26:38 I think Saberspark may have been just one Fluttershy insult away from you tracking him down and introducing his face to the business end of a shovel.
There is also Analyst Bronies React series by CellSpex. Currently, there are four installments: Friendship Games The Cutie Re-Mark The Crystalling Legend of Everfree
Well, just like you say that season 6 helped justify Starlight's reformation, I think Rainbow Rocks did the same job for Sunset. Also, it was subtle enough that not many people picked it up, but just before Sunset transforms, she looks distressed. She never expected to turn into a demon, it was a result of corruption by the power itself (like what happened to the others in Friendship Games and Legend Of Everfree). She has tears in her eyes, and her face is strained from resisting the power as it consumes her. The whole experience was traumatic for her, just like it was for Sci-Twi in Friendship Games. Sunset was able to help Sci-Twi because she knows exactly how it feels to have your will stripped away by an uncontrollable power. So, knowing what we do in the present day, I'd say that her first movie reformation actually makes a ton of sense. She just got released from the grip of a living nightmare that she wanted no part of. As she said earlier in the movie, she's NOT a monster. So it makes sense that she'd be a crying wreck and asking for forgiveness. She's in a vulnerable state and clearly another victim of the whole situation. Reaching out for any nearby support is to be expected. Thus, I think that her first movie turnaround has a lot of nuance and circumstance to it that people are missing.
I didn't mean to imply anything negative about Sunset's post-reformation character; I think she's been great since Rainbow Rocks. I don't think the reformation was wholly unbelievable, just underwhelming. Her shock is clear and I appreciate what they were aiming for with Sunset, but I felt the execution under-delivered on their intentions and drove focus a bit too far away from those more interesting aspects. The prior scene didn't help in being a very flat lead-in to the final confrontation. I agree that RR and FG helped patch up her character, but rather than adding something to the original EQG, the later improvements honestly make viewing it again more difficult for me (and I have, on multiple occasions)
I am so glad that you commented this. I noticed that little bit from the movie my first time watching it, but it wasn't until the third and fourth movies did I understand the full extent of what it meant.
sunset glimmer is my favorite reformed character. I mean the fact that they can take a evil character such as starlight shimmer and reform them and make them a student, bringing the main character full circle in the series is pretty cool. :P
They did that to almost every evil character... except for the student part. Also out of all villains, Starlight(or how I like to call her Stoplight) had the lamest reason to be evil.
Starlight has immense Magic potential. All she needs to learn is Friendship. Then she'll be complete. ...in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Element of Magic goes to her at one point.
BC: Oh we have star trek at least My inner star wars fan: bro that was star wars what you though i was gonna snap, no, no, i would neverrrrr do that *grabs shovel* Now would you mind pointing me to the nearest Blank Check that doesnt have to do with my empty bank account
It's your birthday!? Happy birthday, Blank!! Also, at 30:05: Blank: "I can write rhymes. You can't write mine! I'm a poet!" Me: "My name is Phillip I am a poet. [...] You can write rhymes but you can't write mine!" Awesome Hamilton reference there, man!! ^u^
[Part 1] Happy 40k subs! What an incredible journey it was up to this point. Here's to another 40k! Anyways, let's get into another Bronies React. This might be another two-parter. And... play. 0:07 Is that heart on a body pillow? 0:14 **epic "Inception" horn blares** 0:43 I have to agree with that. Even though some people hate it because of Starlight's redemption, I still think it was great. And I love Starlight as a character. 1:22 Awkward silence is awkward. 1:37 So am I, but mostly because I don't like to get up. 1:46 Also a very eventful season. 1:56 SUPER SAIYAN!!! Oh wait, wrong anime. 2:23 My favorite holiday. 2:40 It's AnimatedJames. 3:04 Crystal ponies?! 3:18 Cue all best moments from season 5. 3:38 Very much so, Race. 3:54 I never had to use cue cards, so I wouldn't either. 4:06 **slow claps** 4:09 When you go to a dress rehearsal, but you don't dress up at all. 4:16 Believe in the heart of the cards! 4:25 Never played "Magic" in my life. 4:35 This is basically the captain's log. 4:47 Don't worry, I got it for him. Skip! 5:03 I can guarantee you the only thing that will be different about the intro in season 7 is Starlight will be smiling in it. 5:11 The fandom's reaction when Lyra isn't beside Bon Bon at all times. 5:17 Pretty much. Hasbro: "Buy our toys!" 5:22 I guess she can hear her heart racing after all that running. 5:31 Dang it, Saber! 5:45 I ship it, too. Moon Dancer needs to come back. 5:49 I ship it. 6:07 Eileen makes a good point. Twilight has projected full video from her horn in "The Mane Attraction", but apparently she can't do that here with simple images. Because continuity. 6:18 It was a good episode. 6:34 Pinkie the giraffe. 6:38 In the beginning, in a land before time. 6:45 Let's play a game of "Where's Starlight?" Found her. 6:52 Yes, it was. 7:24 Poor Spike. He never gets to go anywhere fun and/or dangerous. 7:29 When did Eileen turn into AnimatedJames? 7:46 That hand belongs to Hasbro, and they're saying "F you and buy our toys!" 8:02 Rarity from season 6: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 8:31 That is a "what could go wrong?" moment right there. 8:48 I just realized Changeling Fluttershy did that in the first half of the season 6 finale. Also, "Surprise, motherf$%&ers!" 8:55 Paint me like one of your French mares. 9:02 That's very clever, writers. 9:33 Starlight: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 10:01 You better believe I got tricks up my sleeve. And I captivate, 'cause I'm powerful and great! You better believe I got tricks up my sleeve. See me dominate, 'cause I'm powerful and great! 10:15 Realistic sound effects. 10:39 Why? Is season 1 the only season? 10:55 Calm down, Blank. You know you're happy with us... right? 11:03 God, they're stupid. 11:06 I'd do it, too, Pinkie. 11:18 Pinkie sings the Welcome song, but with lots of confusion in her voice. 11:21 Cue everyone saying this is Doctor Who. 11:50 The world would be a darker place if Blank never happened. 11:59 She can't even remember she has wings. 12:19 It's best not to question it, Gabe. 12:33 Pretty much, Link. 12:48 Don't bring that up, Jax. 12:51 And don't play that music from "Futurama". 13:13 Never go full "Equestria Girls" levels of exposition. Also, it's for those who haven't watched season 1 or just forgot. 13:36 R.I.P. Spike. Mmm, what you say? Mm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did. Mmm, what you say? 13:50 No, my one true love! 13:57 Just let her splat on the ground. 14:13 Hide your foals, hide your wives, and hide you husbands, 'cause they be raping everybody out here. 14:25 Again, mmm, what you say? 14:35 She should do the Sonic Twilboom again. 14:52 That seems appropriate. 15:02 Have it crossover with "The Adventures of SWIFTKICK TOODABOLS". 15:23 That's not Tom. 15:32 Wow, Race. 15:39 Eileen is now AnimatedJames. 15:55 So Twilight would have to choose from either fixing the timeline and reuniting with her friends or let this new timeline where everyone is peaceful and kind stay as is, but never see her friends again. That's rough. 16:04 Cue everyone being happy about the castle being gone. 16:24 I would assume she has read at least one time travel novel. 16:29 Nice callback. 17:33 Day 2, lots to do. Rarity is working, too. War is like an apple farm. Raise that field and raise this barn. So far, it's a breeze. Some civilian casualties. Hit your mark; fatal blow. Grab your partner; doe-see-doe! 17:51 I ship it. 17:59 That happens every other day. It's no big deal. 18:20 Sombra doesn't even say one word this time. 18:52 Hasbro really pushing the "buy our toys" thing. 19:13 That sounds like a stripper name. 19:17 Dang it, Race! 19:29 Sombright. I ship it. 19:38 The art that came out of this episode was amazing. 19:43 Rarity and Starlight: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 19:51 There goes Race theorizing again. 20:27 Look at all those ponies goose stepping. 20:30 Or a great one, BronyDanceParty. 20:42 Everyone's reaction to Celestia doing something. 20:51 Race called it. They actually used that sound effect. 21:11 A slap fight? What are they, teenage girls? 21:21 I wouldn't mind that. 21:36 The best Rainbow design ever! 21:41 Exactly, Blank! That Dash is Best Dash. 21:49 How does a living creature fly with a metal wing? You would think balance would be way off. 22:27 Soldier Maud and Pinkie are Best Maud and Pinkie. 22:38 Don't worry. That will all come in season 7... maybe. 22:51 In war times, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. 23:18 Spike would be the football, because he's always being pushed around. 23:41 Mmm, what you say? That will be used a lot in this episode. 23:56 Race, just stop. Leave now. 24:06 I knew you would try to blink! 24:35 Basically the same scene. 24:42 Sunset already said that in the first EQG. 25:14 Might as well let him die this time. 25:25 Just pull a Larson on him, dang it! 25:50 That was very cruel. 26:05 Magic, Gabe. 26:06 Great advice from Eileen. 26:12 And when everyone is super, no one will be. 26:46 That's Barbie you're talking about. 27:04 In the future, Fluttershy is married to him. 27:11 Blank wants them to be his kids. 27:16 Cue everyone saying Twilight is a predator. 27:47 Twice in one episode, Race! 28:02 Tonight on "To Catch A Predator", we will see just how "friendly" Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, really is. 28:18 Basically, Jax. End of part one.
[Part 2] 28:28 And down the drain. 28:34 I can't stop this feeling deep inside of me. Girl, you just don't realize what you do to me. 28:39 Crush. Kill. Destroy. Swag. Also, cue everyone saying Fluttershy is badass. 29:13 Sleep on a pile of gold. 29:35 I can't believe this was when Zecora talked last. She said nothing in season 6. 29:51 That would explain it. 30:14 It's just an excuse to put barbeque sauce on them so they can eat them because food is scarce and they have to eat other ponies to sustain them. 30:44 Calm down, James. 31:13 The Element of Honesty reveals the truth. 31:45 It's unfortunate she lost the echo in her voice. 31:59 Cocooned and then dead. 32:06 That already happened in season 1, Race. 32:07 THAT'S RACIST!!! 32:30 That needs to happen. 32:43 R.I.P. Zecora. Mmm, what you say? 32:52 That would be awkward in the bedroom. 33:03 MORTAL KOMBAT!!! Fight! 33:12 This is my favorite part of the laser fight. Twilight shooting multiple lasers consecutively. 33:22 If Twilight had all the alicorn magic from the season 4 finale, Cloudsdale would be no more. 33:40 Starlight is OP. Please nerf. 33:51 Blank, don't you start, too. 34:00 The whole "Star Wars" fandom: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 34:22 Yeah, I'd say that is pretty awesome. 34:35 Well, Vinyl is a vampire, so... 34:42 Twilight: "Spike, I choose you! Use Flamethrower!" 34:47 That would make sense. 35:14 This Rarity is not that bad. Well, beside from her being racist to dragons. 35:21 Littleshy had the right idea. 35:28 Great minds think alike. 35:57 A wild Michelle Creber appeared! 36:23 That really works. 36:34 I kind of wish Nightmare Moon had bat wings instead of Pegasus wings. 36:40 Guard: "Have you ever been mistaken for a stallion?" Rainbow: "No. Have you?" Also, cue everyone saying her hair looks weird. 37:11 That would make sense here the most. 37:19 **squee** 37:24 No. If only that's how it worked. 37:31 **JOHN CENA!!!** 37:36 It was nice knowing you, Spike. 37:57 Tree Hugger is holding up a sign that says "PETA. Wood is murder!", then Fluttershy points out the sign is made of wood. 38:13 I think it's okay, since Timberwolves can rebuild themselves, as we've seen in season 3. 38:23 And don't lose yours, Josh. 38:30 Cue "Chrono Trigger" music and sound effects. 38:33 Dang video game memes. 38:37 TIREK. HATES. TREES!!! 38:59 Mmm, what you say? 39:01 **slow claps** 39:19 Afro circus, afro circus. Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, afro! 39:23 **Dang it, Race!** 39:30 At least that wasn't a creampie. I'm so sorry. I'm turning into him now. 39:45 And this future happens, somehow. 39:56 I remember when that happened. Not a great time. 40:12 Savvy? 40:33 Just a little bit. 40:45 Hey look, it's Detroit! 40:52 You're not wrong, Saber. That did happen. 41:00 Trixie wasn't that bad, either. 41:13 Because somehow, Flim and Flam beat out Sombra, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Tirek, and Discord. 41:49 Pretty much. 41:55 Of course. 42:01 I ship it. 42:13 That's very true. Pumpkin Cake did a phasing spell. She was able to walk through a solid object, something not even Twilight or Starlight have done. 42:19 That's Twilight's dream right there. 42:23 Realistic horse noise. 42:32 Bart: "You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half. And... now!" 42:44 Link: "I need to rethink my life choices". 43:03 That about sums it up. 43:15 I'm sure you have. 43:39 I'd be upset, too. 43:45 We totally are, Race. 43:52 He's not wrong. 44:18 No! Do you know how long and tedious that process is? I can't even begin to describe how difficult that would be. 44:39 She's just a dot. 44:46 They should really do that. 44:49 Twilight, quick! Drive to the hardware store in your chariot and get some duct tape! 45:03 Nice episode reference, Blank. 45:19 And her fate is sealed. 45:43 I ship it. 45:53 Dang it, Gabe! 45:58 At least "Rainbow Rocks" made up for that. 46:13 It's because they're all thinking "did we just reform another villain? Typical." 46:42 And Rainbow's ego just launched into space. 46:54 We all compared her ego to something in space. 47:08 You can, but you aren't going to. 47:18 More like "1 million years on the moon!" 47:27 Yes, we did. 47:35 Yep. We now have the Mane 7. Or Mane 6 + Starlight. 47:50 Hey look, the Sailors from "Sailor Moon". I don't know their names, but I know they are a reference to them. 47:56 Dang it, Gabe! 47:58 Dang it, Gabe, again! 48:01 I ship it. 48:18 We need the Literal Video Version of this part of the song by missbunniswan. 48:23 It's a nice freeze frame, too. 48:29 Now we just need to put this song over Tirek and Discord causing chaos together. 48:31 That's basically the whole song. 48:41 Because they're basically the same character. 48:45 Of course we're bringing up "Cupcakes". 48:54 They do look alike. 48:59 Instant forgiveness. 49:18 Quote unquote "gal pals". I ship it. 49:37 Yeah, it's pretty weird. 49:49 Everyone thought that. 50:01 It is a good background. 50:24 It really did. If I wasn't aware of season 6, I would've thought that's where the show ended. 50:52 I wonder if in the final episode of G4, they will have an actual death. Not like Sombra exploding in shadows, an actual, authentic death. If anyone, it would be Celestia, I feel like. Then Twilight will take over as ruler of Equestria or something. 51:07 This is not EQG, Saber. 51:27 Take 2. 51:35 We'll take care of that. 51:50 Same here. 52:10 He really just pondered life. 52:16 A lot of stuff did happen. 52:48 Well, 3 now. 53:11 Yes, that is totally her name and totally what she said. | Season 5 was really something. 100th episode special, 5 year anniversary, CMCs getting their cutie marks, and a whole lot of villain redemptions. What a season to introduce me into this show. I'm glad to have experienced it with you and all the other Bronies featured in this video. Until next time, I'm signing off!
It takes place on CellSpex's channel, and it's basically a bunch of the brony reviewers and analysts: DrWolf, DaWillster, GoldenFox and a lot of those guys, coming together for a react like this, just in their own more analytical styles.
I know this video is long gone in the past so this comment is probably irrelevant but can we just notice how easily everybody grew to be so comfortable around Starlight while noticing how long it took for the ponies to become comfortable around Discord even though Starlight basically DOOMED ALL OF EQUESTRIA in just 1 episode in multiple timelines while Discord only made Ponyville topsy turvy.
Blaze Dye I'm even more late and I agree. I can't bear seeing reformed Starlight in the show. They absolutely ruined everything with her. Great villain, but horrible with the reformation being so terrible
To be fair, only Twilight saw the doomed Equestria part, and to be even more fair, Starlight doing that was really more of a lack of planning on her part and not considering the consequences(though I suppose she did live in the middle of nowhere and probably doesn't know what the heck a Nightmare Moon or Tirek even is.)
As always, I couldn't help but think about the post-credits scene in Friendship Games, as the time loop thingy pony!Twi mentioned that she was stuck in was obviously these two episodes. Also, I think Pinkie Pie baked you a cake.
just what i needed after venting at a truly horrible oc backstory (don't ask). honestly, wish someone would do a backstory contest to show off how it's done... currently loving video: friendship is madness by intrapulation s
Hey Blank, not sure if you have heard of it, but you should take a look at Brawny Buck's "A Buck to the Face" series. It's a more subdued [HORSE] with analysts as guests. The Buck to the Future for this episode was especially good, and even I've been on his show once for season 6.
We won't be seeing Littleshy sining this Finale until September and October 2020 because of his once a month Scheduled (the Show might be over by then)
Jokes aside, the likely reason Apple Jack never saw the table before is because it travels with Twilight and Spike into the Future. There is also a chance it comes to the past but can't set itself on cloudsdale so its probably below it. Probably something in the spell that sets it to put the traveler(s) on that specific point in time and space.
"someone took my kitkat once" *pinching eyes* uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I Love your Videos very much! :D Love your Reactions! But I have a little Question: Can we send you Videos on which you Can React? (Only If you want that.) If yes how Can we do that? o.o'''''
Holy crap I didn't even know about the season 6 cider edit. Amazing. (Ironically the issue stems from the UK but season 6 isn't even on UK Netflix yet???? They just added season 5 a few weeks ago???????? Wat)
Hooorayyy Blank Check! Always a pleasure to see one of your videos popping up in my feed! You're slowly catching up on these! Now you'll have to do what we do; watch the older episodes and pray a new one comes out soon. ^.^ And Blank. Blank, my horse. Saber's was joke Star WARS. Not Star Trek. You're killing me man.
40:51 Fallout has officially made it into My Little Pony, everyone! And now, villain checklist with DerpFrancis: Discord; Check. Tirek; Check. Chrysalis; Check. Nightmare Moon; Check. Sombra; Uncheck. What, did they decide Sombra was not good enough to be remembered in this episode? I don't care that the All Powerful Trixie, the Great and Powerful Fatass, with the Alicorn Amulet isn't mentioned at all, but Sombra? Really? He had a better rolling time then Trixie will ever get, even though he was onscreen for maybe 10 minutes. He should have been in this, instead of Trixie Trump.
People I see react keep saying this feels like a series ender, and I do agree in a sense. It definitely feels like an ending of something, but not of the series. Much like Magical Mystery Cure and School Daze, this feels like the ending to a chapter. Magical Mystery Cure ended the prologue and began the Princess Twilight chapter, The Cutie Re-Mark ended the Princess Twilight chapter and began the Starlight chapter, and School Daze ended the Starlight chapter and began the epilogue.
I still think that Starlights imputus for everything she did would have been better if SHE was the one who got a cutie mark for some incredible feat, then she was shunned by all the foals in the village cause they thought she was now stuck up cause she had such a great talent, it would explain her hatred for cutie marks and special talents, everyone will be friends if no one is special!! i dont know to me it makes way more sense and would have hit harder in the heart and the mind.
There you go, you did a better job than the writers, congratulations. Maybe you should've helped write the episode and handled the whole Starlight thing better (don't mind me I'm just bitter)
I have a theory that fixes all the plot holes for the show and Equestria Girls. The theory is that Equestria is a real place and that Hasbro films the show there and edits out most of the tech Equestria has which I theorize is the same level as ours. When you think about the slap fighting in this two-parter and the fact every pony doesn't notice anything at all. I know it's a crazy theory but when you really think about it it makes a lot of sense. And as for how starlight never saw any of the future timelines it's because in each one she died before those events happened or during them.
The finale is cool to look into when starligts in the audience she is spying and when twilight talks about the cutie Mark's and starlight uses it in this finale
6:50 I'm sorry...but what is that design in the bottom right corner? I'm not saying it's bad, it's just so off model from the rest that its noticable. I like that's it's not the same model shape as the others but still
I know I am in the minority who didn't like this 2 parter and for me it's the worse finale. I actually didn't have much of an issue with Starlight's redemption, considering how quick Sunset turned around in EQG and even Luna. My issue was Twilight and the pacing and the format. I always felt Josh Haber's biggest flaw was pacing. It just got too fast and than too slow. Not being a fan of time travel in general, I really didn't like how idiotic Twilight was in this episode, and to some extent, Spike. Plus, the format, it was just 'rinse and repeat' too many times and for me the call backs to famous MLP villains was pure filler because it didn't serve much purpose in the end. For me this was the wrong way to 'fan pander'. Honestly I questioned watching this reaction because of how disappointed I was with the finale, but I enjoy your reactions so I am watching it. But man I didn't realize how far behind you were. Race did say they are still working on S6 finale so it should be out soon hopefully.
"That's Starlight's motivation?...but that's really dumb...but she's so cool...BUT THAT'S SO DUMB"
Holy !@#$. The TFS Broly abridged is at least two years old. Man I feel old
Starlight's backstoryStarlight Fan: That's really dumb. But she's so cool. But that's so dumb!
26:38 I think Saberspark may have been just one Fluttershy insult away from you tracking him down and introducing his face to the business end of a shovel.
Well, it wouldn't be hard. He's within biking distance of me right now. :p
Uuu 42:51 42:51 42:52 @@blankslate6364
Thanks for 40k subs, you guys are amazing! It's an awesome birthday present
xD :3
Blank Slate me gasp
Blank Slate Can you tell me what app or thing you use to edit
Blank Slate React at OhPonyBoy plz, I sure you liked The Stellay Key Project!!
Blank Slate
NO! When u watch ACRacebest you don't say 'utopian future'. U have to honor him by saying 'Zootopian future'
11:39 that's not star track, that's star wars! XD you could see the millennium falcon in light-speed.
There is also Analyst Bronies React series by CellSpex. Currently, there are four installments:
Friendship Games
The Cutie Re-Mark
The Crystalling
Legend of Everfree
The if blank didnt happen. Your reaction was perfekt XD
Vinterjenta XD ikr
Well, just like you say that season 6 helped justify Starlight's reformation,
I think Rainbow Rocks did the same job for Sunset.
Also, it was subtle enough that not many people picked it up, but just before Sunset transforms, she looks distressed.
She never expected to turn into a demon, it was a result of corruption by the power itself (like what happened to the others in Friendship Games and Legend Of Everfree).
She has tears in her eyes, and her face is strained from resisting the power as it consumes her.
The whole experience was traumatic for her, just like it was for Sci-Twi in Friendship Games.
Sunset was able to help Sci-Twi because she knows exactly how it feels to have your will stripped away by an uncontrollable power.
So, knowing what we do in the present day, I'd say that her first movie reformation actually makes a ton of sense.
She just got released from the grip of a living nightmare that she wanted no part of. As she said earlier in the movie, she's NOT a monster.
So it makes sense that she'd be a crying wreck and asking for forgiveness. She's in a vulnerable state and clearly another victim of the whole situation. Reaching out for any nearby support is to be expected.
Thus, I think that her first movie turnaround has a lot of nuance and circumstance to it that people are missing.
I didn't mean to imply anything negative about Sunset's post-reformation character; I think she's been great since Rainbow Rocks. I don't think the reformation was wholly unbelievable, just underwhelming.
Her shock is clear and I appreciate what they were aiming for with Sunset, but I felt the execution under-delivered on their intentions and drove focus a bit too far away from those more interesting aspects. The prior scene didn't help in being a very flat lead-in to the final confrontation.
I agree that RR and FG helped patch up her character, but rather than adding something to the original EQG, the later improvements honestly make viewing it again more difficult for me (and I have, on multiple occasions)
I am so glad that you commented this. I noticed that little bit from the movie my first time watching it, but it wasn't until the third and fourth movies did I understand the full extent of what it meant.
23:56 - 24:00 I like how Blanket just got mad in mid-sentence. XD
That small grin vector is absolutely adorable! :)
Also, Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks ^^
Awesome Hamilton reference Blank! I love your videos so much. Keep up the amazing work! :)
Glad you liked it ^^
sunset glimmer is my favorite reformed character. I mean the fact that they can take a evil character such as starlight shimmer and reform them and make them a student, bringing the main character full circle in the series is pretty cool.
They did that to almost every evil character... except for the student part.
Also out of all villains, Starlight(or how I like to call her Stoplight) had the lamest reason to be evil.
Starlight has immense Magic potential. All she needs to learn is Friendship. Then she'll be complete.
...in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Element of Magic goes to her at one point.
BC: Oh we have star trek at least
My inner star wars fan: bro that was star wars
what you though i was gonna snap, no, no, i would neverrrrr do that
*grabs shovel*
Now would you mind pointing me to the nearest Blank Check that doesnt have to do with my empty bank account
Your "ONE PAAAAAAAAWNCH" had me laughing for a solid five minutes. XD
Thank you for giving me the reaction I wanted for such a long time.
Happy Birthday dude! congrats on 40k subs!
Dammit Blank xD
I will never be able to overhear Hamilton references-
(I'm too deep in HamHell)
(Ham everywhere)
In the eye of a Hammicane there is quiet
Ham couldn't seem to die...
Oh and will you someday react to some Ham animatics?
That would be enough~ ;3
Unfortunately, I made it a goal last month to consume as many of those as possible.
Though I dream of a day Ink Potts makes one... **-**
I can't blame you for that xD
(god they're so goood)
I think we all do~ TwT
It's your birthday!? Happy birthday, Blank!!
Also, at 30:05:
Blank: "I can write rhymes.
You can't write mine!
I'm a poet!"
Me: "My name is Phillip
I am a poet. [...]
You can write rhymes
but you can't write mine!"
Awesome Hamilton reference there, man!! ^u^
Mmhmm. Thank you ^^
Congrates on the 40k! Also, hope your birthday is/was great! ^^
So this is a reaction to reactions? I wonder if someone will create a reaction to your reaction to the reactions xD
Your reactions to bronies react are always funny so I tend to rewatch them again
I believe that when twight light goes back these different times, they ponies only see her as a unicorn I think.
[Part 1] Happy 40k subs! What an incredible journey it was up to this point. Here's to another 40k! Anyways, let's get into another Bronies React. This might be another two-parter. And... play. 0:07 Is that heart on a body pillow? 0:14 **epic "Inception" horn blares** 0:43 I have to agree with that. Even though some people hate it because of Starlight's redemption, I still think it was great. And I love Starlight as a character. 1:22 Awkward silence is awkward. 1:37 So am I, but mostly because I don't like to get up. 1:46 Also a very eventful season. 1:56 SUPER SAIYAN!!! Oh wait, wrong anime. 2:23 My favorite holiday. 2:40 It's AnimatedJames. 3:04 Crystal ponies?! 3:18 Cue all best moments from season 5. 3:38 Very much so, Race. 3:54 I never had to use cue cards, so I wouldn't either. 4:06 **slow claps** 4:09 When you go to a dress rehearsal, but you don't dress up at all. 4:16 Believe in the heart of the cards! 4:25 Never played "Magic" in my life. 4:35 This is basically the captain's log. 4:47 Don't worry, I got it for him. Skip! 5:03 I can guarantee you the only thing that will be different about the intro in season 7 is Starlight will be smiling in it. 5:11 The fandom's reaction when Lyra isn't beside Bon Bon at all times. 5:17 Pretty much. Hasbro: "Buy our toys!" 5:22 I guess she can hear her heart racing after all that running. 5:31 Dang it, Saber! 5:45 I ship it, too. Moon Dancer needs to come back. 5:49 I ship it. 6:07 Eileen makes a good point. Twilight has projected full video from her horn in "The Mane Attraction", but apparently she can't do that here with simple images. Because continuity. 6:18 It was a good episode. 6:34 Pinkie the giraffe. 6:38 In the beginning, in a land before time. 6:45 Let's play a game of "Where's Starlight?" Found her. 6:52 Yes, it was. 7:24 Poor Spike. He never gets to go anywhere fun and/or dangerous. 7:29 When did Eileen turn into AnimatedJames? 7:46 That hand belongs to Hasbro, and they're saying "F you and buy our toys!" 8:02 Rarity from season 6: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 8:31 That is a "what could go wrong?" moment right there. 8:48 I just realized Changeling Fluttershy did that in the first half of the season 6 finale. Also, "Surprise, motherf$%&ers!" 8:55 Paint me like one of your French mares. 9:02 That's very clever, writers. 9:33 Starlight: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 10:01 You better believe I got tricks up my sleeve. And I captivate, 'cause I'm powerful and great! You better believe I got tricks up my sleeve. See me dominate, 'cause I'm powerful and great! 10:15 Realistic sound effects. 10:39 Why? Is season 1 the only season? 10:55 Calm down, Blank. You know you're happy with us... right? 11:03 God, they're stupid. 11:06 I'd do it, too, Pinkie. 11:18 Pinkie sings the Welcome song, but with lots of confusion in her voice. 11:21 Cue everyone saying this is Doctor Who. 11:50 The world would be a darker place if Blank never happened. 11:59 She can't even remember she has wings. 12:19 It's best not to question it, Gabe. 12:33 Pretty much, Link. 12:48 Don't bring that up, Jax. 12:51 And don't play that music from "Futurama". 13:13 Never go full "Equestria Girls" levels of exposition. Also, it's for those who haven't watched season 1 or just forgot. 13:36 R.I.P. Spike. Mmm, what you say? Mm, that you only meant well? Well, of course you did. Mmm, what you say? 13:50 No, my one true love! 13:57 Just let her splat on the ground. 14:13 Hide your foals, hide your wives, and hide you husbands, 'cause they be raping everybody out here. 14:25 Again, mmm, what you say? 14:35 She should do the Sonic Twilboom again. 14:52 That seems appropriate. 15:02 Have it crossover with "The Adventures of SWIFTKICK TOODABOLS". 15:23 That's not Tom. 15:32 Wow, Race. 15:39 Eileen is now AnimatedJames. 15:55 So Twilight would have to choose from either fixing the timeline and reuniting with her friends or let this new timeline where everyone is peaceful and kind stay as is, but never see her friends again. That's rough. 16:04 Cue everyone being happy about the castle being gone. 16:24 I would assume she has read at least one time travel novel. 16:29 Nice callback. 17:33 Day 2, lots to do. Rarity is working, too. War is like an apple farm. Raise that field and raise this barn. So far, it's a breeze. Some civilian casualties. Hit your mark; fatal blow. Grab your partner; doe-see-doe! 17:51 I ship it. 17:59 That happens every other day. It's no big deal. 18:20 Sombra doesn't even say one word this time. 18:52 Hasbro really pushing the "buy our toys" thing. 19:13 That sounds like a stripper name. 19:17 Dang it, Race! 19:29 Sombright. I ship it. 19:38 The art that came out of this episode was amazing. 19:43 Rarity and Starlight: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 19:51 There goes Race theorizing again. 20:27 Look at all those ponies goose stepping. 20:30 Or a great one, BronyDanceParty. 20:42 Everyone's reaction to Celestia doing something. 20:51 Race called it. They actually used that sound effect. 21:11 A slap fight? What are they, teenage girls? 21:21 I wouldn't mind that. 21:36 The best Rainbow design ever! 21:41 Exactly, Blank! That Dash is Best Dash. 21:49 How does a living creature fly with a metal wing? You would think balance would be way off. 22:27 Soldier Maud and Pinkie are Best Maud and Pinkie. 22:38 Don't worry. That will all come in season 7... maybe. 22:51 In war times, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. 23:18 Spike would be the football, because he's always being pushed around. 23:41 Mmm, what you say? That will be used a lot in this episode. 23:56 Race, just stop. Leave now. 24:06 I knew you would try to blink! 24:35 Basically the same scene. 24:42 Sunset already said that in the first EQG. 25:14 Might as well let him die this time. 25:25 Just pull a Larson on him, dang it! 25:50 That was very cruel. 26:05 Magic, Gabe. 26:06 Great advice from Eileen. 26:12 And when everyone is super, no one will be. 26:46 That's Barbie you're talking about. 27:04 In the future, Fluttershy is married to him. 27:11 Blank wants them to be his kids. 27:16 Cue everyone saying Twilight is a predator. 27:47 Twice in one episode, Race! 28:02 Tonight on "To Catch A Predator", we will see just how "friendly" Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, really is. 28:18 Basically, Jax. End of part one.
[Part 2] 28:28 And down the drain. 28:34 I can't stop this feeling deep inside of me. Girl, you just don't realize what you do to me. 28:39 Crush. Kill. Destroy. Swag. Also, cue everyone saying Fluttershy is badass. 29:13 Sleep on a pile of gold. 29:35 I can't believe this was when Zecora talked last. She said nothing in season 6. 29:51 That would explain it. 30:14 It's just an excuse to put barbeque sauce on them so they can eat them because food is scarce and they have to eat other ponies to sustain them. 30:44 Calm down, James. 31:13 The Element of Honesty reveals the truth. 31:45 It's unfortunate she lost the echo in her voice. 31:59 Cocooned and then dead. 32:06 That already happened in season 1, Race. 32:07 THAT'S RACIST!!! 32:30 That needs to happen. 32:43 R.I.P. Zecora. Mmm, what you say? 32:52 That would be awkward in the bedroom. 33:03 MORTAL KOMBAT!!! Fight! 33:12 This is my favorite part of the laser fight. Twilight shooting multiple lasers consecutively. 33:22 If Twilight had all the alicorn magic from the season 4 finale, Cloudsdale would be no more. 33:40 Starlight is OP. Please nerf. 33:51 Blank, don't you start, too. 34:00 The whole "Star Wars" fandom: "NO SPOILERS!!!" 34:22 Yeah, I'd say that is pretty awesome. 34:35 Well, Vinyl is a vampire, so... 34:42 Twilight: "Spike, I choose you! Use Flamethrower!" 34:47 That would make sense. 35:14 This Rarity is not that bad. Well, beside from her being racist to dragons. 35:21 Littleshy had the right idea. 35:28 Great minds think alike. 35:57 A wild Michelle Creber appeared! 36:23 That really works. 36:34 I kind of wish Nightmare Moon had bat wings instead of Pegasus wings. 36:40 Guard: "Have you ever been mistaken for a stallion?" Rainbow: "No. Have you?" Also, cue everyone saying her hair looks weird. 37:11 That would make sense here the most. 37:19 **squee** 37:24 No. If only that's how it worked. 37:31 **JOHN CENA!!!** 37:36 It was nice knowing you, Spike. 37:57 Tree Hugger is holding up a sign that says "PETA. Wood is murder!", then Fluttershy points out the sign is made of wood. 38:13 I think it's okay, since Timberwolves can rebuild themselves, as we've seen in season 3. 38:23 And don't lose yours, Josh. 38:30 Cue "Chrono Trigger" music and sound effects. 38:33 Dang video game memes. 38:37 TIREK. HATES. TREES!!! 38:59 Mmm, what you say? 39:01 **slow claps** 39:19 Afro circus, afro circus. Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, afro! 39:23 **Dang it, Race!** 39:30 At least that wasn't a creampie. I'm so sorry. I'm turning into him now. 39:45 And this future happens, somehow. 39:56 I remember when that happened. Not a great time. 40:12 Savvy? 40:33 Just a little bit. 40:45 Hey look, it's Detroit! 40:52 You're not wrong, Saber. That did happen. 41:00 Trixie wasn't that bad, either. 41:13 Because somehow, Flim and Flam beat out Sombra, Chrysalis, Nightmare Moon, Tirek, and Discord. 41:49 Pretty much. 41:55 Of course. 42:01 I ship it. 42:13 That's very true. Pumpkin Cake did a phasing spell. She was able to walk through a solid object, something not even Twilight or Starlight have done. 42:19 That's Twilight's dream right there. 42:23 Realistic horse noise. 42:32 Bart: "You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half. And... now!" 42:44 Link: "I need to rethink my life choices". 43:03 That about sums it up. 43:15 I'm sure you have. 43:39 I'd be upset, too. 43:45 We totally are, Race. 43:52 He's not wrong. 44:18 No! Do you know how long and tedious that process is? I can't even begin to describe how difficult that would be. 44:39 She's just a dot. 44:46 They should really do that. 44:49 Twilight, quick! Drive to the hardware store in your chariot and get some duct tape! 45:03 Nice episode reference, Blank. 45:19 And her fate is sealed. 45:43 I ship it. 45:53 Dang it, Gabe! 45:58 At least "Rainbow Rocks" made up for that. 46:13 It's because they're all thinking "did we just reform another villain? Typical." 46:42 And Rainbow's ego just launched into space. 46:54 We all compared her ego to something in space. 47:08 You can, but you aren't going to. 47:18 More like "1 million years on the moon!" 47:27 Yes, we did. 47:35 Yep. We now have the Mane 7. Or Mane 6 + Starlight. 47:50 Hey look, the Sailors from "Sailor Moon". I don't know their names, but I know they are a reference to them. 47:56 Dang it, Gabe! 47:58 Dang it, Gabe, again! 48:01 I ship it. 48:18 We need the Literal Video Version of this part of the song by missbunniswan. 48:23 It's a nice freeze frame, too. 48:29 Now we just need to put this song over Tirek and Discord causing chaos together. 48:31 That's basically the whole song. 48:41 Because they're basically the same character. 48:45 Of course we're bringing up "Cupcakes". 48:54 They do look alike. 48:59 Instant forgiveness. 49:18 Quote unquote "gal pals". I ship it. 49:37 Yeah, it's pretty weird. 49:49 Everyone thought that. 50:01 It is a good background. 50:24 It really did. If I wasn't aware of season 6, I would've thought that's where the show ended. 50:52 I wonder if in the final episode of G4, they will have an actual death. Not like Sombra exploding in shadows, an actual, authentic death. If anyone, it would be Celestia, I feel like. Then Twilight will take over as ruler of Equestria or something. 51:07 This is not EQG, Saber. 51:27 Take 2. 51:35 We'll take care of that. 51:50 Same here. 52:10 He really just pondered life. 52:16 A lot of stuff did happen. 52:48 Well, 3 now. 53:11 Yes, that is totally her name and totally what she said. | Season 5 was really something. 100th episode special, 5 year anniversary, CMCs getting their cutie marks, and a whole lot of villain redemptions. What a season to introduce me into this show. I'm glad to have experienced it with you and all the other Bronies featured in this video. Until next time, I'm signing off!
Your two parters are the best two parters
Jake Berango is
Happy birthday and enjoy the 40K!
Thank you :D
Congrats on getting over 40K subs👏👏
no stop
Actually, the scene in hyperspace was from Star Wars: The Force Awakens
ahhhhhh star trek reference!!!!!!!! live long and prosper and happy 40k!
29:50 "Ahahahahahhahaah she's black." BEST LINE
Blank Check shrinking into small size in a "face-hoof" pose is just awesome. XD
congratulations best princess, I really love your videos and you are one of the best youtubers that I have ever watched.
Aw, thank you ^^
no problem blank you are awesome
I would recommend watching the Analysist Bronies React of this! It's so much fun watching how different they look at them.
JohnnyFireFlame The Analysist Bronies? Is that a channel or a series? I never heard of it ^^'
It takes place on CellSpex's channel, and it's basically a bunch of the brony reviewers and analysts: DrWolf, DaWillster, GoldenFox and a lot of those guys, coming together for a react like this, just in their own more analytical styles.
Yeeeees, 40k dude! that's awesome! and happy Birthday!
Thanks, dude :D
I know this video is long gone in the past so this comment is probably irrelevant but can we just notice how easily everybody grew to be so comfortable around Starlight while noticing how long it took for the ponies to become comfortable around Discord even though Starlight basically DOOMED ALL OF EQUESTRIA in just 1 episode in multiple timelines while Discord only made Ponyville topsy turvy.
Blaze Dye I'm even more late and I agree. I can't bear seeing reformed Starlight in the show. They absolutely ruined everything with her. Great villain, but horrible with the reformation being so terrible
To be fair, only Twilight saw the doomed Equestria part, and to be even more fair, Starlight doing that was really more of a lack of planning on her part and not considering the consequences(though I suppose she did live in the middle of nowhere and probably doesn't know what the heck a Nightmare Moon or Tirek even is.)
Like if you want Blank Slate appears in Bronies React
But, then there would be no more REACTCEPTION!!!
Bronies React to Blank Check in Bronies React to *insert episode*
As always, I couldn't help but think about the post-credits scene in Friendship Games, as the time loop thingy pony!Twi mentioned that she was stuck in was obviously these two episodes.
Also, I think Pinkie Pie baked you a cake.
The real reason why Spike finally got wings - 25:23 - ELLIE EXPOSED.
I remember this!
Also happy birthday!
pretty sure that is a portal reference there
Congrats to now 50000 Subscribers! Still waiting for your reactions on the Bronies Reacts to the Season 6 Finale and EQG IV
Good job for 40k!
Also 19:17
Thanks :D
This is definitely among the best of Bronies React
just what i needed after venting at a truly horrible oc backstory (don't ask). honestly, wish someone would do a backstory contest to show off how it's done...
currently loving video: friendship is madness by intrapulation s
52:02 "Everyone played their part..."
You should have used that line for their season 4 finale react video. ;)
5:15 The amount of times I watched this video...I never noticed you called Bonnie a cuckold...well played, cherry horse, well played.
Hey Blank, not sure if you have heard of it, but you should take a look at Brawny Buck's "A Buck to the Face" series. It's a more subdued [HORSE] with analysts as guests. The Buck to the Future for this episode was especially good, and even I've been on his show once for season 6.
We won't be seeing Littleshy sining this Finale until September and October 2020 because of his once a month Scheduled (the Show might be over by then)
I love you blank check 😆 and you deserve it soooo much congrats on 40k!!!!!! Love u!!!!!
Aw, thank you c:
Blank Slate no thank u for being the way u r!
harry wane: i'll give you a sugar cube if you say you like evil sit
Un deux trois quatre cinq
-don't mind me I'm just 1 year late- TAKE A BREAK
Jokes aside, the likely reason Apple Jack never saw the table before is because it travels with Twilight and Spike into the Future. There is also a chance it comes to the past but can't set itself on cloudsdale so its probably below it. Probably something in the spell that sets it to put the traveler(s) on that specific point in time and space.
30:11 ...and I wrote this poem just to show it...
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I'll go back to my corner now.
can't wait to see your reaction to their season 6 premiere!
"One Day, I gonna grow up to be a toy" Blank Slate 2017
"someone took my kitkat once"
*pinching eyes*
congrats on 40k, blank
Thank you :)
"oh we got star trek this time"
*double facepalm*
thats... star wars...
I Love your Videos very much! :D Love your Reactions!
But I have a little Question:
Can we send you Videos on which you Can React?
(Only If you want that.)
If yes how Can we do that?
Thank you ^^
I see them named/linked in the comments just fine. I can't guarantee reactions for everything but it doesn't hurt to post it.
Blank Slate
Allright Thank you. :) ☺
No matter what you think of this episode, I think we can all agree that Starlight has a better motivation than Broly.
Holy crap I didn't even know about the season 6 cider edit. Amazing. (Ironically the issue stems from the UK but season 6 isn't even on UK Netflix yet???? They just added season 5 a few weeks ago???????? Wat)
Hooorayyy Blank Check! Always a pleasure to see one of your videos popping up in my feed!
You're slowly catching up on these!
Now you'll have to do what we do; watch the older episodes and pray a new one comes out soon. ^.^
And Blank. Blank, my horse. Saber's was joke Star WARS. Not Star Trek. You're killing me man.
Too many cool Lion King References in Here 😹😂👌👍
40:51 Fallout has officially made it into My Little Pony, everyone! And now, villain checklist with DerpFrancis: Discord; Check. Tirek; Check. Chrysalis; Check. Nightmare Moon; Check. Sombra; Uncheck. What, did they decide Sombra was not good enough to be remembered in this episode? I don't care that the All Powerful Trixie, the Great and Powerful Fatass, with the Alicorn Amulet isn't mentioned at all, but Sombra? Really? He had a better rolling time then Trixie will ever get, even though he was onscreen for maybe 10 minutes. He should have been in this, instead of Trixie Trump.
People I see react keep saying this feels like a series ender, and I do agree in a sense. It definitely feels like an ending of something, but not of the series. Much like Magical Mystery Cure and School Daze, this feels like the ending to a chapter. Magical Mystery Cure ended the prologue and began the Princess Twilight chapter, The Cutie Re-Mark ended the Princess Twilight chapter and began the Starlight chapter, and School Daze ended the Starlight chapter and began the epilogue.
Good day to all and hi to all, it’s raining pies.
I still think that Starlights imputus for everything she did would have been better if SHE was the one who got a cutie mark for some incredible feat, then she was shunned by all the foals in the village cause they thought she was now stuck up cause she had such a great talent, it would explain her hatred for cutie marks and special talents, everyone will be friends if no one is special!! i dont know to me it makes way more sense and would have hit harder in the heart and the mind.
I agree, that would have been better. I feel like there's a handful of ways they could have improved things while still being suitable for the show.
There you go, you did a better job than the writers, congratulations. Maybe you should've helped write the episode and handled the whole Starlight thing better (don't mind me I'm just bitter)
12:29, "look both ways before crossing the runway, newbie" is what you meant to say
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You have 40k subs
And that is pretty cool
You're awesome blank
Also happy birthday 🎂 :D
Beautiful ;_;
SuperRavensfan101 xD it made me cry ;-;
40K Subs..... WARHAMMER!!!
Blank Slate thank you ;)
Your reactions are the best. Also you are right, you not existing is the bad future.
You're videos are also good to wake up to lol
5:16 no calling little horses cucks mate
Sorry. I'll fix it
"Bon Bon will be a My Little Cuckold"
Blank Slate only if you invite me to one of your sessions
hey blank, AnimatedJames is in Bronies React EQG 4.
43:08 WHO HURT YOU BLANK!? Just always know I'll let you have a piece of my Kit-Kat bar. I'm always here for you buddy.
I can’t believe Elie Monty was there!! She is awesome!! Her MLP voices are amazing!!
I have a theory that fixes all the plot holes for the show and Equestria Girls. The theory is that Equestria is a real place and that Hasbro films the show there and edits out most of the tech Equestria has which I theorize is the same level as ours. When you think about the slap fighting in this two-parter and the fact every pony doesn't notice anything at all. I know it's a crazy theory but when you really think about it it makes a lot of sense. And as for how starlight never saw any of the future timelines it's because in each one she died before those events happened or during them.
and our one true god has returned,
Riiiiise up
The finale is cool to look into when starligts in the audience she is spying and when twilight talks about the cutie Mark's and starlight uses it in this finale
The Trump sign joke is, uncomfortably, even funnier in 2020. =>o
Those ponies was had spears in scene when Celestia was showing where is enemy!!!
Does.... Does Blanket know that's a portal reference?????? ....I'm jus- I'm just asking. ._. XD
I'm sorry...but what is that design in the bottom right corner?
I'm not saying it's bad, it's just so off model from the rest that its noticable. I like that's it's not the same model shape as the others but still
0:00 *Sees the top right corner* Nice one, Blank :D
I work very hard.
Blank Slate I can see that. It's a very detailed red cross xD (Btw, Happy birthday! :D)
Your amazing to blank check and your video.Congrate on 40K subcribers
Could yo do a blind Commentary to Turnabout Storm if you haven't seen it yet.
"One day, I will grow up to be a toy" Blank Check January 2017 xD
Blank literally shrinking from embarassment for ACR is hilarious
In gabes first spoiler alert thing, he was reanacting Han Solos death
best finale futered in one of best brony series is being watched by best reactor, can it get any better
oh, it's also best cartoon with probably best fandom
Blank's laugh at 39:25 is my freaking life line
Happy birthday!!
Seriously, when the magic hotn lazer fight came on, I was like, " DESTROY THEM WITH LAZERS!!!!!"
I know I am in the minority who didn't like this 2 parter and for me it's the worse finale. I actually didn't have much of an issue with Starlight's redemption, considering how quick Sunset turned around in EQG and even Luna. My issue was Twilight and the pacing and the format. I always felt Josh Haber's biggest flaw was pacing. It just got too fast and than too slow. Not being a fan of time travel in general, I really didn't like how idiotic Twilight was in this episode, and to some extent, Spike. Plus, the format, it was just 'rinse and repeat' too many times and for me the call backs to famous MLP villains was pure filler because it didn't serve much purpose in the end. For me this was the wrong way to 'fan pander'. Honestly I questioned watching this reaction because of how disappointed I was with the finale, but I enjoy your reactions so I am watching it.
But man I didn't realize how far behind you were. Race did say they are still working on S6 finale so it should be out soon hopefully.
man Starlight is not healthy at dealing with issues
30:10 I literally gasped. I love Hamilton.
My name is Blank Check, I am a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it, and I, just hit 40k, you can't write my rhymes, no not today
You don't know about season 6 then STARLIGHT IS BACK
39:20 and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon!