Not impressed so far. I was eager until I saw the actor chosen for He-Man. Where's all the muscle he is known for? He may do well as Prince Adam. But he's going to have to seriously roid up to play He-Man.
This is going to be garbage I have to say it now CGI will do this movie Justice He-Man should have been running movie cinemas like marvel and DC motu belongs to us adults you will have to do some drastic make this movie rated r to save it
In My opinion Masters of The Universe with Dolph Lundgren was perfect a bit 80's but perfect
There was only one True He Man movie with Dolph Lundgren 😊
There isnt an actor big enough to play Prince Adam
Not impressed so far. I was eager until I saw the actor chosen for He-Man. Where's all the muscle he is known for? He may do well as Prince Adam. But he's going to have to seriously roid up to play He-Man.
Spoiler alert
It will suck
Blah blah blah blah blah 🙄 there is no Upcoming He Man movie Netflix canceled it 😒
This is going to be garbage I have to say it now CGI will do this movie Justice He-Man should have been running movie cinemas like marvel and DC motu belongs to us adults you will have to do some drastic make this movie rated r to save it
sorry not with this actor who can overnee the role of orko