theres nothing wrong with being uncomfortable, lucas and amybeth has separate lives both of them are in a relationship like if you ship them in movies like anne and gilbert its cool but shipping them in real life is weirfd af Nah. Sometimes you gotta be harsh to get the point across otherwise people will downplay you and try and do it anyway. He did it right if anything.
I don't understand how he's a hypocrite. He said he doesn't like ship names and when that women brought out the ice cream, the name she said was the ice cream flavor. She wasn't talking about anne and gilbert whereas Lucas and his girlfriend were talking about Anne and gilbert.
It’s the way he insulted the fans for making that name for Anne and Gilbert plus him basically calling us disgusting and gross. He’s rude, petty, and unprofessional. Also about the ice cream thing? The way Moira (the director) pronounced it was purposely done wrong cause she wanted to squeeze the pun in there by calling it “shir-bert” and not “sher-bet”.
@@Lunafroyo okay woah I have to explain this he was UNCOMFORTABLE with them and he didn’t say we’re disgusting and gross lmao The ice cream thing might have been her accent or just a JOKE And it’s rude and unprofessional to have a opinion?
@@kay5364 you clearly are too biased in your liking to him to admit what he said was highly rude and unprofessional, nobody said the kid can’t have an opinion he’s totally entitled to that but he can’t go around parading his “disgust” of fan coined ship names cause he can’t stand “modernized” labels which he verbally admitted he thought was “gross” so yes, he did indeed indirectly imply that the fans who call them “Shirbert” are “gross” or “disgusting” 🙂 (hence why I worded it “basically called us”) There’s a way to say things and he didn’t go about it, didn’t even think twice about how this may look on him in the way he handled the situation. If he was that uncomfortable he could’ve been way more professional about his statement but he decided being petty was the better option? It’s in his career to stay professional and handle these situations with maturity but he’s proved he’s not at all ready for that. The Ice cream thing was said like that on PURPOSE, that was the joke or the hint at the time cause it was a promotional video for s3 of AWAE.
No he did not call the fans gross he said ship names are gross. If you see relationships as two fully fledged individuals coming together to share their lives you would think the codependent type of relationship a “ship name” implies would be gross. It Sounds to me especially with his comment about social media that he reads a lot. And people who read a lot are VERY concerned about the way things are named and what those names mean. Also, the ad was a promotion for his job where he gets money to say whatever the heck they want him to say putting all personal feelings aside. He isn’t being a hypocrite by not being petty about “shirbert” He doesnt have to like the name to collect a pay check. It’s actually professional of him that he DOES keep his opinion to himself at work. Furthermore, you can just tell by non verbal communication that his relationship with amybeth is a sore spot in his and his girlfriends relationship. It’s why he kissed her and why he didn’t mention amybeth when he was saying people that he liked and why he completely denounced a real life pairing.
@@Lunafroyo hey! as someone who is NOT a fan of the show (i’ve watched a total of two episodes and, really, only learned more through sharon’s (is that her name?) yt), it’s fucking weird. and he’s allowed to be uncomfortable and grossed out. the problem with ships is that people take it too far, and it has been known to affect and ruin REAL relationships. personally, i’d be annoyed as FUCK if someone shipped a coworker and i together. i WOULD say something about it too. we get it, fans are the main reason celebrities make as much money and are offered as many opportunities as they are. but climb down your high horse, for the love of god. could he have worded himself better? sure! but, at this day and age, it should be common sense not to act like an asshole. and when people consistently bring your work relationships into your personal relationships-constantly comparing them-it makes sense that he seems as annoyed as he is. i mean, jesus, how many other celebrities need to clarify that they don’t appreciate that kind of behavior? frankly, it’s completely ridiculous that he felt the need to say anything at all, because you can tell how frustrated this makes him, can’t you? especially considering a big portion of the shows viewers are old enough to know better. so, unprofessional? sure. but was he right? absolutely. you don’t get to decide how he feels simply because you’re a viewer, a fan of the show, or just a fan of his. celebrity or not, he (and whatever relationship he’s in) deserves the same amount of respect you give anyone else. and you can’t get mad when he reacts those that continue to act ignorant. including yourself.
1. He was probably told to say that by a director in order to promote the show. It’s not like Amy randomly whipped out a camera and they just decided to announce it and also coincidentally eat some sherbert. It’s obviously scripted and Lucas most likely didn’t have any say in whether he wanted to do it or not 2. You’re being disrespectful, his girlfriend was just expressing her discomfort about how it’s weird people are comparing her and Lucas to Anne and Gilbert which IS weird. They’re real people, while Anne and Gilbert were WRITTEN and made up to be destined for each other.
I agree but people ship the character "Gilbert and Anne" NOT "Lucas and Amy". Before he became Gilbert's character in this series, I already liked Gilbert and Anne from the novel, so people just love the character of the story. And if he not like being ship with anyone then don't become actor.
Its because people are just shipping abt a character anne and gilbert not lucas and amybeth. I mean the question is not nice but people are just shipping characters
I understand if him not like to ship with amy because he have girlfriend. BUT people not ship him in real life with amy, they are ship the character of the series "Gilbert and Anne" ,NOT "Lucas and Amy" so what the problem with people ship the character?? If you not like people ship you with somebody then don't be actor. He just really rude and narcisstic, and of course he girlfriend very jealous and rude too. i really like Gilbert and ship him with Anne. not you Lucas, so chill
nah because in the moment ur comparing shirbert with the real live couple ur not "only shipping characters". As she said in the video ppl said "i like him better with anne" like they are basically saing they don't want them to be bc they are shipping the characters and that IS a problem and saing it's not is just immature
i mean it isnt okay what he said about shirbert this ship was there before he even borned he isnt the only one who played gilbert what is that ego and this is nothing next to evil things he did
I don’t understand how that’s him being a hypocrite?? that clip of them eating sherbet was a JOKE, but comparing this real life couple with sherbert isn’t a joke and makes them uncomfortable
The ship names are really cool ! And I love the couple of Anne and Gilbert, in any adaptations of books ! Actually... the fans use the names of the two people to create a new name... it isn't bad ! It's just what we do with any fictional couples... it's isn't just with Gilbert and Anne. And Gilbert is fictional, we use HIS name. The character of Gilbert Blythe belongs to the fans. This doesn't concern Lucas. He has the right to live all he wants with who he wants. The actor is free, but just... He should stop to criticize a common praticie in fandoms.
He wasn't talking about Anne and Gilbert's ship name. He was talking about him and Amy in real life. It can get uncomfortable. He didn't like that him and his real life gf had a ship name or were being compared to Sherbet (Anne and Gilbert).
Okay but he’s doing his job. Like he was told to do that by producers even though he was probably uncomfortable with it. There’s a difference between what a human being feels and what they are directed to do for their job
No it’s just the way he said he doesn’t have feelings for the person who plays Anne kinda saying “she isn’t my type” like he wanted to call her ugly but didn’t go there tbh he did seem a little aggressive
Uuuuh, what? The first video is an actual Q & A where Lucas gives his opinion on ''sherbert'' and the second one was scripted by Netflix to post for fans A real life situation vs. scripted. There's a difference
Y'all are wrong. 1) he just kissed her because that's what couples do. He wanted to kiss her and he did, what's wrong with that? If you are discussed or smth then don't watch it, no one forced you to. 2) he isn't rude he just said that he doesn't like shipping names and there's nothing wrong with that. People will always find a way to judge someone no matter what. He was never wrong he was just minding his one business and his one life. That's his attitude no matter if you like it or not. Lucas is an amazing person and yall should understand what is actually going on.
@@Shifter-hg2ch they're just weirdly obsessed. like on a creepy level. they pick apart everything he does and put him on this pedestal - so no, i wouldn't like them lol
@@Shifter-hg2ch he never said that though, you guys love fabricating shit. He didn’t speak on amybeth’s name at all bc it’s clearly a sensitive topic for them both and he was trying to avoid hurting his gfs feelings. Tf is wrong abt tht?!
People saying that he's being rude just dosen't make any sense like.. Why did u expect him to be w Amybeth in real life like, they were together for Anne with an E not in real life.. Its they're fault and they're the one that ship both of them in real life and they just couldn't except the fact that Lucas is not interested/dating her.. It wouldn't be a problem if u just ship them in Anne with an E.. Sorry btw, I'm just ranting🙏😅
I agree but when he says don’t make a ship name for Anne and Gilbert, that doesn’t make sense. Before that series there were the original books, where they got married, and there is also a short series of Anne of Green Gables. He’s acting like he’s the only Gilbert, while he’s not. So people can ship Anne and Gilbert just not Amybeth and him
that is true but he literally got mad by people shipping anne and gilbert bro are you okay this ship was happening before you even was born there is a lot of adaption you are not the only one who played gilbert beside he also talked shit about amy and the show which made him famous and as a last one as i heard a boy from his school said that he was harassing girls when he was in awae like wanting to send him a nude pic and he also talked shit about the serie which made him famous and amybeth and he also said amybeth is the ugliest girl he ever kissed
0:49 why does he think ship names are gross? That's a weird take to have lol I think ship names are a thing because it's much easier to say one name when referring to a couple instead of "name and name" like there's nothing inherently wrong with ship names.
Os cara enchem o saco da namorada dele e querem que ele fique tranquilo com isso. Ta certíssimo, amo o Gilbert porque ele é feito para ser amado, o ator não merece ser diminuído porque não é igual a ele, faz escolhas como ele, age como ele, isso é loucura doentia das fãs.
Leave him alone, it was scripted lol And, as many people are saying: it is TOTALLY reasonable for them (Lucas and his girlfriend) to feel uncomfortable, since they are hating on the couple (in real life, so Lucas and his girlfriend, not Amy) because they ship the CHARACTER which he played. That is beyond ridiculous. Also, the title, since it is hating on him for a stupid reason, it's also ridiculous.
Look up why Neal McDonough always plays the villian. I think his take on it is admirable & it's really the only way to avoid the issue. Whether you show it or not you can't help but be bothered by the person you care about showing affection to someone else. And you can use the don't compare real life couple to fictional characters all you want but there have been plenty of break ups/divorces where the person left their significant other to pursue a relationship with someone they had an on screen romance with. Not saying everyone will do that but I totally understand the concern one might have when it comes to their partner/spouse being part of a fictional romantic couple on screen.
Ok first off i understand the whole uncomfy thing like yeah, i agree. Theres nothing wrong eith being weirded out by the whole Anne and Gilbert thing but its kinda hypocritical that he said he doesnt like the ship when also he was being disrespectful to anne? Idk why they were so pressed over amybeth bevause as they said people ship the book couple not the real life people because we know they arent together. The hypocrisy u mentioned isnt really because it was in the time for the show and they wanted to promote it. But i really was weirded out on how direspectful they acted towards amy beth, jist because shannon was insecure (prolly) of amy. But thats not how u tackle insecurities LUCAS. I havent even finished the show and i ship gilbert and anne so much but now the way lucas acted will ruin their scenes for me.
i’m late to this and i know they already broke up but it’s not her who was being toxic. lucas was wayyy to intimidated when it was brought up. bcs of this he started acting hyper abt it.
They are haters idc what ANYONE says, his gf being so angry with the social media algorithm is a clear sign of insecurity. Netflix did such a good job creating a couple we love to watch. It’s their job to make us crazy for anne and Gilbert, hence ship names and etc. Being famous isn’t always sunshine and rainbows but it shouldn’t matter to the gf if she knows what her and her bf has is real. But hey this is just my opinion
La verdad se entiende que este molesto por ese tipo de comentarios, pero igual fue algo grosero para ser una simple respuesta, realmente Lucas no me parece tan "agradable" como los papeles que hace, y más por lo que contó Amybeth en una de sus experiencias ¿Sabían que la escena del pizarron no fué del todo actuada?
Bueno pues supongamos que las personas no tienen que ser perfectas o perfectos,el actua como el y es el,no es como en los papeles que interpreta por que todo es ficción comprendes y si no se llevan bien el y la chica que interpreta a Anne pues supongo que son ellos nosotros no tenemos derecho a opinar...
@@happygirl281 Claro que tenemos derecho a opinar y más cuando los entrevistas y ellos comentan su experiencia, si bien no tienen que ser perfectos, es verdad pero él estaba en horarios de trabajo con ella cuando tuvo esa actitud tan grosera, no hay justificación para este tipo de comportamientos. Una cosa es acosar al actor hasta tal punto de hartarlo y que este se comporte así (lo cual es totalmente comprensible) pero otra es que este se comporte como un ogro en plena filmación con su compañera de trabajo, y más cuando ella no le hizo nada.
Don’t care what y’all say, but him shaming fans for ship names and saying it’s gross is extremely disrespectful to his fans and just rude to anyone who enjoys shipping overall. People liked Anne and Gilbert together before he and Amybeth were even casted as a newer version of those said characters. He had no right to act like this is something that was happening then with his show when it’s existed well before *he* even existed. He singlehandedly insulted millions of people who mash characters names together to create a ship name just because he was angry about a bunch whiny immature brats online who were testing his relationship. He’s completely valid in being angry and feeling uncomfortable at those freaks who were shipping him and Amy, but at the same time the way he went about it was so unprofessional and disrespectful. He’s got no business insulting whole fandoms and fans for something they’ve been doing since forever.
@@realestsienna he literally got mad by people shipping anne and gilbert bro are you okay this ship was happening before you even was born there is a lot of adaption you are not the only one who played gilbert beside he also talked shit about amy and the show which made him famous and as a last one as i heard a boy from his school said that he was harassing girls when he was in awae like wanting to send him a nude pic and he said that amy is the ugliest girl he ever kissed
Comparing them to eachother is weird. Like fictional couple to real life. But otherwise i dont see any issues with ship names and shipping Anne and Gilbert.
No creo que esta siendo hipócrita simplemente les esta dando a enter que los personajes son imaginarios no hay ninguna relación y se siente incómodo y le hace mal (pienso,creo)que a su novia le afecte....por que vamos solo es ficticio :)
Aaaaaa he acting so cringy I am the only one who see it and finds it so funny. The ahhhh from the start was like bish don you seee I am 30 nd busy attitude had me so bad. 🙃😅🤣
I know its strange BUT! BUT Anne said that she love lucas i cant belive i love anne with an e i love it in my all heart ❤ but i think that Gilbert (lucas) and anne be a pretty couple bc i cant belive that u two are dating 😢 my heart broken💔
Stop defending him yall, they both are so problematic. Mostly actors have to do ship scenes and people ship the actors who may be just friends or co workers but he keeps treating like its a big situation. The girl is so toxic (glad they broke up) she treats it as a big situation even though with real children go and film lovey dovey scenes, its their freaking job. He treats Amybeth like an object, disrespecting her even though she sees him as a friend. SO PROBLEMATIC AND PICK ME (both of them)
Fr? Like when lucas talks to Amy he is so happy, But when he is talking about anne and gilbert with sherran it’s just like disgusted! Like idk if he hates amy or not? I don’t like that Sharran and Lucas were together- I feel like that wasn’t a great relationship. I feel like Lucas looks happier with amy. Ik that they aren’t together but i mean.. Why does he have to act like that? I love gilbert, But i’m not so sure about lucas sometimes..
If you watch the hole video you will see that he talks about everyone being very good and kind except Amy and when his girl asks if he knew any before he avoided the question and then lied and said no which is not true 🫶🏻
theres nothing wrong with being uncomfortable, lucas and amybeth has separate lives both of them are in a relationship like if you ship them in movies like anne and gilbert its cool but shipping them in real life is weirfd af
finally someone saying that . Nah. Sometimes you gotta be harsh to get the point across otherwise people will downplay you and try and do it anyway. He did it right if anything. nah. also he never said anything about amybeth so idk what you are talking about there
I honestly think people just take it as joke
Shippering real people is creepy
I don't understand how he's a hypocrite. He said he doesn't like ship names and when that women brought out the ice cream, the name she said was the ice cream flavor. She wasn't talking about anne and gilbert whereas Lucas and his girlfriend were talking about Anne and gilbert.
It’s the way he insulted the fans for making that name for Anne and Gilbert plus him basically calling us disgusting and gross. He’s rude, petty, and unprofessional.
Also about the ice cream thing? The way Moira (the director) pronounced it was purposely done wrong cause she wanted to squeeze the pun in there by calling it “shir-bert” and not “sher-bet”.
@@Lunafroyo okay woah I have to explain this he was UNCOMFORTABLE with them and he didn’t say we’re disgusting and gross lmao
The ice cream thing might have been her accent or just a JOKE
And it’s rude and unprofessional to have a opinion?
@@kay5364 you clearly are too biased in your liking to him to admit what he said was highly rude and unprofessional, nobody said the kid can’t have an opinion he’s totally entitled to that but he can’t go around parading his “disgust” of fan coined ship names cause he can’t stand “modernized” labels which he verbally admitted he thought was “gross” so yes, he did indeed indirectly imply that the fans who call them “Shirbert” are “gross” or “disgusting” 🙂
(hence why I worded it “basically called us”)
There’s a way to say things and he didn’t go about it, didn’t even think twice about how this may look on him in the way he handled the situation. If he was that uncomfortable he could’ve been way more professional about his statement but he decided being petty was the better option? It’s in his career to stay professional and handle these situations with maturity but he’s proved he’s not at all ready for that.
The Ice cream thing was said like that on PURPOSE, that was the joke or the hint at the time cause it was a promotional video for s3 of AWAE.
No he did not call the fans gross he said ship names are gross. If you see relationships as two fully fledged individuals coming together to share their lives you would think the codependent type of relationship a “ship name” implies would be gross. It
Sounds to me especially with his comment about social media that he reads a lot. And people who read a lot are VERY concerned about the way things are named and what those names mean.
Also, the ad was a promotion for his job where he gets money to say whatever the heck they want him to say putting all personal feelings aside. He isn’t being a hypocrite by not being petty about “shirbert” He doesnt have to like the name to collect a pay check. It’s actually professional of him that he DOES keep his opinion to himself at work.
Furthermore, you can just tell by non verbal communication that his relationship with amybeth is a sore spot in his and his girlfriends relationship. It’s why he kissed her and why he didn’t mention amybeth when he was saying people that he liked and why he completely denounced a real life pairing.
@@Lunafroyo hey! as someone who is NOT a fan of the show (i’ve watched a total of two episodes and, really, only learned more through sharon’s (is that her name?) yt), it’s fucking weird. and he’s allowed to be uncomfortable and grossed out.
the problem with ships is that people take it too far, and it has been known to affect and ruin REAL relationships. personally, i’d be annoyed as FUCK if someone shipped a coworker and i together. i WOULD say something about it too. we get it, fans are the main reason celebrities make as much money and are offered as many opportunities as they are. but climb down your high horse, for the love of god.
could he have worded himself better? sure! but, at this day and age, it should be common sense not to act like an asshole. and when people consistently bring your work relationships into your personal relationships-constantly comparing them-it makes sense that he seems as annoyed as he is. i mean, jesus, how many other celebrities need to clarify that they don’t appreciate that kind of behavior?
frankly, it’s completely ridiculous that he felt the need to say anything at all, because you can tell how frustrated this makes him, can’t you? especially considering a big portion of the shows viewers are old enough to know better.
so, unprofessional? sure. but was he right? absolutely. you don’t get to decide how he feels simply because you’re a viewer, a fan of the show, or just a fan of his.
celebrity or not, he (and whatever relationship he’s in) deserves the same amount of respect you give anyone else. and you can’t get mad when he reacts those that continue to act ignorant. including yourself.
1. He was probably told to say that by a director in order to promote the show. It’s not like Amy randomly whipped out a camera and they just decided to announce it and also coincidentally eat some sherbert. It’s obviously scripted and Lucas most likely didn’t have any say in whether he wanted to do it or not
2. You’re being disrespectful, his girlfriend was just expressing her discomfort about how it’s weird people are comparing her and Lucas to Anne and Gilbert which IS weird. They’re real people, while Anne and Gilbert were WRITTEN and made up to be destined for each other.
But there’s nothing wrong with being uncomfortable with it
That is true but the words he said
i agree but i think he took it too far lmao
I agree but people ship the character "Gilbert and Anne" NOT "Lucas and Amy". Before he became Gilbert's character in this series, I already liked Gilbert and Anne from the novel, so people just love the character of the story. And if he not like being ship with anyone then don't become actor.
@@lawakqu what? he wants to be an actor to act not to be shipped with another actor even when he has a gf
Its because people are just shipping abt a character anne and gilbert not lucas and amybeth. I mean the question is not nice but people are just shipping characters
I understand if him not like to ship with amy because he have girlfriend. BUT people not ship him in real life with amy, they are ship the character of the series "Gilbert and Anne" ,NOT "Lucas and Amy" so what the problem with people ship the character?? If you not like people ship you with somebody then don't be actor. He just really rude and narcisstic, and of course he girlfriend very jealous and rude too. i really like Gilbert and ship him with Anne. not you Lucas, so chill
nah because in the moment ur comparing shirbert with the real live couple ur not "only shipping characters". As she said in the video ppl said "i like him better with anne" like they are basically saing they don't want them to be bc they are shipping the characters and that IS a problem and saing it's not is just immature
There are people who ship actors when they play a couple
people literally were sending hate or even death threats to his gf because they prefered amy x lucas
@@maaaarrrr Jesus Christ, what heck is this behavior? 😤
How is he a hypocrite for this? He's just eating his icecream. It's really weird. They are humans. For real like it's weird at this point 💀
i mean it isnt okay what he said about shirbert this ship was there before he even borned he isnt the only one who played gilbert what is that ego and this is nothing next to evil things he did
I don’t understand how that’s him being a hypocrite?? that clip of them eating sherbet was a JOKE, but comparing this real life couple with sherbert isn’t a joke and makes them uncomfortable
Fr he was literally eating ice cream there was no hypocrisy
did he think the girls he harrased back then they were uncomfortable by that too open your eyes lucas isnt a good guy
The ship names are really cool ! And I love the couple of Anne and Gilbert, in any adaptations of books ! Actually... the fans use the names of the two people to create a new name... it isn't bad ! It's just what we do with any fictional couples... it's isn't just with Gilbert and Anne. And Gilbert is fictional, we use HIS name. The character of Gilbert Blythe belongs to the fans. This doesn't concern Lucas. He has the right to live all he wants with who he wants. The actor is free, but just... He should stop to criticize a common praticie in fandoms.
He wasn't talking about Anne and Gilbert's ship name. He was talking about him and Amy in real life. It can get uncomfortable. He didn't like that him and his real life gf had a ship name or were being compared to Sherbet (Anne and Gilbert).
Okay but he’s doing his job. Like he was told to do that by producers even though he was probably uncomfortable with it. There’s a difference between what a human being feels and what they are directed to do for their job
“You guys want some shirbert?” YES WE DOOOO
Them being given the ice cream is definitely a nod to the fact that season 3 is when Anne and Gilbert become canon as like a fun teaser for the fans
He seems to think a lot of himself and that he’s all high and mighty. I like Gilbert but not Lucas
Good but he's different and he has a personal life so leave him alone
No it’s just the way he said he doesn’t have feelings for the person who plays Anne kinda saying “she isn’t my type” like he wanted to call her ugly but didn’t go there tbh he did seem a little aggressive
Uuuuh, what? The first video is an actual Q & A where Lucas gives his opinion on ''sherbert'' and the second one was scripted by Netflix to post for fans
A real life situation vs. scripted. There's a difference
Y'all are wrong. 1) he just kissed her because that's what couples do. He wanted to kiss her and he did, what's wrong with that? If you are discussed or smth then don't watch it, no one forced you to. 2) he isn't rude he just said that he doesn't like shipping names and there's nothing wrong with that. People will always find a way to judge someone no matter what. He was never wrong he was just minding his one business and his one life. That's his attitude no matter if you like it or not. Lucas is an amazing person and yall should understand what is actually going on.
Its just disrespecting to amybeth and fans its awkward
every time she said amybeth he had a full-on make-out session with her that didn't happen when she was saying anyone else's name
@@Wewe-bm4zw lmao if i had a fanbase as obsessed as his i wouldn't like them either
@@Shifter-hg2ch they're just weirdly obsessed. like on a creepy level. they pick apart everything he does and put him on this pedestal - so no, i wouldn't like them lol
@@Shifter-hg2ch he never said that though, you guys love fabricating shit. He didn’t speak on amybeth’s name at all bc it’s clearly a sensitive topic for them both and he was trying to avoid hurting his gfs feelings. Tf is wrong abt tht?!
People saying that he's being rude just dosen't make any sense like.. Why did u expect him to be w Amybeth in real life like, they were together for Anne with an E not in real life.. Its they're fault and they're the one that ship both of them in real life and they just couldn't except the fact that Lucas is not interested/dating her.. It wouldn't be a problem if u just ship them in Anne with an E..
Sorry btw, I'm just ranting🙏😅
I agree but when he says don’t make a ship name for Anne and Gilbert, that doesn’t make sense. Before that series there were the original books, where they got married, and there is also a short series of Anne of Green Gables. He’s acting like he’s the only Gilbert, while he’s not. So people can ship Anne and Gilbert just not Amybeth and him
that is true but he literally got mad by people shipping anne and gilbert bro are you okay this ship was happening before you even was born there is a lot of adaption you are not the only one who played gilbert beside he also talked shit about amy and the show which made him famous and as a last one as i heard a boy from his school said that he was harassing girls when he was in awae like wanting to send him a nude pic and he also talked shit about the serie which made him famous and amybeth and he also said amybeth is the ugliest girl he ever kissed
0:49 why does he think ship names are gross? That's a weird take to have lol I think ship names are a thing because it's much easier to say one name when referring to a couple instead of "name and name" like there's nothing inherently wrong with ship names.
the fact that Anne admitted she had feelings in season 1..
@@SmairaThaparyea she had a crush lucus in season 1.
Did he had feelings for her?
Os cara enchem o saco da namorada dele e querem que ele fique tranquilo com isso. Ta certíssimo, amo o Gilbert porque ele é feito para ser amado, o ator não merece ser diminuído porque não é igual a ele, faz escolhas como ele, age como ele, isso é loucura doentia das fãs.
This is why people say they don’t like the actor?? They were just uncomfortable
If I’m going to be fr I’m ok that they broke up. I didn’t really like Lucas’s ex girlfriend
He is so honest! He is great!
they didn't actually do anything wrong, they're just a bit cringe together
Leave him alone, it was scripted lol
And, as many people are saying: it is TOTALLY reasonable for them (Lucas and his girlfriend) to feel uncomfortable, since they are hating on the couple (in real life, so Lucas and his girlfriend, not Amy) because they ship the CHARACTER which he played. That is beyond ridiculous. Also, the title, since it is hating on him for a stupid reason, it's also ridiculous.
Wtf is this? Lucas didn't do crap, y'all need to shut up. 🙄 Also stop shipping Lucas and Amybeth It's really weird.
And he’s a hypocrite because….?
Look up why Neal McDonough always plays the villian. I think his take on it is admirable & it's really the only way to avoid the issue. Whether you show it or not you can't help but be bothered by the person you care about showing affection to someone else. And you can use the don't compare real life couple to fictional characters all you want but there have been plenty of break ups/divorces where the person left their significant other to pursue a relationship with someone they had an on screen romance with. Not saying everyone will do that but I totally understand the concern one might have when it comes to their partner/spouse being part of a fictional romantic couple on screen.
Well that was scripted for his job so like it doesn’t really count as Lucas saying it it counts as Gilbert
Ok first off i understand the whole uncomfy thing like yeah, i agree. Theres nothing wrong eith being weirded out by the whole Anne and Gilbert thing but its kinda hypocritical that he said he doesnt like the ship when also he was being disrespectful to anne? Idk why they were so pressed over amybeth bevause as they said people ship the book couple not the real life people because we know they arent together. The hypocrisy u mentioned isnt really because it was in the time for the show and they wanted to promote it. But i really was weirded out on how direspectful they acted towards amy beth, jist because shannon was insecure (prolly) of amy. But thats not how u tackle insecurities LUCAS. I havent even finished the show and i ship gilbert and anne so much but now the way lucas acted will ruin their scenes for me.
"This you" is actually funny 😭😭😭
i’m late to this and i know they already broke up but it’s not her who was being toxic. lucas was wayyy to intimidated when it was brought up. bcs of this he started acting hyper abt it.
That was just a clue/ hint for what was to come in the series not him genuinely shipping them
They are haters idc what ANYONE says, his gf being so angry with the social media algorithm is a clear sign of insecurity. Netflix did such a good job creating a couple we love to watch. It’s their job to make us crazy for anne and Gilbert, hence ship names and etc. Being famous isn’t always sunshine and rainbows but it shouldn’t matter to the gf if she knows what her and her bf has is real. But hey this is just my opinion
La verdad se entiende que este molesto por ese tipo de comentarios, pero igual fue algo grosero para ser una simple respuesta, realmente Lucas no me parece tan "agradable" como los papeles que hace, y más por lo que contó Amybeth en una de sus experiencias ¿Sabían que la escena del pizarron no fué del todo actuada?
Bueno pues supongamos que las personas no tienen que ser perfectas o perfectos,el actua como el y es el,no es como en los papeles que interpreta por que todo es ficción comprendes y si no se llevan bien el y la chica que interpreta a Anne pues supongo que son ellos nosotros no tenemos derecho a opinar...
@@happygirl281 Claro que tenemos derecho a opinar y más cuando los entrevistas y ellos comentan su experiencia, si bien no tienen que ser perfectos, es verdad pero él estaba en horarios de trabajo con ella cuando tuvo esa actitud tan grosera, no hay justificación para este tipo de comportamientos.
Una cosa es acosar al actor hasta tal punto de hartarlo y que este se comporte así (lo cual es totalmente comprensible) pero otra es que este se comporte como un ogro en plena filmación con su compañera de trabajo, y más cuando ella no le hizo nada.
Omg you read the books no one asked she saying how she wanted to be Anne 🙄
Don’t care what y’all say, but him shaming fans for ship names and saying it’s gross is extremely disrespectful to his fans and just rude to anyone who enjoys shipping overall. People liked Anne and Gilbert together before he and Amybeth were even casted as a newer version of those said characters. He had no right to act like this is something that was happening then with his show when it’s existed well before *he* even existed. He singlehandedly insulted millions of people who mash characters names together to create a ship name just because he was angry about a bunch whiny immature brats online who were testing his relationship. He’s completely valid in being angry and feeling uncomfortable at those freaks who were shipping him and Amy, but at the same time the way he went about it was so unprofessional and disrespectful. He’s got no business insulting whole fandoms and fans for something they’ve been doing since forever.
“disrespectful” omg you’ll live ☠️☠️☠️ it’s not that deep
@@realestsienna he literally got mad by people shipping anne and gilbert bro are you okay this ship was happening before you even was born there is a lot of adaption you are not the only one who played gilbert beside he also talked shit about amy and the show which made him famous and as a last one as i heard a boy from his school said that he was harassing girls when he was in awae like wanting to send him a nude pic and he said that amy is the ugliest girl he ever kissed
bro its ice cream thats named SHERBET
Кто тоже не знает английского, но смотрит чтобы просто посмотреть на актера? 😅
Me, but I translated the words and understood
Para mi el lo hizo por respeto a su pareja ❤
Wtf with the kiss. We chip Anne and Gilbert, no AmyBeth and Lucas
i agree with 100% of their points
No one is shipping them they are shipping the characters Gilbert and ann
He’s so full of himself 😭
Comparing them to eachother is weird. Like fictional couple to real life. But otherwise i dont see any issues with ship names and shipping Anne and Gilbert.
No creo que esta siendo hipócrita simplemente les esta dando a enter que los personajes son imaginarios no hay ninguna relación y se siente incómodo y le hace mal (pienso,creo)que a su novia le afecte....por que vamos solo es ficticio :)
Creó que Lucas se molesto
Aaaaaa he acting so cringy I am the only one who see it and finds it so funny. The ahhhh from the start was like bish don you seee I am 30 nd busy attitude had me so bad. 🙃😅🤣
Bro making out right threre on the spot 😂
I know its strange BUT! BUT Anne said that she love lucas i cant belive i love anne with an e i love it in my all heart ❤ but i think that Gilbert (lucas) and anne be a pretty couple bc i cant belive that u two are dating 😢 my heart broken💔
This girl and Lucas, are they still couple?
They broke up
@@fatimara5947 Do you know why?
What video is this from
Stop defending him yall, they both are so problematic. Mostly actors have to do ship scenes and people ship the actors who may be just friends or co workers but he keeps treating like its a big situation. The girl is so toxic (glad they broke up) she treats it as a big situation even though with real children go and film lovey dovey scenes, its their freaking job. He treats Amybeth like an object, disrespecting her even though she sees him as a friend. SO PROBLEMATIC AND PICK ME (both of them)
Is this the whole thing?
Where is this video
I didn't understand if Lucas hates Amy? Please answer!!!
Fr? Like when lucas talks to Amy he is so happy, But when he is talking about anne and gilbert with sherran it’s just like disgusted! Like idk if he hates amy or not? I don’t like that Sharran and Lucas were together- I feel like that wasn’t a great relationship. I feel like Lucas looks happier with amy. Ik that they aren’t together but i mean.. Why does he have to act like that? I love gilbert, But i’m not so sure about lucas sometimes..
no he doesnt he was just saying he didnt like being shipped with amy as the actress irl because he had a gf
Thank you so much dear ❤
@@UrG1r1W1ll0wThank you so much dear 💜
@@maaaarrrr didnt he harrased some girls at school
Shirbert is
Shirley and gilbert
Gilbert and Anne🤓
ofc being uncomfortable about shipped is normal but yall i think you wouldnt love him after finding out what he did
Can you explain to me what he did please and where can I see a video on this topic?
الناس تتعارك ع اسلوبه الوقح مدري شنو رانتي مركزه بجماله هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه.
@@Ars_4 😭😭😭😭.
@@Ars_4انا اشوف ماقال شي غلط قاعد يدافع علي حبيبته من كلام الناس
@@reemalshemmari5140صدق بس بنهايه انفصلوا
Кааакие же они красивые
nobody cares
If you watch the hole video you will see that he talks about everyone being very good and kind except Amy and when his girl asks if he knew any before he avoided the question and then lied and said no which is not true 🫶🏻
yeah didn’t he only try to avoid her name to make his gf more comfortable and avoid any uncomfortable questions and stuff?