My uncle had rheumatoid arthritis from last 5 years. He was unable to walk properly and took medicines from various hospitals but got no relief. Then he came to know about Chandigarh Ayurved Centre and took treatment from there. Now he is totally fit.
I had a severe typhoid fever last year and I am hlab 27+ I was unable to walk for 5 months straight still some of my joints inflamte unintentionally without any reason
My uncle had rheumatoid arthritis from last 5 years. He was unable to walk properly and took medicines from various hospitals but got no relief. Then he came to know about Chandigarh Ayurved Centre and took treatment from there. Now he is totally fit.
I had a severe typhoid fever last year and I am hlab 27+
I was unable to walk for 5 months straight still some of my joints inflamte unintentionally without any reason
try to use Canadian product Arthron 5.