10:27 The parents are unreliable as a source of help in emergencies anyway, so go NC and save yourself the drama. You're losing nothing. 18:32 Okay, at this point it's lawyer time, cease-and-desist letter and/or protective order. 18:54 Father getting a bank employee to interfere with this? Send a screen-cap of this to the bank's HR department.
"18:54 Father getting a bank employee to interfere with this? Send a screen-cap of this to the bank's HR department." Even better, get the lawyer to send it, will make the bank actually act instead of trying to cover it.
10:27 The parents are unreliable as a source of help in emergencies anyway, so go NC and save yourself the drama. You're losing nothing.
18:32 Okay, at this point it's lawyer time, cease-and-desist letter and/or protective order.
18:54 Father getting a bank employee to interfere with this? Send a screen-cap of this to the bank's HR department.
"18:54 Father getting a bank employee to interfere with this? Send a screen-cap of this to the bank's HR department."
Even better, get the lawyer to send it, will make the bank actually act instead of trying to cover it.