Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
Absolutely! It's the top judging downward! They believe their life as more important that a common man, and even though man people might believe that, that is clearly not the case according to the Creator who gave us all the right to defend ourselves! If a buck deer is attacked by a mountain lion he is certainly afforded the right to stab the lion with his antlers. I'm with you, if New Yorkers can't CC then those justices against it should have to go about without personal security!
@@martenkrueger8647 the same as they justify the murder of the innocent unborn, that now number over fifty million and whose voices cry out to heaven for vengence against the US for the unjust taking their lives. Think of this if you are you pagans, and remember in the soon to come warning, when you see your soul as God shows you how HE sees it! Satan will tell you it is only mass hysteria, but now you have been shown otherwise.
@@larrytischler570 AMEN Larry ! As a 65 year old adopted man ,I have to say you nailed it ! The rath that is coming down from our Creator for the killing of His children will be mind blowing to say the least .
The Second Amendment itself has a caveat, which, thanks to Scalia, is conveniently dropped from consideration when speaking of this Constitutional Right. My layman's interpretation of the Amendment is that WITHIN THE CONFINES OF A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, a person's right to bear arms shall not be impeded. SCOTUS' decision to create a right out of negative is wrongly decided in my opinion. That said, any person (subject to legal restrictions prescribed by law, ie. being a felon) having the right to bear arms without impingement is a corrupting of the text as written. Once the case law disregarded the (within the confines of a well regulated militia) portion of the law, it wasn't long before the NRA flooded courts with cases to firm up the legal right to bear arms with virtually no federal restrictions, and then came the "stand your ground" doctrine that now virtually allows for the using of a fire arm in any situation where the shooter feels like there may be a threat coming from someone else. Imagine a bar and, where in the past there would just be a fist fight in the parking lot where everyone goes home, one of them with a black eye, but now, that guy doesn't go home, he rides in the ambulance to the coroners office. And thanks to the Rittenhouse decision, (which was correct given how the law was written in the state he was charged, so I don't want to hear anything about liberal tears) ANY fear the carrier of the firearm experienced at the time of the shooting, no matter the circumstances or the ill advised behaviour of the shooter to place himself in a situation where the shooter only needs to feel fear the moment before pulling the trigger is now good law. So we have gone from the Second Amendment preventing militia members from getting in trouble for carrying firearms during the war of Independence when they were recruiting just about anyone to help fight the British, with about 5 minutes of training, and repeating this during the civil war, and they were referring to the weapons available at the time which were barely fatal at the time, and if they had the medical help of today, would almost never be fatal. We have gone from that to having the right to rip apart a human being with a weapon designed for war for looking dangerous who gave you the side eyes and you were scared because he or she looked, I don't know, black? I meant threatening, we will cover racism in another short post later. The point I would like to make is that one decision can lead to a right that dropped the condition that was relevant at the time the Constitution was written, and through manipulation by actors who have an interest in selling "arms", has been expanded to such an absurd degree that it isn't crazy to think that a future where anyone will have the legal right to have any weapon, carry it anywhere and use it in any situation without penalty. There are big interests who are working to that end, and the law has been happy to obliged so far. So much for being a Textualist eh Scalia?
The only thing this governmental judges can do is interpret what the public law reads, but only the creator of such call law, is the only one to speak what the law truly reads, .
@@katim2644 A right can not be regulated. Or it's not a right in the first place. ARMS; Weapons of war. At the time it was enacted the Second Amendment applied to all types of arms, it still does today, and was specifically intended to guarantee that private citizens could never be outgunned by the government. Anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or lying. The fact that we still have our guns is the only reason the left has not made a Cuba or Venezuela out of America. Any limit on the weapon of choice is a Constitutional violation. The 2nd uses the term 'ARMS.' When the Constitution was written, the definition of 'ARMS' was and still is 'weapons of war.' 'ARMS' is a non-technical term that does not exclude weapons of the future any more than the 1st amendment can be used to exclude the Iphone's new technology. The Constitution is not a technical document. Technology changes. The Constitution was written to address the failings in human nature because there will always be corrupt liberals looking to enslave the rest of US. The 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles, pistols, or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT. The technology of the firearm is irrelevant. The restrictions on the government remain the same, regardless of the firearm. The Second Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms. It forbids government interference in the right to keep and bear arms, period. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This also applies to the other 'Rights'. They are not granted, they stipulate inherent rights form our creator that the government may not prohibit. In the whole of the Constitution, the term 'the people' refers to individual rights. A well regulated Militia (legal to practiced and drilled as a group even on the town green), being necessary to the security of a free State (to fight tyranny when needed), the right (God-given right as observed by the Constitution) of the people (in the whole document 'the people' refers to the individual's rights) to keep (buy, possess) and bear (carry, enforce the Constitution) Arms (weapons of war, any weapon, same definition then and now), shall not be infringed (the government shall not make or allow other gun laws). We the people have the right to any weapon, that we may practice openly in groups with said weapons of war and the government can be shot in the face for the un-Constitutional act of trying to limit our access to our weapon of choice. Liberals need English lessons. One sentence of three statements and liberals read it in dumbass. Both paragraphs above say the same thing. ARMS: weapons of war; fully automatic rifles (AK-47 with an under-barrel grenade launcher), rocket launchers, tanks, armed aircraft, and even nuclear weapons. Because local, state, and federal troops would never fire on the people protecting their rights, a show of force would cause the corrupt liberals to back down. We could rout the oath breakers right in front of congress without firing a single shot. Pull the un-Constitutional law or we will be camping out in your front yard. The militia brought 32,000 to march with 64,000 guns with mags that held more than ten bullets (only 15,000 were AR-15) to the governor's mansion in Virginia and there was no violence, no burning, no looting, and no litter in the streets. We kept our guns and the governor kept his mouth shut and we stayed off his front lawn.
@@rmdlgarcia Nah dude you’re taking it too far. Probably automatic rifles and maybe even some vehicles of war are ok as long as they don’t have too over-the-top weapons, but the Founders never could have predicted nukes. It’s way too far to suggest that everyday people could own such a weapon, just consider for a second how easily middle eastern extremists could get ahold of one. All you do is fuel fear of guns when you suggest that John Doe should be able to buy a nuke.
@@guydunn5354 That was not the point. But you are right, we would only need the guns. But I could see the use of drones and even armed ones to fight government tyranny. But this time it won't be required because the wheels of justice are grinding on. I expect the required audits to be done by next month and the puppet and whore will be swept out like yesterday's trash. The resulting one day riot will be put down hard by martial law with shoot to kill orders issued for any looting, burning or violence. Americans will be able to shoot the Democrats on their front lawn threatening to kill them. The guns that the bad guys get are mostly because the CIA ran guns to them. biden just gave Hamas $300,000,000 and what did the terrorist organization do with the money? With in a week they were lobbing missiles at Israel. I remember berry obama putting thousands of fully automatic weapons on the streets and some lame excuse of "We lost track of them." The Benghazi cover up was about CIA gun running. It seems Ambassador Stevens was the only State Department person there at the compound. His job was to hold the door for the CIA guys running the guns. Stevens died all alone hiding in the abandoned embassy of smoke inhalation with no security of any kind. To the Secretary of State, Stevens was expendable. In the end the group berry was helping to creating, ISIS, stabbed berry in the back.
@@earlenepeyton6654 are you pretending as if you’re unaware that one must acquire a pistol permit? And some ppl are denied this permit for the slightest infraction
I have heard that. I live in Jackson, GA. Is it true that Kennesaw basically requires citizens of the city to have a firearm in their home? I think that is awesome.
@@p8triotmode A home is a special place and must be protected from invasion ( I'm a licensed owner of guns and responsible ). The crust of the matter, people don't have faith in a locality, a state, a Federal government for their "General Welfare" as stated in the Constitution otherwise there would be no need to petition the Supreme Court. Is the law-abiding to the people when the people fear unwarranted harm to them. They can't give you a sense of safety, the people can't help the world is mad.
@@phoenixx8479 you have to fight to keep or take back your god given rights. Democrats have the full time job to take them away and manipulate everyone's life.
see, this is why we need bipolar people out of politics, You don't suddenly be like I'm a good guy, and fuck it, now i'm gonna be a bad guy because I have a gun, this is 3rd grade Recess thinking. Whoever has the gun can become a Tyrant.
Yes people are both good and angry and sick of living in this tyranny where it's do as I say not do as I do . Some of those creeps have bodyguards and no doubt those bodyguards are packing heat . The tyrants need to be imprisoned
@Ddd Kkk And MOST people who have been diagnosed as bipolar are NOT bipolar . How is it even possible that we all know someone who is bipolar or has a family member who is bipolar ?... all of a sudden it's like HALF the population is bipolar ... oh really ? No , not buying it . There was an excellent video a year or two ago on TED Talks we're gentlemen was talking about the difference between Western psychology ( psychiatry ) and Eastern medicine as well as indigenous diagnosis and healing . He was right on the MONEY ... AHHEMMM . And those other cultures recognize that some people who seem off-the-wall are actually HIGHLY ARTISTIC , GIFTED , and CREATIVE .... and not ' crazy ' . All of the healing which is a true oxymoron here in the WEST , especially in America is all fueled by the GREED of b i G p HARM ya And more and more people are starting to realize it ; but I knew it years ago and stopped taking that crap long ago ... I don't do any of THEIR ANTIBIOTICS , and not even aspirin . Everything I use is ALL-NATURAL , mostly from the Indian Grocers and some from the Chinese Grocers ... products that have been used for THOUSANDS OF YEARS ... and dirt CHEAP ... no prescription necessary .
The black robes were NEVER intended to be the “end all” of constitutional prerogative. If you want a history lesson of the USA then please note that we became a free nation because citizens had guns.
@@gardensofthegods Yes. It's ridiculous what is happening to our country. Weakened, mocked and laughed at. They have took our energy independence, lost jobs, revenue while enriching our enemies. I can't help but believe we will be restored to the great super power the fore fathers envisioned us and we were not long ago. One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Our veterans and military are strapped with the vaxed mandate. They must take it or veterans with cancer cannot receive treatment even if it's their chemo, says Resident TaliBiden! Troops must be discharged dishonorably and denied religious exemptions. They fought for the very freedom being denied them. The right to choose. You can choose abortion but you can't decide to be vaxed or not even against religious beliefs without being dishonorably discharged. I read that today and it really disturbed me. I'm not anti vaxed, I think people should choose what they believe is best for them. We now have a large percentage of vaxed citizens and Covid numbers are as high as last year except Florida. They have the lowest number of cases in America! Go figure. Wow! Let's go Brandon! Watch this video, search Cruz, Biden extorts Egypt or Cruz, Biden boosts the Muslim brotherhood. It's a secret. The Biden admins is attempting a quid pro quo againt our ally, Egypt by withholding 131 million $ aid money, demanding to release 16 prisoners. 5 names surfaced in an appropriations report linked to this extortion. They are Muslim brotherhood extremists. The administration is keeping it secret from Congress and American citizens. The names can be read privately down in a skiff but aren't allowed to tell anyone. Shameful. It's disheartening. Reminiscent of the Obama Biden pallets of cash that were hidden from Congress and Americans. Pray for our country. Thanks. Bless you as well.
@@georgiagirl1961 yes I agree with you and that's why the scumbag TYRANTS need to be IMPRISONED ... they are TRAITORS to AMERICA . Yes I did see something about that quid-pro-quo thing you're talkin about ... I didn't get to spend as much time looking at it as I wanted to ; but will probably do that sometime tomorrow . I know , it's just ABSOLUTELY SICKENING and HEARTBREAKING what's been going on in THIS COUNTRY . THIS is NOT AMERICA .
That has always been the question when you get into an argument. And the answer, among many, is why the restriction or the prohibition on the infringement?
@Mor MacFey Yes , I agree with you and I hear you my friend ... and the tyrants need to be imprisoned . People have had enough of living with this tyranny .
It's absurd of the govt to think somehow they can block a criminal from possessing something that has a population greater than 3 times it's human population. Goes to show these beaurocrats live in a DC bubble. Their efforts with gun laws are like trying to limit certain people from buying furniture, it's out there and everywhere, and it's not going extinct to certain people just because some elites with a govt title think they can control it.
In nj if someone breaks in your home, you are required to find a way outside and call the police. Not kidding! In other words if you can’t get outside , you dye and if you use a 🔫 to defend against an assilant YOU go to prison!!! Of course, if you want to leave nj you have to pay an exit fee!!!
Amen! Listening to this is so discouraging. But reading the comments is so encouraging! We the people must organize and band together to fight corrupt government and corrupt politicians. "Is it too late?" is my only question.
@@leifleoden5464 Oh, but there is, it's called impeachment, but Congress rarely considers it. Also, the Constitution says, "The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour..." [From Article III, Section 1, of The Constitution of the United States of America]
The constitution is not etched in stone. By its very nature it MUST be a living document to be ratified and changed. Thankfully, someone like you will never sit on SCOTUS.
@@OmniMale The word "living" in this reference triggers two kinds of people on opposite sides: Those who want to change the Constitution capriciously to suit their agenda and remake America into a socialist country; and those who believe it has eternal principles that can never be changed. Take away the Bill of Rights, and recognizing that the Constitution was ratified without it, I would agree with you to a certain extent. But... Since the Constitution itself says that an amendment "shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified," and the Bill of rights was composed of ten amendments which were ratified early on, and that the Constitution itself would not have been ratified by the States without the promise of amending it immediately, the Bill of Rights being a list of God-given rights, that makes certain parts of the Constitution immutable on the eyes of many. Hence, the distrust by most Americans for those who refer to the Constitution as a "living" document. And rightly so, imo.
@@masterofnow1 They are saying we don't owe anything to our government. If anything they owe us, to do their jobs and to protect our inalienable rights!
DOES NOT APPLY when citizens willingly are 14th Amendment citizens who ARE, "Subject(s)" of Congress. Subject = Slave. Never before the 14th Amendment was the word "Subject" ever used. as in, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". Subject = Slave DON'T believe their hype and investigate whether the 14th Amendment was truthfully and Lawfully Ratified. This transforms your Natural Right (inalienable rights) to "Privileges" and subject to Congress. It is being skirted at around 4:25 and touches on it for an additional 2-3 minutes. EXPATRIATION from their Illegitimate system is what must be done to regain your Natural Rights. They've made 14th Amendment citizenship Contractual (private law). Have you ever signed a Governmental Form? That's Your CONTRACT into 14th Amendment Citizenship!!! Common Law vs "Their" PRIVATE LAW system under their 14th Amendment system. Their Private Law IS Not Our Constitutional Law!! They are arguing their Private Law! You Merely Have "Privileges" as a 14th Amendment citizen, Privlidges granted by Congress. ONLY Slaves have Privileges. BUT, are contractually and is willfull by agreeing to be a 14th Amendment Citizen!!! Inalienable rights are Natural Rights and are of OUR CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment Rights are granted by Congress and Citizenship Search out webpage, Pacinlaw . org Note and FYI; Why does EVERY Supreme Court Hearing ALWAYS refer back to the 14th Amendment???? Because, UNDER The 14th Amendment, Your RIGHTS "ARE" PRIVILEGES because YOU are "subjects" (slaves) of Congress. Congress gives you privileges rather than your inalienable rights. Your inalienable rights HAVE BEEN SURRENDERED by YOU through Contract under their 14th Amendment System! This is where their CONTROL, over the Individual, began. "SUBJECT" to the Jurisdiction thereof". You are merely a Subject of Congress. (Slave of Congress). "The right to vote is denied "EXCEPT" for Participation in Rebellion". What Rebellion? The rebellion of you against your original Constitutional system!! This IS the Biggest HOAX Ever Played out onto any People of any Country. The American People have been Duped! EXPATRIATION, of the 14th Amendment system, to regain your Natural RIGHTS!! Find the book, "The RED AMENDMENT"
Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
@Mor MacFey committing a crime and having been convicted forfeit your ability to having any rights, that's why they say 'law abiding' citizens' when it comes to rights. The constitution was written in mind of a moral society that respects the right to life,property and liberty, and the laws that protect those rights.
@@acedecade8222 I know it use to be dependent on time served and character after parole. If it's a violent crime however, they're usually hesitant. My opinion is if you've served your time and are not are risk to the public or yourself, your rights should be re installed. Some people unfortunately can't be rehabilitated unless God intervenes. We all have a rebellious human nature and are capable of horrible crimes, or there would be no need to have laws or jails in a civilised society. I also believe everyone deserves second chances.Not all laws are just though, when made by imperfect human beings.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms." Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms. Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing. But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade. 🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood. Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context. God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not. God wants murder and abortion. Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood." "Covered in the Blood of Jesus." The crazies romanticize this 💩. Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality. But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission. 💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. * Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality. In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else. The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God. This is New Testament mentality. Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce. Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President. The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants. A little perspective... A devil signifies malevolence: God sanctions: Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13), Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46), Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16) Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29), Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), & incest. God is the devil. Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil. The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18. Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil." They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left. Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it. Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️. If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything. It's also a Lazy Cult. Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming? "Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid." "Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has." - Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism) It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth. Religion is Poison. Is God Pro-Life? 🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock. 🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters. 🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context." 💥 So when is killing children in context? 💥 Only when god approves it? If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole. God approves of Slavery: 🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited. 🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery. 🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners. 🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves. 🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately. The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
You forgot to include the first part of the amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms..." The purpose of the amendment is made clear, and the framers went out of their way to make it clear from the outset: so that the federal government cannot disarm the state militias. And those state militias must be "well regulated", i.e. in good ready working order by means of strict rules and regulations. Therefore, the founders intended -- demanded, really -- that individuals possessing firearms be subject to rules and regulations -- always. This is exactly what happened once the Constitution was ratified, as gun ordinances were commonplace in early America with the complete approval of both early Americans and the framers who wrote the document.
@@beagle123ist At the time of the founding Militia meant every fighting age man from 14 to 45 who could and would be called on to fight to protect their state from any enemy that could attack including the federal government.
@@barrystamour7557 Actually, it was every male citizen 18-45. And here's what needs to be clarified over and over and over again: the state militias were NEVER to oppose the federal government. Ever, at any time, for any reason. Their job was to enforce the state and federal laws of the land and to guard against both foreign threats and domestic insurrections -- including and especially against insurrections targeting the federal government. The Whiskey Rebellion was put down by the state militias called by Congress at Washington's bequest.
the point of the 2nd amendment to make sure america doesnt turn into this shitshow, they are very carefully seeking to discredit an man with an unimpeachable statement, NY gun laws are violating our constitutional rights
Thee right to keep n bear arms is basic, like breathing. Do u ask permission to breathe? Even criminals do not ask permission to carry an AK-47. Lotsa laughs....
@@axiathunder9128 i hope that wasnt sarcasm, too often the courts choose to misinterpret a right as a privilege they are kind enough to allow, sort of.
@@bryacmajere1379 100% correct an i know you know that they are slowly trying to take away our right 1245 they violate every min i say we the people need to unite in the millions march on Washington demand all elected officials to step down we the people take back the country reinstate the constitution as it was intended by the founding fathers when the people fear the government there is tyranny when the government fear the people as it should be there is liberty...WHAT DO WE WANT FREEDOM WHEN DO WE WANT IT NOW...!
Yea well this bench is pretty good I live in Ny and i havnt even try to apply for my permit because I would instantly get turned down wtf is that and I’m not in the city I’m up state Ny in the sticks like come on
Thats correct. In 2019 accidental gun deaths were up to 486. Meanwhile homocides are up to 19,141. So your around 39-40 times more likely to be murdered than to accidentally shoot yourself. And that’s not even factoring in the Crimes a gun could prevent that don’t result in the victims death, such as rapes, kidnappings, robberies, etc. Whats worse is gun related crimes vs Crimes prevented by guns. Gun Crimes make up about 300,000 cases a year with Preventative uses ranging between 500,000 & 3.1 million times. So guns anywhere from 1.5-10x more likely to be used defensively than criminally. There is literally no reason the government should be trying to regulate it beyond their effort to take our rights.
@@fatherofjman2475 how many of those accidental gun deaths were because of alcohol consumption? Because this is important too My friend in Michigan Cory R.I.P. Passed away like this 🙏🏼
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 i have no idea there the only bit of descriptive evidence the article said was that most accidental gun deaths are children between the ages of 12-6. Indicating that we probably need to have a bit more training and familiarity with them.
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 how many DUI deaths are there? How many non-DUI deaths? Take a look at the recent Waukesha massacre via a car, what about those?
According to the founding fathers, we not only have the right to carry arms, but the DUTY to use them to overthrow a government that no longer works correctly. I am not saying to do this. But the FOUNDING FATHERS DID.
Our founding fathers are turning over in their grave at what Americans have allowed their country to be. Politicians can only do what the people allow them. And you 'speak' of freedoms but do very little to protect them. So keep pretending ur patriotic with meaningless words on utube. Our forefathers died to protect this country. U have failed them.
im pretty sure the founding fathers were okay with slavery, doesn't make it right, same goes for guns we need to adapt not use old weapons of war as a solution as much as I wanna be able to carry weapons with me, society as a whole has changed
@@jaxxmarzzy2139 math was used back when there was slavery and as much as i like driving on bridges that dont fall in society has changed as a whole.....
@@jaxxmarzzy2139 the point isnt they were okay with it so we should be too, its laid out as a God given unalienable right (like all real rights) in the document these people claim to use to make these decisions thats a little different from slavery existing at the same time as something else
This was really interesting to hear a group off high and mighty, out of touch seniors (for the most part) completely miss the point of the constitution they’re supposed to be the foremost experts on.
Yes they're completely out of touch and willfully ignorant of the constitution. They've already ruled that pre-existing laws and supreme court rulings can override the constitution... just another branch of corrupted government.
10000% up this vote! So true. Law abiding citizens will cause blood shed when SHTF, or sooner, depending on their overreach. They behave, we behave. That simple. Otherwise there will be bloodshed. A golf club can do lethal damage, you don't even need a gun .
the KR story and how circle talk media and the government lied about it ,should make everyone a radical pro gun supporter ,it shows WE CANNOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT US, OR TO TELL THE TRUTH,, the bad people will still do bad things,,,its only the good people that gun laws make more vulnerable,, NO AGE RESTRICTIONS, NO BACKGROUND CHECKs, perents should teach their kids safe gun practices ,and kids should carry as soon as the perents feel they are responsible enough to do so,
It's not being infringed, stupid. It's the type of arms. They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms." Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms. Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing. But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade. 🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood. Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context. God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not. God wants murder and abortion. Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood." "Covered in the Blood of Jesus." The crazies romanticize this 💩. Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality. But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission. 💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. * Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality. In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else. The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God. This is New Testament mentality. Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce. Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President. The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants. A little perspective... A devil signifies malevolence: God sanctions: Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13), Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46), Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16) Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29), Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), & incest. God is the devil. Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil. The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18. Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil." They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left. Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it. Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️. If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything. It's also a Lazy Cult. Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming? "Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid." "Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has." - Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism) It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth. Religion is Poison. Is God Pro-Life? 🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock. 🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters. 🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context." 💥 So when is killing children in context? 💥 Only when god approves it? If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole. God approves of Slavery: 🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited. 🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery. 🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners. 🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves. 🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately. The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
Just because they live in high class houses with brick fence; they don’t have to deal with being hit, beaten by just walking down the sidewalk. American has had more homes break-ins, rape (even women in their 80’s), looting, and shop lifting in gigantic stores, road rage on and on and on. Need I go further? America is getting raped, looted and the government/dem-0-rats want America’s guns!!!!
@@SolutionsNotPrayers I see you have thought about this for quite some time, good luck, may you find a road to do good, but I think your hatred of God may prove to be a stumbling block for you.
Yes you should be able to carry a gun concealed or openly how ever you see fit. 99% of concealed carry owners aren’t the ones running around shooting it’s the criminals who are committing crimes
We live in open carry states. She is right! We are able to carry it on your belt or arm. But the fear of people that see that is a crime in itself to create fear. Open carry
These people never mentioned “ Shall Not Be Infringed “ one single time. They don’t have any intention of honoring our Second Amendment. As far as restricting guns from Universities, how many lives could have been saved at VA Tech if 25% of the students carried arms? The same can be said for murders in NYC on Subways. I guarantee every Judge in NYK has the right to carry. Why are there separate classes of citizens?
I am listening to this and they keep giving ground. Keep allowing restrictions. Face it, if the felons are restricted, fine. But how about the regular people that obey the law, why are they being restricted. THE ENTIRE GOAL IS TO INFRINGE. Every place will become a sensitive place. The key is do guns do more harm then good in the hands of law abiding citizens. If you are at a parade and a mad man is racing thru the crowd running them over with an SUV, do you have the right to defend those people and shoot that murderous person to stop them?
@Truelove Can the state restrict voting , assembly, speech , worshipping ? Not YET ! 1st things FIRST. Dumbasses ! WITHOUT a SHOT FIRED 😂! LOST IT ! NO STATE CAN TAKE A RIGHT CHANGE IT TO A PRIVILEGE AND CHARGED A FEE FOR IT!
Technically "they" are not forcing a vaccine mandate. That is coming from the executive branch, not the judicial branch. Hopefully once the lawsuits make it to the Supreme Court they keep this line of reasoning and shoot down the mandates.
Is there a difference between coming from the federal or the executive they're still trying to force people to take a mandate and that is unconstitutional no matter what branch it comes from
Well said! We should tell the justices and congress... you and YOUR families all line up and take our coved jabs.... if you survive them, we will talk about rights!
Justice Breyer is arguing a lot of what ifs. People are responsible for their actions drunk or sober and we have laws on the books to prosecute people for that. Deciding individual rights based on what some idiots might do is where things go south.
Exactly. If your afraid of drunk people with guns, make it illegal to brandish while drunk for all I care. The rights of us all should not be infringed based on the actions of a few fools.
“No communist countries allowed the private possession of guns. The first thing the nazis did was outlaw private firearms. …the object was to avoid effective resistance to the policies of the government.” Found on Quora.
@@jamessuraciart I may be confused but you literally stated “against/in favor”. Those are opposites so may I ask what you actually mean? Perhaps it was a typo but you stated everyone should be rounded up and sent to North Korea if your sentence is taken literally as it is typed.
My family has a remote cabin in southern Indiana for 5 generations. It's about 30 minutes outside of town. Over time we have met perpetrators at the end of the driveway with our firearms to protect ourselves and our property. We would have never survived if our only resource was to call 911
What do these "justices" not understand about "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"? Simply put, any and all restrictions against guns are unconstitutional. Period. Full stop.
We must understand that this is a joke . Because they're not stupid . The supreme Court is the easiest of the branches to corrupt. Buddy " it is corrupted. That is my anoligy for Clarice.
What's disturbing is that, this is a handful of people deciding what Everyone is going to be able to do. There are a bunch of different points I could make on this. The biggest point.. We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason.
If you require me to enter a space and have no means to defend myself, then you should be required to provide for my safety. The Supreme Court ruled that police in America are not required to defend and protect citizens. The Supreme Court also ruled that State legislators could not create laws that required police to protect and defend citizens, because of the tradition among police to have the discretion to prioritize what crimes they respond to with their limited resources.
So, when death is seconds away, the police are minutes away, and they come on a first call, first served basis, unless they decide to prioritize differently, however they deem appropriate.
Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
2nd amendment is not about self defence,,Or squirrel hunting...wrong argument... I don't need their permission to exercise my rights..Rights do NOT come from the government...END OF ARGUMENT !!
Correct. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with self defense or hunting. These rights are already guaranteed and assumed. The 2nd Amendment is for preserving the balance of power between the government and the people.
@@SiliconFlux exactly thank you someone else said it! Why isn't everyone screaming it! I'm not even American I'm a new Zealander! Its heart breaking watch what's going on in your great country, my country's being destroyed too
Why is there a judge who thinks it's "dangerous" to conceal carry for protection?? It's also dangerous to not protect yourself and act like it's all rainbows and unicorns
“Gun laws save lives.” No, they don’t. Look where the worst crime is, those cities have some of the most strict gun laws. The problems with guns don’t come from law abiding gun owners, and I don’t need to have a reason that some random person thinks is “good enough” to carry a gun. It’s my right, you don’t need to know why.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms." Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms. Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing. But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade. 🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood. Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context. God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not. God wants murder and abortion. Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood." "Covered in the Blood of Jesus." The crazies romanticize this 💩. Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality. But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission. 💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. * Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality. In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else. The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God. This is New Testament mentality. Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce. Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President. The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants. A little perspective... A devil signifies malevolence: God sanctions: Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13), Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46), Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16) Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29), Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), & incest. God is the devil. Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil. The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18. Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil." They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left. Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it. Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️. If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything. It's also a Lazy Cult. Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming? "Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid." "Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has." - Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism) It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth. Religion is Poison. Is God Pro-Life? 🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock. 🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters. 🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context." 💥 So when is killing children in context? 💥 Only when god approves it? If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole. God approves of Slavery: 🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited. 🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery. 🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners. 🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves. 🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately. The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
@@SolutionsNotPrayers Except... the teachings of Jesus contradict virtually everything you've stated. And the teachings of Jesus are precisely where Christianity and Judaism differ. (Two of the "death cults" you mention) You sound like a fifth grader; throwing out half of a fact and feeling like you impressed somebody with your "gotcha!" assertion. LOL I wonder how little you truly know about all that you just wrote. For example: your Psalm 137:9 quote (which has little to do with Jesus) is referring to the "little ones" of the daughter of Babylon. (blatantly stated only one verse prior) Need me to break that down for you? Daughter of Babylon - child of Babylon; the offspring or progeny of that nation or culture... her little ones - the continuation, increase, or proliferation of that nation or culture. A nation or culture which commonly practiced blood sacrifice of their children to their gods. Additionally a culture or nation which dragged off the 7th/6th century Hebrews (Jews) into slavery. "Dashing her little ones against stones" is metaphor for the destruction of the continued existence of such a nation or culture. Tantamount to the holocaust Jews wanting to destroy Nazi Germany. Wasn't familiar with that verse so I looked it up, took me about 2 minutes to see that you are quite mistaken about the context of the quote as I'm sure you are about all the scriptures you've listed. Does not appear you want to understand or learn the truth. Looks like you want to hate. Surely that's what we need more of these days; loudmouths with no understanding looking to misquote anything that will appear to support their anti-God rhetoric. But there is hope. God will forgive you and welcome you into (or back into) a fulfilling relationship with Him. Healing and forgiveness and purpose are only a conversation with Jesus away. Take heart Sorcerer Supreme. Having said that, wherever you line up on the 2d amendment debate, that's your American right to your own opinion. No hard feelings here... but I warn you against blaspheming God in a public forum and possibly influencing others with your erroneous ravings. For anyone else reading Sorcerer Supreme's bloated diatribe, please understand it is UTTERLY FLAWED. Please explore these matters yourself and make your own mind up. What he or she has written regarding Christianity and Judaism is misleading and out of context AT BEST and an absolute lie at worst. Yes those are scriptures found in the Bible but they do not mean anything close to what he or she is suggesting. Laughable. Consider the failed logic of the statement: "The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️" Or this gem: "Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy." If you understand Pro-Life means anti-abortion, does that make sense? How are two examples of defending innocent life hypocritical? All this from someone who doesn't understand the difference between bear and bare. Always always always find out for yourself. There are too many Sorcerer Supremes out there to take anyone's word for anything these days.
I agree completely. I'm a woman New Yorker, & these laws just keep us from having guns in in NYC for protection. They don't keep criminals from carrying. Ironically, my friend was here from FL driving her dad's car. He's military & had a gun in the glove box. Her bf drove the car to drop her off at a job interview. He got pulled over, cops searched the car & found her dad's gun. He got taken to JAIL & the car IMPOUNDED. Her dad literally had to come to NY to speak on their behalf. These laws are absurd
Forget about history and tradition, which is fraught with all kinds of problems. We're talking about an open and shut case of a constitutional right to "keep and bear arms", thus the legal ability to carry this tool we call a firearm most anywhere a person goes, since violence does not strike just in your home or vehicle, or just in your hometown, or county.
Right, look at what happened in the church downtown in the south where 13 church goers were slaughtered, seems to me if one or two were armed lives could of been saved! My gun goes virtually everywhere with me these days……….
@@abdulrahimel The vast majority of criminals are opportunists. Even psychopaths that perpetrate mass shootings, pick their targets for maximum effect. Pretty sure it's been proven through studies that homicides are much lower in areas the closer to 2a laws the areas have. Been a while since I looked it up.
This should not even have a debit about, It's Disgusting, Do they think MS 13, are going to comply, Hell know, So put it all on the law biding people that work and pay Taxes, You are useing our money, to try to take away our right to protect, Myself and my family. We the people will never turn in our firarms.
It seems that there is only Gun Control for the people that are Law Abiding. The Gangs don’t get Gun Control do they… The Criminals when they get our of Prison. The Law Abiding are losing their Right to have Guns. This is a Constitutional Right! Self Defense is a Right. It is the Right to Life! Concealed Carry should be a A Right… to defend oneself… in defense of another and in defense of animals. It is NOT a RIGHT of the Gang Members that use People and or Animals as their Target Practice and that is what those people do. But then hey… do the Courts every Keep the Rights of the Constitution anymore? I don’t think so!
I heard about in texas, almost every one has a gun. If you point a gun at someone, many guns will be pointing back at you instantly. So, I believe it's safe to have guns, rather than the criminals.
"My clients are being denied the right to carry a weapon anywhere." "But what about the subway? But what about football stadiums?" Such dishonest questions...
Shall be infringed. If a criminal commits a felony murder with a gun, then lock them up for life. No manslaughter. The murderous driver of the SUV in Kenosha murdered 6 people. Bet they are going to have a terrible Christmas. I bet the mothers of those kids wish they could have shot that murderous rampager dead before more people ran over.
@@jasonb171 that's entirely different because they abandon their guns for selfish, self preservation reasons... because there is a metal detector and going in armed would be stupid and pointless as you are a criminal anyway and nobody with a gun would get in while going to court. It's common sense and not the gun free zone that OP had in mind when making this comment. But you knew that, didn't you, you cheeky rascal?
It’s about time. There’s no reason in a state where too many people have illegal firearms; there’s no reason why law abiding citizens should not be able to responsibly carry for our own protection and safety.
@@jamessuraciart If a convicted felon decided to wave their rights to carry guns to be out on parole, that works. Or else the person can remain in jail to protect society from someone that is dangerous. Felons can use a red SUV to murder 6 people without the police stopping that person. Person should have never been out on bail.
@@superchuck3259 I agree he shouldn't have been out on bail, but at the same time, I kinda wish he was out with a right to bear arms in tact...had he been able to have a gun, he may have still killed people, but there would have been a chance the cop who was shooting at his vehicle or a random person at the oarade who was armed would have been able to shoot him preventing some of the death/injuries and preventing tax dollars being wasted on housing him in jail/putting him on trial.
@J I think that's what the 3 strikes you're out laws were about. Remember clinton admin.? Taking guns away from minorities for having pot. Locking them up and with a prison record could no longer buy one to defend and protect their homes and families because we all know, criminals don't register weapons they plan to use to take other peoples stuff. clintons are the true racists. Yet blk people still vote demoncrat. Republicans in office are just as bad when it comes to taking everything. Now using inflation and a virus as excuse.
How can you call you call it a Constitutional right. The Constitution doesn't give us rights, it protects them. Why are people even asking for there rights, you demand them. We act like children when it comes to the government. Either we have the right or not. People please wake up and learn the difference between legal and lawful.
Concealed carry would remove a lot of Bad actors quickly. The Bad actors wouldn't know who was carrying and the burden wouldn't be placed on the police, It would be be placed upon the attacker.
The logic/effectiveness of the action isn't what's being debated; this is about whether or not the state has the right to place these limits. The states are allowed to do anything they want, as long as it's not specifically limited by the Constitution. The petitioners are arguing that it's unconstitutional.
@@Johnny1.0 Only in Texas, where I live anyway, you know that pretty much everyone is carrying. There is no violent crime. There is no property crime. Nobody would dare, and everyone is polite.
@@enricopallazzo3244 I’m really from Texas and you’re either lying or being a troll. It is less likely to have as much violence, not knowing who has a gun, but it is not Mayberry. The 2nd amendment is vital to our survival as a nation, not just as humans being able to protect ourselves.
@@musicnut1966 Not sure why you think I’m trolling. We’re essentially saying the same thing. The only distinction I made is that in rural Texas, where I live, everyone carries a gun and has many in our homes. To hear leftists talk, there should shootings and violent crime all the time, but in fact it’s the exact opposite.
It’s not “for fun.” It’s for self-defense, and you don’t need to prove to government officials that anyone, anywhere, at any time can become a victim of violence!!! There’s nothing new or shocking about law-abiding citizens carrying concealed! They want you to think there is though!
I will defend my family and my fellow comrades until a hammer falls on an empty chamber and I'll reload and begin again again until the threat is neutralized permanently
Exactly. This woman activist judge is a psychopath. She’s literally making the case why you would need more law abiding citizens with guns on the subway. These leftist activist judges are a disgrace to the United States. The fact is NY won’t issue you a permit unless you own a business and carry a lot of cash. It’s a law for the rich to be armed and the regular ordinary citizens to be disarmed. The Supreme Court has already said that the cops have no obligation to “protect you” then at the same time says that well the subways are dangerous but that’s why you have the transit police. Well they ruled the police aren’t there to protect you and she admitted the subways are dangerous. She’s saying it is DANGEROUS to have guns in densely populated places… we are talking about LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. How is it dangerous? She has zero proof or evidence. Bottom line is we have a RIGHT. My RIGHT isn’t debatable. No matter what the Supreme Court says. These leftist activist anti American terrorist judges have to go.
The tyrants need to be imprisoned . I don't forget some of those judges and politicians have bodyguards who no doubt are packing heat ... what hypocrites they are .
@@Izziharassedbynycooficials well you can go to the channel of Jonathan he sells all kinds of weapons including poison darts ! ... it's just something that people might want to remember for later down the road . Things are so bad in England now , that you are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to CARRY a SWISS ARMY KNIFE ... no lie .
@@gardensofthegods stop assumming and being a control freak. I dont like guns never did. Its bad energy. However with these tyrants too arrogant for their panties 2nd amendment. Whatever use the best army: forces of nature
How is a weapon dangerous and a car is not.... it amazes me how a group of individuals that knows nothing about a weapon has the ability to decide for those who do.
I never understood why 2A is so often deferred to the states when it's encoded in the Bill of Rights. Do we allow states to put their own restrictions on 1A, 5A, or 14A? The right to keep and bear is not a state issue, but a national one.
@@ralphsmith2683 And backwater is onexword. That's what happens when someone is told to say "backwater hick", they get it wrong because they have never heard it before.
“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” a God given right does not require a permit nor a license. It is not a privilege. It is a right. To keep and bear arms. Not just knives. All arms. Firearms included. Canons included.
I agree, in fact, I didn't hear these lawyers say once that this Amendment ONLY states and that the inherent right of the People to keep & bear ARMs whatever and wherever they choose, "Shall NOT be INFRINGED". They continue to argue their points of how much infringement is too much, they completely blow past the very first stated point of this Amendment...
We've been able to strap one on and open carry in Texas for quite a while now. It's saved lives in many cases. At least once, in a Church, where Deacons were trained and armed just for that purpose. I watched on live video as the shooter killed one person. The next thing you knew one of the Deacons shot him in the head! I'm so glad that they were able to be prepared. Other Churches in the past were not and the Parishioners were massacred. It doesn't matter what restrictions you put on our 2nd amendment. Criminals will always have guns and law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves. Are we really going to sit down and watch them hack away at the 2nd ammendment?
Your version of that law is completely different from the founding fathers. The right to bear arms had nothing to do with the weapons we have today. It was strictly for hunting and militia because no national army existed for the states at that time. They were still separated in cultures.. Also to note, the government made it explicitly clear, they have right to confiscate your weapons, you and your supplies in time of emergency or war. This is what they meant by muskets and musket balls..
@@guyanasun4361 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hell no. Your interpretation of the Constitution is flawed. The founding fathers knew very well what power to disarm its citizens was capable of.. the founding fathers never wanted to give so much power to the government that the citizens were disarmed.
@@guyanasun4361 also do realize that most law-abiding gun owners do not whimsically kill people? The statistics of murder using Firearms are replete with people that are illegally possessing firearms. Disarming lawful citizens is only going to give the advantage to those with malice. That coupled with the defunding of police, and it's unconscionable that people should not have the right to bear arms and defend themselves
@@primalcritters Just your recital of the founding fathers, constitutional law, political and social sciences of it all, tells me you're in no way ready for conversations around the foundation of America.. You haven't even put the lightbulb on in that dark basement and I've been far over that building multiple times. At this point, I understand more about the foundation of America than your last 10 presidents combined, but please, tell me what I don't know about the founding fathers and their intent..
@@primalcritters And before you start that conversation, understand legal English and English law, because American standard/broken gets you nowhere in knowing anything about law or constitution..
Self defense was never the reason for our second amendment! It was put in place to protect us from tyrannical government!Law abiding citizens should not be treated like criminals.
@@texasforever7887 I see you're point and it's a good one but, "self defense" requires physical wrong doing first and a defensive reaction after. If the 2nd amendment is applied in the way it was intended, it would not be a reaction, you know what I'm trying to say?
@@KptKritical In the context of government I wouldn't limit it to physical harm. However I do prescribe to "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes" from the Declaration of Independence. Indeed the 2nd is our Big Stick against tyranny. Yes I see your point on the ultimate use of 2A.
The need to defend yourself in your home is not so much greater than at any other place, since most people spend as much time or more away from their home as they do inside of it.
@@NB3K Correct. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with self defense or hunting. These rights are already guaranteed and assumed. The 2nd Amendment is for preserving the balance of power between the government and the people.
Amazing that the 2nd amendment needs defending? I understood only rights Not specifically stated in the constitution were left to the states? Disgraceful that the Supreme Court is not standing up and upholding our rights without an argument. The argument should be Thunberged: how dare you!
@@Rick62153 Dude, there were CANNONS back then. They had exploding shells. The British tried to ban GUN POWDER. It was not the goal to ban a little bit, but the barrels of powder needed for cannons. Needed by the people to defend their homes from invasion by the British about to sack their town.
New York and New Jersey will not recognize or uphold Supreme Court decisions on this; you just watch and continue traveling around these hostile states while their lawful citizens leave in droves.
@Damian your response is very well written and thought out, thank you for sharing. Having any court or person decide a persons rights is the first mistake.
Here's a seeming contradiction coming from the State of New York. On the one hand they want to claim the right to DENY a citizen a permit if their reason for wanting one is only "speculative" and not specific. That is to say, if the citizen is merely pointing out "crime happens and therefore I want to be able to protect myself" that's not good enough. Edit: By the way, "crime happens and therefore I want to be able to protect myself" is an integral part of the 2nd Amendment. The other part of the 2nd Amendment is: "The Second Amendment exists in case the Government forgets the First Amendment." On with the State of New York's hypocrisy: But then, the State wants to ban guns in places like subways and Times Square on New Year's Eve based on a speculative danger of things like concentrated potential for misbehavior, a what-if concern rather than a known specific threat. Can't have it both ways.
The armed many shouldn't fear the criminal few. Guns are property, and property rights are a derivative of self ownership, no outside authority or mob rule dictate has the right to deprive or forbid your property rights if you can refuse via self defense. Your gun and willingness to use it ensures your natural rights
This Sodamire is so out of touch its just pathetic .She needs to move to England and get out if her bias bubble.Makes no sense at all .She demonstrates extreme gun bias in her delusional bubble.Just can't believe she is allowed to practice law at all.
@@idrathergetaidsthangetwoke9145 She once said at a law symposium..."we all know laws are made on the bench". That statement should disqualify a judge, laws are made by congress, the SC rules on cases using the law.
“Open Carry” could apply to anything deadly.You have knives,bats,Chinese stars,brass knuckles,ice picks...If people want to kill are going to kill.Murderers are determined and don’t weigh law or restrictions.The law abiding citizens are left defenseless.
We carry here in TX. Crime is dramatically deterred by the fact a would be offender will be hesitant to execute a crime when there may be a room full of weapons ready to stop his aggression.
It is good for Americans to hear Supreme Court Judges. It give us an idea of the carácter as well the sharpened of their thought and determination to enforce and follow our Constitution!
The CORE right of self-defense is NOT just "protected" by the Second Amendment....the CORE right of self defense is a GOD-GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHT !! The Bill of Right's Second Amenedent and Constitution RECOGNIZES this inalienable Right and prevents the government from infringing upon it !!
I am amazed how articulate, well versed and spoken this guy is against this barrage of multiple arbitrary arguments back to back to back! I would put this man on retainer anytime
How about that make believe scenario where EVERY GUN OWNER carrying at a Stadium is a DRINKER and will GET DRUNK and then have a shoot out? These people have crazy imaginations. They imagine the gun, just sitting there is so tempting to play with. But we teach our kids to never touch a gun. If my kids saw a gun on the ground, they would not touch it. The kids in gun controlled areas would be so excited to see it, they would immediately pick it up and play with it, maybe take it home and play with it. Hide it in their room. Then one day, BOOM, kid shoots his sibling or an accidental discharge goes thru the wall and hits somone on the other side. Yep that situation is more likely than the CRAZY carry person idea.
Look what happened in Australia! What part does this court not understand shall not be infringed upon? They took their guns in Australia, now they don't even have free speech, nor can Australian's travel! Learn from their mistakes!
Exactly. That's what Exactly they are trying to do, same as Australia, they are trying to manipulate and use excuses as they have always done, they think we are stupid
But that is exactly what these pricks want.....more and more power to control us. Once they take away our ability to fight back, we would have to surrender to them and that is exactly what some of them want us to do. Just do as they say, not as they do.
For "Conceal & Carry" - there is a very rigid background check + the demand for compliance on firearms training. The law abiding, tax-paying public deserve the right to responsibly bear arms as a means of self-protection --- for self-preservation. Crime exists & it is RISING, with more assaults, rapes, & murder than ever before. Self-defense is essential.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms." Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms. Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing. But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade. 🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood. Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context. God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not. God wants murder and abortion. Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood." "Covered in the Blood of Jesus." The crazies romanticize this 💩. Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality. But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission. 💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. * Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality. In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else. The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God. This is New Testament mentality. Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce. Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President. The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants. A little perspective... A devil signifies malevolence: God sanctions: Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13), Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46), Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16) Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29), Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), & incest. God is the devil. Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil. The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18. Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil." They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left. Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it. Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️. If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything. It's also a Lazy Cult. Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming? "Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid." "Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has." - Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism) It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth. Religion is Poison. Is God Pro-Life? 🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock. 🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters. 🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context." 💥 So when is killing children in context? 💥 Only when god approves it? If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole. God approves of Slavery: 🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited. 🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery. 🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners. 🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves. 🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately. The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
@@SolutionsNotPrayers Your opinion / interpretation is just that. Your interpretation. You are no scholar. Making up crap to suite your individual opinions. A gun is used to defend yourself, family and personal property. Know One in their right mind wants to kill anyone. Until they are defending self, family and or property. The lord wants you to live a “Christ like life” and be the “best” you can be.
Honest courts won't happen until they are all arrested! Clintons paid, blackmailed & killed judges to stack the Supreme court the way they wanted it. Read the Durham report just coming out now
@@testtickles8755 Actually, that is not true. The only way to stop a threat is to shoot to kill. If you aim for arms/legs you are potentially risking the lives of bystanders because you are more likely to miss when you aren't taking a kill-shot. Hell, you could kill yourself by not aiming to kill. What if you aim for an arm or leg and miss and the bullet ricochets off of something and hits YOU?
@@testtickles8755 wrong. Anyone with firearms training knows that you aim for the chest, which is the largest target and contains many vital organs. Training also underscores that one should never pull the trigger unless the target (threat) has been identified, and you always shoot to kill.
There are laws in place against MURDER. Everyone should be safe. Case closed, the magic spells of the law books will protect everyone. No criminal should be carrying a gun. Oh wait, criminals don't follow the laws, even the natural laws against theft and murder. Even laws against them carrying a gun. What is more tragic? A) a normal non-criminal person carrying a gun B) A criminal without a gun driving a SUV thru a Christmas Parade murdering 6 people. So what is it Judges? What is the big risk? So who should the judges be forcing to comply? The felon criminal released from jail a few days ago or the non-criminal person that never was arrested ever?
You mean like January 6th 2021, there needs to be accountability. Imagine if the Capitol police shot the Insurrectionists, that would be a Definitive case of Abiding by the 2nd Amendment for the Protection of Democracy... But in lieu they Honored their Oaths of Office that they took, and even Defended the Senators who later claimed that Jan. 6th was just a Normal Day. There is a Dichotomy which needs to be addressed for Gun Control, and we shouldn't just close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.
@@jrrivas2462 Here we go lets educate you America is not a democracy, Democracy is a code name for socialism. That's why our fore fathers adopted a Constitutional Republic. For the people by the people.
Even if you're an ex felon. If rights can be taken away then they are not rights. Why is only the 2nd amendment not allowed for ex felons. Why are ex felons not allowed a weapon for self defense? Especially if the felony did not involve a weapon or was not a crime of violence???
@@jrrivas2462 You cant call it an insurrection when the FBI hasnt charged ANYONE with insurrection. 80 unarmed morons with bearspray and a flagpole dressed as Vikings with facepaint isnt an insurrection.
@@jrrivas2462 Perhaps the Capitol Police could have just done their jobs of trying to prevent the protesters from entering unauthorized, rather than either extreme of shooting them with no probable cause or inviting them in and holding the doors open for them (which is what actually happened). Also, stop trying to label them insurrectionists. It doesn't qualify. You're just watering down language like the way the word racist had been. No Senator or congressman were in any danger. How could they be so afraid of their own flag waving countrymen, unless they feel they had a reason to be afraid due to their own guilt.
Why isn't the ruling by SCOTUS on suing a police department for not protecting a victim talked about? SCOTUS ruled that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves and their family, not the police.
The Second Amendment of the Constitution is an inalienable right oh, that means god-given. And God doesn't care what kind of weapon I Bear or where I Bear it.
I dare these leaders to put a sign in the front yard that says, "No Guns at this House" They should also have to use public transportation without security and sounds like they wouldn't pass the class it would require to carry their own weapon
🇺🇸“Shall not be infringed” nuff said!!🇺🇸
We have that right in every corner of this country period.
Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
@@thisgame2 Facts
@@thisgame2 Can you please post some links where I can learn even more about this?
WELL REGULATED now you've said enough.
@@hitzoneproductions7858 If you think in fringe and infringed are in any way related you need a basic lesson in english.
I don't think people with private security should be able to decide whether we are allowed to protect ourselves or not.
Absolutely! It's the top judging downward! They believe their life as more important that a common man, and even though man people might believe that, that is clearly not the case according to the Creator who gave us all the right to defend ourselves! If a buck deer is attacked by a mountain lion he is certainly afforded the right to stab the lion with his antlers. I'm with you, if New Yorkers can't CC then those justices against it should have to go about without personal security!
There are too many criminals that warrant us to protect ourselves. It is our right, end of story.
@@isoldejonas1550 yymt.
And now we know a LOT of them are in D.C.!
Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.
Then may the scotus feel the wrath of the common man, as they deserve *NO* sympathy from the average man
and under a just god, cannot not long retain it.
Excellent quote choice.
How desperate they are too justify..their right too deny you the right too not be injured or killed!!!!
@@martenkrueger8647 the same as they justify the murder of the innocent unborn, that now number over fifty million and whose voices cry out to heaven for vengence against the US for the unjust taking their lives.
Think of this if you are you pagans, and remember in the soon to come warning, when you see your soul as God shows you how HE sees it! Satan will tell you it is only mass hysteria, but now you have been shown otherwise.
@@larrytischler570 AMEN Larry !
As a 65 year old adopted man ,I have to say you nailed it !
The rath that is coming down from our Creator for the killing of His children will be mind blowing to say the least .
When defending yourself get you charged with major felonies, the law is violating your rights also.
The Second Amendment itself has a caveat, which, thanks to Scalia, is conveniently dropped from consideration when speaking of this Constitutional Right. My layman's interpretation of the Amendment is that WITHIN THE CONFINES OF A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, a person's right to bear arms shall not be impeded. SCOTUS' decision to create a right out of negative is wrongly decided in my opinion. That said, any person (subject to legal restrictions prescribed by law, ie. being a felon) having the right to bear arms without impingement is a corrupting of the text as written. Once the case law disregarded the (within the confines of a well regulated militia) portion of the law, it wasn't long before the NRA flooded courts with cases to firm up the legal right to bear arms with virtually no federal restrictions, and then came the "stand your ground" doctrine that now virtually allows for the using of a fire arm in any situation where the shooter feels like there may be a threat coming from someone else. Imagine a bar and, where in the past there would just be a fist fight in the parking lot where everyone goes home, one of them with a black eye, but now, that guy doesn't go home, he rides in the ambulance to the coroners office. And thanks to the Rittenhouse decision, (which was correct given how the law was written in the state he was charged, so I don't want to hear anything about liberal tears) ANY fear the carrier of the firearm experienced at the time of the shooting, no matter the circumstances or the ill advised behaviour of the shooter to place himself in a situation where the shooter only needs to feel fear the moment before pulling the trigger is now good law.
So we have gone from the Second Amendment preventing militia members from getting in trouble for carrying firearms during the war of Independence when they were recruiting just about anyone to help fight the British, with about 5 minutes of training, and repeating this during the civil war, and they were referring to the weapons available at the time which were barely fatal at the time, and if they had the medical help of today, would almost never be fatal. We have gone from that to having the right to rip apart a human being with a weapon designed for war for looking dangerous who gave you the side eyes and you were scared because he or she looked, I don't know, black? I meant threatening, we will cover racism in another short post later.
The point I would like to make is that one decision can lead to a right that dropped the condition that was relevant at the time the Constitution was written, and through manipulation by actors who have an interest in selling "arms", has been expanded to such an absurd degree that it isn't crazy to think that a future where anyone will have the legal right to have any weapon, carry it anywhere and use it in any situation without penalty. There are big interests who are working to that end, and the law has been happy to obliged so far. So much for being a Textualist eh Scalia?
The only thing this governmental judges can do is interpret what the public law reads, but only the creator of such call law, is the only one to speak what the law truly reads, .
@@katim2644 A right can not be regulated. Or it's not a right in the first place.
ARMS; Weapons of war.
At the time it was enacted the Second Amendment applied to all types of arms, it still does today, and was specifically intended to guarantee that private citizens could never be outgunned by the government. Anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant or lying. The fact that we still have our guns is the only reason the left has not made a Cuba or Venezuela out of America. Any limit on the weapon of choice is a Constitutional violation.
The 2nd uses the term 'ARMS.' When the Constitution was written, the definition of 'ARMS' was and still is 'weapons of war.' 'ARMS' is a non-technical term that does not exclude weapons of the future any more than the 1st amendment can be used to exclude the Iphone's new technology. The Constitution is not a technical document. Technology changes. The Constitution was written to address the failings in human nature because there will always be corrupt liberals looking to enslave the rest of US.
The 2nd Amendment does not apply to semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles, pistols, or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT. The technology of the firearm is irrelevant. The restrictions on the government remain the same, regardless of the firearm. The Second Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms. It forbids government interference in the right to keep and bear arms, period. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This also applies to the other 'Rights'.
They are not granted, they stipulate inherent rights form our creator that the government may not prohibit. In the whole of the Constitution, the term 'the people' refers to individual rights.
A well regulated Militia (legal to practiced and drilled as a group even on the town green), being necessary to the security of a free State (to fight tyranny when needed), the right (God-given right as observed by the Constitution) of the people (in the whole document 'the people' refers to the individual's rights) to keep (buy, possess) and bear (carry, enforce the Constitution) Arms (weapons of war, any weapon, same definition then and now), shall not be infringed (the government shall not make or allow other gun laws).
We the people have the right to any weapon, that we may practice openly in groups with said weapons of war and the government can be shot in the face for the un-Constitutional act of trying to limit our access to our weapon of choice.
Liberals need English lessons. One sentence of three statements and liberals read it in dumbass. Both paragraphs above say the same thing.
ARMS: weapons of war; fully automatic rifles (AK-47 with an under-barrel grenade launcher), rocket launchers, tanks, armed aircraft, and even nuclear weapons.
Because local, state, and federal troops would never fire on the people protecting their rights, a show of force would cause the corrupt liberals to back down. We could rout the oath breakers right in front of congress without firing a single shot. Pull the un-Constitutional law or we will be camping out in your front yard. The militia brought 32,000 to march with 64,000 guns with mags that held more than ten bullets (only 15,000 were AR-15) to the governor's mansion in Virginia and there was no violence, no burning, no looting, and no litter in the streets. We kept our guns and the governor kept his mouth shut and we stayed off his front lawn.
@@rmdlgarcia Nah dude you’re taking it too far. Probably automatic rifles and maybe even some vehicles of war are ok as long as they don’t have too over-the-top weapons, but the Founders never could have predicted nukes. It’s way too far to suggest that everyday people could own such a weapon, just consider for a second how easily middle eastern extremists could get ahold of one. All you do is fuel fear of guns when you suggest that John Doe should be able to buy a nuke.
@@guydunn5354 That was not the point. But you are right, we would only need the guns. But I could see the use of drones and even armed ones to fight government tyranny. But this time it won't be required because the wheels of justice are grinding on. I expect the required audits to be done by next month and the puppet and whore will be swept out like yesterday's trash. The resulting one day riot will be put down hard by martial law with shoot to kill orders issued for any looting, burning or violence. Americans will be able to shoot the Democrats on their front lawn threatening to kill them. The guns that the bad guys get are mostly because the CIA ran guns to them. biden just gave Hamas $300,000,000 and what did the terrorist organization do with the money? With in a week they were lobbing missiles at Israel. I remember berry obama putting thousands of fully automatic weapons on the streets and some lame excuse of "We lost track of them."
The Benghazi cover up was about CIA gun running. It seems Ambassador Stevens was the only State Department person there at the compound. His job was to hold the door for the CIA guys running the guns. Stevens died all alone hiding in the abandoned embassy of smoke inhalation with no security of any kind. To the Secretary of State, Stevens was expendable. In the end the group berry was helping to creating, ISIS, stabbed berry in the back.
The most disappointing branch of government. Overreaching when it wants to, and absent when it should be standing for our constitutional rights
Corrupt !
Evil souls.
@@pokefam5336 Evil? yes.
Soul ? No !
@@onewordhereonewordthere6975 well as much as I agree with what you are getting at we all have souls, some not evil and some evil.
To require a "license" to exercise a constitutional right, is unconstitutional.
What is it that you claim is a license?
@@earlenepeyton6654 conceal carry.
Wow, couldn't have said it better.
@@earlenepeyton6654 are you pretending as if you’re unaware that one must acquire a pistol permit? And some ppl are denied this permit for the slightest infraction
In my state, Georgia, a town law in Kennesae states residents are to own a firearm. They have the lowest crime rate in the state.
I have heard that. I live in Jackson, GA. Is it true that Kennesaw basically requires citizens of the city to have a firearm in their home? I think that is awesome.
@@p8triotmode A home is a special place and must be protected from invasion ( I'm a licensed owner of guns and responsible ). The crust of the matter, people don't have faith in a locality, a state, a Federal government for their "General Welfare" as stated in the Constitution otherwise there would be no need to petition the Supreme Court. Is the law-abiding to the people when the people fear unwarranted harm to them. They can't give you a sense of safety, the people can't help the world is mad.
Yep GA native here
I'm moving there
@@p8triotmode all cities should have that
Everyone has a right to defend themselves.
Even Jesus said, "buy a sword".
Not if you’re a common man according to this lady
@@phoenixx8479 No where to be found in the world.
@@phoenixx8479 you have to fight to keep or take back your god given rights. Democrats have the full time job to take them away and manipulate everyone's life.
Bad guys can have guns to them but good ppl shouldn't bc it would be dangerous. Yeah dangerous for the bad guys
see, this is why we need bipolar people out of politics, You don't suddenly be like I'm a good guy, and fuck it, now i'm gonna be a bad guy because I have a gun, this is 3rd grade Recess thinking. Whoever has the gun can become a Tyrant.
Yes people are both good and angry and sick of living in this tyranny where it's do as I say not do as I do .
Some of those creeps have bodyguards and no doubt those bodyguards are packing heat .
The tyrants need to be imprisoned
Our government seems to be in the business of protecting bad guys.
@Ddd Kkk And MOST people who have been diagnosed as bipolar are NOT bipolar .
How is it even possible that we all know someone who is bipolar or has a family member who is bipolar ?... all of a sudden it's like HALF the population is bipolar ... oh really ?
No , not buying it .
There was an excellent video a year or two ago on TED Talks we're gentlemen was talking about the difference between Western psychology ( psychiatry ) and Eastern medicine as well as indigenous diagnosis and healing .
He was right on the MONEY ... AHHEMMM .
And those other cultures recognize that some people who seem off-the-wall are actually HIGHLY ARTISTIC , GIFTED , and CREATIVE .... and not
' crazy ' .
All of the healing which is a true oxymoron here in the WEST , especially in America is all fueled by the GREED of
b i G p HARM ya
And more and more people are starting to realize it ; but I knew it years ago and stopped taking that crap long ago ... I don't do any of THEIR ANTIBIOTICS , and not even aspirin .
Everything I use is ALL-NATURAL , mostly from the Indian Grocers and some from the Chinese Grocers ... products that have been used for THOUSANDS OF YEARS ... and dirt CHEAP ... no prescription necessary .
The black robes were NEVER intended to be the “end all” of constitutional prerogative. If you want a history lesson of the USA then please note that we became a free nation because citizens had guns.
Yep and that's why the tyrants have to be imprisoned .
@@gardensofthegods Amen! There is not enough prisons to hold ALL of the “should be” prisoners in the govt.
@@nancycrisman7496 hence the quick drop and sudden stop, for their treason against the sovereign free people.
@@ARighteousSon Good luck with that.
OUR constitution doesn't name individual states, WE do not need a "permit" to carry.... WE have the RIGHT to carry !!!!!!!
Absolutely 👍 correct ...!
We have to elect politicians who feel the same.
It's "God Given" no man can abridge that right.
Exactly. To "KEEP" and "BEAR" arms
We the People have the right be armed for self defense at ALL times. Period.
2nd ammendment is to protect people from a tyrannical Government and self defense and shall not be infringed upon.
Yes you got it and the tyrants need to be imprisoned
@@gardensofthegods Yes. It's ridiculous what is happening to our country. Weakened, mocked and laughed at. They have took our energy independence, lost jobs, revenue while enriching our enemies. I can't help but believe we will be restored to the great super power the fore fathers envisioned us and we were not long ago. One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Our veterans and military are strapped with the vaxed mandate. They must take it or veterans with cancer cannot receive treatment even if it's their chemo, says Resident TaliBiden! Troops must be discharged dishonorably and denied religious exemptions. They fought for the very freedom being denied them. The right to choose. You can choose abortion but you can't decide to be vaxed or not even against religious beliefs without being dishonorably discharged. I read that today and it really disturbed me. I'm not anti vaxed, I think people should choose what they believe is best for them. We now have a large percentage of vaxed citizens and Covid numbers are as high as last year except Florida. They have the lowest number of cases in America! Go figure. Wow! Let's go Brandon!
Watch this video, search Cruz, Biden extorts Egypt or Cruz, Biden boosts the Muslim brotherhood. It's a secret. The Biden admins is attempting a quid pro quo againt our ally, Egypt by withholding 131 million $ aid money, demanding to release 16 prisoners. 5 names surfaced in an appropriations report linked to this extortion. They are Muslim brotherhood extremists. The administration is keeping it secret from Congress and American citizens. The names can be read privately down in a skiff but aren't allowed to tell anyone. Shameful. It's disheartening. Reminiscent of the Obama Biden pallets of cash that were hidden from Congress and Americans. Pray for our country. Thanks. Bless you as well.
@@georgiagirl1961 yes I agree with you and that's why the scumbag TYRANTS need to be IMPRISONED ... they are TRAITORS to AMERICA .
Yes I did see something about that quid-pro-quo thing you're talkin about ... I didn't get to spend as much time looking at it as I wanted to ; but will probably do that sometime tomorrow .
I know , it's just ABSOLUTELY SICKENING and HEARTBREAKING what's been going on in THIS COUNTRY .
There. You said it correctly.
That has always been the question when you get into an argument. And the answer, among many, is why the restriction or the prohibition on the infringement?
Since unlawfull definetly do ask permission.
@Mor MacFey Yes , I agree with you and I hear you my friend ... and the tyrants need to be imprisoned .
People have had enough of living with this tyranny .
Free men don’t ask permission and I am a free man .
@Mor MacFey I'd like to copy your words for the fight I am dealing g with
Yeah, criminals LOVE gun laws! We have the right to defend ourselves!
It's absurd of the govt to think somehow they can block a criminal from possessing something that has a population greater than 3 times it's human population. Goes to show these beaurocrats live in a DC bubble. Their efforts with gun laws are like trying to limit certain people from buying furniture, it's out there and everywhere, and it's not going extinct to certain people just because some elites with a govt title think they can control it.
Too many gangs running around,shooting up people,and real security is expensive.
Too many gangs running around,shooting up people,and real security is expensive.I pray the courts,use common sense to tackle guns laws.
Too many gangs running around,shooting up people,and real security is expensive.I pray the courts,use common sense to tackle guns laws.
Gun laws never make a difference. Removing guns from law abiding citizens doesn't reduce crime, it only aids the criminal element.
If u give up freedom for security,
U deserve neither
So basically, only the government can tell you where you're allowed to defend yourself, unbelievable.
You + are = *you’re
Not “your”.
Do you prefer mob rule or law of the jungle over a rule by a government that is elected by the people?
@@55cook I prefer Government elected by the people in a fair election.
In nj if someone breaks in your home, you are required to find a way outside and call the police. Not kidding! In other words if you can’t get outside , you dye and if you use a 🔫 to defend against an assilant YOU go to prison!!! Of course, if you want to leave nj you have to pay an exit fee!!!
@@nancymarusic3064 So why did you say "unbelievable"? It sounds like you don't like our government and constitution?
this should be a litmus test - if you can't comprehend what "shall not be infringed" means than you should be removed from the court for incompetency
Listening to this is so discouraging. But reading the comments is so encouraging!
We the people must organize and band together to fight corrupt government and corrupt politicians.
"Is it too late?" is my only question.
Sadly, there is no mechanism built into the constitution to remove SCOTUS Injustices.
@@leifleoden5464 Oh, but there is, it's called impeachment, but Congress rarely considers it.
Also, the Constitution says, "The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour..."
[From Article III, Section 1, of The Constitution of the United States of America]
The constitution is not etched in stone. By its very nature it MUST be a living document to be ratified and changed.
Thankfully, someone like you will never sit on SCOTUS.
@@OmniMale The word "living" in this reference triggers two kinds of people on opposite sides:
Those who want to change the Constitution capriciously to suit their agenda and remake America into a socialist country; and those who believe it has eternal principles that can never be changed.
Take away the Bill of Rights, and recognizing that the Constitution was ratified without it, I would agree with you to a certain extent.
Since the Constitution itself says that an amendment "shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified," and the Bill of rights was composed of ten amendments which were ratified early on, and that the Constitution itself would not have been ratified by the States without the promise of amending it immediately, the Bill of Rights being a list of God-given rights, that makes certain parts of the Constitution immutable on the eyes of many. Hence, the distrust by most Americans for those who refer to the Constitution as a "living" document.
And rightly so, imo.
Remember, these judges walk around with federal armed bodyguards, as they tell you how to protect yourself and family.
This isn't England and we don't owe the crown a damned thing
It's because of England that this right is our 2nd Amendment.
@@masterofnow1 They are saying we don't owe anything to our government. If anything they owe us, to do their jobs and to protect our inalienable rights!
Hahaha where u think all that tax money is going the crown!!!!
DOES NOT APPLY when citizens willingly are 14th Amendment citizens who ARE,
"Subject(s)" of Congress. Subject = Slave.
Never before the 14th Amendment was the word "Subject" ever used.
as in, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof".
Subject = Slave
DON'T believe their hype and investigate whether the 14th Amendment was truthfully and Lawfully Ratified.
This transforms your Natural Right (inalienable rights) to "Privileges" and subject to Congress.
It is being skirted at around 4:25 and touches on it for an additional 2-3 minutes.
EXPATRIATION from their Illegitimate system is what must be done to regain your Natural Rights.
They've made 14th Amendment citizenship Contractual (private law).
Have you ever signed a Governmental Form? That's Your CONTRACT into 14th Amendment Citizenship!!!
Common Law vs "Their" PRIVATE LAW system under their 14th Amendment system.
Their Private Law IS Not Our Constitutional Law!!
They are arguing their Private Law!
You Merely Have "Privileges" as a 14th Amendment citizen, Privlidges granted by Congress. ONLY Slaves have Privileges. BUT, are contractually and is willfull by agreeing to be a 14th Amendment Citizen!!!
Inalienable rights are Natural Rights and are of OUR CONSTITUTION. The 14th Amendment Rights are granted by Congress and Citizenship
Search out webpage, Pacinlaw . org
Note and FYI;
Why does EVERY Supreme Court Hearing ALWAYS refer back to the 14th Amendment????
Because, UNDER The 14th Amendment, Your RIGHTS "ARE" PRIVILEGES because YOU are "subjects" (slaves) of Congress. Congress gives you privileges rather than your inalienable rights.
Your inalienable rights HAVE BEEN SURRENDERED by YOU through Contract under their 14th Amendment System!
This is where their CONTROL, over the Individual, began.
"SUBJECT" to the Jurisdiction thereof".
You are merely a Subject of Congress. (Slave of Congress).
"The right to vote is denied "EXCEPT" for Participation in Rebellion". What Rebellion?
The rebellion of you against your original Constitutional system!!
This IS the Biggest HOAX Ever Played out onto any People of any Country.
The American People have been Duped!
EXPATRIATION, of the 14th Amendment system, to regain your Natural RIGHTS!!
Find the book, "The RED AMENDMENT"
@@masterofnow1 It's because of Brittish abuse that we have that right, not because of England itself.
Shall not be infringed. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
@@thisgame2 yup
@@thisgame2 what happened in 1913 to make that possible?
Well the dicktards in government are so arrogant on their power, they will be showing fear though if the house and senate take a sharp right!!! that's why we have no liberty now
Criminals don't care what laws are made. The law abiding citizen pays the price for the unconstitutional laws.
@Mor MacFey committing a crime and having been convicted forfeit your ability to having any rights, that's why they say 'law abiding' citizens' when it comes to rights. The constitution was written in mind of a moral society that respects the right to life,property and liberty, and the laws that protect those rights.
@@nancymarusic3064 so how long should a person be deprived of their rights after having completed their sentence ?
@@acedecade8222 I know it use to be dependent on time served and character after parole. If it's a violent crime however, they're usually hesitant. My opinion is if you've served your time and are not are risk to the public or yourself, your rights should be re installed. Some people unfortunately can't be rehabilitated unless God intervenes. We all have a rebellious human nature and are capable of horrible crimes, or there would be no need to have laws or jails in a civilised society. I also believe everyone deserves second chances.Not all laws are just though, when made by imperfect human beings.
@@nancymarusic3064 i see your point as its says a well regulated militia but before that it says shall not be infringed
@@acedecade8222 0
I am a older woman I don't like open carry just in case someone tries to disarm me. If I had a concealed they would not know and therefore I am safer.
it shall not be infringed.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms."
Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms.
Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing.
But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade.
🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood.
Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context.
God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not.
God wants murder and abortion.
Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood."
"Covered in the Blood of Jesus."
The crazies romanticize this 💩.
Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality.
But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission.
💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
* Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality.
In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else.
The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God.
This is New Testament mentality.
Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce.
Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President.
The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants.
A little perspective...
A devil signifies malevolence:
God sanctions:
Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13),
Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46),
Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16)
Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29),
Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29),
& incest.
God is the devil.
Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil.
The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18.
Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil."
They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left.
Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it.
Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️.
If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything.
It's also a Lazy Cult.
Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming?
"Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid."
"Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has."
- Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism)
It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth.
Religion is Poison.
Is God Pro-Life?
🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock.
🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters.
🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given
But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context."
💥 So when is killing children in context?
💥 Only when god approves it?
If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole.
God approves of Slavery:
🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited.
🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery.
🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners.
🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves.
🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately.
The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
@@SolutionsNotPrayers k
You forgot to include the first part of the amendment: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms..."
The purpose of the amendment is made clear, and the framers went out of their way to make it clear from the outset: so that the federal government cannot disarm the state militias. And those state militias must be "well regulated", i.e. in good ready working order by means of strict rules and regulations. Therefore, the founders intended -- demanded, really -- that individuals possessing firearms be subject to rules and regulations -- always. This is exactly what happened once the Constitution was ratified, as gun ordinances were commonplace in early America with the complete approval of both early Americans and the framers who wrote the document.
@@beagle123ist At the time of the founding Militia meant every fighting age man from 14 to 45 who could and would be called on to fight to protect their state from any enemy that could attack including the federal government.
@@barrystamour7557 Actually, it was every male citizen 18-45.
And here's what needs to be clarified over and over and over again: the state militias were NEVER to oppose the federal government. Ever, at any time, for any reason. Their job was to enforce the state and federal laws of the land and to guard against both foreign threats and domestic insurrections -- including and especially against insurrections targeting the federal government. The Whiskey Rebellion was put down by the state militias called by Congress at Washington's bequest.
You don’t need to ask permission for any constitutional rights
Correct that argument an vote was done 300 yrs ago
the point of the 2nd amendment to make sure america doesnt turn into this shitshow, they are very carefully seeking to discredit an man with an unimpeachable statement, NY gun laws are violating our constitutional rights
Thee right to keep n bear arms is basic, like breathing. Do u ask permission to breathe? Even criminals do not ask permission to carry an AK-47. Lotsa laughs....
@@axiathunder9128 i hope that wasnt sarcasm, too often the courts choose to misinterpret a right as a privilege they are kind enough to allow, sort of.
@@bryacmajere1379 100% correct an i know you know that they are slowly trying to take away our right 1245 they violate every min i say we the people need to unite in the millions march on Washington demand all elected officials to step down we the people take back the country reinstate the constitution as it was intended by the founding fathers when the people fear the government there is tyranny when the government fear the people as it should be there is liberty...WHAT DO WE WANT FREEDOM WHEN DO WE WANT IT NOW...!
Uphold our rights! Stop chipping away at them.
Tammy they've been chipping at it piece-by-piece slowly that no one's been noticing now look where we are.
The fact this even is an issue shows how far we have drifted from what we were intended to be
Firearms are not Dangerous. Politicians on the bench are ! And this bench is loaded with them!
Yea well this bench is pretty good I live in Ny and i havnt even try to apply for my permit because I would instantly get turned down wtf is that and I’m not in the city I’m up state Ny in the sticks like come on
@@brandondutton5696 Y'all have some pretty big deer upstate NY.
@@brandondutton5696 I watched a show by Stossle about trying to get a gun permit Ect were Soo outrageous it would take over a year if you were lucky
@@flowersinherhair yea we do go up an hr or 2 and u hit Canada u can go for elk
The risk of accidental shootings isn't even remotely close to to the risk of suffering a criminal attack.
When you drive a car you could run over someone...
Thats correct.
In 2019 accidental gun deaths were up to 486.
Meanwhile homocides are up to 19,141.
So your around 39-40 times more likely to be murdered than to accidentally shoot yourself.
And that’s not even factoring in the Crimes a gun could prevent that don’t result in the victims death, such as rapes, kidnappings, robberies, etc.
Whats worse is gun related crimes vs Crimes prevented by guns. Gun Crimes make up about 300,000 cases a year with Preventative uses ranging between 500,000 & 3.1 million times. So guns anywhere from 1.5-10x more likely to be used defensively than criminally.
There is literally no reason the government should be trying to regulate it beyond their effort to take our rights.
@@fatherofjman2475 how many of those accidental gun deaths were because of alcohol consumption? Because this is important too
My friend in Michigan Cory R.I.P.
Passed away like this
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 i have no idea there the only bit of descriptive evidence the article said was that most accidental gun deaths are children between the ages of 12-6. Indicating that we probably need to have a bit more training and familiarity with them.
@@kennymichaelalanya7134 how many DUI deaths are there? How many non-DUI deaths? Take a look at the recent Waukesha massacre via a car, what about those?
According to the founding fathers, we not only have the right to carry arms, but the DUTY to use them to overthrow a government that no longer works correctly. I am not saying to do this. But the FOUNDING FATHERS DID.
Our founding fathers are turning over in their grave at what Americans have allowed their country to be. Politicians can only do what the people allow them. And you 'speak' of freedoms but do very little to protect them. So keep pretending ur patriotic with meaningless words on utube. Our forefathers died to protect this country. U have failed them.
It won't be long now
im pretty sure the founding fathers were okay with slavery, doesn't make it right, same goes for guns we need to adapt not use old weapons of war as a solution as much as I wanna be able to carry weapons with me, society as a whole has changed
@@jaxxmarzzy2139 math was used back when there was slavery and as much as i like driving on bridges that dont fall in society has changed as a whole.....
@@jaxxmarzzy2139 the point isnt they were okay with it so we should be too, its laid out as a God given unalienable right (like all real rights) in the document these people claim to use to make these decisions thats a little different from slavery existing at the same time as something else
this litigator is brilliant! if i EVER need a lawyer, i’m looking him up. 100% professional. 100% prepared.
yea hes quite good at making the exact same argument seem like hes got more than just, `they did it before so let us keep doing it`
This was really interesting to hear a group off high and mighty, out of touch seniors (for the most part) completely miss the point of the constitution they’re supposed to be the foremost experts on.
It was set up that way
They have armed security so they don't give a hoot.
Yes they're completely out of touch and willfully ignorant of the constitution. They've already ruled that pre-existing laws and supreme court rulings can override the constitution... just another branch of corrupted government.
You heard liberal Socialists Breyer and Kagan.
@@douglassepic9030 Yeah, Both nominated and confirmed by demoncRATS to advance Socialism 🤬
Don’t make us fearful of Government and you will not fear us as one
10000% up this vote! So true. Law abiding citizens will cause blood shed when SHTF, or sooner, depending on their overreach. They behave, we behave. That simple. Otherwise there will be bloodshed. A golf club can do lethal damage, you don't even need a gun .
the KR story and how circle talk media and the government lied about it ,should make everyone a radical pro gun supporter ,it shows WE CANNOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT TO PROTECT US, OR TO TELL THE TRUTH,, the bad people will still do bad things,,,its only the good people that gun laws make more vulnerable,, NO AGE RESTRICTIONS, NO BACKGROUND CHECKs, perents should teach their kids safe gun practices ,and kids should carry as soon as the perents feel they are responsible enough to do so,
They ever pull our guns, we will be having this National wide, never give up the guns, Gods given rights, not Government choice
Arguing freedom, with authoritarian, is tedious.
Ain't that the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH!!! SO HELP US GOD!!!!
Absolutely and overdone already !
When are we going to realize we’re in a taxation without representation situation?
People are too easily duped into thinking it is for pur own good, stupid fool politicians!!!
It's been about 160 years, so nothing will change
What part of shall not be infringed dont they unerstand???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not being infringed, stupid.
It's the type of arms.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms."
Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms.
Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing.
But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade.
🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood.
Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context.
God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not.
God wants murder and abortion.
Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood."
"Covered in the Blood of Jesus."
The crazies romanticize this 💩.
Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality.
But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission.
💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
* Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality.
In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else.
The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God.
This is New Testament mentality.
Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce.
Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President.
The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants.
A little perspective...
A devil signifies malevolence:
God sanctions:
Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13),
Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46),
Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16)
Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29),
Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29),
& incest.
God is the devil.
Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil.
The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18.
Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil."
They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left.
Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it.
Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️.
If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything.
It's also a Lazy Cult.
Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming?
"Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid."
"Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has."
- Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism)
It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth.
Religion is Poison.
Is God Pro-Life?
🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock.
🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters.
🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given
But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context."
💥 So when is killing children in context?
💥 Only when god approves it?
If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole.
God approves of Slavery:
🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited.
🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery.
🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners.
🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves.
🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately.
The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
Just because they live in high class houses with brick fence; they don’t have to deal with being hit, beaten by just walking down the sidewalk. American has had more homes break-ins, rape (even women in their 80’s), looting, and shop lifting in gigantic stores, road rage on and on and on. Need I go further? America is getting raped, looted and the government/dem-0-rats want America’s guns!!!!
The part where “they shall not infringe” that now means “we can infringe and we’ll say we won’t impinge”
Every single word.
@@SolutionsNotPrayers I see you have thought about this for quite some time, good luck, may you find a road to do good, but I think your hatred of God may prove to be a stumbling block for you.
Yes you should be able to carry a gun concealed or openly how ever you see fit. 99% of concealed carry owners aren’t the ones running around shooting it’s the criminals who are committing crimes
The ones with conceal carry save lives. I want someone next to me trained and has a weapon and can save my life too!
We live in open carry states. She is right! We are able to carry it on your belt or arm. But the fear of people that see that is a crime in itself to create fear. Open carry
She is really stuck in the mud spinning her wheels backwards isn't she.
Oh and women were not allowed to vote before black people were!
These people never mentioned “ Shall Not Be Infringed “ one single time. They don’t have any intention of honoring our Second Amendment.
As far as restricting guns from Universities, how many lives could have been saved at VA Tech if 25% of the students carried arms? The same can be said for murders in NYC on Subways.
I guarantee every Judge in NYK has the right to carry. Why are there separate classes of citizens?
@Truelove The People. When it says The People it means The People.
I am listening to this and they keep giving ground.
Keep allowing restrictions.
Face it, if the felons are restricted, fine.
But how about the regular people that obey the law, why are they being restricted.
Every place will become a sensitive place.
The key is do guns do more harm then good in the hands of law abiding citizens.
If you are at a parade and a mad man is racing thru the crowd running them over with an SUV, do you have the right to defend those people and shoot that murderous person to stop them?
Can the state restrict
voting , assembly, speech ,
worshipping ?
Not YET !
1st things FIRST.
Correct. Even the lawyer bringing the argument didn't mention it...
@Truelove the state cannot create any law that contradicts constitutional right.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
Worried about imposing on the states rights when they're forcing a federal mandate for the vaccine
Technically "they" are not forcing a vaccine mandate. That is coming from the executive branch, not the judicial branch. Hopefully once the lawsuits make it to the Supreme Court they keep this line of reasoning and shoot down the mandates.
Is there a difference between coming from the federal or the executive they're still trying to force people to take a mandate and that is unconstitutional no matter what branch it comes from
Its called irony.
Yeah it is they say their body their choice was abortion but then we need to take the vaccine makes no sense
Well said! We should tell the justices and congress... you and YOUR families all line up and take our coved jabs.... if you survive them, we will talk about rights!
Justice Breyer is arguing a lot of what ifs. People are responsible for their actions drunk or sober and we have laws on the books to prosecute people for that. Deciding individual rights based on what some idiots might do is where things go south.
Exactly. If your afraid of drunk people with guns, make it illegal to brandish while drunk for all I care. The rights of us all should not be infringed based on the actions of a few fools.
Only Americans understand "shall not be infringed".
You can tell these leftist judges are activists. It’s pretty disgusting.
Wasmurderedin ny in1976.&hewasinthemilitary.
@@alvinmaldonado466 I'm trying to understand exactly what you are saying but you're not giving any details
The tyrants need to be imprisoned
“No communist countries allowed the private possession of guns. The first thing the nazis did was outlaw private firearms. …the object was to avoid effective resistance to the policies of the government.” Found on Quora.
Australia also.
Any government official that is against the second amendment should give up their armed security and put their money where their mouth is.
Anyone who is against/in favor of limiting the second amendment should be rounded up and shipped to North Korea.
@@jamessuraciart Issue with North Korea is that they are so poor that politicians living their don't get the privilege and graft that happens in USA!
@@superchuck3259 Don't respond to my comments until you learn to spell. I don't speak illiteracy.
@@jamessuraciart I may be confused but you literally stated “against/in favor”. Those are opposites so may I ask what you actually mean? Perhaps it was a typo but you stated everyone should be rounded up and sent to North Korea if your sentence is taken literally as it is typed.
Look lady we can't all have body guards.
I hope she understands that. I often wonder who of the honorable SCOTUS has ever had the pleasure of guns for hunting and protection.
My family has a remote cabin in southern Indiana for 5 generations. It's about 30 minutes outside of town. Over time we have met perpetrators at the end of the driveway with our firearms to protect ourselves and our property. We would have never survived if our only resource was to call 911
An unarmed body guard is no good anyway 🤷
What do these "justices" not understand about "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"? Simply put, any and all restrictions against guns are unconstitutional. Period. Full stop.
We must understand that this is a joke . Because
they're not stupid .
The supreme Court
is the easiest of the
branches to corrupt.
Buddy "
it is corrupted. That is my anoligy for Clarice.
just like in 1776.
@THE DUDE They wanna war and to be the only side with arms. They are cowards. Most authoritarians are.
I never thought I needed to protect myself until the current administration started.
What's disturbing is that, this is a handful of people deciding what Everyone is going to be able to do. There are a bunch of different points I could make on this. The biggest point.. We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason.
If you require me to enter a space and have no means to defend myself, then you should be required to provide for my safety. The Supreme Court ruled that police in America are not required to defend and protect citizens. The Supreme Court also ruled that State legislators could not create laws that required police to protect and defend citizens, because of the tradition among police to have the discretion to prioritize what crimes they respond to with their limited resources.
So, when death is seconds away, the police are minutes away, and they come on a first call, first served basis, unless they decide to prioritize differently, however they deem appropriate.
@@elster99 Boom your dead If you don't give me all your money 🤑. I think 🤔 that is what they are saying.
Your doing good. Why did you stop? Explain the reason for 2A.
God bless you brother
@@elster99 police are charged with protection of the people as a whole. They are not required to protect any specific person.
I seriously do not understand what is so hard to figure out . SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED . END OF ARGUMENT .
Most don't know what in fringe actually means. Have you ever seen a American president on stage w out flag in gold fringe? Here's a rabbit hole for you. Do some research on why they infringed our presidential flag in gold. Then this stuff will make sense. The country has been gone since 1913 and there done pretending
a vaccine is one and done. c-19 will get ya. a vaccine is not one and done. therefore it is not a vaccine.
ppl say vaccine. it is not. i have family that got it. fully "vax"ed. that is not how a vaccine works.
i got a small pox vax. i will never get small pox. see? easy peasy lemon squeazy.
same goes for malaria
2nd amendment is not about self defence,,Or squirrel hunting...wrong argument... I don't need their permission to exercise my rights..Rights do NOT come from the government...END OF ARGUMENT !!
Government should protect and uphold the God-given rights of the people who elect them.
Even for ex felons.
Purgery is a felony. How can a citizen be restricted from the right because they lied??
@@nashkita77 I agree. So is my 5 year old 1 time drug possession.
Which I did the time, paid the money and finished probation.
Correct. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with self defense or hunting. These rights are already guaranteed and assumed. The 2nd Amendment is for preserving the balance of power between the government and the people.
@@SiliconFlux exactly thank you someone else said it! Why isn't everyone screaming it! I'm not even American I'm a new Zealander! Its heart breaking watch what's going on in your great country, my country's being destroyed too
Why is there a judge who thinks it's "dangerous" to conceal carry for protection?? It's also dangerous to not protect yourself and act like it's all rainbows and unicorns
“Gun laws save lives.” No, they don’t. Look where the worst crime is, those cities have some of the most strict gun laws. The problems with guns don’t come from law abiding gun owners, and I don’t need to have a reason that some random person thinks is “good enough” to carry a gun. It’s my right, you don’t need to know why.
I agreed to and the tyrants need to be imprisoned
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms."
Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms.
Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing.
But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade.
🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood.
Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context.
God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not.
God wants murder and abortion.
Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood."
"Covered in the Blood of Jesus."
The crazies romanticize this 💩.
Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality.
But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission.
💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
* Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality.
In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else.
The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God.
This is New Testament mentality.
Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce.
Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President.
The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants.
A little perspective...
A devil signifies malevolence:
God sanctions:
Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13),
Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46),
Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16)
Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29),
Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29),
& incest.
God is the devil.
Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil.
The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18.
Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil."
They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left.
Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it.
Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️.
If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything.
It's also a Lazy Cult.
Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming?
"Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid."
"Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has."
- Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism)
It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth.
Religion is Poison.
Is God Pro-Life?
🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock.
🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters.
🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given
But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context."
💥 So when is killing children in context?
💥 Only when god approves it?
If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole.
God approves of Slavery:
🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited.
🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery.
🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners.
🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves.
🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately.
The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
@@SolutionsNotPrayers Except... the teachings of Jesus contradict virtually everything you've stated. And the teachings of Jesus are precisely where Christianity and Judaism differ. (Two of the "death cults" you mention) You sound like a fifth grader; throwing out half of a fact and feeling like you impressed somebody with your "gotcha!" assertion. LOL I wonder how little you truly know about all that you just wrote.
For example: your Psalm 137:9 quote (which has little to do with Jesus) is referring to the "little ones" of the daughter of Babylon. (blatantly stated only one verse prior) Need me to break that down for you? Daughter of Babylon - child of Babylon; the offspring or progeny of that nation or culture... her little ones - the continuation, increase, or proliferation of that nation or culture. A nation or culture which commonly practiced blood sacrifice of their children to their gods. Additionally a culture or nation which dragged off the 7th/6th century Hebrews (Jews) into slavery. "Dashing her little ones against stones" is metaphor for the destruction of the continued existence of such a nation or culture. Tantamount to the holocaust Jews wanting to destroy Nazi Germany.
Wasn't familiar with that verse so I looked it up, took me about 2 minutes to see that you are quite mistaken about the context of the quote as I'm sure you are about all the scriptures you've listed. Does not appear you want to understand or learn the truth. Looks like you want to hate. Surely that's what we need more of these days; loudmouths with no understanding looking to misquote anything that will appear to support their anti-God rhetoric.
But there is hope. God will forgive you and welcome you into (or back into) a fulfilling relationship with Him. Healing and forgiveness and purpose are only a conversation with Jesus away. Take heart Sorcerer Supreme.
Having said that, wherever you line up on the 2d amendment debate, that's your American right to your own opinion. No hard feelings here... but I warn you against blaspheming God in a public forum and possibly influencing others with your erroneous ravings.
For anyone else reading Sorcerer Supreme's bloated diatribe, please understand it is UTTERLY FLAWED. Please explore these matters yourself and make your own mind up. What he or she has written regarding Christianity and Judaism is misleading and out of context AT BEST and an absolute lie at worst. Yes those are scriptures found in the Bible but they do not mean anything close to what he or she is suggesting. Laughable.
Consider the failed logic of the statement: "The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️"
Or this gem: "Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy."
If you understand Pro-Life means anti-abortion, does that make sense? How are two examples of defending innocent life hypocritical?
All this from someone who doesn't understand the difference between bear and bare.
Always always always find out for yourself. There are too many Sorcerer Supremes out there to take anyone's word for anything these days.
I agree completely. I'm a woman New Yorker, & these laws just keep us from having guns in in NYC for protection. They don't keep criminals from carrying. Ironically, my friend was here from FL driving her dad's car. He's military & had a gun in the glove box. Her bf drove the car to drop her off at a job interview. He got pulled over, cops searched the car & found her dad's gun. He got taken to JAIL & the car IMPOUNDED. Her dad literally had to come to NY to speak on their behalf. These laws are absurd
Forget about history and tradition, which is fraught with all kinds of problems. We're talking about an open and shut case of a constitutional right to "keep and bear arms", thus the legal ability to carry this tool we call a firearm most anywhere a person goes, since violence does not strike just in your home or vehicle, or just in your hometown, or county.
Very good point. Well stated.
Right, look at what happened in the church downtown in the south where 13 church goers were slaughtered, seems to me if one or two were armed lives could of been saved! My gun goes virtually everywhere with me these days……….
@@abdulrahimel The vast majority of criminals are opportunists. Even psychopaths that perpetrate mass shootings, pick their targets for maximum effect. Pretty sure it's been proven through studies that homicides are much lower in areas the closer to 2a laws the areas have. Been a while since I looked it up.
This should not even have a debit about, It's Disgusting, Do they think MS 13, are going to comply, Hell know, So put it all on the law biding people that work and pay Taxes, You are useing our money, to try to take away our right to protect, Myself and my family. We the people will never turn in our firarms.
It seems that there is only Gun Control for the people that are Law Abiding. The Gangs don’t get Gun Control do they… The Criminals when they get our of Prison. The Law Abiding are losing their Right to have Guns. This is a Constitutional Right! Self Defense is a Right. It is the Right to Life! Concealed Carry should be a A Right… to defend oneself… in defense of another and in defense of animals. It is NOT a RIGHT of the Gang Members that use People and or Animals as their Target Practice and that is what those people do. But then hey… do the Courts every Keep the Rights of the Constitution anymore? I don’t think so!
Just think if we had Open Carry in all 50 states there would be hardly any crime....
I heard about in texas, almost every one has a gun. If you point a gun at someone, many guns will be pointing back at you instantly. So, I believe it's safe to have guns, rather than the criminals.
@@hardwiredtoselfdestruction3401 ? you dont agree?
"My clients are being denied the right to carry a weapon anywhere." "But what about the subway? But what about football stadiums?" Such dishonest questions...
Shall be infringed.
If a criminal commits a felony murder with a gun, then lock them up for life. No manslaughter.
The murderous driver of the SUV in Kenosha murdered 6 people.
Bet they are going to have a terrible Christmas.
I bet the mothers of those kids wish they could have shot that murderous rampager dead before more people ran over.
Woman recently raped on crowded subway. Nobody did anything to help but did film. Bet she wished for a gun
What criminal ever stopped and said "Thats a gun free zone, I better put this back in the car"? None!
Everyone that knows they have court does exactly that.
@@jasonb171 You're correct, but a courthouse has armed security, so it's not really a gun free zone.
@@jasonb171 that's entirely different because they abandon their guns for selfish, self preservation reasons... because there is a metal detector and going in armed would be stupid and pointless as you are a criminal anyway and nobody with a gun would get in while going to court. It's common sense and not the gun free zone that OP had in mind when making this comment. But you knew that, didn't you, you cheeky rascal?
Too bad Democrats don't have that much sense.
Considering two out of the last three comments I left were deleted it seems whoever has the most popular comment gets to keep it lol.
It’s about time. There’s no reason in a state where too many people have illegal firearms; there’s no reason why law abiding citizens should not be able to responsibly carry for our own protection and safety.
What do we want freedom when do we want it now!
No such thing as an "illegal firearm".
@@jamessuraciart If a convicted felon decided to wave their rights to carry guns to be out on parole, that works. Or else the person can remain in jail to protect society from someone that is dangerous.
Felons can use a red SUV to murder 6 people without the police stopping that person. Person should have never been out on bail.
@@superchuck3259 I agree he shouldn't have been out on bail, but at the same time, I kinda wish he was out with a right to bear arms in tact...had he been able to have a gun, he may have still killed people, but there would have been a chance the cop who was shooting at his vehicle or a random person at the oarade who was armed would have been able to shoot him preventing some of the death/injuries and preventing tax dollars being wasted on housing him in jail/putting him on trial.
These laws are like trying to prosecute people for thought crimes. What someone might do is neither a felony or a misdemeanor. Only until recently...
Thought crime is already typical though.
I know people that get threatened and lose jobs over offensive drawings. It's asinine
The U.N. is using it's "power" to shutdown websites that disagree this their narrative calling them dangerous.
@J I think that's what the 3 strikes you're out laws were about. Remember clinton admin.? Taking guns away from minorities for having pot. Locking them up and with a prison record could no longer buy one to defend and protect their homes and families because we all know, criminals don't register weapons they plan to use to take other peoples stuff. clintons are the true racists. Yet blk people still vote demoncrat. Republicans in office are just as bad when it comes to taking everything. Now using inflation and a virus as excuse.
@@smas3256 1:02:50 you can see who has the common people in mind vs the rich and famous. Absolutely ridiculous!
@@smas3256 Republicans are not trying to take anything. Our money or our guns.
How can you call you call it a Constitutional right. The Constitution doesn't give us rights, it protects them. Why are people even asking for there rights, you demand them. We act like children when it comes to the government. Either we have the right or not. People please wake up and learn the difference between legal and lawful.
Concealed carry would remove a lot of Bad actors quickly. The Bad actors wouldn't know who was carrying and the burden wouldn't be placed on the police, It would be be placed upon the attacker.
The logic/effectiveness of the action isn't what's being debated; this is about whether or not the state has the right to place these limits. The states are allowed to do anything they want, as long as it's not specifically limited by the Constitution. The petitioners are arguing that it's unconstitutional.
Texas is living proof of that.
@@Johnny1.0 Only in Texas, where I live anyway, you know that pretty much everyone is carrying. There is no violent crime. There is no property crime. Nobody would dare, and everyone is polite.
@@enricopallazzo3244 I’m really from Texas and you’re either lying or being a troll. It is less likely to have as much violence, not knowing who has a gun, but it is not Mayberry.
The 2nd amendment is vital to our survival as a nation, not just as humans being able to protect ourselves.
@@musicnut1966 Not sure why you think I’m trolling. We’re essentially saying the same thing. The only distinction I made is that in rural Texas, where I live, everyone carries a gun and has many in our homes. To hear leftists talk, there should shootings and violent crime all the time, but in fact it’s the exact opposite.
I pray for those in New York that this goes through. Theyve been under the thumb of the Dems too long.
..."aaaaaand" the criminals who could give a crap about gun laws!
The government lawyers and the lefty
Justices came across as pretty stupid when compared to the other lawyer and the other justices
I fear for New Yorkers.
You have no clue. It's ridiculous
@@OmniMale I'm going through the process now
It’s not “for fun.” It’s for self-defense, and you don’t need to prove to government officials that anyone, anywhere, at any time can become a victim of violence!!! There’s nothing new or shocking about law-abiding citizens carrying concealed! They want you to think there is though!
I will defend my family and my fellow comrades until a hammer falls on an empty chamber and I'll reload and begin again again until the threat is neutralized permanently
And the people arguing rights are informed of what law is. We have been dumbed down.
What is so hard to interpret 'shall not be infringed'?
Exactly. This woman activist judge is a psychopath. She’s literally making the case why you would need more law abiding citizens with guns on the subway. These leftist activist judges are a disgrace to the United States. The fact is NY won’t issue you a permit unless you own a business and carry a lot of cash. It’s a law for the rich to be armed and the regular ordinary citizens to be disarmed. The Supreme Court has already said that the cops have no obligation to “protect you” then at the same time says that well the subways are dangerous but that’s why you have the transit police. Well they ruled the police aren’t there to protect you and she admitted the subways are dangerous. She’s saying it is DANGEROUS to have guns in densely populated places… we are talking about LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. How is it dangerous? She has zero proof or evidence. Bottom line is we have a RIGHT. My RIGHT isn’t debatable. No matter what the Supreme Court says. These leftist activist anti American terrorist judges have to go.
The tyrants need to be imprisoned .
I don't forget some of those judges and politicians have bodyguards who no doubt are packing heat ... what hypocrites they are .
@@Izziharassedbynycooficials well you can go to the channel of Jonathan he sells all kinds of weapons including poison darts !
... it's just something that people might want to remember for later down the road .
Things are so bad in England now , that you are NOT EVEN ALLOWED to CARRY a SWISS ARMY KNIFE ... no lie .
@@gardensofthegods stop assumming and being a control freak. I dont like guns never did. Its bad energy. However with these tyrants too arrogant for their panties 2nd amendment. Whatever use the best army: forces of nature
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Pretty soon the criminal courts will just say, DUH, WHAT FREE STATE!!!!
They are overthinking this. “Right to bear arms” full stop.
Frakn A
Must not be infringed?
it's not the over THINKING that's's the over TALKING - "people" way too often over think and over TALK EVERYTHING
@@La-familia-de-Fazio It’s very straight-forward and not open to interpretation. They worked out the kinks before signing the final draft.
Let all these gun happy citizens carry guns in place at the establishment of our constitution
How is a weapon dangerous and a car is not.... it amazes me how a group of individuals that knows nothing about a weapon has the ability to decide for those who do.
I never understood why 2A is so often deferred to the states when it's encoded in the Bill of Rights. Do we allow states to put their own restrictions on 1A, 5A, or 14A? The right to keep and bear is not a state issue, but a national one.
Do you even know what 1A 5A or 14A even is or are thoes the only A's you know because some back water hik told you these were important to Q
@@peachtea7389 HICK is spelled with a C
I'm really tired of having to REPEAT that too
@@ralphsmith2683 And backwater is onexword.
That's what happens when someone is told to say "backwater hick", they get it wrong because they have never heard it before.
bear arms means to carry them: when your sleeping,, walking, driving, eating, sneezing and many others.
“The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” a God given right does not require a permit nor a license. It is not a privilege. It is a right. To keep and bear arms. Not just knives. All arms. Firearms included. Canons included.
Sure it is. It is written right to left.🙂
@Damian Barnard GOD GIVEN the minute HE puts breath into us! Hense why you are blessed with natural fight or flight instincts!
I agree, in fact, I didn't hear these lawyers say once that this Amendment ONLY states and that the inherent right of the People to keep & bear ARMs whatever and wherever they choose, "Shall NOT be INFRINGED". They continue to argue their points of how much infringement is too much, they completely blow past the very first stated point of this Amendment...
@Mattatron tell that to the British
Same applies to free speech the British don't have that either
We've been able to strap one on and open carry in Texas for quite a while now. It's saved lives in many cases. At least once, in a Church, where Deacons were trained and armed just for that purpose. I watched on live video as the shooter killed one person. The next thing you knew one of the Deacons shot him in the head! I'm so glad that they were able to be prepared. Other Churches in the past were not and the Parishioners were massacred. It doesn't matter what restrictions you put on our 2nd amendment. Criminals will always have guns and law abiding citizens should be able to protect themselves. Are we really going to sit down and watch them hack away at the 2nd ammendment?
A right can not be regulated. Or it's not a right in the first place.
Your version of that law is completely different from the founding fathers. The right to bear arms had nothing to do with the weapons we have today. It was strictly for hunting and militia because no national army existed for the states at that time. They were still separated in cultures..
Also to note, the government made it explicitly clear, they have right to confiscate your weapons, you and your supplies in time of emergency or war.
This is what they meant by muskets and musket balls..
@@guyanasun4361 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hell no. Your interpretation of the Constitution is flawed. The founding fathers knew very well what power to disarm its citizens was capable of.. the founding fathers never wanted to give so much power to the government that the citizens were disarmed.
@@guyanasun4361 also do realize that most law-abiding gun owners do not whimsically kill people? The statistics of murder using Firearms are replete with people that are illegally possessing firearms. Disarming lawful citizens is only going to give the advantage to those with malice. That coupled with the defunding of police, and it's unconscionable that people should not have the right to bear arms and defend themselves
@@primalcritters Just your recital of the founding fathers, constitutional law, political and social sciences of it all, tells me you're in no way ready for conversations around the foundation of America.. You haven't even put the lightbulb on in that dark basement and I've been far over that building multiple times.
At this point, I understand more about the foundation of America than your last 10 presidents combined, but please, tell me what I don't know about the founding fathers and their intent..
@@primalcritters And before you start that conversation, understand legal English and English law, because American standard/broken gets you nowhere in knowing anything about law or constitution..
Here’s the phrase that should be put forward, “The places where the people are is where the threat is. Open land isn’t an issue.”.
Self defense was never the reason for our second amendment!
It was put in place to protect us from tyrannical government!Law abiding citizens should not be treated like criminals.
Damn straight
Is that not self defense against the government?
@@texasforever7887 I see you're point and it's a good one but, "self defense" requires physical wrong doing first and a defensive reaction after. If the 2nd amendment is applied in the way it was intended, it would not be a reaction, you know what I'm trying to say?
@@KptKritical In the context of government I wouldn't limit it to physical harm. However I do prescribe to "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes" from the Declaration of Independence. Indeed the 2nd is our Big Stick against tyranny. Yes I see your point on the ultimate use of 2A.
The Constitution doesn't address open or concerned carry. End of story. If not all judicial judgements are open for interpretation
The need to defend yourself in your home is not so much greater than at any other place, since most people spend as much time or more away from their home as they do inside of it.
"Shall NOT be infringed"
If you wish to not have firearm's
then thats great! Good for you.
I will never try to force you to do so,nor will I ever wish to see you made a criminal because of your decision to not own any
The whole purpose of the 2A is to keep the government in fear of the citizenry.
@@NB3K Correct. The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with self defense or hunting. These rights are already guaranteed and assumed. The 2nd Amendment is for preserving the balance of power between the government and the people.
@@SiliconFlux yesterday that's why I say the tyrants need to be imprisoned
Amazing that the 2nd amendment needs defending? I understood only rights Not specifically stated in the constitution were left to the states? Disgraceful that the Supreme Court is not standing up and upholding our rights without an argument. The argument should be Thunberged: how dare you!
The Founding Father's would be flabbergasted, if they heard what was said in this hearing.
They’d be flabbergasted if they knew the types of weapons that now exist - but weren’t known when the amendment was written and passed.
@@Rick62153 Dude, there were CANNONS back then. They had exploding shells.
The British tried to ban GUN POWDER. It was not the goal to ban a little bit, but the barrels of powder needed for cannons. Needed by the people to defend their homes from invasion by the British about to sack their town.
As far as I'm concerned the judges on the Supreme Court should study the constitution and rule acorrdingly
They need to strike down restrictions on firearms period, extreme cases being exceptions as this is a right not a government granted privilege.
All restrictions. It cause the government is corrupt as f#$_k and we all know it and so do they. No laws shall be made. PERIOD!!!!
We are not the British Parliament.
No one has the right to bare arms this is the 21st century boomer get over yourself
It is a privilege that you must prove your responsible with something that can take another persons life like drving a car or flying a plane
@@peachtea7389 Move to China, traitor!
I will only go back to New York , my home state when I can legally carry a gun. Let's go Brandon
I would like to visit the coast of Maine, but refuse to travel through New York until they come to their senses.
New York and New Jersey will not recognize or uphold Supreme Court decisions on this; you just watch and continue traveling around these hostile states while their lawful citizens leave in droves.
I'm not going back to New York. Especially Westchester lol
This Brandon shit is soooo stoooopid.
@Damian your response is very well written and thought out, thank you for sharing. Having any court or person decide a persons rights is the first mistake.
Here's a seeming contradiction coming from the State of New York. On the one hand they want to claim the right to DENY a citizen a permit if their reason for wanting one is only "speculative" and not specific. That is to say, if the citizen is merely pointing out "crime happens and therefore I want to be able to protect myself" that's not good enough. Edit: By the way, "crime happens and therefore I want to be able to protect myself" is an integral part of the 2nd Amendment. The other part of the 2nd Amendment is: "The Second Amendment exists in case the Government forgets the First Amendment."
On with the State of New York's hypocrisy: But then, the State wants to ban guns in places like subways and Times Square on New Year's Eve based on a speculative danger of things like concentrated potential for misbehavior, a what-if concern rather than a known specific threat.
Can't have it both ways.
The armed many shouldn't fear the criminal few. Guns are property, and property rights are a derivative of self ownership, no outside authority or mob rule dictate has the right to deprive or forbid your property rights if you can refuse via self defense. Your gun and willingness to use it ensures your natural rights
This Sodamire is so out of touch its just pathetic .She needs to move to England and get out if her bias bubble.Makes no sense at all .She demonstrates extreme gun bias in her delusional bubble.Just can't believe she is allowed to practice law at all.
It is so hard to listen to Sodamire- is she really that dumb???
Sotomayor- Everyone happy?
With her trajectory of logic, only if you should happen to be shot and killed, only then it would then be lawful to carry to defend yourself.
@@idrathergetaidsthangetwoke9145 She once said at a law symposium..."we all know laws are made on the bench".
That statement should disqualify a judge, laws are made by congress, the SC rules on cases using the law.
“Open Carry” could apply to anything deadly.You have knives,bats,Chinese stars,brass knuckles,ice picks...If people want to kill are going to kill.Murderers are determined and don’t weigh law or restrictions.The law abiding citizens are left defenseless.
Yes I agree with you and that's why these tyrants need to be imprisoned
Don't forget Raid Wasp and Hornet spray.
I 100% agree with u .
New York's rep seems to go by the old adage "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh!t"
The bullshit is having to explain it to them in the first place.
Seemed to work pretty good for trump- especially the ones that are most baffleable, (gullible).
@@Rick62153 are you referring to those same ‘deplorable’ voters that steamrolled your shitlibs in Virginia ? Uh - oh
@@vincentsnow8436 The new governor in Virginia is a corporate stooge.(Carlyle) You folks need to wake up.
Cocked and loaded. Come and take it or try to give me a shot....🇺🇲🗽🇺🇲🗽🇺🇲🗽🇺🇲🗽🇺🇲
We carry here in TX. Crime is dramatically deterred by the fact a would be offender will be hesitant to execute a crime when there may be a room full of weapons ready to stop his aggression.
It is good for Americans to hear Supreme Court Judges. It give us an idea of the carácter as well the sharpened of their thought and determination to enforce and follow our Constitution!
I don't think anybody in our government supports the Constitution they actually been shitting on it
Need to throw them out of office, not believing in our constitution is very un-American.
@14:00 Sotomayor begins to source Jim Crow laws as precedence for continuous infringement.
The CORE right of self-defense is NOT just "protected" by the Second Amendment....the CORE right of self defense is a GOD-GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHT !! The Bill of Right's Second Amenedent and Constitution RECOGNIZES this inalienable Right and prevents the government from infringing upon it !!
I am amazed how articulate, well versed and spoken this guy is against this barrage of multiple arbitrary arguments back to back to back! I would put this man on retainer anytime
How about that make believe scenario where EVERY GUN OWNER carrying at a Stadium is a DRINKER and will GET DRUNK and then have a shoot out? These people have crazy imaginations. They imagine the gun, just sitting there is so tempting to play with. But we teach our kids to never touch a gun. If my kids saw a gun on the ground, they would not touch it. The kids in gun controlled areas would be so excited to see it, they would immediately pick it up and play with it, maybe take it home and play with it. Hide it in their room. Then one day, BOOM, kid shoots his sibling or an accidental discharge goes thru the wall and hits somone on the other side. Yep that situation is more likely than the CRAZY carry person idea.
I mean .... we pay them enough ..... they Better hold to their due diligence.
Look what happened in Australia!
What part does this court not understand shall not be infringed upon?
They took their guns in Australia, now they don't even have free speech, nor can Australian's travel! Learn from their mistakes!
Exactly. That's what Exactly they are trying to do, same as Australia, they are trying to manipulate and use excuses as they have always done, they think we are stupid
But that is exactly what these pricks want.....more and more power to control us. Once they take away our ability to fight back, we would have to surrender to them and that is exactly what some of them want us to do. Just do as they say, not as they do.
For "Conceal & Carry" - there is a very rigid background check + the demand for compliance on firearms training. The law abiding, tax-paying public deserve the right to responsibly bear arms as a means of self-protection --- for self-preservation. Crime exists & it is RISING, with more assaults, rapes, & murder than ever before. Self-defense is essential.
I like nationwide wide constitutional carry. We don’t need a permission slip!!
The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting. It's about keeping and bearing arms. for defence
May God bless us with a honest Court that upholds the Constitution.
Let's Go Brandon.
They're not infringing on the right to bare arms, they're just restricting the type of "arms" allowed, you can still bare arms such as a cane, pole, flashlight, club, knife, spear, & pepper spray. These are "arms."
Right to bare arms, means an extension of one's own arm. Why can't we own nukes, bazookas, or grenades? Because people would abuse that power, because it's overkill. The same for firearms.
Technology has allowed us to use non-lethal methods of subduing threats, but murderers enjoy doing things the easy way by killing.
But when you have right-wing extremists influenced by their Devil Worshipping ✝️ Cult, it's hard to persuade.
🔴 Psalm 106:38 And shed innocent blood, even blood of their sons and of their daughters, and pollute the land with blood.
Can't be Pro-Life and Pro-Gun, that's hypocrisy. ✝️ Indoctrination has taken the Bible all out of context.
God is all about Death. Just read the Bible. The ✝️ Cult wants to reinterpret (thru Indoctrination) the Bible to make God seem all-merciful and forgiving. He's not.
God wants murder and abortion.
Blood is what god loves, the etymology of the word Bless, means, "to smear with blood."
"Covered in the Blood of Jesus."
The crazies romanticize this 💩.
Abandon the evil Devil Worshipping ✡️✝️☪️ Abrahamic Cults, and use Secular Morality which is superior than god's morality.
But you have to understand how the Cult works. No responsibilities. * It's always someone else's fault. Women are considered less than men, it's all about submission.
💥 1 Timothy 2:11-12
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
* Something good happens, god did it. Something bad happens, Satan did it. Something doesn't make sense kill it. Somebody doesn't obey you, kill them. Feel too guilty about something, kill an animal. This is Old Testament mentality.
In the ✝️ brain, Why practice morality when good works won't get you to Heaven? Screw up, pray for forgiveness, then do it all over again. Create Hell on Earth but as long as they think they're going to Heaven, screw Everyone Else.
The ✝️ Cult does not define “good” or “evil” in terms of benefit or harm to humanity, but rather on the submission to or rebellion against God.
This is New Testament mentality.
Everyone in Prison is in the ✝️ Cult. 1 out of every 2 ✝️ marriages ends in Divorce.
Now combine this Cult with Politics and "tah-dah" you have Right-Wing Cults like Conservative Trump Supporters, all beyond reason who believe JFK is going come back and restore Trump to be a Messiah President.
The 3 Abrahamic Death Cults ✡️✝️☪️, who's underlying message is "Might is Right, Obey or Die." All 3 fight amongst each other & within their own denominations. When prayers fail, terrorists play god, and that's where all the evil comes from. It's not that certain things piss god off, it's things that piss off the Indoctrinated Slaves who are trying to enforce their idea of what they think god wants.
A little perspective...
A devil signifies malevolence:
God sanctions:
Murder (2 Chronicles 15:12-13),
Slavery (Exodus 21, Leviticus 25:44-46),
Abortion (Psalm 137:9, Isaiah 13:16)
Eating Babies (II Kings 6:28-29, Leviticus 26:29),
Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29),
& incest.
God is the devil.
Indoctrination is taking the Bible out of context. It's turning god into a loving, all-powerful, merciful god when according to the Bible, he has more in common with the Devil.
The Bible clearly says Jesus was accused of Sorcery and in league with Beelzebub, Mark 3:22, and according to Mosaic Law, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, Exodus 22:18.
Indoctrination would have you believe that Satan lied in the Garden and tricked Eve, but Satan told the Truth, "No you will not die, you will become like gods knowing good and evil."
They ate and did not die. God just had a massive Hissy-Fit. Tired of being God's sex slaves, Adam and Eve put on clothes and left.
Indoctrinated Slaves will tell you that it was a spiritual death, though the Bible never mentions it.
Indoctrinated Slaves of the ✝️ Cult are the only ones that ostracize you if you are not part of their Cult. That's exactly what the Mark of the Beast is all about. The Mark of the Beast is the ✝️.
If the ✝️ Cult was true it wouldn't need Apologetics to explain all it's discrepancies, contradictions, errors, failed and unfulfilled prophecies. Because they have an excuse for everything.
It's also a Lazy Cult.
Why accomplish anything if Jesus is coming?
"Lay waste to the planet, nothing here matters, we're all going to Heaven. Don't get an Education, remain stupid."
"Reason is the greatest enemy that Faith has."
- Martin Luther (Founder of the Abrahamic Cult of Protestantism)
It's obvious this ✝️ Cult is causing Climate Change and Hell on Earth.
Religion is Poison.
Is God Pro-Life?
🔴 Psalm 137:9, Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones & dashes them against the rock.
🔴 Leviticus 26:29, You shall eat the flesh of your sons, & daughters.
🔴 Numbers 5:11-24 an abortion potion is given
But the Slaves of Indoctrination will say, "it's out of Context."
💥 So when is killing children in context?
💥 Only when god approves it?
If your reason is, "if it's god says ok, then it's ok." Then you're just as immoral as that 🤬hole.
God approves of Slavery:
🔴 Leviticus 25:44-46, Slaves can be bought, sold, & inherited.
🔴 Exodus 21:7, You can sell your daughter into slavery.
🔴 Exodus 21:8, You can buy a female sex slave for yourself, or your son. If you don't like her, you can sell her again, but not to foreigners.
🔴 Deuteronomy 21:10-14, You can rape captive women, but you cannot resell them as slaves.
🔴 Exodus 21:20-21, You will not be punished for killing your slaves, as long as they do not die immediately.
The fact that we ended slavery shows that our Secular morality is superior than god's morality. Our morality comes from within us and not from god. In fact, many religions endorse slavery. However as Americans, we collectively decided slavery is not moral and we ended it. No God needed. No religion needed. Remember, it took a war to convince Southerners that Slavery was wrong and they've been bitter about it ever since.
When did Brandon become your god, Devil Worshipper?
@@SolutionsNotPrayers Your opinion / interpretation is just that. Your interpretation. You are no scholar. Making up crap to suite your individual opinions. A gun is used to defend yourself, family and personal property. Know One in their right mind wants to kill anyone. Until they are defending self, family and or property. The lord wants you to live a “Christ like life” and be the “best” you can be.
Honest courts won't happen until they are all arrested! Clintons paid, blackmailed & killed judges to stack the Supreme court the way they wanted it. Read the Durham report just coming out now
@@SolutionsNotPrayers you are crazy like i dont think god is real but i still think we should have the right to KEEP and BEAR arms
"When you carry concealed for self defense and start shooting, someone can get killed".
Yes, that is point of carrying.
Actually that's not the point. Killing anyways. You shoot to stop the threat, if they die so be it. But you don't shoot to kill.
@@testtickles8755 Actually, that is not true. The only way to stop a threat is to shoot to kill. If you aim for arms/legs you are potentially risking the lives of bystanders because you are more likely to miss when you aren't taking a kill-shot. Hell, you could kill yourself by not aiming to kill. What if you aim for an arm or leg and miss and the bullet ricochets off of something and hits YOU?
@@testtickles8755 wrong. Anyone with firearms training knows that you aim for the chest, which is the largest target and contains many vital organs. Training also underscores that one should never pull the trigger unless the target (threat) has been identified, and you always shoot to kill.
There are laws in place against MURDER.
Everyone should be safe. Case closed, the magic spells of the law books will protect everyone.
No criminal should be carrying a gun. Oh wait, criminals don't follow the laws, even the natural laws against theft and murder. Even laws against them carrying a gun.
What is more tragic? A) a normal non-criminal person carrying a gun B) A criminal without a gun driving a SUV thru a Christmas Parade murdering 6 people.
So what is it Judges? What is the big risk? So who should the judges be forcing to comply? The felon criminal released from jail a few days ago or the non-criminal person that never was arrested ever?
Just rule on the constitution shall not be infringed
You mean like January 6th 2021, there needs to be accountability. Imagine if the Capitol police shot the Insurrectionists, that would be a Definitive case of Abiding by the 2nd Amendment for the Protection of Democracy... But in lieu they Honored their Oaths of Office that they took, and even Defended the Senators who later claimed that Jan. 6th was just a Normal Day. There is a Dichotomy which needs to be addressed for Gun Control, and we shouldn't just close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist.
@@jrrivas2462 Here we go lets educate you
America is not a democracy, Democracy is a code name for socialism.
That's why our fore fathers adopted a Constitutional Republic. For the people by the people.
Even if you're an ex felon. If rights can be taken away then they are not rights. Why is only the 2nd amendment not allowed for ex felons. Why are ex felons not allowed a weapon for self defense? Especially if the felony did not involve a weapon or was not a crime of violence???
@@jrrivas2462 You cant call it an insurrection when the FBI hasnt charged ANYONE with insurrection. 80 unarmed morons with bearspray and a flagpole dressed as Vikings with facepaint isnt an insurrection.
@@jrrivas2462 Perhaps the Capitol Police could have just done their jobs of trying to prevent the protesters from entering unauthorized, rather than either extreme of shooting them with no probable cause or inviting them in and holding the doors open for them (which is what actually happened).
Also, stop trying to label them insurrectionists. It doesn't qualify. You're just watering down language like the way the word racist had been.
No Senator or congressman were in any danger. How could they be so afraid of their own flag waving countrymen, unless they feel they had a reason to be afraid due to their own guilt.
You should not have to prove your need to defend yourself. That is a natural right.
Why isn't the ruling by SCOTUS on suing a police department for not protecting a victim talked about? SCOTUS ruled that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves and their family, not the police.
Our founding fathers put the Second Amendment in place to protect us from the very ones trying to take them away.
The Second Amendment of the Constitution is an inalienable right oh, that means god-given.
And God doesn't care what kind of weapon I Bear or where I Bear it.
I dare these leaders to put a sign in the front yard that says,
"No Guns at this House"
They should also have to use public transportation without security and sounds like they wouldn't pass the class it would require to carry their own weapon
Actually this is wayyy important and relevant as well virtually UNKNOWN by the People