My father was born in KIEV in 1913. His father and uncle had made it to America and were successful in Law and Civil Engineering...Sadly,his mother and he were, typical of the times to follow later. Sadly, in the city of Riga, the Bolshevik Revolution caught up with my fat her and his mother. She was murdered in from of his eyes and yet, somehow through G-d's grace he was spared. Eventually, he made it to America and became a decorated US combat hero and helped to liberate Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen, horrific NAZI death camps. Educated under America's "G.I. BILL" for returning veterans, he later helped to found NASA in Houston. He died in my arms at age 91 and NEVER LOST FAITH in the greatness of this country. This GREAT SONG is the last one he listened to with me and his wife before passing on. Blessings upon Neil Diamond for his performance and his story of courage and welcome to millions. Keep on DARING to believe in the future of AMERICA!
So true! America is a great country. We have so many freedoms and opportunities that some other countries don't have. I love and appreciate this beautiful country.❤
My people came frome Wales. The story remains the same. My son was adopted, so he came from Vietnam. Yet his story remains the same. We all came to America.
I can understand what you're saying but the medal of honour would not be the one given nor should it be. The medal of honour is strictly for us military personnel. Theq highest civilian medal is the medal of freedom
Facts! I know a man who works his "butt" off. He just becaa citizen. He to me is what america truly is for a country. My philosophy: come to America "legally" Understand THE CONSTITUTION! THIS IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT! People who follow the constitution!
This kinda a piss poor take. Your (and mine 🇨🇦) country is entirely based on some people just showing up and deciding to stay (putting it lightly) and for the longest time people just showed up on boats. I don't think you quite understand the immigration process and think It's as simple applying and waiting a bit. For alot of people the answer is simply "no". Not saying you shouldn't have border security, but get off your moral high horse for winning the lottery
@@Violet.703 You're very misguided and ill-informed and I don't think YOU understand the difference between immigrating 100+ years ago and the process since then.
@@bubbadano1508 I know all about it. For some bizarre reason my mother chose to immigrate to USA. I did not go with her . People who were born here (aka zero work into it) from ancestors who just stepped off a boat with little to no papers and wait lists to go through have no business saying people who do the same now are somehow immoral for doing the same thing your grandparents did
I owe my freedom to my past generations. I love AMERICA now more than ever, and I don't take my freedom for granted. It should be adopted as our NATIONAL SONG OF LIBERTY. P.S. FOR ALL AMERICANS.
That beautiful Neil Diamond song bring back my Dear Aunt Sarah’s story of running with a strange family to a boat in Romania with her orphaned sisters to get to relatives in the USA. THEY MADE IT. It’s now 100 years or more ! My heart aches for their sad beginnings. And the sad sad lives they had lived . Losing their Mom, Dad , and others in the another world. I cry for my Mom today who had such a sad beginning. But made it to America at 3 years years old. G
This song speaks about the REAL America, the America that was already great, the America forged by the sweat and blood of people from many other nations with a thirst for freedom. Bless you Neil!!!
Now lead by a psycho who's building a wall around Mexico, supported by a Russia. Corrupted from very beginning forged by a greed, arrogance , xenophobia, deception. That's how great REAL America is.
Kend Rick that big hunk of orange crap does NOT represent the real America even if his stupid little hat says so. I our day and time there is room for everybody: native, Jewish, Latin, European, African... all. I’m sorry you think that way. Millions of people do NOT agree nor are represented by 45 and his BS.
@NeilDiamondOfficial321K I will explain my heart felt feelings for your legacy ,tomorrow , is this real or not.. who am i messaging..... tell the truth
@NeilDiamondOfficial321K . Neils music means the world to me and always will, i would go into detail but who exactly am i talking to, sorry for asking because its not Neil
Neil Diamond, one of America's greatest artist. I am Mexican American and born here. I love ❤ America 🇺🇸 and would never want to live anywhere else on earth.
Publius......Thank You.... hopefully in November of this year (2020) we can once again go back to being proud to be American! We can hold our breath a little while longer.
I feel my grandparents struggle immigrating from Czechoslovakia to escape Nazi Germany. They knew hardly a thing about this country. They spoke no English. They had less than $100. They had no relatives here. They had no friends here. My grandparents, along with millions of others with and before them came to America because they wanted to feel the warmth of freedom’s light. America’s promise of freedom, opportunity. was so great they accepted the extreme challenge of starting a new life. And out of their amazing success came a deep appreciation and love of this beautiful land of liberty that still remains two generations later. Many countries have amazing, wonderful people but only one county breathes liberty. America.
Blessed to see your family story. I was blessed to be a Mayflower daughter and a US citizen from birth and my family from Canada are the most beautiful people too
Only one country breathes liberty, please🤣🤣🤣 Guess you’ve never been to Australia, New Zealand or any similar democratic country. Don’t get me wrong with all its faults I love America it’s a beautiful country with some amazing people but it’s this sort of narrow minded, egotistical, ignorant outlook, that annoys people when the harsh reality is sadly very far from the myth. Liberty, guess that doesn’t apply to women’s right to choose and control their own bodies or a school kids right not to live in constant fear of whether or not they’re going to make it home alive from school each day or whether people’s votes are respected regardless of their skin colour, race and or religion, or the appalling and ever widening wealth disparity in such a rich country and the ridiculous indentured servitude, minimum wage or the predatory capitalism run amok etc🙄🤔🤮🤮🤮
I will always remember in 1998 in Orlando .. I love it.... God Bless Neil , giving me a great night.. I love your music and Thank God for someone to stand up and sing that Song.. God Bless American..🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I love Neil so much. I saw him 30 plus times in concert from 1977-2017 and will cherish all those concerts. I met him and he was so sweet. My heart is breaking knowing he has Parkinson's disease and can no longer perform, but more than that, it hurts to see such a great man, suffering. I love you, Neil. ❤❤
My family did not arrive here that recently - records I have found list several as living in the colonies of Virginia and North Carolina. But they had the guts to leave a more civilized country and come to a much less developed country and build homes and families here. For that, I honor those ancestors.
My grandparents arrived in America from Germany, with 4 children,March 1904. My father was born FREE and an AMERICAN, April, 1905. I'm one of his,and my mothers 14 children. Five daughters, nine sons. I'm one of 8 of those 9 sons who are veterans,WWll, Korea and Viet Nam.
Welcome...this song was always one of his most popular songs live ...In the past a big flag would unfurl at the back of the stage...the vibe was patriotic, proud to be American and moved by the stories of how people left all to come to the "new and shining place" - we appreciated and understood that we all came from immigrants. Sad an embarrassing how far we have falllen
@@MikeCoggan ...I too was a legal immigrant & became naturalized. Key word being "legal"....I learned the language & the culture....The only way it should be.
I have loved this song since it first came out. My Grandfather was American and his son married my Mom who immigrated from Europe in the 1920's as a little girl to Canada. Part of her extended family went to America. It reminds me of their journey. I am 70 years old now and look at what is happening in Canada and in America and I doubt they would have been let in today. So very sad. The economic and technology progress was partially because if immigrants that produced children who would contribute immensely.
Rap/Hip Hop/R&B reflects the same struggle against oppression and racism as Neil's Jewish grandmother fleeing the Soviet Pogroms and later, those Jews fleeing National Socialist Germany.
Just a proud American no cursing and his songs no dancing or anything pure vocal unmatched and has outlived the decades of time to still be on top take a bow kneel diamond you deserve it
I think cursing is the most American thing ever. I’m pretty sure when the best men and women our country has are laying down their lives in service to America? Yeah…I’m pretty sure they go out cursing. So, if Neil Diamond or anybody else wants to get up there and shake their butt and curse into the mic? That’s ok. Of course, that’s just my opinion…I could be wrong…
America is a country of immigrants. Our great grandparents came from Poland, Sweden, Ireland, and England but now we are all Americans. God bless America!
This song reminds me of my parents migrating in the early 70’s to build a future and foundation to our beautiful country of freedom of USA ❤ our sweet land of liberty! Then 2 years later I was born!!! I love and adore my country ❤🫶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️
Amazing! One so young yet so mature in her musical taste. All praise to you. Please check out my Neil Diamond dedicated channel -
I remember when I was a kid my dad telling me how lucky I was to be born in this country, I know life isn't always perfect, but people who were born in the US have to remember how fortunate we are, because people in other countries have it way worse If you woke up with $20 to your name, a roof over your head and food to eat, you are in the upper 15% of wealthiest people. Count your blessings!!!!!!!!!
His grandmother came to America from Kiev or Kyiv. That's in Ukraine. Russia has been invading Ukraine and claiming it [called stealing] for over 1,000 years. Just like the Ancient Greeks and Romans stole his and my ancestors' land in Eretz Yisrael 4000 years ago. It's still our homeland! The Greco-Roman conquests or stealing of land that belongs to others does not make it any less our land. The original Hebrew word Israeli translated to indigenous. When Jews failed in their quest to overthrow Roman rule in the 2nd century [120 to `130 C.E.] the Ancient Romans had their soldiers go all around the empire and replace any and all references to Jews, Hebrews, and Israelites with Falstin. It's Latin and the modern translation is Philestine or Palestinian, It means foreigner. They tried to rewrite history casting Jews as strangers in our own land. During the 1200s, the Ottoman Empire built the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount where the remains of the Ancient Jewish Temples were. They did it to prevent a 3rd Jewish Temple and to bribe Arabs into repelling the invading Christian Crusaders. In World War II, the Palestinian Brigades fought alongside the British and the Canadians against the invading Nazis, Italian Fascists, and the Stalinists. 100% of them were Jewish. Not one single Arab. The Arabs of the Middle East either hoped the Nazis and Fascists would leave them alone, or they outright collaborated with them. It's why the Grand Mufti [a Muslim holy title like Ayatollah]of Jerusalem was convicted of War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace, and Crimes Against Humanity at Nuremberg! The Arab League told Arabs in Eretz Yisrael to leave their homes and come fight with the 600,000+ strong Army of the Arab League. Their reward once the Jews were defeated [dead] would be to once again steal our homes and land. That Arab League Army of over 600,000 lost to a rag-tag band of Jews under 37,000. The Arab League has lost all conflicts since then, and elected Hamas as its leadership in 2006. Then Hamas began using the Palestinian Arabs as human shields. They still haven't even made any attempt to rid themselves of Hamas, who built reinforced tunnels beneath the streets of Gaza; continued firing rockets and missiles into Israel, and even blew themselves up at Jewish Hospitals when the Jewish Red Cross [called Mogen David Adom] admitted them to Israel to treat their injuries. They attacked Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish year in 1973 [Yom Kippur]. The equivalent would be attacking the Vatican during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Not one Arab nation has ever taken in Palestinian Arabs. However, in 1948, they expelled 1.1 million Jews from Arab Middle East Nations, some had lived there for 2000 years. The UN Refugee Agency has a great record resettling refugees, who often become citizens in their new countries. The UN Palestinian Refugee Agency is almost 80 years old, and has never even resettled or taken in a single refugee or other Palestinian Arab. Until 1967, Palestinian referred to Jews and Arabs. Before 1945, the Jews, Neil Diamond's people and mine, were the Palestinians because Palestinian is from the Latin word for foreigner. . .
I'm a first generation American, and I thank God every day that my parents escaped the horrors and deprivations of Eastern European communism. It may not be popular to say these days, but I'm proud to call myself an American!
I'm indigenous an this song touches my heart. I cant hear it without shedding a tear. Thank you, Mr. Diamond for this song an your music. May the Great Spirit give you a long life.
This song is dedicated to all immigrants around of the world, be proud who you are, what is important is not where you come from,is what you are made of.
I consider this one of America's top favorite patriotic tunes !!!. It glorifies , motivates, and celebrates the image and heritage of America and the belief in its values prized by everyone dreaming to become an American. This is truly a great performance !! Thank you..
The song speaks about people huddling together, meaning when trying to cross deserts and rivers these people are huddled together by their guides who are called coyotes. They help them get through and sometimes left to die in deserts and drown in rivers, sometimes even rapped by their own guides. These people who come to America look at a dream, far from their beliefs far from their homes, far from families. They travel light ,no luggage, they need to move fast, Hardley any food, that means you have to be strong to go without food, just water for a couple of days, this song is about those who come to America, the song is trying to break barriers of predjudicy, of bigotry, it talking about the dream these immigrants have in coming to America to be free from poverty, hunger, injustice, and having no human rights to be able to express themselves. Coming to America... Who? Immigrants! Who are looking for the se dream you and me have and it only basic, a job, a car, a home. Sorry but true, the people are too busy looking at immigrants coming to America rather than looking at our political leaders squander tax payers money, make laws that go against humanity and human rights. Instead of looking at how they just tell you what to do and people do it ! We should be looking at what's ahead, In Front of our faces like , what's up with this vaccine, what's up with color? or the shape of their eyes? Even Washington said; of other people want to come to America , then America is open to those who want to come and they must become citizens and abide by the laws of this country. The must honor the American flag.
Its the way the music in this brilliant piece is composed...the melody, the background chords, the minor section, and the HORNS...they actually trade off with Neil Diamonds vocal melody. All creating a sound we recognize that identifies strength, hope, and compassion. You can't help getting goosebumps!
@@Taiyou536 being a American has nothing to do with your race being a American is in the heart and mind and as American I believe every human being has a right to be FREE everywhere on this planet. I'm of German and Dutch desinte but I'm a American first because my grandparents wanted us to be FREE.
@@staggdegraaff1531 right As American, the song that within us, the dream that within, the purpose we were created for that we carry with; that dream we carry we can give to the world. No other place like it on the planet and its universal to the human spirit
6 years later... Neil Diamond was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 😢😢😭 Then in 2020, he retired from Touring, but still writes his marvelous music. 👍👍 & 10⭐
This is what my grandfather fought for in 1917 in France. My father in the Pacific Theater in 1945. My uncle in Korea in 1950. My father again in Vietnam in 1963. God Bless America!
Neil Diamond I listened to him all thru high school to this day he is one of favorites the most favorite of all. Where people came from , wasn't an issue as it is today.. today we have to worry. This is A whole different ball of mortals. We should be singing , live free anywhere away from me. These humans today are 1 scary, bad haters of Americans .. I appreciate the deep down Greatness , Honesty and Heart people who came in the past have. And had.. They have truly made an impact,, talented.. .... THANK YOU NEIL DIAMOND FOR MAKING THIS WORLD EASIER TO GROW UP IN.. I HOPE YOU GET TO READ ALL YOUR APPRECIATION COMMENTS YOU EARNED... .
thank you for sharing your family's courage and love of Freedom. Too many younger generations do not understand the love of liberty and the sacrifices which have been made.
I can’t believe how blind people are about the truth of Ukraine! Zelenskyy IS WORSE THAN PUTIN! And, he is the leader of the Ukrainian SS NAZI PARTY! He has no qualms about killing anyone in the street that mutters one bad word about him. He has shut down newspapers & had entire staff murdered over printing negative articles about him! Russia Is not fighting Ukraine! It’s loyal Ukrainian nationalists fighting Ukrainian SS NAZIS! And the world is being fed bullshit from A FREAKING PEDOPHILE PRESIDENT WHO CRAPS HIS PANTS WITH EVERY STEP HE TAKES!
Whom ever lied to you I pray the lord opens your eyes my friend. I have friend who as conservative as me, but a few have been lead astray like yourself. Please let the lord open your eyes, Putin is a hurt man that doesn’t know where to go. He’s the one the needs the lords light, please pray and let God show you the way. Peace be on you.
...If u drink all the coolaid they served u can get sick. Its like when u drink too much alcohol u think an ugly woman is a model. U remember this movie Shallow Hal ? Lmfao
@@Raidertilldeath Ukraine is the Home of Pedofiles Ashkanazi USA bio labs and the Khazarian mafia. Joe Biden’s human trafficking racket and money laundering operations Know your facts and pray to God to be free….. Mother Russia is a Christian nation
America is the same. This song is about his grandmother, and people who traveled thousands of miles, across oceans, in storms, and entered through Ellis Island. fleeing persecution. My great-grandparents fled from the Nazis and came here.
We can get it back, it will take a SHIT LOAD OF WORK TO FIX WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING, BUT WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM R FRIENDS AND R SWEET LORD, THE SKIES THE LIMIT! Let's not stop believing and dreaming!
My Father passed away on New Year's Day 2018 😔I remember him always singing Neil Diamond songs when I was a little girl...and I'd sing right along with him!! I miss my Dad so much, but listening to Neil brings back so many good memories 💜
Dear Alisha: I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved father. However, his memory lives on in the spirit and power of Neil Diamond's 'beautiful noise.' Keep listening . . . . your papa is with you with every song & heartbeat!!!! LOVE YOU, dear Alisha!!!
We are all immigrants of America. Un less you are Native American born and raised here. I'm so grateful to live in such a blessed country with so many rights. We need to stand together more than anything and Fight for our freedoms, equality, and agaisnt those men and women who grotesquely abuse their power agaisnt the greater good of man kind and for their own selfish agendas! I love this song and cant help but me moved when I hear this song.
In 1980, when "The Jazz Singer" previewed, my bride of five years and I had two children, (eventually to be six), the film was one that we cherish to this day as one of our favorites.
I also feel the same way. I’ve lived in Idaho my whole life and I have always loved this song. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for living in America.
Marvellous ! magnificent ! (i am FRENCH and i have played drums with RHODA SCOTT Americn jazz organist ) friendly to American people ! And to you MR.NEIL DIAMOND "MERVEILLEUX '"!
I'm not an American born. I love you and your song. This song inspired me since I landed in the United States. To those who hates Red White and Blue, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free. Please learn how to respect and love this nation.
My dad loved this song as it tells his story. He immigrated from Poland to the US as an 8 year old in 1934. He and his family achieved the American dream. I'm glad he's now not here to see what this country has become. FJB
I agree 100%.......this country is nothing like it used to be. All the wrong things are looked at as right. And vice versa.......the current administration are lost souls. And the media is right there with them. Very very sad.
Thank you Neil Diamond for my own ancestors from my mother's mother, Ireland, from my mother's father, Scotland, from my Jewish father's family, Poland and Russia. We are all immigrant's children in America. I posted your song on my FB page to remind America what we are suppose to be about, FREEDOM. Bless you and your family! xx
Such a meaningful song to many of us who came to America, who came home to a land of freedom and opportunities. This beautiful song is the official anthem for all of immigrants who call America our home. Thank you Neil Diamond 💎 for your inspiration and all the beautiful noises you have created throughout the years ❤
Grew up in the generation of great music all around. That's what you get when you are born in the 60's. Watched him perform, with a zest that knew no bounds. Also watched other greats on the stage and feel that my life is complete. There can never be music like those times ever again....
Third generation from Italy my great grandfather came to America
Patriotism at its finest!
My father was born in KIEV in 1913. His father and uncle had made it to America and were successful in Law and Civil Engineering...Sadly,his mother and he were, typical of the times to follow later. Sadly, in the city of Riga, the Bolshevik Revolution caught up with my fat her and his mother. She was murdered in from of his eyes and yet, somehow through G-d's grace he was spared. Eventually, he made it to America and became a decorated US combat hero and helped to liberate Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen, horrific NAZI death camps. Educated under America's "G.I. BILL" for returning veterans, he later helped to found NASA in Houston. He died in my arms at age 91 and NEVER LOST FAITH in the greatness of this country. This GREAT SONG is the last one he listened to with me and his wife before passing on. Blessings upon Neil Diamond for his performance and his story of courage and welcome to millions. Keep on DARING to believe in the future of AMERICA!
God Bless You....America...Beautiful Life...Thank You for sharing.....
Let’s keep this nation strong 💪🏽 love America love your beautiful country respect her and protect her from all enemies... Freedom is not Free.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
So true! America is a great country. We have so many freedoms and opportunities that some other countries don't have. I love and appreciate this beautiful country.❤
America is not a country, America is a continent with 35 countries
As the thing recently elected as President hates this song or he’ll say he wrote it.
My people came frome Wales. The story remains the same. My son was adopted, so he came from Vietnam. Yet his story remains the same.
We all came to America.
The best voice Ilike his songs and still the best❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Good for you Terry. God Bless you.
I can understand what you're saying but the medal of honour would not be the one given nor should it be. The medal of honour is strictly for us military personnel. Theq highest civilian medal is the medal of freedom
Absolutely deserve it
who? Harris!!!
Now that would be a great national anthem!!
Never forget this watching in Philadelphia as an immigrant it always give tears to my eyes.
If you’re American this song has to water your eyes with pride. To all those who paved the way to make this country great thank you.
Hell ya it does
I am a South African with a German immigrant father and feel the same way about South Africa.
I agree with you 10'0%
Sure does
And yes our proud military vetrens.
My parents liked Neil Diamond's music and this song & The Jazz Singer movie.
For my Grandfather who came here through Ellis Island from Ireland. Thank you Grandpa for giving us a chance!!❤🇺🇲
One of the greatest voices in history
American people, wake up. This is what America is about!
This is the song that makes complete sense. It puts other songs by songwriters to shame. This is what true patriotism should be.
Exactly! on both accounts!
My eyes filled with tears for all those who come to America "legally" to be an asset and add to the greatness of this country.
Facts! I know a man who works his "butt" off. He just becaa citizen. He to me is what america truly is for a country. My philosophy: come to America "legally"
Understand THE CONSTITUTION! THIS IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA GREAT! People who follow the constitution!
This kinda a piss poor take. Your (and mine 🇨🇦) country is entirely based on some people just showing up and deciding to stay (putting it lightly) and for the longest time people just showed up on boats. I don't think you quite understand the immigration process and think
It's as simple applying and waiting a bit. For alot of people the answer is simply "no". Not saying you shouldn't have border security, but get off your moral high horse for winning the lottery
@@Violet.703 You're very misguided and ill-informed and I don't think YOU understand the difference between immigrating 100+ years ago and the process since then.
@@bubbadano1508 I know all about it. For some bizarre reason my mother chose to immigrate to USA. I did not go with her . People who were born here (aka zero work into it) from ancestors who just stepped off a boat with little to no papers and wait lists to go through have no business saying people who do the same now are somehow immoral for doing the same thing your grandparents did
I owe my freedom to my past generations. I love AMERICA now more than ever, and I don't take my freedom for granted. It should be adopted as our NATIONAL SONG OF LIBERTY. P.S. FOR ALL AMERICANS.
Congratulations for your power, and love for music ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂
Give this man his Super Bowl halftime show for goodness sake!
The woke crowd would never allow it!!
The NFL hates everything this song is about.
He sings for all our brave families!
That beautiful Neil Diamond song bring back my Dear Aunt Sarah’s story of running with a strange family to a boat in Romania with her orphaned sisters to get to relatives in the USA. THEY MADE IT. It’s now 100 years or more ! My heart aches for their sad beginnings. And the sad sad lives they had lived . Losing their Mom, Dad , and others in the another world. I cry for my Mom today who had such a sad beginning. But made it to America at 3 years years old.
Total legend this guy. Fantastic.
if this song does not choke you up as an American with children and family, i feel sorry for you.
This song speaks about the REAL America, the America that was already great, the America forged by the sweat and blood of people from many other nations with a thirst for freedom. Bless you Neil!!!
Yes and sweat and blood of many Natives Americans who lost their land and lives by a man full of greed
Now lead by a psycho who's building a wall around Mexico, supported by a Russia. Corrupted from very beginning forged by a greed, arrogance
, xenophobia, deception. That's how great REAL America is.
Kend Rick that big hunk of orange crap does NOT represent the real America even if his stupid little hat says so. I our day and time there is room for everybody: native, Jewish, Latin, European, African... all. I’m sorry you think that way. Millions of people do NOT agree nor are represented by 45 and his BS.
@@kendrick9734 let us hope there is change in the future.
@@veevintage2619 well said!!!
i love you neil , as an anglo Irish man, so much respect for you xxx
@NeilDiamondOfficial321K I will explain my heart felt feelings for your legacy ,tomorrow , is this real or not.. who am i messaging..... tell the truth
this is not neil asking me , who are you , and i will tell when why he will always have a respect in my heart, if i know who i am talking to.x
@NeilDiamondOfficial321K . Neils music means the world to me and always will, i would go into detail but who exactly am i talking to, sorry for asking because its not Neil
if you don't like Neil Diamond you don't know what good music is.....
Johnny Kern 1928 - 1995
Neil Diamond, one of America's greatest artist. I am Mexican American and born here. I love ❤ America 🇺🇸 and would never want to live anywhere else on earth.
His voice,accent is gorgeous 😮❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am American born and bred, but this song just gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it ❤
Have a lusten to a few of my songs.
1234567 1234567
Sugar hill.... Look for hedge hog in drop down.
Roundabout man and more
Publius......Thank You.... hopefully in November of this year (2020) we can once again go back to being proud to be American! We can hold our breath a little while longer.
Gets me choked up!
@@user-kq5qp6dh8l What have been smoking?
I feel my grandparents struggle immigrating from Czechoslovakia to escape Nazi Germany. They knew hardly a thing about this country. They spoke no English. They had less than $100. They had no relatives here. They had no friends here. My grandparents, along with millions of others with and before them came to America because they wanted to feel the warmth of freedom’s light. America’s promise of freedom, opportunity. was so great they accepted the extreme challenge of starting a new life. And out of their amazing success came a deep appreciation and love of this beautiful land of liberty that still remains two generations later. Many countries have amazing, wonderful people but only one county breathes liberty. America.
Welcome to America🙏
Blessed to see your family story. I was blessed to be a Mayflower daughter and a US citizen from birth and my family from Canada are the most beautiful people too
I love you so much and I don't understand my Owie or anything why
I love him 💕
Only one country breathes liberty, please🤣🤣🤣
Guess you’ve never been to Australia, New Zealand or any similar democratic country. Don’t get me wrong with all its faults I love America it’s a beautiful country with some amazing people but it’s this sort of narrow minded, egotistical, ignorant outlook, that annoys people when the harsh reality is sadly very far from the myth.
Liberty, guess that doesn’t apply to women’s right to choose and control their own bodies or a school kids right not to live in constant fear of whether or not they’re going to make it home alive from school each day or whether people’s votes are respected regardless of their skin colour, race and or religion, or the appalling and ever widening wealth disparity in such a rich country and the ridiculous indentured servitude, minimum wage or the predatory capitalism run amok etc🙄🤔🤮🤮🤮
I will always remember in 1998 in Orlando .. I love it.... God Bless Neil , giving me a great night.. I love your music and Thank God for someone to stand up and sing that Song.. God Bless American..🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I love Neil so much. I saw him 30 plus times in concert from 1977-2017 and will cherish all those concerts. I met him and he was so sweet. My heart is breaking knowing he has Parkinson's disease and can no longer perform, but more than that, it hurts to see such a great man, suffering. I love you, Neil. ❤❤
My family did not arrive here that recently - records I have found list several as living in the colonies of Virginia and North Carolina. But they had the guts to leave a more civilized country and come to a much less developed country and build homes and families here. For that, I honor those ancestors.
My grandparents arrived in America from Germany, with 4 children,March 1904. My father was born FREE and an AMERICAN, April, 1905. I'm one of his,and my mothers 14 children. Five daughters, nine sons. I'm one of 8 of those 9 sons who are veterans,WWll, Korea and Viet Nam.
John Veer My grandfather came as an 8 year old cabin boy
My family came over from Germany also, we came over on the Mayflower.
@@RedOKsunflower ours came on the Mayflower true. Pregnant onions came along
Yes thank you and your brothers for serving in military.. War is so damaging kill everyone and then made it casual. I dont quite get that
@@randiwebster5929 Are you realy that stupid to dishonor those people, REALY!!
For all the kids today ,this is what we call a SUPERSTAR no gimics ,just unbridled talent ☺Thankyou Neil for the music ☺
screw you, we have the beib
@@spacecatboy2962 You're funny! Bieb? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Agree, one of the best
I am one of the immigrant that he is singing about!!!
Me too me and mad shenans love his music
damn right bro
Welcome...this song was always one of his most popular songs live ...In the past a big flag would unfurl at the back of the stage...the vibe was patriotic, proud to be American and moved by the stories of how people left all to come to the "new and shining place" - we appreciated and understood that we all came from immigrants. Sad an embarrassing how far we have falllen
@@MikeCoggan ...I too was a legal immigrant & became naturalized. Key word being "legal"....I learned the language & the culture....The only way it should be.
America needs to listen to Neil again!
I have loved this song since it first came out. My Grandfather was American and his son married my Mom who immigrated from Europe in the 1920's as a little girl to Canada. Part of her extended family went to America. It reminds me of their journey. I am 70 years old now and look at what is happening in Canada and in America and I doubt they would have been let in today. So very sad. The economic and technology progress was partially because if immigrants that produced children who would contribute immensely.
Imagine, no riffing, no rapping, no screaming, and no electronic sweetening, just pure lyrics and pure melodious musicianship.
RapunzelinOttawa rap is a lyrical art form
Imagine that
Rap/Hip Hop/R&B reflects the same struggle against oppression and racism as Neil's Jewish grandmother fleeing the Soviet Pogroms and later, those Jews fleeing National Socialist Germany.
@@troyevitt2437 True dat. And the first white folk interested in rap as an art form were Neil Diamonds people, and mine, the Jews
i mean riffing sounds pretty good as long as you don’t overdo it.
Just a proud American no cursing and his songs no dancing or anything pure vocal unmatched and has outlived the decades of time to still be on top take a bow kneel diamond you deserve it
Hi mr. Diamond. Mmmm u look great. Love u, Del. 💋💋
I think cursing is the most American thing ever. I’m pretty sure when the best men and women our country has are laying down their lives in service to America? Yeah…I’m pretty sure they go out cursing. So, if Neil Diamond or anybody else wants to get up there and shake their butt and curse into the mic? That’s ok. Of course, that’s just my opinion…I could be wrong…
If this was a religious blog, I'd say... A-men to that!
I am American !!! and proud of it!! My relatives were all English born and bred in the mother land !
America is a country of immigrants. Our great grandparents came from Poland, Sweden, Ireland, and England but now we are all Americans. God bless America!
This song reminds me of my parents migrating in the early 70’s to build a future and foundation to our beautiful country of freedom of USA ❤ our sweet land of liberty! Then 2 years later I was born!!! I love and adore my country ❤🫶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️
It doesn't get any better than this... I'm happy and proud to be an American!
I'm 17 years old, but i do love Neil Diamond's music.
Amazing! One so young yet so mature in her musical taste. All praise to you. Please check out my Neil Diamond dedicated channel -
That’s awesome 😎 Music doesn’t belong to a specific age group! Many people doesn’t understand that .. .. is universal language. Music is Life
15 here
Music is universal and timeless isn’t it? I love music.
awesome to hear that from our younger generation. god bless
Celebrating July 4th, 2020 by listening to “America.”
I am all the way around the other side of the globe in Australia listening to this beautiful voice.
I remember when I was a kid my dad telling me how lucky I was to be born in this country, I know life isn't always perfect, but people who were born in the US have to remember how fortunate we are, because people in other countries have it way worse If you woke up with $20 to your name, a roof over your head and food to eat, you are in the upper 15% of wealthiest people. Count your blessings!!!!!!!!!
Neil's story is America's story. What an absolutely amazing man.
I've only got the one citizenship.
My people came from Ireland at the same time his came from Russia maybe on the same boat
His grandmother came to America from Kiev or Kyiv. That's in Ukraine. Russia has been invading Ukraine and claiming it [called stealing] for over 1,000 years. Just like the Ancient Greeks and Romans stole his and my ancestors' land in Eretz Yisrael 4000 years ago. It's still our homeland! The Greco-Roman conquests or stealing of land that belongs to others does not make it any less our land. The original Hebrew word Israeli translated to indigenous. When Jews failed in their quest to overthrow Roman rule in the 2nd century [120 to `130 C.E.] the Ancient Romans had their soldiers go all around the empire and replace any and all references to Jews, Hebrews, and Israelites with Falstin. It's Latin and the modern translation is Philestine or Palestinian, It means foreigner. They tried to rewrite history casting Jews as strangers in our own land. During the 1200s, the Ottoman Empire built the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount where the remains of the Ancient Jewish Temples were. They did it to prevent a 3rd Jewish Temple and to bribe Arabs into repelling the invading Christian Crusaders. In World War II, the Palestinian Brigades fought alongside the British and the Canadians against the invading Nazis, Italian Fascists, and the Stalinists. 100% of them were Jewish. Not one single Arab. The Arabs of the Middle East either hoped the Nazis and Fascists would leave them alone, or they outright collaborated with them. It's why the Grand Mufti [a Muslim holy title like Ayatollah]of Jerusalem was convicted of War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace, and Crimes Against Humanity at Nuremberg! The Arab League told Arabs in Eretz Yisrael to leave their homes and come fight with the 600,000+ strong Army of the Arab League. Their reward once the Jews were defeated [dead] would be to once again steal our homes and land. That Arab League Army of over 600,000 lost to a rag-tag band of Jews under 37,000. The Arab League has lost all conflicts since then, and elected Hamas as its leadership in 2006. Then Hamas began using the Palestinian Arabs as human shields. They still haven't even made any attempt to rid themselves of Hamas, who built reinforced tunnels beneath the streets of Gaza; continued firing rockets and missiles into Israel, and even blew themselves up at Jewish Hospitals when the Jewish Red Cross [called Mogen David Adom] admitted them to Israel to treat their injuries. They attacked Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish year in 1973 [Yom Kippur]. The equivalent would be attacking the Vatican during Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Not one Arab nation has ever taken in Palestinian Arabs. However, in 1948, they expelled 1.1 million Jews from Arab Middle East Nations, some had lived there for 2000 years. The UN Refugee Agency has a great record resettling refugees, who often become citizens in their new countries. The UN Palestinian Refugee Agency is almost 80 years old, and has never even resettled or taken in a single refugee or other Palestinian Arab. Until 1967, Palestinian referred to Jews and Arabs. Before 1945, the Jews, Neil Diamond's people and mine, were the Palestinians because Palestinian is from the Latin word for foreigner. . .
I'm a first generation American, and I thank God every day that my parents escaped the horrors and deprivations of Eastern European communism.
It may not be popular to say these days, but I'm proud to call myself an American!
Be proud of you, a lucky person.
I'm indigenous an this song touches my heart. I cant hear it without shedding a tear. Thank you, Mr. Diamond for this song an your music. May the Great Spirit give you a long life.
You have expressed my feelings so perfectly, thank you sir!
@@rodmcdonough6111 You're very welcome, sir.
Brings tears to my eyes every time.
Bless you, Sir!
Indigenous also!!!! Thanking God for Ira Hayes, even if America forgets!
This song is dedicated to all immigrants around of the world, be proud who you are, what is important is not where you come from,is what you are made of.
Bronco Zion It’s called they’re coming to America. No other Country is mentioned.
@@moemcgovern7345 you dont get it, dont you , your comment is so sad.
I consider this one of America's top favorite patriotic tunes !!!. It glorifies , motivates, and celebrates the image and heritage of America and the belief in its values prized by everyone
dreaming to become an American. This is truly a great performance !! Thank you..
I wish this was the alternate [ choice B ] national anthem
This and Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA.
The song speaks about people huddling together, meaning when trying to cross deserts and rivers these people are huddled together by their guides who are called coyotes. They help them get through and sometimes left to die in deserts and drown in rivers, sometimes even rapped by their own guides. These people who come to America look at a dream, far from their beliefs far from their homes, far from families. They travel light ,no luggage, they need to move fast, Hardley any food, that means you have to be strong to go without food, just water for a couple of days, this song is about those who come to America, the song is trying to break barriers of predjudicy, of bigotry, it talking about the dream these immigrants have in coming to America to be free from poverty, hunger, injustice, and having no human rights to be able to express themselves. Coming to America... Who? Immigrants! Who are looking for the se dream you and me have and it only basic, a job, a car, a home.
Sorry but true, the people are too busy looking at immigrants coming to America rather than looking at our political leaders squander tax payers money, make laws that go against humanity and human rights.
Instead of looking at how they just tell you what to do and people do it ! We should be looking at what's ahead, In Front of our faces like , what's up with this vaccine, what's up with color? or the shape of their eyes?
Even Washington said; of other people want to come to America , then America is open to those who want to come and they must become citizens and abide by the laws of this country. The must honor the American flag.
Yeah could be a national Anthem of some sort
Neil was on FIRE that night! Something about the Greek just energizes him in a special way that no other venue does. This one will go down in history!
Absolutely my song, my immigrant song. YES!
I'm a Brit and this gives me goosebumps!
Germany here - same !
Its the way the music in this brilliant piece is composed...the melody, the background chords, the minor section, and the HORNS...they actually trade off with Neil Diamonds vocal melody. All creating a sound we recognize that identifies strength, hope, and compassion. You can't help getting goosebumps!
With you on that one mate
@@Taiyou536 being a American has nothing to do with your race being a American is in the heart and mind and as American I believe every human being has a right to be FREE everywhere on this planet. I'm of German and Dutch desinte but I'm a American first because my grandparents wanted us to be FREE.
@@staggdegraaff1531 right
As American, the song that within us, the dream that within, the purpose we were created for that we carry with; that dream we carry we can give to the world. No other place like it on the planet and its universal to the human spirit
6 years later... Neil Diamond was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 😢😢😭 Then in 2020, he retired from Touring, but still writes his marvelous music. 👍👍 & 10⭐
This is what my grandfather fought for in 1917 in France.
My father in the Pacific Theater in 1945.
My uncle in Korea in 1950.
My father again in Vietnam in 1963.
God Bless America!
Neil Diamond I listened to him all thru high school to this day he is one of favorites the most favorite of all. Where people came from , wasn't an issue as it is today.. today we have to worry. This is A whole different ball of mortals. We should be singing , live free anywhere away from me. These humans today are 1 scary, bad haters of Americans .. I appreciate the deep down Greatness , Honesty and Heart people who came in the past have. And had.. They have truly made an impact,, talented.. .... THANK YOU NEIL DIAMOND FOR MAKING THIS WORLD EASIER TO GROW UP IN.. I HOPE YOU GET TO READ ALL YOUR APPRECIATION COMMENTS YOU EARNED... .
thank you for sharing your family's courage and love of Freedom. Too many younger generations do not understand the love of liberty and the sacrifices which have been made.
My Grandparents came here to 🇺🇸 from Denmark legally ...Love this song by Neil Diamond
My grandparents were immigrants who escaped slavery in Austria Hungarian Empire in the 19th and 20th century!!!!!! You have our soul Neil!
Thank you Neil for sharing your incredible talent with us all these years 🥳
Right now, with all that is going on in the Ukraine (2022), this song has so much meaning for me. For all of us! Thank you, Neil Diamond!!!
I can’t believe how blind people are about the truth of Ukraine! Zelenskyy IS WORSE THAN PUTIN! And, he is the leader of the Ukrainian SS NAZI PARTY! He has no qualms about killing anyone in the street that mutters one bad word about him. He has shut down newspapers & had entire staff murdered over printing negative articles about him!
Russia Is not fighting Ukraine! It’s loyal Ukrainian nationalists fighting Ukrainian SS NAZIS!
Whom ever lied to you I pray the lord opens your eyes my friend. I have friend who as conservative as me, but a few have been lead astray like yourself. Please let the lord open your eyes, Putin is a hurt man that doesn’t know where to go. He’s the one the needs the lords light, please pray and let God show you the way. Peace be on you.
...If u drink all the coolaid they served u can get sick. Its like when u drink too much alcohol u think an ugly woman is a model. U remember this movie Shallow Hal ? Lmfao
@@Raidertilldeath Ukraine is the Home of Pedofiles Ashkanazi USA bio labs and the Khazarian mafia. Joe Biden’s human trafficking racket and money laundering operations
Know your facts and pray to God to be free…..
Mother Russia is a Christian nation
Also, sadly, loses its meaning when applied to our southern border.
this is what our country used to be. I miss it!
America is the same.
This song is about his grandmother, and people who traveled thousands of miles, across oceans, in storms, and entered through Ellis Island. fleeing persecution.
My great-grandparents fled from the Nazis and came here.
J K.....I’m glad you meant that as a joke!
We can get it back, it will take a SHIT LOAD OF WORK TO FIX WHAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING, BUT WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM R FRIENDS AND R SWEET LORD, THE SKIES THE LIMIT! Let's not stop believing and dreaming!
@@AnnetteLynnG same here.
Nothing is better as to be be free doesnt matter where ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
In a better world, this would be our national anthem.
He needs to sing at the next Super Bowl
He reitered due to Parkinson’s😢
Omg rock it Neil.......
No, that would racist. They will get a rapper instead. This country is F’d
He sings about the American that once WAS.
We are all immigrants, to this great nation ! And we all take pride in it.
I am not american citizen yet,but i am crying so much listening this song.I love this country and this people ❤
And that's what it's all about. Welcome!
My Father passed away on New Year's Day 2018 😔I remember him always singing Neil Diamond songs when I was a little girl...and I'd sing right along with him!! I miss my Dad so much, but listening to Neil brings back so many good memories 💜
sqeeeeeeeeei e eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Dear Alisha: I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved father. However, his memory lives on in the spirit and power of Neil Diamond's 'beautiful noise.' Keep listening . . . . your papa is with you with every song & heartbeat!!!! LOVE YOU, dear Alisha!!!
Mine passed July 4, Y2K so every year I hear this, see fireworks, etc, and think of him. So similar❤️
Um espetaculo. A voz de Neil e a musica tambem. Quanto mais eu ouço mais quero ouvir.
Sad but beautiful,Your father is alive in your ❤️.🌷
The voice- the writing, the arrangement. What a genius.
He sure is!
Thank you to my parents for taking the courageous journey to make it to AMERICA!
There's no mistaking that melody! A timeless classic, this is one song that will never get old. ❤️
I love Neil Diamond so much. Such a great American who appreciates the opportunity this country gave him.
71 at the time and still rocking. What a voice, presence and performance. One of modern music's best ever!
He had many hits over the years, but I think this was his iconic song.
We are all immigrants of America.
Un less you are Native American born and raised here.
I'm so grateful to live in such a blessed country with so many rights.
We need to stand together more than anything and Fight for our freedoms, equality, and agaisnt those men and women who grotesquely abuse their power agaisnt the greater good of man kind and for their own selfish agendas! I love this song and cant help but me moved when I hear this song.
Simple and free: GOD BLESS AMERICA.....
The Great Neil Diamond, One and Only! He sings his songs with such heart & passion. So talented. We love you Neil Diamond!
God bless our amazing immigrants not afraid and willing to contribute and giving their best to this great country.
On behalf of my parents, thank you.
In 1980, when "The Jazz Singer" previewed, my bride of five years and I had two children, (eventually to be six), the film was one that we cherish to this day as one of our favorites.
Thank God for America! Shame on all of those trying to bad mouth and destroy it. 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Every American needs to watch this video. So beautiful and inspiring!
I could NOT agree more, dear Cliff.
You are a very GOOD man. Hugs.
His intro made me cry. Love him forever!
I love this song Americans are proud of you nice performance. How are you Paula ?
This song give me goosebumps every time I hear it. God Bless America.
God help America is my prayer.
I also feel the same way. I’ve lived in Idaho my whole life and I have always loved this song. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for living in America.
No problem Mr. Diamond, my boyfriend is in the Army overseas. Thank you for your America songs. God Bless you🙏🙏
I love how he is so PRESENT in his concerts. You can see the love he has for his music and his fans ❤️
Thanks for your love and support I'll love to talk to you more better. kindly send a direct message (678) 384-9088
Thank God I saw him when I could
Lady need kiss al over woman body lady love
Kiss top leg up down bouth
From back down leg UP Hijack box
Marvellous ! magnificent ! (i am FRENCH and i have played drums with RHODA SCOTT Americn jazz organist ) friendly to American people ! And to you MR.NEIL DIAMOND "MERVEILLEUX '"!
I'm not an American born. I love you and your song. This song inspired me since I landed in the United States. To those who hates Red White and Blue, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free. Please learn how to respect and love this nation.
My dad loved this song as it tells his story. He immigrated from Poland to the US as an 8 year old in 1934. He and his family achieved the American dream. I'm glad he's now not here to see what this country has become. FJB
I agree 100%.......this country is nothing like it used to be. All the wrong things are looked at as right. And vice versa.......the current administration are lost souls. And the media is right there with them. Very very sad.
Great story! FJB!
Thank you Neil for all the Decades of Unforgettable Memories! What a Legend!
Thank you Neil Diamond for my own ancestors from my mother's mother, Ireland, from my mother's father, Scotland, from my Jewish father's family, Poland and Russia. We are all immigrant's children in America. I posted your song on my FB page to remind America what we are suppose to be about, FREEDOM. Bless you and your family! xx
Such a meaningful song to many of us who came to America, who came home to a land of freedom and opportunities. This beautiful song is the official anthem for all of immigrants who call America our home. Thank you Neil Diamond 💎 for your inspiration and all the beautiful noises you have created throughout the years ❤
Speaks for itself - amazing. Neil should be so proud of what joy his music has brought to so many people.
My favorite song by Neil diamond ❤
Every time I hear this song I think of my late Grand Mom and my late Great Grand Mom who both left Germany to come and live hear in this country
Anytime I hear this, I can’t stop crying my eyes out.
This should be our national anthem.
Grew up in the generation of great music all around. That's what you get when you are born in the 60's. Watched him perform, with a zest that knew no bounds. Also watched other greats on the stage and feel that my life is complete. There can never be music like those times ever again....
Everyone thinks they were born into the greatest age of music, ever. That's just ridiculous. btw, this was release din 1980, not the '60's.
I agree with you TOTALLY; no laser lightshow, naked dancers...just awesome performers!
@@AndyCutright They were buddy. Clearly you are not into the scene. That tells a lot, with you not being in the greatest generation. Sorry.
@@AndyCutright No offence mate. But those were the good days of music, even you would agree...
My ancestors came to the colonies before they were the America. Love this song!
This music gives me goose bumps
I heard this when watching The Jazz Singer and even then it was obvious how much he loves America. How much we have lost in the last 20 years.
I’ve listened to this song 🎶 and seen Mr. Diamond live, but never, will “Coming To America” have more impact than right now!