Thank you! Planning on introducing the DBQ after break...this will definitely be going on the schedule. I know you want the kids to have DBQ experience...but how far into it? Meaning, is this something you think I could do right after they turn their first DBQ in, before I've graded them? Maybe let them go back for a re-write?
I used to introduce the DBQ first (on the reasoning that it was the hardest essay and they needed more time to learn it). So on their first DBQ, here's what I did. They turned it in for a completion grade, and then I redistributed them and had the students score them (see my video on creating an AP reading in class). Then I scored the DBQs myself and showed them what they would have received if this had been a real grade (and give them plenty of feedback). They seemed to think that was a fair system.
Love this! Thanks for sharing such great stuff, definitely stealing this whole cloth.
Great stuff, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful advice and resources.
You’re welcome! Hope it helps…
Thank you! Planning on introducing the DBQ after break...this will definitely be going on the schedule. I know you want the kids to have DBQ experience...but how far into it? Meaning, is this something you think I could do right after they turn their first DBQ in, before I've graded them? Maybe let them go back for a re-write?
I used to introduce the DBQ first (on the reasoning that it was the hardest essay and they needed more time to learn it). So on their first DBQ, here's what I did. They turned it in for a completion grade, and then I redistributed them and had the students score them (see my video on creating an AP reading in class). Then I scored the DBQs myself and showed them what they would have received if this had been a real grade (and give them plenty of feedback). They seemed to think that was a fair system.
You are the best!
What if you can’t brainstorm because no one did the reading and as a new APUSH teacher you don’t know the content that well. Oh vey