I'd love to see a guitar neck made. So many differing contours. And the fretboard has a radius all it's own. To me, this would be the most complex problem. Then there are the fret slots that should follow the radius of the fretboard, and the nut slot which is flat. All this combined to be cut on a CNC without going insane. Anyone done this?
Thanks for the comments Tom, The guitar neck would be a good topic except there are far too many styles to choose from. It would be a very complicated series of videos at best.
My issues is when I go to run the tool path on the two rail sweep. They are open vectors so it keeps throwing me the error. I'm sure there is an easy solution but I can't seem to find it anywhere in a search.
The vectors should not be needed when creating the toolpaths. The two rail sweep creates the component from which you create the roughing or finishing toolpath
I would I to design picture frame can in aspire & have it done at the local men shed I don't know what software they have so can I save just the g code can this be done
best video with explation great work bro keep uploading more videos on ornaments with explation . thankyou
Great video! That cross section tip is priceless. Thanks for sharing.
Glad it was helpful!
I look forward to all of your videos'. Thank you so much for sharing!
Glad you like them!
Thank you another great video.
Glad you enjoyed it
Thank you so much
You are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for making these invaluable videos.
Hi! Brilliant tutorials You are making 👍 I can’t find the lesson number 3 episode 21, how come? Best regards Eric
Thanks Eric,
I'm in the process of remaking them because of the release of Version 11. Episode 21 will be out in a few days
@@mezalick Okey! 😊 Thanks for fast answer 👍
I'd love to see a guitar neck made. So many differing contours. And the fretboard has a radius all it's own. To me, this would be the most complex problem. Then there are the fret slots that should follow the radius of the fretboard, and the nut slot which is flat. All this combined to be cut on a CNC without going insane. Anyone done this?
Thanks for the comments Tom,
The guitar neck would be a good topic except there are far too many styles to choose from. It would be a very complicated series of videos at best.
My issues is when I go to run the tool path on the two rail sweep. They are open vectors so it keeps throwing me the error. I'm sure there is an easy solution but I can't seem to find it anywhere in a search.
The vectors should not be needed when creating the toolpaths. The two rail sweep creates the component from which you create the roughing or finishing toolpath
I would I to design picture frame can in aspire & have it done at the local men shed I don't know what software they have so can I save just the g code can this be done
Sir I can here you but can't watching the video. Is there any problem? Please help me to get the tutorial with full video. Love from Bangladesh.
Sir, there isno problem on my part. I can see and her it just corectly. Maybe refreash your browser.
You make this all look so easy, but of course it is not.
Thanks. I hope it all helps.