Senna tidbits if you want to know: - Q does not affect auto attack timing, so you can AA > buffer Q > AA in the same time it takes to just AA twice, making for a really great quick trade/soul - At 140 stacks, Senna can outrange turrets (without RFC) - Most games should probably be over by the time you're at 100 though, so 40 stacks at 10 min and 80 stacks at 20 min would be pretty good, or 20 stacks every 5 min. - Allies can remain in camo after leaving her E - You can instantly activate the AoE root of Senna's W if it kills whatever it hits on contact, like a minion. This can make for an unavoidable root if the enemy is standing next to a minion that's almost dead. - You can aim your Q off of a bunch of stuff: Allies, all minions, wards, zyra plants, etc. - Souls can be grabbed as soon as they pop out, mid-air, so if you know they're coming, you can Q right at the instant something like dragon dies to instantly get the souls Feel free to add. I think Senna's a really cool and unique champ. Great games Pekin!
"There's no reason to be fighting there" is literally the mantra of every game I've tried to play in the last few months and I really can't be bothered to even want to play anymore.
Be like me, uninstall the game and start playing single player games that actually make you happy, rather than league that makes you happy only 10% of the time :)
yea, this is the reason i play casually with my friends, i lose my mental with randoms, especially bot lane lmao. taking terrible fights before or after drag, and a lot of people take bad fights in general its wild
I've done this more than a few times. But as soon as i saw a different person do it in one of my ranked games, i felt "oh great..." and then i knew it had to be bad. HAHA Pekin makes it look good though.
@@zachariz1490 he regularly plays this heavy off-meta content against masters and high diamond. That's a completely different elo than low diamond, it's not even funny how much different just a few divisions is. And slightly off-meta content? Dude literally gets challenger off of it. Pekin's the only youtuber I've seen do this with a wide variety of off-meta picks.
it's not that bad in a vacuum, but it is something I wouldn't recommend as a first pick. If your opponent ends up something like a darius you are gonna be dove with no counterplay(speaking from experience, last time I played senna top enemy darius dove and killed me level 1 before the second waves even reached lane). On the other hand if your opponent is someone whose kit only allows them to tank everything like mundo then it becomes a soul factory for her. Also you have to consider the fact that more often than not, the toplaner is the team's tank, so picking senna top means that you'll likely have no tank while playing a champ who heavily relies on having someone charge in before her.
Maokai: *get's tilted, so he goes in and burns his flash and ult for no reason* Pekin: Oh my god am I getting ganked?! Are they outplaying me?! I have to run!
Dear Maokai, It’s over, buddy. Senna's reign of terror has ended. You’re going to be just fine now. No more getting shredded to pieces. She can't touch you anymore. Time to pick up the bits and pieces of what's left and march on. You survived. Barely. But hey, you survived. And you know what? you're gonna get out of this stronger than ever! Praying for your recover, my friend 🙏
it hurt so bad to see the team in game 1 funnel into their fed viktor instead of just backing off after winning the fight... i don't know if even most gold players would have done that. And it sounded like retreating didn't even cross their mind? "just flash ult him"
it's crazy that your teammates' positioning was so bad inside this MMR, kept overextending and fighting for literally zero reason. that felt like gold to me, not diamond MMR.
Is there a reason you went LDR instead of mortal reminder game 1 even though you were vs a mundo and a reksai that both heal a bunch? The 5% less pen doesn’t seem like too much of a downside to me
This. I've almost completely stopped building LDR on Senna, GP, and Nilah. It's 5 more AD and 5 more armor pen. If you've got a ton of AD or armor pen built into your kit, then I think the wounds usually outweighs the marginally better stats, even not into heavy heal comps.
@@PekinWoof Yeah I didn't examine it super hard but I can't think of a single fight where extra heal cut would have been a make or break. That game was won/lost on bigger choices by different people.
@@joshuaharris2245 wym it was lost on pekin tanking tower in the last fight for no reason and getting knocked by reksai then complaining no peel when he just stepped up under tower trying to frontline senna after rakan just missed his W
@@zym6687 Even if that were true(it isn't), it still means LDR vs Mortal had no bearing on the result. The game was lost like 100 different ways before then.
Your Q also picks up souls, so that cannon you missed around 4:00 you could've killed with the Q that also picked up the soul behind it. Likewise you can target souls with Q to get the extended range, and surprise enemies with poke that way.
hey Pekin good to see you doing off meta stuff top. but I am more interested in you doing traditional top picks like the ones you did before - fiora, riven. Could you do ksante, Sion, trynd, yone, ornn, irelia etc? I feel you have a very unique perspective about these champs and have a great way to show the core strengths and weaknesses of these champs. May be we learn a thing or two from how you see them
You know it makes sense. Pekin has been playing League for longer than half his fan base is alive. Him responding to negative comments and insults as if they were positive is only natural for someone who doses themself with daily toxin as much as he has. I imagine he genuinely feels pain when he's complimented. You know who else makes others feel pain? Renata Glasc top.
Kraken also gives move speed, so I think that over Opportunity is better, though I gonna guess you went Opportunity just because you had money for it. I also think that LDR is just so garbage now that it lost the Giant Slayer passive combined with cut down being changed, so Mortal Reminder might be better into Mundo and Tahm. Edge of Night is also really nice, but they have a lot of little long ranged poke to proc the shield. All in all though, she's kinda like Kai'Sa where it's a bit hard to screw her build up as long as you take damage items. Even though you're joking about missing cannon for soul, it is nice that you can miss cs, especially early game since your ad is so shit, as long as you can get souls. They still give a decent amount of gold, so don't tilt over missing last hits early. It's almost better just to try and get more souls harassing instead of tunneling on csing early on. The first game was lost by the typical low elo "fight for no reason" game plan instead of just backing, pushing waves, and waiting for objectives/grouping/picking. The team comp also wasn't that great too, since Liss sucks into Mundo/Tahm, but it would've been won if there was just less stupid fights. I hate playing Senna adc, and support Senna could die from just the thought of stubbing her toe, so I might start trying her top lane since I really love playing her.
40 souls in 10 minutes is perfectly okay, even good if you farm: you could notice that you could hitting mao practically all the time on passive CD, which is rarely the case in botlane where you have way less free DPS usually(ranged champions can fight back and melee champions don't need to step up for farm), therefore 40 by 10 minutes is the target(otherwise, you struggle in your game), 50+ is more or less perfect.
I play this a lot in low elo. Ive found that pta kraken is so good vs ranged like kayle and urgot or bruisers like darius , sett , and sion where you need dmg so they have to respect ur dmg. Another benefit of senna is that it also counters proxy champs since missing casters isnt really a gold loss and melee is just a small loss (assuming ur in range for souls and exp) . If u miss cannon u get gaurunteed soul so thats not terrible either. For yorick i sometimes go tiamat hurricane just to keep him off the tower, if u dont, midgame will be very hard.
Senna and Ashe top are my counterpicks for tanks/champions with no dashes or ranged engages. Senna into anything melee that can't reach her is 40 - 60 free stacks leaving lane. Into team comps that favor her, I typically end games with 120+ stacks.
If you're going to be a menace with Senna Top, you might as well go all in with Brand Top as well in your climb. Brand Top unsurprisingly, has a really decent WR top lane. Turns out that the melee champions who build HP are often just outright easy match ups for Brand. If their name isn't Olaf, there isn't really anything they can do when you just hold your Q for disengage. Meanwhile, you get to just spam E on them relentlessly and watch your passive melt them. Its such an easy experience that you can just go Dark Harvest and farm stacks through the laning phase. And if you get ganked? Just faceroll your keyboard and it's basically always going to be a 1 for 1.
When I play support senna, i usually have around 70 - 100 souls, depending on how much i can poke in the matchup. The problem with solo lane senna is that the drop chances for creeps, that you lasthit are really low, so you can almost only get souls by poking. That's why you don't have much souls in this game. If someone else kills the creeps, then the chances for getting a soul are way higher. Support senna is still the best in my opinion, not only because of the stats you get from the souls, but also because of the money you get from them.
You have lost my respect. Even after meeting you at lcs finals a couple years ago. As a top main i cannot support this any longer. Sadge (Definitely not gonna spam this pick tonight)
The bugger picked it up! I ran after him telling him he'd hurt himself but he just shot me in the face and spat on my dead body. Goddamn streamer Zigzagoons.
When you play, do you record every game and give commentary? Then pick and choose best ones to upload? Playing like that all time must be exhausting :D
I know i'm late, but you might have won game one if you remembered to use your yellow trinket max range+Q the ward for the slow. You had like 4 straight seconds where you could have done it and slowed 1-2 people you chased up mid. Literally would have won you the game.
9:45 been a while since I played supp senna but for lane senna my rule of thumb is 80 souls at 25 minutes is the benchmark, get 100 and you're playing out of your mind. granted I play her mid, so that's not with a tank you can just endlessly farm souls on xd
I feel like the reason Senna might work at all (over something like Thresh) is because she also gets the added bonus of 8 gold per soul collected. Doesn't make any sense that 2 similar mechanics reward the champs so differently. Also because, arguably, Senna's "souls" (wraiths) give more value than Thresh's souls. Plus the number of Thresh players (including yourself) who don't seem to give a shit about half of their souls anyway, are losing value anyway. But you know what you don't see? Senna not giving a shit about picking up her "souls". She always goes for them because 100 souls is 800 gold. Think about that.
2:24 When I first started playing League, I never missed (unforced) cannons, as I watch Pekin's vids, I started missing more and more. As I really watched a lot of Pekin vids, I started missing melees as well. If you are cs'ing well in League, you are not a worthy Pekin viewer.
you should type more to communicate rather than just watch or ping once, you're too used to high elo that you trust them too much to not do bad plays, which is what usually happens
He was right though Senna top is disgusting and so aggravating to play against with a lot of top champs. I was rooting for the Mundo and lowkey liked his build until he just completely griefed by going hearsteel THIRD! Hearsteel third is normally just trolling but going it into Senna with Bork, Brand, and Kayne is just mind boggling
Low elo players have the mentality that this is a CoD game and kills are the only thing in existence. So they will either pick fight after fight to get kills, or make 0 plays, so they don't get killed, and then can blame you for dying, despite that you died thinking they will back you up. They will blame a 3/8/50 support for losing the game because they literally have 0 idea what that third number is. Team play and objectives are alien concepts to them, only the K/D matters.
yk, i was looking at the acc stats and saw you were 55% wr in emerald and it made me laugh a little, then i saw you were playing senna top, and i was like pekin... how could you
Okay but pekin, you’re playing a lot of mid laners and ranged top. You need to stick to actual top laners if you’re going to do a series based on the position.
that maokai could've been faker and he still would've been destroyed that game. Hecarim needed to help early but low elo doesn't know that's basically mandatory vs ranged top
“No peel” most of the time I agreed with you but at the end of the first game seems like nothing they can do when you were tanking tower shot and get knocked up by reksai lol
I mean that LDR game 1 - they removed the tank killing aspect. Should have gotten mortal reminder if he wanted % armor pen so they could take down mundo faster. Or maybe slow item with armor pen
I missed cannon ❌
I let the cannon die for soul ✅
You always get a soul from a cannon
Senna tidbits if you want to know:
- Q does not affect auto attack timing, so you can AA > buffer Q > AA in the same time it takes to just AA twice, making for a really great quick trade/soul
- At 140 stacks, Senna can outrange turrets (without RFC)
- Most games should probably be over by the time you're at 100 though, so 40 stacks at 10 min and 80 stacks at 20 min would be pretty good, or 20 stacks every 5 min.
- Allies can remain in camo after leaving her E
- You can instantly activate the AoE root of Senna's W if it kills whatever it hits on contact, like a minion. This can make for an unavoidable root if the enemy is standing next to a minion that's almost dead.
- You can aim your Q off of a bunch of stuff: Allies, all minions, wards, zyra plants, etc.
- Souls can be grabbed as soon as they pop out, mid-air, so if you know they're coming, you can Q right at the instant something like dragon dies to instantly get the souls
Feel free to add. I think Senna's a really cool and unique champ. Great games Pekin!
you can get stacks off fake neekos if youre quick enough, also your Q can be used on pretty much everything you can auto
@@conorincall clones give souls , even pets i think
Just wanna say loving the longer vids Pekin! An hour of content a night is so sick. Thank you!
"There's no reason to be fighting there" is literally the mantra of every game I've tried to play in the last few months and I really can't be bothered to even want to play anymore.
Be like me, uninstall the game and start playing single player games that actually make you happy, rather than league that makes you happy only 10% of the time :)
yea, this is the reason i play casually with my friends, i lose my mental with randoms, especially bot lane lmao. taking terrible fights before or after drag, and a lot of people take bad fights in general its wild
Bruh for me too. Overextending teammates galore.
Dragon not up ✅
Baron not up ✅
No objectives nearby ✅
Numbers disadvantage ✅
Not fed ✅
@@dyja7 Yes. Its a game, go have fun.
Pekin is unfazed by the mere concept of his own pride, having discarded it long ago, he lives with relentless disregard for others' opinions.
I've done this more than a few times. But as soon as i saw a different person do it in one of my ranked games, i felt "oh great..." and then i knew it had to be bad. HAHA
Pekin makes it look good though.
a challenger in a diamond lobby can make almost anything look at least decent
@@zachariz1490 he regularly plays this heavy off-meta content against masters and high diamond. That's a completely different elo than low diamond, it's not even funny how much different just a few divisions is.
And slightly off-meta content? Dude literally gets challenger off of it. Pekin's the only youtuber I've seen do this with a wide variety of off-meta picks.
it's not that bad in a vacuum, but it is something I wouldn't recommend as a first pick. If your opponent ends up something like a darius you are gonna be dove with no counterplay(speaking from experience, last time I played senna top enemy darius dove and killed me level 1 before the second waves even reached lane). On the other hand if your opponent is someone whose kit only allows them to tank everything like mundo then it becomes a soul factory for her. Also you have to consider the fact that more often than not, the toplaner is the team's tank, so picking senna top means that you'll likely have no tank while playing a champ who heavily relies on having someone charge in before her.
To regain respect, you must now play AP Shaco Top. Like Pink Ward. It is the only way.
wait that would lower the respect even more
@@aice336 *cough* Yes, yes, my respect would be negative. Yep. Don't do it, Bekin. 🤔
I 2nd this. I would recommend watching some of his shorts where he explains stuff
oh my god he did it
brother do I have news for you
Pekin literally cyberbullying that poor Maokai in game 2
that maokai deserved it for building heartsteel into their team comp
21:31 * everyone on Viktor *
21:32 Rakan: Nah I'd win
22:12 * Confused Zigzagoon noises *
Oh my god that poor maokai just wanted to play one game after 10 hours shift...
Lissandra fighting her demons in chat lmao
Maokai: *get's tilted, so he goes in and burns his flash and ult for no reason*
Pekin: Oh my god am I getting ganked?! Are they outplaying me?! I have to run!
No, he tried to capitalize on pekin getting tower aggro but he was too slow. He had the right idea
Dear Maokai,
It’s over, buddy. Senna's reign of terror has ended. You’re going to be just fine now. No more getting shredded to pieces. She can't touch you anymore. Time to pick up the bits and pieces of what's left and march on. You survived. Barely. But hey, you survived. And you know what? you're gonna get out of this stronger than ever!
Praying for your recover, my friend 🙏
As a senna main I am so happy to see you play her! I was just looking for videos of you doing so yesterday!
I feel like you were playing so well in both games, that was awesome to watch
it hurt so bad to see the team in game 1 funnel into their fed viktor instead of just backing off after winning the fight... i don't know if even most gold players would have done that. And it sounded like retreating didn't even cross their mind? "just flash ult him"
it's crazy that your teammates' positioning was so bad inside this MMR, kept overextending and fighting for literally zero reason. that felt like gold to me, not diamond MMR.
He plays NA. NA rank is usually at least - 1 Division compared to EUW/KR.
@@ea8455 no theres shit ppl in every elo
Is there a reason you went LDR instead of mortal reminder game 1 even though you were vs a mundo and a reksai that both heal a bunch? The 5% less pen doesn’t seem like too much of a downside to me
I never felt that healing was an issue that game I suppose. Could of been a good purchase though. Doubt it would of changed the game though
This. I've almost completely stopped building LDR on Senna, GP, and Nilah. It's 5 more AD and 5 more armor pen. If you've got a ton of AD or armor pen built into your kit, then I think the wounds usually outweighs the marginally better stats, even not into heavy heal comps.
@@PekinWoof Yeah I didn't examine it super hard but I can't think of a single fight where extra heal cut would have been a make or break. That game was won/lost on bigger choices by different people.
@@joshuaharris2245 wym it was lost on pekin tanking tower in the last fight for no reason and getting knocked by reksai then complaining no peel when he just stepped up under tower trying to frontline senna after rakan just missed his W
@@zym6687 Even if that were true(it isn't), it still means LDR vs Mortal had no bearing on the result. The game was lost like 100 different ways before then.
poor pekin up late doing this one...
Your Q also picks up souls, so that cannon you missed around 4:00 you could've killed with the Q that also picked up the soul behind it. Likewise you can target souls with Q to get the extended range, and surprise enemies with poke that way.
i can excuse playing ranged top but i draw the line at calling rek'sai a "he"
Every champion is a "he"... Imagine caring about the lure of characters made by Riot games lol!
hey Pekin good to see you doing off meta stuff top. but I am more interested in you doing traditional top picks like the ones you did before - fiora, riven. Could you do ksante, Sion, trynd, yone, ornn, irelia etc?
I feel you have a very unique perspective about these champs and have a great way to show the core strengths and weaknesses of these champs. May be we learn a thing or two from how you see them
In time all top champs will be played
You know it makes sense. Pekin has been playing League for longer than half his fan base is alive. Him responding to negative comments and insults as if they were positive is only natural for someone who doses themself with daily toxin as much as he has. I imagine he genuinely feels pain when he's complimented. You know who else makes others feel pain? Renata Glasc top.
so glad to see you still uploading :)
I'd like to see more of this pick in the future, this was a fun video.
Kraken also gives move speed, so I think that over Opportunity is better, though I gonna guess you went Opportunity just because you had money for it. I also think that LDR is just so garbage now that it lost the Giant Slayer passive combined with cut down being changed, so Mortal Reminder might be better into Mundo and Tahm. Edge of Night is also really nice, but they have a lot of little long ranged poke to proc the shield. All in all though, she's kinda like Kai'Sa where it's a bit hard to screw her build up as long as you take damage items.
Even though you're joking about missing cannon for soul, it is nice that you can miss cs, especially early game since your ad is so shit, as long as you can get souls. They still give a decent amount of gold, so don't tilt over missing last hits early. It's almost better just to try and get more souls harassing instead of tunneling on csing early on.
The first game was lost by the typical low elo "fight for no reason" game plan instead of just backing, pushing waves, and waiting for objectives/grouping/picking. The team comp also wasn't that great too, since Liss sucks into Mundo/Tahm, but it would've been won if there was just less stupid fights. I hate playing Senna adc, and support Senna could die from just the thought of stubbing her toe, so I might start trying her top lane since I really love playing her.
What are you?
wow pekin knew i wanted a senna game. huge
40 souls in 10 minutes is perfectly okay, even good if you farm: you could notice that you could hitting mao practically all the time on passive CD, which is rarely the case in botlane where you have way less free DPS usually(ranged champions can fight back and melee champions don't need to step up for farm), therefore 40 by 10 minutes is the target(otherwise, you struggle in your game), 50+ is more or less perfect.
I play this a lot in low elo. Ive found that pta kraken is so good vs ranged like kayle and urgot or bruisers like darius , sett , and sion where you need dmg so they have to respect ur dmg. Another benefit of senna is that it also counters proxy champs since missing casters isnt really a gold loss and melee is just a small loss (assuming ur in range for souls and exp) . If u miss cannon u get gaurunteed soul so thats not terrible either. For yorick i sometimes go tiamat hurricane just to keep him off the tower, if u dont, midgame will be very hard.
You can literally see Maokai’s frustration building
Senna and Ashe top are my counterpicks for tanks/champions with no dashes or ranged engages. Senna into anything melee that can't reach her is 40 - 60 free stacks leaving lane. Into team comps that favor her, I typically end games with 120+ stacks.
If you're going to be a menace with Senna Top, you might as well go all in with Brand Top as well in your climb.
Brand Top unsurprisingly, has a really decent WR top lane. Turns out that the melee champions who build HP are often just outright easy match ups for Brand. If their name isn't Olaf, there isn't really anything they can do when you just hold your Q for disengage. Meanwhile, you get to just spam E on them relentlessly and watch your passive melt them. Its such an easy experience that you can just go Dark Harvest and farm stacks through the laning phase.
And if you get ganked? Just faceroll your keyboard and it's basically always going to be a 1 for 1.
Love the content Pekin!
When I play support senna, i usually have around 70 - 100 souls, depending on how much i can poke in the matchup. The problem with solo lane senna is that the drop chances for creeps, that you lasthit are really low, so you can almost only get souls by poking. That's why you don't have much souls in this game. If someone else kills the creeps, then the chances for getting a soul are way higher. Support senna is still the best in my opinion, not only because of the stats you get from the souls, but also because of the money you get from them.
You have lost my respect. Even after meeting you at lcs finals a couple years ago. As a top main i cannot support this any longer. Sadge
(Definitely not gonna spam this pick tonight)
That Mundo really built warmog's into spirit visage against a senna lmao
he knew can`t win against her so he go to roam and start team fight and it works for him
who gave a zigzagoon a relic cannon
The bugger picked it up! I ran after him telling him he'd hurt himself but he just shot me in the face and spat on my dead body. Goddamn streamer Zigzagoons.
When you play, do you record every game and give commentary? Then pick and choose best ones to upload? Playing like that all time must be exhausting :D
omg ive never been so early idk what to say uhhh who gave zigzagoon a sentinel gun?
I know i'm late, but you might have won game one if you remembered to use your yellow trinket max range+Q the ward for the slow. You had like 4 straight seconds where you could have done it and slowed 1-2 people you chased up mid. Literally would have won you the game.
Hope you play it more often!!! I love senna
I think I just played against you in LoR and now I got your video suggestions hahaha, Cheers!
I feel bad for the Maokai
Wow Pekin really brought out the fancy graphics with the intro scene AND the comment screenshot overlay…what’s next? An outro slide?
9:45 been a while since I played supp senna but for lane senna my rule of thumb is 80 souls at 25 minutes is the benchmark, get 100 and you're playing out of your mind. granted I play her mid, so that's not with a tank you can just endlessly farm souls on xd
Hey Bekin, don’t you wanna play some Gwen bro? I like watching you play her and she feels really strong when she gets a lead
7:31 'Get another soul on this guy. Hit the turd a lil bit.'
Just my kind of thing!
Good video, hate the preview since it's spoilers.
16:28 warmogs gives 1000hp. it needs another 300hp for the passive to work but this mundo builds t2 boots second...??
49:13 either he's really just bad or he just got you with his mind games lool
48:00 I like thar he waited but didn't buy it
You should get high noon senna, it makes your auto attacks do 2x damage. Trust
I'm confused why Pekin doesn't ping his team at all even when he sees a misplay and calls it out loud, but doesn't ping his teammates to retreat.
Hear me out. Conqueror Taric top, or press the attack, idk which one is better now. Besides all the counterplay it was pretty fun
Pekin maybe try Ashe top and bring the rune that makes u run fast towards enemies idk what u would do since they removed lethal tempo
1. Approach velocity.
2. PTA.
The bork is gonna be huge.
What a Pekin woof thing to say
17:36 I'm waitin'!
I feel like the reason Senna might work at all (over something like Thresh) is because she also gets the added bonus of 8 gold per soul collected. Doesn't make any sense that 2 similar mechanics reward the champs so differently. Also because, arguably, Senna's "souls" (wraiths) give more value than Thresh's souls. Plus the number of Thresh players (including yourself) who don't seem to give a shit about half of their souls anyway, are losing value anyway.
But you know what you don't see? Senna not giving a shit about picking up her "souls". She always goes for them because 100 souls is 800 gold. Think about that.
I felt so bad for Meowkai. He's so precious 😭
1:09 Or ult
when specifically did the meta of league break & turn into aram?
Try taric top with Essence Reaver! Infinity mana, heals and Stuns!
2:24 When I first started playing League, I never missed (unforced) cannons, as I watch Pekin's vids, I started missing more and more. As I really watched a lot of Pekin vids, I started missing melees as well.
If you are cs'ing well in League, you are not a worthy Pekin viewer.
you should type more to communicate rather than just watch or ping once, you're too used to high elo that you trust them too much to not do bad plays, which is what usually happens
He was right though Senna top is disgusting and so aggravating to play against with a lot of top champs.
I was rooting for the Mundo and lowkey liked his build until he just completely griefed by going hearsteel THIRD! Hearsteel third is normally just trolling but going it into Senna with Bork, Brand, and Kayne is just mind boggling
Isn't grudge the better armor pen item once you have full crit? Genuine question
Holy crap the 1st team was ROUGH... So many avoidable deaths
Video games r cool
hot take I like when I play a video game
If you play teemo top, I will keep respecting you as much as I have till now. I like teemo and would like to see you play him more
Same and agreed. 👍
Low elo players have the mentality that this is a CoD game and kills are the only thing in existence. So they will either pick fight after fight to get kills, or make 0 plays, so they don't get killed, and then can blame you for dying, despite that you died thinking they will back you up. They will blame a 3/8/50 support for losing the game because they literally have 0 idea what that third number is. Team play and objectives are alien concepts to them, only the K/D matters.
yk, i was looking at the acc stats and saw you were 55% wr in emerald and it made me laugh a little, then i saw you were playing senna top, and i was like pekin... how could you
Omg I was so excited to see Senna top
Okay but pekin, you’re playing a lot of mid laners and ranged top. You need to stick to actual top laners if you’re going to do a series based on the position.
Unironically what could Mao be reported for? Losing lane? Pretty sure that's not a reportable offense.
DARIUS! Can you please play him next?
Every company during the month of June: 37:07
Every soul is a goal.
Was I the only one who got a pornographic ad for this video??? I know it isn’t Pekin’s fault but has it really come to this???
i feel like voltaic would be better than opportunity
I love when you play a champ out of spite. Respect. 😂
Man, ranged top swifties rush is some bastard level stuff 😂
Please play some lethality yorick next
I wanna see static shiv yorick.
iceborn gauntlet is so good on senna top
I think when you make pings your mates really play like u wanna
19:42 Pause
i thought swifties were removed
nah swifties are still here, it's mobis that got axed
ur a great streamer
Big misplay at the end in game 1 😮
you either have to play tank diana top or decorate your rook
that maokai could've been faker and he still would've been destroyed that game. Hecarim needed to help early but low elo doesn't know that's basically mandatory vs ranged top
Sion, for a couple games pls?
All hail the algorithm!
Day 2 of asking @Pekin to auto the turrets when he is backing and has a GIANT wave.
Save me Pekin I'm surrounded by bots!
“No peel” most of the time I agreed with you but at the end of the first game seems like nothing they can do when you were tanking tower shot and get knocked up by reksai lol
Pekin just being a giga chad playing something to lose a follower’s respect
This is so cancer plz play shen next to balance it out
I mean that LDR game 1 - they removed the tank killing aspect. Should have gotten mortal reminder if he wanted % armor pen so they could take down mundo faster. Or maybe slow item with armor pen
Poor maokai 😢
do tilterella strat = print lp