I have a bunch of motion sensors in my basement as well. It's more of a kids playing area than anything. I have added each area's motion sensor to a group and use the groups in my automations. My automations control timer helpers. When motion is detected the timer stops and lights turn on. When motion is not detected the timer counts down and at the end of the timer the lights turn off. Using groups simplifies the logic of needing to check multiple sensors.
I agree that groups can help in most instances. I have things setup a little odd in that I’m using the “boarder” motion sensor from adjacent spaces to trigger things and there are differences between on and off sensors based on my use case. These complexities caused me to go with naming everything in the automation, but your solution also works and may be better for some folks. Thanks for pointing that method out!
Hey! Your basement is Barbieland just like mine! I love the Aqara products. I've only done one motion sensor on our basement stairwell. I don't use Home Assistant anymore but I'm curious if I can setup a similar off setup like yours with Apple Shortcuts and my Homekit/Homebridge setup. I'll have to check it out. I was thinking Aqara's FP sensors might be a better fit for the basement but haven't tried them, have you? I enjoyed the video!
I haven’t tried the presence sensor yet, but that won’t work for our application around corners. You may be able to get a similar situation setup in Apple HomeKit, but I haven’t done it there.
That’s a great question. The main reasons are the layout and associated costs. Most of the adjacent areas have corners around which it wouldn’t be able to properly track. Think lots of “L” and “C” shaped areas. The cost of the motion sensors are typically under $15 when I’m buying, so I get 3 or more for the price of a single presence sensor. Additionally, I don’t like the cords to the outlets and most presence sensors have to be maintained in a separate platform which isn’t my preference. Let me know where you disagree as I love these collaborative thoughts.
Thanks for watching! How do you automate your lights?
I have a bunch of motion sensors in my basement as well. It's more of a kids playing area than anything. I have added each area's motion sensor to a group and use the groups in my automations. My automations control timer helpers. When motion is detected the timer stops and lights turn on. When motion is not detected the timer counts down and at the end of the timer the lights turn off. Using groups simplifies the logic of needing to check multiple sensors.
I agree that groups can help in most instances. I have things setup a little odd in that I’m using the “boarder” motion sensor from adjacent spaces to trigger things and there are differences between on and off sensors based on my use case. These complexities caused me to go with naming everything in the automation, but your solution also works and may be better for some folks. Thanks for pointing that method out!
Hey! Your basement is Barbieland just like mine! I love the Aqara products. I've only done one motion sensor on our basement stairwell. I don't use Home Assistant anymore but I'm curious if I can setup a similar off setup like yours with Apple Shortcuts and my Homekit/Homebridge setup. I'll have to check it out. I was thinking Aqara's FP sensors might be a better fit for the basement but haven't tried them, have you? I enjoyed the video!
I haven’t tried the presence sensor yet, but that won’t work for our application around corners. You may be able to get a similar situation setup in Apple HomeKit, but I haven’t done it there.
That’s a lot of motion sensors; any reason for not using presence sensor for bigger zone instead?
That’s a great question. The main reasons are the layout and associated costs. Most of the adjacent areas have corners around which it wouldn’t be able to properly track. Think lots of “L” and “C” shaped areas. The cost of the motion sensors are typically under $15 when I’m buying, so I get 3 or more for the price of a single presence sensor. Additionally, I don’t like the cords to the outlets and most presence sensors have to be maintained in a separate platform which isn’t my preference. Let me know where you disagree as I love these collaborative thoughts.