It's a bit of a pita that this install is inside an aluminium box which I need to get rid of, I am probably going to have to disconnect a fair bit more than normal to get it all out of the box. Unless I give it the angle grinder treatment.........
Nothing wrong with the angle grinder. My genisys is integrated into the bulkhead so an angle grinder is probably going to be my best friend along with the multitool too. My van is full of siliconed fibreglass panels.
The cab bulkhead is not usually a strength member. It's just a wall to either keep the cab dry or stop the load coming into the cab! I would imagine your chassis is the very thick heavy duty tube type. In my crew cab luton Ducato the chassis legs were 18 inches tall and 8 inches wide. The chassis had zero flex on it!
It's a bit unusual, Iveco cabs are mounted on four rubber bushes to the chassis for isolation so usually the back of the cab would add some structure if the bushes needed replacing. However the box in this van is made from Omniapanel which is extremely strong so the cab hasn't lost any structural integrity. It might make jacking the cab up to replace the bushes interesting if they ever needed replacing though!
Even the Iveco van version is rubber mounted to the chassis, cab and rear body. That is a chassis cowl, it's an option from the manufacturer and how motorhome chassis are ordered from the manufacturer 👍
Well that's one way to drain your battery I guess - Bit of an overkill solution looking for a problem really. Rip it all out, common sense is free and doesn't need a constant 12v feed.
Great timing on this one! Just on time for my genisys stripping and relocation.
It's a bit of a pita that this install is inside an aluminium box which I need to get rid of, I am probably going to have to disconnect a fair bit more than normal to get it all out of the box. Unless I give it the angle grinder treatment.........
Nothing wrong with the angle grinder. My genisys is integrated into the bulkhead so an angle grinder is probably going to be my best friend along with the multitool too. My van is full of siliconed fibreglass panels.
The cab bulkhead is not usually a strength member. It's just a wall to either keep the cab dry or stop the load coming into the cab! I would imagine your chassis is the very thick heavy duty tube type. In my crew cab luton Ducato the chassis legs were 18 inches tall and 8 inches wide. The chassis had zero flex on it!
It's a bit unusual, Iveco cabs are mounted on four rubber bushes to the chassis for isolation so usually the back of the cab would add some structure if the bushes needed replacing.
However the box in this van is made from Omniapanel which is extremely strong so the cab hasn't lost any structural integrity.
It might make jacking the cab up to replace the bushes interesting if they ever needed replacing though!
Even the Iveco van version is rubber mounted to the chassis, cab and rear body.
That is a chassis cowl, it's an option from the manufacturer and how motorhome chassis are ordered from the manufacturer 👍
@@Dirt-Diggler Ah ok thanks for that, I am not that up to speed with Dailys yet….
@@CriftinsCampers I'm sure you will be soon ! I've seen how fast you work 😁👍
Well that's one way to drain your battery I guess - Bit of an overkill solution looking for a problem really. Rip it all out, common sense is free and doesn't need a constant 12v feed.