Mission Impossible: Syndra Vs Malzahar & Evelynn Jungle; Featuring Allied Ezreal Support & Yasuo ADC

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • This video is a trimmed-down version of one of the most challenging Syndra games I've ever played, but where I felt highly present rather than being inside my own head.
    In this game, I was pressured and the target of considerable focus, and while I kept up with it for a large portion of the first 1/3rd of the game, I ended up having 3 of my four deaths occur from 11 00 to 15 15. It was after Malzahar and Gnar lane swapped and Evelynn & Gnar would All-In me.
    I was able to avoid further deaths after both team's Mid Tier 1 Turrets fell until Malzahar Flash-Ulted me for the second of three attempts, this time successfully, unlike the first where he died from Kha'Zix's gank, or the third where I managed to match his Flash in time.
    My Yasuo ADC and Ezreal Support were constantly pinging each other. Ezreal was constantly trying to kill minions and went as far as buying Statikk Shiv.
    Thankfully, Quinn and Kha'Zix were able to help us along the way to the win, and despite their bickering both Yasuo and Ezreal performed mechanically sufficient and didn't Int the game to the point of being unwinnable.
    This Game Features:
    - 14 attempts by Evelynn to assassinate me
    (4 Successful, 10 Unsuccessful)
    - Roams from both Gnar and Thresh within the first 10 minutes
    - An unsuccessful invade by Kha'Zix at level 4 to give Malzahar First Blood plus Double Buffs.
    - My team secured 3 Infernals after giving up the first two drakes.
    - Twice I stopped the enemy from attempting to kill Baron. The first almost killed me as I was engaged by three people, but after a prolonged chase where I nearly got cut off by Gnar, my team managed to pull away with a 4 for 0 team fight, the second time I was able to push them off smoothly thanks to some good dodging of Thresh and Malzahar Q.
    I made 4 plays with Teleport in this game:
    - The first was my TP top to prevent Gnar from taking Tower after he Solo killed Quinn at 13:45.
    - The second was my TP Top Lane to kill Malazhar after he had all in our Yasuo. I was not trying to save Yasuo but rather to kill the Malz and with Quinn's help, I was successful.
    - The third was my TP Bot Lane to save Quinn from Gnar, and this time I was trying to save my teammate and I did so successfully, and after getting Gnar really low and noticing minions stop his recall I managed to secure a kill on him as my team was getting ready for Dragon.
    - The fourth and most influential was my TP to preserve one of the two Caster Minions that we had at the Mid Tier 3 tower after we had just gotten an ace while Quinn knocked down the Mid Tier 2. Using this we managed to kill the entire Tier 3 and Inhib and then with the following wave arriving we took both Nexus Towers before a short skirmish that lead to us winning the game.
    The main mistakes in this game that I noticed while playing were:
    - I used my E carelessly at a couple moments within the game which lead to the enemy engaging me. They likely had been hovering and waiting for this very thing to occur.
    - I didn't communicate the Malzahar's roam to kill Quinn post 6, though I did communicate when he got First Blood on Kha'Zix, it just wasn't able to prevent Kha's death in the enemy Jungle.
    - I overstayed trying to fight Gnar after Kha Counter-Ganked when Malzahar Flash-Ulted me so that Gnar could go in. Luckily Gnar was in Mini so he had limited follow up and Kha seriously chunked Malz so he stopped ulting me and I finished him off.
    I thought I was going to be able to kill Gnar but he took very low damage after he had turned Mega and survived me waiting for the very moment Mega was ending to use my ult. Evelynn then kills me for the first of 3 deaths I had in mid-game.
    - The second death I knew was likely going to happen when I saw Gnar not hitting the wave as it pushed away from me. it was about 12:45 in the game so him not pushing almost certainly meant Evelynn was looking to gank me.
    I tried to from a distance clear the last 3 Casters so I could fall back but I should've been paying closer attention to Gnar's Rage to realize he was about to go Mega so he was able to stun me for Evelynn to have ample time to charm me so Gnar could kill me even after Evelynn missed her R due to Gnar's R throwing me away from my Tower.
    - The third death I died because I was stopping Gnar's TP Mid Lane, but right after I did so Evelynn was already there and immediately engaged me.
    If you're still reading this I want to say thank you, and I hope you enjoy(ed) the game, and hopefully it wasn't too hard to follow. I cut out 2/3rds of the game and just saved the important parts but I feel like might have made the video harder to mentally keep up with what's happening. If you agree or have any other feedback please leave a comment below so I am able to know for the future.
    Also if you have any comments about my review of the game let me know below as I really tried to go in-depth on what was I thinking about and why did I make the choices I was making in this game.

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