This is the most symbolic for Kyo. He defeated Orochi and collapsed, only to find he has been experimented on and many clones are using his flames. The music starts off with a sad introduction and even plays hints of Esaka with a piano throughout, yet it revs up the entire time with chords that completely drown out Esaka, showing a complete evolution of Kyo. This is most evident in his intro. He takes his trademark headband and simply burns it. It’s a sort of death and rebirth. This song is a perfect example of the fury of that rebirth of Kyo Kusanagi and it shows what happens when he gets serious.
The intro is the one that hits home for me. They changed Kyo's fight style once again and if I remember correctly it focuses less on projectiles as if resenting his fire. It was also the goodbye of him as a protagonist, simply beautiful track.
I know it's hard to believe. But this song brings me memories of 2011 ... My father had a serious stroke and was in the hospital for 3 months. So on the first day of August, my sister came into my room and said crying, "He's gone .." I was just listening to this song called "TEARS". And in the last goodbye I could give him, it was only my tears and thank him that he was the best father in the world for me. Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Brazil.
Meus pêsames. A música tem um certo saudosismo na melodia mas também passa um espírito de luta, de continuar trilhando o caminho com garra e coragem apesar das tristezas da vida.
I remember the first time I heard this song, when I completed the story mode with an official team, after I defeated Krizalid I thought I was going to see the ending, but then, unexpectedly, Kyo appeared as a hidden boss and then this theme started. That was truly an epic moment.
Kyo is such an incredible character. His arc isn't much more complex than other FG protags if at all, but yet I always think we can feel so much more of him thru his personality, quotes, animation and music. Characters in KOF are thought out in a way that still feels unmatched by fg contemporaries.
Tears really does best capture Kyo’s personality, generally mellow and cool, but fierce and fiery when necessary. He’ll help fight against evil, but more than anything he just wants to do his own thing.
I FOUND YOU. I Know for any future viewer seeing this comment be weird. I Heard this track as a MIDI in a Doom Wad called Drown in Blood. The MIDI ver sounded so awesome and Loved it but I knew it HAD to be based on something and not custom made. That was back in 2009... its 2022 AND FINALLY. I FOUND YOU. Beautiful Track :D
@ShoHidari it's always funny all of the years playing skulltag/zandronum of so many single player and multi-player wads and found so many songs from so many games I never knew. Like a lot of Megaman x games. Or discovering Dragonforce from a old rocket jumping map in midi form. It's amazing xD
I love it when you are on a quest for that special midi track or piece of music you heard that one time from random game or crack etc, then you finnaly find it, its like THE best kinda scratch to and never ending itch
Only someone whom lived a moment of fury when you can only cry being unable to do anything can understand the depth of that music. The storm is coming. Behold my thunder.
This theme really was one the best Kyo ever had. When I first played 99 I was bummed Kyo wasn't in it. Imagine my surprise after beating Krizalid Kyo appears and this song starts blasting. It was like the theme was saying "The Hero is back and he ain't going nowhere."
Even though Kyo may be a fictional person. I feel like he's speaking to us through this track, like you can feels his sadness, and his deep burning rage within his heart... (no pun intended I swear!)
@@lucaswibisono1316 I dunno about that, Sakurai is definitely an Iori fan, but music-wise we got ESAKA!! ('96 remix from '02UM), Esaka Continues, and Yappari ESAKA. Iori themes only got Stormy Saxophone 2 but it's a brand new Smash remix so maybe that counts just as much. I mostly just meant it as a "no tears, only dreams now" joke reference.
Kizuna Encounter, yes. Buriki One, no. Just about any classic Neo Geo game you want, with or without patches and mods, working flawlessly, yes. It's been a while since I gave MAME a go and maybe things are different, but ever since I tried SVC Hyper Chaos in MAME and then in FBA, I've been a believer.
NeoJax I'd say it's still this one. Don't know another character theme that fits their personality, makes fighting feirce, but also conveys strong emotions. The original Neo Geo Performance Group knew exactly what they were doing.
I think it was a good decision to keep Kyo and Iori as secret hidden fighters in 99. For me, with 99 as my first KoF and SNK game, it made both characters more special and memorable.
100% I understand that SNK wanted to pass the torch to a new protagonist but outright removing Kyo and Iori was pretty ballsy and wouldn't have worked out well (considering the reception of 99s location tests which didn't have either character avaliable) Having these characters as secret bosses is the perfect way to demonstrate Kyo as the 'old guard', the original hero who's on a personal journey while testing the new kids along the way to see if they are worthy to carry the torch
Segundo a revista que eu tinha, os dois iam serem removidos, mas, a SNK pensou demais nesta possibilidade, então e apenas, os afastaram do Host Principal inicialmente e dificultaram nossas vidas pra habilitar, tanto que raramente, eu encontrava máquinas, só com o Iori habilitado. Vim a jogar com o Kyo em KOF99, no Playstation 1, no Arcade, nunca.
+Arche-Type Earth I agree. I think this music reflects the moment they're experiencing. They knew the company was doing very bad and that the end was near. For me, this music represents the company's hard times , it has nothing to do with the kyo's story.
Sendy Lie Its because when this year happend Kyo was kidnapped and experimented on by NESTS and thats where all the clones came from. I feel this song is not only his sadness but his building rage towards everything plus the lose of his flames really hits him hard so he developed 524 Shiki: Kamukura- (A forbiden technique, I'm going on off all the chinese comic I got as well so I might be wrong XD) Regardless it's a great theme and shows lots of emtion
These guys really put some effort on making this music i read that for them this was really a nostalgic end of an era thats why they give the best composing and playing this ast.
Esta canción me trae muchos recuerdos, aunque sea un juego me sentí identificado con su personaje, además que siempre lo elegía a la hora de pelear. También en es tiempo estaba pasando por unos momentos algo difíciles, y escuchar esta canción me levantaba mucho el ánimo, además que cuando kyo al inicio de la batalla se sacaba su banda y la quemaba dando fin y comienzo de una nueva etapa (igual como me pasó) 👍 👏 💪
this song represents not only a new kyo but the sadness of snk bankrupcing...they were in a brink of the end and they knew it...kof 99 through 2001 had so much love from the devs and it shows in the art and music.
I discovered this song during my father's recovery from a traumatic brain injury that had spawned due to Brain Cancer. I can feel the pain and grief this song delivers.
Cada vez que veía a kyo quemar su cinta me ponía triste. Siempre lo digo al escuchar esto siento como si kyo se estaría despidiendo.... Kof por siempre 💓
This is why I always say not all music is something you have to dance to. Although I'm not against that kind of music, I will say tracks like these are songs that you feel. I feel so many kinds of emotions when I listen to the song. Those emotions are sadness, anger, and joy all-in-one song. Thank you so much smk for producing such an awesome track.
For a song called "tears", it feels more like there's a shit ton of "hope" and "happyness". I just freaking love this song, as it gives me hopes for a happy future!
Man doesn't matter how long time passes, this theme still delivers, definitely one of the best in my opinion And the perfect thing is that the name of the song is the same thing it gives you..... TEARS
This kyo is the coolest kyo in any iteration. Secret characters and new moveset. His moveset is more or less the same as his 96-97 but with a little twist. Roundhouse kick instead of weird leap-kick as his aragami followup (125 shiki nanase) and shiki hikigane which sent the foe flying
I always loved that during this era of Kyo clones in the storyline -- before the fight starts Kyo holds his old bandana in his hands then sets it on fire before the fight begins, separating himself from the clones copying his style.
Esaka 94: The Legend was born Funky Esaka 95: The Journey Continues Esaka? 96: The rise of the Hero Esaka 97: The end of story Esaka Forever: The farewell of The Hero Tears: The Downfall of the Hero Goodbye Esaka: The Rebirth of The hero Flame of Invincibility: The Hero Come Back Blaze: A new journey appears New Order: Time to face The Evil Esaka Continues: The definitive return Yappari Esaka: A New Age. Fictious or Real: Heroes Reunited Edit: Woahhh, thanks for all
Mike Inrigan Well, his spirit is there along with his cameo in the KoF stadium. The Terry pack has a lot of huge respect for everything SNK, especially the other KoF characters. And hey, I’ll rather take it over Kyo (I wanted him in anyways, but I’m happy regardless for SNK).
Cause he want to give us a proof that he's not a clone and that he's the real we all know 😢 First time i played KOF 99,i remember i was very sad that my favourite KOF charchter kyo wasn't in the roster and then i played with hero team with K' and when i beated krizled then i was socked cause kyo showed up and i beated him then i find him in the main roster. Oh those days can't comeback 🙄😔
essa música... simplesmente maravilhosa fez superar uma depressão tremenda, ar de tristeza e q da pra continua msm nos piores momento me motiva querer vive simplesmente incrível. Só tenho agradecer a snk por esse jogo lindo e por ter essas músicas fantásticas vai sempre mora no meu coração ❤ agradeço por vive por ve coisas linda como esse jogo. Nunca pensei q um game poderia muda minha vida...
Kyo may have thought his time fighting was over once Orochi was sealed away again. However, tears is a way of him expressing his concern if Yuki is still alive and how violated he feels that NESTS us ed his body to create clones of him for world domination.
I remember when we used to fight against Kyo (well if we got enough battle points to fight against him), we used to be silent the entire fight so we can just heard this track. Also happy 22nd anniversary KOF '99
En este momento de su vida, Kyo ya se siente desgastado por la actividad heroica y desea tener una vida normal y pasar la antorcha a otros, asumo que por eso el track suena así XD. Afortunadamente para el aparecen nuevos héroes que toman la rienda, en este juego y en los siguientes dos tenemos a K y a su equipo conformado por Kula y Máxima, y después Ash y su equipo. En algún momento supongo que Shingo lo sucederá a el, puesto que parece ser que consiguio la flama por si mismo, lo que lo hace muchas veces más talentoso que el y el Iori de fantasia, sería el indicado XD
Esse tema é show de bola, mas foi bem escolhido para a epoca..pq Kyo na verdade iria morrer em KOF 97 junto com iori, e na volta em 99 acho q seria um tema pra relembrar os anos de ouro dele nos KOFS anteriores, a musica em si da uma sensação de tristeza
Considere o fato de que ele foi capturado e submetido a experimentos científicos/biológicos, tudo isso durante sua inconsciência. Isso certamente acrescenta tristeza no que você falou.
porra, exato, sensação de tristeza, mas sei lá, não uma tristeza de coisa ruim, mas tipo, sei la, igual falaram ai acima, essa musica parece q expressa a sensacao ruim q td mundo ficou qndo kof deixou de ser kof e foi pra mao dos koreias. parece q marca o fim da era de ouro
A primeira vez que eu ouvi essa musica, eu não sabia da história do Kyo no ano de 99 ,mas dava pra imaginar que não era algo bom, pela sensação de tristeza da música . A introdução dele queimando a faixa que usava na cabeça por anos me fez imaginar que, pela música e essa atitude, ele teria se tornado alguma espécie de anti-herói ou vilão que não queria /podia lembrar mais o passado ou ficar perto dos antigos amigos ou que estava buscando novos rumos e queria permanecer sozinho.... Por mais que hoje eu saiba a história, eu sempre imagino algum tipo de “ mudança “ , solitude e busca por novos rumos... Aliás, o nome dela “ lágrimas “ me faz imaginar aquela sensação quando sentimos nostalgia e nosso passado não volta mais , mas mesmo assim devemos nos manter firmes por um propósito, mesmo que sozinhos diante da solidão e dificuldade .
gives me the feeling when you are defeated. Acceptinf the defeat and you are having a conversation with your friend about what are you going to do next.
Despues que los clones Kyo le robaron el tema al original.... Kyo: aquí esta mi nuevo tema musical, escúchenlo y admiren, bitches... Iori: música mas triste, pareces que terminantes con Yuki. Kyo: ...YAGAMI!!!!!!
No se, pero, creo que The King of Fighters se niega a morir a pesar de las calamidades que ha sufrido por las cuestiones que muchos ya sabemos, y bueno, espero y el KOF XIV llegue a ser tan bueno como sus predecesores, o al menos que sea digno de hacer recordar esos buenos tiempos cuando todos se amontonaban a echar la reta. Y bueno, este tema si que es muy bueno, me trae buenos recuerdos.
creo yo su principal falla fue el haberse estancando con los mismos personajes, bien pudo seguirlos conservando y mejorando como lo venia haciendo pero la verdad debió continuar agregando mas de sus franquicias pues esa fue la escencia de kof el hacer un torneo de peleadores de sus videojuegos. es decir el crossover fue lo que realmente nos deslumbro y de pronto dejo de hacer.
This is the most symbolic for Kyo. He defeated Orochi and collapsed, only to find he has been experimented on and many clones are using his flames. The music starts off with a sad introduction and even plays hints of Esaka with a piano throughout, yet it revs up the entire time with chords that completely drown out Esaka, showing a complete evolution of Kyo.
This is most evident in his intro. He takes his trademark headband and simply burns it. It’s a sort of death and rebirth. This song is a perfect example of the fury of that rebirth of Kyo Kusanagi and it shows what happens when he gets serious.
The intro is the one that hits home for me. They changed Kyo's fight style once again and if I remember correctly it focuses less on projectiles as if resenting his fire. It was also the goodbye of him as a protagonist, simply beautiful track.
@@VLikaru It was definitely a weird moveset for sure. The rekkas are there but not as prominent and he now has a sort of charge up/counter move.
not only that
this is also the song
when he was replaced by k dash
which he pass the torch to k dash
Jesus. you UNDASTAND. (Beni always lookin' out for his buds; and worried. "Swish Face" be damned.)
Everytime I end up in this video, I come here for your comment. It sets the vibe perfectly for me.
Weird stuff, but hey, thanks!
I know it's hard to believe.
But this song brings me memories of 2011 ...
My father had a serious stroke and was in the hospital for 3 months.
So on the first day of August, my sister came into my room and said crying, "He's gone .."
I was just listening to this song called "TEARS".
And in the last goodbye I could give him, it was only my tears and thank him that he was the best father in the world for me.
Sorry for my bad English. I'm from Brazil.
Meus pêsames. A música tem um certo saudosismo na melodia mas também passa um espírito de luta, de continuar trilhando o caminho com garra e coragem apesar das tristezas da vida.
Makes sense because this phase of the Kyo nests is a little bit gothic
Historia tocante, isso passa... ele está em um lugar melhor agora... e que raro um fã de kof br
Deus o tenha, parceiro.
After checking the story and soundtrack, this theme is just incredible. It is better when Kyo starts a fight burning his headband, starting anew.
Hex Maniac greatest fight intro ever
Yeah I love his intro sequence in 99
You could say aside from starting anew, you could say he wants to put himself differently after being aware of his clones.
@Dong Phan Because of his new style,i guess,or maybe to symbolize a "New Kyo".
@@ccccklmrun8868 It's to differentiate himself from the clones, he all had head bands. That or he wanted to not get involved with high school.
The best Kyo design and best Kyo theme. An absolute masterpiece.
I disagree, I think his 2003 design is the best.
@@yurionedge2199 i disagree, nests design imo is vastly superior
@@Goatgeta2000 I strongly disagree on that.
@@yurionedge2199 yes, 2003 is hands down his best design, so good it was reused on XI XII XIII and now XV
@@davetorres3906 He actually had a slightly different outfit in XII and XIII
I remember the first time I heard this song, when I completed the story mode with an official team, after I defeated Krizalid I thought I was going to see the ending, but then, unexpectedly, Kyo appeared as a hidden boss and then this theme started. That was truly an epic moment.
you telling me got damn Kusanagi is the Jewel of SNK 😭
add Kyo before Kusanagi man
now it's Rock Howard.
Rock Howard is my fav
LOLxHP-Principal Alicinia I look forward to a bout with you.....
Kyo is such an incredible character. His arc isn't much more complex than other FG protags if at all, but yet I always think we can feel so much more of him thru his personality, quotes, animation and music. Characters in KOF are thought out in a way that still feels unmatched by fg contemporaries.
Tears really does best capture Kyo’s personality, generally mellow and cool, but fierce and fiery when necessary. He’ll help fight against evil, but more than anything he just wants to do his own thing.
You described it perfectly!!!
Saddest and the most epic theme in SNK ever
you can say that agin
arashi no saxophone 2 >>>>> (its personal)
Couldn't use any word to describe how I agree on it anymore...
@@kyuu76 Tch, an Iori fanboy.
@@noahkeenan2021 i changed my mind😎 goodbye esaka >>>
This song represents the end of an age.......
no that was "Goodbye Esaka"
Robbie Straschewski well put 👍 team Japan all day!!!!
Passing the torch to K'
It’s ok he took the torch back after the NESTs arc lol
I FOUND YOU. I Know for any future viewer seeing this comment be weird. I Heard this track as a MIDI in a Doom Wad called Drown in Blood. The MIDI ver sounded so awesome and Loved it but I knew it HAD to be based on something and not custom made. That was back in 2009... its 2022 AND FINALLY. I FOUND YOU. Beautiful Track :D
yooo? doom wads always be flexing radicool midis
i recall there's a midi of this song on a site called "dokidoki" something
@ShoHidari it's always funny all of the years playing skulltag/zandronum of so many single player and multi-player wads and found so many songs from so many games I never knew. Like a lot of Megaman x games. Or discovering Dragonforce from a old rocket jumping map in midi form. It's amazing xD
damn, holy shit that fucking rules i'm happy for you hell yeah
I love it when you are on a quest for that special midi track or piece of music you heard that one time from random game or crack etc, then you finnaly find it, its like THE best kinda scratch to and never ending itch
Only someone whom lived a moment of fury when you can only cry being unable to do anything can understand the depth of that music. The storm is coming. Behold my thunder.
This theme really was one the best Kyo ever had. When I first played 99 I was bummed Kyo wasn't in it. Imagine my surprise after beating Krizalid Kyo appears and this song starts blasting. It was like the theme was saying "The Hero is back and he ain't going nowhere."
Even though Kyo may be a fictional person. I feel like he's speaking to us through this track, like you can feels his sadness, and his deep burning rage within his heart... (no pun intended I swear!)
Hehe, Moetaro.
What do you mean by pun?
Gamer AnimeTV "Burning rage within his heart"... You should get it xD
I don't get it still... please do explain it to me....😊
This, right here, is the pinnacle of fighting game soundtracks and the main reason KoF '99 has my favorite video game soundtrack.
>50 tracks in Smash and none of them are this
only dreams now...
Considering Kyo is not entering Smash, so yeah Esaka is all we can got. Plus, Sakurai is leaning more to Iori than Kyo.
@@lucaswibisono1316 I dunno about that, Sakurai is definitely an Iori fan, but music-wise we got ESAKA!! ('96 remix from '02UM), Esaka Continues, and Yappari ESAKA. Iori themes only got Stormy Saxophone 2 but it's a brand new Smash remix so maybe that counts just as much.
I mostly just meant it as a "no tears, only dreams now" joke reference.
I see. Yeah, its weird how Iori only got one music and that's only his 96 theme.
Real TEARS.....
@@BronzeAgePepper i would prefer Tears instead of YappariESAKA
Tears for the end of the millennium.
Now, tears for the end of the World...
@@rayitodeluna5246 yeah...i don't think that the world will gonna end for a virus...
@@greynolander i wish
if it did that would be very sad in a humiliating way
The world going to end not by corona virus, but by the vaccine producers , I don’t trust in this new vaccine they gonna give us ...
Un tema de la despedida de una era de oro.... la despedida de lo 90s
Long Live to the Original SNK and their Neo Sound Orchestra
You mean the time when their current producer was still a programmer? I still think there's room for improvement, but SNK is BACK, baby!!!
One of the best things EVER😭 so many good memories come to my mind.
*manly crying* damn right..... :'3
2016 and still listening to this.
king of fighters.
We can all have mame and roms hehe.
Hellbelial you still suck yagami
Final Burn Alpha for life
MAME is awesome, but I've always preferred FBA for Neo Geo stuff.
Daniel Fuller answer this can I get buriki one and kizuna encounter on fba?
Kizuna Encounter, yes. Buriki One, no. Just about any classic Neo Geo game you want, with or without patches and mods, working flawlessly, yes. It's been a while since I gave MAME a go and maybe things are different, but ever since I tried SVC Hyper Chaos in MAME and then in FBA, I've been a believer.
The part after 1:40, symbolizing Kyo's overcoming of sorrow and his mental growth, evokes deep thoughts.
Every time I hear this theme I can't help but to think of Kyo as a shell of his former self.... well, that and the beginning of the end for SNK.
more than 20 years listening it... i will never get tired of it
This music made me shed a manly tear of nostalgia.
"Tears" is not only the name of this great song, it is also the tears that flow from my eyes every time I listen to it...
I always use Kyo everytime I play KOF 99. And I always hear this. It's so beautiful and sometimes I cried. Love you Tears.
Arguably the best theme in the KOF series.
i think there's more great themes out there.... like control crisis
Fairy is the best one.
In the CG Animated KOF Series "KOF Destiny" they use a different rendition of this song for the credits and it's still beautifully handled. :)
NeoJax I'd say it's still this one. Don't know another character theme that fits their personality, makes fighting feirce, but also conveys strong emotions. The original Neo Geo Performance Group knew exactly what they were doing.
OROCHI CYS was the best.
I think it was a good decision to keep Kyo and Iori as secret hidden fighters in 99. For me, with 99 as my first KoF and SNK game, it made both characters more special and memorable.
Yeah, it's also Arc related... cause they're supossed to be missing though
I understand that SNK wanted to pass the torch to a new protagonist but outright removing Kyo and Iori was pretty ballsy and wouldn't have worked out well (considering the reception of 99s location tests which didn't have either character avaliable)
Having these characters as secret bosses is the perfect way to demonstrate Kyo as the 'old guard', the original hero who's on a personal journey while testing the new kids along the way to see if they are worthy to carry the torch
Segundo a revista que eu tinha, os dois iam serem removidos, mas, a SNK pensou demais nesta possibilidade, então e apenas, os afastaram do Host Principal inicialmente e dificultaram nossas vidas pra habilitar, tanto que raramente, eu encontrava máquinas, só com o Iori habilitado. Vim a jogar com o Kyo em KOF99, no Playstation 1, no Arcade, nunca.
This is my second favorite Kyo theme. Tears is amazing. (Goodbye Esaka is my first favorite)
***** no olvide Blaze de KOF 2003
Goodbye Esaka Is Arguably A Great Song to Kyo
But i Would Listen To Esaka Sometimes
And 94 esaka remake from kof 98.
@Call Me *MC* esaka forever is criminally underrated along with funky Esaka.
This theme symbolised SNK's fall from the gaming scene. only to be revived by SNK PLAYMORE and it all went outhill from that point on :c
***** That was kinda what I meant.
+Arche-Type Earth I agree. I think this music reflects the moment they're experiencing. They knew the company was doing very bad and that the end was near. For me, this music represents the company's hard times , it has nothing to do with the kyo's story.
Good news: SNK just went back to its original SNK name and plans to revive other series.
Roldan Celestino REALLY?!
Plus many of the original programmers of Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury worked in KOF XIV.
In other words, good ol' SNK is back, bro.
2015.....still cant get enough of this song.
Benimaru: "saa main evento!" That other guy in the back ground just like... could i should i.. do the unh's & yea's! Ooh.. iori's gonna kill me.
Lightning Bolt shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup omg
this is timeless. one of the best songs in gaming history. period.
try 2018. revisiting and it killed me lol
2016 Original Snk never forget!!
Amazing song!
The King Of Fighters forever!!!
When the invitation letter to Smash from Sakurai dodges Kyo.
I think same bro
BILOSzX me too
Sendy Lie Its because when this year happend Kyo was kidnapped and experimented on by NESTS and thats where all the clones came from. I feel this song is not only his sadness but his building rage towards everything plus the lose of his flames really hits him hard so he developed 524 Shiki: Kamukura- (A forbiden technique, I'm going on off all the chinese comic I got as well so I might be wrong XD)
Regardless it's a great theme and shows lots of emtion
Nigel Blackman this explains why k' had a similar flames to kyo, as nests put kyo's dna into k.
There you go the reason of the title: 'Tears'.
glorious. epic. legendary. melancholy. the best.
If there's any song that personifies the spirit of KOF, it's this one. God bless this franchise and SNK.
I fell in love with this theme the first time I had heard it. They should have added this theme as Kyo's main theme for KOF 15.
I’d be so on board for DLC bonus tracks
Goodbye esaka is a good track but this song is legendary
We need it to be this arranged version too
Yes , it's true .
I never noticed the piano in the beginning is playing the motif from Esaka. Mind blown.
+tokyobassist Je je yeah its from esaka... its kind nostalgic
Lol it was the very first thing that made me dig this one
Did you realize that this motif in a slightly lower key can represent Kyo growing, maturing and leaving behind those school boy years?
@@NegoClau even if he is forever a school boy~
These guys really put some effort on making this music i read that for them this was really a nostalgic end of an era thats why they give the best composing and playing this ast.
This song tells me things like "you've gone too far to give up" which makes me keep going
Les deseo de corazón, un muy feliz 2017 a todos los koferos de la vieja escuela y también a los de la nueva generación.
Nothing Toxic y ahora un feliz 2018 🤘🏻
Nothing Toxic Koferos? Wtf, queda raro, igual, feliz año!
Se viene el Kof xv :3
@@blanquimusic y ahora un feliz 2019 🤘
@@@felix8e729 Jajaja :0 quien lo diria, los años pasan y estas rolas siguen sonando en mi vida
aun sigue siendo perfecto hasta ahora no importan los años que pasen todas las generaciones la escucharan...
Concepts, moods, characters, sadness all 10/10
Esta canción me trae muchos recuerdos, aunque sea un juego me sentí identificado con su personaje, además que siempre lo elegía a la hora de pelear. También en es tiempo estaba pasando por unos momentos algo difíciles, y escuchar esta canción me levantaba mucho el ánimo, además que cuando kyo al inicio de la batalla se sacaba su banda y la quemaba dando fin y comienzo de una nueva etapa (igual como me pasó) 👍 👏 💪
this song represents not only a new kyo but the sadness of snk bankrupcing...they were in a brink of the end and they knew it...kof 99 through 2001 had so much love from the devs and it shows in the art and music.
I discovered this song during my father's recovery from a traumatic brain injury that had spawned due to Brain Cancer. I can feel the pain and grief this song delivers.
Oh si !!! con solo escuchar el tema.... sientes las llamas en las manos
bien dicho
Kusanagi Kyo es el protagonista absoluto de KOF
Lastima que de Kof 99 a la 2002 fuera reemplazado por K'.
Igual, los 2 son de lo mejorcito en cuanto a protagonistas.
@@onecaleb9741 (Y despues aparentemente por Ash?)
Y ahora Shun'ei
Kevin Fonseca Shun’ei es un asco
@@onecaleb9741 2002 no tiene protagonismo es solo aniversario
No other fighting game protagonist can be as great as Kyo.
K' 😉
@@ClintSky-ee8xbKyo the best
@@Pedro-yj3usAs you say, Kid 😂
@@ClintSky-ee8xb and now they both also Ash own team legendary heroes
Ditto. I've seen all many protagts. They all lack the charisma that Kyo has.
Cada vez que veía a kyo quemar su cinta me ponía triste.
Siempre lo digo al escuchar esto siento como si kyo se estaría despidiendo.... Kof por siempre 💓
Because the SHIN KYO deserved that so much.
Totally fitting, a true symphony!
Wendler Christian Soares shin kyo kusanagi 😊
This is why I always say not all music is something you have to dance to. Although I'm not against that kind of music, I will say tracks like these are songs that you feel. I feel so many kinds of emotions when I listen to the song. Those emotions are sadness, anger, and joy all-in-one song. Thank you so much smk for producing such an awesome track.
KOF 99 definitely has my favorite KOF OST. Tears, Sadistic Eyes, WW3, KD0074, Way to Rebirth, just a lot of hits imo.
nekomarulupin KD-0079*
For a song called "tears", it feels more like there's a shit ton of "hope" and "happyness". I just freaking love this song, as it gives me hopes for a happy future!
Ludovick Lubérisse really? To me it's more about real sadness and anger, rage.
Man doesn't matter how long time passes, this theme still delivers, definitely one of the best in my opinion
And the perfect thing is that the name of the song is the same thing it gives you..... TEARS
Hard to believe I listened to this song for the first time more than 20 years ago. Best theme in the KOF soundtracks.
This kyo is the coolest kyo in any iteration. Secret characters and new moveset. His moveset is more or less the same as his 96-97 but with a little twist. Roundhouse kick instead of weird leap-kick as his aragami followup (125 shiki nanase) and shiki hikigane which sent the foe flying
KOF 99 has one of the best OST of the series imo.
It's 2024. And I'm here again. I love you, Kyo Kusanagi.
I always loved that during this era of Kyo clones in the storyline -- before the fight starts Kyo holds his old bandana in his hands then sets it on fire before the fight begins, separating himself from the clones copying his style.
And wear it backs in kof 15 😂.. They should at least gave the clones this outfit rather than wearing the original outfit.
Tremendo rolón
Uno de los mejores temas de todo KOF
Essa música me faz sentir tantas coisas, por isso até hj é meu toque do smartphone.
Kkkk precisa ser tanto assim ? Chegar a esse ponto ?
@@sabedoriaelazer1030 ????? Tá carente?
Esaka 94: The Legend was born
Funky Esaka 95: The Journey Continues
Esaka? 96: The rise of the Hero
Esaka 97: The end of story
Esaka Forever: The farewell of The Hero
Tears: The Downfall of the Hero
Goodbye Esaka: The Rebirth of The hero
Flame of Invincibility: The Hero Come Back
Blaze: A new journey appears
New Order: Time to face The Evil
Esaka Continues: The definitive return
Yappari Esaka: A New Age.
Fictious or Real: Heroes Reunited
Edit: Woahhh, thanks for all
That "Esaka?" keyboard in a slightly lower key, representing him entering adulthood... Like the voice getting lower and thicker... POWERFUL!!!!
This is a masterpiece.
This theme rocked the end of my adolescence and the beginning of my adult life ... good times,my favorite theme shot!. 🥰😍🤩 ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️ ♥ ️
Imagine if this track was used for the reveal of Kyo in Smash Ultimate, I will be so down for it.
We almost had it 😭
@@Dvariak we almost had it but then Terry said "BUSTAH WOLF!"
You know guys Terry don't deserve the theme of esaka,that is not even his theme it belongs to kyo,they just don't respect kyo
@@pao-ulul7475 I don't really think respect is the problem here bud.
Mike Inrigan Well, his spirit is there along with his cameo in the KoF stadium. The Terry pack has a lot of huge respect for everything SNK, especially the other KoF characters. And hey, I’ll rather take it over Kyo (I wanted him in anyways, but I’m happy regardless for SNK).
Men i had tears in my eyes 😢
Nostalgia and memories...
KOF '99 🔥
Im so glad he has iori as a rival because this song just proves how much kyo will never stop fighting for his own reasons.
Es tan épica y triste a la vez
Por qué triste bro,que pasa con Kyo después ?
@@Tumamagringa1Verlo en solitario es triste, y que queme su banda muestra un claro simbolismo, además que eran tiempos oscuros para SNK
This song and this character strikes such an important chord in my life.
It's arguably one of the best osts in history.... congrats SNK
it is top 10 imo
No matter how many times I listen to it, it's still beautiful
Se me eriza la piel de emocion cuando escucho esa cancion a todo volumen!
The way he burn his headband is really awesome and sad
Cause he want to give us a proof that he's not a clone and that he's the real we all know 😢
First time i played KOF 99,i remember i was very sad that my favourite KOF charchter kyo wasn't in the roster and then i played with hero team with K' and when i beated krizled then i was socked cause kyo showed up and i beated him then i find him in the main roster.
Oh those days can't comeback 🙄😔
essa música... simplesmente maravilhosa fez superar uma depressão tremenda, ar de tristeza e q da pra continua msm nos piores momento me motiva querer vive simplesmente incrível. Só tenho agradecer a snk por esse jogo lindo e por ter essas músicas fantásticas vai sempre mora no meu coração ❤ agradeço por vive por ve coisas linda como esse jogo. Nunca pensei q um game poderia muda minha vida...
Jogaço! Jogo desde 94 nos fliperamas. E agora continuo na versão mobile, que é extremamente viciante, Kof 98 um ol. E força sempre!!
Siempre que me siento triste, vuelvo a este video, semejante tema de kyo siempre será uno de los mejores de cualquier videojuego jamas creado ♥️
I play this when I feel down, I can keep going on, and so can you brothers in gaming ! Be strong this 2021
This song slaps, 14 years later and still going strong. I used to love this game in the arcade🤙🏽
Kyo may have thought his time fighting was over once Orochi was sealed away again. However, tears is a way of him expressing his concern if Yuki is still alive and how violated he feels that NESTS us
ed his body to create clones of him for world domination.
He redeemed himself though after he and Iori defeated Igniz.
I remember when we used to fight against Kyo (well if we got enough battle points to fight against him), we used to be silent the entire fight so we can just heard this track.
Also happy 22nd anniversary KOF '99
When Terry gets more love by SNK than you:
Je viens de la France je jouer à ce jeu depuis kof 97 et j'ai aimé ce jeu the king of fighters pour toujours
En este momento de su vida, Kyo ya se siente desgastado por la actividad heroica y desea tener una vida normal y pasar la antorcha a otros, asumo que por eso el track suena así XD. Afortunadamente para el aparecen nuevos héroes que toman la rienda, en este juego y en los siguientes dos tenemos a K y a su equipo conformado por Kula y Máxima, y después Ash y su equipo. En algún momento supongo que Shingo lo sucederá a el, puesto que parece ser que consiguio la flama por si mismo, lo que lo hace muchas veces más talentoso que el y el Iori de fantasia, sería el indicado XD
Esse tema é show de bola, mas foi bem escolhido para a epoca..pq Kyo na verdade iria morrer em KOF 97 junto com iori, e na volta em 99 acho q seria um tema pra relembrar os anos de ouro dele nos KOFS anteriores, a musica em si da uma sensação de tristeza
Considere o fato de que ele foi capturado e submetido a experimentos científicos/biológicos, tudo isso durante sua inconsciência. Isso certamente acrescenta tristeza no que você falou.
porra, exato, sensação de tristeza, mas sei lá, não uma tristeza de coisa ruim, mas tipo, sei la, igual falaram ai acima, essa musica parece q expressa a sensacao ruim q td mundo ficou qndo kof deixou de ser kof e foi pra mao dos koreias. parece q marca o fim da era de ouro
Essa musica foi feita pra representar o fim da SNK. E 2001 quando declararam falencia.
Um sensação de ( foi bom em quanto durou) triste porém linda. Épica
A primeira vez que eu ouvi essa musica, eu não sabia da história do Kyo no ano de 99 ,mas dava pra imaginar que não era algo bom, pela sensação de tristeza da música . A introdução dele queimando a faixa que usava na cabeça por anos me fez imaginar que, pela música e essa atitude, ele teria se tornado alguma espécie de anti-herói ou vilão que não queria /podia lembrar mais o passado ou ficar perto dos antigos amigos ou que estava buscando novos rumos e queria permanecer sozinho.... Por mais que hoje eu saiba a história, eu sempre imagino algum tipo de “ mudança “ , solitude e busca por novos rumos... Aliás, o nome dela “ lágrimas “ me faz imaginar aquela sensação quando sentimos nostalgia e nosso passado não volta mais , mas mesmo assim devemos nos manter firmes por um propósito, mesmo que sozinhos diante da solidão e dificuldade .
Forever a legendary work of art
I call this theme "ABSOLUTE NOSTALGIA"
This is "Stairway to Heaven" for gamers. ^_^
Strider Reborn Well this theme is a hybrid of Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Dream Theater and Deep Purple.
@@stainedclassv0114 No, it's not.
For those in the FGC, at least...
Strong and sublime.
este es el mejor temas de todos que kyo alla obtenido
One of the best OSTs ever made.
This track is also in KOF All Stars when you face Kyo at the end of the 1999 story mode. I lost my shit when I heard it
And he's a fucking headache in expert mode.
gives me the feeling when you are defeated. Acceptinf the defeat and you are having a conversation with your friend about what are you going to do next.
Despues que los clones Kyo le robaron el tema al original....
Kyo: aquí esta mi nuevo tema musical, escúchenlo y admiren, bitches...
Iori: música mas triste, pareces que terminantes con Yuki.
Kyo: ...YAGAMI!!!!!!
es gracioso por que es verdad :"v
se la quito el clon con sus memorias y quedo como que umm wacha sayy
jajaja si es cierto
Lagrimas el mejor Tema para la pelea!
Grande, Adelheid.
este tema es el que mas me gusta de kyo x3 amos todos los ost de kyo :,3
Esos buenos tiempos de la antigua SNK.
2020 Sigue siendo una obra maestra.
En 2021 👌🏼👌🏼
This theme cannot and will not get old...
No se, pero, creo que The King of Fighters se niega a morir a pesar de las calamidades que ha sufrido por las cuestiones que muchos ya sabemos, y bueno, espero y el KOF XIV llegue a ser tan bueno como sus predecesores, o al menos que sea digno de hacer recordar esos buenos tiempos cuando todos se amontonaban a echar la reta. Y bueno, este tema si que es muy bueno, me trae buenos recuerdos.
creo yo su principal falla fue el haberse estancando con los mismos personajes, bien pudo seguirlos conservando y mejorando como lo venia haciendo pero la verdad debió continuar agregando mas de sus franquicias pues esa fue la escencia de kof el hacer un torneo de peleadores de sus videojuegos. es decir el crossover fue lo que realmente nos deslumbro y de pronto dejo de hacer.
De hecho fue Kof 2000 el ultimo juego de snk antes de declararse en banca rota,por eso wl tema de Kyo se llama Good bye esaka.
Remember when Kyo was so broken you needed a code just to pick him
he was pretty broken in kof 99 with the auto parry (HCB+LK)
don't know why they removed it and never give him that move again
0:36 I want to cry but no tears will come
I have cried them dry...
Tears comes out.
If those weren't Sadistic Eyes.
Robbie Straschewski OH, NO!!!
Jade Rabbit where's the kool-aid man when you need him?
Robbie Straschewski Drinking Hot Kool-Aid?
1:29 is definitely the best part of the track.