying all life with a flood is no longer an option. Many people's lives were only as important as their worship or what they could do for god, such as any time god has someone killed for not believing (this is any city razed to the ground throughout the ot, or the innocent people wiped out in sodom, but also the installation of new kings and killing of people otherwise innocent just because they did not fit the idea god had). I think it was tamar who had her husband die, then her husband's brother was killed by god entirely because he did not want to get her pregnant. King david tried to rush into a marriage to have a pregnancy be legitimate and god tortured the resulting baby for a week before killing it. Job's family was killed (except his wife) to test his faith. Moses led a troop through the believers and had some 3k people killed because they weren't following the rules they hadn'r heard yet.
      Sure, the "chosen" people were supposed to receive good things, but that was entirely off the backs of the non chosen people. God didn't care for the firstborns of egypt when he killed them, nor for the needy when he had his followers turn all water in the land to something undrinkable for a while (i don't think it was a full week, but it wasn't just a day, either). He sent a bear to attack children, sent flaming snakes at people who asked for water, drowned the world because he regretted things...
      You *cannot* convince me that that god is good and loves everyone and wants the best for us. You aren't even a chosen person if you believe in christianity since that religion follows a false prophet just as much as mormonism does with joseph smith (and the abrahamic god would not take kindly to that as the first rule of the religion is "there's only one god and it's me")
      Edit: hit send too early

  • @leavemealone802
    @leavemealone802 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +74

    Great review dude. Just two things:
    There is a difference between nihilism and positive nihilism. I haven't seen the Orion movie, but if the message is "nothing in the end will matter, so do what makes you happy," I do not think is a bad message, since we live in a very anxiety heavy society. But I haven't seen the movie. Will check it out and see if you are right
    And i just want to say to everyone who has religion trauma like I do: the answer for all questions, comes from you. God it is not the ultimate answer for everyone. If it is for many people, great! It was my answer for a while until I realized following the word of God blindly made me unhappy. If the answer for you isn't God, that is okay.
    The ultimate answer isn't, and it doesn't have to be God

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Positive nihilism is just dishonest nihilism. It’s Mr. Peanut Butter vs. Bojack.
      Allocating meaning to yourself is what’s exacerbating anxiety because now you’re the sole reason for triumph or failure. No one’s there to catch you or help you. And in any circumstance beyond your agency, it’s all up to you to turn it around and if you can’t, too bad. Not everyone lives that out but that’s only because they haven’t followed that line of thinking to its natural conclusion. Besides, “humans make meaning in a meaningless world” is circular reasoning. If there is no meaning then it should not be comprehensible to us, much less accessible to make-much like creating a new color-we don’t have the tools to make or understand something that doesn’t exist in some form (even our fantasy art uses bits of reality).
      As for Christianity, “Follow the Bible” can range from “participate in aspects of Christian culture that may or may not align with Scripture” to “confuse Christian living with salvation and burn out trying to be perfect while claiming I live by grace” to “fully understand the gospel and its implications”. For many, it’s usually the first two and once they’re done, they don’t go back and simply question whether they actually had a sustainable theology. One person tried to warn me that I should leave the faith because she was so passionate and it damaged her. But I never held the belief that I have to participate in everything and hold to a strict regimen and try my hardest to feel holy in order to be a “good Christian” like she did. The gospel brings rest because at its core you’re admitting you’re not perfect and you need and have a Savior. Freed from the guilt of sin, you have genuine agency and are given a sense of real meaning that isn’t based on circular reasoning. Now I don’t HAVE to make my own meaning, I can just be, because it’s taken care of. I don’t have to find my own fate or even worry about finding some obscure idea of “God’s plan” (a product of Christian culture using Isaiah out of context) because my God-given agency as a Christian IS part of the plan.
      All that to say, consider looking again. Was your theology sustainable to begin with, or was it woven in with other teachings and movements?

    • @i.cs.zamodits
      @i.cs.zamodits 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

      ​@@Window4503My guy, no that's not "dishonest nihilism" it's way closer to the actual philosophy of Nietzsche than the other one.
      There is no god, there is no destiny, you don't have to live up to anything. So it's just up to you to figure out what makes you happy.
      To quote Terry Pratchet:
      "So we can believe the big ones?"
      "They're not the same at all!"
      "Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point-"
      It's not "circular reasoning", it's only humans, it's basic logic. Humans made up faith, humans made up all the gods that were ever worshipped, humans made up the hospel, humans created your saviour. Humans created everything you believe in. We are the only ones who can create meaning.
      Maybe you are unwilling to accept it, but you also make up your own meaning, you choose to believe the human created concept if God. A concept humans created, to give meaning to things.
      Some people are just more honest abouth doing it, or aren't satisfied with the pre created options.

  • @apersonontheinternet9085
    @apersonontheinternet9085 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +203

    I’m 80% sure that I’m a Star is about the concept of “we’re all made of stars”, where in the actual world, stars come into existence and make chemicals, die and make more chemicals, and those chemicals (like carbon) are part of everything, so we’re all “made of stars” and therefore we’re all the same. Not that we’re special or that nothing matters, but that all people are the same, and therefore division bad unity good, be nice and don’t do racism and stuff.
    It’s also literally the WORST way to communicate that concept. There’s a song “we’re all made of stars” from a real musical (finding neverland) and it communicates this message competently. How do you mess up this badly.
    Also, Christian here! I actually don’t mind some nihilistic messaging! The message “if there’s no meaning in life, then we make our own meaning, and we should choose to just try to be better today than we were yesterday and generally not be a dick” is good! “Love thy neighbor” is one of the core messages in the Bible, and no matter how someone gets there, I can’t see how that can be a negative. But that’s just me, idk.

    • @Toon_Topaz
      @Toon_Topaz 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Yea agreed

    • @miigi-p4939
      @miigi-p4939 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Btw i dont think the song is talking about how everyone is cosmic stardust i think its just oh dont care about that the answer is that everyone is special and a star in their way

    • @Error403HRD
      @Error403HRD 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      That type of philosophy is actually existentialism! It's pretty cool. I'm an athiest and I firmly believe that there is no objective, all-encompassing point to life. Life just happens, and we should make the most of it! We are all unique individuals with our own thoughts and personalities, so we should each make our own meaning. You're a kind person that loves helping other people? Maybe you make your life's purpose to help as many people as possible, and maybe that leads you to becoming a doctor or firefighter. You're invested in the next generation? Maybe you make it your life's meaning to teach children and help them grow!
      I just think this philosophy is super cool, sorry 😅
      And yeah, I have no idea how Wish BOTCHED I'm a Star that badly lol. I heard that the songwriter literally didn't know what the movie was about and was given vague directions on what to write the song about. That excuses the vagueness of the lyrics but... I don't think I can excuse the abysmal writing under ANY circumstances. The sheer amount of grammatical errors and nonsensical metaphors cannot be excused by not knowing what the movie is about.

  • @WolfTrot
    @WolfTrot 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +131

    If i were the king, i would just keep doing what im doing. I don't need a teenager telling me im doing something wrong.

    • @BP-dn9nv
      @BP-dn9nv 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I mean, everything seems fine and the rules for getting your wish granted are pretty well communicated.

  • @JueTheRoux
    @JueTheRoux 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +57

    17:00 was such a religious jumpscare yowza. My agnostic jaw was on the floor when it hard shifted into Christianity

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  15 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      yeah, it WAS kind of a hard turn into Christiandom, but admittedly the Adam and Eve parallel earlier was a BIT of a sign for what was ahead ;)

    • @JueTheRoux
      @JueTheRoux 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

      @@opinionatedbacon a bit lol. Lots of non-christians also tend to make Bible parallels in analyzes because it's a very popular and influential piece of media whether you believe in it or not, but a lot of non-religious people I know also see the serpent as more of a morally gray character instead of evil. The actual foreshadowing that I probably should have picked up on more was you calling the serpent the villain.

    • @runefactoryappreciator899
      @runefactoryappreciator899 วันที่ผ่านมา

      not to mention the homophobic/transphobic graphic he threw up at the same time. i was flabbergasted

    • @giuba98
      @giuba98 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@runefactoryappreciator899 Omg I think I missed that, where was it?

    • @runefactoryappreciator899
      @runefactoryappreciator899 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@giuba98 17:39, read the text bubbles on the thing he pulled up. i’m paraphrasing but two of them were like “people will only like me if i’m gay/a different gender”

  • @andrijatomorad9885
    @andrijatomorad9885 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +174

    Good video, but I think this nihilistic reading of "I'm a star" is really far-fetched. Don't get me wrong, the song is AWFUL, but I just don't see where that expanded reading at 16:35 comes from.
    I don't really see that in the song... I think "you're a star" is meant to be a way of saying "you're awesome"... It's a very hacky and played out way of saying that, but I don't see any nihilism.
    In fact, this "you're nothing but stardust or cosmic accident... so there is no meaning" is something I hear very rarely... and when I do hear it, it's usually from religious people presenting that as the alternative to their religion. Even people who would say something on that "you're stardust" note and connect it to the meaning of life (which is not necessary; you can just recognise the fact that the matter that makes you was stardust billions of years ago, and think it does not imply anything about meaning) would probably find meaning in the very thought that their existence is extremely unlikely while being kind and understanding to others because they recognise that others are in the same situation. So, even if we make that thought existential, it's still not automatically nihilistic.

    • @miigi-p4939
      @miigi-p4939 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

      No joke this is literally how i tried to stick myself to the church cuz in my mind it was like
      Theres either god or theres nothing so i prefer to be unhappy all my life with the promise of paradise instead of.embracing myself and doing my best to have a good life
      As someone who got out of church this feels so far fetched
      Atheism is not oh we are nothing and we are gonna die (except when its nihilism
      Its more like oh theres no god so i should be able to do what i want as long as i dont hurt anyone and i shouldnt let family be the only thing that defines who you are

    • @kapoopy2856
      @kapoopy2856 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +37

      honestly, that whole bit threw me a bit out of loop. I didn't know there would be a major religious reading into these songs, which i don't mind, (The first part about the snake I didn't mind, it was a fun idea) people can have their own interpetations. However that pic at 17:39 I dunno, it felt pretty tasteless to me. Like wtf was that thing in the corner *evil scolding voice* "You'd be happier if you were gay". Lol what the hell does that have to do with anything (i really really hoped it was just a joke, but I don't think it is)

    • @andrijatomorad9885
      @andrijatomorad9885 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      @@kapoopy2856 Yeah, I agree with what you said. I didn't focus on 17:39 in my comment since that moment felt to me like a very minor part of the video and it is possible that the whole image was just taken for somewhere and meant to be a joke/meme to some extent. But yeah, most of these things I haven't really heard and just find confusing, especially the "gay" one (well, that and the "color" one, which I'm not even completely sure whether it's talking about race because of how awkwardly it's phrased)... I think I'm just gonna take that statement as if 'gay' was used as a synonym for 'happy'. That's how it can actually make sense, even if it's as trivial as "you don't need to pay rent when you're living for free".

    • @vadalia3860
      @vadalia3860 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +23

      Save your energy, the creator of this video just wanted to evangelize and buried it under the cover of a critique of the big movie. Christian apologetics like this video creator's doesn't have to actually follow logic or even be true because it only attacks a strawman of their own creation, rather than engaging in good faith with the real beliefs of those who disagree with them.

    • @katrp_5700
      @katrp_5700 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +24

      @@kapoopy2856I thought he was making some good points but he totally lost me there. The “false happiness” image was so tone deaf 😭

  • @lasercraft32
    @lasercraft32 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +189

    As most people know by now, the Queen was ALSO supposed to be a villain... Imagine how could it would have been if she _betrayed_ Magnifico, tricking everyone into thinking she was the manipulated, when really she was the mastermind the whole time, setting it up for a sequel... (But of course, what we got wasn't at all good enough for a sequel).

  • @noahfalk6100
    @noahfalk6100 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +53

    "The Madrigal Family" song is so good because Mirabel is keeping her identity a mystery while sharing her family's powers with the kids for a reason. Unlike "Welcome to Rosas", where we don't know anything about Asha, this song reveals A LOT about Mirabel. At first, she sees the kids as an opportunity to feel included and belong with her family.... but things get messy when the kids ask about her own magical gift, leading to Dolores exposing the truth that she doesn't have one. This revelation shows that Mirabel has been putting up walls to protect herself, as she's deeply affected by being seen as a burden due to her lack of magical gift. If the kids hadn't shown up, Mirabel wouldn't have had a reason to sing about her family in the first place. There's a story reason behind it, which makes it an important part of the movie.

  • @ianmurphy3840
    @ianmurphy3840 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +85

    I completely agree with your points on At All Cost. It is a good song, but it not relevant in the movie's story. It a hero and villain duet, but has the tones of love song. Tonally it can give people the wrong idea out of context because in the movie Asha just met Magifico. Heck, the main song writer purposely want people to use it for their weddings and lullabies. But the main point of it on perspective of protecting wish's? Which on is it? A love song or a song about protection?

    • @Rikrobat
      @Rikrobat 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      This is my biggest issue with the music in Wish; these songs weren't created with storytelling in mind. They half-heartedly assist sometimes, but they don't exist as a way to progress the story or reveal something to the audience that is integral to the characters/plot. And it makes sense since the songwriter was tasked to write the songs before the movie was even completed. Creating "At All Costs" to be meaningful to anybody in the audience is logically fine for regular songs, but it shouldn't be for a musical number. It should be integral to the similarities and differences between the protagonist and the villain: they start on the same page but by then end, it's clear they have different priorities or ideas of how to fulfill their goals. If the audience finds meaning in the song outside of its story context, that's amazing, but it shouldn't be the goal of the songwriter.

    • @ianmurphy3840
      @ianmurphy3840 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Rikrobat I agree, the song should tackle the similarities and differences between Asha and Magnifico. The only information we get is protect the wishes and how wonderful there are. That is not enough for a villain and hero duet.

    • @Rikrobat
      @Rikrobat 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@ianmurphy3840 - Especially when it can be the first hint that Magnifico is willing to do anything to maintain things “as they are” versus Asha who wants the people to thrive with their wishes. (Of course, the visuals would have to change so that Asha isn’t only focusing on her grandfather’s wish while singing about protecting everyone’s wishes, but I digress. XD)

  • @annsh.6487
    @annsh.6487 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +59

    Bro was doing so well and then god showed up

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      yeah, I knew that would rub some people wrong, but that song rubbed me even MORE wrong, so I had to discuss my thoughts in detail ;)

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Because people who believe in God can’t express their thoughts with their own worldview? I find it weird that any time someone mentions God, people get upset even thought plenty of other videos are either fully agnostic or even anti-Christian. I watch channels of all sorts of views including ones that are snarky toward Christianity or religion in general, so seeing this sentiment feels like a double standard to me. He’s not even attacking atheism, just nihilism, which is a philosophy, according to his beliefs…just like every other creator.

    • @bumbabees
      @bumbabees 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Window4503 christianity has done a LOT of harm. so i think for a lot of people, religion in general is just something that rubs them the wrong way. ive known a lot of people who have some real bad feelings towards it because of their experiences. and its always felt annoying and hypocritical to me personally, though i recognize thats mainly because of how i grew up.
      i dunno. its a complex subject and im not saying randomly attacking religious people is warranted, thats just my two cents on it. its like politics, i suppose. most people really dont like talking about it.

    • @ek0dev
      @ek0dev 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

      ​@@opinionatedbacon that's fair lol
      Although personally I didn’t view the "you're a star" line as being nihilistic

  • @Monkeyfish000
    @Monkeyfish000 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +121

    I can just see the stilt person crying in a corner 😂

    • @WolfTrot
      @WolfTrot 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      I saw him, he's not okay

  • @mariak5096
    @mariak5096 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +62

    Was not expecting a Bible study in this Disney video ahaha. I will say I disagree with you on the take about nihilism, I think "I'm a star" was just trying to be like "we're all connected yay!" but just did so in the worst way possible. Really the worst part of the story (and the reason it feels so empty and bleak) is that none of the characters have any motivation for anything. The king is barely evil, and therefore Asha has no real reason to oppose him so much. That just makes her seem petty and selfish in general, forbidden fruit analogy notwithstanding.
    That said, though, it's absolutely wild in every way that Encanto, which came out TWO YEARS before Wish, is a movie from the same company with all the correct morals from a Christian standpoint. Not only are the characters themselves canonically Christian, but the story is full of messages about family, forgiveness, community, intrinsic self-worth, renewal, miracles (both large and small)--all very biblical stuff. Add that to the fact that everything about Encanto is far better than Wish in every way...really makes you wonder what the heck happened in just two years lol.

  • @ek0dev
    @ek0dev 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +32

    Christianity jumpscare

    • @bee1275
      @bee1275 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      omfg same i clicked off genuienly got annoyed lmfao. You should get this google extenstion I use to permanently block youtubers

  • @MeemahSN
    @MeemahSN 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +40

    'There's no meaning to life' doesn't mean that nothing matters--it means that you create your own meaning and follow your own path.

    • @ek0dev
      @ek0dev 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      It's annoying when people assume that because I don't think there's a grand reason or meaning to life, that I think nothing matters. It just means that there isn't a predetermined purpose for existence, but it doesn't make anything matter less to us while we're alive

  • @keshang_laow8325
    @keshang_laow8325 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +74

    My favorite Disney movie would be hunchback of Notre Dome. The thing is, as a kid, i saw the movie, and my mother got me the PC game, but i never owned the movie. Then my friend gave me access to Disney Plus, and i watched it for the first time in at least 15 years. I had completely forgotten about the villain song, but then watching it as an adult just made it hit harder for me, and it's honestly my 2nd favorite song from the whole movie.

  • @ladypool1404
    @ladypool1404 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +57

    The climax in Mulan: She worked with her friend Mushu to KILL the villain.
    The climax in Lion king 1: Simba is fighting his uncle to save his kingdom.
    The climax in Aladdin: Alasdin fight Jafar in a fire circle.
    Wish's climax: The citizens sings and it somehow defeat a powerful sorcerer?
    It makes no sense, is not cool or entertaining either. Worst climax in disney's history ☹️

    • @tabitharust304
      @tabitharust304 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      For real it was literally the most underwhelming part in the movie(okay, maybe not, but definitely one of them) and actually the whole movie was. You watch it once and you go "hm, yeah once is good enough" whereas the others there is so many things you can go back and rewatch and it amazes you every time

    • @karathewolfsfanficchannel933
      @karathewolfsfanficchannel933 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      That let it grow ending was so
      disappointing IMDb said Asha and Magnífico duel it out but no all there was was “so I make this wiiiiiish”

  • @KaeMcSpadden
    @KaeMcSpadden 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +33

    Also in a previous draft, both the king and queen were going to be evil, making the first Disney villain couple. That would have been so fun to have an evil couple who are madly in love.

  • @julianestebanarroyave9509
    @julianestebanarroyave9509 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +41

    I think the songs were rushed julia michaels was only given 3 weeks to write this wish with very little context of the plot of the movie the story wasn't finished yet and these songs were probably written early in the production because of the higher ups micromanaged the entire development of wish

    • @avengirl6479
      @avengirl6479 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      I feel so bad for Julia Michaels honestly. Disney really did her dirty

    • @julianestebanarroyave9509
      @julianestebanarroyave9509 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@avengirl6479 nit disney the higher upside ruining disney pixar marvel and star wars as a whole

  • @monedooo
    @monedooo 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    i feel like disney just forgot how color theory works i swear 80% of this movie is grey

  • @Roxie_ET
    @Roxie_ET 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

    I legit feel like "you're a star" in this sense was meant to be a pep talk, like "rock star" or "superstar". I think it was supposed to be metaphorically encouraging Asha by saying that everyone is special in their own way, but that message was just delivered terribly that it sounds like they're just talking about literal stars, which, yeah, maybe not a good idea

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      yeah exactly, and the "we are our own origin story" line makes it seem even MORE like the song is actually supposed to answer those questions :.)

    • @tabitharust304
      @tabitharust304 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      That's the thing, it's so vague you have no idea what it's actually supposed to be talking about😭and without the context of the movie, you just have to assume(even WITH the context, still unnecessarily incredibly hard to understand lol) if you want to see a much better song then search up "wubbzy you're a star", its from a kids show but at least you actually know what the point is!!

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  18 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@tabitharust304 yeah I think "You're a Star" is so meaningless it can pretty much mean whatever you THINK it means. I took its meaninglessness to mean that its meaning is meaninglessness, but I can see why someone else would have a different interpretation simply because it's so horribly written :.)

  • @Lexichi22
    @Lexichi22 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

    "You're A Star = Nihilism" seems like the hottest take. Considering the fact that moments before the song, a MAGIC STAR came down from the sky, I can't help but be inclined to believe that the point is "we all have magic within us," as opposed to "we're all insignificant." This is first and foremost a Disney movie, after all.

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  21 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      A good take, honestly, but I was more examining it from the point of "what does literally being a star actually mean for you", simply because the song treats the characters being stars as pretty literal (the turtle's line about being nebulae in a nursery hits that point too) and that somehow that fact is supposed to answer all of life's questions. I can totally see it having the moral you mention, but if it's there, it's so hidden beneath horribly written lyrics that suggest something more literal. I get what you're saying though ;)

    • @Lexichi22
      @Lexichi22 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@opinionatedbacon honestly it doesn't help that the song that's supposed to explain everything barely explains anything at all.

  • @catelynh1020
    @catelynh1020 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Okay, but as someone who is not religious but has been around christianity, i really don't see it as a genesis parallel.
    The story in genesis is the "why is the world" and "what makes humans different" that you see in pretty much every religion. It's that the gods fear Man and them having a higher knowledge that only the gods should have must be punished. In genesis, it's the knowledge of good and evil, and god at that moment says if they take from the tree of life they'd "become as us, gods" so they have to be punished. I think it was the greek mythos that had humans obtaining fire. Heck, in moana, maui stole from a god to give to the humans and was punished for it.
    In wish, asha didn't understand consequences from a rational viewpoint. To her, her grandfather who was 100 years old deserved to have his wish granted. But he's 100 years old. Why would his wish be granted at that point? Magnifico made the kingdom, so unless he's much, *much* older than implied, the kingdom hadn't been around for more than a generation and her grandfather had (assuming a generation is 20 years, he was part of the founding, and 1 wish was granted a month from the founding), he'd have had 240 opportunities to have his wish granted. The wishes we are told were granted in the beginning song are stupid (ie, have long hair), but with the founding of a city you'd want to grant useful wishes first, like for a great tailor and blacksmith and baker before long hair. Her grandfather would have been 80(ish) at the founding of the city and his wish was not immediately useful and was in fact easily able to be something bad because it _was_ vague. Everyone we saw that had a wish granted was working age and had a lot of years left to use their gifts.
    So that's one thing. The other is that, the moment she's told his wish would not come true, she pivoted immediately to "he's evil" and wanted to have everyone have their wishes, regardless of how useful or even good (as opposed to evil) they are. Her friend that wished to be a knight proved that his wish was not the best since his desire for the title overshadowed his loyalty to his friends and his own ideals. He got the armor, but i don't think he got any training or anything else; just the title and looks. If someone wished to be king, what would happen when that wish is granted?
    Nobody thinks of the consequences and that's pretty much it. Magnifico is the only one i agree with and they had to make him twist himself into knots and be taken over by evil magic in order for him to be the villain.

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      God didn’t prevent Adam and Eve from the tree of life because he was scared that they’d be gods. They were already as close as possible to being like him in their original state. After they ate the fruit, they brought sin and death on themselves. Death isn’t just losing the body, it’s also the separation of the soul from God. Had they also eaten from the tree of life, they and the rest of humanity would be trapped in that fallen state eternally alive with no escape. He prevented us from a living hell that would start upon birth with an increasingly degrading world that would never be rid of the worst of us because they’d never die either. You consider that evil?

  • @ptolemyhenson6838
    @ptolemyhenson6838 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +28

    The concept of "You're a Star" is supposed to mean all people come from a common source of "stardom," therefore they are intrinsically connected. Not a completely terrible concept for universe lore, but communicated in the worst way possible and not expanded upon AT ALL.
    I disagree with you that it's immoral to promote alternate philosophy and on the quality of Orion and the Dark.

  • @romanastasia7
    @romanastasia7 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +22

    Thank you so much for mentioning Rasputin, a pure evil villain

  • @VelvetteSimp
    @VelvetteSimp 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    I don't get how a indie animation show was 100x better than a multibillion dollar company's 100 year anniversary movie

  • @pawnhearts8785
    @pawnhearts8785 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +45

    It's amazing how Hazbin Hotel completely destroyed Disney during their 100th anniversary by giving us the Disney soundtrack we always wanted.

    • @M00N_CH1LD
      @M00N_CH1LD 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

      THIS!!! “Hell is Forever” succeeded where “This is the Thanks I Get” failed. Adam, while also being painted as an arrogant jerk just like Magnifico, is still very obviously a threat when he sings about how much he enjoys extermination, and the shoe drop at the end where he reveals that the time until the next extermination was cut in half before roughly throwing Charlie out of the room. Magnifico’s song is just….a huge joke. The part where he is supposed to become this “huge threat” is obnoxiously shoehorned in before being brushed off again in a matter of seconds. And that’s just one example of how Hazbin outshines Wish in nearly every way possible

    • @VelvetteSimp
      @VelvetteSimp 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Hazbin is better in every way especially with its Music Characters and Animation

    • @alexandersean4708
      @alexandersean4708 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@M00N_CH1LD My choice for a Hazbin song to compare to "This Is The Thanks I Get" is "Stayed Gone." Maybe that's just because I got into Hazbin because of a video comparing Stayed Gone to Thanks, but I feel like drawing that comparison brings a light to the problems with Thanks most easily. One: Intimidation factor. In Thanks, you don't feel intimidated because the music is too upbeat and peppy and the visuals are too well lit and welcoming. Now, upbeat villain songs CAN work, but only in certain situations where either the song itself is still Intimidating or fits the villain or situation (I.E. I Wanna Be Like You from The Jungle Book, Kitsch from Elisabeth, Killer Instinct from Bring It On). Thanks is none of these things. Stayed Gone, on the other hand, has Intimidating visuals and instrumentation, with Voxtech HQ being only illuminated by TV screens and LED strips running across sharks, and Alastor's radio tower being even darker, helped by his Intimidating character design, accompanied by booming notes and slower, more intense rhythms, while still having the fast, frantic majority of the song to show the rapid exchange of insults. Two: clever lyrics. I don't need to explain why the lyrics to Thanks are dumb. On the other hand, Stayed Gone is full of clever wordplay, plot revelations, creative lines, interesting rhyme schemes that could only work with the frantic pace, and character moments. Three: making sense. This one's self explanatory.

  • @usmann85
    @usmann85 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +120

    As a Muslim, this film is SUPER immoral and nihilistic. There is meaning to why we exist and not just that YoU'rE a StAr! So I completely agree with you here.

    • @KindleTheSkywing
      @KindleTheSkywing 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      As someone who doesn't really have a religion I still believe in some form of purpose. I don't know why kids media is becoming so nihilistic. If someone thinks life is meaningless then what's even the point of living?

    • @usmann85
      @usmann85 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@KindleTheSkywing true, and why are they attacking kids of all people!?

    • @sanzanderteio4392
      @sanzanderteio4392 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      @@usmann85 they're not "attacking" children just because they don't cater to your religion

    • @usmann85
      @usmann85 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@sanzanderteio4392 we have a purpose and I'm not just saying that just because is doesn't cater to my religion.

    • @miigi-p4939
      @miigi-p4939 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      ​@@usmann85they arent
      The song is not even nihilistic its singing about how everyone is special and great
      The song just sucks at it
      Reading it as nihilism just sounds like trying to pick up a greater meaning of nothing

  • @stephenclaridge5654
    @stephenclaridge5654 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    They coulda have said "watch out world here we are" but no.
    W A T C H O U T W O R L D H E R E I A R E

    • @elianaslivia4405
      @elianaslivia4405 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Me at 3am rewriting At All Costs

  • @wondaraptor
    @wondaraptor 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Even tho many people as well as me don't believe in god, saying life is meaningless is very insensitive. It may be objective from some "scientific" point but as a creatures with complex emotions we have to go around it with EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE or it's not going to end well for anyone 🤔

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Logically it can’t be meaningless. If it truly were then we shouldn’t have any notion of meaning nor should we be able to comprehend or debate it in the first place. You can’t create something out of nothing without any aid, including concepts. So creating meaning when it objectively doesn’t exist is like creating an entirely new hue for the visible light spectrum. A universe can’t be truly meaningless if its inhabitants can understand meaning.

  • @StarWarsUnconditionalLover
    @StarWarsUnconditionalLover 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    What everyone misses is that Asha only wants to get back the wish of her grandfather, and the wish of her mother once Magnifico told her he wouldn’t grant hers either. That was all she wanted, not give back everyone’s wishes. She only comes back to free everyone’s wishes after Magnifico takes away her mother’s wish. And she isn’t wrong to think about that : what’s the point of living here for free if they can’t leave for another land ?

  • @StarWarsUnconditionalLover
    @StarWarsUnconditionalLover 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    12:26 again, no. She only goes to get back her grandfather’s and mother’s wishes.
    The parallel with Eden’s garden doesn’t hold on when you consider that Magnifico is no god, he is a man. He may have a god complex, but the fact that he is a human makes it so that he is himself tempted by darkness.
    Again, Asha comes to free the wishes only after Magnifico turns evil BY HIMSELF. Magnifico could just have let Asha and her family go away with their wishes back and still keep everyone else’s wishes safe. This would have been a good compromise. But he didn’t because he turned to this magical book by himself once everyone started questioning him.
    My point is Asha isn’t the one responsible for the king’s descent into madness.

  • @CoolScratcher
    @CoolScratcher 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    As a agnostic it's actually really interesting to hear the beautiful Christian interpretations of everything! I found it pretty interesting :)

  • @condolcezza5850
    @condolcezza5850 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    This movie takes place around the same time as the Hunchback of Notre Dame. With that said, compare the two soundtracks and see HOW FAR GONE Disney has went.

  • @calliefiletti519
    @calliefiletti519 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    Bruh, I just realized that King Magnifico is just a worse version of Chris Jericho from WWE

  • @frenchhufflepuffie83
    @frenchhufflepuffie83 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +67

    Uhm, I agree that this movie sucks but I don't think the Christian part was necessary...

    • @RennHans
      @RennHans 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +17


    • @cyncir
      @cyncir 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +27

      was on board with bro until that part

    • @rowan5891
      @rowan5891 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +31

      Felt a little awkward when he started preaching lmao. Like I agree that the nihilism of Orion and Wish is bad but the opposite of that isn't Christianity?

    • @ItzMuffinzz
      @ItzMuffinzz 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

      Same it caught me off guard

    • @Window4503
      @Window4503 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      People add in their own beliefs all the time. As a Christian, I hear plenty of New Age or atheistic or secular beliefs when someone discusses media and it hits me just like a talk about Christianity hits you. If you believe in people having an equal voice, then it doesn’t make sense to ask a Christian to de-Christianize themselves for your comfort.

  • @monedooo
    @monedooo 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    english is not even my first but the sentence writing is so painfully bad that even i notice it

  • @djmutt2000
    @djmutt2000 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    When Elemental is more of a 100th anniversary movie

  • @Artsylittlewitch
    @Artsylittlewitch 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    how I’d rewrite wish would be that the point of the story is that we all have the power to make our wishes become reality. I’d make magnifico truly evil by having him be a sort of metaphor for Ai and wanting to the easy way, Asha would represent those who are truly passionate in their craft and her grandpa would symbolize a dying art that’s slowly becoming lost. Plus the whole movie could be a metaphor about creating art and telling your story.

  • @chefytaxd7517
    @chefytaxd7517 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    "Isn't adam or eve... she is the snake" is one of the hardest lines i have heard in a while

  • @Sparklewolfgirl67
    @Sparklewolfgirl67 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    I don’t think im a star was supposed to be nihilistic. Mostly because Disney was only thinking about how much money Wish would make them instead actually trying to make something with any real meaning

  • @flivexo
    @flivexo 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

    Lets go, more long form content!!!

  • @MooncakeAxolotl
    @MooncakeAxolotl 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    Underrated video, unlike Disney's Wish, i loved watching you
    clown onto a bad kids movie. I wanted to watch it but i just felt it would be a waist of time xD

  • @GloryRose-vd2gj
    @GloryRose-vd2gj 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    I know the long form videos take a while to make but they are always soooo good🫶🏻🫶🏻

  • @stephenrice3184
    @stephenrice3184 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    So when my class went on a field trip to the movie theater and saw this movie, me and my friend were dying laughing, not because the movie was funny, but because of how STUPID this hecking movie was!!!😂😂😂

  • @LuminousArc92
    @LuminousArc92 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    more specific about This Wish is it's not a hero's I want song but a villains given how it's thematically like Hellfire
    the heroic I want songs of the past are of wants and desires that have been building for years. Ariel didn't suddenly start collecting human stuff that morning. Quasimodo didn't suddenly start wanting to be out among the people that one day of his whole life. Mulan didn't only just feel like wanting her exterior self to reflect her inner self. Belle didn't decide she suddenly wants adventure and more than a provincial life.
    Asha's want is for Sabino's wish to be granted, sure. But This Wish isn't about that, it's about wanting more for the people of Rosas than being part of the kingdom system that they all agreed to be a part of willingly. A system which Asha was all in favour of, even working as the tour guide for visitors and helping convince them to give up their wishes to become Rosas citizens. Then she's told Sabino's wish won't be granted aka her want won't be granted and suddenly the system is bad evil bad and must be stopped. It becomes her driving force, to break the paradise and system in place everyone, even her, were totally happy with. It makes This Wish a villain I want song just like Hellfire, thematically not quality wise obviously
    with Hellfire Frollo is dealing in his sudden lusts for Esmerelda, he didn't even know she existed before then but the feelings came upon him and he'll burn the whole city down to get her and make her his or kill her. Just like Asha, sudden I want emotion that destroys everything

  • @KaeMcSpadden
    @KaeMcSpadden 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    The other problem with the art and animation is the backgrounds have outlines, so it is hard to tell what the depth is and what is supposed to be close to us or far away.

  • @GamingIsWeied
    @GamingIsWeied 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    8/10 movie it would be 0/10 without ripoff luma. These songs are not good.
    Edit: Never mind watching this video made me remember how horrible this movie was. 1/10

  • @Hannahhhhhhhhhhhh
    @Hannahhhhhhhhhhhh 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    unrelated to the video but i like your bacon avatar, he looks very silly

  • @Intotheabyss1988
    @Intotheabyss1988 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The songs really do feel like a first draft version that need to be workshopped extensively. I like at all costs, and even figured out different lyrics for it because the lyrics are so often nonsense or far too wordy for the section they are trying to fit it in

  • @robin_hatter
    @robin_hatter 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    oh no, i want more longer videos now..

  • @tateduffy4077
    @tateduffy4077 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    The animation in wish is actually pretty good. It’s the lighting (or lack there of) that makes the movie look so cheap. The animation itself is quite nice

  • @moon7shinev150
    @moon7shinev150 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    This isn't even the songwriters fault, Julia Michaels was literally given a description of the movie and a 3 week deadline. Which is so confusing to me since songwriters are usually involved in the entire movie process. Like look at Alan Menken and Lin Manuel Miranda both were heavily involved throughout the entire movie process. Hell in Encanto Lin Manuel Miranda even changed Bruno's original name Oscar to Bruno solely for the song We Don't Talk About Bruno for the line Bruno no no. It's not even the fact that Julia Michael's is a pop song artist since we know that pop songs can work in a Disney movie from Phil Collins songs in Tarzan

  • @tc4331
    @tc4331 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    6:30 You know how to make this line fit if we still had the Asha and Starboy romance? It would show how Starboy still isn't fluent with human speech and has grammatical errors, and also shows how he's trying his best to convey his love to Asha but, again, still not fluent in human speech.

  • @chairliftphilospher5710
    @chairliftphilospher5710 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Rasputin's song also has its verse in minor key (darker) and the chorus in major key (brighter.) The contrast is nice.
    ALSO some of these songs sound better sped up?

  • @moon7shinev150
    @moon7shinev150 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I listened to the movie version of At All Cost before seeing the movie so I had no context. I bet you could imagine my confusion when I heard an obvious love song being sung between a grown man and teenage girl

  • @imthebossmermaid3648
    @imthebossmermaid3648 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Seeing the horrible animation and Encanto animation side by side only reminds me of how cute the Encanto animation is. Not only is the art style cute, but every character is just so lovingly animated and rendered, and have diverse, realistic features, and they're all so beautiful, and distinct, while also looking like they are related, without seeming too identical. The colors of the movie are also very bright, colorful, and happy looking, making it both appealing to kids and representative of nature and Colombian culture! That's what makes it so much better than Wish, which looks bland and lifeless in comparison(although I will say that Asha is very pretty, and her beauty shines through even with the bad animation, but it's like not enough to save this movie from how horrible it looks lol).

  • @Serasugee
    @Serasugee 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I think I'm a Star is just generic "everyone is awesome!" positivity but you're completely right for hating nihilism and existentialism. That stuff is a curse.

  • @tfordham13
    @tfordham13 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Wow mate aint any reasons to be bring relgion into this

  • @Ellstupido-cy3sm
    @Ellstupido-cy3sm 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Yeah I think it’s funny how they kept advertising the soundtrack on Hulu and I was like heck nah knowone likes wish or it’s music

  • @knitkatsit
    @knitkatsit 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    After watching this video, I realize that I would have much preferred it if this movie had been bad but still tried doing new things because, in a word, that's what Walt Disney's legacy was. Sure, not every movie he made is perfect, but you can still see the passion and artistic vision behind it. But with this movie, you just can't. It's nothing more than a focus group-tested product, and Walt Disney didn't deserve that. Once Upon a Studio was a much better celebration of who and what Walt Disney was.

  • @Storycritic177
    @Storycritic177 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +36

    Love your little Bible lesson man. Amen to that!!

  • @subtleteacup
    @subtleteacup 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    This video was pretty fun until you started with the weird christian analogies... I don't know, i guess maybe i wasn't expecting it? I don't know, it felt a little too stretched...

  • @grookeymon
    @grookeymon 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    0:03 I don't know that because ive never watched wish.. and yet im watching this videos anyways lol

  • @elisanchez1938
    @elisanchez1938 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    They should have used Encanto for their 100th Anniversary celebration😏

  • @Goosexpt
    @Goosexpt 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

    Yo I’m here to stop the FIRST kids! You’re welcome 😉

    • @Royal2-dc7oz
      @Royal2-dc7oz 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      by commenting this you become the first kid

    • @fammyboy7519
      @fammyboy7519 22 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @--Paws--
    @--Paws-- 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Wish, makes you wish it was a better movie.

  • @mysticalkeyblade759
    @mysticalkeyblade759 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Honestly a big reason none of the songs have good lyrics or anything that is considered a classic or good is because Disney hired pop music writers instead of Broadway writers. Also they should have kept the star boy concept in. Seriously people have made rewrites and they’re so good

  • @thoughtsofaleo2916
    @thoughtsofaleo2916 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    fun fact: a majority, if not all, of wish's story was written after "this wish." the creators apparently prompted Julia Michaels to write a song about "a strong girl who wishes on a star for a better life for her kingdom" (I'm paraphrasing, but you can find the whole quote on the behind the scenes doc they did) and after allegedly only a few weeks, she churned out this song and they barely tweaked it, calling it their North Star and the main theme of the movie. which wouldn't have been that bad if the I want song actually explained the want (wild concept).
    everything above is just insane to me, especially considering how the composers and songwriters for the renaissance era were involved with the production: if I'm remembering right, during the little mermaid, the music team was there during the writing process to ensure that everything made sense and flowed seamlessly. hell, even Lin Manuel miranda was in the writers room for Encanto, not only to change bruno's name, but to ensure his song's fit with the story they were trying to tell.
    another thing is that, like you said, at all costs was absolutely shoved in here with its updated lyrics solely because they did not know what to do with it, but they can't NOT include their big duet, so now it gets to be a hero-villain song. Julia Michaels apparently said that she wrote it with the perspective of "it's a song from the perspective of two people, one who wants to protect these wishes for selfless gain (asha, allegedly) and one who wants to protect them for selfish gain (magnifico, once again allegedly)." at all costs is definitely one of my favorites of the soundtrack, but like you said that doesn't mean it's good - it's just the one that has the sturdiest foundation for what should've been a better song.
    I do feel bad for the music team somewhat because from what it sounded like there was next to no direction or revisions going on - obviously nothing is hard confirmed because they're under their NDAs and don't want to be blacklisted from disney, but the few things that have trickled out certainly aren't reassuring.
    wish very much feels like they wrote songs because they had to, not because they cared about telling a story with an interesting message - literally none of the songs explain the "be careful what you wish for" tagline they have going on. unless you're counting "I'm a star," in which I regret the star coming down because it means we had to listen to that.
    also, if anyone is interested in a phenomenal 100th year celebration: once upon a studio is a 15 minute short by disney and it's genuinely so well done. characters from across their history are involved and the 2d and 3d animation are so seamlessly blended; it's just delightful. honestly, I wish that had come out in theaters instead of wish because that would've felt like a better celebration.

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Couldn't have said it better myself. I didn't know that about "This Wish", but it makes so much sense. For those out there taking notes, maybe finish your story BEFORE you write your music ;)

  • @papermr.magolorguy7957
    @papermr.magolorguy7957 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Starboy and Villian Power Couple
    “Remember what they took from you.”

  • @LovelyLivelyV
    @LovelyLivelyV 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I can’t get over how This Is The Thanks I Get sounds like Beatboxing Puppy from Our Drawings, but way worse

    • @karathewolfsfanficchannel933
      @karathewolfsfanficchannel933 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      The chicken scene is the beatboxing puppy scene of this movie it halts the plot for a random song number and then they move on like nothing happened

  • @kaplasquad
    @kaplasquad 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Finally a long videos!!!

  • @SourrZ
    @SourrZ 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Love your vids man keep it up

  • @Lella-qm9yj
    @Lella-qm9yj 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I wish that wish explored the ideas of dark magic possesion more because as a WoF, Anphibia, and Duck Tales loving nerd that sounds like something from a high fantasy story Disney has been able to do well on Disney channel. It's kinda funny to me that it has the underlying messages of basically giving the big bird shooter to God and giving in to the idea that nothing in life matters, but also is scary to think about. The Matrix is becoming more and more of a metaphor for what's actually happening in real life.

  • @drippyspaff7616
    @drippyspaff7616 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    This video actually made me like the movie more lol

  • @d4red3v1l8
    @d4red3v1l8 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Also you should go to Disney’s channel because they made shorts of why the villain is bad lol. They talked about “red flags about the king we thought were good.” 💀 They’ve never done that with any other villain.

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      thank you for informing me... I had no idea they tried gaslighting us like that ;)

    • @d4red3v1l8
      @d4red3v1l8 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@opinionatedbacon Lmao it’s stupid

  • @CoppeRoseBush
    @CoppeRoseBush 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm a creative writer. I don't really get any imposter syndrome about my writing, but GOSH DANG DID HEARING "WATCH OUT WORLD, HERE I ARE" PAIN ME AND MAKE ME FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ABOUT MY WRITING

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      trust me matey you could write 100 movies for Disney and not a single one would be worse than Wish :.)

  • @GoldenCreeper4000
    @GoldenCreeper4000 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I went to see it in the theaters and my first thought was that it was not half bad but then I look back at all of the terrible animation and song lyrics but it still has a few moments in the song that if they had built off of could have been really catchy song lyrics so I hope Disney will do better next time but I’m starting to lose that hope

  • @sautedpickles8597
    @sautedpickles8597 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Listen, I feel if they changed it a bit right, to where he keeps the wishes from the town to keep them in a situation where he controls them all, it would be 10X better

  • @NakuruKouChannel
    @NakuruKouChannel 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    "tangled came out 14 years ago!" i just aged 20 years

  • @voidresident_m4r127
    @voidresident_m4r127 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    18:01 Why did I laugh so hard at this XD
    ‘Yes ladies I am single’ I want this on my wall

  • @gwenjackson8583
    @gwenjackson8583 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I would love to see a sequel to this where after defeating the supposed “villain”, the kingdom of Rosas ends up impoverished and full of violence due to no checks and balances on all the wishes that end up getting granted, showing that Asha was the real villain all along. That’s the only thing they could do to redeem this movie in my eyes.

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      oh my gosh I would watch and love that

  • @AltairEgoX
    @AltairEgoX 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yeah I like The melodies of the songs but they are way too wordy, I can't sing that at karaoke and get away with it!!! 🤣 😭😂🎉

  • @rhfan482
    @rhfan482 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    "This Wish" summed up in 3 words:
    I want something

  • @toonrex2806
    @toonrex2806 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    At All Cost, would’ve made more sense if the film makers went with the original idea of Star Boy and Asha singing it as a duet.

  • @Vexic929
    @Vexic929 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    honestly I feel like a lot of Wish's problems could have been solved by showing even just briefly that maybe once someone arrives in Rosas, they're not ALLOWED to leave, or even just once someone gives the king their wish they're not allowed to leave - like, there you go, reason for Asha to be upset and spark revolution and evidence that the king is a bad guy RIGHT THERE. it wouldn't have solved ALL the problems, lord knows there's a million of them, but at least then the story would have made some sort of sense!

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      seriously, even little things like that would have gone so much farther

  • @TheEnchantedPencil-sg8fn
    @TheEnchantedPencil-sg8fn 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I had no idea you were a christian!😃 you are now my favorite creator.

  • @crimsong8068
    @crimsong8068 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I'd bugs me how underdeveloped Asha actually is. She doesn't even get the baseline of "Making my family proud!" Or "Proving myself." It's just, "I've decided I disagree with the rules, so I'm going to break them despite how that will impact everyone else!" What a great and very moral message...
    Also, I can't believe how many things they forgot about. Like they mention Magnifico had other apprentices... Uh, what happened to them? And though Asha's mother's wish is of huge importance, we NEVER find out what it was. It's like they drained the color and life from this film... literally.

    • @opinionatedbacon
      @opinionatedbacon  16 วันที่ผ่านมา

      yeah, the film falls apart if you think about anything for more than a second. Great job Disney, this is just what we wanted :.)

  • @juliestone9287
    @juliestone9287 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Now that I think about it if Disney let the main character turn into the villain over the movie I would actually would like to see and actually enjoy it! Because I really like the idea of the main character turning into a villain, and they had the hints of it without trying then why not just send it???

  • @yaoiloverstudio
    @yaoiloverstudio 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    It would've been better if the story at the beginning was just a lie and Magnifico was actually possessed by the evil book from the beginning.
    He turned to dark magic while innocently believing it was for the greater good and to avoid future tragedy.
    The book makes him collect the wishes, deceiving him into thinking they could be dangerous and that people desire bad things like in the past.
    The book gains strength and uses Magnifico as a puppet.
    That would explain why he comes of rather as a tragic hero than a true villain from a writing perspective.
    It would be so good to see a "villain" that gets redeemed in the end while the book would be banished in some way to never be opened again.
    The Queen could act the same even, believing her husband has gone insane until she sees the good in him and notices the book has a mind of its own.
    Thus sparking rebellion.
    Star boy can also exist as an opposing force to the book, coming from the sky while the book has its roots on earth and deep in the rotten desires of humanity's dark side (can be used to reference past villains).

  • @vertx6186
    @vertx6186 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Heyyy if you want to see proof that new songs and stories can be great and it isnt just nostalgia, take a look at epic the musical, i promise you ll be blown away and regain hope on art and music

  • @monedooo
    @monedooo 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    i wish (get it) welcome to rosas would have been less upbeat because like the hole point is that when magnifico takes someones wish they lose that motivation but the problem is that everyone seems happy and well make then look a little sadder or depressed to make the point that not given the wishes back is a problem

  • @rogerroger9952
    @rogerroger9952 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    eehhh got preachy. i guess this is a religious channel? good video up until then. (around 17 minutes) wish you all the best, of course, though. just a bit awkward to be telling me i'm made in god's image and stuff when you don't know me or my beliefs or the gods i worship.

  • @featherguardian6023
    @featherguardian6023 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I know this Movie is Bad, but the Music literally drains the Disney Magic and I agree with Magnifico being the Fallen Hero that got Corrupted by Asha who ate the Forbidden Fruit, she doesn’t even know if the Wishes are Good, if anything some of the could be Straight Up Evil.

  • @ktostam35
    @ktostam35 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    3:29 this gives me the vibe of those content farms from 2010's that'd make kids songs and add a bunch of kids movie characters dacing to the music with the blandest background
    12:26 as a Catholic someone not twisting the story of Adam and Eve to make God look bad feels so good fr

  • @Loldalmatiner
    @Loldalmatiner 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    2:47 Disney scammed us in some scenes!
    They wanted to make it look like a fairytale in some scenes, but their budget was some how wasted on something. 💀

  • @Oh_rly
    @Oh_rly 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Dude i love the content btw when will you face reveal

    • @hanslochtefeld
      @hanslochtefeld 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      He said in a short that he would never face reveal 😢

    • @Ireallydislikehandles
      @Ireallydislikehandles 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      He said he doesnt want to.